- Near Cherry Hill Rd & Sellman Rd., 2 miles W. Beltsville.1
- Near Lock 7 C&O Canal1
- Near Old Mill Branch, 4 mi. SW of Newark.1
- Near Somerset.1
- New Germany State Park.1
- North east of Millington, Walnut Tree Road at Cypress Branch.1
- North of Pocomoke City, along Fleming Mill Road at Dividing Creek.1
- North side of Pocomoke River, across from end of Winter Quarter Road, 1 mi north of Pocomoke City, in power line right-of-way.1
- Ocean City.1
- On Marshy Point, Hammerman Area of Gunpowder Falls State Park.1
- On branch of Monroe Run towards Soloman Ridge, vicinity of Big Run Park.1
- Patuxent Research Refuge, 3 miles NW Bowie.1
- Pearre Road, in woods north of the school bus turn around.1
- Pilot serpentine barren.1
- Piney Branch Bog, 1.3 km NNE of Brice, 1.8 km SSE of Piney Church & 8.35 km NE of LaPlata.1
- Piscataway Park, National Colonial Farm, pond edge near parking area near main office.1
- Piscataway Park, near western entrance to Accokeek Creek boardwalk.1
- Poplar Lick Trail near Big Run Park.1
- Route 177 about 7 miles NW of Gibson Island. "Fresh Pond".1
- Salisbury1