- Arlington2
- Brookline2
- Hampshire2
- Nahant2
- Nashawena Island, Woods Hole2
- Petersham and vicinity, north end of Harvard Pond2
- South shore of Gibbs Pond, bog behind beach2
- Southfield State Park, Southfield2
- Summit of Mt. Greylock, 5 miles SSW. North Adams2
- Weston2
- About ledges in Elsie Rhodes pasture, North Attleboro1
- Along Route 9, between Goshen and Cummington1
- Amesbury1
- Bear River ravine, ½ mile from Dear Field River, Conway1
- Bedford1
- Belmont1
- Between Woods Hole and Quamquisset1
- Between Woods Hole and Quamquisset Harbor1
- Blue Hill, Milton1
- Blue Hills Reservation, Quincy1