- Aetna Twp. Sec. 29 NE1/4, T13N, R10W Jefferson Rd at 230th Ave. about 500 feet NE along utility rt-way.1
- Aetna Twp. Sec. 32 Cen1/4 T13N, R10W 4 mi west of Morley1
- Aetna Twp. Washington Rd. at White Pine Tr. for first 0.25 mi north of corner.1
- Aetna Twp., East side of 220th Ave. Powerline right of way through USA land. Eisenhower to 0.5 mile north.1
- Aetna Twp.; T14N, R9W, Sec. 131
- Along road cut south of boat launch to south end of Haymarsh Lake. 18 mi Rd at 120th Ave, 0.7 mi east to entrance north approx 1.8 miles.1
- Austin Twp. Sec. 29 SW 1/4, T14N, R9W 7 Mi rd at 170th Ave, north of corner, east side at Mack Creek crossing1
- Austin Twp. Sec. 34 SW 1/4, T14N, R9W 6 Mi rd at 50th Ave, about 300 feet north, east side at drainage culvert.1
- Austin Twp. Sec. 7 NW 1/4, T14N, R9W White Pine Tr about 500 feet south of 5 Mi Rd., west side.1
- Austin Twp. Just north of 6 Mi Rd at 155th Ave. both sides of road.1
- Austin Twp. Polk Rd at the White Pine Trail linear park. About 300’ north, west side.1
- Austin Twp. Sec. 14 SE1/4, T14N, R9W Gas line rt-way northeast of 9 Mi Rd betw 160-170th Aves.1
- Austin Twp. Sec. 25 SE 1/4, T14N, R9W White Pine Trail State Park, just north of bridge at Front St. at Northland Dr. Stanwood.1
- Austin Twp. Sec. 6 SW1/4, T14N, R9W 11 Mile Rd at 180th Ave, northeast corner.1
- Bass Lake.1
- Big Evans Lake,1
- Big Rapids Twp. At triangle of M-20 (Taft Rd) at Old Millpond-New Millpond Rd. conjunction.1
- Big Rapids Twp. Sec. 14 NE 1/4, T15N, R10W North end of parking lot on Maple street between alley and State Street1
- Big Rapids Twp. Sec. 14 NE 1/4, T15N, R10W. White Pine Trail St Pk north of Taft Rd (M-20)1
- Big Rapids Twp. Sec. 14 NW 1/4, T15N, R10W. Stewart St at Elm St, NE corner1