- Chase S. Osborn Preserve of the University of Michigan, near the southern end of Sugar Island,1
- Colfax Twp. Sec.12 NW1/4, T15N, R9W Wilson Rd at 125th Ave about 0.125 mi north.1
- Constantine Twp.; T7S, R12W, Sec. 71
- Copper Harbor1
- Dexter Twp. sec. 4-5 Pinckney Recreation Area, near Crooked Lake.1
- Dexter Twp., Sect. 5, east side,1
- Dickinson1
- E side of Munising.1
- E.S. George Reserve. Grid E-13.1
- E.S. George Reserve. Grid E-171
- E.S. George Reserve. Grid N-11.1
- Edison Farm - Ypsilanti Twp.1
- Edwin S. George Reserve,1
- Erie1
- Federman [ca. 5 mi. east of Petersburg]1
- Ford Forestry center, Section 18, T49N, R33W.1
- Genesee1
- Gladwin1
- Grand Traverse1
- Grant Twp., Nordhouse Dunes. north of Nordhouse Lake sec. 26.1