- Bedford.2
- Brookline.2
- City of London, proposed Kilally Road development area, North Thames River.2
- Concord2
- Delaware Township & Dingman Creek, 5.6 km NE of Delaware Post Office.2
- Metcalfe Township, Sydenham River SW of Strathroy Sewage Lagoons, 3.3 km SW of Strathrow P.O., UTM 462542, MAP 40I/13, Square 17MT452
- Natick.2
- Winchester2
- Winchester.2
- Woodbridge Township.2
- Arlington.1
- Ashland1
- Between Haddam & Connecticut River, Haddam Meadows State Park1
- Bottoms of Sydenham River, Mosa Twp ca 6 km SE of Alvinston.1
- Bottoms of Sydenham River, Mosa Twp, ca 6 km SE of Alvinston.1
- Cambridge, Gray Botanic Garden1
- City of London Twp., Mount Pleasant Cemetery1
- City of London township, North Street Woods, Byron.1
- City of London, Fanshawe Conservation Area.1
- City of London, Kilally Road Black Maple stand, North Branch Thames River. 4.2 km SW of Fanshawe Lake dam.1