- London, Thames River floodplain.1
- Ludbury.1
- Manchester1
- Marshall's Pen (Sutton property)1
- McGillivray Township, 8.3 km NW of Lucan Post Office.1
- McGillivray Tp, 6.9 km NE of Parkhill P.O.1
- McGillivray Tp., 6.9 km NE of Parkhill PO.1
- Mcgillivray Twp., 3.8km NNW of Parkhill Post Office, on Parkhill Creek1
- Middletown Dooley Pond, north of pond on access road.1
- Mosa Township, Skunk's Misery, 4.3 km ENE of Bothwell Post Office.1
- Mosa Township, Skunk's Misery, 4.9 km SW of Wardsville Post Office.1
- Mosa Tp., Big Bend Cons. Area 4.7 km SE Wardsville PO1
- New Market1
- Newton1
- North Dorchester Township & Dorchester Swamp SE of Hwy 73/Hwy 401 interchange, 5.0 km SE of Dorchester.1
- North Dorchester Township, 4.6 km SE of Dorchester Post Office, Hwy 401 at Hwy 73 interchange.1
- North Dorchester Township, 4.6 km SE of Dorchester Post Office, Hwy 401 at Hwy 73 interchange. Saline highway interchange.1
- North Dorchester Township, Mud Lakes ANSI, 5.8km SSE of Dorchester P.O.1
- Saint Catherine1
- Shore of Priest Pond, Tewksbury.1