- Komoka Park Reserve. Delaware Twp. Study Area # 1198/82.1
- Lexington1
- Lobo Township, gravel pits & adjacent woods, 2.7 km ESE of Komoka Post Office.1
- Lobo Twp., Komoka Feed Mill Prairie, 1.3 km NE of Komoka Post Office1
- Lobo Twp., Lot 1, Conc. I, near Camp Kee-mo-kee west of Komoka1
- Lobo Twp., Lot 5, Conc. I, on north bank of Thames River, near the Komoka Bridge1
- London1
- London Township, North Thames River, between Fanshawe Dam & Clarke Sideroad.1
- London Twp, Hyde Park Station & R.R. tracks to west.1
- London, Sifton (=Byron) Bog, West end of city, North of Thames R.1
- London, Sifton (Byron) Bog.1
- London, Thames River floodplain.1
- Ludbury.1
- Manchester1
- Marshall's Pen (Sutton property)1
- McGillivray Township, 8.3 km NW of Lucan Post Office.1
- McGillivray Tp, 6.9 km NE of Parkhill P.O.1
- McGillivray Tp., 6.9 km NE of Parkhill PO.1
- Mcgillivray Twp., 3.8km NNW of Parkhill Post Office, on Parkhill Creek1
- Melrose1