- Las Vegas.2
- Mesa south of Penasco between Chamisal & Trampas2
- Near Lake Valley.2
- On sandhills 5 miles north of Mesilla Park.2
- Otero2
- Sandoval2
- Santa Cruz.2
- no data2
- About 5 mi. SSW of Whites City along US Hwy. 62-180.1
- Along Continental Divide Trail on N/NW slopes.1
- Aspen Peak, Sangre de Christo Range, Santa Fe National Forest, 10 miles northeast of Santa Fe.1
- At Oak Spring, Carlsbad Caverns National Park.1
- Between the Rio Grande & Rio Puerco. Range & Roadside, U.S. 661
- Black Range1
- Black creek in Black Rouge.1
- Carson National Forest, along Rio de las Trampas (off Forest 207) ca 2 miles upstream from village of El Valle.1
- Carson National Forest, un-numbered road, west side of Gallegos peak.1
- Carson National Forest. Along Rio de las Trampas (off Forest 207) ca. 2 miles upstream from village of El Valle.1
- Chaves1
- Dark Cañon, Rocky Aroyo Road, 45 miles southwest of Carlsbad.1