- Bog south of Mud Pond, Pattens Mills, county line between Washington and Warren1
- Brookhaven National Laboratory1
- Catskill Mountain House1
- East Greenwich1
- Eastern Long Island, Northwest1
- Franklin1
- Greene1
- Hamilton1
- Indian Pass, Scot Pond1
- Livingston1
- Long Island, near Alley Pond, Bayside1
- Near Spier Falls1
- Orient Point1
- Panther Mt., Adirondack Mts.1
- Plotter Kill, Town of Rotterdam1
- Potsdam1
- Ravine south base of Peaked Mt., southern W. Fort Ann1
- Rifle Woods Trail, Adirondack Mt. Reserve1
- Schenectady1
- Slope of Mt. Marcy between Plateau Leanto and junction with Phelps Trail1