- Mexico1
- Monroe1
- Muskegon1
- NENE Sect 18, Cedar Creek Twsp.1
- Near Port Huron near Lakeside cemetery, Much in city of Port Huron1
- Newaygo1
- North Dakota1
- North Island, near an old barn, Saginaw Bay.1
- Orleans1
- Pte. MouillÄe State Game Area1
- Ramsey1
- Road to Calvillo, 18 miles west of Aguascalientes1
- S of Sleeping Bear Coast Guard Station1
- Sandy Bottom Lake - Oakfield Twsp Sec 91
- Shore of Little Traverse Bay.1
- Tompkins1
- Township 26 North (T26N) Range 3 West (R3W) Section No. - 7 In town; city of Grayling1
- Vermont1
- Willoughby Mountain1
- Ypsilanti Ice house1