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- Douglas1
- Grant1
- Highway 58, between mile post 42 & 43, at a bridge; UTM zone 10, 553859 east, 4840843 north (WS84) +/- 43 feet1
- Highway 97, between mile post 200 & 201; UTM Zone 10, 598790 east, 4790370 north (WS84) +/- 26 feet1
- Just outside the NE corner of the Eugene Airport; T17S R4W, NW corner1
- Lincoln1
- Lost Creek, McKenzie Highway1
- McDonald State Forest, just NW of Corvallis, along Road 6020 about 1 mi. from its jct. with Road 600.1
- Moutlh of the Umpqua River1
- Myrtle Point1
- North half of S36, where the Santiam River crosses Highway 201
- Sandy shore of Willamette R., Salem1
- Sea Winds Farm; ca. 5 mile north of Cape Blanco (T31S R15WS20 & 21)1
- Union1
- Westside of rental house at Peoria Road.1
- Wheeler1
- along south tributary to Alvord Creek; east side of the Steens Mts., a hundred miles southeast of Burns1