- Campus1
- Campus of Oregon State University1
- Cape Blanco, near Port Orford1
- Carmen Reservoir, in the Cascade Mountains.1
- Cascade Mountains1
- Cascade Range, Willamette National Forest, Bruno Meadows, along F.S. Road 2234 about 5 air miles SE of Idanha.1
- Cascade Range, Willamette National Forest, Bruno Meadows, along F.S. Road 2234, about 5 airline miles southeast of Idanha.1
- Cascade Range, Willamette National Forest, in Bruno Meadows ca 5 air miles SE of Idanha.1
- Cascade Range; Willamette National Forest; along U.S. Hwy. 20 at Lost Lake, 24, miles NW of Sisters1
- Cascade Range; Willamtte National Forest; about one mile east of Idanha along State Hwy. 22, at junction with Cooper Ridge Road1
- Cattle Camp, head of Horse Creek.1
- Chintimini Creek on Rd. No. 1243, north side of Mary's Peak1
- City Park near 2nd Street, west of Route 99W1
- Coast Mts, Cascade Mts.1
- Coast Range, just above Alsea Falls, about 4 airline miles west of Glenbrook1
- Colton1
- Columbia Gorge, banks of sandy river, NE Multnomah county1
- Columbia River Gorge, along US Hwy. 30, 5.3 miles east of Memaloose Park in Mayer State Park1
- Columbia River Gorge, off of Interstate Hwy. 84 at Exit 40 (Bonneville Dam), along Tanner Creek1
- Columbia River near Winto State Park Campground, ca. 8 mi w of the town of Hood River1