- Port Harrison2
- Scoter Lake2
- Slope of Mt. Mattaouisse, Fernald Pass, Mount Logan Region2
- South of Canada Hotel, Bic2
- Three miles southwest of St. André, along Highway 2 East2
- Wolstenholme, south shore of Hudson Strait2
- York2
- Abitibi1
- Baie Coucouchiche (Ile Tchapahipane), Lac Mistassini1
- Baie Déception, Noveau-Québec1
- Below Sear's Landing, Bonaventure River.1
- Bic1
- Bonaventure River, 8 miles upstream1
- Cairn Island, Richmond Gulf, East Coast of Hudson Bay1
- Comte de Matane, Chic-Choc Mountains, north-facing cirque on Mont Logan1
- Contact UM Herbarium1
- District de Franquelin1
- Douglastown, Seal Cove River1
- Eastern Arctic; South Shore of Hudson Strait; Wakeham (Stupart's) Bay.1
- Fernald Pass1