- Gaspe Basin, Gaspe County1
- Gaspe Basin.1
- Gaspe Peninsula; Anse-aux-Gascons.1
- Gaspé peninsula; Chic-Choc Mountains, north-facing cirque on Mont Logan.1
- Gatineau1
- Greenbush Lake, 420 mi. north of Seven Islands & about 30 mi. northwest of Knob Lake1
- Grosses Rochers1
- Hull1
- Island in Lake Minto1
- Lac Chicobi Guyenne.1
- Lac Chicobi, Guyenne1
- Lac Guillaume-Delisle (Richmond Gulf), near University of Laval Base Camp.1
- Lac Mistassini, Ile Lemoine, archipel Atanouk1
- Long Island Sound, east coast of Hudson Bay1
- Manicouagan1
- Marly Arbor Vitæ swamps, mouth of the Bonaventure River1
- Matapedia1
- Mont Albert, Gaspesian Park, Gaspé Nord.1
- Mont Tremblant Lodge, outside southern boundary of Parc de la Montagne Tremblante1
- Montréal, Seminaire de Philosophie1