- Klamath1
- Knox1
- Laurel Falls1
- Longs Peak Valley1
- Macon1
- Mad River, Waterville1
- Manitou, Ruxton Creek just above cog road station1
- Marlow, Near Sand Pond1
- Maryland1
- Mountain Stream, Huron Mountain Region1
- Mouth of Sekin River, Olympic Peninsula1
- Mt. Rainier1
- Murphy Lake, vicinity of Flathead Lake1
- NE side of Mt. Hood, along Timberline Trail, A.B.S. Foray1
- Near Cyril Cove, Bering seacoast, Amchitka Island, Aleutian Chain1
- North New Jersey and New York1
- Olympic Hot Springs, Olympic Peninsula1
- Ontonagon1
- Ophir Creek1
- Park1