- west side of I-5 near mile post 102
- Alabama1
- Along Deadman Creek.1
- Along Strait of San Juan de Fuca, 7 miles west of Clallam Bay.1
- Along trail to Mt. Steele.1
- Around Colchuck Lake.1
- Bank of the Larm River near Bingen.1
- Between Sharpsburg & Keedysville along MD Rt 34, Shepherdstown Pike, at Porterstown Bridge over Anteietam Creek.1
- Bingen1
- Bunchgrass Meadow, Colville National Forest, west of "Spruce Island" near southwest edge of the flat bog.1
- Bunchgrass Meadows, 10 miles up FS Road 1395 in the Sullivan Lake.1
- Ca 15 road mi WSW of Winslow, Devil's Den State Park, along Lee Creek opposite camping area E.1
- Cimcoe Mountains.1
- Columbia River.1
- Creek, base of Mt. Adams.1
- Cutler.1
- Dead Indian Valley.1
- E of Helm.1
- E side of Bear Creek, 0.5 km north of Potters Pond1
- Edge of parking lot, West Coast Grand Hotel, North River Drive near Washington, Spokane.1