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- Along a 50 ft. stretch of a footpath beside the River Rouge at the SW end of the ice-skating area north of Joy Rd.1
- Ashtabula1
- At Detroit.1
- Back of 100 Englewood, Detroit.1
- Bank of Detroit River, Wyandotte,2
- Bank of Huron River at Bellville1
- Bank of the Detroit River, Wyandotte,1
- Bank of the Detroit River, Wyandotte.4
- Behind the Terrace theater, adjacent to industrial area.1
- Bell Branch1
- Bell Branch.1
- Belle Isle10
- Belle Isle Park, Detroit R. BLH1
- Belle Isle Park, Detroit.1
- Belle Isle in Detroit R.1
- Belle Isle in Detroit River.2
- Belle Isle in Detroit r. Belle Isle Park, Detroit [BLH]1
- Belle Isle, Along Central Avenue.1
- Belle Isle, Detroit4
- Belle Isle, Detroit R. [River]1