- Lincoln1
- Near Camp Davis1
- North side of Warren Peak (6 miles northwest of Sundance). Below fire lookout tower1
- Pine Bluffs, Nebraska State Line1
- Pinnacle above Surprise Lake, Grand Teton National Park1
- Rocky Mountains, Absaroka Range, Beartooth Pass (U.S. 12 East of Yellowstone National Park)1
- Rocky Mountains, Absaroka Range. Beartooth Pass (U.S. 12 East of Yellowstone National Park)1
- Rocky Mountains, Grand Teton National Park, Teton Glacier Trail1
- Rocky Mountains, Grand Teton National Park, at south end of Leigh Lake1
- Rocky Mountains, Grand Teton National Park, south end of Leigh Lake1
- Six miles north of Baggs1
- Snowy Range, Medicine Bow Mts.1
- Snowy Range, ca. 1.5 miles southwest of Medicine Bow Peak1
- Soldier's Park, North Fork of Clear Creek, Big Horn Mts.1
- Sublette1
- Summit Divide, Indian Paintbrush Trail, Grand Teton National Park1
- Tagwotee Pass, along Route 26, Bridger-Teton National Forest1
- Twogivotee Pass1
- Weston1
- Yellowstone National Park, Beartooth Pass, U.S. 12 East of Yellowstone1