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- MacMillan Pass1
- Mackenzie, Arctic Sea, Hudson Bay, Pullartuk (Letty Harbour)1
- Marsh Lake, Mile 881, Alaska Highway1
- Mountain slopes above Mile 100, Haines Highway1
- Mt. east of Mt. Archibad, near Mile 1023, Alaska Highway1
- NE side of Teslin Lake, 8 miles above Teslin P. O.1
- Near mile 56 (above Teslin P. O.), on mountains south of Highway1
- North Kluane Lake Area, on road to mine along Quill Creek1
- Ogilvie Mountains, on mountain to west of road where Dempster Mw. crosses N. Klondike River at mi. 421
- Southern Ogilvie Mts., 3 mi NE of One Eighty Lake in westernmost valley of two tarns of Officer Creek1
- Summit Creek, mile 1022, Alaska highway1
- Tombstone Mt Area, 6.5 mi NE of Tombstone Mt, around southern end of northern most tarn1
- Vicinity of Mineal Lick along Alaskan Highway 759.7 from Dawson City1
- Vicinity of Watson Lake, between the Highway at mile 347 (above Fort Nelson) and the Liard River1
- no data1