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- Mezquital1
- Montmorency1
- Nevada1
- New Cemetery [Jackson]1
- North Dakota1
- Obsolescent Valley1
- Oliver Twp. T26N, R6W, Sec. 30 SE 1/4, on west side of N. Sharron Rd. ca. 3 mi. N. of Village of Sharron.1
- Panama1
- Pikes Peak, Windy Point1
- Sierra de San Carlos, vicinity of San José, La Vegonia1
- Tamaulipas1
- Temperence Point1
- Washtenaw1
- West of St. Ignace1
- at abandoned village of Bell (abandoned ca. 1900) on the shore of Bell Bay Presque Isle Twp. T33N, R8E,Sec.13 SW 1/41
- at east end of Progress Rd. 1/2 mile east of the village of Hillman. Hillman Twp. T31N, R4E, Sec. 24, NE 1/41
- between North Bay and Presque Isle harbor, Sect. 17, R 8 E, T 34 N1
- east of Wolverine1
- no data1