- Clear Lake near Novar1
- Connecticut1
- Consolación del Sur1
- Corozal1
- Creighton Marsh, T46N, R16W, NE1/4 SW1/4 NE1/4 sec.121
- Cuba1
- Darling Downs1
- Dehradun1
- Delta1
- Detroit.1
- Dunes near Tamarack1
- Eagle Harbor.1
- East coast of Lake Ladoga near mouth of the Svir river. The western part of the "lip" not far from Zubube. In thickets of Phragmites communis1
- East ridge of Phulchoki, 10 miles SE of Kathmandu1
- Edge of Marl Lake.1
- Ely Lake.1
- Escanaba.1
- Finland1
- Fishing Village, Boonaroo1
- Flak, near Bangsund1