- Adak Island, Clam Lagoon1
- Adirondack Reserve1
- Africa1
- Albany1
- Allegan1
- Allen1
- Alma1
- Along Buckhorn Creek, 2½ miles NNW Masonville, Stove Prairie Rd.1
- Along Canada Creek1
- Along Sempervirens Creek, by Redwoods, near Camp Ground 7, Big Basin State Redwood Park1
- Along road to Mt. Pilchuck Lodge, SE of Verlot1
- Along road to summit of Mt. Baker, about 4 miles from Lodge1
- Alpine Lake, Emerald Lake, Timpanogos Cirque, Wasatch Mts.1
- American Samoa1
- Ann Arbor1
- Annapolis1
- Apache1
- Arietta1
- Aroostook Falls, Great Falls1
- Around Lulu Lake; 2 mi NNE of Troy Center1