- Blake point Isle Royale National Park1
- Bois Blanc Island, near Pt. Detachee, shore of Lake Huron, sec. 11.1
- Ca. 3 km. NNW of Tapalpa, on west side of road to Laguna Sayula at km 29.1
- Ca. 5.5 miles southwest of Jalisco, road to El Malinal1
- Cadereyta de Montes1
- Capadero, Sierra Tacuichamona, Sinaloa1
- Cañada grande1
- Cerro Blanco1
- Cerro del Tzirate1
- Chatham1
- Cochrane1
- Coeneo1
- Comayagua1
- Confre de Perote; north slopes of Northern peak, south of Las Vigas on microwave tower road. Ca. 6 mi (10 km) by road above Las Vigas.1
- Cuba1
- Dale Davises place 4.5 miles south of Freeport1
- Dane1
- Devon1
- Dovre Station, Gudbrandsdalen1
- Eastern side of Lago Tsikaw in the region of the Lagos de Montebello1