- Baraga1
- Bath. Route 302. Approximately 2.3 miles east of Woodsville1
- Beltrami1
- Berrien1
- Between Cinchoua and Morce's Gap.1
- Blount1
- Bohemia Twp., Forest Rd, NE corner of; 1700 & Forest Hwy 16; 50 ft inside forest1
- Boltón1
- Bonaventure Island, St. Lawrence Gulf1
- Bosanquet Township. On the hills west of the road going into Port Franks from Highway 211
- Brazil1
- British Columbia1
- Bruce1
- Camp Marienfeld, Chesham1
- Cascada Oligui, entre Teziutlán y Tlapacoyan.1
- Cattaraugus1
- Cecil1
- Central1
- Cerro de la Muerte, Cordillera de Talamanca.1
- Cerro de la Muerte. Above and below road leading to summit of the cerro off Pan-American Hwy.1