- Tofte3
- Vicinity of Grand Marais3
- Around Kimball Lake about 13 miles up Gunflint Trail north of Grand Marais2
- At end of Gunflint Trail2
- Belle Rose Island, Susie Islands, North Shore of Lake Superior2
- Berwyn2
- Chicago, from the World's Fair site2
- Chicago.2
- Clearwater Lake2
- Grand Portage Island2
- Little Susie Island2
- Long Island, Susie Islands2
- Near Arlington Race Track2
- Near Lutsen2
- Near Union stock yards, Chicago2
- Porcupine Island, Susie Islands2
- Rosebush Falls and along Rosebush Creek, 3 miles west of Grand Marais2
- Smallest island between Lucille & Big Susie, Susie Islands2
- Susie Islands, Belle Rose Island2
- Susie Islands, Big Susie Island2