- Case Farm, Shields North River Rd. Sec. 24, T12N, R3E.1
- Chesaning Township1
- Chesaning Twp., Sec. 21 Cemetery T9N R3E1
- E Curtis Rd and Cass River; Children's Home Woods1
- E. of Saginaw Community Hospital, Hospital Rd., Saginaw Twp.1
- East side of S. Merrill Road, 0.3 miles south of intersection with Peet Road1
- Field and Stream Club.1
- Five miles No. of County line. Flint-Saginaw road.1
- Five miles North of County Line. Flint-Saginaw road.1
- Five miles West of Chesaning.1
- Frankenmuth Twp.1
- Frankenmuth, S1
- Fred Case Property1
- Gary Rd1
- Goetz Grove Nature Center, SE 1/4 sec. 3, T11N, R4E (SW section of city of Saginaw)1
- Goetz Grove Nature Center, SW1/4 sec. 3, T11N, R4E (SW section of city of Saginaw).1
- James Twp. T11N, R3E, Sec. 14 NE1/4 on N. side of Shiawassee Rv. State Game Area 4 mi. S. of M-46 at the S. end of Miller Rd.1
- James Twp. T11N, R3E, Sec. 14 SE1/4 at S. end of Miller Rd. at Marsh Creek ca. 1 1/2 mi. S. of Swan Creek Rd. at N. end of Shiawassee Rv. State Game Area ca. 5 mi. S.W. of Saginaw city limits."1
- Lakefield Rd. - at Marion Game Area.1
- Low oak woods sw of pond in Roethke Park, Thomas Twp.1