- Three miles south of East Ann Arbor.2
- Along highway US-31 and overflow pond of Muskegon River, north of Muskegon.1
- Along shore of South Arm of Lake Charlevoix, Eveline Twp., ca. 2 mi. SE of Ironton.1
- Branch1
- Buena Vista1
- Canada1
- Charlevoix1
- Distrito Federal1
- East of Hoover Estate, Ann Arbor.1
- Flowing Well fish hatchery property, Flowing Well Creek.1
- Franklin Twp., E. of Ayers Hwy, S. of County Line.1
- Franklin Twp., E. side of Ayers Hwy, S. of county line.1
- Gratiot1
- Green Lake.1
- Huron River, 2 miles E. Ann Arbor.1
- In Graeben1
- Kalkaska1
- Long Lake.1
- Lot 27, conc. V, Matchedash tp.1
- Mershone Pond, about 5 miles north of Bay City.1