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- Africa25
- Along RIP 118, within Andohahela National Park, just past Manangotry Pass.1
- Along RN 13 between Amboasary Sud and Ranopiso. East of large sisal plantation1
- Along road from Fort Dauphin towards Petriky.1
- Along road from RN 13 to Tsimelahy, leading into Parcel II of Andohahela National Park.1
- Along road from RN 13 to Tsimelahy, leading into Parcel Ⅱof Andohahela National Park2
- Amboasary Sud, Marotsiraka, Besavoa. Foret dense sech de Bekirava1
- Andohahela RNI. Firasiana Ranopiso, Taolagnaro. Environs 30 km au Nord Ouest de Ranopiso, à 8 km à l'ouest d'Ambatoabo, à l'Est dans le bas-fond de Vohidafa (au bord d'une petite rivière saisonnière Tsiboboha)1
- Anosy[remove]25
- Anosy, Along road from RN 13 to Tsimelahy, leading into parcel II of Andohahela National Park1
- Anosy, Fort-Dauphin, Ambatoabo, Ankoba. Forêt sèche à Alluaudia. Récolté avec Fidy Ratovoson, J. Razanatsoa, V. Razafindrahaja, B. Rasolondrainy Tsimitamby & Fiadana.1
- Before the entrance to Parc National Andohahela.1
- Domaine de la Cascade private preserve, PK 9, Manantantely-Soanerana. North of RN13.1
- Domaine de la Cascade private preserve, PK 9, Manantantely-Soanerana. North of RN13. Near the base of the upper pool above the waterfall1
- Fort Dauphin Mahatalaky Belavenoko S6 - 3, 5/4 km est de Belavenoko Forêt littorale1
- Fort Dauphin, Mahatalaky, Ambandrika, S8, 2 km ouest d'Ambandrika.1
- Fort dauphin, Ambatoabo, Savoa, 2,5 km est d’Imonty1
- Madagascar25
- Past the entrance to Parc National Andohahela. Tsimelahy road.2
- Route Nationale 10 from Ambovombe to Fort Dauphin, just past the Tarata river.1