- Chiquibul Forest Reserve; track to Monkey Tail Branch1
- Contact UM Herbarium1
- Corozal Dist.1
- Corozal-Orange Walk road1
- Forest Home1
- Gracie Rock, Sibun River1
- Jacinto hills1
- Mafridyle Creek1
- Monkey River1
- Monkey River, on river bank1
- Mountain Pine Ridge, San Agustin1
- Mullin's River road1
- Near Jacinto Creek, 9 mi, Punta Gorda–San Antonio road1
- Near Moffredye Lagoon1
- Pueblo Viejo1
- Rendezvous Cay on Barrier Reef1
- River Bluffs1
- San Agustin1
- San Antonio1
- San Augustin, Mountain Pine Ridge, on top of limestone hill1