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- Rigaud1
- Riviere Romaine near Havre-Saint-Pierre1
- Sequin River, ca. 3 km north of Orrville1
- Signal Hill, St. John's1
- Skagit River, Manning Provincial Park1
- St. Edmund Twp., Bruce Peninsula, Little Cove, 4 miles east of Tobermory1
- Table Mountain near Cape Ray, Burgeo - La Poile1
- Vancouver Island, Long Beach near Sandhill Creek1
- Vancouver Island, Mount Douglas, west of Courtenay1
- Vancouver Island, Ucluelet1
- W. side of Fairfax Inlet, embayment and peninusula, Tasu Sound, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Is., ca 1 mi. from Tasu1
- along Boom Creek, 5 miles south of Mount Eisenhower on Windermere Highway1
- head of Thompson Sound, off Tribune Channel1
- side of waterfall, Banff1