- Iowa1
- Kennebec1
- Lake Champlain, near Plattsburg1
- Leidy1
- Logan, circa 9 miles southeast of Lockhaven1
- Maine1
- Maple Rapids, 2.5 mi SE of; Essex Twp1
- Maple River State Game Area.1
- Maple River.1
- Montana1
- NE4 of SE4 of Sec. 34, T4W R5N, S. of Tallman Rd.1
- NW of Cannon Corners1
- Near Albany.1
- Near Sinnemahoning1
- North bank of the Ausable River along State Hwy 9N, 1.7 miles east of the bridge over the river in Ausable Forks.1
- Olive Twp., ca. 3 mi. NNW of Dewitt.1
- On massive Potsdam Sandstone, Altona Flat Rock1
- Open waste ground at Seventy-Six Falls, off of Hwy 734 & east of Hwy 127.1
- Oxford1
- Plants growing in the vicinity of the Rose Lake Wildlife Experiment Station1