- State Rd, Station.3
- no data3
- Indiana2
- Killen Pond State Park, 3.5 miles southeast of Felton2
- Mount Cuba2
- North of Ogletown2
- Trap Pond State Park, south of Whaley's Crossroads2
- Vicinity of North Harpersfield2
- 0.5 mi NNW of Dinahs Corner (7 mi WNW of center of Dover), 204 Shaws Corner Road, Naczi residence1
- 0.5 mi NNW of Dinahs Corner (7 mi WNW of center of Dover), 204 Shaws Corner Road, Naczi residence.1
- Along the Delaware River SW of Bovina Center.1
- Backbone State Park, Maquoketa River Valley and adjacent bluffs, north of Dundee1
- Backbone State Park, Maquoketa River valley and adjacent bluffs, north of Dundee1
- Bank of woodsroad, borders of Franklin Hill Vlei, south of Oneonta1
- Bethany Beach1
- Borders of Franklin Hill Vlei, south of Oneonta1
- Brookdale Farm, Town of Kortright, 3 miles south by west of West Harpersfield.1
- Chester1
- Choptank Mills, along Mud Mill Road on the west side of Mud Mill Pond just north of the road.1
- Choptank Mills, north side of Mud Mill Road on west side of Mud Mill Pond.1