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- Africa21
- Madagascar21
- Mahajanga[remove]21
- Sofia11
- Boeny3
- On road going to the NE past the southern end of the runway at the Majunga Airport along road to Antsanitia.2
- Village of Ambovomamy; Route Nationale 6 at PK 178; south of the Sofia River, on northwest side of highway across from the village2
- Along Route Nationale 6, at the top of a local high point1
- Ankarafantsika National Park, along the trail to the south of the research area grid.1
- Ankarafantsika National Park. Trails of park visitor center and RN 41
- Beanka, partie centrale. Ambinda-Nord1
- Boriziny, Port-Berge, Tsiningia, Andranomena II. Forêt dense sèche sur un substrat basaltique. Récolté avec R. Razakamalala & A. Tombomarina. Echantillons préservés en alcool.1
- Fokotany Tsaravilona Amparihy Androva, suivant une ligne de crête vers le nord est1
- Mandritsara, Ambilobe, Bandabe. Suivant la piste vers Antsiradava. Cinq Km à l'Est de Bandabe à vol d'oiseau, à l'Ouest de la forêt de Makira. Lohan'Ananjaka et Kiboro1
- Melaky1
- On the north side of Route Nationale 4 by bridge just west of village of Andranofasika, by sign for Ankarafantsika National Park1
- Road from Route Nationale 6 into the Bongolava Hills1
- Road from airport towards Antsanitia Resort, having driven from the terminal parking lot past the end of the runway.1
- Route National 6, town of Ambovomamy. Trail across the highway from "Epicerie Bitsy"1
- Route Nationale 6, between PK 170 and 171, north of Port Berger.1