- Black Rock.1
- Bridgetown1
- Brier Island, Big Cove.1
- Brier Island, Big Pond, SE side, "Flat Grounds".1
- Brier Island, bog along road, half way between Westport & Whipple Point.1
- Brooklyn.1
- Brookside, James River.1
- Clifton.1
- East side of Clyde River.1
- Grand Lake.1
- Halifax1
- Hants1
- Harper Lake.1
- In village of Port Hawkesbury, along RR tracks.1
- Islands Provincial Park, near Shelburne.1
- James River1
- Kejimkujik National Park, Kejimkujik Lake at dam.1
- Lake Vaughan.1
- Lunenburg1
- Marina at end of road on Little Bay, Great Pubnico Lake.1