- Eagle Creek2
- Eastern Oregon2
- Finley National Wildlife Refuge.2
- Gearhart Bog, 3.2 km northeast of Gearhart, 0.8 km south of Delmoor Station, east of railroad2
- Harris Beach State Park, Brookings2
- Horsfall Beach, north of North Bend.2
- Ice Lake Trail, Wallowa Mts.2
- Latourell Falls, along Columbia River east of Portland2
- Lewis and Clark College2
- Mark Twain National Forest, just east of Hwy. 19, about 20 km south of Winona2
- Mount Howard, Wallowa Mountains, near the upper end of the gondola.2
- Mt. Hood P. O.2
- Mt. Hood.2
- Multnomah Falls2
- Myrtle Island ACEC/RNA (Area of Critical Environmental Concern/Research Natural Area) in the Umpqua River, Bureau of Land Management property.2
- Myrtle Point2
- NE side of Mt. Hood, along Timberline Trail, A.B.S. Foray2
- Near Kerbyville.2
- Near Newberg2
- Near Three-Creek Lake.2