- Contact UM Herbarium1
- E of Thompsons gravelbed, southern W.Fort Ann1
- Foot-hills Cascade Mountain1
- Graves Creek Trail, 4½ miles from Quinalt River road1
- Grays Harbor1
- Great Wass Island1
- Kalaloch, Olympic Peninsula1
- King1
- Marchias bog, 10 miles SE of Machias.1
- Margin of Lake on Goat Mt., near Mt. Rainier1
- Mason1
- Near Bench Lake, Wodan's Canyon, Mt. Adams1
- Nine miles south of Allyn on Highway 14A1
- North of Clarks Pond, west of Shushan1
- Olympic National Park, Cape Alava. Ahlstrom's Prairie1
- Petit Manon National Wildlife Refuge1
- Snohomish1
- South of Mud Pond, Pattens Mills1
- Suny at Binghamton, Olympic National Park, Cape Alava, Ahlstrom's Prairie1
- Upper Valley of the Nesqually1