- Alachua1
- Albany1
- Alger1
- Algoma1
- Algona, Along Des Moines River1
- Allen1
- Alma, SW1
- Almond, Frost Park1
- Almond, east of BB on B1
- Along Grant River, 6 miles NE of Cassville1
- Along Hwy. 80, 1/2 mile north of Richland Center1
- Along Long Pine Creek, off Hwy. 20 near Long Pine1
- Along shores of Lake Minnetonka at Spring Park1
- Along the Zumbro river about one mile west of Dodge Center1
- Alpena1
- Anticosti Island, Saumon River1
- Arietta1
- Arizona1
- Athens1
- Atlanta dist., Boise Nat'l Forest1