Anticipated Repatriation from Ruhleben

This cartoon, drawn by a British internee at the prison camp at Ruhleben, describes the long awaited day of the end of the war and repatriation. Some of the internees will march out of camp under a banner, others will stack their belongings on a cart, while most prisoners will scramble to gather some of their belongings and escape the confines of the camp for the waiting trains. Note the YMCA hall in the background of the drawing.
Date Created:
Data Provider:
Western Michigan University. Libraries
Subject Topic:
Germany, Ruhleben, Repatriation, Transportation, Railways, Camp Order, Quarters, Administrative Buildings, YMCA, British Internees, World War 1914-1918, Diplomatic History, European History, Military History, and Political History
No Copyright - United States. Physical ownership of materials: "Century," 94 (July 1917): 372.