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- Notes:
- Reddish brown clay (Muns. 2.5 yr 5/4). Plastered and painted. Broken at the shins. Chest break repaired. Left arm missing. Plaster flaking. Figure may be Orant. Stands frontally, legs together and arms outstretched. Simplified forms. Arms are stubs. Breasts are knobs. Navel is forefinger impression. Shallow channel between legs. Hips flare slightly. Flat head almost spade shaped and pierced on each side for earrings. Steep pinched nose. Large eyes, lashes, and lips sketched in black paint. The hair, necklace (?), and garment schematically rendered in paint. Diagonally hatched panel runs from each shoulder down length of body. Lower abdomen marked by large X within a square. Garment fastened by straps which cross in back. Handmade, solid with flattened back. Dipped in plaster and painted
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
- Notes:
- Isis, standing with right knee flexed, holds up torch with right hand, while left arm is relaxed at side. She is fully draped and wears shawl knotted at right breast, and headgear. Rounded base. Back unindicated. Unrefined red clay (Muns. 2.5 YR 4/6) moulded hollow and sealed at sides. Circular vent back.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
- Notes:
- Female figure, fully draped, faces front with feet apart, right hand on hip, and left holding tambourine out to side. Face is round and full. Long locks fall to each shoulder. Trapezoidal base represented in front plane only. Back rounded and unindicated. Brown clay (Muns. 7.5 YR 5/3) moulded hollow and sealed at sides. Clumsy circular vent in back, bottom open.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
- Notes:
- Head of figurine, facing front. Is flat with raised eyebrows, nose and eye. Hole for earring. Back unindicated. Reddish bron clay (Muns. 2.5 yr 5/5) hand-made and back scraped flat. Damage to left side of head.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
- Notes:
- Depth: 5.7 cm Reddish brown clay (Muns. 5YR5/3). Small hole in back of head. Traces of yellow paint on jug and powdering plaster. The child seated with right knee raised, holds elongated right forefinger to hips. Wears thick sidelock with snaky curls, double crown flanked by pine cones, a knee-length garment, and necklace with several amulets. Holds squat vessel with pierced mouth at left side. Slender eyebrows arch across full face and lead into a short, broad-tipped nose. Pudgy cheeks and chin. Pursed lips. Blank eyes slightly bulbous. In front, folds of drapery loop schematically between two vertical panels. Pair of similar panels of drapery on back framing short V-shaped creases. Bottom summarily rendered. Hollow moulded in two halves and sealed on all sides. Tiny circular vent in bottom.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
- Notes:
- Female, draped and wearing flounced headband, stands with feet together and arms up-stretched. Arms are simplified to stubs, face is a mound with a slash for the mouth. Back unindicated. Red clay (Muns. 2.5 YR 5/6) moulded hollow and sealed at sides with a tube-like effect.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
- Notes:
- The youthful Harpocrates is draped to ankles and stands frontally with head tiled slightly up and to the right. He holds jug to side with left arm, right hand in mouth of jug. He is chubby and full-faced and wears headdress of two upright leaves and sidelock. Long phallus hangs between legs and shows circumcized head lying between feet. High circular base with crowning mouldings indicated front only. Back rounded and unindicated. Pinkish brown clay moulded hollow in two halves and sealed at sides. circular vent in back, bottom open.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
- Notes:
- Depth: 7.2 cm; Reddish-brown clay (Muns 5YR 5/3). Head broken and repaired. Fragment missing from neck. Abrasions on right forearm and base. Traces of plaster and white paint on flesh parts, black on facial features and hair, red on shawl. Isis, in Hellenized attire stands frontally on a base with right knee flexed. Right elbow on a pot which is on a square pillar. Possibly holds thin cornucopia with right hand. Long left arm hangs at side with small vessel in that hand. Wears broad diadem of convex profile surmounted by crown of Hathor. Waves of hair frame forehead. Large corkscrew curls fall onto shoulders and breast. Eyes preserve original paint, are closely set. Nose heavy. Lips parted. Folds of drapery cling to lips and fall between legs. Back unworked. Hollow moulded and sealed at sides. Circular vent in back, bottom open.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology