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591. Motor Life
- Description:
- Motor Life is a publication of Motor Life Publishing company. Container lists are updated as we add new titles and issues to the collection.
- Date Created:
- [1924 TO 1930]
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Local History Newspapers and Periodicals Collection
592. Diamond REO News
- Description:
- Diamond REO News was published by Diamond REO Truck Division. Container lists are updated as we add new titles and issues to the collection.
- Date Created:
- [1970 TO 1974]
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Local History Newspapers and Periodicals Collection
593. The Historian
- Description:
- The Historian is a publication of Wortman Enterprises and is a look back at the greater Lansing area. Container lists are updated as we add new titles and issues to the collection.
- Date Created:
- 1992-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Local History Newspapers and Periodicals Collection
594. Hoard's Dairyman
- Description:
- Hoard's Dairyman (issues contain Omega and Olds advertising). Container lists are updated as we add new titles and issues to the collection.
- Date Created:
- [1904 TO 1907]
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Local History Newspapers and Periodicals Collection
- Description:
- Williamston Enterprise and Review is published by the Michigan Press Association. Container lists are updated as we add new titles and issues to the collection.
- Date Created:
- [1891 TO 1941]
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Local History Newspapers and Periodicals Collection
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GRAND RAPIDS P[TBT T "\ I LtJcV "- GRAND RAl:lIDS. MICH.• APRIL 16. 1910 NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. BED-ROOM and DINING-ROOM COMPLETE SUITES in Mahogany, Circassian Walnut and Oak. If you have not one in your store, a simple request will bring you our IDagnificent new Catalo4ne oj 12x 16 .Inch pagt" groups. sllo·w·. ing suites to match. With it, even the most moderate sized furniture store can show the best and newest furniture satisfactorily. ,------- -- -- -- WEEKLY ARTISAN 1 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN ...-------------_. _._..-_._-----------. .-.--,.-. --. ..-. PO' • • ••••• - ••• • • • -- •• LUCE FURNITURE COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. j II Manufacturers of COMPLETE lines of MEDIUM PRICED DINING and CHAMBER FURNITURE. Catalogues to Dealers Only. _______________ • '" • 1 ••• _. a_a. a_ ad •••• -.-.- ... .. . •••• a •• r.e P_ ••• -.- Luce-Redmond Chair Co.,Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites 111 Dark and Tuna Mahogany BIrd' J Eye Maple Birch ~ullrtered Oak and ClrCI1JSlan Walnut Our Exhibit you will find on the fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS'BUILDING,North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MIC"IGAN Exhibit in charge of ]. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES, ]. EDGAR FOSTER. GRA~TD RAPnJS pun~~J' 30th Year-No. 42 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• APRIL 16. 1910 Issued WeekI,.. THAT TARIFF AGREEMENT WITH CANADA Principal Concessions to the United States Are on Prunes, Nuts and Perfumery. Furniture and Wood Pulp Not Affected. Washington, April 12-Whatever may be thought on this side of the line of the new agreement with Canada, un. der which that country is given the minimum rates of the Tanff law of 1909, the Canadians seem to think that they have not given much in return. An examination of the agree-ment will not lead to great doubt as to the correctness of the CanadIan vielw. Mr. Fielding, the Canadian Finance Minister, who was chiefly concerned in making the arrange-ment, stated in the Canadian Parliament that they had main-tained the right of Canada to negotiate her own trade trea-ties, and by the granting of a "few small, comparatvely un-important concessions" on dates, nuts, feathers, and scents, had quenched the fire of a long trade battle. He stated that 50 per cent of the total trade of Canada was with the United States, and that 59 per cent of Canada's imports came from the United States, and 35 per cent of her exports went to that country. He said that was done under Tariff conditions that were not so favorable as could be desired, but he admitted that the Tariff of 1909 was more favorable to Canada than the Dingley law, and that on the exports from Canada to the United States last year the changes in duty were equiva-lent to $1,000,000 in favor of Canada. He said that if an I agreement had not been reached "a deplorable Tariff war would have resulted, and while the United States would have I suffered more than Canada, both parties would have suf- I fered to an enormous degree." I Minister FIelding said that he wanted to correct a false impression that had gone abroad about the maximum Tariff I of the United States. He said the maximum was 25 per cent of the value of the article and not 25 per cent of the duty levied. He explained the failure of the new arrange-ent to include in any way pulp wood, and he admitted that I many Americans had invested large sums in timber limits I which would be to a large extent lost under the proposed prohIbItion of export of pulp wood from the crown lands I of Quebec. He said, however, it was a matter of Provincial concern, and one with which the Federal Government could I not deal. Mr. Fielding made a great deal out of President Taft's I anxiety to bnng about better trade relations, and said that I the President gave assurance of his willingness to accept a moderate concession to meet existing difficulties. Mr. I Fielding said that the problem that faced the Canadians at the conference was to create a situation which would be ac-cepted by President Taft as sufficient justification for him to grant Canada the benefit of the minimum Tariff. The Canadian representative had not given the United States the benefit of the French treaty, of which thirteen other countries also got the benefit, but Canada had made concessions "to the) num1ber of thirteen which had been granted without affecting any Canadian industry." Mr. Fielding said: "We declined to grant concessions to the United States alone, but the reductions in the general Tariff apply to the whole world." Sir WIlfred Laurier, the Canadian Premier, stated that "peace had been preserved by small concessions," and that "the peace which Canada had with her neighbors was worth all the nuts and prunes in creation." He also stated that a reciprocity treaty was within measurable distance, and that Canada had sacrificed \nothing whatever. That is the Canadian view of the agreement, which is emphasized by the Montreal "Gazette," which remarks that "President Taft seems to have been ready to accept anything that would save his face and give him an excuse for propi-tiating an element which demanded that nothing should be done to increase the cost of livinR." The "Gazette" goes on to say that "really the United States has given Canada noth-ing by this latest agreement. It is true it may not have received much in exchange." Canada has given the benefit of its intermediate Tariff on thirteen numbers, covering forty articles, or 3 per cent of our exports to Canada. She granted her intermediate Tariff to France and thirteen other countnes, including Japan, Austria-Hungary, Spain and Switzerland. It would appear as if Canada should have been willing to give the same inter-mediate rates to the United States, but this Canada declined to do, without a return on the part of this country, and the President had no authority to grant anything more than Can-ada has been receiving. There was a promise of recipocity with Canada, Ibut that depend,;; on Congress. The trouble with reciprocity with Canada has always arisen out of the fact that Canada insisted on reciprocity in natural products only. That would mean the sale of practi-cally all of Canada's farm products in this country, without any further market in Canada for American products. There 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN ...---_._--------------------.. Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Radroad Companies, Car BUilders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. WIll never be a reCIproCIty treat) agam on "uch a ba~h \l11e-teenths of the edItors of Amellcan ne"spapers appedr to be wholly unaware of the fact that Canada has never oftered or agreed to accept any kllld of recIprocIty except on natural products" The Provmce of Ontano no" prohIbIt:, the n:port of pulp wood to the Gmted States and the Prm mce at Quebec proposes to adopt a sImIlar measure I egardlllg crm, n land~ This she proposes to put IlltO effect next September \ othmg has been done or will probably be done III 01 der to meet such unfan dlscnmmatlOn The Illtermedlate Tanff \Vhlch the L mted State~ gets the benefit of on forty artlcle~, WIth the le..,t at the "orld. means a reductIOn to 17;h from 20 per cent a 1 I dlorem But these artlcle'3 are ~uch a'3 come mto (1Irect competitIOn \VIth goods of othe1 nations, and the I alue ot the eApOl t" 0\ "uch articles to Canada amounts to only about $5000,000 dnnuall) Canada will adml t ImpOl h tram the Lmted Klllgdom and reClprocatmg Bntl~h colomes at the Bntlsh preferentIal rdte, Imports from othel DlltI'3h colomes and from France, \rgen-tllla, Au~tna-Hungaf), Boln d, Colombld, Denmdrk, Japdn Korway, RU<i:ola, Spalll, Sweden, S" ItLerland dnd \ eneLuela are admItted at the mtelll1eJlate I ate (111 the ca"e at dl tldc" mentioned III the 1:' ranco-Canadlan treat)), and Imporb trom other countries are admItted at the rates of the general T dllft FurnIture from Great Bntlan ",Ill be taxed 27 Y;; per cent, from France and other "most fdl 01ed ndtlOns" 20 per cent and from the Umted State.., 30 per cent ad I alor~m, whIch IS the general tanff rate Bltuml11ou~ coal from Eng-land pay'3 35 cents per ton \Vlllle that !10m the State~' h taxed 53 cents per ton Sa"s, tools and machmer) trom the UllIted States mu~t pay 30 per cent whIle tho~e trom CIreat Br~tam anJ Bntlsh colol1le" are admItted at 210 per cent Canada leVIes no tanff tax on lumber, log., and timber nor on "manufactures of "ood' except furl1lture and h"\.ture~ Advlces from Otta"a state that It IS prdctlcallY certam the Quebec government will prohIbIt eAportatlon of pulp \Vood to the Ul1Ited States and \\111 make a COlblderable mcred~e III the rents of tImber lImIts as "ell as an adl ance 111 "tum-page ,Jue3 PremIer GOUIll has announced that he \Vould de-clare the attItude of Quebec on the que~tlOn III the legl"lature before the close of seSSIOn, but at pre~ent neIther he nor dn, of his colleagues IS wlllmg to gIve out an) Illtormatlon Mr. Allard, mllll~ter of lands and fore~ts hml el er. g,lI e an intere"tmg resume of the SItuatIOn . The g-Olernment has not sold any tImber lands," saId :\Ir \llard "\\ e leal e these limIts to the lumbermen for one ) ear O\Vmg to the large amount Ill, ested III the timber Illdu"tr), howel er, the limIt wouldn't be increased for a certalll tIme In 1900 the .. . .. ., DO YOU WANT the PRETTIEST, BEST and MOST POPU-L- AR LEATHER FOR FURNITURE. ANY COLOR. WILL ,NOT CRACK. If so buy our GOAT and SHEEP SKINS Write for sample pads of colors. DAHM & KIEFER TANNING CO. 204 lake Street, CHICAGO, ILL. TANNERIES CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CHICACO, ILL. ... . . .._--- .. ------- ... _ ... gOl ernment <lgreed not to increase the rent for a period of tell ) ear~ 1hl~ agreement expIre" m September The gOl ernmellt \,111 then b~ at lIberty to make new terms with the lInl1t holdel s ' :-Ir \llard would not adm1t that 1t was the intention of the gal ernment to prohIbIt the eAportatlOn of pulp wood, but "aIel that It thl'3 wa~ done It would undoubtedly be bene-fiCIal to the pro, mce The prohIbItIOn of exportatIOn would have the effec~ of greatlv mcreasmg the mdustry m the provmce," he said :-lam CllIted States manufacturers would open mIlls on thl~ .,Ide at the lme and thl~ would gIve employment to a great many people The opelllng of new mIlls m thIS pro- \ mce would check the flow of elmgrahon to the UllIted State~ " WEEKLY ARTISAN MANUFACTURERS SHOULD ACT Advised to Assist in Securing Desirable Business and Trade Relations With Canada. The following from the edltonal column" of the ~ ew York Commercial, makes suggestIOns and urge" actIOn that should be well consIdered, then followed by actIOn by bUSI-ness organIzatIOn, 111the l'11lted State'i and Canada, e'ipeCI-ally a" the manufacturers on thl'i "Ide of the lme are to re-ceIve no benefit from the tanff arrangement recently made between the h\ 0 natIOn" The matter surely should be gnr-en attentIOn by the Furniture Manufacturers' NatIOnal asso- CIatIOn The Commercial says "Accord1l1g to a report from \Va'ih1l1gton, whIch bears the impre"s of offiCIal sanctIon, there WIll be a conference at the capItal or at Ottawa wlth1l1 two month'i between repre-sentatives of the P11lted States and CanadIan governments for the pury)ose of negotJat111g a recIprocIty and trade tI eaty betwecn the two countne,', ThIS WIll be one of the most tImely and Important treaty negotiatIons that our govern-ment has engaged 111for a long tIme Upon the conclusion of the conference must depend in large mea'iur~ the future bUSiness relatlOns of thIS country and Canada on thIS conti-nent and <!Ibroad If a treaty IS settled that wIll give the Dominion preference over other countnes 111American mar-kets, whIle conceding certa1l1 reductions in duties to us, some-thing hke a cnSIS may be precipItated invoh ing senous tar- Iff dlfficultIe" with France, Germany and other natIOns, if not 111deed WIth Great Bnta1l1 Y ct because of the enor-mous ctevelopmenh that the gOing on In Canada, tl1P great wealth that IS being uncm ered 1tl every part of the 00m1l1- lOn, the ,<,urpII"lng commerCIal and productive expanSiOn there, In whIch the L;11lted States not only ha'i the largest part but an ObVlOUS respomibIhty, It is most deSIrable that a treaty be effected In the broadest terms of mutual advan-tage _ No mistakes shoul,l be made, and in order to avoid them official dIplomacy, in which the people on both SIdes of the border have full confidence, 'ihould have the guidance. the expenenced directIOn, the concen"us of judgment of the bus- Iness forces of the two countries There should be a con-ventlOn of representatives of the leadmg branche'i of com-merce and induo,try summoned at the earhest practicablc date-at Montreal as the most central point-for the thor-ough di"cu"slOn of the actual requisities and to preserve the continUlty of Interest and amIty from confUSIng or entang-lIng dIlemmas Such a conventlOn 'ihould be called by the CanadIan Manufacturers' A'isoclation, the Montreal Cham-ber of Commerce and the 13u'i1l1e"s ~Ien's League of that cIty and should inVIte the partIcipation of delegates appointed by all the bu"llles'i orga11lzations of Canada, the National Manufacturers' AssociatlOn of the -United States and other industrial bodIes, chambers of commerce, boards of trade, mercantIle, shipp1l1g. export, transportatlOn and other or-ganizations. The Commercial make'S bold to suggest such a con-ventIOn as an essential and a matenal help in the proposed negotiatlOns and urges l!pon the Canadian bodIes mentioned such early, defilllte actIOn as may be conSIstent WIth theIr own views ~rost of the que"tions that would naturally be taken up by such an offiCIal conferencc concern the tViO principals only, but any extensive preferences yIelded to Canada might at once be foll"wed by demands from nearly all the European powers for similar concessions As such an extension of the COnCeS'ilOllS would make them useless and leave the Toledo, Ohio, June 10, 1908. Grand Rapids Veneer Works} Grand Rapids, Mich. Gentlemen:- ReplyIng to yours, would say that we have nothing but words of praise for your system of Dry Kiln whIch we have in-stalled and it IS working to our entire satisfaction, and furth-ermore we are much pleased With it. Yours truly, The B. A. Stevens Co. 5 United States and Canada precisely where they are today, the representatives of the two governments would be obliged to de,Io,e 'iome acceptable means to make the conceSSlOns agreeable to the other natlOns And It IS m reaching this mo"t essentIal and dIfficult result that the clear, logical, pen-etrating sense of the leadlllg business forces of the Domin-lOn and the States IS a necessary element at thIS time. A Made by Waddell Manufacturing Co , Grand Rapids, MlCh plalll, amIcable, endunng treaty agreement that would not so conflIct WIth the eXI,',tmg agreements VI ith Germany and France as to cause tanff repnsals could be constructed, If at all, upon the decJaratlOns and recommendatIons of a me-monal such as would be pre'iented to the governments by the conventlOn here propo"cd • Furniture Man Studies Civic Affairs. Robert VY Jrwlll of the Royal Ft1ll11ture company, Grand RapIds, has Just returned from a tlip or VISit of two months on the PaCIfic coast He went for bus1l1ess and pleasure and was successful 111 both mlSSlOns Mr Irwin I,', 111terested in mUl1lclpal matters and whIle on hIS tnp gave conslderaJble attention to CIVIC affaIrs, particularly to the llghting systems used 111 the coast CIties. r------------------~--------------- 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN .-.--.----._...---._._----_. -- ._•._._._--- -----------------------------. NO ........ ., OTHER No. 111 Patented Sand Belt Machine. SANDER can possibly do the variety of work that is being accomplished on our machine. Our No. 171 Sander is positively superior to all other methods on flat surfaces, irregular shapes and mouldings. Ask for Catalog liB" ......W..Y..S.O..NG « MILES CO.1Cedar St. and Sou. R. R·1GREENSBORO, N. C. t .._-- .. To Curb the "Curbstone Brokers'" The following pream1ble and resolutions .\ ere adoptc 1 by the executive comml1ttee of the National Reta11 Furmture Dealers' associatIOn at a meeting held recentlv III Chicago Whereas, the abuses of the card system ha. e grown to an enormous extent, and fostered the grOl\ th of a class of men known as "curbstone brokers" who do busllless 111 an illegitimate manner with and through the conl11vance of un-scrupulou3 manufacturers, commisslOn men and agents Be it therefore unanimously Resolved-That \\ e, the Kational Retal1 Furl11ture Deal-ers association cannot patrol11ze any manufacturer, agent or commission men, who wlll make a sale of furl1lture, .1h1ch 1S not filled and shipped direct to a honafide retail furl11ture dealer. Resolved-That the assoc1ation recogl1lze no one as a legitimate and bonafide furl1lture dealer except such as carT) at all times a full stock of furniture, commensurate II ith the locallty in which they are doing business, and .\ e most posi-tively exclude second-hand dealers, repair shops. mattress factories, auction house3 and storage II arehouses Resolved--That we absolutely ar eopposed to the ISSU-ing of fictitiou3 business cards and that under no condition will we countenance or approve of the selling of goods by manufacturers or their agents who~after a sale has been com-pleted give some dealer a trifling commission, thereby trying to give an illegitimate transaction an honest aspect Resolved-That it is the sense of this association that we will patronize those manufacturers, Jobbers or sales agents \\ ho will further our interest by complymg with our just demand Resoh ed-That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to el ery tt ade Journal for pubhcation Dissolved Corporations Liable for Tax. Attorney-General Wickersham is lof the opinion that corporations that were in existence when Ithe corporation tax law was passed but were d1s30lved prior to Jan. 1, 1910, when the tax became due, are subject to the tax. In an opmion subm1tted to the secretary of the treasury the attor-ney- general says' "If the corporation in question engaged in bus1l1ess after the approval of the act of Congress of Aug 5, then 1t \\ as hable for the tax, though it may not have be-come due untl1 after the corporation wail dissolved and the government may collect the tax by pursuing the assets of the corporatlOn mto the hands of the stockholders in the same manner as that by which any other creditor might ob-tam satisfaction of h1s debt." Hotels to Furnish. A large additIOn to the hotel Alexandria in Los Angeles, Cal, IS under construotion. l1he hotel Maryland at Pasadena, Cal, will be enlarged by the erectlOn of a la1ge addition to the main structure during the current year. The :\formons of Salt Lake City have commenced the erection of a large hotel, opposite the temple in Salt Lake City SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ----------------- WEEKLY ARTISAN You can always get IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 1·20" R. C. PLAIN OAK 1.8", 1.20", 1.24" and 1·28" R. C. BIRCH 1.16", 1.20", 1.24", and 1..28" POPLAR 1.20", 1.24" and 3.16" GUM Direct from our Grand Rapids Warehouses. We solicit your trade. WALTER CLARK VENEER GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. COMPANY Foresight and Hindsight. "If that man's forsight had been as good as his hind-sight he would have been a rich man long ago," is not an uncommon saying. It applies to most people, looking back-ward is much easier than looking fovward. The writer was inspecting a new factory not long ago. It seemed to be a model in many ways. In the ba'3ement was a fire proof vault for storing patterns and tools. The office was nicely fitted up with all modern conveniences, but the books were kept in a COmimonordinary safe, instead of a fire-proof vault. I wonder if those patterns and tools were more valuable than the books In another three story building in the same city, there is a fire-proof vault on each floor, so that not only valuables for the working of the plant were safe but the books as well Which of the two, gentle reader, think you ha'3 the best foresigiht? •• - ••••••• - ••••••• -------- -._-._ aa aa aa _~ J. BOYD PANTLIND, Prop. Morton ffouse ( American Plan) Rates $2.50 and Up. ffotel Pantlind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the Pantlind for 50c IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. .. ••• __ ••• aa •• • •• __ • I .... Now all this simply applies to every department of busi-ness. In case both of these plants should be destroyed by fire, it is not hard to tell which one would sustain the greater loss, or which can get the lower rate of insurance. T:le common, ordinary dry kiln is one of the most dangerous fire risks around any woodworkJing plant ·When the same kiln is fitted out with the Grand Rapids Veneer Works patented process, the danger from fire is almost entirely eliminated, besides givlllg the bIn double its capacity, and when waste from checking, case hardening and working is taken into account, the kiln is worth from three to five times as much as before. Watch the advertisements of the Grand Rapids Veneer Works from week to week in the Weekly Artisan and see what a lot of men there at e whoi3e foresight is at least equal to their hindsight. Newmark Makes Good. When Samuel Newmark of Salt Lake city, departing from his usual vocation, engaged in the mining bUi3iness, he re-marked that he would expend one half of the results of his venture, if successful, in the improvement of the city of his adoption. In the course of a few years Newmark gathered unto himself $20,000,000 and he is making good his promise Dunng the pai3t year he completed the erection of a mam-moth sky-scraper, now ui3ed for mercantile and office pur-poses, and has in course of erection a large modern hotel located in the same city. Newmark owns the great flatiron building in New York. Free Rugs Do the Trick. Olinger Bras, of Franklin, III., are giving away very good Brussels rugs as a premium to all customers buying $25 worth of furniture at their store . MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS The factory pay roll" of Portland, Ore, no\\ a\ erage $80,000 per day HIcks & Pearman, furnIture dealers of Seba"tapol, Lal have ",old out to L \\T Schram Furl11ture ,alued at $715,000 "as manufactured at \\ 111~ ton-Salem, I\f C, dunng the year 1909 D~nman & SoU<; have sllcceeded G \ Slaughter 111the retail furmture busme",s m Floy dale 1 eJ\. 1\1 J Mersch has sold hl<; furl11ture and undertakmg busmess at Ste, en" Point, \ \ IS, to i\dam & 13m er Merchant" of St John."\ 13 are offenng mducemcnt, for the estabhshment of a furmture factory 111 then to\\ n The Sligh FurnIture company of Grand Rapld~ ha<; a contract to furnIsh 700 rooms m the Hotel Sherman. ChI-cago The People's FurnIture "tore of (u1111)lrlanc1 \ld ha~ moved 111tO N"o 5 BaltImore "treet, \11 11 (,ruher ~ old stand CredItors hay e filed a petItIOn In bankruptcy a~am,t Max Schwabsk), furnitllle dealer at 1()f)3 Thl1d avenue. New York C. M Pace, a young but expenenced furmture "ale<;- man, has purchased an 111terest m the People ~ Furmture company of Roanoke, Va North Carolma has I11nety-eight furnIture plan b, \\ Ith an aggregate capital of $3,475,600 U~111g10,157 horse pm\er and employing 6,271 people , The Spear lur11lture company of Cle\ eland. O. ha<; made an a"'llgnment to \laJ\. P Goodman Llahlhtle<;. S20 000, assets estImated at $10 000 W ] l'ear"on, k L Robert<;on ane! \\ \ 11adden have incorporated the San Antol11o (Te,) FurnIture com-pany, dealers CapItal stock, $2 SOO \V H DuBell who 0\\ ns a furnIture compam <;ome-where in Kew YOlk. has agreed to mo\ e It to Tampa rIa If announcement m the Tampa papers IS correct Kirby & Gulledge, furmture dealers of Jackson Tenn. have moved into new quarters 111the bul!d111g formerly oc-cupied by the Kmzle-Glass FurnIture company The John Breuner company of Oakland Cal. \\ III clIs-pose of a handsome bungalow soon b, a \ otmlS conte"t lImIted to purcha<;er" of house furm~h111g goocl<; at theIr "tore The "Tlchlta (Kan) \Vhole~ale FurnIture compam. one of the most prosperous concerns 111the CIty. IS about to beg111 the erectIOn of a four-<;tory blllld111g to co"t about <:;100.000 EmIl J ohnsgaard of Bott111eau '\ D ha~ ~old 111, fu r111- ture busmess to Knox Fergu"on and] H \\ ea\ er and the "tack will be consohdated wIth that of J H \\ ea, er 8. Co Bankruptcy proceed111gs have heen ...tal ted agd1l1<;t 1-'1- dor May, furnIture dealer of 1934 ThIrd a, enue, Xe" 'lark. He has been m the hus1l1ess S111ce 1882 LlahIlltIes. $-1-,000 The employment of m1110rs under "IAteen y eal ~ of age in manufactunng establIshments at mght 1<; prohIbIted m the state of New J er"ey by a recent enactment of the le2;I<;- latlll e M E Matthews one of the most prom111ent furmt ure dealers in Atlanta. Ga, dIed "uddenly on i\pnl:1- 1-1e \\a<; 43 years of age and IS sun Ived by hI"> "Ido\\ and three daughters Fred A Kutbrown IS reported to hay e dIsposed of hIS interest in the hardware and furnIture firm of Nutbrmvn & Sons of Portland, Ore His 111terest goes to the other mem-bers of the firm The Marshfield ("'IS) Beddmg company has been placed 111 the hand ... of H G Hambnght, cashIer of the llrst ~atlOnal bank, a, recel\er i\ reorgal11zatlOn of the company IS expectecl The Ro) al FurnIture company are enlarg1l1g the capacIty of theIr tacton b) addmg a fourth ,tory to the finishing and o,tock departments ancl thus relIevmg the crowded con-dItIOn of other room <; The Crocker ChaIr company of Sheboygan, \VIS, have lust completed a large addItIOn to theIr plant and wl!l soon hegm another whIch wIll enlarge the saw room and wood- \\ or!ong department of factory 13 The chaIr factones owned by Newberry Bros & Cowell at Dunn, '\ C, whIch hay e been Idle for a year or more hay e been started agam, but they are making dressers, chiff-ol11er<; ancl "Ideboard s m, tead of chair" Henn CIC'c1on, ftlll11ture dealer of Korfolk, Va, has let the contract fOl a ne\\ hlulchng that 10 needed to accom- Illoda te hI <; rapldh groW111g bus111ess [t wIll be two-stories, 7~ '\. 3~0 feet and \\Ill cost upward" of $50,000 C Fll1le) KlIlght has sold hI" 111terest in the K11lght lurl1lture and Crockery company of Jacksonville, Fla, to another <;tockholder "J1r Kl11ght IS 0l'ga11lzI11g a new com-pam to handle furnIture and crockery at ",holesale There are ...IX factones 111 Knoxvl1le, Tenn, and three more In that sectIOn of the state which are making wood mantels They ha\ e a combined output of 118,000 mantels a \ ear 1 \\ a of the KnoJ\.vllle plants have a capacity of 25,- 000 each BU<;l11ess and manufactunng cOl1ChtlOn" 111 Fort Smith arc reported as film \, Ith hU"111es", on the lump The coun-tn ~eel1l" to be addll1g to ItS reqll\rements steadl!y with \ alne" a,h anc111g The demand seems to be general and not confined to an, particular commodIty \ "hortage of fifty-foot cars IS reported from fur11lture manufactUring center" due to the clemand for long cars from automobIle shIppers Some of the automobIle concerns are reported as hav111g used 300 or 400 cars per month since \Iarch 1 and no decrease 111 their demand is expected until the fibt of June The common councl! of Los i\ngeles, Cal, recently created a clem and for "mall mIrrors by passing an ord111ance reqUlnng that a mIrror be placed on the front of every vehIcle, 111cludl11g tractIOn cars and automobIles, used in the city. The purpose of the ordl11ance IS to enable dnvers to learn the con(htlOn of traffic and the movements of pedestrians in the rear of theIr vehIcles The Com erse T\Ianufactunng company \ and th~ Gale ChaIr company of '\ e",aygo, Mlch, have been reorga11lzed and consolIdated under the name of the Newaygo Chair compan), capltah7Cd at $100,000 Joseph J SchneIder of the ne\\ company, Hdrry M Allman of ChIcago, vice-presIdent, ~ orman i\ Lar"on of 1IIa11ltowoc, \Vis, secretary and \Vil-ham H Gale of 1\ ewaygo, manager Furniture Fires. TIre 111the chaIr factor) of \;\T aldcutter & Kahlenberg, 10ledo, 0 , caused a loss of about $500 Fully insured The \\ E Bradey Fur11lture company, dealers of Athen"" Texa~, were burned out recently with a loss of about $1,000 pal tlall) 111sured \\TJllIam H Tullah's furniture store in Rose CIty, was Je<;trO\ ed by a fire that WIped out a large sectIOn of the to\\ n on Apnl 8 Mr, Tullah's loss is well covered by in-surance WEEKLY ARTISAN GRANI> RAPII>S FACTORIES MERGED Show Case Company Absorbs the Michigan Barrel Company. '\fter ne~otlatlons e:xten-lll1!S U\ el ~e\ eral months, ar- I ang enllnts hay e been com plet ed, tl11l1l1g the pa "t \\ eek, \\hereby the Grand RapIds ~how Case company v\lll take 0\ el the plant and hU"lJ1e~::. uf the 1\IJchlgan Barrel company, wl1Jch I~ one of the uld manufactUrIng concern" of the same cIty 1he ,[Icblgan Barrel COmpally \\a, ()J £;allueJ 111 1870 and for many ) ears had a larg e and profitable busIne'o~ IJ1 the manufactl1Je of lumher, and stave-les" or hoop ballel.., and meastI1e.., In recent vealS refngcr-at01s have been thclJ jJlIncljJal jJloc1uct thou£;h thC\ have con- 9 \\ as Illcreased to $700,000, of \vhlcb, a~ shown by the latest rtpOI t, $492,000 IS paId In It IS under"tood that the manufactunng of refngerators at the ban el company plant WIll be chscontllll1ed ::.oon and that the bul1d1l1g WIll be used maInly for warehouse and ;,torage purposes, but the sav" mIll vvIll contInue to cut ma-hogan) and othel cabInet \\ oods New Karpen Exhibition Building, Chicago. Tlll" WIll be the 1110"t convemently located, complete, ma!Snlficent, nO\ el and adll1Jrably planned furnIture exhib1- t10n h11l1dmg ever erected hy pnvate cnterplse Its floor "pace \\,ill aggregate eIght and one-half acres ()nc flom \\ J11 be al ranged for acceptahle lInes In floor ------ ----------- -- ---- -----------------., tlllued to operate the saw 111111m, ainly on mahogany and other commerCIal or cu"tom \\ OJk The company i:" cap1talI7ed at $150,000 all pale! In The Grand RapIds Show Ca:"e company It:>one of the cIty's most prosperou" manufactullng I11stltutJOnt:> It ha" hdd a rapId growth 111 the pat:>t tew ) ears and IS stIll grovv1l1g The htb1l1e"s wa.., stal ted anI) ten y eal s ago by Raymond Mancha and Henry \\TIllIams Later S D Young dnd \V K \VIllJalJ1::. were admItted as partner~ SIX years ago Sam-uel M Lemon pUl chaseL1 ]\[1 Manche':, mtere"t for $24,000 and the company wa" mcUl porated \\ Ith $200,000 capItal stock of whIch $120,000 \\ a" then paId m Samuel M Lemon became president, \V K and Henry \\ IIlJams, vIce-presi-dents and S D Young "ecretaly-itleasurer and manager. Smce the lllcorporatlon thc glOwth of the business ha'3 heen remarkable, necessrLaLm£; contmued e:xpant:>JOn and Improve-ment of the plant Two years ago the Lutke Manufactullng company of Portland, Ore, was merged with the Grand Rapids Show Case company, under the latter name and Robert Lutke be-came a member of the board of directors. The capitalization I j / ~ COyenngs, textllc fabl ic", wall papel, decoratIons and alheJ produch 5- KaJ pen & Urn", now hav e "ale"room~ at 187 and 188 :\f1chlgan a\ enue, ChIcago, 1')5 and 157 \\ est ThIrty-fourth t:>treets, Xev, YOlk and 22 to 26 SudhtllY strect, Boston Enlarging the Macey Plant. 1 he :\Iacc) company, (~1and RapILb, have accepted plan::- for a new factOly btJJldll1g to be located Ju"t south of the malll bUlIJmg on South Dn l..,lOn ..,treet The new buIldlllg wIll be 96 x 1::?-l-feet, four ..,tone" and basement, of bliCk, mJ11 construction and will be fintt:>hed by September 1, at a cost of about $50,000 The company no\\; ba" 110.000 .,quare feet of floor space and the new buIlclmg vv111add 60,000 square feet, making the Macey factory one of the bIg factones 111 the city. The card indexmg department. wl1Jch h now do\\n town, WIll he trant:>ferree! to the new bl1lldll1g It's the things we don't get that we should sometimes be most thankful for. to WEEKLY ARTISAN THE ONLY rIORTISER That does not require material to be marked off. Makes each and every mortise accurately and perfectly. Each spindle instantly adjusted by hand wheel. Automatic Spacing Gage. Patent Automatic Stroke. Patent Adjustable Chisel. ....... No. 181 Multiple Square Chisel MOftlser. Ask for Catalog I'J" .. .WYSONO « MILES CO., Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., OREENSBORO, N. C. ... BALTIMORE MAKES PROGRESS Has Abolished Some of the Burdens and Re· strictions on Business Men. "tore~ here, at Annapolts, Md, \Vllkesbarre and PottSVIlle, Pa The bu"me,,:o they ha\ e bUllt up ranks among the larg-e" t 111the country For more than 50 years theIr store has been located here on ;'\ orth Gay street, above the BelaIr market 1he) ha\ e aho taken over the busllless of the DelaIr Furl11ture company The Chdrles H Horner company have opened a new retall fur111ture ~tal e at 345 North Charles street They \vere formerly 111busllle:os at 328 North Cha1les street Chaudron & Co, plate and beveled glass, have moved tr0m 412 East Sdratoga "treet to 217 West Camden street Hart\v 19 & Kemper, wholesale chairs, 316 West Pratt ..,treet, ha\ e put mane", lllle of d111mg chairs, porch rockers, etc . .. BaltImore, Md, Apnl 14--Baltimore h not knO\\ n Lh a large manufactunng centre, although there are a numbel ot good SIzed furlllture factones het e ThIs b due 111 a mea",ure to the system of taxation \\ hen an officeman, retailer, wholesaler or manufacturer starts 111 oU,,111ess he IS ta "ed or ltcen:oed and generally has th1 ee 01 tOU1 kmd.., of ta "\.e", to pay In the "tates of \Te\V York, Penn,,)ha11la and '(e\\ Jersey, WIth few exceptlOn", no merchant of an\ kllld pa\.., any hcense to start III bu"me"s, all the re\ enue nece"",an being raised on real estate 01 per:oonal propert), except the I urst Bro~ & Co ha\ e moved frOim 211 \Nest Camden liquor taxes Baltimore has come to a realtzatlOn of thiS and ~treet to 38 Hopkms place and are makmg a new 1111eof the legislature has passed an act authonzlllg Baltll110re to .... • • • •• •• • ••••••••••• allow manufacture1 s to do OU~111e~"hel e on \ ('1 \ ea..,) tel 111"', whIch, WIll be expected to help the Clt) 1Ih1S cIty 1:0 a \ ery large \\ hole"ale center and ha", a 1m; trade WIth the south, but they have to hustle to hold It \" a jobbing center, It IS noted and an Immense bus111ess IS done in all hnes ThIS ]obbmg busme..,,,, b furthered b) 1m) 1ng conventlOns whIch a1 e held here t\\ 0 month" 111 the ",prIng and two months m the fall \V hen t11Ou"and" of buyer" come from all the southern states TheIr fares' are refunded 1t-. ~ they buy a certam amount of good" ThiS method ha:o helped the trade to a large degree Some of the firms who take part 111pu~hl11g thb mo\ c ment are, the Reltable Furl11ture \IanufacturIng company 303 PreSident street, makmg sldeboa1 d", and chamher "UItc" Foster Bras t.fanufactunng com pan) , 320 Xorth Holltda\ street, bras.., and Iron bed manufactUlers, Furst D10~ L Co, 211 \Ve"t Camden street, pIctures, mIrrors and molclll1g'" Pollocks, whole"ale furlllture. Howad and Saratoga ",treeh. and the Heywood Bras & \Vakefield company, reed and rat-tan furniture. The tradmg stamp bU3iness 1S carned on here to such an extent as to make it a posItive nUIsance You get tiadll1g stamps WIth everythll1g but a haIr cut and shave and step,., are being taken to end it to a certalll degree at least The legislature IS takmg the matter up Hochschtld, Kohn & Co, Ho\Vard and Lexll1gton street" retail furlllture, Will bUlld a large addition to thelr store They already have an immen:oe structure for a general de-partment store Since the death of Isaac Benesch, retaIl furniture dealer, CRESCENT MACHINE WORKS the business has been taken over by !\aron, Samuel and \\ 11- OF GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. liam M. Benesch, who now control the house and have large ~._._._._._._.~_ ._._._._._._._._._. • .... Grand Rapids Crescent THE WORLD'S BEST SAW BENCH BUilt with double arbors, sliding table and equipped complete WIth taper pin guages carefully graduated. This machine represents the height in saw bench con-struction. It is designed and built to reduce the cost of sawing stock. Write us for descriptIve InformatIOn. . . ..... WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 THE L. Mac E. VARNISHES BLUE RIBBON RUBBING and POLISHING VARNISH, QUAKER CITY COACH VARNISH-CABINET FLOWING VARNISH, WHITE MAPLE RUBBING and POLISHING VARNISHES; WHITE MAPLE GLOSS VARNISHES-WHITE REED FLOWING VARNISHES, FLAT ALL VARNISH and ALL DULL FINISH-JAPANS, Etc. DIPPING VARNISHES NOTE-Our many years of practical experIence with the FurnIture, Piano and kindred lines of manufacture enable us to know just the kmd and qualIty of varnIshes demanded. Also the fact that our strong corps of salesmen have an already established trade WIth thIs class of customers through visiting them wIth filIers and stams, makes it possIble for us to sell varnishes wIthout additional ex-pense to us, whIch advantage we are dIsposed to give to our customers in quality. Send us aTrial Order. THE LAWRENCE-McFADDEN COMPANY VenetIan \ abeb of rattan They ha\ e 200 men workIng, hand-lIng the materIals from the log to t1he finIshed product TheIr bU'-,Ine"" of makIng pIcture frames whIch are bold mo"tly to the furnIture trade, Ib very heavy The factory 1'3 at Leadenhall and Ostend street Gumpert & Benesh, furnIture mbtallment .dealers, have bought out JulIu", IImes & Son, a furniture catalogue house on Gay street Mr. Foxwell, buyer fOJ 27 yearb for Frank J Murphy, furnIture dealer of LeXIngton street, has retIred from the busmess Frank .:VIurphy, Jr, has taken hIS place George C SmIth & Sonb have moved theIr retaIl furnI-ture '3tore from 107 North Eutaw street to 220 \Vest LeXIng-ton street. Thomas 1\1 SmIth is dOIng a fairly good business at 514 \Vest Gel man "treet, b makIng mattresbe"" spring bedb and cots RIch Bros, makmg go-carts, have moved from 116 South Howard street to 221 \Vest Pratt street. They also make reed furnIture Baker Bros & Co, handlIng plate and beveled glass, had a fire at 102 Hopkllls place and were forced to move to 108 South street They do a large bUSIness For the Charter Commission. Among the nameb ::>uggesteJ fOJ member", of the com-mlbSlon to be chosen for the purpose of drawmg a new char-ter for Grand RapIds, are the following "furnIture men." George G \/Vhltworth of the Berkey & Gay Furmture com-pany; Robert W Irwlll, Royal Furniture company and John D Karel, J\Ilchlgan Chair company The Artisan respect-fully suggests the followlllg addItIOns: A S Goodman, Luce Philadelphia FurnIture company, George A DaVIS, Stow & DaVIS FurnI-ture company, Robert E Shanahan, Bbsell Carpet Sweeper company and E J Aldworth, \Vaddell :V[anufactunng com-pany Loss of a Promissory Note. A promissory note for $1,500 gn en in settlement for a bIll of furnIture purdhabed of a manufacturer of Grand Rapids six months ago, was 10bt In tran"lt for collectIOn, during the inundation and bnowslIde penod of last winter. The manu-facturer i", naturally solICItous about the faIlure of the banks to dIscover the whereabouts of the note r'~~~Rna-pi;ds Caster Cup Co. 2 Parkwood Ave.• Grand Rapids, Mich. We are now puttmg out the best Caster Cups With cork bases ever offerea to the trade. These are timshed m Golden Oak and White Maple m a light timsh These goods are admirable for polished floors and furn- Iture rests. They will not sweat or mar. PRICES: Size 2U mches $4.00 per hundred SIze 2~ m~hes 5.00 per hundred 'I'r1l a Sample Order FOB. Grand RapId,. .. . ••••• - •••• •• ••• _ .A 12 t-- WEEKLY ARTISAN ----------_._-- - . WE MAKE REFRIGERATORS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES Zmc Lined Porcelain Lined. White Enamel Lined Opal-Glass Lined. You can increase your Refrigerator Sales by putting In a line of the "Alaskas." Write for our handsome catalogue and price lists. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATOR COMPANY, Excl~s~~eu~~;~~:;:~or MUSKEGON, MICH, New York Office, 369 Broadway, L E Moon, Manager III..... I, I IIII --------------------------------_.---------- ..... ----" now TO !"CR.NISII A S~IAl .L. J1~.A.l T Au Inexpeusi ve Scheme fOI' Decoration and Selection of Furniture. Thel e ale lnan \ pcople ot modcl ate mcan-, \\ hu lu not kno\'v Ju,-t \\hat to elu 111 ho\\ to bU;lll to make.1 Plett\ COZ\, cOl11fu!tdhle h011le Il1t \ al e ohll~ul t ) dcplnd (Vnthl .\(h III (ll ,ale"mln \\ hlch h n It aL\ a) 'ldlahL Idll elm e It I" 11e11ned that the follo\\ mg ~lhcmc for fUI111"hlll~ a ,mall flat \\ III ap-peal to \\ omen ut ta"tc 1\ hu al c lllc"pellenLcd 111 thc lJ1,tttu ot "electIOn ~ ~uppo~e th,lt a ,m,dl apa1 t1l1ln' h takln L1Llll£; 'outh 01 \\ e~t su that the "un" Ia\" lln PdlUl atl and nuke It chcert111 Tdkmg It f01 ['Idnlul that thc h,dl h lon-.; and not e"tra \\ de paper It \\Ith a L\u tone Idl pallel a" that I' ah\a\" 1 good ~-------------------------------------------~ I I I : I I I : I , I , I I I I I : II ,I I , I , I I f I I I I I I I I I I : I I j I I I I I I I ,I I, I I I I I I I I I I I , ! I I I I I I I I I I THE "ELI" FOLDING BEDS ~~~frl~I~N~I~g I ELtO:""MI'LLE'R","&u'co.1 II.. EVANSVILLE. INDIANA Wnte for cuts and pnces ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, EVANSVILLE. lJal k£;lOunc1 t01 the Jlhoto~1 aph" anll cngld\ m£;" to be hung 0'1 the \\all~ Inegularly, not on a Ime The woodwork and lulmg to t11e mouldmg 'ihould b~ whIte Select a couple of I ed hall runners WIth very nan ow dark edge and ha\ e the portlere~ of plam dark red velour or "ome in-e,- pensl\ e "tuft ~\bolt:oh the old fashlOned hat rack anJ use a ~mall ImItatIOn malhogany "ettee, If the genume IS too ex-pensi, e, \v hlch VI III fit m the mche m the wall whIch IS u'iually there A narrow but l11gh table VI III sen e to put the hats on, \\ Ith a medIum sIze mlrorr above and umbrella :0 tand neal, and the hall WIll look attractIve The It, mg room should be a place of comfort and a deltght fOI the tneJ busllless man when he returns at mg1ht Paper the \\ ails m a '3oft, Itght tobacco brown to the mould-mg It the \\ ood\Vork IS not mahogany fimsh have It done 0\ er, but lea\ e the Lellmg wlllte In one corner near the \\ Indo,\ place a comfortable, medIUm sIze davenport, some ea,,\ chalb ~hould be ,lslble, coveled WIth an mexpenslve 111a tenal m a darker blown L se 10\\ bookca"e" m mahogany fimsh WIthout doors m the tv\ 0 lal ge~t "pace~, WIth chma stlk curtams of a nch dark ~Teen Th~y WIll throw m rcltef the colored bmdmgs 1he pOItlere'- too "hould be of the "ame shade of green but ot heal ler matendl They could have a ltttle brown velve-teen appltque m the corner" outlmed WIth antIque gold cord, and any \Voman who IS fond of embrOIdery could do It her- '-elf lor the \VmdO\\ curtam'3 ecru sCllm WIth a lace border \\oulcl he appIOpl1ate and at the top have a fifteen or eIgh-teen Il1lh \ alance of brown stuff to notch the wall~, eIther "tl alght ot ,,11aped WIth some anttque golcl galoon The floot cm elmg ~houlc1 he a bl 0\'\ n rug V\Ith somc green, thu:o pull- 1I1g the \\ hole colol ~chemc together In the "pace between the wmc1oV\s a hIgh secretary cle"k ut Colomal c1e~lgn would look well A. few water colors of fac~lmlle'- and "ome etJchmg'i m gtlt frames on the V\alls 1\ ould gn e a cIash of color, and \'\ Ith a few good pIeces of bnc a-blac or bronLe here and there the en~emhle \'Voulcl be prettv and homeltke To thi'3 room add a Itbrary table for hanelv hook" and magaL1l1e'i on Whll h a lamp can he set at mght If thl'3 Iuom opens mto the dmmg room use for the lat-ter a re"eJa green paper on the wall~, a two tone stnpe IS good If the cetlmgs are not too hIgh, cetlmg whIte to mould-mg "\11 thc \\ oodwork and floor mahogany color A. plam green rug WIth shaded border is effectIve The wmdow curtams can be of cream scrim WIth a stenCIlled bor-der of a gl ape, me m color, WIth a perfectly str~ight fifteen or eIghteen mch lambreql11n tnmmecl WIth eJgmg of the color of the walls PortIeres can back those of the living room, - - - -------- WEEKLY ARTISAN mmg only one pole, and would look well m a green stnped velour A round Colomal dmmg table--reproductlOns are some-tIme" good-looks well m the centre In the large ,t space put a SIdeboard WIth cupboard", a small senmg table IS always u"eful If a chma closet IS out of the qUestlOn a couple of "mall hangmg clo"et" WIth dIamond panels add to the look, of the walls, also one or two plate rack" enhance the decoratIve effect Thel e are many t) pe" of Colomdl chalf" to "elect f1 am, but have them broad and comfortable, and cover them WIth the "ame stnpecl matenal as the portlere" The centre hght usually has an al gand burner Cover the globe WIth a dull gold stlk "hade WIth deep fnnge For the chIef bedroom have the woo.Jvvork and cetlmg whIte A" these rooms are rarely large, hang a whIte ground paper on the vvaIls WIth a small de-olgn m flowers and bow knots The carpet may be of rose color and the sam~ plam color may be used for portIeres m armure or mercenzed stuff, on whIch sew a whIte lace msertlon about four or fi\ e mches WIde FOI the \vmdow use a shaped lambrequm WIth whIte lace medalhons cleslgned to "Ult and a ro:oe colored fringe at the bottom, under whIch place v. hlte lace curtams Twm Sheraton beds would look well here WIth bureau to correspond, and WIth wardrobe, a small table, chaIr and rock-et the room WIll be pI etty Another bedroom I" perhaps not qUIte as ltght a" It mIght be, so a pure whIte stnpped paper IS best here and a cutout garlan.J of pmk ro"e" below the mouldl11\S Cellmg and v. ooch\ ark whIte, portIeres of a daInty blue and the lam brequll1 of the "ame, wll1dov. curtam" v,hlte lace Small ru~s may be stre" n about a SImple b a"" bed, alongSIde of whIch hay e a good SIzed trunk-you can put so 13 many thIngs m It-or a chest of dra\\ ers, low and broacl Procure a seWll1g table a couple of I11che, longer than the trunk and cut off the legs to \\ Ithll1 fiftcen mches flom the top and stand It on the trunk tl1e ,pace bet vvcen vvIII gn e room for thl ee hat bOAes \' O\v drape It v\ Ith blue and whIte lace CO\er and d pI etty c1res"mg table hIde" the tlunk and aclds to the appea t ance of the room \ lon~ not vel) v\ Ide nllrror ma) be set 0\ er thl-, \ \ lth a locker, "ltppel chalf and "'mall table another attractIOn I" added to the apartment Rug Weaving in a Show Window. J Kennard & Son", furmtUl e and Cdlpet clealel' of St LOUIS, J\10, hay e been gn mg an exhIbItIon of rug wea\ mg Il1 one of thelf show wllldows and It was a deudedly Inter-estll1g a" well a" an educatIOnal ad vel tl"ement The appa-ratus and "killed opelatn e" nece",aly to COI1\ert raw wool 111tOfinhhcd lug" v. ere tbrought fn m \\ orce"ter. :'\L,,,,,, dnd dunn~ the week that the "hO\\ w"s on It Vva" "een by hun-dreds of thousands of people [he rug" were offered fOI "ale and \vere taken a" rapIdly as they could be ploduced at pnce" conSIderable hIgher than the figures place,l on the same good" carned m "tock Interested in Turpentine. o II L \Vernlcke, of the rl ed '\1ace\ com pam I" mterested \\Ith (Jthel capltahsts ot Grand RapIds, UI two turpentmc dl"tIlhng plants UI Pemacola, rIa Th:: company o\\ns large tract" ()f tll11bel and the bu,lI1es" IS plOfitable especlall) "0 at current pnces ------\ Lot" of u" never put off ttll tomorrov\ v\hat \\e Lan hdve done for us today -\..--------------------, /~_I --_. __ ... ~, Brilliancy, transparency, depth and durability of color are characteristic merit-points of They retain the tone and beauty of the wood--never give the muddy effect peculiar to pigment--colored fillers. If you have not used the improved Marietta Fillers you are not getting all that's coming to you. Marietta Fillers hold their parts in solution in the liquid. They work freely and dry perfectly in 24 hours. They pack well under the pad and fill perfectly. MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO., Marietta, Ohio MARIETTA FILLERS O:- Ir ---------------------------~- -- 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN New York Trade Notes and Personals. New York, Apnl 14-- The demand for furnIture contin-ues very good The mechum grade, are ~a1CI to he se11111~ the best, but there IS also a faIr mm ement 111 the hetter hnes The past few years of un<:;ettled hU<:;llle~'" conc!JtlOn", and hIgh cost of 11\1I1g has ~el I ed to accenttldte the pl1Ce mark of the cheaper grade<:; among a large proportIOn of the people Bus1l1e ,s 111a general II av 1<:;qUlte sa tbfactor \ In hoth wholesale and manufactunng hnes The threatened tIe-up of all the bU1ld1l1~ trade~ here has not occurred yet. but there 1<:;a pO"'<:;lblht) that a ma) come later There 1<:;a large amount of hul1d1l1~ planned to go forward thl<:; ) eal and the fur111tul e tl ade II 111 benefit matenal1y hy these operatlOn<:; J Levy and 111'; II Ife II ho fallec1 <:;ometlme ago 1lJ the retal1 furntture bU<:;1I1e<:;1s1a1e boug-ht out the ,tore ()1 I Goldberg, 191 Columhu<:; al enue. Drookl) n J D Dougla~ "ho I epre",enteJ the ~tla<:; ,I etal Bed stead company on the PacIfic Coast has taken up the Lng-lander box couch line The ne" Isaac ::\Ia<:;on fl11mture store II hlch ha <:;heen opened on ::\Iyrtlc a\ enue. BIC'okh n l~ a \ er \ Impo",1I1g structure Thev hal e al"o hlll1t a nell <:;teel ane! concrete - 'to \\ arehouse Bert Ford \"ho gal e up the Fore! S- Tohn<:;on Illle II III be represented hel e In B J 1 ea pIe, \\ ho II a <:;0ne of the officer" of the J\Ietropohtan ChaIr compam He II III he a<:;- slsted by Charles F Lehlman Phl1 rnedenbur~ 1<:;the nell salesman for the '\ ew England "tates, havlllg headquarters m Boston and New Haven Charle, J\IcLaughlm, I"ho has been ~e111l1gthe SImmons bed::, 111 l\ew York Clt), \\111 take \e\\ 101h '-tate dnd \ell England DavId J\fa~ch, late \\ Ith the SIegel-Cooper com pany wll1 take up the cIty trade Richards, Atk1l1son & Hasenck hal e retIred from the burlap busmess, whIch wtll be contmued by J E Kerr S-Co Frank Nagle who left the letal1 furntture bU~1I1e", of Whalen Bros, SmIth street. Brookl) n, IS now II lth II V Monahan, FIfth avenue. Brooklyn Frank Telford \\Tood<:;, formerl) 111 the 1I1tenol decor-a tlllg buslne"s at 2 East Thll t) -thnJ <:;treet 1<:;no\" II ah G A P. Burns of 355 FIfth avenue T Rothberg, assIstant to T r rra71er, head of the furn Iture department of the Fourteenth street <:;tore, IS 11011 m charge of the shlppmg department Aaron Shapiro, formerly salesman for Barnet Cantor ot Newark, 1'\ J, has opened a furlllture ~tore at 21 CentcI street, Orange, ~ J " ..._.. -------------_._-------,---_. BOYNTON &, CO. Manufaduren 01 Embolled and Turned Mould-in .... Embo ... ed and Spindle Caninaa. and Automatic TumiD ••. We also manu fadure a large hne 01 Embo .. ed Omamenta for Couch Work. SEND FOR 1256-1258 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILL. ~-_..----- -----_ -_ .. .,... --. -.-. ----.-- .. .--------_. .------------~ I THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. j CHICAGO This is one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chaIrs are found III all the leadlllg Hotels m the country. The line includes a very complete assort-ment of chaIrs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dilling Room ftll1l1ture, Reed and Rat tan furniture, Special Order furni-ture, etc. A complete line of sam-ple. are displayed m The Ford 8 Johnson Bu,ldml!. 1433-37 Wabash Aye .• m-c1odml! a display of Hotel Furniture. All furmture dealers are cordtally tnvited to visit our building. I~ - -----------._------_._----....~.I. The Sel\l~ compan) of Braadwa), ?\ewburg, N L, II III bur1d a model n ,;tOI e bl11lc1mg for theIr retad furlllture bl1~l11e,," Geor~e J Carter, bUyer for the upholstery department of Stel n Bra", h now at the head of the same department for J01111\\ anamakel, succeeJmg R Aldnch C F Vogel & Co , have mm ed thelr office from 200 East rJ II enty-sel enth street to 218 Ea"t Thlrt)-se\ enth street Lawrence & Lee, manufacturers of plate glass and mn-ron. ha\e mcolpOl ated, WIth a capItal of $12.000 E. Law-rence, "Morgan, K J , Charlotte E Lee and Amos H. Step-hens of Xew York are the ",tockholc1ers The Huc1<:;on :.'Ifetal Bed company, wholesalers, WIll al- "'0 Ilandle the hanc1some Ime of chamber furlllture made by ::\f el nam. Hall S- Ca , and the BeldIng-Hall refngeratol s The -" ~ _ -..8----_----------.------------- III I I I I I I ! I III I .~ ..............--"" FOX SAW DADO HEADS SMOOTHEST GROOVES FASTEST CUT LEAST POWER LONGEST LIFE GREATEST RANGE QUICKEST ADJUSTMENT LEAST TROUBLE PERFECT SAFETY Also Machine KnlveJ. Miter Machines. Etc. We'll Illadly tell YOU all about It. PERMANENT ECONOMY FOX MACHINE. CO. 185 N. Front Street. Grand Rapid •• Mlch ~ ••• ._~ __ ••• _ •• _ •••• _a __ a •••• _ •• • __ ._~ WEEKLY ARTISAN 15 ------- .--- -- - - --------------- ----- ----------------------1 GLOBE VISE and TRUCK CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Don't you want the BEST bench that was ever offered for the price, $12.00 (SubJect to discount) This bench IS 34 inches high, 6 feet, 3 inches long-front J 5 inches; made of thoroughly kIln-dried hard maple strips glued together, 2% inches thick. The balance-I 3 inches is soft wood. Can ship on receipt of order. ._--------------------- . - - --- .- - - - .- ---._----------------_. ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - .-- -- - - '"I '" arerooms are at 213 Canal "treet Herman Stark wIll con tmue to scll the BelJmg-Hall regllgerator" m th eeast \V K Jordan, formerly '" lth hsac Mason, b now wIth the O'T'\"el1l FurmtUlc company, at thClr new store at Halsey 'Street and Broadway, Brooklyn OlIver BIO'S, who have a large metal bed factory at Lockport, 1\ Y, are enlargll1g theIr bmldmg m 01 der to keep up wIth theIr mcreasmg bU'ime'is AleAander LanRel formerly wIth Henry Guttlman, IS now 'Salesman for thl;, CIty, wIth Charle'S VOlt The Royal l\Ietal FurnIture com pan) , who make a large lIne of bra,os and Iron bed'i, have put on the market a new safety sIde Iron cnb, wlllch IS takmg well wIth the trade Isaac :\lay IS the ;,upenntendent The Portland Mattre,o'3 company of Brooklyn, are rushed wIth order'3 They have been m bu'Smess two year'i and wIll have to enlarge the plant J \N Mason & Co, 436 Pearl street are makmg a spec- Ialty of lodge and parlor furnIture and chaIrs The P ;l.lahoney company has bee'n mcorporated to manufacture rattan furlllture and wIllowware, WIth a capI-tal of $10,000, promoted hy \\ I1lIam D Saunders of the Bronx, H D MOIr of Brooklyn, J C Bnll of Elenhurst The Myrtle Beddmg compan) oi Brooklyn have ,111' corporated WIth a capItal of $5,000, to manufacture beds and bedding, Hand M Feldman and H Frank are the in-corpora tors The DlamonJ Fabnc company, 586 Wa'3hmgton street, have put out a new wIre mattres,o, the stram of whIch IS even at all pomts It IS reasonable m pnce, does not sag or hump and IS sellIng well R R Henderson, who represents III thIS CIty, Boden-stem & Kuemmerle of Phl1adelphla and the New York Me-tallIc Bedstead company was marned I ecently to MISS Estes of Atlanta, Ga The Frankllll Dcsk facto! y ha vmg ;,aleslOoms WIth the K ew York Sample lurmture company have moved from 152 East Twenty-thlr,l '3treet to 46 East TwentIeth street. Joe MIchaels of Blooklyn wl11 bUIld a furlllture store eIght stones III heIght, of concrete con'StructlOn, fire-proof and 75 x 100 feet 111 ~I/e, at \\ arren and SmIth streets He proposes to have the largest furnIture store III Drooklyn and '" 111also have a large warehouse besIdes Brunswick-Balke-Collender Refrigerators. The WIckes Refngelator company of Elkhart, Ind, has been II1corporated, capItalIzed at $50,000 The dIrectors are B D Houseworth, Joseph Maurer and L D Hall All are resIdents of that CIty, l\1r .l\.Iaurer bell1g the supenntendent and Mr Hall the secretary and attorney Interested parties state that the style of the ll1corporatlOn does not change the fact that the company is backed and financed by the Brunswlck-Dalke-Collender company of ChIcago, but that the state law of IndIana reqUIres that the incorporators of a company shall resIde m the state Circumstances 0\ er which we have no control frequently take the form of wIves. •••••••••••• -• -a.a .-•••.•••-•• ._-----._--•••-•• ------_-_• .___ --------- - . ~ MUSKEGON, MICH. MOON DESK COMPANY DESKS OF MERIT ~----------..-..... ------------ .. ----------- -----.----------.------------------..-.4...... 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~UIILISHEO EVERY SATURDAY .Y THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSC/lI"TION $1 eo ",,/I YEA/I ANVWHER" IN THE UNITED STATES OTHE/I COUNT"'ES $200 "ER VEAl'!. SINGLE CO"'ES SCENTS PU.LICATION OFFICE, I08-11Z NO"TH DIVISION ST. GI'!ANO RAP> OS. MICH, A S WHITE, MANAGING EOITOl'! Entered as lecond class matter, July 5, 1909, at the post office at Grand RapIds, MIchIgan under the act of March 3 1879 CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVE: E LEVY \iVhatn er may be thought or "ald of the co operat!\ e plan of buymg, the J\lmnesota Retal1 LUlnJtUle Dealcl" ae,,,ouaUon hay e SUlel) ShO",11 then memhel" hO\\ to melt m,lll 01 clu competltlOn fhelr artlcle and lllu"t1atlOn" 111 thh ml111ber of the \\ ee1dy ~rtlsan 1;" CCltamh \\ OJ th llUn\ tllnc, the subscnptlOn pnce ot the papel and many time" the ,ll1l1U,t! expensc of mamta1l1mg membcI ",hIp m the a"'''OU.ltlOn } \ el \ dealer whether a membel of an as"ouatlO11 01 not h bunG; benefitted b) the \\ork of the \11l1l1e"ot,l a" ...ouatwll \m dealer \\ ho I... bothel ed 1)\ mdrl ur del c0l11petltl0n (all )0 Uluch to dl1\ e It out of hIS ten !tOI \ b\ a( tllJg 011 the "u~ ge;.,tlOn" offel ed by the \1ll111e..o. ta a t1011 Ih ( de,llu \\ ho douhh the effectl\ elles;., ot the \f 1111(1,(,ta pLlll "hml1cl OJ cler a few e),tra copIes of the \ \ eekh \1 tban OJ "Ol11e of the bulletl1l'" lssued b) the a'i"Ouatwll dnd 1J"tr 1hute thell1 among fOllnel cu"t0l11e1" \\ho ale lHJ\\ kn()\\n to l)e P\\I()l1 1Z111gthe maIl OJ del h011"e" It the pla11 "U~g."tl(l I~ nr)) fea"lble, the nuttel ma) he 11...edl1l !c'L.l1 achuth,l1lcnt~ \ Jlh tellm<; effect rOJ m"tancl the al tIde m the ::\fll111e"rJl.l dl partment thh \\ eek, If "'11h"tanUall) llp1 ()(111LlelIn el11\ dc,d el " local papel \\ 0111cl'iUIeh mt1uenLl the mail (ll JLl P ltl (111" and cony mLe them that thl\ Lan get 11101( tor thU11 llwnL \ at home than b) 'iendmg It to "t!an~u" 11l thL la1-.,( tltlC" Ihe first sentence m thl" pelrdgTaph l'i not 1l1,emlul t 11 Itl uze or condemn the co-opelat1\ e bu) 111<;plan u-ul 1)\ t IL :\Tmne')ota elssoclatJon TI1dt plan ma\ not be pe1tec+ thuL md\ be ...cnous defecb 111It and the pnnclple ma, l)e oblec tlOnabll, but It hel'i cel td111h becn "uc(e~ ...lul 111p1( \ 1n~ lh,lt b) co operatlUn deelle1'i 1n "mall utle" and \ dla"':t~ Lall meet mall orJel competJtJOn \\ lthout aLtULt! In," t them'\! sehe" and actually gl\e thon patlon" bettu \alu.'- th,m L,n he ohtamed f01 the "'ame amount ot mone\ ~ent tel cdta]u..:uc hem ,e'i \nothe1 al tIde III th1" edltlOn ot thL II eekh '\1 tj"dll that may be u"ed to advantage b, fur111ture clealer" I" the de"cnptJon of final proLeed111g" aga111st a firm that 1101 ked a clubbmg ,,\\ melle m }Tlh\ aukee fhe method- of the Ifd waukee bankrupt, \v el e ;"lmI1ar to tho"e u'ieel In a conCCI n that blOUl.;ht gnef to man) people m the \ IC1l11h Clt Pro- \ Idence, R I. a fe" \\ eek;., ago and another that operatcd 111 C111c111natI and Lm lllgton la'it fall The !ldcle ol maJ1\ dealer, IS m]ured b) the club, pn7~ and 1'1 em1um "chemer" who shDuld be expoe,ed and pUlll'ihecl ~nd the tJme to cx-pose them I, when the) hC'g111 not elfter they ha\. ~athered then han est, clo'lecl thell dooor'- dn,1 Q,"(JllLllnt(J lJdllkI uptcy \ oluntanIy 1he dealer \\ ho \\ III enllghten hI' p,lt!CJn" on the hl"tory of the ProVIdence ClllClll11dtl ,ll1d :\Ilh\aukee (a~e'l j'-, not 1Jkeh tn hay e h1'o field lll\aded hy '3uch sWlllcl-leh rl en thL "oap dub" Lan not floUllsh 111 the 1Jght of j'uhl1ut \ l n J Ia 1111It01J head of the pubhut) department of the 1\0Ike\ 6.. (,a\ Tur111tu1e compan), 'itated lecently that ,,( d1l (h a (1a \ pa "'"c:" w hen the department IS not called U]JOIl tl) I'll teLt the pubhc from Impo",ltJon on the part of Ull~L1Upul( \1" dt,tlel" Lettel'" from cal eful buyers asklllg It t!lh 01 that let,111 hou"e handles Berkey & Gay goods enable" thL c(Jl1lpaJ1\ to dllelt the enCjUlrel'i to the retaIler') the\ "eek l n '.u Upulou " elealer", often represent 1l1fenor p1CLL" a" ha\ 111~been made In the Berkey & Gay company, \\ hen 111taLL "uch deale! " hel\ e not a pIece of Berkey & Gay tUlnllUle on thul f]C'Ol" For thIS 1ea"on the company dc!olJted a tl acle mal k and are expend111g many thou'iands of dollar" ann\1alh 111acquamtlllg the pub!Jc \\ Ith the same Hetal1e1" Lllgd~ed 111the 'iale of hl1111ture in the vanous utle" ot "outhu n la!Jfnr111a alc endea\ onng to ecIucate the peopll as to the dlfferen~e between good anel cheap furnl-tUl e It h ...ald b\ pel ;.,on, VI ell 111formed that many fine, llhth home" al <:: "hlbb11) fUllll.ohed 'stocks 111 man) of the "tOle" Inc!Jeatt thdt the pelcelltage of good fUlnlture ;.,olel to thc peoplc I~ out 01 ploportlOn to theIr wealth It the U)mmel ual bodle" of the ClllteJ Stelte'i could be 1l1ducec1 to take 111'and p11;.,h to le~I"latlve enactment hy the "c:\ el al ...rate" the plan ot J H Kentnor of the SmIth & DaVIS \Ll11ulaLtlllll1£; COmpalT\ L,t ~t 10Ul" fOJ nnpO'i111g "e\ ere }'Lllalt1L" Up)Jl pel "rm" founel l;1111t) of mak111g fab~ C0111- 111Cl ual "'UtUlJcnt" lm the purpD"C of obta111111<;crecht, a ~Ilat ,ll1d gr 0\\ mg L\ 11 111 the ll11111tme traele 'AcmIJ he gre.l th mCJCld1,-d If not en tl1 eh aboh shed l ('llJjJLl1llt" lu \ Ill~ bLLn mack 11\ the nlelllufdcturer'i of "'t I )U1~ ,1-;cl111"tt]1()"L o[ L\ an", 111" 1n the c1atl11g of bIlls, the LlttU ])1 lllJpth l hallgdl thell ") ...tun to confOlm to that ol "'t f Ol11" I hL 111all u [alturu ~ of [~\ an,,\ dIe e\ er stanel 1each to (0 ( peLl tL v\ 1th (,thch 111 the tl dde for the pro IlJCJt!"n oj cln\ 111tl\L11lUlt elL"lgnL 1 to p10l11ote the \\ eHare of thL lllcIu \ ()llL f1" 1 ,,[ thL ~1L,lt Hdmbl11ger stOl e 111Lo" \ngeleo 1... dL\oted to the "ale Df hll111tu1e Lpon U1l ... Hom a large and helnc1""111LlJl111galO\\, con'itl ucteel a, ,-uh"tallt1all) a" 1£ 1l \ (1 c 1lltLlle!Ld fm aLtual u"e dncI Lompletel) fUl111"hec1, "11 \ c" to 111"L1ULt \ h1tm'" 111 the art of harm01110U'3 home dLU 1at1on '1l lLih "peak111g the l111p1re 1'i not a 1 rench "t) l~ It" teaL\11L" II cre c r (,leek and Roman ong111, but It \\as "ucces'O-lulh adapted t) meet the taste'i of t11e I rench b) the artht Da\ 'd dunng the era of the fir,t '\apoleon Da\lcl's plaLe 111 the art fur111ture \\ 0] Id I" a'i 'iecure d'i that of Sheraton \I lth all thL be"t hne'3 of fur111tule 'ieLl11ely "tIed up' lor a telm ot \ ear'i 111 \[ ew York ancl PhIladelphla, the \\ ,ll1amelkel management naturally I" cIbpo;.,ecI to enql11re, of II hom \\ 111Ua1k Brockway obta111 the stocks he w111 need to! the (,lmbe1 "tOle' It h prc"umLcI that \\hen the fall ,ea')on of trade open" e\ u \ m<1n 111 thL l mtee! Steltcs WIll ha\ t purcha;.,ed a" Il1dny ,ltltomobtle, ,h he mel) need an,1 that he 'AlII be prepared to pllr Lha "e a tn\ el]llc1e'i of furmture WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 FOREIGN TRADE MAKING A RECORD More Thun Half of the Imports AI·e Classed as Manufacturers' ~Iat('rials. 1he forel~n C0111mece ot the ll11ted '-,tate" pH ml"e" to make It hlghe~t recOld 111 the fi<cal \eal \~hlch end" Ie'i' than 90 da}" hence Thp fi~Gl1 },dr a" Ie, \I ell kno,~n, CL d" wIth the month of June, an 1 the eIght months of that fi'ical year for vvll1ch the bureau of sta'I'itlCs C't the Def':lrtment of Commelee and Lah01 has now a\adable fig-ure" "hO\\, a la rger aggl cgate of Imports and c, ports than 111 the carre 'ipondll1g penod of an} earller} car of our f01 elgn commerce The Import, fOl the eIght 1110nth'i enc1ll1g wlth rehrual) amounted 111\alue to 8;1,021317,090, aga111"t $)32734,8;9 IJ1 the eH;ht months end111g \\Ith rcbruarj 1907, the former hIgh recOId \ear for 1111pOlh The e,port'i fOJ the eIght months are $1,20'),248,899. agalmt $1,356847,583 III the same month" of the hIgh record) ear fOl e,ports 1908 The Imports fOI the pellCJd 111questIOn I' el e la 1 ger than tho"e of an) llke penod III earller } edr", \lIhlle the ex] 01ts are sllghtl) Ie"~ than tho-e of the cone"ponJ111:'; el:.;ht months of 1908 and 1907 1he ag g-ru;ate of Import'i all c! e'()J ell b for the eIght month'i 111 questlOll I" $2 230 ;6~,C)89, a~dl11~t $2,221,949,/30 111 the eIght month'i ()f 1907, the fondel 111:.;hlecOld ) ear for a~gre-gate of Import" and e,ports The dedme 111 eAport" compcllln~ the elg1t month'i of 1910 \\ Ith the con e"pond111g pellod" of 1908 and 1907,occllrs dl1efly 111 food"tnff" ['Ie/,Ll "blfr" exporteJ 111 the elf;ht month'i of 1910 amount cd 111\ alne to 1111t10) ml111ol1 jolla1 'i, ag-a111"t 1(/) nlllllOn In the conr>opol1r1lllg pelloc! of 10)8, and meat and clan \ prodnct'i to hut 01 11111110ndollar", ac;all1'it 133 Jdl1!lOn--.of 1<),)8 !ooc!,t'1f1", thn" f01mlJlg a "ma11er ,hale of the totdl eAport-, ot If)} 0 th an f )I,11erl\ and manufactu 1eo ,1 Lugel percentage, the "halc \lhlLh manufacturel", f'1111ed of thc c"pllrb f01 thc Ll~l]t llJonth" In CjuLqlOn hdn~ -!-1 pel L\ nt d~aln"t 37 pel Lent 111 the C()!fc--.P( nc1ln£; mouth" 111 1C;C\ \\ll1Ie for the ",1I1f;"1Lm nth of rehnlcl!) 1CJI0 manufdc turL" actuall} f[)Jt11ec!01 er one ktlf of the tOLal e""l)0 t'i, the aetnal "hare llLlI1c; SO94 per cent of t'1e tOtd1 cAj)orh foocl- 'ituff" fCJ1m1l1g1mt 22 S; pel ccnt, and crucIe I1ldtenal" f lr uoe 111 n, an uf lct t11111£;26 09 In lmjlOlh thL \Lal " lecold th'h fal c,C(eel::, tlat fOl an} edrller } car, he1l1g f()) the eJ~ht month'i 111 que"tJon S1 021.- 317,OCJO,of \\ 1IIch S~()2.()27,02~ \\ a" matenal fo' me 111 manu-factunng, 373 nl1lhe 11>of th1" tot,d bung- elude t11dtUldl, and 18() 1111111"n':>palt1y mallufdctured n,atulal fOl further 11'ie 111 111dnufa('tunn~ '1 he percenta~e \,hlCh manufacturer, IJla-tenal'i tonned of the Impol t" I" large I than e\ e1 bet ore ]n1l1g ;~ per ceut 111 the el~ht month" end1ng \11th lebrual} 1910, agal11'it ;2 per cent for 1()0f),1007, anJ 1903 anc1 SO 1)e cent 111 190'5 and 1°0S f11e 'illarc of the manufacturer,,' 1l1atellal" entenng flee of clut} 'l,lS 111 the 1910 penod 6;; per unt, agd111",t 64 pe lent 111the --.ame months of la"t } ell! New Occupants. \Tallager ROil 1ette 1I1foll1" the \rthan th2t nedJl} all "pace 111 the turn1ture F,c11dnge, Cldnd Rapld'i. nOI\ 111 pro-g1 e"" of reht111e11l1g, ha" been taken Se\ elal nc\\ tenanh among \\hrm are the Pah,1e \fanL1Llctul111l.; Cl mpdn} of De-trOIt, hay e "Ig-ned contlaLh The 1)t1l1d111~\\1111he ready for ocCUpanL\ ead, 1l! June Touring the Southw('~t. DaVlcl E LThl e r tile Cland l~dPICh [dnll fU1111tnre company, l'i tounng the trade centel" of the 'iouth", e'it ~------------------------ ---------------------j LEXINGTON HOTEL I 500 Rooms. :II II I II I III Michigan Boulevard and 22nd Street. EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. ..~-- ...,'''''' New Cafes. New Grill Room. Offices and Rooms Redecorated. Absolutely Fire Proof. "YOU WILL LIKE THE LEXINGTON:' I II J E MONTROSE l p HORACE WIGGINS, I CHARLES McHUGH I ropnetors. ASSistant Mgr. I Also operatmg I' L._~Hotel Montrose, Cedar RapI-ds-, la, Rock Island Hou~se, _Ro_c~k I~sla~nd. III I • 0U :r: u 'of) i ..~... ~... ~ "="' ~0 ..... 1...:1 U Q • c.! ~ rfJ :> =' ~ 0 flit '" 'C) ~ «> «S s 'C) ia ~ l:l. 0 ~ M Z ~ 0 C) "" ~ ..... .0. $.c e l./.'.). 0 ~ ...... .... ~ ~ 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN TRUCK TALKS Might not convince you without evidence. But compare a wagon to our truck, note the similarity of construction fea-tures-- No box bearings; nothing to easily break or get out of order; extra large center wheels, revolving on taper turned axles; wide treads; special first-class cast-ings. Grand Rapids Trucks are first, last and all the time the safest in construction, and positively the best. No. 15 Catalog Shows Them. Grand Rapids Hand 618 North Front St. Screw Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Hints on Furnishing Summer Rooms. If your rooms are to be redecO! ated thIS ..,pnng thel e are many thmgs that should be taken I11tO con"lderatlOn whIch are too often neglected 1£} au can affO! d to turn the refurmshmg mer to a profeSSIOnal decorator "nch mattel s a~ light, exposure, and color schemes \\ 111 be treated from an artIstic and "clentlfic standpol11t As the maJonty of gIrls make theIr m\ n selectIons the} "hould inform themselv es on these pomts, that results may be more artistic and hygIenIC If the rooms open out of one another the} should not have different color schemes or the effect will be ugly If you do not like decoratl11g an entIre floor 111(hfferent tones of one color. as IS now popular, have only 'two colors 111har-monIOus tones For upper rooms the present fashIon of hay I11g the pa pers of each room 111 the same neutral tone ",Ith col()red borders IS good Soft gray, pale tan or t", o-toneel stnped whIte or cream papers are preferred for the foundatIOn In the small house It IS a great advantage to have the calm scheme m one key, as It adds to the apparent Sl7e of rooms If a roem IS rathel low and dark a good \\ a) to gl\ e a hghter effect IS to carry the paper to wlthm b\ a feet of the top and ha \ e border and cel1111g of v, hlte Thl s canopy tOj IS not particularly fashlOnabl(O, but It makes a dlfferenc(O m the lIghtne"s of a room If heIght IS a con"lderatlOn rather than ltg-ht, run the the paper to the celhng and fimsh WIth a narrovv pIcture ralhng Stnped paper I11creases the apparent heIght of a room, but If the proportIOns are small the stnpes should not be broad, and preferably one-toned 111 glazed and ungla7ed effects Exposure of a room and t'he number of Wl11do\\s 5houle! al,o be regarc1ec1 111 furm.,hlng The room, facmg south "-houlJ ha\ e a cool neutral tmt, wlllch tho.,e toward the north ~houl'l be gl\ en Jihe appealance of .,unhght \'lth warm, cheer-ful paper., that do not ab.,orb hght Hall" that ha \ e no \\ 1I1c1ows 5hould be kept ltght, despIte the fashIOn at the moment 1£ one can afford wooden rafter and panehng, notlhmg IS more effectIVe, but do not attempt to SImulate thIS effect WIth dIfferent colored dallas These \V ere formerly I ecommended to keep the lower part of the paper clean, but they are far from styltsh Tan I" a good paper for a hall e'(cept when It IS very clark. "hen yellow sihould be chosen Blue should be used sparlngl}, as It has too cold an appearance for most halls. Recl IS an as"el tn e color. but IS dmgy at I1Ight and needs hIgh IllummatlOn In hall or hbrary It IS apt to ab"orb artl-fieal hght. and IS nn er restful Some ph} SIClans conSIder red had fOl the nen e"- and mterest1l1g expe11ments have been made to sho\\ that It should not be used 111ltvmg rooms GI een IS alwa} s restful, but care should he taken that It I, a tone that reflects hght -J he blue greens are ah"ays dark, thougth consldereJ mOl e styll"h than those WIth a tl11ge of } ellow or gray In puttmg gl een on a dark rcom a hght paper should be used 0n the cedll1g to gn c a ref1ectlOn on the somewhat ~ombre SIdes For the same reaSlJn whIte pamt IS a softener \\ here a hou:oe IS to be Colomal 111 It'-, furl11-lhll1g noth- 1I1g equals" hlte pamt It goe" well wlth 11JO"t papers, but need" care and frequent renewmg, an ObjectlOn where econ-om} 111ust be consldeled Yello~ pme tnmm1l1gs and base-boarJs. \\ hlch are found m many rented house,;, when given "-C\ eral coat,; of whIte pamt, \\ ItJh a fim"hmg coat of enamel tor eaS) c1ealllng, are vastly Improved Dark oak, Flenllsh or Enghsh, looks \\,11 WIth red and ., WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 blue papers, whl1e "Ith mahogany, yellow, gray, tans or browns are styhsh A plam paper of neutral tint forms the best background for pictures, a warm medIUm gray and a hght ecru being ad-mirable Just now gray IS m high favor, either in plain sur-faces or in self-toned stnpes. Flowered designs are '3t111 much used, but should be chosen With discretIOn, If one cannot afford to paper often In a bedroom, particularly they are hable to grow tiresome The same apphes to large and dlstmct conventional figures, whether m sharp contrast or self-toned effects. CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood working tools, you had better give us your address and have us tell you all about them. We make nothing but Quality tools, the first cost of which is considerable, but which will make more profit for each dollar invested than any of the cheap machines flood-ing the country. " Tempers " Cost "OLIVER" No. 16. Band Saw 36 'nches. Made WIth or wlthoul molor dnve Melal lable 36"x30" WIll take 18" under Ih e gUlde-blls 45 deKleell one way and 7 degree. Ihe other way Car-riel a .. W up to 1~ll WIde. Oulllde heanng 10 lower wheel shsft when not motor dnven WeIghs 1800 lb, when ready 10 shIp Oliver Tools Save Labor " TIme "Oliver" New Variety Saw Table No. 11 WIll take a saw up 10 20" "'ameler Arbor hell IS 6" WIde Send for Catalog "B" for data on Hand Jointers, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders, Tenoners, Mortisers, Trimmers, Grinders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Works and General Offices at 1 to 51 Clancy St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., U. S. A. BRANCH OFFICES-OlIver MachInery Co, Hudson Tenmnal, 50 Church St, New York, OlIver Maclunery Co, F"'ll National Bank BuIldIng, ChIcago, 111, OlIver MachInery Co • Pacrfic BuIldIng, Seattle, Wash. OLver Maclunery Co , 20 J -203 Dean,gate, Manchester. Eng \Vhl1e gl1t mixture papers which represent tapestry or brocades and the exqUIsite fabric Imported papers are desira-ble, choose somethmg cheaper If their cost mean" being kept On for years lit is unh) gienic not to paper often, and with the sooty atmosphere of Cities tihe paper soon looks soiled Morris Resigns. l\Ir. l\Iorris for sixteen years supenntendent of the Ford & Johnson factories, at Michigan City, Iud, has resigned and will enjoy a seaison of rest before seeking other employ-p--------_._----_._-----------.------_ .. ------m-e-n-t-. -.-.---.---------~----------. ----------------_._---- -- .. .. .- .....-_.------_._---_._-------- --_._. --_._--_.--_._----- - .. ..----- ..... ..•. aT T •••• aTe_a •••• _. __ ~ ~ Lentz Big Six No. 694, 48 in. top. No. 687, 60 in. top. Others 54 in. top. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAh ....- _. .. -- 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN Minnesota Retail Dealers' Furniture Association OrFICERS-Presld.nt J P I d,lor Lake Benton '{lnn Vlce PresIdent D R Thompson RockIord, :lllIIn , 1 reasurer B A Schoencben;er Perham Mmn Secretary W L Grapp Jane<;v1l1e Mmtl EXECU I IVF COMlVlITTEE -Chamnan Geo Klem, Mankato MUIIl a SImons, Glencoe, MlIln W L Harns \1mneapolls MInn l C Danielson Cannon ralls BULLETIN No. 106. Mail Order Leaders and SOIueof Their Overdrawing. 1he e " ~011lttll1J1-'; of the l1\e "l1e "Olt do'nl.; e,ll\ mlllute 111the cdtal)~ lw11,e, ] t It h11 t OJ1Ct11111-';11 h d11 other II e l11,e e"])(heL! ~e,eLtl ); the11 ule,-L1ldll11 pIC 11le" and tin" al tldc h \lllttC11 tor the pm pehe oj c"p ''''11g Ihc 0, er drall 111g01 the ChilLI do eh I'll hclhh thc, hel c n, leI been caught u11t1l qUltc I el enth 101 the "allle I e2 ~on thc fellow v\ a" ne\ el c'lught 111a he-thev al e out ot one "U1pme Into another "0 fa"t that t11e\ can t he caught, el, ea"l!, But the ugh thd do ~ lit ,Il Ik I'htll the, get ,teluee1 tIll \ do not ad on the I111pu1,e (1t the 11W111ent l' el, th11L., 1- celrefully planned and UllhlllC1ed helO1 t the, llake el 111( Ie 1he men " ho go ta,t and tdl al C t'1O,e II ho lllal,e 11 a plnJ11 to go ,,101\ :\ otlce hOl' ca I et11lh ""ant to call \ OUI atte11tll n OIer,lla""n \ute caldulh thel Cl](,("e then leadel" lie to the \, ell th h C11III ad, ,e t l' hm, letlge tIlL' etlelll the trl nt 1111, 1S l11 (hllI1-111~ CUI ,h(l\\l11- thl Chill I do,et 11l Ib tlllL pI JUI tJ 111 Il(! h {lllllhhu! t(l (lm ml nhl1" I I 2JC \\ e fl1l111,h the lInn I df'll tor $12,00. the clltJdc" thenhehc" \\111 bung' home the lesson so that It II 111not he t01~otten II e fine! that human nature IS so COll"tltlltccI th'lt 1\ e cIo not tmst a firm or an mcIn IcIual who h,l' once been l aught U"lng- que<,tlOnable methocIs At least thett "!1Uuld be the 1ule Then Ie ok elt thIS bookca"e '1 he man who planned thIS \Ia" llot h01n \e<,telda) He Ju"t Vlent ahead and saId noth- 111gand thIS 1" the lesnlt The men who are dOIng- most In the II m Ie! d.Ie not tollOl\ me; bra"s bands or finn£S cannon e, el I tIme the, ,e ore ,I bnllse) e Of course, thI" man'" abll- 11\ undd lM\ e ber'n much hetiCI emplo) ed but that doe" llot altel the tact that the mall orclel hotl,;e" are managed by men or lJ1am, In makmg,' thIS bookcase, 111ch boards were l1,ed to make the II111tatlOn claw feet The glass IS made to l1111t2te lcaded gLI'" 1\ hoe\ er S3.W a bookcase Illustrated a" the"L cllC II hen leaded gla"-s VIas not used) :everybody Thl' I' 1 Il pI dill ttOll ol tlll lhml cl ,-Lt l' ,1011 II 111 \[(11tgo Hen \\ lid, Clld(_ 1-11t It l pedch ot 1l1clll\\ll1_ lhl\ lell IIIl lll\111~ I tIll ho I 11\ It 11 111 the Olll II l _ t J !11" 10 \0 ,172 clllll,t c!o,et Whlcll 1" a PIL!tll e ot the one "ell t to our fnelld II ho 01del ed It tor us "ou c nnot m,ke ,t CdmCta lIe dnd II l h tV e u-ecl thc hu"ht cIS a compan ",n .\ dllll'l lloset of tl1l" e 'Cact de sIgn m Ide 111 Rockton! funw-hed our munber, for $1200 door g,'la~,; h It an) ,\ one!rr that ,I U)J1"n111e' thInk" he C,l!1 e!o betiel h\ ,tl1e!111g' ell\ a\ II he 1 le c01npart> U11" pIC ttl2 II Ith v\ hat the al tlclc Je,tlh b and 'll11ch \ eu naturally ,ho\\ hl111J ] l1e de,;cnvtlOn underneath thh c!l1nel cle ,et 1" ,dcn tlcal \\ Ith the arttcle I (CPI\ ed II e hehc\ e t h onh t11 II 0' eldla,\111g- thc,;e pIcture,; that the' 111ducc the Um,al\ to sencl then monel aIVel) \ot onh tlut hut t 'LV cut ~'H the httle fll11" ,\hele\ el tll' \ Lan h\ leallng the un In2,' Ou the hottom of the c!lllM c!o,;et 1 he\ hay e ,d,e, lett tIlt can lllg- off the chcap h ol~ca:oe It seem"- to 1b that 11 dIn one ha" to "toop to the" p "c-tlce" to get hus111e's It OU2,'llt t'l hel\ e Ih eftect upLn tIle con"-umer \vho 1" u,;nal1) hone,;t If thI" h not an 0pf0rtu111tv to eh1\ e homc a lc""on, tile ( nevel \\as one Ilut remember It I" cnt11ch l1"dt"" llnle" you u"e It Do nc t dep.cnd llP, n plCtllll" cllolle "ut thc artIcle on your nOOl" so that, uu Ccln g1\ e d P elctlcal demon ,;tratlOll. Yon wIl1.fincl that von I, I1l not het\ e to t,tlk 111UL11 k 1On" that leaeled gla""- I" \ el y expen"lVe "0 thev £S1\e tl1e L 111,11on"and etchmg glch" the 111ul1-,,0I1nd111gn,'ame of "Queen \nne gla,~ \\hICh has an::,,\ered Ih purpose vvell IVe knOll ot h\o (f our custo111eI'- ,\ho thou£sht they ""ere g-et-t111g leadecl glas" III the cloor of the bookca"e they ordered rl1~ can 1J1~ at the top I" Ju,-t 1\ hat vIdl al-,pLaI to 111lddle la,,, tl ade II e cIo not ad\ ocate mad order 111ethod" by any 1l1elJh hut ,\e tll~e our members to put out a few leader", a, tht' cIo ~peL al "elle" ancI "peclell lea,ler" have become a tI'\.ecI telLlllr 111 up to-dette hu"me"" If all our 111embers WIll u"e d' 11111Lllthou~ht and fore~lght 111 prepanng leaders as the 111cll1 01eJeI hOll,e" do the\ \\111 find then bu~mes" Im- 1'101 cel I, onelel tulh II e ,lie 111eetmg- and beat111g thl" catalog competltlOn aId nOI\ h'lI e \ en Itttle to fear hom It nut that IS no j (cl'On II 11\ ,I t ,11011ld "top and I c"t ThI" I" Ju~t the tIme t(, ~tt bu'-\ \I ( elle at the "tage of the game where Itttle tlnn+?;, LO\111t, dltllo they ah\av" count fOl more or Ie,,, WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 1bh IS tbe ,td, Ll tl,m" cut ,how mg thc c.lse m ItS tl ue propOl tlOns ,mu showl11g It In pldlll odk msteac1 of qllaltcl ed 0.11. as l11uStLltcd III MOlltgomcry \Vard, eat.llog N" otc th It they 11cl\ e leU the e"l \ 111" oft the doOl ,md note thc 0\ el cll lv.lng or the I()\\ er p,rt of tile bookc'lSe 1hb 10 from the photogl.lph of the bookc.lse reccn eu by one of Oul mcmbel s, ,bow, tbe bookcase .1, It 1 ( Jly IS Fnrl11shcd to om mcm-bcr, for $6.98 m plam g!cIS' and $7.48 m ctched glass ThIS cnt IS .1 reploductlOn of tbe bookcase 11l11stldted IT! ]\lontgomery \Vard s cat dog \\blch cel tallllv ,haws up" as though It was quar tCIed oak whJ1e the one \vc got was phlll oak Tiley also left tbe bot tum e.ln lllg off from thc onc we got Son,etll11e" one httle 111C1dent \\ III make 01 \vrcck a bUS111CSS \ \ ery ,mall e\ ent wdl sometIme" change thc mental attltuetc and "et the m111d n1l1111l1~m new channel" 'Th111k naught a tnfle, tho It "mall appear, Small sand, the m0l1l1tams, moments make the j ear, And tllfles, bfe" It hll't ,0 mu~h how hard you \Vork as how you go about 1t fhe man who \\ork" harrle"t l"n't ah\avs the one who accompb"he" the most But wIth these 1Ilu"tratlOns here Ibetore yau, vou don't need to work hard L\ erj thmg 1S already done for yOU Jmt place the"e lllustl atlon" be-f01 c your customcr" \\ lth a few comeni'. of y Oul 0\\ 11 Or you do not even need to do that- \\e abo fUll11sh the wnte-ups If v\ e have aheady "ucceeded so well, Just lmagme \vhat the result "auld he If e\ en dealer \\ auld do h1s part m expOS1l1g these pi actlce" All j au need to cJo 1S to sug-gest the Idea, to your patrons ~ fnend of our- set up a trelh" for a "maIl V1ne on hIS lawn After putt111g 1t 111 place, hc took some of the tendnls and enmeshed them m "uch a \'vay as to gn e them a deslred cIJreLtwn Nature dId the rest J n the same way, yOU can chrect the human l1lmd so that It w111 follow any tram of thought Learn to concentrate your thoughb upon one sub lect at a time and, Jl1st at p1 esent, let that subJcct be the ma1l order house problem AIl of us hen e wa,ted and are st1l1 wa "tmg good opportumtlec, \\ hllc the catalog house mIsses \ ery few but we must make up tor th1s 111the future \ v here "t\\ 0 are agrecd" thet e 1" certa1l1ly more powel set m mo-hon \\ hat then, 'v\ould be thc re,ult If a great many were agreed? \\ e have found that 1t has a powcrful eHect but we are not ..,atl"fied \\ e \\ ant to cIo better Thb dCI\CItl,mg cut Illllstratmg the case In Its trne proportIOns, furmsbed to our members for 25c ThIS IS a half tone I eprocluctlOn and IS as the case really cOJl1':S, fur mshed to our members m Rockford qua1Jty for $8,25, plam glass, $9.25, etched glass. ThIS cut shows the overdrawn Il-lustratIOn 111 Montgomery Ward's catalog Note the s,>ell glass door <\l1d drawer as compared WIth the half-tone IllustratlOn ThIS cut fm mshed to our members for 25c. 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN A Unique and Artistic Buffet F8 No 0- 8 9 I S made of genuine quartered oak It is 54 mches high and 4? mches Wide The top IS fit-ed with 8 x 34 m eh mIrror of excel-lent qua-hty The design IS very neat a nd at tractn e It IS spa- ClOUS and roomy and at the same hme orna-mental It has two draWels and a large cupboard whl( h IS fitted \Hth a glass door lmed \'\ Ith lathce work It will look weil many dmmg room A Rich.Looking Buffet F8 No 9- 79 IS ma d" of ~ol- Id oak It IS 50 m ..... ' hIgh and 42 mches .~.iia \\ Ide ~ The de sIgn 1S plam and art I s tiC and alto-gether It IS on" of the best alues "e ha\e e\ er been a b 1 e to offer m a 10\'\ PriC ""I buffet The top IS hUell \Hth a 10" 36 mch Flench b"\d mlllOl The base IS prac~lcall\ al1-ang-ed It has two dra\,elS for lInen or ~ll\f'r "are and t\\ 0 lal g" cup boa 1ds Polish finish Adv Unit With type, 40c Without type, 25c Price of buffet to membel s .\(1\ Lillt \\lth t\P" 40c \\ Ithout t\ pc _:ic $9.35 Pllce of buffet to membel S $9.90 A Large and Rich China Closet F8 Xo 0 b8 IS made of s e 1 e c te d qu"rtered oak It IS b8 m high and 36 In \Hde The top IS orna-mented \\ Ith a b " Ib mn- 101 ot ill st ()as~ quall-t\ The de- ',)gl.19 \ el1' attI ac-t1\ t. and ar-tistIC It has bent glass end sand ~haped bent glass m the door rhere tj a I e fa u r shel\ es and the can mg at the top b \ en neat \\ hen deco-rated \\Ith cut glass ana clllna It IS verj handsome TillS I~ a good prac-tical piece uf fUlnltule fOl an~ one PolJsh fin"h An Artistic. Refined Wood Bed F8 No 5- 821 1 S made of s el e cted quartered oak We guarantee thlS bed t p b e made by the high-est grade of work-men ThiS fac-ory has the repu-taUon of ma king the very best bed~ at the lowest prICe If you want somethmg which Will give a qUIet and refined effect to the bed-room, you Will surely get It from thiS piece Those lookmg for a bed constructed In a hIgh grade manner should order thiS on" POIISl1 filllsh Adv Unit With type 40c \Vnhout type 25c Price of bed to members \l1\ Lillt \\Ith npe 40c ",thout t~pE' _J( Pllce of (hma closet to mem-bers $10.65 $10.86 A High Grade Chiffonier A Genuine Quartered Oak Case F8 No 1-962 IS made of select-e d quartered oak The mlr-or IS 20 x 34 m and of excel-lent qualJty It-has four large d rawer sand one small one all fitted WIth strong locks It IS gotten up m a plam rich style With no carvmg It IS made by a fac tory whICh em ploys only high g r a d e labor They have the reputatIOn 0 f turillng out the very best goods m thiS lJne Pollsh finish F8 No 3:i3 IS made of genUIne qual tE I"~d oak It IS one of the most beauU ful and at-tracti\ e L 0 mblnatlon cases ever put on the market at the price It IS 75 m high and 38 m \\ Ide The top IS fitted \\Ith a 12 x 12 mirror of extra quality InSide the desk part is nicely parU-honed The deSign IS ex-clUSIVe and \\ e you If you are grade case kno\\ It "Ill please lookmg for a lligh Adv Umt with type, 40c Without type 25c Price of clllffomer to members $11.34 Adv Lmt \\ Ith t) Pl'. 40c WltllOUt type, 25c Price of combmatlOn to members '11.60 An Unusual Value in a High. Grade Napoleon Bed <\dv Lmt With type, 40e ~WIthout type 25c Pllee of bed to members $9.92 A Fancy. Artistic Combination Case. F8 No 9-63 1S made of selecte d quarte r/<ed oak Jt IS 72 III lllgh and 39 In Wide The upper part IS ornamell ted \\ Itl> a 12 '( 12 clr cular m I r-rOJ of the best quality It IS neatly carved and mcel:; fimsh ed '1' h e door IS made wJth the shaped swell fron t and all the shehes are adJu~t able In- Side the desk IS arranged WIth pigeon holes and dra\\er There are three drawers below the desk the top one havmg a swell front We espec mlly recommend thl~ bookcase Adv Umt With type, 40c Without type, 25c Price of combmatlOn case members to $10.86 A Dainty Princess Dresser F8 No 7- 551 IS made of genume quarte red oak It has a 22 x 40 m top The mIrror 1 S extra large Jemg 18 x 36 m It has one I a I g e dra.wer and two small drawers 'I' his Will match any brass or non bed and IS one of the best va-lues we have It IS made III a plam neh sty 1 e and ver)' mcely finished It Will be an orna-ment to any bedroom 3erpentme front polIsh fimsh Adv Umt With type, 40c Without type, 25c Price of dresser to members $12.11 A Chiffonier of Excellent Value F8 No 3 862 IS made of quar tered oak '1 he top I~ 20" 3. In The mIrror IS 1b '{ 20 In "nd of c"t,a quarlh '1' h e 1111rror frame 18 In keepmg WIth the base It has four large dra'" er", and onc ~mall one all fitted \\Ith ~trong- locks It IS made bv a factory employ-lIlg the 'er:, be~ t of Illgh grade labor It IS made In an al tJ~tlC refined style wIth no carving ThIs cJllffolller can-not t'111 to pledsc Polish filll~h \d\ l!lllt wIth type 40c \Vlthout tvp~, 2Sc PrIce of chltfolllPr to member~ $12.28 A Practical and Ornamental China Closet r8 No 0 78 IS made III hIgh grade manner 0 f qUa r t Pr ~Id oak It IS 65 m hIgh and 40 III "Ide It IS hIghly pol-ished and neatly carv e d 'I' h e door and ",d% ha,e bent glass It IS sup-ported by grac efu 1 rrenLh le;;& WIt h cIa" feet ThIS I~ one of the most artIs-tIC and gra ceful de~lgns we ha, e P\ er had at the price It IS SUItable for any dllllllg room Pohsh filllSh Ad' )Tmt \\ Ith type 40c \\ Ithout ty PP 25c Price of chllla clospt tv mem-bels $13.02 Spl"'ndid Valu", in a Hil1h Grad", Buff",t F8 No 3 59 19 m ad e of sol tJ oak '1 he de blgn Ib plaIn and re-fined It h good ~ I Z e bel n g 57 1 n - h I g h and 42 ,nches ~-""~~ WIde It -~-- has one e,,- t r a 1a r g e dra'" er, two sma 11 dldwels and two large cupboards The large drawer IS fitted WIth the best cast bras~ handles The top ha'S a shelf extendlllg the entire length and IS fItted WIth a 10 x 34 mIrror of excellent quality We know thIS WIll please you If you are looklllg for a plain h,gh grade pIece PolIsh fimsh Adv Dlllt WIth type, 40c vVltllOut type, 25c Price of buffet to members $13.23 WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 An Attractive Buffet F8 No 1 89 IS made ~f 'Se Ie c ted quartered oak The de&lgn IS \ elY "t tl dotlve and neat It 1&spa CI )u<:, and ro 0 m}- anll at the same tIme ,ery o rnalnen-tal It 111 a s a large dra wer t\\O 1 a r g e cup-boalds and two small dra" er s The glass doors of the cupboards are fitted WIth lattIce work I'I1e top IS ornamented WIth a 10 x 28 French bevel mirror ThIS IS a ,ery good pIece tor the prrce It . WIll be an ornament to any dllllllg loom Pohs1l filllsh An Artistic Dresser F8 No 1- 961 IS made of genUllle qU;:Lrte rLd oak 'I' h e top IS 22 x 44 III The ill 1 r r 0 r IS a very mce SIze, beIng 24 x 30 III It IS made by the best cabinet ma-kers and h,ghly hand polrshed There are two large dra" ers and two small drawers Nothmg but the best matellal en-ters mto the constructIOn of the~e dressers When you want a hIgh grade pIece of furlll-ture there IS nothmg better than one of these dre~ser'S Pohsh filllSh '----------------~ Ad, Inrt WIth type, 40c \\TJ!'llnllt type 25c PrIce of Buffet to members Adv Gmt WIth type, 40c ''Vlthout type 25c $12.30 Prrce of dresser to members $12.75 A Lar~e Colonial Dresser F8 No 3- 86 1 IS made of genUIne quartered oak The base IS 22 mches deep and 44 mches WIde The plate mlr ror IS 24 x 30 mch-es There are two large and two small drawers, all fitted with str-ong locks It IS consl-d erably larger than the dressers usually sold at this prIce It IS a first class artIcle In every respect and made by a factory whIch turns out only honest, well made furmture Polrsh fim~h A Unique Design in a Dresser F8 No 8 161 IS made ot genu me quartered oak The top IS 22 x 44 mehes The muror IS extra large bemg 2. x 30 m-ches It has a serpentme front and IS gotten up m style whIch cannot fall to appeal to people of re-fined tastes It IS a fine, hIgh grade pIece whIch WIll adf! tone and re-finement to any bedroom You WIll notIce that It ha~ no carvmg An excellent, a\up for the prIce Hand rubbed fimsh Ad, Dmt" Ith type 40c \Vlthout type 25c PrIce of dresser to members $1323 "-.dv LTlllt WIth typP, 40c ,Vlthout type 25c Prrce of dresser to members $13.23 SOJDethinil New in An Artistic Wood B"'d Gentlemen's High.Grade Chiff·Wardrobe F8 No 0- 921 IS one of the most de- SIrable com-binatIOn cas-es we have ever had at the p r Ice It IS one of the most neat, refined pIeces In OUr lIne Made of qua r tie rle d oak 'I' h e top IS fitted WIth a 16 x 20 F r e n c h bevel plate mIrror The desk part IS Illcely arran ged WIth PI-geon h 0 Ie s and drawers Also three drawers under desk WIth shaped swell fronts All shelves are adjustable Th,;, desk IS an orna-ment to any home F8 No 6-821 IS mad e of large f 1 a k y qua rt-ere d oak in the gol den fin Ish 'I' hIs desIgn IS "\ery art 1 S tIC It Will go nlcel y Wit h any oak mahogany or maple dresser On account of It~ extreme plalnne'Ss thE' wood shows off to excellent ad-vantage ThIS bed was especIally de- SIgned for one of our leaders As we employ only the best cabinet makers and filllsher~, we can guaran-tee that thIS bed WIll please you m every wav Just what people of re fined ta~te are lOOKing for Po!r"h filllsh Adv Dlllt WIth type, 40c 'VJthout type, 25c PrICe of bed to members Adv Dmt WIth type, 40c \Vlthout t~ pe, 25c PrIce of combmatlOn case members $13.23 to $14.18 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN UPHAM MANUFACTURING CO. MARSHFIELD, WIS. No 2228 TOllet Table SEND FOR o IJR Dressers \.,. ffoniers Dress. r, Taflles Suitt_ Wardrofles Sidefloards Buffets Etc. Made in Oak, Bird's-Eye Maple, Mahogany, etc., and All Popular Finishes No 2240 ToIlet Table CO~IPLETE Exciting Times in EI Paso. Tra\ cling ~a1C~lllell I l~lt111g [] l'a~o L e"a~ u-.,ualh ,," 1K'lcnLe mULh ann,) ,UKC thlOll'!,h IhL11 laLk ot kno\\ lul'::;l of the "C\ clal "tandal d~ oj t11nL ob~u I cd 1n thc J all, Jad~ 01 that uh \ tl;:L1l1110!11thL La.,t ~1111e., at 10 a 111 on Cenl1al .,tanc1alc1 tl1l1C 1\ hln thL tld\ elLl ahghh 110m t1]," 11 ,1111 he learn~ that thL ttam \\a, tlO!11 onL to t\\() h()UI~ 1atl It he consults a tll11e plLLC Lall) mg 111outll,lm tllnl lll~ l1all1 VIas one hour late, and tl\O haul" late It he 100k~ ,ll ,1 dock rUlln1l12, on l'aClfic tJ 111e 1he tl a\ der ma \ \\ I..,h to tal~L a tram for the (a"t at 7 0 doll,;: and ~l) )IOtlfics the del k on dut\ elt hI'-, hotel l.he olcler h clull noted 111 thc call hook and the alaI 111 ~1111111Wnl1Hth;e ~lcepel to all-"C at thc hoUl I11tn tlOnLd I., soundcrl \1 hen thc tl,I\c1ulll1Llke_ hI'-- appe,ll,lllLl ,lt the office he !Lal n~ that the hotel clol L ) cLord~ 111011nta1l1 tJ I Ie and t11at th L tram hc expeLled to tra \ e1 on had depa I tlll an hOlJ1 bdOle he I\a., l,dlcd \ tla\clel all\\1112, tlL\lll thl VI e~t !Larn~ at 111..,hotel that he ha" "pent t VI 0 hO\l1- III I h11112,lulf a 11l11efWl11 thc depot to LI"> hotel, UI II he I'" pa~, m£; throl1'!,h ,I l'a..,o ffIJ11l tile \\e~t to tlll ea~t that thc tla111 upon \\hllh he lud tra\l1el c1Cp,lltLc1 !10m that 01\ tl\U hour~ hefclle hh alll\al ,,,utll12, ~ttenuou~ llw1l1enh 1l1,n hL \\ Itne ~"ec1 III the hotel office.., e\ u \ mOl n111" \\ hen thl dcrk~ tl) to jJlopltJatc thc> 111dl2,1111llllaldlh \\ho ha\c 1'1-1 tram Lonn eLtJ()n ~ on aCl oun t of the11 laLL ot kncm 1tc1ge ot tht se\Lla1 kllld" of ytand,lrel tIme uncler \\ll1Lh Idl1roacl tram and hot('l~ ,llt optlatecl m that cIty Southern Michigan Factory Notes. Stebbms & \\ Ilhe1m of Sturgl" \\ III ha\ t a large numbel of new patterns to "how m Gl dnd RapIds m J u1) Busmes" IS fair WIth them CATALOGUE 1 he \ul~1J1ook L Ilnc~ u 111pan} are ha \ llle; a guocl busl- 11(", and ,\JlIl11c'Lr- L"te1hl\(, cHlclltH)J1~to the11 1me of fine huh 00111 iUln1tUl L 1m then e"h,hltlCJn m (,1 and RaPId" 111 [uh 111C 1111e1\ III Le large and hettcl than e\ er The (II (1J'l1~U L,l1Jlndl1l,lkel ~ lO1l1]Jal1\ l~ allothr-1 of the pro~- pu )11- tUln1lUJ L C01l11"ll11L"\\h Lh h1.\ e ehme 111uch to Illake "tU) '!,1~ kn( 1\\ n el' a hlll1ltUl e tO\, n all 0\ el the country L hel \\ III ,tl~o ha' e mam nel\ patten]', to "how m Ju1) In the ILanulaLttll CI~ Ih1l1dll1~, Grand Raphl" Thc Kompa~., & Stoll C0111pan} of ~11c~ report a fine 11l1~111('~ 111 the11 kItchen cabmets~a., good a~ at any tIme 111 the hl,tol, oj thc L01l1pan, III RH hell rl oj the l\l1l hanan Cahmet company reports 1 grJl)(! lJll~l11l-'" 111 1,ltlhen l,thmeh h()okLa"tS, laches' and uJ111bl11atlun C1l..,k~ lL 1 hI"> I"> O,lL l-i thc bcst 111ecltum and l hl,lp 1111l~Illdde In thl "'l,tte and therc I" alVv'l) " a demand t t th'111 Famous Rugs on Exhibition. \Ial "hall I IL1d & Co daml to hm e the largest collec-lion oj 0 lenLtl 1u2,~ LleI .,een In \ mellca 1he) placed a P lIt ()j thc!J ~t( l k on L "hl1)111011 m the ClllLago store last \\ uk ,1nd \\ 1111t11l ,tc!c1ltlOn of 'oOl11elare plcces, loaned for t1]l e Lla"lOn 11 l1udL a glt,tt ~ho\\ \mon£; the speumens In lhe loan depal t111L11t1\,1'" KelJl1an"hah, 41'( G8 fect It lS the l,llgest Ollent,d IU2, 111the \'IolLl and \va.., made for the iOl111Lr Shah of Pu la J he Ill£; \\elghs 1,G75 pounds and alll\ed1l1 the Ll11ted State~ l\lthm the last month Its value h placed at $'i0 000 \nothet CUlIOSlty \Va" the famous $22,- 000 \kbar lUg, \\ hlLh \\as madc m the sIxteenth century Much feedmg maketh a full man. WEEKLY ARTISAN MANUFACTURING· COSTS By F. B. Smith. President of the Wolverine Man-ufacturing Company. Detroit. Mich. There is not a shade of real dIfference m the cost of manu-facture between one plant and another, whethel the plant be small or large There are Just so many feet of materIal that enter into the cost, Just so many houn., of labOl in proper pro-ductIOn It co"ts a gIven amount to "ell good", and It costs a gIven amount to freIght goods. Now, let u" make a qUIck analy"is of the real ~ItuatIon A manufacturer located in one section of the country, may, perhaps, buy his material a little cheaper than another, by vIrtue of the fact that he is nearer the matenal supply Very well, it costs hIm more to freight his finished proJuct He may buy cheaper labor than the manufacturer at a great center Very well, he gets less efficiency. When the total cost is assembled, the fact has been demon-strated more than once that there is practically no dIfference between one plant and another. For mstance, the manufac-turer of an output of $100,000, pays its management con-siderably less of necessIty than the plant with a larger output and larger organization We wIll say that the manager of a plant wIth an output of $100,000 draws $1,800, and the manu-facturer wIth a plant of $1,000,000 would certamly be un-usual in the furmture busine"s If he drew $18.000 a year He don't. The larger amount of busme'iS that is taken on is trans-acted at a less overhead expense than the <:;maller manufac-turer, the cost of his g-ettll1g bu"mess 1<., in all prababI1lty Ie"" than the cost of the smaller manufacturer \Vhat "avmg may be made in one end on the part of the smaller manufacturer is offset by the gain of the larger manufacturer in the purchase of his materials m larger quantities, and vanous other Items that might be cOl13idered On the other hand the larger manufacturer l,as nothmg over the smaller manufacturer. Vv hat saving he makes in one end IS offset by the fact of closer ~upervislOn and watch-fulness and less department expense on the part of the man making a smaller output. \iVhen everythmg is said and done, If we are all produc-mg a table at a cost of $5, one man may proJuce It at $490, one man at $5, and one man at $5 10, but all practically must secure the same sellmg price if they understand -their costs As a matter of fact and matter of history in the furni-ture manufacturing business, there IS about one man in fifty (and I think that is rather lIberal), that under"tands costs, and by that I mean who knows absolutely the amount of matenal that enters the actual table-not what he estimates to enter into it,-the amount of waste that is deve1opeJ,-not what he estimates,-so that when he makes one hundred tables he knows exactly so many feet of lumber enter mto them, exactly ,,0 much waste developed, exactly so many hours' labor, exactly "0 much executIve and sell111g expense, and that It IS not an estImate, but actual figures If he does know that, he knows how to merchandise his product. I have been m busines.s albout twenty year", and I prob-ably have had as fall' a knowledge of costs as the average manufacturer in our lIne of busine"s I won't say any bet-ter, but perhaps fully as good, but I realI7ed that the manu-facturer" in the iron and steel works were far ahead of the woodworking 'business, and it occurred to me that it would be of the utmost importance to develop a thorough and scientific cost system Two years ago we commenced the installatlOn of a scientific cost system, and It has been of inestimable value. zs We can tell today the amount of waste 111every car of lumber that we buy \Ve know who IS furnish111g us the best ma-tenal for the money vVe know on every 100.000 ft. of lumber that IS run through exactly what the ",aste IS and the actual net filllshed amount of material Under our sys-tem the man who makes reports of shortages comes to the co"t department to locate the time the material was sent up It saves duplIcatIOn of parts becatbe one portIOn has care-le<., sly been mislaId It stops the accumulatIOn of odds and ends m the plant, and keeps the whole sItuation clear. Vl e know absolutely every detaIl of the costs, and we make up a halance ~heet at the end of the month, not at the end of the year, showmg the result" for the month I consicler that It is of the utmost importance that every manufacturer in the furmture busmess should consIder this questIOn most senously, and If he does there will be no such demoralization of the furnllture trade as there IS today. This will benefit not only the manufacturer, but the retaIler as well If the retailer is able to buy somethmg bc-low the market pnce, hIS neighbor buys perhaps stIll lower, and neIther one knows wl;ere he IS at. The be"t wish that I can give the fur11lture manufac-turers IS that they shall know their business more thoroughly, understand it more SCIentIfically The Ibest way to get at this IS by fnendly, asssociated effort. The tIme has gone by when one manufacturer knows It all, and when one retailer knows It all, but by associated effort and dissemination of knowledge, results can be dbta111ed that WIll be for the bene-fit of the furniture trade, both wholesale and retail There IS actually, if the figures could be computed less than 2 per cent between the various manufacturers in the total cost of the good", whtle there IS all the way from 10 per cent to 50 per cent dIfference 111the .sellIng pnce. It has been recently stated somewhere that when a com-mittee of manufactnrers VISIted the Carnegie plant to learn how it was that Mr Carnegie conducted his business so suc-cessfully, and made the profits that he made, they wanted to go mto the plant, but Mr Carnegie stopped them and took them into a roam and said, "Here is where I make my money." In the room '" ere a large number of clerks, from eighty to a hundred men, simply workmg and studying costs, and developing the CarnegIe business. "That, gentlemen," ~ald Mr Carnegie, "is where I make my money, because that tells me what I want to know." What is good for Andrew Carnegie ought to be good for the furnIture manufacturers. ~e~ l?actories. A new mattre~s factory is to be established at Vienna, Ga, 111the near future H D Dougherty & Co, are new bedding manufacturers at Seventeenth street and Indiana avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph Jaggers ha" e"tablished a carpet factory in Pough-keepsie. N Y He wIll make the best grades of Wiltons, velours and Bru "sels Charle" A . Albion Nand Nellie \Varner have incorpo-rated the C A Warner compan}, capItalIzed at $5,000 to establi"h a plant and manufacture furmture, vacuum cleancrs, etc, m Brooklyn, N Y. Manufacturers' Annual Meeting. The annual meetmg of the FurnIture Manufacturers' Na-tIOnal assoclatlOn WIll be held 111Chicago 111May 10 and 11 In additIon to the electIOn of officers for the ensu111g year, other matters of importance will be conSIdered. 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN RETAIL FURNITURE ADVERTISING Conducted by H. H. STALKER. Dealers Are Urged to Send in Samples of Their Advertisements and to OfferAny Suggestions and Helps Which They Believe Will Be of Benefit to Others. This Department Aims to Be of Practical Sel"vice. Help Us to Make It So. I vvao; talk111g wIth the \(h CIi1"l11g ~Ianagel of alal!:ie retal! furl11ture store the other da), anel 111 a \ erv earnest, sane manner he voiced some of the obJ ectlons raIsed b, re-ta1lers generally to handling ad, erti"ed brands of furllltul e Some of his arguments \\ ere \Yell made and had the nng of truth, but as one is apt to do when talkll1g from theIr 0\\ n viewpoint, he falleLI to mention any of the thIngs 1n fa' or of handling adverb sed goods Now, here 1S just the trouble Lack of co-operatlOn That's all. The proper spint is missll1g The manufacturer plans a campa1gn along ltnes wh1ch he thinks \\111 be nght He does it carefully and systemabcally But he doesn't con- SIder the dealer True, he figures on local cond1tlOns, takes into consideration the market there \\ ill be etc But all the dealer hears about the campaign as a whole, is when an ela-borate circular comes along telling 111 glo\\ ing terms of the great benefits to be derived by puttll1g 111 his line and bene-fitting from the business that will result from the ad, ertls-ing that will be done. The retailer says "Uh huh" and for-gets all about it A few of the h, e ones may take a wh111 at it The manufacturer 1S cast do\\n Tells the "ad" man the copy was no good. Sa}s "I told} au so lur111ture 1S different You can't advertise furnittrre The dealers \\ on't stand for trade marks. vVe might as \\ ell do as \\ e ah\ a} " have done. Just make good goods and let the I eta1ler 0\\ n us body and soul Dictate our poltcy, etc" He doesn't ,ay this last, but he acts It, which is all the same thll1g And that's where he loses out If, instead, he'd gnt hIs teeth, take another l11tch 111 his belt, and go at It to find out why the dealer \Yon't co-operate, the hIstory of tur11ltl11e advertising would read differently If a manufacturer has a manufacturing problem bothering hIm, he 301ve" It He goes out into the factory and he won't lea' e 1t tlll he has found the leak. If his selling end is falling down, \ ou can bet there's somethi~g doing unbl sales shO\\ up good aga1l1 But when it comes to the modern method of marketIng hIS product-advertising, he is apathetic-1I1d1fferent Some are so far gone they won't even grant a man an interview Yet, Just as sure as I am writing these \Yords, there is a profitable way to advertise furniture both from the manufacturer's and the retailer's end, Haw? That's a questIOn whIch each manufacturer in conjunction with hIS retailers and the help of a good advertis1l1g man, must figure out for himself But I thll1k I can suggest a way. First, the manufacturer and retailer must get together They must realize that neither can get along without the ather and that to pull away from each other is Just lIke tv'- 1I1g a weIght to a race horse and expect1l1g 1t to WIn Let each ask the advice and opmion of the other, and let each be generous in accepting and uSll1g the helps that each may furnish There must be give and take The manufacturer must not expect that the dealer will put in $300 or $400 worth of goods on the strength of a few magazine "ads" and run several dollars worth of newspaper electros which perhaps do not conform to hIS advertis1l1g policy. On the other hand the dealer must not think that he I~ d01l1g the manufacturer of an advertised hne a favor b} pu tt1l1g In hIS goods, and expect him to step 111 and sell them for hIm He must remember that national advertis- 1I1g IS a mIghty factor, 111 fact the strongest sellmg force in Amencan bus1l1ess today; that an advertised brand grows 111 ,alue each } ear, and the longer he handles it the better hIS ~tore \\ 111stand in the community Some\Y he1 e there is a happy medium-a common grounJ \\ here both dealer and manufacturer should meet and lay the battle plans that shall result in more business for each The obJectn e point IS the consumer The consumer can be reached both through the magazines and the newspaper The magazme "ad" furnishes the introduction; the news-paper IS where the sale must be started; with the salesman on the floor is where It ends. How many 1I1troductions-fa' orable one depend on the efficiency of the magazine. How many sales are started depends upon the newspaper; hO\\ many are successfully closed depends upon the store and the salesman LogIcally, therefore, the whole must be united. The manufacturer, the retailer, the sales force must be a Ul1lt 111 plannmg and carrying on a successful campaign It \\ ould take a \\ 1zarJ to tell you how to get together, but \\ here there's a WIll, there's a way; and get together you must or contmue to sell about half as much good furniture as \\ ould be pOSSIble by intelltgent, well directed, co-oper-a tn e methods Get together ~Iay Cause Competition in Fire Insurance. There 1" <:alJ to be a movement on foot among the non- U11l0n fire msurance companies operating in Western UnIOn terntor) to form an or-S-a11lZatlOn of their own. A recent circular letter "ent to these companies advocated either J01l1- mg the \\ estern U11Ion or formmg an independent as'ioci-ation About t\\ o-th1rds of the companies whi:ch responded \\ ere opposed to joining the Western organization. All but one favored a rival body. It is rumored that five or six of the largest outsiJe compa11les hay e reached an agreement to work together. The knO\\ ledge of this fact has made the other outside com-pa11les SUSPICIOU" and re<;entful Return of the Absentees. ,VdlIam H Jones, president of the v\Tilliam A Berkey Furl1lture company and wife, \\ho 11ave spent the winter in the most beautIful little cIty 111 CalIfornia, Pasadena, making the hotel lIar} land their temporary home, will return to Grand RapIds early in May. Charles FRettIng, president of the Retting Furniture campan), has retm ned after spendIng several months on the PaCIfic coast Harry S Jordan, president of the Michigan Chair com-pany, who spent the winter with his family in southern CalJ-for11la, has returned It keeps many a fellow busy looking for a job. WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 No.9-Porch Chau Large SIze. Oak Seat. Green or MIssIOn FIlliSh. WeIght, 20 pounds No. lO-Porch Rocker Large SIZe. Oak Seat Green or MISSIOn Fmlsh' Weight 21% pounds. No.ll-Porch Settee. Seat 40 Inches long, 17% mches deep. Oak Seat. Green Or MISSIOn filliSh \VeIght, 32 pounds. RICHMOND CHAIR COMPANY, RICHMOND,INDIANA MAY BREAK THE GLASS TRUST Pittsburli Grand Jury Indicts the Imperial Win-dow Co. and Fifteen Officers and Directors. An indictment of special interest to m,.anufacturers of sideboards, china closets and bookcases was returned by a special grand Jury in Pittsburg, Pa., last week It makes three counts against the Imperial Window Glass company, a West Virginia corporation, which has been acting as sell-lllg agent or as a holding company for 57 glass manufactur-ing concerns Fifteen officers and directors of the Imperial company were also indicted individually for violating the Sherman anti-trust aw. The first count in the indictment declares that the Im-perial Window Glass company and the individual respond-ents have prevented and destroyed competition between 57 •glas"making corporations, partnerships or individuals, by per-suading them to enter into a contract by which the Imperial company controlled the sale and prices of their entire out-put of hand-blown window glass, and in which each and all of the 57 concerns agreed not to sell separately to any other persons or corporations engaged in interstate commerce. It is charged that when a company, partnership or indi-vidual could not be induced to enter into the agreement, they were induced to lease their factories to the Imperial company for a term of years and thus enable the holding or selling company to control the price as well as the amount of the output. The "econd count charges the respondents WIth con-spiracy to create a monopoly in restraint of trade between states. The third count charges an attempt to monopolize the trade in hand-blown window glass, not only between states but in the states in which the various factories are located The indicted officers and directors expressed great sur-prise at the action of the grand jury. They declare they have not violated the law in anyway and that the indictments are based on misinformation or lack of information as they will show if brought to trial. It is interesting to note that the Commoner and Glass-worker, officiaJ organ of the union glass makers, comes to the defense of the indicted company and IndiVIduals, declar-ing that the alleged illegal combination has not been detri-mental to the interests of consumers nor has it operated in restraint of interstate commerce. While, admitting that the Imperial Window Glass company is a trust, it is declared to be one of the organization that President Roosevelt had in mind when he said: "There are good combinations and bad combinations." The labor organ contends that the in-dicted corporation, by reducing the expense of sales and dis-trilbution has brought about lower prices than would have prevailed, had the producers who signed the agreement con-tinued to handle the products themselves. In short it argues that the Imperial company is one of the "good trusts." On the other hand glass dealers and consumers generally consider the window glass combination as one of the wor~t of the trusts. They declare that prices have Ibeen advanced to extortionate figures and that the government officials will have no difficulty in securing evidence sufficient to convict the respondents, dissolve the Imperial company and thus cause a reduction in the cost of window glass. Luce Busy on Orders. 'Dhe Luce Furniture company of Grand Rapids report the operation of their factory on full time in filling trade and government contract orders. They expect to ship the last of the government order in hand on June 1. -- . -.., BROTHERS CO. I FT. WAYNE, IND. HARDWOOD LUMBER I SAWED} QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS SliCED AND MAHOGANY I..... . ----.. . . I.. 28 WEEKLY ARTISAN F. Parthier ...... - -_.. ..... -- ----- .- --- - --- .. ANGRY WOMEN STARTED TO RIOT But Their Passions Cooled Before Reaching the Proposed Scene of Action. Readers of the "T eekl) 4..rtl;-,an are 1I1c1ehted to the 'itom hearted court reporter on the E\ en1l1g II l<;con"111 tor tl~e follow1l1g descriptIOn of the clos1l1g scene 111 the bankruptL\ proceedings aga1l1st the Grand Furl11ture and Carpet com-pany, installment dealers on the club and premIUm plan. of Milwaukee An insurrectIOn of women. portentou'i. direful. tll1 eaten-ing, raged this mornIng 111 Referee E Q ~\ e\ bankruptc\ court One hundred of them gathered there muttenng an-gry, heart" steeled aga1l1'it all clemenc\ One man met \\ lth them He wa" silent, cleple<;sed and fingeled hi" hat nen-ously The referee entered, took hl'O 'ieat. ~azed \\ Ith all the majesty of the la\\ upon the as"emblage HI-- clerk, George Fischer, followed hU11, Shpplllg qUleth 1I1tO hl'i chair Silence reigned The seml-darkne"" of the CUIta1l1ed court-room was broken only by the gl1l1t of the sunsh1l1e reflected from ominously p01l1ted hatpins "We have met," began the referee, cleanng hiS throat, "as the last meeting of creditors of the Grand Furl11ture company, 658 Third street, bankrupt ,. Hisses Stage whispers. soull,11I1g "trangel} hke ' Cat'i I" and "Beasts I". The referee faced the ;-,ltuatlOll boldl) and went on "It was conducteJ as a copartnership b} one Henn H}- man and one J\10rns Bes"man" 1034 Grand Avenue CHICAGO Manufacturer of I• I --~------~------I --~ Willow Furniture ---------------------_._------- -- ----- . - - - .. - - - _. - _. - SEND FOR CATALOGUE ~.-- -- . Scm\ Ie". "uppre"'ied murmur" of ",\!e're onto' 'em," and clire grumhl1l1g "Thel e al e no a,,<;ets," the I eferee n'iked C,dence Jeep a" the grave i The exempted allowance of $200," went on the referee, and there Wa'i a nen ous catch 111 hiS throat, "has been cut dm\ n to $68 each That IS all There IS nothing to distri-bute . 4..ga1l1 that awful "dence Over 111 the southeast corner of the courtroom, a woman wept softly The sohtary male creditor of the bankrupts hung hiS head Then he lifted it. HIS hp __\\ ere dra\\ n 1I1tOa th1l1 I1I1e He arose He grabbed Ill' hat He hfted up hiS v Olce and spoke, break1l1g the doom-filled 'illence It 1 e\ er catch Clther one of those fellow;.,," he threat-ened, the\ 11 get a black eye" i Let U'i go.' he added. and he went The \\ omen follo\\ ed, murmunng grumbhng, threaten- 1I1g fhe man. foreseeing trouble, ducked He disappeared, lea\ 1I1g the scene forever Angry \\omen, surging 111 a tum-ultuous a;-,,,embl) filled the corridor Government offiCials peeped out, Withdrew their heads and bolted their doors The tumult 1I1creased 111 volume Court officials were ,Ii,ereet, and rema1l1ed 111 their places Then a woman, short, 'itockd) bl11lt fire 111 her flash1l1g eyes, stepped forward. ~he spoke first 111 Enghsh Then she repeated her remarks, \\lth hut shght vanatlOn<; 111 German She would have talked French had she espied a Frcndhwoman there ,i\!omanhke, she had the gift of tongue" "II e "omen.' ~he exclaimed, in Spartacus-hke tones, Rockford Chair and Furniture Co. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Dining Room Furniture BUFFETS. CHINA CLOSETS and TABLES Library Furniture-Library Desks, Library Tables, Library Bookcases, Combination Book-cases, Etc. Our entire line will be on exhibition in July on the third floor of the Blodgett Building, Grand Rapid., Mich. WEEKLY ARTISAN ... -....... - ... ..- . .....- . -.-.... ----_. . . . . . ..- .. ... ..- .. - _. ----- Pre ••••. different kind. and .i",e. (Paleated) Veneer Presses Glue Spreaders 61ue Heaters Trucks, Etc" Etc. These Specialties are used all Over the World Power Feed Glue Spreadinc Machine. Sincle. Double and Combination. (patented) (Si",e. 12 in. to 84 in wide.) Hand Feed Glueine Machin. (Paleat pendtnl.) Many .tyle. and .i",e•. Wood·Working Machinery and Supplies LET us KNOW YOUR WANTS ~-----20-Gl-u.~Hea-ter_. ._._CH.A.S_.. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville, Ind. No.6 -.__._. _. -- -,_._. --_ _---_ _._ _._----------------- "we women need a chief, a head, a leader We ought to do somethmg m concert If none otlher will lead, I will do It" Loud aCclallTII Cheers' Clm ed hand-clappmg! "Ladles" shouted someone, "let us fight for our lights" As It echoed across tlhe hall, the navy recruiting statIOn closed Its hatdhes anJ unlimbered the heavy guns "Let us fight for our nghts," she cned agam "Is It right for those fellows to impose upon us Just because we are women? Let us demand our nghts Shall we let them Impose upon us?" Great ohorus of "No," echomg across corndor", reverber-atmg agamst closed doors, ommous and threatemng Riot was suggested "Let's go out to their place and get what's coming to us I" "I'd feel Justified in taking that rug I wanted for the south room!" " It was an awful swmdle from "tart to finish Let us give it to them I" "My husband never had no such clothes as them col-lectors wore I" "It's a dirty shame the way they came around and col-lected just before they went mto bankruptcy I" "I was gomg to surpnse Adolph with a Morns chair for his birtlhday," came one voice, half sob-chokeJ "Now, yes-terday wa<; hiS birthday, and it has went I haven't got any-thmg for him." "They got $830 I earned by doing washmg," came an angry mutter Then the leader, smiling Iher approval on this anger, took her statIOn. "J ust because we're women," she exclaimed, her hatpins bnstling Viciously while her parasol did duty as a lance, "Just because we're women they think we're easy IvVe'll show them We'll have them pmcheJ \Ve'll go to the po-lice, that what we'll do!" Yelh of approval as the exhortation ended. Much cheers agam Applause A rush for the elevator, the leader lead-ing First floor reached Only part of tthe as<;emblage do""n Back ndes the leader to the fourth floor She exhorts agam. Down come the others, en masse, as fast as the ele-vator can do duty Ranks were formed, and do>yn Wisconsin 5treet they marched, three and four abreast, their leader at then head Oh, it looked lovely for the bankrupts if they were ever caught I The procession, on the south side of Wisconsm <;treet, stretched for a full three-quarters of a block Then, 29 . ......... somewhere down m the shopping dlstnct It attenuated, short-ened, disappeared into a sweet nothmgness It was all 0\ er' At the police statIOn It wa" reported at noon that no angry women had arnved I n the government buildmg offi-cials breathed easJly agam. Peace reigned, and the matter of the Grand Furmture company, bankrupt, was closed for-ever. Stamp books, filled and half filled, are held by the in-surrectiot1lsts I They are the mementoes of it all I Fmls' Vollendet' It IS finished Selah I New Furniture Dealers. Jacob Bornstein has opened a new furniture store at Hazelton, Pa George Haddad is a new dealer in carpets and oriental rugs in Rutland, Vt Fred J Fey has opened hiS new furniture store on Broadway, Lorain, 0 The Midland Furniture company have opened their new store at Capa, S Dak The Enterpnse Furmtm e company has opened a new store 111 Seattle, \Vash Faggs & Jackr is the name of a new retail furniture firm at Bartlett, TFxas Flaherty & MfCabe have opened a new furmture store at 28 Preble streef' Portland, Me. Stanley Morn t W1ll engage in the furniture anJ under-takring buo,mess at Patch Grove, "Vis. A Leath & C have opened a new well stocked furni-ture store at 70-72 74 Grove avenue, Elgm, III Freel Lowenth 1, M. L Franey and ALbert M111er have incorporateci the reat American Furmture company, capi-tallzed at $2,500, t do a general house-furni"hing business in Chicago H Pockels, arter R and Henry Roper Bishop have incorporated the ockels-Blshop Desk company, capitalized at $25,000, to deal in desks, office fixtures, etc., in Los An-geles, Cal James K Sto kton, Edgar A Stockton and Effie Stock-ton have in corpora ed the James K Stockton & Son company to esta1b!Jsh and m intain a store with a furniture department in Brooklyn, N Y Capital stock, $5,000. 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN .. • •• a.a ••••••••••• . Doetsch & Heider Co. Telephone, Lmcoln 796 1534-1544 Greenwood Terrace CHICAGO Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture Frames TO Reach OUR FACTORY Take Clybonrn Avenue car to Ashland Avenue and walk three blocks North to Greenwood Terrace, then turn East mto Green-wood Terrace. Or, Clybourn Avenue car wIth transfer on South-port Avenue car, thence over Southport Avenue to Greenwood Terrace and walk West. ~._.. ----------------------- ..........•... -~ Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Residences-Henry S Saxe, 3838 Ridge\'.aY avenue. ChI-cago, $7,000; Mf3 Johanna Blumer, 2439 Pensacola a\ cnue. Chicago, $6,800; Axel L Svenson, 4111 KImball aHnue, Chicago, $3,000, C J Martin, 875 Peachtree street, Atlanta. Ga, $6,000, Mrs M T Lambert, 139 Eighth "treet, Atlanta $5,500; W J Dodd, St James court, LOUlsvtlle, Ky, $8,000 John Allen, 456 South EIghth East street, Salt Lake CIty, Utah, $3,500; R. E. Caldwell, 223 EIghth avenue, Salt Lake CIty, $5,000; H. L Stubbs, Twenty-fifth and Mulberry streets, St. Joseph, Mo., $3,500; Elbert B. Drumtler, \Vashlllgton a\ e-nue and FIfth street, Odgen, Utah, $3,000; Thomas R }1orns, 305 Coltart square, PIttsburg, Pa , $4,500; E C Petersno, 3230 Summit street, Kansas City, Mo, $4,500, George B Bosworth, 125 Cypress street, Kansas CIty, $4,000; \V. A }\1cFerren, 2833 East EIghth street, Kansas City, $6,000, J F }1oseley, 2815 Victor street, Kansas City, $4,000; Ira Hess, 1206 Seven-teenth street, Altoona, Pa, $5,500, F H Vollmer, Hamtlton and Calvert streets, DetrOIt, Mich, $5,350, George T Phllltp", King and Cameron streets, DetrOIt, $3,800; George F Elltott, Collingwood and Woodward avenue, Detroit, $5,500; Gertl ude Seeley, 120 LeIcester street, DetroIt, $5,000; LydIa J Hart-rick, 236 Phtladelphia street, Detroit, $3,500, ElIte Blake, Ker-cheval avenue an dSt. John street, DetrOIt, $3,500,0 \- Da\\- ley, Linwood and Stanley streets, DetrOIt, $6,500, Isaac Ros-enthal, Twenty-sixth and Sassafras streets, Ene, Pa , $-+,400, J enme King, 228 MIami street, South Bend, Ind, $4,000, Frank Unham, Lincoln and Linden streets, South Bend, $3,000; Samuel Apmstrong, Heatherington and ~ assau streets, Winnipeg, Man, $4,000; J. B. Eagan, 35 Athal street, Wlllm-peg, $3,500; Wtlliam McFarlane, Deerfield and LlVania street, Wlllnipeg, $3,000; R. J. Magruder, 397 Korth Jackson street, Atlanta, Ga, $8,400; Mrs S. E. RIchards, 202 McDal11elstl eet, -I iI• •• •I •• I II I •••••• l ••••••••• •••••• ••••••• ~ .We are Special Tool Manufacturers for the Wood Working Trade. Our SOLID STEEL MOULDING CUTTERS are the Best in the World. SPECIAL ORDERS SOLICITED AND GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY WOOD WORKERS TOOL COMPANY, 542 Jackson Blvd., CHICAGO. SAW, KNIFE AND TOOL MANUFACTURERS • ••••••••• _•••••_._•••••••••••• •__••••4 \tlanta, $4,000, ::\1rs L E Bennett, 20 East Delta street, At-lanta, 83.250, \\ alter \Vellman, 2 Steuben street, Schenectady, 1\ Y, $3,500 J A Tally, 4119 Green Lea place, St. Louis, ::\10. $3,600, EmIly Bauer, 3906 Palm street, St Louis, $6,000; R J Froese, 5850 Garfield avenue, St Louis, $3,500; Louisa Stellman 3027 HIckory street, St. Louis, $4,000; Dr. G. A. \' oker~, 4339 Compton avenue, St. Louis, $3,800; F A. Hueser 22-+2 ral1 avenue, St Louis, $4,000; H W Hall, EI Paso, Tex, 85,500; NarcIssa Licon, EI Paso, $3,000; Joseph Raw-son, Chfton and Greendale avenue, Cinclllnati, 0., $4,500; Xlcholas Karg, Sandheger place and Deckebach avenue, Clll- C1l1natl.$7,000, \V T V Creamer, Observatory road and Cryer a\ enne, Clllc1l1nati,$6,000; Carrie O. Bossenberger, Ross and Mayfield stl eets, C1l1cinnati, $4,000; George J. Kuehnle, \\ oolpel and Carthage avenues, Cincinnati, $5,500; Dr. J. 1\1 Pre\\ itt, 35 \Vest Fourth street, Cmcinnatl, $3,500; R. A DrawJ}, Jr, Jackson and vVlllter streets, Jacksonville, Fla, $5,500 ::\!Irs H GIbbs, 358 Cedar .street, Jacksonville, $3,400, L V. Benedee, MadIson and EIghth streets, Jackson- \ rIle, 83,500; Arthur Kahn, Broadw
- Date Created:
- 1910-04-16T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:42
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GRAND RAPIDS. -MICH•• DECEMBER 4. 1909 .. _.- ..--_ .... NELSON MATTER FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. \ \ ""-- -----------------------------_._._--------_._-------_._-----~~ II I BED-ROOM and DINING-ROOM COMPLETE SUITES in Mahogany. Circassiall Walnut and Oak. If you have uot oue in your store. a simple request will brlnll you our mallniUeent new Fall Catalollue of 12x16 ineh palle ll....uP.... how. inll suites to mateh. With it. even the most moderale sized furaiture slore ean sho'f" the best aad newest i_itare sa:tisiaetorilr. .. . . .. .-.... ., ..... ,. WEEKLY ARTISAN -------_ _._._. -- -_..-_-_ ..----------_ ..-- .. ---_. --_._. --------------_._--- _._-......,.., II I I II ....... ..... ... Great Improvements in Refrigerators for 191 0 SEE THE NEW LEONARD WATER COOLERS FOR REFRIGERATORS! SEE THE ENTIRE NEW LINE OF SATIN WALNUT REFRIGERATORS! SEE THE NEW COMBINATION-REFRIGERATOR AND KITCHEN CABINET! SEE THE NEW ROUND CORNERS ON THE "LEONARD GRAND RAPIDS!" SEE THE NEW WOVEN WIRE SHELVES IN OUR ENAMELED LINE! SEE THE NEW CHEAP LINE OF "NORTH POLE" REFRIGERATORS! SEE THE NEW ALL PORCELAIN REFRIGERATORS-INSIDE AND OUTSIDE! LET OTHERS fOLLOW-If THEY CAN. WE LEAD SEE THE NEW HOME OF THE LEONARD CLEANABLE REFRIGERATORS. The largest and finest refngerator factory In the world It IS only m such a factory that the best goods can be made for the least money, and orders promptly filled ThIS mammoth plant IS at your servIce for the ask1l1g Send for our 1910 catalogue Vlfe make nearly everythIng that we use The Porcelam Enamel for L1l11l1gs-the TInned \\ Ire Shelves-the Locks-the H1l1ges-the Water Coolers-the new desIgns and finishes are all made m thIs wonderful factory. Our assortment IS enormous, rangIng from the very cheapest to the finest And best of all, we help you sell the goods' The "Leonard Cleanable" reputatIOn IS behmd them Our magazIne advertismg and our store Sellmg plans wIll bring you many customers I White Enameled, "Leonard Grand Rapids." i RAPIDS REFRIGERATOR CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Factory, Nos. 52 to 202 Clyde Park Ave. Salesroom during January and July, LEONARD FURNITURE EXHIBITION BUILDING. Satin Walnut, with Water Cooler. Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator. I GRAND II• • _. ••.• • • . • • •• •• . .• _._. _. ......... _- ...~r. 2 ~---------------------~---------------- WEEKLY ARTISAN ....-----------------------------------------------~ I Qran~Da~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~an~ THE LATEST devIce for handlmg shavings and dust from all wood-working mac/llnes. Our nzneteen years experience in this class of work has brought it nearer perfection than any other system on the market today. It is no experiment, but a demonstrated scientific fact, as 'We have several hun-dred of these systems in use, and not a poor one among them. Our Automatlc Furnace Feed System, as shown in thIS cut, is the most perfect 'lvorking deVIce of anything in this line. f;f7rite for OUI prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Office and Factory: 208-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Clthrena Phone 1282 &ell. 10bln 1804 ~--... -_.- - ---------------- ... . OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM ___ J WEEKLY ARTISAN 3 4 ~-------._._. _.._-------_. ----_. WEEKLY ARTISAN i. IIIIII IIIt I II ,j ,I I tt IIIIIII II II III II ~------_.,._._---- ---_._---------------------------~ €IIII HIE LUCE LINE Many New Patterns In Dining Room and Bed-room Furmture for the Fall Season, SHOW ROOMS AT FACTORY, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, I IIIIII! II!! I . ..-------------------------------------- ... LUCE FURNITURE COMPANY Catalogue Up01l rrquest, '" .va _.... _ a.a. ••••...•••••• .•. __ ••••• . • __.., I LUCE..REDMOND CHAIR CO., Ltd. II BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN I .--- MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE OFFICE CHAIRS, DINING CHAIRS Reception Chairs and Rockers, Slippers Rockers, Colonial Parlor Suites, Desk and Dressing Chairs In Dark and Tuna Mahogany, BIrch, Blrd' •• eye Maple, Q!!artered Oak and ClrclUSlan Walnut You will find our Exhibit on the Fourth Floor, East Section, Manufacturers' Buildmg, North Ionia St., Grand Rapids, ----------------------------_._--_._----- - .- -- .-- - .- ..- - ... :..<"{Ai' T~ ql~~ crn(.\ " 30th Year-No. 23 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• DECEMBER 4.1909 Issued Weekly PROMOTING INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Extracts From Addresses Delivered at the Third Annual Convention of the National Socie-ty Held in Milwaukee This Week. ::\IIlwaukee, 111" , Dec 3 -~t a banquet lact eve11lng 111the Hotel PfisteI, Governor Jame~ U Dav Idson, a" toastmaster, opened the Third An mal Convention of the X atlOnal SocIety for the PIOmotlOn of Industllal FducatlOn \ddlesses were made by PreSIdent Charle~ \I an Bbe of the P11lVer"lty of \Vh- COW111, Dr George H ::\Ltrt111 of lJo~ton, :\1as", and Alex-ander C. Humphrey~, PresIdent of the XatlOnal SOCIety and Head of Sievens In;,tItute of Technology The members of the ~ atIonal SOCIety have receIved a cor-ellal welcome from the CItizens of MIlwaukee Several largely attended meet111gs of cltlzen~ \\ ere held before the gathermg of the X atlOnal SOCIet}, and dn urgal1lzatlOn commIttee of fifty ananged all det,uls of the e~S10n" The meet111gs are held 111 the \;"ew \lHlItollum \\ Ith lh great arena and Its numelOUS ~maller halk PresIdent \ an l11se m hb ope11lng address, speakmg of "G11lVel Slty \Id m Industnal EducatIon" referred to the forces whICh have caused the gleat state schools to con"lder the demand" for llhtructIOn on the part of all classess of CItizens He saId 111 pdrt "'Cnttl the nllddle of the 19th century the ~tores of know-ledge whIch the people could u"e had been fairly well aSSImi-lated The apprentIceshIp System \\a~ 111vogue and a trade pas"ed from ma~ter to apprentIce \fter a t1lne the apprenttce became equally "killed WIth hIS ma"ter In the latter half of the 19th century has come the great revolutIon 111 the 111du"tnal \\orld bv which the \\ ork of the ~kl11ed arthan Imtead of be1l1g clone m the ~mall shop h done 1.1 the great l11anUfactOl y Also the l111e~of 111clu~tryIMve va"tl} multJplted so that where form-erlyone product \\ as pIOduced many are now made "Thm the developl11ent of applIed kno\\ledge ha" far out- 1un It" a"Qnl1latlOn bv the dl tI ~an. 'I hI" "ltuatlon IS true both 111England and \melICa In Cerl11anv the development of the trade· chool ha~ taken place WIth the revolutIOn 111the 111dus-tnes, ~o that pel haps 111a "mgle CIt}, "uch as ::\1untch, there may he thirty (l1 more trade school" covenng all the trade" of the CIty In thIS countt) the trade school must be developed upon a fal leachll1g ~cale, hut a~ Jet "uch school'3 scarcely eXht. The Stdte of \\ l~con"m constItutes an e'CceptIOn to the extent that hade "chool~ have heen begun, there hemg 111thIS Stelte a ml111Iclpal trade "chool m :\1llwaukee, a m111111gtrade school 111 Platte\lllt:, and four agTIcultUl al tt ade ~chool~ 'The rapId d(h .ll1ce of applted knowledge Ul the \\ orld, and the ab~ence of trade school" 1ll the l'mted States, have made 1t advlsab"e fot 11111ve~lltle.., to gIve aId 111 111dustnal educatIOn. 1 hI"- ha" been done at the Umver 1t} of V\TIsconSlll and to a le:-,ser extent at othel IL1Iversltle" by the estabhsh-ment of the exten~IOn dl\ls10ns The extensIon dlvl'IOn of vI, 1",COlb111, beSIdes glV1l1g 1l1fOrmatlOn by lectures and hy 1l1"tl-tute~, a~ for ll1stance, bdk.el" 111"tltute", gives sy~tematlc tn structlon by con e~pondence 111many 111dustnal hnes In thIS matter the correspondence school~, e<.,tahh"hed upon a com-mercial ba"'l", have led the way and performed a great serVlCe The chlet defects ot ~uch schools have been that each man must work by himself and that he doe" not come 11 contact with hIS teacher The 111evltable consequence 1" that comparattvely few men have the stam1l1a to cont111ue long 111~tudy The great maJonty dIOp out of the com ,e'3 whIch the} begm "Rea!tzlllg the~e defects the L-mverslty of vVI"con~m haq handled It" COIre"pondence WOlk for artl"ans so that groups of men ""ork together and meet a teacher, the travehng pro-fessor. ThIS could only be successful by the cordIal cooperatIOn of the manufactllrers The manufacturer~, and e"peclally tho~e tn :\1Jlwaukee, have fur11lshed c1a"s r00111"-m whIch the men may meet, not onl} thIS but they pay theIr men for the tIme they are reCeIV1l1g 1l1"tructlOn, an hour once a fortmght ThIS attItude upon the part of the manufacturer IS broad gauged !tbel aht}, based upon a deSIre to help hIS men to Improve themselve" a~ well a" to have the serVIce" of tra111ed men. "The travelmg profe-,sor and the c1a"s room work place study by correspondellce upon a new and hIgher plane L;nder the new conchtIOn'-, the great maJonty of student, persI"t to the end of theIr courses The work of the 'II, bconsm extenSIOn dIVISIOn has met WIth enthu"Iast1c '3upport In thIS State and pendmg the WIele de" elopment of the trade "chool It IS the be.:,t method vet dev Ised to gIve mdnstnal educatIOn "Even \\ hen the trade school I~ fully developed, as It WIll be In the future, the extensIOn work for artIsans WIll be con-tmued 11en need a broMler tramJng than a "lmply vocatIOnal ant: They need to go tarther than the it ade "chool vVhen the trade "chooh are able m th1', Stelte to do sattsfactonly the vocdtIOnal \\ 01 k demanded, It wIll be the aIm of the L;mvel ~lty of \Vl<;conqn to cont111ue to teach the al than dfter he leaves the trade "chool, not only 111advanced stud1es relditng to hIS vocatlOn, but 111"tuches whIch concern hI:> dutIes as a CItIzen, and which concern him a~ a man It h our deSire to open to all the \lay to a hlghel mtellectncll and "pllItnal hfe," States l\'IustH..lp. Dr George H ::\lart1l1, formerly Secretarv of the State 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN Board of Educat10n of '!cl"",1Chlblth "putc on L..tatt I l~I' latJon for lndustnal F dUCcltlon DI \lell tm ",1)(1 "Leg,11 1'rO\ 1,lon 1~ not needed all) \,here 101 111\e"t1g,1l!( 11 of mdustnal cOlldltlOll, or mL1ustllal educatIOnal netd~, \11 the fdcts hay e heen kllO\\ll 101 t\\ent\ fi\ c \ eals at ]ea~t alld 1111 more ~tate comml,~lOll ~ al e needed to Ie <11'C(1\ U dll(l ]i! ( claIm them "F111anc1al ,ud h) the <;tdLel~ e""c<1tlal e\ Ul 111thc \\ (,11th 1e~t ,tate~ \\ e m,ly S,1) t]1<1t It ou~ht 110t to he \\ C lJ cl\ argue that to teach the element, of ,omt OCCUp,ltJ111 11\ \\ hld1 a bo) or gIrl may hecome ,e]f-suPI UIt111f?"l~ a~ l1tC~,',ll \ ,1~ much a part of the loc,d 1'ubhc burden a~ to It \ch Ihc three R'" hut the fact lemams, and \\t have to lecko]] \\llh Jl "Indu,tnd] tJ a111mg \\ 111me\ ltdblv add tu the Uht oj pu bhc edlkatlO11 'L he eyu1pment of mdlhtnal ,chool, h mOlc c" pens1\ e than for other kmd" the matellal u<;ed 111h,\11(]\\ ork must be paId fOl, and the teaLhel, cannot be hll ed jUl the \\age" now paId to grdde teachel'i m the puhhc 'lhl)l)] , \Yere dray<,111~ anti hand-\\ 01 k 1tlJUll ed m ,\11 dUlJ( 1L,ll \ publIc ~chool~, a foundcltlOn a, hro,ld a'-, the pubhl 'clwul '\' Lem, 1helf vvould he l,nd on \\ hKh mIght be b11llt ,\11\ lltUhL '-,ort of mdu,tJ 1al eclucatlO]] Shot ,chlo]" It ,ulL "lhOI)I, mad1!111st\ school~, agncultl1\,1l ,chooh \\ oulc1 all fmcl III 'm h prehmmal) work a common ,011 m \dll~h to loot Ihu (hl Iv ~', "The prohlem of the mdlhtnal tffiUellC\ ot thc l0111111~ generatIOn h meAtncahly mtel \\0\ en \\ lth the plOhlc111" or puhhc play~rouml'-, and g) mndSlum'-" of the ',llNt,ltlOl1 ot hou'-,e" of tht conge'-,tlOn of ttnement~ ,me! of thl h011l' 0 I labor of \\ omen a,lcl chl1e!ren "\\ hIIe \\e are talkll1~ tu llJ~ht about thl tUJ1l01111l \ dhll of 1I1dthtnal educatlOn, let u" not tLJ1~et that IntL111~t1ll l )11 sumers al e <i' nect"setr) to econ01111cal "UCLe", a, ll1tt]]1";l::nt plOclucers, that It \\ III be 1e!le to tra1l1 a genel at10n ot \\ m k ,11en \\ho ca'l produce hne thl11g'-,unk,,, tht\ ale ,t!"o ll,llllU! to enjoy and cle'lre fine th111g'o, Ihat II hnC111tllt ot I I'll '\ Jm h Lames from the ~tu(h of nat111c lltel,ltu1l eme! ,l1t b h k~1l1 mate amI a, e~'ientldl a pal t of ll1du'-,tllal U!tl"ltIOl1 md 111 111, end \\ 1]] be found to he ,l~ eCOnOll11L,11h plOtlte1bli \" tlll hand tla111lng \vhlLh \\ e are no\\ empha 1711112, Wasteful and Inefficient ~I etllO(}.,. I're<;lclent Hl1J11phlC\" ,poke 011 I h, I lOl1i) 111l \ 1lul lJi lndu'-,tnal FducatlOn. ffc (lJU\ an d.nell()~\ l)(t\\((l1 ltLlJl" wa'-,te of the Lountn .'-, neltl11el] 1 e,,0111ce'-,,l11r! tIll IlllJllO\ Hll11Le and ..,upufiClal Chd.ldctel of our ulJ1LdtHlllal pIOll'''t'' III p \1t he ,aliI , Of tllll teen 111111Wl1o'f \ OUl1g 111tI 111 thl l 111t«l '-,Uh" het\\ten the agt, of 21 ,md 3; ol1h t1\1:: pll lll1t lllll\( 111 STAR -~---_ .. _ _ ., CASTER CUP COMPANY II III II• III II IIIII I........_--~ I ~, . I I•II I,• I II II III II II I I I •II• II I II•I fob 01 and Rap>ds I~------------.. ... NORTH UNION STREET GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLIED FOR) We have adopted cellulOId as a base for our Caster Cups, makmg the best cup on the market CellulOId IS a great Improvement over bases made of other matenal When It ISnecessary to move a plece supported b, cups WIth cellulOld bases It can be done wlth ease, as the hases are per fectly smooth CellulOId does not sweat and by the use of these cup' tables are never marred These cups are fimshed 111 Golden Oak lInd While Maple finIshed light If you w.ll try a sample order of th.. e floods you u,ll des,re to handle them U1 quant.tles PRICES Size 2* Inches $5.50 per hundred. Slze ZJi Inches 4.50 per hundred. 1R Y A SAMPLE OR.DER the "choo] em\ dned prepalatlOl1 for theIr \OcatlOn", and of l'\ en ont hnndred g\adnatt'i of our elementary ;,chools, only ll~llt ohtamul then In ehhood b) means of the profess101b and ll)llllllCt ual j)nr,lllh \\ Ink the remall1mg mnety-two sup-pOl tul thenbth t'~ and theIr fanllhe, hy theIr hands It \\e al e optl1 to COI1\lctlOn, \\ e need no l11Ve,t1gatlOn to C01\\ mce n that the j1ubhc school '-,)stem of thIS country has not bten de\ eloped and lJ1euntamed fur the benefit of the mass-l" but lather ha~ been operat1l1g for the benefit of the few. \\ e h,1\ l .Jl' pO''''lb1e ngllt to bmlrl up a g-eneral "cheme of puhhc pnnMl \ and ~eLOndar) educatIon WIth the college as the goal ] hl'-, IS ",ldlficm~ the nun, for the benefit of the few, a useless ,acllfiLe ]Jelau,e the few C,ll1 he tdken care of WIthout resortl11g !o 'lllh \\ ,l tefulmethoe!s (hll j)u]J1Jc 'chcoh, speakmg generall), have so far pL\Lul the 11llph,\"h tt () markedly upon the ~o called cultural ~tndle" I'll "ol1'llh I ldnnot under'itand hoV\ any ~tue!y which h Iw H"t!v tOl1l)\\ell can tall to be cultural, as far as It goe~ (Jt btt \ ear", there hcl0 been an effort to e'itabh,h the balance, ,I' (\ Idencul 1n the mtrocluctlOI1 of manual tra111l11g. l he ])uhhe school '-,),tem ot a country m whIch the pu pIt ~O\ II 11 thtm,eh e., ce1ta1111) shoule! not allow the ,ub- "UtntlOl1 oj a '-,l1latlel111g of man) '-,0 called cultural ~tu(hes for a ~ood \\ orklllg kno\\ ledge or 1eetdmg, wntll1g, En~lhh and \ oLatwl1,tl mathematlL' [hel e 'huuld be acqmred more than ,I kno\\ lldgt of tht'-,t ,uhJtch-there ~huuld be acqmred a fac1- hh 111 the ll,e of thtse 'llhllLh ,l" lead\ tooL \\ e ,hould anl1 ~---------------------------------------------~--------------------- The season for banquets is here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand. I..... _.. .. ....................'" Our Large New Line of DINING and OFFICE I TABLES I are the best on the American market when prices and qualIty are considered. STOW & Df\VIS FURNITURG 60. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. _ ...- .--_._. ----------._-------- ...I _ _ _~ City Salesroom. 4th floor. Blodgett Bldg. I, The Beautiful, New : Udell Catalog I I' ready for all Retdll Furmture Dealers. It wIll help sell the lIne that of Its kind has no supenor. It con tams 88 pages Illustratmg 41 LIbrary Bookcases, 88 Lad,es' Desks, 48 Sheet MUSIC Cabinets, 23 Prano Player Roll Cabinets, 14 Cylinder Record Cabinets, 11 D,sc Record Cabinets, 19 MedICine Cabinets, 10 Commodes, 9 Folding Tables. ACT A T ONCE AND WRITE THE UDELL WORKS INDIANAPOLIS, IND WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 No. 679 ~----------------------------------------------_ .... _ ..--- --------- ..... ... ------ -----------_.~--~--~-- No 354 ······----·····1 , II I,, III I _ IIIII II II .............-... No. 1239 claimed that these al e I,olated ca"e~, we Cdn P0111t to the case of the Hnthh ~ avy 111 ,,, hlCh many of the mlc1o,hIpmen were LIken 111yeal' ) ounger than 1~, and were gn en responsIbilIty and authontv often before they well' 15 ..\\ hen we compale onr methods WIth those of other conntnes and espeCially With Germany, there may be ddference" of opl1110n, but there ,eems to be hardly any room to questlOl1 the supenonty of the German Ideal. cr he German Ideal IS to tram It, youth for tuture effiCient cltl7enshlp \Ve seem to be not ,atl,fied 111l1es~we al e attemptlng to tram all of onr boys for leadershIp, although we mmt recog1117e, as PreSident ElIot ha~ more than once pomted out, that there 10, no such thmg amonl; men of equalIty at natm dl ~Ifts uf capacity for tral11- Inl{, olaf Intellectu,I1 po,,, er . In two of the hall, of tlIe \ew )uchtonum there has been dll anged an extensn e exhibition of trade school work. ThIS IS the lall;est and mo~t vaned collectlOn of such work gathered h) the XatlOnal Society. It compnses many large photograph" of ~hop" 111 operdtlOn, charts of courses, and a great collectlOn of speClmens of the work of different school" m the form of model"" patterns, mach1l1e pal t", teals dnd apparatus Xew York h ICjl1esented h) exhibIts from the \lanhattan Trade School for ()llls, ?\ e\\ York Trade School, :\lechal1lcs Institute, INDIANA fO! ,uch a degl ee of fdclht) and ,peed cI, c,m he ~eulle(1 ,",lth ont "dn lhunl; aCUll acy .,\\ e need 111dnstnal eclnc,ItJon for the ma~se' If we arc to mall1talll onr o\"n III the field, of lllcln"tl) and commerce. Bettel, pel haps, than an) other country of the globe we can afford to enclose am ,eh e, wlthlll a wall of tanff excln ~lOn, for the vallety of 0111 natmal reS011lce" due to vandtlOn ll1 chmdte dml othel c011ChtlOn~1, almost n111que Htlt, even then, If \ve .11e llleffiuent and wd,tefnl. th011l.:;hwe may not have to meet comnetltlOn a, a people, \\e llln,t finally fall on had tIme, Molly·Coddles of Both Sexes. ";\1) e'l:penence goe" to chow that many hoys ,Ire l11cltnre enongh ph) ,ICdlh cmd mentally to beg1l1 ,n apprentlce'ihlp 01 legtlLlr VOCdtlOI1ct1tla1llll1g elt 14 )la1, of a~" \\ e all know of bo" V\ ho at thl" ,l~ C \, el e better ahk to tdke ccue of them ~elve, than m,llly othu" at 18 v ears, In fact v\ e know of man) ,d1O ,\ el e hetiel ahle to care fO! th-::nheh e, at tll1" age than others al e ,It ally tIme dmll1g thell 11, e, I ,ometlmes \\ ,)l1del If \'ve ale not tc)') 1each to moll, coddle Otll ho), III sch'Jol-ye, ,ll1d onr gIll It ma) he clall11ul that the cases I refel to are eAceptJ011cll. \\ onld thel e not be more of them If OUI edncatwnal meth)(l" ,,,ere mOTe 1 ,1tlO11al and hettel de~l~ned to de\ elop man1ll1cs~, ,\ omanhnc s, and . elf rehance) It It I, RICHMOND DOUBLE CANE LINE "SLIP SEATS"-the latest and best method of double seating. Catalogues to the Trade. ~._-- No. 70 h_ ••• __ The Best Value and Greatest Service for the Money No 100. .... .... 8 l1<lt be a\ Olded 111 the clJ"cus~lOn of 1l1dustnal educatIOn All ,cheme" ot 111dust11dl educatlOn ba"e the1r c1ann" on the years \\ a~ted between the age" of 14 to If) There lS httle use m pI opo~mg d form of educatIOn necessanly expensrve and com-phc lted unle"s \\ e ctnke at the lOot of the e\ 11 E\ ery boy dnd gl1l up to the age of at least 16 years should be engaged 111a \\ ork profitable to hody. m111dand soul, Dr else m a school \\ ll1ch \\ e hope may be even more profitable School laws and tactor} lav'v" must work together The \\hole que~tl0n of mdlhtnal educatIOn 1S one for a ,t,lte gm ernment to cO'1s1der It ranks w1th the problems of ,tate canal" hlgh\\d\ s, forests and water powers. The con "en atton 01 ch1ldren 1" a" 1mportant a'> the conservatIOn of other natural re"ource". \" the subject of 111dustnal educatlOn Loncern ~ e, en 1ntere,t 111the state a 1d nat10n, 1t lS eminently nece"san that 1t be admm1stered by the same agenc1es that dclm1111-tel our pre"ent pubhc school "ystem'. Inclustl1.d ec1ucatlOn w1ll reqmre State funds No trades "chool" 01 agllcultural ~chool,> hay e been :ouccessful WIthout gOyernment and "tate a1d The state should not pay all the expen"es of industrial educdtlon Local enterpn"e and responslb1hty must be de\ el-oped \11 mdmtnal trade and agncultural schools must be do"e to the people 1he control of 111du'>tnal educat10n "hould be 111the hancl~ of enhstmg State Hoard" of Educat10n "If \\e are to '-,uccessfull} compete w1th the great mdus-tnal ndtluns of the wotIel, e\ ery state m the umon must put t01 th 1h be"t ehorts to estabhsh lndu"tllal Techlllcal Schoob, not tor the eAplOltatlOn of any "pec1al mte1 ests, and whether 1t be or~am7ecl labor, orgamzed cap1tal, or any other part of our bod} POlltlC If we hay e m ml11d the true pnnc1ples upon \\ hlch th1s mo\ emetn lS founded, we shall Jom hand" together lJ1 common a,cord for the matenal and 111dustndl uphft of all 1111Jlt many 5->tates ha,e enacted laws \\lth a V1ew of plOmot111g and ec.,tabhsh111g ]ndustndl Techmcal Schools, there h "tlll much \\ ork to be done, and the "tate that lags behl11d 111th1s great movement, \\ 111fall In Its duty to lt~elf, 1t" people and the natlon \1 h1le man} systems Me bemg advocated, dnd most of them hay e man, good teature~, we cannot afford to be wedded to am ha1d and fast lule or pollcy, we must be prepa1ed to measure our cloth accord111g to the coat that IS needed, and the dOO1 must he open to all " lIen and women mU'it not be early tra1l1ed as spec1alt"ts, but eqlllpped to grasp the hIgher techmque of the trade or cal-lmg they may be best fitted for They must leal n the way a thl11g be done, why it h done, and the very best and most WEEKLY ARTISAN Teachers College Cooper LnlOn Hebrew Techmcal In~tltt1te and the "ew York E1ectllcal Trade School Brooklyn al"o sends the ~ ork of Pratt In"tItl1te One of the most l11tele,tlng eAhlblt~ h that ot the Intel natlOnal TypographIcal lmon of Clllca~o ThI" ,ho\\, \\ hat the pnnters of that CIty are dOIng 111the tram111g ot clpprentlce' Among other ~choo1~ exhlb1tmg are the Frdnklm Ln1\ln ot Boston and the ?\orth I~nd Lmon and ?\ 01th Bennett Street School of the same CIty, the L mted ::,hoe ::\Ianufall11nng (0111 pany of Beverly, ill ass. , :Uecha111c'> InstItute of " Y. ChIcago 1" also 1epresented b) e"hlhlh from the L 111\er,rl\ H1gh School and Le\'h In"tItute, and I hlhddphla 1n tht School of lndmtnal \rh, 1\ Ilhamson Trade School anel GIrard College \\ ork lS dl"o ~hoV\n b} Call1egle fech llcal School of Pltbburg, l aS1110 "Ight "-chool of I" a"t Pltt"burg, l111011 Tech111cdl In,Utnte c'f Indlclnapolh Itchl11c,tl HIgh School of Spnngfield, IId~~ I[ar} lanel 1n'-tltnte ot BdItr more. ::\Id, Rank111 School of :\Iecha11lcal Crade, of ::'t. Low- :'lID, 111dustnal ::'chools of "ewark, " J . School ot Trade" ot :'IIllwaukee, 1\ 1"., Stout 1n-tltute of Ilenom111ee, \\ 1, School of Trades of Portland, ()re~on, and OhIO IIecha 11C" 111"tl1\11<: of C1l1c1l1natI, Oh1O Welcomed B) M8) or Rose. ThIS mornll1g the conventIOn \Vas called to orc1eI In the ne\\ \uclltonum by iredenck II ::'n} el, pres1dent of the "orth ~V\Te"t :Malleable I ran com pan} Dd\ Id :::, Rooe \Ia\ or of J\Itlwaukee, offered a cordnl \\ elcome to the delec;ate" p1e"enl who repre ..ented more thdn tvvent} states Iram ot the omceI'> of the state branches were pre"ent togethel \\ lth a ldl ~e 1eprc ~entdtlOn frorn the college" and l'rade :::,choolc.,of the Illelclle \\ e~t :'IIayOI Rose extended to all the \ I"ltor, the treccJu111 of the CIty, and told them what \[r1\\~lllkee helc done 111the de velopment of the Schea1 of Trade 1te hade them "tlFh thL fine exhlblt10n~ of T1ade ~chool \\ or]" 111the nel~hblllln~ hall, dnd see what the west 1'-, dOIng 11 Indlhtlral I:ducatl011. 1 he first addre-~ of the mett111g wa~ nude I)} a rep1 e"entdtJ\ e 01 organ17ed labOl, John Golden, ot I all I~l\ el lId'S Genercd PreSIdent of the L111ted CextI]e \ \ orker" of '\mcnca I Lt Golden spoke on the grO\\ mg need fOl ",tate LeghJatlOn on Indu~tnal Edncat1On, a 1cl pomtec] ont the need t01 Indl1 tlla] Schools de\ eloped nnc1u ctate amj>lce~ H e ~ald 111 pal t "The wage earners ot the cOl1ntr} rea]ve perhap,> 111a more keen "en<;e tlMn dn\ one else the cr} mg need ot IncIn~tnal Techmcal School" to snpplelllent the eXlst111g ~chool ,,\ "tem and to meet a new ed ncatlOnal need \, hlCh has de\ eloped \\ 1th the evolntlOn of our ll1dustnes and commerce "The ral'll1g of the compnlsory c;chool a~e to 16 year'> Cdn SEND FOR CATALOGUE. WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 artIstIc way of domg it, coupled wIth an economIC knowledge of the value of theIr labor. Thl~ 1<.,the kmd of educatIon that h neerled. Let all co-opel ate In bnng111g It about. 1he 000nel the tao;k IS accompltshcd the better for all ' ~fust Raise the Compulsory Age. "L\I thur D Dean ,;poke on "State 1\Jeech and Laws" Mr Dean IS c111ef of the dl\ ISlon of trade ,chool, of the" e", York state department of educatIon He <.,ald "Indu::,tnal educatIOn mea 10;the recltrect111g of our pubhc schaab, adapt111g them to the need" of our people, from an economIc as well ac; from a socIal standp0111t It IS 111 no way antagot1!o;tIc to the lSenel al functIOn of all educatIOn whIch 1" to develop and tram the 111md The 111111dmay be tra111ed by mean'i of many 'iubJect", and -0111e "ubJects or proc '"o;e'i are be"t for one group of per"ons and other proce"ses for other glOupr ThIS IS a problem whIch ha" no "inlSle solutIon There WIll be a" many c1a'islficatlOns a,; there are vocatIons, and nearly as many 'SolutIOns as there are commu11ltIes, Trades Unions Must Approve. "The CjuestlOn of 111du-,tnal educatIOn IS of VItal 111terest to 1rade 1:1110ns and manufacturers. The state can develop a plan of procedure whIch WIll meet the cooperatIOn both of employer and employee Orgamzed labor WIll not deny the utmost OpportU111ty to It'i own chIldren through mdu ~tnal tra111mg If labor can have confidence that what I'; to be done wIll be free from selfI"h explOItatIOn and rest UPOiI a tl uthful educatIOnal footmg and be gUIded by the common advantage of all the 111tere~ts concerned IIr Charles R RIchards, Dnector of Cooper UnIOn, New York CIty, spoke bnefly on the e),.hlbltlon of trade school work "hown at the com entlon He reHewed the plan of the NatIOnal SocIety to gather together at each meetmg, a repre'ientattve show111g of the latest and be'St work bemg done m trade "chooL allover the country, and noted the growmg e),.cellence of the plocluct of theoe school'i He saId "ThIrty 'Schools, e),.tend mg from Portland, Oregon, to BO'iton, iVla"~ad1l1,,eH'S, 'lre repre"ented 111thIS exhlbItlOn The work all over the Cih111tt y "haws great progress Charles F Perry, superVhor of mdustnal educatIon 111 the MIlwaukee Schools, spoke on methods of developIng trade "chool work for boy~. He CIted hIS expenence In orgamz111g the l\Illwaukee School of the Trades and saId "A new problem Is ans1l1g to tax the be'it efforts of School "['oards all over the country It is a questIOn of "enc1l11'~out the youth of (mr land from our publtc "chools IXllfL IJrel'Jled to ('ntel tl'c Lll1k" of earners ThIS invo1' c~ -,o111l'lhlllg 1\ hl.:11 \III! help ()1,r I'CI\ '- and gIrls to find themo~lve,,' Educate the Girls. ::\Ir~ Ray mond Robll1s of the \\ oman'" Trade U 1110n League of ChIcago "poke on "The Industnal EducatIOn of GIrlS" She "aId 111part "The que~tIon of ll1elIl,;tnal educallon for young gllls "tIll cause~ a good deal of confUSIOn In the publIc mInd The average person ,ee~ 111the young gIrl only the potentIal '" 1fe and mother, for '" hlch pOSItIon she ought to be qualtfied throul2,h tral111nlS, and forget,; the addItIonal and no 1e"s un-de11lable fact that for an average of 'Seven years ~he IS a bread W111ner The shortnes" of thl" penod 111 contrast WIth the ti\ ent\ cc1d year~ of her vvIfehood and motherhood. ea"Ily causes the Importance of trallnng for tho,e "e,e'1 years of bl ead wmlllng to be overlooked, and, 111 the publtc m111d, phce the e111phasI'S e),.ch1<.Ively on dome~tIc sCIence traI111ng "1he demand f01 home tra111111gIS based on the natural real1/atlOn of It'S value to the homc and the commulllty, but It I, no exaggeratIon to say that lac1, of eqUIpment for her y eal s of bread wIn11lng bnng" al'out re"ults even more chs-astrou~ than doe~ now hel LIck of knowledge of the dome~tlc aric A::, a memlwr of the great unskIlled and unorga11lzed group, the) oung gIrl act,; as an underbIdder 111the labor mar ket, and by acceptIng poor walSe' and long hours, by lowenng the "tandard of IIvme" she 1-, I'}"trumental 111 caus111g the greate~t posqb1e attack upon the home" The dl~cu'-"Ion on the ~ubJect of Trade Schools wa" Splfl-ted Among thme who "poke", ere .:\11ss Anna Hedges, Supel-mtenclent of the Hebrew Techlllcal School for GIrls, New York LIty, \Valter C. SmIth, General Dilector of the \V1l1ona Tech mcal In ~tItute of Indlanapoh<;, Ind., and LeWIS Gustafson, SuperL1tendent of the Dav Id Rank111, J r, School of l\Iecha1l1cal Trades of St LoUIS A pUbhc meetIng held at 2 o'clock thl" afternoon wa'S addre'S ,ed by Gem ge C,rmen, dIrector of the LeWIS ImtItute, ChIcago, by \ Vtllet 1\ Hayes a sbtant "ecretary of agnculturc, Pre"ldent John L Shearer of the OhIO 1\lecha111c" InstItute. C1l1c1l1natI and other,; At the evenmg se""lOn Dr Charle~ S Ho'0. c, preSIdent of the La,;e School of Anpltecl ::-,clence, pre:-:'Ided There was a large atienclance and among the speake" vvere Dr J e~se D Burks of the bunau of mU111clpal re"earch, PhIladelphIa, Mrs. Anna (JarlIn Spencer of the Souety of EthIcal Culture. Prof. Erne~t C ::\Iever of the department of PolItIC'll <;clence, Un l\eIslty of \Vlsconsm and other" In the course of her addre~s 1\1r" GarlIn declared "Before the age of eIght, at lea"t, no chIld should be forced to SIt 111a school seat, before a ~chool desk, or be held to any torm of school lIfe whIch forbId" or checks that c')n~tant actIVIty wInch nature demand" for the chIld'::, good From 8 to 12 there ma) he, WIthout harm to the body or m1l1d, a gradual 1l1ethodlzmg of actIVIty 111 accordance WIth the de-mdnel" of regular In"tructlon But we have made mIllIons of "tupld glown people out of mIllIon" of 'brIght chtldren,' by the u~ual treatment of 'PrImary School Puphs' It I tlll1e thIS were "topped" CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS ROBERT P LYON Ceneral Manager THE SPECIAL CREDIT BUREAU OF THE: FURNITURE, CARPET, UPHOLSTERY, UNDERTAKING, PICTURE FRAME, MIRROR VENEER, WOOD, CABINET HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHINC TRADES. New York Grand Rapids PhIladelphIa Boston Cincinnati Chicago St LOUIS Jamestown High POint ~-------- -----_._----_ . GRANO RAPIDS OFFICE 412-413 HOUSEMAN BUILDING e. <:" NEv];RS, MIChIgan Manager Captlal, Credtl and Pay RatIngs Clearmg Honse of Trade Expenence The Most Rehable CredIt Reports I RAPID COL.L.ECTIONS. t .. _ .... IMPROVED METHODS WE ALSO REPORT THE PR1NCIPAL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT AND GENERAL STORES. , . .. ._.__._._.~. ~ __.-_.-._----------_-..1 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN Variety Single Sawing Machine. ThIS machine is bUIlt to meet the demand for a hea\ v and finely constructed smgle saw, such as IS reqUIred m the modern cabinet and pattern shop It is eqll1pped with every ImpIO\ e ment and convelllence possIble to facIlItate accurate and rapId operatIOn. The table-this is a very large and extremel} hea\} ca,t-ing havmg double rIbs running around the SIde to faclhtate the use of clamps and smgle rIbs to strengthen the center The rIbs and the table ibelf are made of % materIal gn 1l1g extreme stIffness. Large hmges securel} bolted to planed spots on the column support the table The,e 11lnge' al e at an a, possIble and as close to the i\rbor as possIble to avoid the lea,t \ 11)1atlOn These \vays are supported by heavy proJec-t1Om. ca ,t sohd "Ith the column and rendered free from vibra tIOn The yoke has fOUl pomts of contact on these ways, each havmg a bearIng of 15 square mches, or a total bearing of 60 'quare l11che, for the \ oke ThIs gives an elegant bearing free trom \ Ibratlon and "hlch cannot b1l1d or wear out. The ver-tIcal adjustment ot the yoke IS accomph"hed by a cut steel \\ aIm clI1d gear \\ hlch m turn are operated by a large hand wheel. convemently placed on the front of the column. A man Cdn ea"Ily operate tl1l', hand \\ heel WIthout changing his pOSItIOn \\ Ith 1elatIon to the ,aw or WIthout bend1l1g lu~ knees. DI-approved type, machll1ed all over and ale suffiuenth L11gc dlHI heavy to rema1l1 "ohd and tru~tworth\ Indefimteh 1he tront lunge IS equipped with a chal and p01l1ter accurateh Q,raduated from 0° to 45°, through whIch the table ma\ be tllted. \ heavy round rod h1l1ged to the left undel SIde of the table and passll1g through a lock-nut sItuated on the it ant at tne column "erves to lock the table in any pOSItIon to "hlch 1t ma} be tIlted The table Itself IS hll1ged m the center, mak1l1g It evenly balanced and permlttmg It to be tIlted WIth pel fect ease. The J oke-th13 IS a strong, rI~Id cast1l1g hav1l1g two 6-mch boxes WIth loose caps prm Ided \\ Ith adlthtmcnt fOl wear These boxes ale lined WIth 2;enmne babbItt and cHC oiled from ample reserV01r~ by capillal} actIOn '1 he \oke ha' a.vertIcal adjustment on two heav} way" placed as far apal t - . Mahogany Circassian Walnut Quartered Oak Walnut Curly Maple Bird's Eye Maple Basswood Ash Elm Birch Maple Poplar Gum : Oak ........ 1ecth bellk 01 the hand \\ heel 1, a hand nut, whIch loch the } oke lI2;Hll} at an} P01111. The Belt [Ightenel- ThIS h automatic In It-. actIOn and keep, a propel temlOn on the belt at all times. It 1S supported b\ t\\ 0 bi ad,ets 1>olted to planed spots on the real SIde of the culumn ThIs tlghtner operates m an al c on the ll1s1de of the mach1l1e \\ hen the }oke IS way up the tightner pulley should be nearly m contact WIth the arbor pulley \Yhen the yoke IS way down the tIghtener pulley drops through a space of 12 m-ches Proper allowance 1S made for tak1l1g up the stretch 111 a ne\\ belt 1he macll1ne h btlllt by the Crescent Maclune \Vorks, J11dnnfalturers uf Patented and Improved \1\ oodworking Ma-chll1er}, (7rancl I~aplcl" j\lIchigan, USA. --------_._-~._._._--------., II• I I... Foreign and Domestic Woods. Rotary, Sliced, Sawed. .. .--- ...- ..- ----_._._---_._----_..__._- --_._-_. ---------~-_._._. _._._---_. _. --_._._-~--_._-------~ WEEKLY ARTISAN •••• Ie ••• • I ••• a ••••••••••••••••••• _.-- ,I I\ Waddell Manufacturing Company I GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. III II III I• I• III• I• ,I II,I ,I,I I• I, I,III II I•• •• •II• II II I I IiI A new line of Carved Baled Handles made in all the different woods. These handles are very popular with the manufacturers of the best furniture. Send for illustrations and .prices. See illustrations of Period Handles on another page of this Issue. 11 .. •i•----~------.----.---.------.----.--.-- ---.~._-----------------.--_..-... •••• - • ••• •••• ._ ••••••• _ - I. . ."" 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN .....------~--------------- -----_.----------------------------------~ Our No. 171 Patented Sand Belt Machine No. 171 SAND BELT MACHINE. will sand flat surfaces and irregular shapes, including mouldings, better and faster than any other process. Nearly 1000 of our Sanders now in use by your competitors. advantage over you in your sanding department? We also manufacture special patented Sanding and Mortising Machines that are proving extremely profitable to the chair manufacturers. "E" Why give them an Ask for CATALOG Wysong & Miles Company Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., Greensboro, N. C. I II II I f I II I f I I I:, II• IIIIIIIII I I III ---------.---------- ------------------ .-4 AMONG JAMESTOWN FACTORIES A Newsy Letter on the Furniture Industry in the "Grand Rapids of the East." Jamestown, N. Y, Dec 2 -The Dal!e) Jone, C011lpcll1\ will make a change 111 their name January 1st \fter that date the company wIll be styled The Bailey T dble Compan\ The present style has been cont1l1ued, up to this tlme not\\ Ith '3tandmg the death of Mr Jone~ se\ eral ) ears al:;o One of the "peClal events 111 fur11lture CIrcles 111the !d-,t week 111 Nmember was the marnage of Pie" and Genua! Manager, P. B. RosencrantL of the Banner Fur11ltUle Compan\ and MISS Maud ~ lchols-a prom1l1ent society lach on Thanks giving Day The ceremony took place at 9 a the home of the bnde's parente, J\1r and J\Irs BenJaml11 '\Icho!, L hc happy pall left at 1030 the .,ame day on a tnp to \e\\ \olk Philadelphia and 13altJmOl e The .:vracldox Table Com pan} , one of the mo,t \\ J(!Lh known concern" 111 the fUfJuture vvorld ha\ e done a ,01u11Je ot busmess the past "Ix month, which has been fullv up to thc correspondmg penod of any norma! ) eal. The J anuan !1I1e Will embody many new features m adchtlOn to then ,taplc hne", '1 he Maddox products are made a merchanchs111g propo"lt1U'1 for the dealer so that he can put them on llls floor and mike good proflts a~ well as qUIck sales The BaJ1ey Jones Company have recently b1111ta battcn of modern dry kiln') of cement and "teel and dlso ha\ e en-larged their woodwork1l1g depal tment so as to 1l1crea,e thell capaclty to a considerable extent. The Jame'itown Cabmet Company recently under\\ ent a change m management, \ Ice-president and supenntendent, L0111') Lucas, havelllg retired to devote all of hIS time to the Lucas lidchl11e Comp,llJ\ a 1(l 0 r. \nderson \\ ho \\ ac, formerly for d te1111 of \ eare, tldvehng ",tlesman for the J\[an el Furl11ture Lompan} becom111~ the manager to ~ucceed IIr Luca" 1 he T amestO\, n Lounge Company are erectmg a four story l)ll1l(hl1~ on pI e111he, purchased north of their present factory 1 hh mc1ucle'o \\ ater PO\\ er nghts and the company al e puttmg 111 a ne\\ model n high power turbme wheel whlch Will furmsh tor the largest part of the year all the 1'0\\ er needed The lower floor of the ne,v b111ldlllg Will be an extenslOn to the machlllen depal tment and the upper floors v\ III be used for fil1hh1l1l:; and upholstenn l:; The J anllary lllle of the Company has been strengthened 111e, ery department and the exhibit Will be chspla} le! 111the lbual ~pace 0'1 the third floor of the Furm-ture E,<:hlbltlOn Bul1d1l1£;, GI and RapIds. A special feature of the exhibit ,,\ III be d new mnel mattresc, da\ cnpOl t bed which \\ 111be shO\\ n for the fil "t t1l11e. One of the bue,le,t J ame"town plante, 1'0 that of the J amec, t(J\\n :Uetctl Jurmtltle Com pan} , manufacturers of high grade commerCial furmture. who have been runl11nl:; a 11lght crew the past month dnd from plec,ent mchcatlOn" they Will have to cont1l1UC to do c,o '1 he company IS em pIa} mg at pre~ent three hundred hand.,. 1he Jame,tovvn ChaIr Company 1:0 another of the buc,v plant'-, \\ 111ch hae, been runmng I11ght, thlOugh Ko, ember \Ll11ager L :\[ CrOUld1l1Qr,e"porh a large volume of bUSiness The "tancIal d 1 able Com pan} Ie, one of the new concernc, m the furmture manutacturlng bus111ec,s of ] amestown and are manu±dctunng a ILle of hIgh grade table OperatIOns were e,tal ted October 1 and up to date thell trade has been very .,atlsfactor} The officels are as follow., Plesldent. L G Cmv1l1g VIce Pres, \. J. Lawson, SeC}-treds, "\. Harnson Re, nold~ The chrectorate mcludes III additIOn to the officers named, 1\Iec,sre, John T Carbon and C ,- \\lJllald. WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 The Pearl CIty Furlllture Company, manufacturers of pedestal~, pedestal table~, ~kl1t boxes and noveltIes, is another ot the young concern ~ wluch started to do bus111es" July 1 last The company IS a co-partnehhlp con,l~tlng of G J, Lllldbeck anu. J \\. Lmtlbeck and are manufactunng theIr hne at 59 Harn"on street. The AllIance Funuture Company have lecently 111creased theIr capaCIty fifty per cent by the bmld111g of a four story adchtlOn on theIr old buIlr1l11g, the SIze of whIch is 64 x 106 The company ha~ also bUIlt an adchtlon of four stones 16;... 50 The present year, 111volume of bus111ess has been fully up to nm mal for the AllIance The fall trade bemg unusually larger and above normal 1 he company's trade comes largely from the ea"t The EmpIre FurnltUIe Company are busy on theu new catalogue to be sent out to the bade January L The catalogue 'v\111 be the lal gest and best evel put out m theIr hIstory, The January Fmplre hne wIll show new style" and desIgns through-out and exhIbIt-, WIll be made m the l\Ianufacturel s' Exchange Bmld111g, Grand RapIds and at ;:.Jew York m the FurnIture Exchange F 0, Anderson of the EmpIre FurnIture Companv left on the 22nd 111Stfm the south to spend several weeks 111100k111g after hl s 111terests 111that sectIon The J ame"town Panel & Veneer Company IS mak111g im-prO'> ements on Its plant. Smce the loss by fire of theIr plant at /\.'ihvllle, l\J Y, last July, the company ha" purchased the pldnt of the Falconer Veneel Company of East Jamestown and WIll add a rotary cuttl11g veneer machme to that plant and VI111 also 111crease the capaCIty of thelf dry 101m The Falconer Veneer Company's plant cuts dally SIX thousand feet of 10g'3 The State "tIeet plant IS used for glu111g table tops, panels, antomoblle dash boards and dll c1a'3se;-,of veneered work The Company has been hav111g a v olume of bus111ess dunng 19W whIch has been fully up to a normal year and conSIderably ahead of the past two yeal s The Level Furl11ture Company WIll exhlblt their hne for the first tune the cOlmng January and WIll have their dIsplay on the '3econd floor of the Furl11ture E;...hibltlOn Bmld111g, Grand Rapld'i The Level'" whole hne of O'vCr one hundled pIeces of fancy parlor tables, iabourettes, etc" WIll be shown, Salesman J P GaIge WIll be 111charge. The company have Just completed an adchtlon of 30 x 70 feet, thlee floors, whIch 111- crea"es the capaCIty of the plant one tlurd The Amellcan Carv111g \;Yorks, manufacturers of all k111ds ri II I, II I PITTSBURGH PLATE LARGEST .JOBBERS AND MANUFAOTURERS OF GLASS COMPANY of carvl11g~, are Just completl11g theIr new plant, the erectlOn of whIch Wd'i begun Apnl 15 last. It 1" a three story bmld- 1ll~ of stone and wood and Its dUllenslOn., are 34;... 64 feet The neVI factory IS located at the corner of Crescent and Sheney "treet~ and WIll he eqUIpped WIth all the latest lmprovemenb, The Amencan Carvmg vVorks was estabh.,hed two years ago and now ha've a trade extenc1mg all over the Ll11tec1 States It lS a co-pal tner"hlp composed of Messrs Adolph C Schulze and Rudolph Schulze and Jacob Van Stee, the last named havmg been employed m Grand RapIds furnIture factones before com111g to Jamestown, The Messrs, Schulze receIved theIr tra111111gat O\\osso, 1IIch" Adolph hav111g been 111the em-ploy of the \Voodard FurnIture Company The Atlas Furmture Company WIll e;...lllblt aga111 m Janu-ary and WIll have thelf dIsplay 111the same place 111the Manu-factulers' ExhIbItIOn Bmldmg, Grand RapIds, MICh The January llne \\ 111 be unusually attractIve ancl WIll show many new ~ty les and deSIgn" Messrs H L Chamberlalll and Em11 Johnson wlll be 111charge The Lynlldon !lIlrror Company, manufacturers of French mIrror plates, are bmld111g an addltlOn to theIr main bUIldmg, t\'.o stones, 30 x 40 feet, An engme loom 20 x 25 feet IS also bemg bUIlt The 11llprOVementq are e;...pected to be completed m January. The 0mon Furl1lture Company, manufacturers of chma .:abmets, buffet'3, royal chll1a buffets and hblary bookca"es, have recently completed a two story adchtlOll 60;... 228 feet, \'.hICh was bUIlt on top of the old two "tory structure They are also m:otalmg a spnnkler sy~tem throughout theIr plant. l\Jew machmery IS belllg put m and when completed the 1111- prm ements WIll double the former capaClty of the plant. The UnlOn Furl1lture Company started busmess seven year" ago and ha'i developed 1apldly, theIr trade commg from all sectlOn:o of the country The Shearman Bras Company, manufacturels of hIgh grade upholstery, davenports, couches and u11lversal sofa beds, are makmg a large mcrease In theIr January hne 111 thl ee-pIece ;,mtes, and odd chalr~ and rockers in leather Manager Shearman states they also WIll bnng out a number of Flanders plecec 111three pIece 'iuites and couches New styles and de- SIgns WIll charactenze the January hne throughout "Vhen a man I" cornered he naturally cloesn't conSIder It a squale deal. GLASS IN THE WORLD Mirrors, Bent Glass, Leaded Art Glass, Ornamental Figured Glass, Polished and Rough Plate Glass, Window Glass WIRE GLASS Plate Glass for Shelves, Desks and Table Tops, Carrara Glass more beautiful than white marble. CENERAL DISTRIBUTORS OF PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS AND OF PITCAIRN ACED VARNISHES, (j[ For anything in Budders' Glass. or anythlllg in Pamts, Varmshes, Brushes or Palllters' Sundries, address any of our branch warehouse .., a lIst of whIch is glVen below' NEW YOBX-Budson and Vandam sts. CLEVELAN:D-1430-1434West Th1:rdSt. BOSTON-41-49 Sudburyst., 1-9 Bowker St. OMABA-1101-1107Boward St. CBICAG0-442-452 Wabash Ave. ST. PAUL-459-461 Jackson St. CINCINNATI-Broadway and Coun sts. ATLANTA,GA.-30-32-34 S. p:ryo:rst. ST. LOl1IS-Cor, Tenth and Spruce sts, SAVA:N:NABG,A_745-749 Wheaton St. MINNEAl'OLIS-500-516 S. Third St. XANSASCITY-Fifth and Wyandotte sts. :DETBOXT-53-59Larnedst" E. BXBMINGBAM, ALA.-2nd Ave. and 29th st. GBAN:DBAPI:DS,MICB-39-41 N. :Divisionst. BUFFALO,N. Y.--372-74-76-78l'ear1 st. l'ITTSBl1BGB-101-103 Wood St. BBOOXLYN-635-637 Fulton st. MILWAl1XEE,WZS.-492-494 Marketst. l'BILA:DELl'BIA-l'itcairU Bldg., Arch and 11th st •. BOCBESTEB,N.Y.-WilderB1dg"Main & Exchange sts. :DAVENl'OBT-41G-416scott St. BALTJ1lll0BE-310-12-14W. l'ratt St. OXLABOMACITY,OXLA"210-212W. First St. I ----------------_._---_._--------- --._----~---_._------------_._-_..-.. .. ---- 14 ---- .. --_....., WEEKLY ARTISAN Buildings That Will Need Furniture. ResIdences-Lol11"e Sch\'dng. SIC) BH;elow "treet, Peoria Ill., $3,000, John E Thatcher, Oak Lawn, Dalla..." Tex, $5,700, D S Beemer, Scranton, Pa" $5,000. Charles E ::'\orn~, 280 Franklm avenue, Columbu~. 0, :j;3,500. E ". Heston, 108 ChIttenden avenue, Columbus, $3,000, R II .:\Ia'C\\ell. 3666 Jeffer~on avenue, Kansas CIty, .:\10, $7,500, \ J IIalgoll11 Parks Ide avenue, PhIladelphIa, Pa" SIxteen three-story hou~cs $72,000, C L. Stanton, 405 Grant BUlldll1g, Lo~ \ngele~, Cal $8,000, Jason Canon, 226 Myrtle street, \ tlanta Ga. S6 500 D. J Fant, 400 CapItal avenue, L\tlanta, Ga, $3,500, John R Lord, 5909 Park avenue, PhIladelphIa, Fa, $4,600, John R Halshlp, SIX brick dwellmgs. 2801-2817 CapItal avenue, "\"\, DC, $24,000, J. C Heckman, 196 SoldIer,,' place Buffalo, N. Y, $12,000, Jacob DIttman, 212 \orthland avenue, Buffalo, $3,500, Henry J Humburch, 26 Sa) brook place But-falo $3,500, John S1l1c1alr, 44 J e~ ett avenue, Duftalo, $11 000 Henry Walter, 430 Northampton street, Duftalo $3 ::;00 J en111e Froehch, 202 East GtIca street, Buffalo, $4,000, lIar) J La \\- ton, 91 Tnmty place, Buflalo, $3,500, Gustave .:\Iet\., 916 Hum-bolt parkway. Duffalo, $4,500, "\V H Bauer, 0\\ ner fonr three story house~, Broad and Rockford streets, Pllllarlelphla Pa $22,000; LottIe GIllespIe, 755 Roberta place 53000, Sd.rah F. Murphy, 4423. Vlrgll1la avenue, St LoUl~, .:\10, $3,400, G B. Groughton, 1725 Preston place, St LOtllS, ~Io, $10,000, C .:\I. Radford, 3519 Cherry street, Kansas CIty, ~Io, $5,000, E B Bell, 2604 Lockndge street, Kan"as CIty, $4,500, .:\Irs Harn Baltmger, 156 Ocean avenue, AtlantIc Clt" \. J. $6,000 P B Dunn, J\Iagnoha avenue, San Antomo, Tex 33,::;00, J IL FIsher, 2322 Ann avenue, St. LOl11s, .:\10 , $4,200 \\ R Cl a \\- ford, Bartlett and Concord streets, .:\1Jh\ aukee. "\ I~, $3 750 Joseph KIrcher, YValnut and 38th ~t1eets IIlh\ aul--ee, Y\ 1~ $3,800; Mr~ ::\lary J\IcInerny, Seventh and G stl eeh San Bcr- ... .. ..---- _ ...-_. .--------.., I I I Alaska Refrigerators I I III I II II , •I •I I •I II I I II! in Zinc-Lined, White Enameled, Porcelain and Opal Glass Lined, in all sizes and styles. Our catalogues for 1910 WIll soon be out of press. WRITE FOR COPY. The Alaska Refrigerator Co. NeWYOrkOffice.::C::i::w:~frigerator M~~Sc;;rGI'ON, MICH. II L. E. Moon, Manager. ....... ad _ ••••• •••••• _ ... MUSKEGON VAllEY FURNITURE COMPANY COlOnial sUlles TOil POSI BeGs Odd DresserS Chillonlers wmdrooes lOUlBS' TOUBIS DreSSing TOOIBS MahOgany InlUld GoOdS II I I I I I I ! I I .!.------------------ ------_.-----------------_ ....I. WRITE FOR CATALOG nard1l10, Cal., $4,000, Dr. J. S. MIller, Redlands, Cal, $6,000; r J Symmes, Redlands, Cal, $10,000, E. L Pet/tfils, Gram-mercy place and II est 20th street, Los Angeles, Ca1., $8,500; F, L .:\Iorns, Hollywood. Cal , $8,000; Mrs. Charles Gordon, Wil-ton place, Lo:, \ngeles, Cal., $7,500; John Jones, Pasadena, Cal.. $8,000, Samuel Polk, 4445 Forest Park, St. Louis, Mo., S7.500 Joseph Habermehl, 4238 Arsenal street, St. Louis; E. Roth, 4230 \r"enal street, St Louis, $4,000, G. G Lewis, 7040 Dale a\ enue, St. Loms, $3,200, A. J. Enckson, 6757 S. Her- Imta~e street, ChIcago, $3,500, Miss D M. Hampton, 3348 N. Adams street, ChIcag-o, $9,000; J\Irs 'vV. C S1l1c1air, 534 Indi-ana street, ChIcago, $5,500, J C Joh11:,on, 6327 Ashland avenue, ChIcago $3,500, George H Platt, 623 South St. Joseph street, South Bend, Ind .. $3,750, E"ther R. Ballantyne, Champlost a\ e11ue and 11th street, PhJ1adelphIa, Pa, $4,000; Mrs. Lula St. Johns. JacksonvIlle, Fla, $3,500, Mrs. RIchard Barker, Tran- ~lt a\ enue and Glenmary street, LOUlsvllle, Ky, $5,000; Mrs. Barbala Langan, Scranton, Pa, $3,000; James R, Hughes, 900 \ \ oodla\\ n a\ enue, Scranton, $3,550; D F. Noble, 2647 ra~t Clearfield ~treet, Phtladelphla, Pa., $4,000, Dr J. A Ross, 1300 \\ 22d street, Oklahoma CIty, $3,600, Frank Coombs, 1001 \\ e~t 1st "treet, Oklahoma CIty, $3,250, Henry Huff, 217 Luule avenue, Atlanta, Ga, $3,000; H. M, Burkarth, 5227 TheodOSIa avenue, St Loms, Mo, $4,000, VIf C. Mardorf, 2136 South Grand avenue, St. LOUIS, $12,000, R. E. M. Bain, 3801 Flora boulevard, St LoUl~, $12,000; John T. Thompson, 120::; Ea~t LaIrd street, Salt Lake CIty, Utah, $3,000; 'vV. W. RanK1I1, 1202 State street, Schenectady, N. Y, $4,000; J. B. Bett~ 823 Buchanan street. Topeka, Kans., $17,500; Harry n \\ alker, SO::; Oak ;,treet, Kansas CIty, Mo, $10,000; E. Frankhauser, 7542 LakeSIde terrace, ChIcago, Ill, $12,500 l\[lscellaneous Build1l1gs-G. A Flmt wJ11 invest $35,000 or more 111 a new hotel bmld1l1g at YVilmmgton, CaL E. H. Stadler wJ11 buJ1d a modern hotel at Ferns, Cal. Fillmore Ca1., I~ to buJ1d a new hIgh school at a cost of $40,000. A new grammar school bmld1l1g IS to be erected at Santa Ana, CaL, at a co"t of $60,000 Contracts have been let for a fourteen-story addItIon to the Alexander Hotel, Los Angeles, CaL, whIch when completed WIll make the Alexander one of the large~t hotels in the Umted States, the addItIon alone costing $2,000,000 Fulkerson & Palmer have accepted plans for a WEEKLY ---------------_..-.... SA~~D } QUARTERED OAK SLICED AND MAHOGANY new theatre to be erected at San Diego, Cal., at a cost of $75,000 or $80,000, The Sextet Realty Company is bmldmg a theatre to cost $35,000 on Delmar boulevard, St. Louis, Mo T Reece Howard 1:> bmldmg a $50,000 theatre at 111-115 South 52d street, Philadelphia, Pa. Milwaukee, V{IS. IS bmld-mg a detentiOn hospital at a cost of $85,000 Samuel H. Bay-nard, Van Buren and 21st streets, vv 1lmmgton, Del, $5,000, Sarah A Glenn. 2015 Lake street, Omaha, N ebr, $3,250, C N Ray, Semmole street, DetrOlt, Mich $12,000, F. F Van Tuyl, 29 Taylor street, DetrOlt, $7,500, Herbert Jackson, 244- 6 Baltimore "treet, DetrOlt, $4.000, F J. Smith, Lelce"ter and John R streets, DetrOlt, $3,500. J \v. Clark, Brush and "!\I1d bury street", DetrOit, $lO,DOO; The Misses Roach, 259-61 Twenty-fourth street, DetrOit, $7,000, A. A Schanff, 5327 Cote BnllIante, St. LOUIS,1\10, $4,500; F W Giese, 2208 Holly avenue, St. LOUiS, $6,800. E M. Curti;', AlblOn street and 16th ARTISAN 15 THE:mndtl~ Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. ..--- . . . . . . . ., THE GREATEST HOUSEHOLD INVENTION OF THE AGE KI~,~~oL ~~~.~OT~~!;,NY \ -..---------_. -~ Need not be moved from the wall Protects covering by turn- IRg cushions Is so sImple and easy a child can operate It. Has roomy wardrobe box under seat ComprIses three artlclee for the price of one. Is fitted with felted cotton mattress. Has Luxurious TurkIsh SprlRgs. Is always ready WIth bed-dIng In proper place. Is absolutely sale-cannot close accidentally. Saves rent by saVIng space. WRITE~ WIRE, OR PHONE FOR PARTICULARS. --- .. -- avenue, Dem er. Colo $3,000, H. A Delden, \iVashington and Emerson street, IndianapolIs, Ind., $8,000. Revival of Gold As a Color. There is a reViVal of gold this season, not only in dress accessories but also in nearly every department of house de-cOlatlOn. In the matter of antique rugs those havmg a body or groundwork as near to gold color as pOSSible are the most favored and m all the lme of fabrics and te~tl1e" for curta111;, and portiere" wherever pOSSible gold thread IS interwoven. Gold or gilded paper and work baskets are seen, and 111fact all down the line the gold revival IS noted It seems more or less barbanc, and It is expenSive -~~----- Happll1ess may also consist of not getting the things we don't want. SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS $2~ E.ach Net No. 46. Single Cone. $2 Each. Net. $2~ E.ach Net We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND us YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis 16 ~chools One of the most slgnIficant Sllrpnses in the 'l'lOja- UOll, trom the addresses h eV1dence of a change m the 3thttld: ot OJ ~d11lLed labor. \ few years ago the leader" of t"ack, Ul1l0t1~ \\ ele alm0st unammollsl} oppo"ed to mdustnal educa-tJon at state or pub1Jc expense Kow some of 1tS most carl1co,t aeh oLates al e knov\ n a" broad-mmded, level-headed lclbor leadel ~ IIho recog11lze the fact that 111 OppO"111g Indll,tllal educatIOll ,,0Ikl11~men are actmg agamst the best 111t(,1e~t ot then cll1lclren The acldre""es are \\ orthy of cons1der, bon 1 hey V\ 111com mce all mtelhgent 1eaders that mdustrl1l ('(1u-catlO, 1 1S nece,;sary to enable Amenca to compete succes"full} ,\ Ith J'uroqean nations m manufactunng mdustnes WEEKLY ARTISAN PUSLlSHEO E.VERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY --------~------------------------ SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PEA YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHER COUNTRIES $200 PER YEAR, SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS, -------------------- ---------- - PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAP'DS. MICH A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter Jnly 5. 1909 at the post office at Grand RapIds "vllclllg1n under the act of March 3 1879 The officel" and mdnagers of the \Il11nesuta Retdl1 rm \ ture Dealer,,' AssociatIOn al e setting a ~oocl e,-ample t01 othe1 slm1lar organizatlOns They ale usmg methodo agaln,t ,lie md1l order h011::,esq1l1te dIfferent from tho'-oe uOluall} em])l(l\ (el. Instead of denouncmg mal! order goods as ]1111kdnd del la 'll~ that the managers of the big concerns are rogues and \ 1I1dl( ~ they recog11lze them dS competitor, deall11g not onh 111cheap and medIUm pnced goods, but also m high grade fUllllLlll which they sell at pnces lower than can be afforded In ~1l1dll deale1s buymg l11(hvldually The} ~lve the nUll olCler 111111 ager<; credit for the pos,esslOn of bram~ and ~o()(l b'l~ \I( , ablhty and plopose to meet the competItIOn h, us!n£; thc Sdl e means Recogm71ng that the succe~s of the mad {)IcIer 11O,hr, h due largely to 1udlClous adverth111g and to the ablltt} to place large orders at low pnces the) are tI}111g to put thcm selves m posItion to do hkewl"e and m th1S the} have SllCCU(luj to a larg-e extent Their repOl ts, announcements and bn 'iet '11' show, that by Lo-operatlOn they are able to bu) at such fi ~Ull' as WIll enable them to sell at pnce" even 10\\ er than al e 110" offered by the mall Older houses ancI If the} cont111ue thu co-opel atlOn methods the) \~111surel) cut dovvn the mall ( , (lu cOmpetItIOn or force the mall ordel loncelne, to cut pl1ce, ,me! thus cltm111l'ih theIr plOfits ~l1d II hen the cIn IcIcnd PI 1 11~ ab11lty of the bIg concelns beg111s to dvv111dlethele II III ,oon bt fewer of them and the dreaded competitIOn \\ 111ellm1111e,h 1 ,'to' J\lmnesota a<;soclatIOn has sho\\ n that ±urmture deale1 11} co-operation can meet an) kmcl of competitIOn and It b ~\ lJUlt the same methods can be used success full} by othec t;11p orgamzatlOns ~11 that b needed 1S the aJoptton of mal! CJ1 (l( 1 methods 111bu} mg anel advert1smg, dnectecl by bra111" and ';uod business energy and ablllty "\ oth111g can be accomphshed \_\ snnply wh111l11gand denounCIng the methods used by compet1- tors \\1 hen 111chvldual dealers are able to offer the pul)] L barga111s "equally as good" the} \'1111hay e no reason to fear mall order competItion The \Veekly Arttsan In thiS 1',sue dev otes comldel able space to the addresses dell\ ered at the thl1-d annual cony el1L1on of the !\abonal SOCIety for the PlOmotlOn of Industnal EdllL;:', tton, because It IS beheved the addresses and the gleat succe"s of the t11fee-) eal old orgal117atlOn sho\\ s progress 111the me ,( ment that wl1l be 111terest111g and surpnsmg to many reaell I,. Industnal educatIOn IS a subject of gleat Importdnce not anI) to the glowm~ generatton but to manufacturers and all othel employers of labor and all who reael the aeldresse'o dehvered n the :\Ilhvaukee com entIOn \\ III be 111chned to use theIr 111f1uellLP m favor of hav111g states and mUI11Clpalttles fo,ter the t~l(lc schools or 111dustnal cour'-oes of tra111111g111the grade and hI",} It ham} 'otcr} to me how they (hd 1t," remarked the I etl1 eel foreman, rellghtmg hh cigar "\ sked to cont111ue he 'aIel ':'II} last cngagement was WIth a manufacturer who lan h1'-, ,hop ,\ 1thout a S}stem anel yet earned a substantial profit e\ el \ ,eal \ 0 10ds, bIlls or checks were used and a memol- .tncIum ot £;ooc1~I equl1ed by the sales manager furmshed by the office from tIme to tIme was all that the management re- CjUlreel 111the opel atlon of the shop The ,;upenntendent car-ned all the deLl1l" of the bu-,mes" 111111', most wonderful head \'I 01kmen neecI111gm±ormahon had only to que:"tlOn the super 111tenelent to obta111 It 111stantl} My Job was such an easy one that T felt It a cnme to take the money The men qmt work to v\ ash up from flve to ten m111utes before the whistle sounded and elIel much as they pleased when on the premi"es If there \\ as a t1111eclock 111the factory I never saw 1t, and yet the men ,\ ere 10\ al to their employer and surpns1l1gly effiCIent I he ,upenntendent cIled after a time and when one cons1der~ the v\ clght ot I e~pon"lblllty he carned the wonder IS that he In ed so long. 'I\ hen a new supenntendent, filled WIth new fangled notIOn" took hold I deCIded that a Job on the road \, ould ~U1t me and a manufacturer of machmery endorsed m} ,Ie" of the matter But the old man WIth annexes on hIS hi a111 \\ ho operated the factory Without system, was certalllly the lal g e~t peach 111 the orchard" One of the speakers 111 the conventlOn of the ~ atlnn ,1 "Oclet, f01 the PromotIOn of Industnal EducatIOn at M,h dukee tIll' \ved. pi 0\ eel the 111efficlenC) of prevalllllg publIc school methods, II hen he showed that the publtc ,;chools of tod~} ft about one pup1l III a hundred for college and ca"t llL1<. t} rlnc adnft "Ithout means of <;upport or any defimte aun or I 1J( Lt 111hfe fhe Du,111es~ Men's Club 0f Cl11C111natI,which recently elected ~. J Conroy of 1\. J Conroy & Co, to the office of preslClent. made a WI~e selectIOn 1fl Conroy 1S 111 the furn-l" hl11g husllles'-o and Will ±urmsh the club WIth 1I1telhgence, ener£;y and good Judgement, a"set~ of unmea~ured value The club ,\ III pro~per under hiS leadershIp. Representatl\e \Tann of Il111101sfears a tracIe war With Candda and \\ 111try to 111duce Longres:o to re-open the tanff questIOn. \Iann h0pes to circumvent war hy talk Grand Rapids nses to expla111 that the gl eatest show (of fUl111ture) ou earth WIll open Its doon on J.tnuary 3, 1910 \. good hohda} trade ,\ ould serve to open the new} ear Just nght Push it along. . WEEKLY ARTISAN 5 COMPLETE LINES Of REfRIGERATORS C"ALLENGE REfRIGERATOR COMPANY GRAND "AVEN, MIC"., U. S. A. AT RIGHT PRICES SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE AND LET US NAME YOU PRICE. Banldm~ Without the Use of Checlis. Very lIttle lS known m th1S country of the GIrO system of banklllg III Germany Thh ~y~tem has heen muse m the State of Hamburg Slllce the e'itahlI'ihment of the Hamburg Bank III 1019. An account 1~ opened m the usual manner, and when pay ments are to be made the payer mstead of prepanng a check merely 1I1struct.., hl~ banker to deb1t 111~account w1th the ~um 111volved and to cle,ht R1chaHI Roe''i account Vvith a hke amount 1£, howevel, payel and payee hdve thell dccounts 111 ,htferent ballk~ the payer then requbts hIS banker to tral1'ifer the amount m questlon to the bank of the pay ee, wIth 1I1..,tructIOn'i to credIt R1chard Roe'., account Vv1th the amount of the mdebtednes'i. Convel1lent hlank forms are provIded for makmg the~e notIfi.catIon'i. \\ hen the banker 1ccen e'i an 1I1structlOn of thh chalacter, he m turn notd1e~ RIchard Roe of the payment to hIS credIt and the name of the payer In Hamburl.?, the Rellhsh,lI1k and fi, e Important hank .. use the GlIO system. Representatlve'i of the-,e bank'i meet 'ieveral tlme'3 dally at the Re1chsbank, Vvhere transactlOn .. hetween theIr ..,e,elc,l cu~tomers are cleared In Hamburo b ven • lIttle matenal money I~ usec1111 eftectlllg transactlOns, the habIt belllg to settle all ohh~atl')ns, e, en of the mO'it m'olgl1lfiCdnt character by UbCr1('ClSltll ~s::;cttcl \\ hen paymenb are to be made fI om one CIty to another thI~ I~ done u ..nally through the Relchsbank, whIch has SOO blanches, more or le'i", throughout the empIre All tran:oactlOns are undertaken wIthout co..,t to eIther payer or payee, and on the contraly depO'iIts '3ubJect to th1~ modIfied form of checkmg usually draw 1 per cent Illterest per annum The advantages of the GIro S) ..,tem fall partly under the head of ~ecunty and partly of convemence Danger from forgery 1" ehmmated, as the notIficatIon sent to a banker by a payer could not by any po"sIblhty be utlhzed ad,antageou'3ly 17 by cnm1l1ally dIsposed pel sons The only 1I1convemence ob-servable allses from the fact that receIpts for payments are not acknowledged on bIlh a~ rendered, unless "uch receipts are speCIally ~ou~ht by me ..senger after the bank exchange has been made. It 1<; customary 111 ~mall tran~actlOns fOl a payer to note at the foot of bIll" the date of pay ment thlOUgh hIS banker, and 111 case of possIble dIspute the bank IS always prepared to clear up l1lI"ul1\ler"tandlng~ Concern~ d01l1g a large ,olume of buc1l1es~ and oblIged to make numerous pay menb dally are ..,pdIed the annoyance ot prepanng hundreds of mdlv1dual check~, a~ they ha, e merely to Wllte out a hst ot names and amounts on a long sheet, 'v, hlch they send to theIr banlze1 r n •• " -----. Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Parkwood Ave.• Grand Rapids, Mich. ., ~---~--_._-~--_._-_._.~----------_-.---~ We are now puttIng out the best Caster Cups with cork bases ever offeree to the trade [hese are timshed In Golden Oak and White Maple In a I1ght fimsh These goods are admIrable lor pollshed floors and lurn-lture rests Theywill not sweat or mar. PRICES Size 2)( mches ... $4 00 per hundred SIze 2% mrhes . 5 00 per hundred Try a Sample Order FOB Grand Rap.d, 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~Iinnesota Retail Dealers" Furniture Association OFFICERS-PresIdent LouIs J Buenger Ne\\ Ulm VIce PresIdent C DanIelson, Cannon Falls, Treasurer, o " 0 'Ioen, Peterson Secretan W L Grapp JanesvIlle EXECUTIVE CO'\l\lITTEE-D F RIchardson r>orthfield Geo, KItne, Mankato, W, L Harns, Mmneapolls, o SImon, Glencoe M L KlIne St Peter. BULLETIN No. 61. BEGIN NOW FOR CHRISTMAS BUSINESS. It IS sometime" said that there IS only a certam ...olume ot Chll"t mas bu"mess for the dverdge furmture dealer and that bu-mes, \\ III come whether you make an extra endea\ or to get 1t 01 not fll It may be true but It does not pro ...e that yoU Cdnnot cle lte , gle ltel demand than usu,11 fOI furmture If you WIll ask the average person when the} Ire oft then guard what they are g011lg tLl gIve theIr father, mother blother 01 ~Isti'l for Chnstmas, the chances are ten to one that they \\ III say they do not know It IS not necessary to be beh11ld the counter \ cry long to find out that over 75 per cent of your customers hay c nothll1~ defimte In mmd when they begIn theIr Chnstma, shoppl11,g 'IH\ 1l IS only through shoppmg that they begm to get Ideas of \\ hdt thn are gOIng to buy The Amencan people are observmg the beautIful custom of makmg generous Chnstma~ gIftS more and mOle Thh custom has now become e"tabltshed and anyone \\ ho cannot tee! the InSpIratIOns of Chnstma, shoppmg must be st011\ hearted m deed ChrIstmas bUYll1g IS contagIOus and the ~oonel ...ou c 111 ~et It started, the greater wll1 be your re\\ ard Some dealers wll1 say "That IS all ,ery true but ho\\ am I go mg to get Chnstmas shoppmg started m my eommu11lty" 0111 answer IS thIS "Do somethmg out of the ordmaly to dttract atten-tion, somethmg that wt11 bnng the Chn'itma, shoppe! mto ;)OUI store mstead of mto one m some othel 111leof busIness" ThIS IS the first step to\\ard gett11lg Chnstma'i shoppmg -tdfted earl) \ I) \ what would attract your attentIOn 111the customel ,pLlce \\ hat would ",uggest to you the Idea of glVmg a piece of handsome hU11l ture as a Chnstmas gift? Surely not the ordmar) furmture wmdo>\ There IS plenty of electnc ltght m almost e...el y town \vhlch, It prop erly used, WIll attract the attentIOn of mo"t pa'isers-b} \Ve kno\\ that there IS noth111g which attracts attentIOn and makes such a good ImpreSSIOn as a dIsplay of colored electnc ltghts After you have ,ecured your customel " attentIOn, you must db play your merchandise m such a way that It \\ 111gIVe suggestIOns to ChrIstmas shoppel s Don't be afrdld to change your methods a ltttle and attempt someth11lg new The fact that they have been successful so far IS no proof that they Will dhvayc, be \lany d man has found that hiS bu,me"" has glown fac,tel than IllS capaClty to dl rect It )U'it because he wac, dfrald to try nC\\ method'i ~ ne\\ com merclal era has arrr, ed, and methods which ploved sUlcesstul 111 1889 don't go m 1909 You must fight today's battles With the \\ eapom of today Bthmess methods ar" progre:OSlng all the time and the busmess wot!d hd'3 no place for the man \\110 \\111 not keep 11p \\Jth the times Therefore It IS up to you to get some wmdow dhpldYs thl'i yedr which Will go far dheacl of all preVIOU'3dl'iplays But remLmber thdt the w1l1do\\ dIsplay IS only the beg1l1n1l1g It attracts the buye, but what If he enters and finds a dmgy, III arrdnged, care1ec"ly kept stOJe? ""Vhat wlll be the good of your v.mdow display' ~ot oulv the \\m ThIS cut fUTlushf'd to our member <:; by eourtes:) of Butler Bros for 3 (' If SIngle Gut IS sent b) mall add IDe for postage This cut furnIshed to our mf'mbers b~ CDurtpc;y of Butler Bras for 35c If "'Ingle cut IS SE'nt bl- Inall add 10c for postag0 clo\\ but the \\ hole store must be cleLorated and that as early In De-cember as pO'isIble ::\ 01\ the passer'i by IS not the only one you want to reach Be- Sides your regular town customers, there dre the country people and } 01 must wake these people thmk of you whenever they think of furl11 ture Jn order to do thlS, you must reach them through the medium of Ilewspdper, CIrcular, booklet or some kmd of advertIs1l1g ThIS ad\ "rttsmg should be the forerunner of your Chnstmas preparatIOns '00 It should be dIfferent than usual and aln e wlth holtday sugges-tions For thb reason, we have devoted thiS week's department to such helps along these lmes a'i our associatIOn can give I t you \\ 111folloy\ our 'iuggestlOns With th" ...Im and the snap leCe,,~!) to a 11\ e furl1lture dealer, we know whdt your sales sheet \\tIl '''0\\ "hen S,nta Cldu" ha" come and gone We have tned tLLse meth )(ls a'1d l,now what we are talk1l1g about We know a 'itore 111 a "mall to\\ 11 \\ hlch has raIsed their sale of toys from $75 to 0\ el d thous tlld dol1ars In four years' time They did It by having ,L In e S,llla Caus and a k1l1dergarten In connection WIth theIr toy depart11ellt Don t forget that when you haye gamed the good WIll ot t;le lttt1c folks you have mterbted the mother which means that yon usually get the busmess If thIS could be done In d little town of 1200 what coulc! not be clortje 111 larger places? If thIS can be done v.lth toys, which are the harde't class of merchandl<;e there IS to ,,,'I, t surely Cdn be done '\lth furnIture whlch goes 1l1to the home l" 1 pc Imanent hxture \ world of ,uggestton for Chnstma" gIfts ltes 1J1 the furl11ture 1111tThe furmtl11 e dealers must give 'iU6gestlOns as to home comfort an-l JecOJdtlon m such a consplCUOIlSWdYthat the customer Will buy home furmshmgs rather thdn somethmg else After Chn'3tmas busI-nes_ IS easy busmess but we must get ,litel It, of course You mu,t pi epare for Chnstmas thiS year as you neve1 dId before We must hustle the rest of thiS year dnd make 1909 go way ahead of any pre \ IOUSyear Let th see If a11 of us cannot report m convention next month that we hdd the best and most prosperou'i holIday trade we C\ er enjoyed Yours truly, C DANILLSON, VIce Pres Cannon Falls, 1\1lnn \\ e hay e ten cheap chlffol11ers. SIX cheap <11essers, thl ee beds from Bul1etm \0 47 and Bullet1l1 No 46 at J\I1l1nesota Transfer and \\ e would hke to c!edn them up as soon as pOSSible and a" we Will not have dnother car thb year and as the pnce IS g0111g up, members u"mg thI'i grade of goods had better take advantage of these ltem'i As the matter of gettmg up Chllstmas wmdows thdt are attrac-tl\ e IS one of the hardest detaIl s to ovel come, we give four Illustra tIons 111thiS department, fur11l"hed to us by vanous member~ and WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 help they ought to have, we could employ one of the best artbts who could create an endless vdnety of special fur11lture cuts for all kinds of OCCdSlOns Until we get to that P0111t, we will ha,e to content ourselves by plck1l1g up the Ideas of others and US1I16 them as best we can but It IS the advertlsll1g committee's ambitIOn to mab.e thl~ department so full of helps that It Will soon be able to furnish Its members ong1l1al work along this l1l1e Can you doubt for one mo-ment that your advertls1l1g would not be Improved by the use of these various Christmas cuts? trust they Will be the means of lI1splr1l1g and k1l1dl1l1gnew Ideas 111 the m1l1ds of the readers of our department Any member who ha~ some photogrdphs of some of their displays would confer a favor up-on us by lettl11g-u~ have them for this department In connectIOn with thl" work, '" e want to advise our members that all we can do, with the help the assoCIatIOn now has, IS to as-semble such Christmas cuts as we can find and brl11g them to your notIce If our members would give the ad, ertls1l1g committee the SANTA CLAUS SUGGESTS RUGS FOR CHRISTMAS Chllstn1.aS rugs of all SIzes and COlOl S Gnf> of these soft neh lookIng rugs IS lust the thIng for an Xma~ gIft You can have nO Idea of the tonE' whwh they gIve to a loom until you have one In yOUI home Come in and se them for we can not do Justlce to theIr beuty and dura blllt} In a deSCrIptIOn No G1 unIt cost 7';)c account of tran&latlOu Continued on page 22. No 81 unIt cost 750 account of translatIOns 20 ,C,Llcch e\ Cl "lept 111the Stdte bed chamber, prefernng to he OIl ota" fitted 1\ 1th 1e~t, tor the feet, now m thIS room, no\\ 1n that \11 the pa"qge, 1111tone Ieadme; to the group of rooms on the ~round flOUl VI'h1ch he mo"t frequented dfter the edrth-quake 1\ e1e blocked up whlle the pa~sage \\ lJlch remamed open \\ ,IS filled y\ Ith che~t", cup1Joarc1'i, and even the humble,t p1ece, ot bedroo1l1 fUl111tme, "0 that t\\O meu could not pas" r]()\\ n It al11ea,t '1ga1n~t d c;l11~le enemy A.bdul Ha1111li felt h1m0df secure, tor he \\ CJl C 1111.11 and could make deadly use of the revolver~ that la\ e\tl)\lhe1e at hand HIS bolt holes, 1ron doors lead111g tll the 2,<\1den" 1\ e1e firml) ~ecured W1th111 and watched by ,entJl1tl, I\!thout I ld mrt emu,] erate OJ descnbe all the rooms of Y1lchz '10 catalogue endlec;" outrages aga111~t art1stlc taste 1\ ould be mclecent and 111a "en"e unJ1bt, f01 Abdul Hamid Wd" but a pc \,,<\nt 111mal1\ \\ al s-and a spoiled peasant too-whIle tho"e ,!l)()ut 111m \1 u e tlthel prl1111tn es or Chnstlan and 1Ioslem J el al1t 111e" \\ ho"e <\1tlstlC ) earmng" were of the crudest '1ou depal t ob"e,,,ecl b\ hornd viSIon '3 of rooms crammed \\ lth t\1ll1ltme and bnc a b1ac 111every style unde1 heaven-l1111t<\ tl0n Emplle. moclern Japane"e, the neVIest art nouveau ,H?,a111'tbac1"2,rounel, ot cnm"on \ ell et and blaz11g g1lt. The \1 dde"t 111con2,rllltJec; meet the eve-d room less oftenslVe. be-l, llhe claJ!,e1 and mOl e plamh furl1l~hed than the rest, ellS hgurecl b\ d I,Llge p1cturt worked 111a11l111ledyed wool of a \ erml1holl S\\ IS, \ lllag e embowered 111 bnlhant green groves, l arpeh from He1ekeh deC]gnecl to match the patterns upon the un ,H';hth ce11111g" d 10ugh deal table covered w1th green baize 111the 111ld"t ot a gaud) counc1l chambel. [lade catalogue" bound m vellum stamped WIth the un-pe11, tl rughra. ~llt dock~. "et presumdbly b) enterpnsmg manut<\ctm er" 111f1ame" repl esentlng the latest model of loco- WEEKLY ARTISAN TOKENS OF FEAR AND IGNORANCE What Was Found in the Palace After the "Sick Man" Had Been Banished. A correspondent of the London i Ime" \\ nte" the tollr)\\ 111[, descnpt10n of the II1tenor of the 1: 11dl? hlO"k, l )1't1ntlJH pIc the palace of e,(-'iultal1 \hdnl J ianlld II hkh "111ce hi depu~1 bon has been kept locked and can 011) be "een b\ '1 cLl,d pll m1~SlOn and m the compan) of a ::.\fJm"te1 The ~eab upo 1 the douhle door, are hlOk('n and thl 1\Illllster enter" You follovv, e'(pectll1~ to "ee <1\\ HIe 11<111 \ ~ a matter of tact) ou enter a \ eStlhule "mall ,\l1cl pia nh tU1n 1'ihed Then begms the e,-ploratlon of the palac~ !1 the hope of findmg 1f not perfect orde1 and 1eglllant) at 11a"t U1l1e ~lgns that 1t hac! been bllllt anc! I ]hal)1ted dite1 ,0111e plan 1mt there 1" nelthe1 pldl1 nor Olde1-a111S lontuSlUl' You wander m a maze ot 100111" pa,,~a2,e, and t\ll\\<1\~ for Abdul Hal111d wa" fOle\ e1 changlll~ the ,\11 <l1l('emuIt 0] hb c1wellmg place Doonv a), 1\ el e hllcked n) a,H! Ot],U" were dnven through outer v, alb, pa "a~ e II U e do"u1 U] ],\1 ro\\ed, room~ dn 1ded b) 1M1t1t1Ons, II ll1dr)\\" II erc n1<1de and unmade at lanc1om. ~e\\ quarter" ne\\ roon1' ne\\ II ,111" were e,er bemg added to the malll bulldlll!S" and II ell In tU11l altel ed and remodelled as the old had heen. So 1t 1S Impo"slble to descnhe \ 1ldiZ a" lt It \\ ere an ordmary palace It IS onh after) ou h:1\ e wandered thlOUgh 1t for come tUlle that) ou under-,tand the de"lgn that underhe, all thiS seeming confuslO11 The maZy house 1 erlech the till tuous, actn e and) et ten 01 llCldel1 "on1 of a de"pot \\ hom ,tll men feared and who feared all men It 1" the ueatlOn oj l mmd that had grown to hate the open and tealed 2,le<\t Ch,llll bers and stralght, WIde COllldors Dunng the last ten }ear~ ot hh leH.;n \bc1nl 1-1<1111](1 I-:==============.:::.======================n Equip your shop or factory with G. R. Handscrew products; you'll note a vast difference in the quality and quantity of work turned out. All of our factory trucks, benches, clamps, VIses, etc. are the best that money and skilled labor can produce. We use nothing but the very best Michigan hard Maple in the construction of all our products. It is not possible to turn out better goods than we now manufacture; years of manufacturing has taught us that it pays to use nothing but the very best material possible in the manufactur-ing of our product. WRITE FOR CATALOG SHOWING THE COMPLETE LIST OF FACTORY EQUIPMENT. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. Good Equipment 918 Jefferson Avenue Means Better Work Grand Rapids, Michigan WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 ,,--_.- . \II II I• '.•••I I• I• I I,• It IIt II It II Lentz Table Co. I NASHVILLE, MICHIGAl't I ~--~----,----------------------------~----------- ------------------------------------------------~ II• IIt II I It I I I I I• It III I I• II• !I III -~~-------------_ ... Lentz Big Six No. 694, 48 in. top. No. 687. 60 in. top. Others 54 m. top. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES .._--------------------------~.-. -.-- motives 01 torpedo destroyers, hghten by a comic touch the depressIOn mduced by their surroundmgs Three rooms "tand out mo~t clearly m my memory The first IS a receptIOn room on the second flo0r, v. Ith whIte and blue cellmg and carpets to match, vvIth gold and cnm son cur-tam s, and motheaten polar bear skms for rug" Of Its furmture no two piece" match, save the chair" and two grand plano~, which are cOvel ed with gray canva' At the end of the room stands a huge deal orchestnon of the ,ort seen 111 T) lOlese mns fitted with a complex battery of 1I1stlU-ments, among which are to be seen a "erpent and a kettledrum The second IS a smaller room wherem ~bdul Hamid often "lept It IS fub of portfolIo~ and protographlc albums con-tammg phot0graphs of uowned head, Impenal pnnce, and ve~sels of the TurkIsh fleet TV'!0 book shelves contdm recent works on the Turkish EmpIre m EnglIsh, 11ench and German In the middle of the room IS cl ) ellow plmh sofa bed, beSide'=,It a lIttle rest for coffee CUD"or a revolver i\ lacquer screen hides a todet table and a ba.,m newly bUIlt mto a corner of the room. Tv. 0 cupboards are full of arms, arnong which are a few Clrcasslan daggers ano an old pistol or two, the re-ma1l1der being revolvers and automatic pbtols, '3ome splendidly mlald With gold and mother-0f-pearl and all 111 ~ood conclItlOn. vVhen the Young Turks entered YIlc1u arm" lly every-where. There were loaded rev oh ers m the bathrooms, m cup-boards, by bedsides and on the wntmg table., Some were carned off as tlOphles, but most wel e ctoweo away for safety Tn thiS partIcular room they had found more thdn ten Even now two shirts of mall With thm plates of hardeneJ '3teel covered With brown dnll are lymg upon an armchau Lastly, there h the room the pnsoner of hiS own so1clIels heard his "entence of depOSitIOn It IS small-lese; heavII) furmshed than many others Clgdrette end'3 and scraps of crumpled paper he m one COIner, m anothel are the Sultan's goloshes, for the C0nquerors have, whe,1ev er pos~lble, left all as they found It On the table m the middle of the room 1° a decanter con-tammg a u Imson febrIfuge l~acmg the chair where Abdul lianucl 'Oat I" an orchestI IOn, behmd It, half hidden by a black curtam (h awn on nng." a strange picture crudely pamted A felfyboat carnes "1'( bearded father'3, m '3outane and buetta, across a nver In the stern the ferryman stano~, grIPpmlS m one hand a paddle \;\1Ith the left hand he holds a bag of money t0ward the shore which he near". AwaltL1g the boat stand 2J'( naked women, young and comely. With flowl11g hair, and be- Side them, naked and Jet black, With horns, tall and cloven feet, the deVil There IS httle that IS valuable and le"s that IS beautiful either 111 the palace or 111 ItS nelghbonng klOsk.o-2\1eraSllTI, Shah and the TaalIl11 Kham. The Jewelry and plate to~ether With a few really valuable pieces of porcela1l1 and tapestry were taken to the Serasklerate The objects which remam are more Imple., Ive for bulk than beauty At any rate, the black sheep hves longer than the fatted calf. .-... . . . - --- - . . .---- ------ - --------------.., \ "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car BUIlders and others Will consult theIr own interests by using it. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams', MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. ..------~----._.---~-_.-----_._------,------------- - - - .--- .. 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN MINNESOTA RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS' ASSOCIATION (Continued From Page 19.) No 1 IS Inade from common cord ,\ ood uSIng the bark only and makIng It Into a frame work anI plastel'lng up the edges WIth clay The v; Indo\\ s ale paper "'lndov;s and the roof and snow effect IS brought about by the liqe of cotton and dIamond dust Thf' fire plaCE>and chImney IS luade out of 1( ] paper WIth '''hlte chalk malks The background as hIgh as the peak of th loof IS madE' of l\-hite cheese cloth and abo\€ It blue cloth upon \\hlCh I"'i strewn thln cotton to gl\ e It a cloud effect In back of thIS cheese cloth \\"1" placed electrIC lIghts 11lsHle of a f..lilnel the flont ot \\hlCh \'ias cut out In stars of varIOUS SIze and a moon \\ as fastened on a pIece of \\ lle so that It could be graduall3- mO\f>d from the front of the "Indo" do"\\n to hack of tht cabInet ,,,hICh produces a ,er3- UIGf' effect Common Amas bees make UP "Dads The fire place" as arrangpd WIth a pIece of red paper 1\Ith an electrIC lIght under It ,,,hIch gIvE'S It a Vf'rJ.' real effect No Thl<:J WIndow IS accomplIshed In a ,\ Indo\\ anI.\- A j fE'et an 1 outsld£' of the "ark It cost In matenal fOI (lecoratng the back and front was onh sevpral dollars "Inch gOE'S to show what ('an be done even In a lImited space If one but WIll The fire place and Xmas tree IS always at tractive at Xmas trme and fOI stores that c"lIry t03-S as a SIde 11ne thIS kInd of dIsplay IS a1\"ays attractIve though a lIttle old The outsIde dISplay sho\\s what a small country store does to attract attentIOn Don t "ou belIeve that no matter \\ ho came In town v,. as attracted by thIS '" hiCh only goes to show what can be done In almost any CIrcumstances If you but "\\III ~lhiS cut furnIshed to our mem.bers for 75c If SIngle cut IS sent bJ.' marl 1\0 2 A mInIature church ",as bUllt for the b3-ckground In ",hleh was placed chImes and a to.\- church Olgan "'hiCh proved "ery attractne to the chIldren V\ ho \Isited thIS dISplay The background was made out of whrte cheese ('1oth 1\lth brUSh arranged In front of It WhICh ",as varnIshed and upon "\\hiCh \\ as thro" n dI'1ffiOnd dust to gIve It a frosty appearance Cotton sprInkled "lth dIan10nd dust \,as used for snow and In the front WIndow "as placed a sno\\ storlll niachlll€ "\\hiCh could be shaken at a certaIn penod and produce a genUIne sno\\ siorm WhIle thIS wIndo" does not suggest any lllcrchandise 3-et It IS a good attentIOn attractor and more than paId for Itself OutSIde ....Iew-Ready for Chrrstmas Trade Foreign Trade Doesn"t Help in Hard Times. "I do not take any stock m the oft quoted statement that a trade m foreIgn countnes help~ out the domestIc manufacturer in times when business IS depressed and money scarce," re-marked C. S. Dexter of the Grand RapIds Chair Company "I have noticed that when we have hard tImes at home tImes are hard abroad. The foreIgn trade the manufacturer expects in such a penod falls to matenahze Con,.,lder for a mom-ent the dull penod of 1907-8 Did you notice any unusual activity among such manufacturers as market a part of their product:-> dbroad? Is It not a fact that 111our own city of Grdnd RapIds such manufacturers reported trade uncom-monly dull? I have 111m111d a large corporation that sells a large part of ItS output 111Europe. During most of last year ItS factory was operated but eIght hours per day four days of the week. Of how much value were the markeb of Europe then? I tell you there h nothing 111 It \Vhen a manufacturer can not sell hIs output 111the home market in times of de-pressIOn he loses nothmg on account of hIS faIlure to estabhsh trade 111foreIgn lands WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 Wood Handles. The Waddell Manufacturing Company of Grand RapIds, have brought out a new line of carved handles to match all of the new penod styles so proper with the trade. They include English and Enameled Suites. The Nelson-Matter Furniture company have In the course of preparation for the spnng season of trade a considerable number of chamber suites in English styles and fimshes, also the Tudor, Flanders, Jacobean, Elizabethan. Chippendale, etc the accompanying cut shows a number of these styles, while their advertIsement on another page of this ISSue shows another group equally as attractive. It will be well for the interested reader to watch the pages of the \Veekly Artisan as other Illus-trations will appear from time to time. French suites WIth caneel paneh The company wlll finish several of the new pattern,., 111 whIte enamel. Enterprise Abandoned. The Sheraton Furniture Company will not engage in the manufacture of furniture at Grandville, Mich., as reported. The practical men who were to go into the enterprise have en-tered the employ of the Colonial Clock Company, Zeeland, Mich. January 17 the next New York Exposition opens to close February 5. 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN fooN I3-w-----P-RO C-E-SS'~ FUllING LIQUID produces on any oak results equal in every respect to those obtained by the old tedious and expensive actual fuming method. This especially prepared material when applied to any oak acts with the acids in the wood and produces that peculiarly beautiful, brown-ish effect known as "Fumed Oak." Nothing affects the finish, which may be thoroughly sandpapered without fear of cutting through. Send for FREE sample. We supply everything in Paint Specialties and Wood Finishing materials. I CHICAGO ~.-_. . ._-~---------_._--- NE\Al YORK -----_._---_._------_.~ An Important Court Ruling. In a S111tb) the ~llOCCO Eng111eellng Company (one lJ t'l, constltue11t compa111e~ of the present \mellcdn Elm\ ('1 ~ un pany) agamst tne B } Sturtevant Compam for ll1fnngment of the Davld"on patents COycnng the' SIrocCO' t) pe of , (n11l frugal fan or blowel, a declslOn ha", Just been renc1erl d h\ Judge Hough m the l'mted Stelte~ ll1U11t lourt fo the southern ChstllCt of ~ ev'v York adem t11lel b\ elefenda It allegll1g that the reIssued patenb \<\1 ere" Old The court aIle' descnbmg the multI-blade or ""qullrel cage fan of the ()j -';' nal patent, sa) s "The patentee clI~cu\ eled (d~ he ong1l1alh as~erted) t111t by provldmg d relatIvely large 111take chan' her prdctlcedh unobstructed, by the projectIon mto It of blade~ OJ othel 1M '~ and by emplo)mg blades \\ hlch extend a~ short a dhtance from 'LO~ MANUFACTURER5 p.~O DEALERS \ IN HIGH GRADE BAND AND SCROLL SA~S REfAIRI NG-5ATI5FACTION GUARANTEED ~ CITIZENS FHONE. 1239 27 N MARKET 5T ~ GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. ~~"""""""4-'Vvvvt~~ the penpben of the fan mward a~ 1, consIstent WIth strength ot con,tl uctlOn \ lbratlOn" and edelles V\ere m1111111lzedann tl e \ eloclt\ and" olumc of flUId dlc,charged for a grven speecl of rC\01utlOn \\cre gleatl) lJlCrea ed ThIS \vas the kernel of (om-pldmLtllt::, 111\entl0n. In other \\ords, the chscovery C011"l-terl III PlOy Irll11g a meall" of construct111g and operatmg a centrally lOtatl11g llal rem bladed fan or pump of cylmclncal form ,'.lth a lal ge unoh~truetcd a"ldl 111take chamber The patent (o"'vered a large \ and\ of forms all cylmdncal, all wIth laree mtake chambers, all wlth ndrrow blade", all aXIally rotated, and dif-fenng from each other only m the "hape and ~17e of t1'e fan blades then relatlOlls to each other l!1 penphel alar c,' cn111- terentJal adjuotment, and the lelatlOn of casmg to hn or pU111jh" \ftel "tatl'lg how the O1l~111al was dn ldecl 111tOthree 1e- 1" ued patenb, the COlUt says ,. J do not th111k It would h 1\ e been posslb\: 10' an) form ot ellU111 "hdped dAlaIl) rotatll1g fan \\ lth narf('W ',I,,'[es and d large ullob"it ueteel a"Xla1 1l1tdke chamber h hen e been con "trl1dec1 \v hllh VI e'uld not hay e been eIther dll mfnll~Cl11ellt 01 dn antlclpdtlOn aCC"l dl11g to the t1111eof It:, dev'''l11'' The com t accordl11g1) 0\ ('rrule" defendant's uemnl rtt w1th lea'l to dn,,\\ er on pay ment of cost, \\ hlk thh deU"lon 1" not fi lal adj'ldlcatIon of all 'lues twn" all 1l1g 11 thl" 111fnngement "mt, Jet It dIspose" of de-tendant" attack r,l1~ed by dcm U1 rer upon the "alIcIa y of the ru""ued patent, co\ ellng the "lroccO fan The ~ltOCCO fan or ble \\er" ale manufactuled m the l:mtc:d State, solely by the \melllan BlcJ\\ er Cc 111Jldll), DetroIt, Mlchlgan Many a homel) man ha", a handsome mug 111 the barber's shop WEEKLY ARTISAN 25 r-----------Rockf~rd---- .---------------------~-i II II "'- ~~ 1'1 \ K i 1 I , I"- II I \ \l \ II \ \ I I [ II )~ VI \ II ",,-,...... U \ 60 Library and Dining in Selected Quarter Sawed Oak and National Furniture Company Manufacturers of HIgh Grade MAHOGANY Our full hne will be on exhIbition on the 4th Floor, North Half, Room Furniture "' . ~, It F//// -" ~ , t. . ' ,- \\ • ',n.. --. "'- ~y-,I' I' I \1 ~ ~ ~'\ 11 11 '11 ~11~l\ ,111111 it1rlo I~ ~611~I~ dl~ r \ I(I"II ; /'iiillAll'~I ,~\ ~'II\;[;~",i1rI~''~illIl~l,(I" ~ "-- 1\1~~;j Jril~~> ~11~IIIIIIIS~I~l CJII 1111i.. ,", /' III ~ I ~ ., ? 810 \I FURNITURE EXCHANGE GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Chi•• Cabinet 186. New Furniture Dealers. )'fax Bohman I~ a new furl11ture dealer dt PIedmont, Ala. L vY Howell & Co are new furl11ture dealers at Dawson, Ky Alfred Schlert wIll open a retaIl furnIture store at Easton, Pa John P J one" 1'i prepanng to open a new furmture ~tOle at Taylor, Pa Leytze & Schrem er have opened a new furnIture store at Decorah, Iowa E A. Knapp opened d new furmture "tore at Geneva, OhIO on N ovember 2~\ E. VV '\1 Day WIll open a ne", flll ltmre store at New Plymouth, Idaho The Gay Furmture compan) ha, e opened a ncw retaIl store at Gay, Ga. S H Cress & Co opened d ne\\ furl11ture ~t01e m \ustm. Tex., on December 1 E. V\T Gregory & CO. IS the name of a ne\\ retal! furnIture firm at W11hamstown, S C J H HIllen & SO'1S, general dealer, of Pomona, C al , vvIII add a furlllture department to theIr bu sme"s GIlbert DeJ\farsh and Gl1bert Casavant are to open a furn- Iture and drapery store m Hu) ck bmldmg, J\Iam street, Her-kImer, N. Y, on December 8 Carl Hauser anel others have mcmporated ,the Hau",er Furl11ture company to conduct a retaIl furnIture bUSll1ess at Portsmouth, OhlO CapItal, $10,000 John A \iV Ibbe, Ray L Sharpe and George E Bartlett have 1l1corporated the J\IcGee I urlllture company, capltahzed dt $3,000 and WIll open a "tore 111Kan~as CIty, J\lo Noah Bedk1l1. Jame" Kelle) and \\ (T \\ ard, WIth $2,400 capItal all subscnbed ha, e 111corporated tne Bard\\ ell lurm-ture and Undertak111~ compan) to do l)tlsme,~ clt Bardwell, Ky. The general store, known <t" Chdncller\ 111~an Bernard-mo, Cal, w111 move llltO magl11ficent quarter" 111 the Yan Dorm hmlcllng on \\ est ThIrd ~treet anel a Lnge. completc 1111eof furl11ture WIll be added to the general stock Ritch in the Kipp-Kiel Deal. :YIIlwaukee, Dec 1-Ben]amm A KIPP, pre~ldent of the B A Klpp FurnIture Company, whIch recently ..,old out to the Kle11 urnture compan) of Klel, \\ IS ha.., filed ~Ult agam"t J B. Lann and A \\. Ddscler, pnnClpal owner of the Klel com pan), charg1l1g that thev a1e not carr) mg out the term'3 of the sale contract. He vvanh the courts to compel them to do ",0 anel to make them renelel an ,1ccOlmtlng The htlgatlOn •1 Buffet 286. does not effect the com..,tructlOn of a large new adchtlOn, to cost $60.000 01 more, to the KIPP furmture plant at Thlrty-seconel anel Center streets \\ ark all the adchtlOn began tvv0 weeks ago and WIll cont1l1ue untIl the bIg bm1chng, a "ohcl bnck structure, four stone::> hIgh, b completed It WIll gIve work to over 100 more table makers Mr K1pP'S compla111t 'itate'3 that he sold the bmld1l1gs and ground for $82,000 and the mach1l1ery, stock and fixtures for $45,585 The defendanh paId $20,0')0 cash and gave notes for the rest He claIms the) now refuse to make payment'3 agreed upon. Mr Klpp al'3o wanh pay as manager S1l1cethe transfer was made. Model Plant in Pennsylvania. Ulllon CIty, l'a, Dec I-The UnIOn CIty ChaIr Company who WCIe completel) burned out twO) eal sago hay e been nm-nmg theIr new plant no\\ for some tIme and It 1~ one of the finest and mo~t 'iuhstantlal to be found anywhere The bul1d- 1l1gs are all of bnck WIth lovver floors of cement The plant mclude~ a machmery hmldmg 64x 2~0, a fim"h1l1g and storage bul!dmg ()4:x 320, a '3ortlng room 64 x 100, the dry klln-a four track kIln 88 feet long and a bendmg ronm and dr) kIlns m connectIOn, The bmlellllgs throughout are equIpped with automatIc spnnkler~ and the plant WIth a large fire pump. The Looml'> Table and Furmtme Company are gettmg out a new lme of hbrary table.., made m oak and mahogany and m all of the vanous fimshes The company contmues to make a large lme of extenSIOn tables. Running Night and Day. Corry. Pa, Dec I-The Kurtz Bra.., Beel Company are planmng for the erectlOll of a new plant, the chmen"lOn~ of the mam floor wIll be 100:x ZOO feet, two stones An addItIOn dbo IS planned to be u~ecl au a bufflllg room and to be 25 x 100 feet, onc "to!) r1 he company has been runl11ng night and day f01 the past three month" The company ha, secnred optlon~ on three (hfferent sItes but IM~ not \ et defInltel) fixed upon the locatIOn for the new pldnt From Januar) 17, the openmg day of the 38th semI annual exposItIon of ~ew York the comprehen~lve "arnple 11l1esof 250 manufacturers WIll be on vIew until the clo'1I1g day on rebrudr) 5 It doesn't always take a far-'ieemg man to see hIS own £.111sh. 26 Walter Clark Veneer Company II 535 Mich. Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. WEEKLY ARTISAN WE ALWAYS HAVE IT READY FOR SHIPMENT Rotaru Cut Plain R6n ann Whit6 OaKV6n66r GOOD SIZES. CUT FROM CHOICE LOGS. TRAFFIC IN ALLEGED ANTIQUES II Frauds Perpetrated by Unscrupulous Dealers Up-on Unwise Collectors Exposed by an American Consul. ::\Iaxwell Blake, ~mencan con"ul at Dumferhne, Scot-land, wntes Intere'itlngly and 111structl\ ely of frauds that al e still perpetrated on the 111expenenced coIlector ot old "Ih Ll and ch1l1a and penod furmture by dealer'i throughout the U111ted K1I1gdom and continental Europe He ,;a}:o The U111ted States I" reputed by the well Intormed to harbor more "artistic atroCIties" that were purchased as c;en U111ethan any other country In the \\ orId and vve mav "ee even a greater flu" of pseudo vOolr,ks of art to ~nlellLan "hm e'i unlcss these fraud" are detected by gOvernment e"perh 01 rejected by the pubhc ta"te. The purpo"e of thl'i article 1:0 to state facts, not OpinIOn", and It IS not addre""ed to the c'- pellenced collector. A real sen Ice, hO\\ ev CI ma} pO'i:Olbh be conferred by \\ ar1l1ng the 1I1expellcnced-tho:oe \\ ho pel hap" go abload fm the first tune and find the cunosltv "hop" places of 1I1terest, and man} of vyhom doubtle'i'o, can httle affOld to be so heaVily penahzed fOI their cleduht} b} an tlque dealers Just now miniature" and decorated snuff and patch bo,-e'i are be111g most cxtenSI\ ely collected by \mencan" The'ie and other such smaIl "articles of vertu" al e manufactured by dextrous copyist-, and are readily procurablc by the glO% No one not po""es';111c; knowledge of the subject, gleat eA.- penence, and c1lscllm111atlOn should ever allO\y him self to be tempted to purchase mln,ILllre" unles" he I conte"1t to pas scs., a cab1l1et of fOlgene., rj he va.,t quantltv of blJoutene Dresden, and Battelsea enamel \\are that h Ju-,t no\\ flood1l1g the market IS made on the cont11lent, pnnClpally for the \mer- Ican trade Apart from thc palllting On these boxes, \\ hlch 1'3 poor 111quahty and e;enerally a crude copy of ,ome oll~lllal example, If one wlll ob"en e do"ely It Will reveal that thc nm to wl1lch the top h hinged 1'3 al tlficallj colored dnd that thc eVidence" of fre"h c;lue exud111g from underneath I., d iUl ther betray dl of It" modern and ha"ty ong1l1 Color pnnt'> die almost a" chfficult to Jud~e a" ml111a tures and .,nlJffboxe", .,U1Ce 111the pa..,t thev have becn vel v legnnately, and .,U11letlme., vel y beautifully, copied I\ut many of the'e fine reproductIOn", \1 hlch onglllalh \\ ere onl} 1I1tended d" such, hal e been conv el tec! Intu "antique" to be sold to the mexpenenced at much enhanced pnce.,. It lll<1v therefore "afely be acccpted, on the authont} of tho"e \V ho know, that genu1l1e old pnnts and engrav 1I1g, ,11 e nevel to be found on the barga1l1 counter by the amateur collector 1 he collectIOn uf chllla, hkewI.,e, mu"t mevltahly lead the no\ Ice to an el cn more hopele"s phght (]cnu1l1e examples ut Drc.,den eh el"ed "" orce ,tel, or Bow are worth more than thell \\ eH:;ht 111 gold ) Lt whdt one may fondly Imag1l1e to he a con\ 1I1unC; PICLL with It., I efinecI cJecordtlOn and "Implc ~Ilehng be,mn~ the golden anchor, I" not a bit of old Chelsea, but a "fakc' made by well-known firm" 111 the contment On I) the u11ll11tated now put any rehance III "aIel marks" Thel are mea111ngle'3"', and are freely apphed to modern copies \\ Ith open and notonou" forgery. There are occa'ilOnally '3ome 1 al e pieces of chl11a and pottery ) et to be pi ocureel, as well a" ge11t11ne example., of the more recent penoel" of some of the notable factone'i (usually early mneteenth cen-tur) ), :ouch d:ODerby, \\ orcester, Spade, Coalport, and Rock 111gham ch1l1a and \\ edgewood, Spade, Masl11, and Staf-forcl" hlrc pottene" '1 he.,c may po"scss "ome shght ~entl-mcntal and antIquc \ alue, and are \I ell worth bU)l11g fOI l)ractlCal u"e, but In themseh e, thcy can not be called fine and al e other\\ Isc un\\ orth) of collectl11g But even then "uch piece" should be purcha.sed only under e",pert ad\ Ice and \\ Ith a \\ Iitten guaranty of gel1l11neneC;" \\ Ith I eference to the effectiveness of the wntten guar-ant} the J~ngh"h caUl t'3 haye recently ~lhtal11ed the con tentlon that If a false dC'3CnptlOn of an antique I" given 111 the 1I1vOIce the purchasci IS entitled to full I ccovel y The wnt-ten guaranty h therefore far from be1l1e; \ alue1es'3 anel shoule! ah\ay s be 111'3lsted on as a protectIOn lurthermore, an) evaSIOn or he.,ltatlOn on the part of a e!ealer to gl vc one should be accepted a., a token of hh dl.,honestj Difficulties thicken a" the subject of old Enghsh fur11l ture IS approached Large "tdke'3 al e here frequently played for the cunn1l1g of the dealer amoun-b-., to .,heer genius. Illu"tratl\ e of thl., an In'itancc of recent occurrence mav be Cited \\ hat purported to be some exceptIOnally rare Chip-pendale chalr:o were sole! by a well-known dealer to a certal11 nobleman who unhc"ltatl11gly accepted the dealer'", word that they wel e genUl11e Some time after thl", however, the ser \ lLe" of all eApert were emplo) eel to fm thel exarmne them, 1\ hen It \I a, revealed that a "wl11dle had been perpetrated, the chair" hel11g notll1n~ morc than fine modern cople" The cu"tomer 111fOlmed the dealer of tll1S clhCO\ er), e!emauchng, on pendlt} ot c"po.,ure, that thc full purcha"e pnce be 1111 mecha tel) refunded. :1\1ueh to the purcha.,er'" '3Urprhe the dealel refu.,ed to makc JestltutlOn under urcum"tances w 111ch he allegcd 11n oh ed both Ill" reputation and hiS honor But to put It chfferentl}, If the Cl1'3tomer would .,mply ,tate hiS chssatJsfactlOn vllth hh purchase, then he (the elealer I, !~n()w- 1I1g the chair., to be genune, would thank 111mfor the ).111 vllege of be111g allowed to recm er them, but, It must be c1hflnct]) WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 under<;toocl only UpO,l the tel nb and condItion" of an ord1uary sale The dealel the! eupon offered $1,000 over and ;thovc t1l(' sum for y\ hlch the chaIrs had prevlOu"l} been purch::t..,ed III thl", of COUI~e, the nobleman demurred, protestIng that hf' desl1 eel no profit hom an unfortunate venture, but 111 tI'e end, 111orelel to secure the recovery of hIS money, he Yyas prevaIled ufon to acql11eoce 111thIS ext! aorelmary proposal The chaIrs hay l11g heen duly returned, no great tllle elapsed before another cu"tomer took theIr purchase under con"lderatlOn A ~ale had now, however, become much "1111- phfiecl, for not only could the source of the purchase be pomte<! to \\ Ith pride, hut actually the check wa" exhIbIted, showl11g beyond all doubt that the chaIr" had heen purchased from Lorel---, the well-known collector, at a price l11dlcatlve of theIr appal ent worth Thth the dealer, shadowIng hIS own chshonesty by thl" clever ruse, contrived to snatch even a further profit out of thl" second and more un"crupulous tran~ actIOn It IS no exaggeraiJon to say that such epIsodes are a dall} occurrence m the al1t1que trade, except that, generally "peaktne" the Ignorant purchasel "e1dom get" m exchange for hI" mve"tment even ..,0 much a" a good modeln copy l\Iany so called antique shop::, actually carr} on bu "111e,,s \\ Ithout hav111g one genl11ne pIece of antique furl1lture 111 theIr estab-h.., hment.., F111Cl)1ece" 0+ period furl1ltUl e bring hIgher price, 111London than 111K ew York, and the 111eXperlE'I1CedAmerican collector ha" httle chance of outwlttmg the alert dealers and connOIsseur" of England when It comes to securing some-thmg for nothmg In Holland old che..,ts, cahlnets, de<;ks, and chalr3 of httle value are collected and, after hClng \ eneered WIth cheaply mdde marqueiJ y, are "ellt to CJreat Brltam Olel oak beams from demoh"hed churchts or granaries are hkewlse 111 con- "tant demand for cony erSlon mto Jacohean refectory tables po and Oueen Anne furnture l\Ild- VIctorian pedestal SIdeboards are amputated mto "'peClmen" of Robert Adam, and COllven-tlonal mlay SUItable for Shelaton furl1lture 1<; cut out by machmery and supphed m an} quantity to those who have sktll and mclmatlOn to fabricate antIques Crrandfather clock" are trequentl} made up of such mcongnlltles as a modern chal WIth a fOlged maker'::, name and date, and old case patched up and ~et off b} modern 1I11ay. anel perhaps work.., of about fifty yeal" olel. CJrandfather chaIrs arc also, almost without exceptIOn, modern, or old ft ames debauched by new cabrlole or claw-and-ballleg::" \"lOhn::, ~Igncd StradIvariUS or Jacobus Sta1l1el, surreptltlonsly hIdden In rubbIsh heaps, are replaced by others a3 soon as "old. "Old" armor, medals, and medal-hons. all of modern orlgm, abound m rich profuslO'l "An-tique" ~pdnhh, Portuguese, and Cnghsh paste Jewehy every- \\ here mtrude" Itself A flood of cheap and mdrtlstlC Japanese ware IS also pouring out over the country, prints, gold lacquer, clOIsonne enamel, IVor}, and bronze contrlbut1l1g a full "hare to the swelhne, volume of alloys and commerCIal antIques To succes"fully collect nowadays reqUIres expert know-ledge and techl11cal tram1l1g, "mce It may be generally ::,tated that nothmg but the \ erle"t tJ ash IS to be found 111 90 per cent of the anttque "hops of Great Bntam and the Cont111ent Those, therefore, who wl::,h to secure genume antIques would better make up theIr mmch thdt It WIll be more satisfactory and cheaper In the end, to purchase only on expert adVIce or of dealer::, \\ tlhng to gIve a written stipulatIOn that all artIcles sold are guaranteed to be approAlmately of the penod repre sented, and, WIth respect to Englt <;h furl1lture, that no can mg, 1I11ay, or repaIrs not frankly admItted have been added, pur-chase money to be refundee! should any of these statements prove on exam1l1atlOn to he untrue Furthermore, the servIce of tllls office (the consulate) are at the dIsposal of any person WIsh1l1g more "peufic ane! detaIled adVIce --_. - - - - - -' - ----------_--._---------, SLIDING SHOE FOR USE ON DESK LEGS This shoe does the work of a caster yet allows the desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened with flat head wood screw and furnished in three sizes. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES No. 1493 PULL A very fine handle for desks in the square effect. Something dIfferent from the regular bar pulls. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. •••••• •• _._ •••••• _._ v •••• I ---_ .. ~treet", St LoUIs, :\10 have decIded to close out stock 011 hand and dh~oh e the corporatIOn Claudc Paxton V\ ho ha~ been assocIated", Ith hIs uncle El} l'a"ton 1lJ the undertak111g buslI1es~ at Spnngfield 1\10, paId $8 100 for thc fU1111ture al1d u11dertak111g bu qnes~. owned by the estate of the late J. \\ \\ hlte of the samc cIty The \\ hlte ..,tOle 1~ 110\\ the property of the Paxton firm but wIll be run 1)\ l Lll1de l'a"t()n a, cl epal dte hU~111es~. lluhtor~ oi ]'alker J \\ ebhel furnIture dealer of L}l1n \Ll' \\ ho ma(k an cl,slgl1ment recentl}. ha\ e accept hl~ offer to 1M\ GO cellt~ (11 the dollal HI~ a~seh \\ere lIsted at $20,7;3. hdhJ1lhe~ $18 ;40 [Ie" J11contn1t1e hU~111e~~ [II~ ffaJ1ure I~ ,aId to h,l\ e heen duc to 0\ U bu) Illg. dunng thc summer ~ea ,on MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS The httle town of Amt1l1. r\} e county. "evada needs a furnIture store. E Z Sdttler, furnIture dealel of J\[a/on. III IS ..,uccecded by Slattery & Belger on John \\. \;\Thlte, fur111ture dealer at Kankakee III ha" sold out to Fred \\. K111gdon John Peterson hd~ bought the retaIl fur111tUle 1)ll'11ll~" ot \V. J. Harper at l-Jolyoke. Col OrvIlle \\ \oel ha" j)Ulchased thc undel t;Jhlng hlbl Ie..,.., of Albert~en & Koch at Pek111. J]] J O. h~hheln fur11lture dealer ot Cheteh. \\ h ha" dl Clded to close out III hU~llle,~ and go "outh The ~pencer & Redell compan\ of \lemon Ind. h,l\ l changed thclr name to the ~pencel Tl able com pam . ] he Ea"t Undertakll1g compal1\ capltall/ed ,It SIO 00) ha~ been mcorporated to do bus111e~s at Te'<:arkana \1 h The E J\T. nand I UI11Iture company of \a~h\ J1le 1enn IS erectmg a buck wal eholl'e 11O:x 110 feet three stone" J J Thweatt, the plOncel melcl'ant ot JTull1holc!t 1elln has soldl1ls furl11ture and gIOCCI\ hU~ll1e" to \\ 1-1. I!le G G Hartel &- Co. furnlturc dealeh 01 1\1\ all ()hJ(l are succeeded by the" \ C \ [untLmger lur11lture Com pam The name of the undertak1l1g firm of H & \\ II \1 Jck Bellmgham, \A. ash, has been changcd to \ \ H \lock & ~Oi1S The COye FUlllltUle c'Jmpdny of ~tl\ e h l'mnt \\ I" paId a dIVIdend of fi\ e pcr cent on Decem hel I-a total (11 $6,000 Barker Bro" furnIture dealer" for 20 ) ears on .south Spnng street, hay e mO\ ed to 724-30 South BlOad\\ a \ Lo, Angele", Cal The partnel ~hlP of lTeorge l Scheel and Y\ l \ \ alhl k fur11lture dealel s of \lhuquerque \ \1 l" ha.., ]Jecl1 (11"" 1h ed ::\Ir ,I"arhck I etlllllg The Burtner 1'ur111ture company, (TreensbOlo " C, ha\c purchased the ~tock of the (Tm]forcl ]url11tme compal1\ Ie cently declared bank! upt The Rhodes- Bm ford lurl11turc- Compal1\ of LoulS\ 1ll1e. Ky, has estabhshed a dhtnbutlllg blanch at 41-+-16 "mth Broadwa), St LOUIS. :\10 The Prufrock-Lltton lml11ture compan\ at St Louh ;\10, has estabh"hed a branch Ictad tore out 011 \orth Broad-wa~ at the corner of ~t lhalle" street The QuaInt -\rt FUlnltUle compal1\ 01 S\ raC11se \. \ have 111creased the capItal staCh from $5000 to $.2:;,COO a 1](1 have enlarged the capaclt} of theIr plant Thos J\;fac1den, Son & Co, manufactUl ers 0f da\ enport beds and parlor fur111ture. Indlanapoh~ Ind ale bmldm£; dn adchtlOn to theIr plant at d co t of $-+.;00 A. J\l Swam ha.., tI dded real e"tdte tor the fl11111ture de-partment of Holton, (Tra) &- Co. general dealers and under takel" of Hradvllle, Iovva. He doe, not ~et thc undertaklll£; busme"s of the firm The MonrOVIa (Cal.) Plal11ng J\1J1l Company ",ho recenth converted theIr plant 111tOa furmture factor\ hd\ e madc UIC fir"t Shlp:l1ent of then new ploduct and ha\ e more 01 cleh than they can fill for carl) deln el} Thc\ report a ~hOl tage ot labor. ) ohn H Kernan, pre~ldent of L phol 'oterer\ L nlOl1 "0 53, Boston, 1\1ass. wa, fined $100 dml costs on \ 0\ ember 2-+ fOl contempt of court He \ lolated an mJunctlon prohlbltJ;1~ thc plcket111g of a factory \\ here the 11111011 employ e~ \vere on stnke Lease of their present C]uartel" ha\ 111geXIJlleel and bC111g unable to securc a de'lrable new locatIon the (hrcctOl s of thl Kelly J1ur11lture and Carpet Com pan) 011\ e dnd Ele\ enth 1he ,,",pear "'ample ['urnrture Company of Cle\ cldnd. O. hdd a nm e1 vI;Indol;\ ell ,pIa} 0 I the clcly before Thanksglv1l1g-a I cal \\ edd111g. Han e\ L. Kllncr and ;\11~s Rosa Broecke1 \\ ere the contI aLtlllg parties The ceremony was wItnessed 1)\ an enCl111m" UO\\ c1 a11d thou~dnd., saw the happy couple ib the\ lOde thJ()ugh the "tI eeh m an automohJ1e whIch had ]JlCn applOpn,lte!v decorated for the occa~lOn. -\ "mt entitled the ll11ted State.., vs the Globe-\) enllcke company IS pendmg m the federal com t at Cmc111natl. The compal1\ IS acuhed of hav111g J1legally co werted h Itself ,e\ el al thousand acrcs of land sItuated m \labama It IS charged that the company secured thl~ land frow the govern-ment b\ ha\ 111g a num]'er of per~on" file entry therefor as If the\ mtencled It for them "elv e and then turn It ovel to the uJIl11Jan}, \ill ho sold It to I 111{)Centparties New Factories. Illlle nlOther,,- It ~eph and John Keclar-ha\ e establIshed cl lalJlnet sbop dt Lame..,\ dIe. (Ta I he (Told 1'1lr111tl1re company. cJpltahzecl at $20.000 has been 1l1corporated to e"tabhsh d factory 111ChIcago H O. I-Lm thorne wdl estdbh~h a factor) or remodel an old one m "e\\ I onc!on lonn. to manufacture wardrobes for the 10ld111g \\ al(hobe cC'mpany of l\ew York. \ \ Ilham DICk111on and othel s hay e 111corporated the Dlck- 111son ] able Lock company to estabh~h cl plant and manu-facture fur111ture and hard \Val e m Buffalo 1\ Y. Capital stock S; 000 R (Tocppert and other~ have I11corporated the NatIOnal Shadc Cloth company to manufacture wmdow .,hades, shade cloth", etc 111 ChICago III lapltal stock. 75 per cent sub- ~cnbed, $40,000 Furniture Fires. Rea~oner & Blair, dealel" of Kennedy, Tex, burned out La".., $7, :;00 111'01d1n1ce. $-+,000 The furllltl11 e stolk and store of D E. El1ns, Inman, Kan" dal11a~ed about $7,000 by fire In"urance, $8.000 ] he plant of the Rex lllllc1 company, manufacturers of coffins and cd~ket" Empona. Kan. WdS totally destroved by fil e recenth L{),~ $18000, abont 60 per cent l11surec1 Tr:nyels in the South. \"1 B Scott ~\\ho 1eprese~1ts the Nel son- Matter Furl1lture Compan} 111 the sout1leln ~tates h at home 111 Grand Rap1cL, tOl the holIcla\ J ancl mId" Inter turmture sedson Some mcn ne\ er recogm7e an opportul1lt} unless it 15 labeled WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 New York Markets. \ew York Dec. 3-1urpentme has been up and down all thb 'i\eek. Sta1 tmg at 58 cent" on :;\londay It went to :;9 @ :;90 on Tuesday 580 on v\ edne::,da), back to 57 on Thur::,da) and today It IS "teady at 57 @ 570 Sa,annah figUl e" are 530 @ S4 Reporb of finnne::,,, at the pnmaly "ource" of supply ha, e "ttengthened the "hellac market here There have been no change::, 1'1 quotattons. however becau"e the current figure" have been "haded con"ldelah1y m neady all recent t1an"actlOns :.\Iarket nnpnJ\ ement I, nottced m the demand for, arn1..,h gum::" partlLularly from the ..,outh dnd we..,t Kaun, 1\0. 1, 1..,no\', quoted at 42 @ 47 cenb, ;\[0 2,20 @25, Xo 3, 1S @ 18 Damar-BatavIa, 13 @ 14 Smgapore, 7Yz @ 12 Man- Ila, pale, 14 @ 18, dark, hard 12 @ 14, Amber 13 @ 15. There h firmne..,::, m the lmseed 011 tl ade but tran::,actlOn s are confined for the mo"t part to ::,mall lots Few "ales are made at les::, than card rate':> VIhlCh are "till based on 64 @ 6:; cent" for we"tern raw. Flaxseed IS reported firm at western pomt" Goat skm" are ,trong and movmg qmte lnel), nearly all 1ece1pts bemg ..,old promptly Ura,nl" ha, e been hIgher and "omewl1dt exuted dunng the week Today they are quoted at 7'i @ 82 cenb Other quotatlOn.., are practIcally unchanged, :.\le'l.lCan frontIer" ,till sellmg at 34 cent'"> The burlap market IS ..,tlll «met though It ..,hmv" more "trength than ha" been noted fm ,e, eral week" Reporb of a .,hortdge m the raw matenal prO\ ed to be flCtltlOn::, and clld not affect the (luotatlOn.., wlllch rema1l1 at 350 @ 3:;5 for eIght-ounce good.., at 4 :;0 for the heaVIer grade Sheet 7mc «met at the former figures $8 per 100 pouncl::" fob Peru, 111., WIth 8 per cent dhCOllllt Steady l1nprovement m the haldwoocl lumber market h reported by dealers and producers at nearly all 1l1tenor pomts Generally there IS an actn e demand for the better glades but the fil mne..,,, I" al ,0 felt by the lower grade::, of all vanetle::' except whIte a"h Pnce::, though tak1l1g a WIde range may be de"cnbed a, stlffenmg but the actual advances are not numerous. .ModelFurniture Plant in Kansas. 1he Helme1 s :.\Ianufactunng company of Kan..,as CIty, \10., and Leavenworth, Kdn;" manufacturers and Jobber" of fur11lture, al e bmldmg a le\', plant, at Leavenworth, whIch promIses to be one of the model furmture makm£>; plant:> of the country The mam blnlcl111g WIll be of bnck, four stonec, 60 feet VI Ide and :;(0 teet long The dry bIn" and POVIer hou.,e WIll be ..,epclfdte bUlldmgs The kll11'3 WIll have a capaCIty of 300,000 feet 'I he plant WIll be ':>upplled WIth all modern fac t01 y C011\ emence" eqUlpped WIth the be"t machmel y and ope1- atec1 enttrely by elect1lc power The product WIll be cheap and medmm grade fur11lture well made dnd well fim..,hed. \\ e ale gomg to gIve the cheap and medmm-pnced ctuff a touch of quahty and fi11l..,hthat wlll be hard to beat," ::,ays V ICe-pI eSldent H J Helmer., Jr., "and we hope to make our estabh.,hme,1t headquarter;, for thl.., clds.., of gooch 111westeln terntory " Lots of New Patterns. The Luxury ChaIr Company, Grand RapId", sInce thel1 enlargement of the factory, have put m many new, up-to-date machme::, and otherwhe fitted up ::'0 a" to greatly mCl ease theIr output Trade I::' fine) and m January they wlll "how many new patterns of the now famou':> Luxur) chaIr." on the first floor, north half of the l' urlllture Exchange, Grand RapIds, and 190-191 l\IIchlgan avenue, ChIcago Speiker Retires. John Spelker, founder and manager of the ColonIal Clock Company, Zeeland, l\Ilch , ha" sold hIS "tock m the corporatIon to :.\Ie;,sl s De Krmf and LahlUs He WIll "pend the w1I1ter 111 I; londa and next year WIll tour EUI ope On hIS return he WIll engage 111 bus1l1es~. \[r. Spelker commenced hIS career as a manufacturer of c10CI,-~111 a small barn adJ01l1mg hIS reSIdence WIth two 01 three patternJ of Dutch clocb Undel hIS dlrectHm a large and prosperou~ 111du..,try wa" estabh':>hed and :.\,fr. acqull ed d comfortable hI tune. Spelker acqmred a comfOl table fortune Mr. Wolf Goes With the Nationals. J. H. \\ olf for thc pa..,t twcnty-llIne year::, \',Ith IndIan-apolts, Ind hou~ec, ,vlll at the clo.,e of the yeat sever hIS old connectlo'1 and wll1 go mto the ::,en Ice of the '\ atlOnal Furm-tm e Company of \tlant:l, Ga., to travel IlhnOls, Incltana and OhlO, "Ith d h le that the \JatlOnal company are bnngmg out for the commg sea on :.\lr 'vYo1£slang expenence on the road coupled WIth the met ItS of the ;\ atlOnal hne should gIve the company a bu,y year. Parlor Frame Company Reorganized. Petcr Van Dommelen and John L Ly nch hd' mg purcha::,ecl an mtere::,t In the Grdncl RapId.., l'drlor lrame Compan), a re-orgalllLatlOn of the company ha been effected. Mr Van nom-melen IS preSIdent, Sybrant \ \ es..,eltus, VIce pre..,tclent and :\1.r Lynch "ecretary amI trea,mer \lessr.., Lynch a lcl Van Dom m elen dre practical men of long expenencc m the (, rcmcl RdPld s factolle::, They propo..,e to lllcredc,e the company", lme of pro-duct, whIch Vvlll be ch"played m the TIlodgett htulclmg clunng the January ::,eason Alexander Dodds Incorporated. -\le:hander Dodd", the VI" ell known manufactm er of \', oocl- \',orkmg machmely, of Grand RapId", ha" Incorporated hIS bu"me"s under the name of the Alexander Dodds company The capItal stock I::' fi:hed at $63,OJ8 of whIch ::\1r Dodds hold" $52,000, H B W ooclcock, $10,500 and Albert C Stover, $500 Thl" actIOn was deemed nece""al y on account of the dIm en- "Ion" to whIch the bU..,111C"'"ha'" grown 111 the past ten yeal.., No Ohjection to HigheJ.·Prices. Roy S Barnhart. treasurer of the Kelson-Matter FurnIture Company, I eports that no obJ ectlOll'3 have been recelyed to the advances made on goods bj the :.JatlOnal FurnIture :\lanu-fasturer, ASSOCIatIOn la ,t month. RetaIlers ge lerally approve the ad, ance, It enahle., them to ,ell the good., on hand-and many were well stocked-for co 1Slderable mOle money than had heen expected when purchased Running on Full Time. The CJlancl RdPlcl.., 1 mmture Company, make1;, of lllgh grade furmture fOl the ch11lng room, are operatmg their factory to capdclty on 01 del':> and ..,tock for the commg year. l\lanager E VI. ErWlll IS pleased WIth the outlC'ok What to Buy and Where. The Henry S Holden Veneer Compa,ly, Grdncl RapId", have 100.000 feet of Clrcas'ilan \Yalnut Just 111,also a fine lme nf :.\IaholSdny. Quartered Odk, BII d s Eye :;\laple dnd Birch Crm.,bcl11dm£>;ready for prompt dehvery Some men's Idea of a corkmg good tl1ne IS an uncorking one. 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN N p Mission Oak Finishes The L. Mac 1:. Fumed Oah Acid Stain fumes the wood equal to a Fumed :Box Early English Stain No. 1719 and No. 506 Filler. Weathered Oah Stain No. 1725. They are the Standard Shades. SEND FOR FINISHED SAMPLES THE LAWRENCE-McFADDEN COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. =======---- ~==~-~---- ----- _._~---_.._._._.~.~._._., I •IIIf I I ! I 1 I I I• :I ! I : I I : • I • I • I • I •• II I : I I t I t • t • I • I • I I I I •I II I : I THE "ELI" FOLDING BEDS ~~~f~-r~I~N~~~ ! I ELtD:""iVI°i'LLER"'"&"'CO. i II EVANSVILLE. INDIANA I Wnte for cuts and pnces : ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, EVANSVILLE. I t I ~_. ..._. .... - .. . -~ ...------------- I OLD-AGE PENSIONS IN ENGLAND The Law Does Not Work Out So Well as Was Promised by Its Promoters. (Jleat Ulltd1l1, old-d£;e pen'lOn law, whIch went 1I1tOeffect )" lldn I 1909. cluee, wt work out qUIte ,,0 e,atlo;factonly ao; \\ a, e"pelted b) Ib a(h ocate~ The law apphee, to men and v\omen ahke vvho are 70 ) ears of age or 0, er, who, If they fall "lthll1 the proVI",'OIlS of the law .are entitled to recen e $121 per "eek from the g~nelal go, ernment and dunng tne first mne n'onth'i of the ) ear 410,000 per~ol1'i m England, 184,000 111 lJeland and 73000 111 Scotland have drawn pellSlOm, aggle- ~ ltlllg d iSland total of $26298.000, and the total fOl the first \ ear I, expected to reach ;p38,000,OOO or, perhaps, $40,000,000 It wa:'>estl111dted vi<h,en the bJ11wa" pa",sed that there were 173,000 per'iom In lleland 70 year" of age or O\er, a1d that a consldel able nUl1lbel 111 thl'i ag£;re::;ate would be Il1ehglble to recen e old age pen~lons, eIther becduse they \i<e,l e paupers or had Il'COJlle" III exce,,'i, of the deSIgnated 11l1l1111lUmw, ll1le the 1111mber Inchcdted aru\ e who were entitled to rehef Ie, 11,000 III e),.ce'0 ()f the e"tll11ate (A the entire 1umber of per"ons over 70 \ edl -, of age. I he entIre e),.pen"e of the olel age pensIOns 111 the 1:l1Ited KII1~c1om 111borne h) the gO\ ernment, no contnbutlOn beIng I eqUlrcc1 from emDla) el " or frol11 wage-earners. dS 1'3the prac-tICe 111(Terman\ and other cauntne'i To be quahfied for a penslOl1 the apphcant muct be 70 years old, mu"t not have an II1COl11ee),.ceedll1g $153 per year, andmu'3t hdve been a Bntlo;h :oub]ect dnel re'ldec1111 the L11Ited KIngdom for the last 20 yeals There al e \ an01.b otbel grauncb of ell"quahficatlOn, the pnncl-pal of whICh 1'3the receIpt of lehef from the poor fumb dunng the) eal thh c1ebdrnng an apphcant till the ensUIng year The WEEKLY ARTISAN 31 ,.--------------------------------------- - . .. ---_.---- These Specialties are used all Over the World I II• III ,• II II No 20 Glue Heater. "'--_.. ............. . Veneer Presses, different kinds and sizes (Patented) Veneer Presses Glup Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Etc., Etc. Hand Feed Glueing Machine (Patent pendmg) Many sty lea and sIzes. Wood·Working Machinery and Supplies LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS Power Feed Glue Spreadmg Machine, Smgle, Double and Combination. (Patented) (S,,,e8 12 In. to 84 m wide,) CHAS. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville, Ind. No.6 Glue Heater. - _. ----------- ----------- --_._----_._-- - - -- - - .- ----' pen:->lOnvanes from 24 cents to $1 21 a week, accorc1111g to the 111come of the apphcant, the ma'C1mum be111g paId "here the annual 111come IS not beyo ld $10. Some senou~ defects 111the law are "ho,," n 111the report from the ;\ ott111gham d1stnct N ott111gham's populatlOn I'> now 260,000 1 he number of c1anTIs filed for pen"lOn" wat> 3,779, of vvh1ch 3,358 were al- Ia,," ed by the 1m e tlgat111g C0l11111lttee Le"" than 3,008 apph-catlO~ b \\ ere e'Cpected ~mong the c1all11s (hsallo,," ed were ~ome the 1ehlsal at whICh, 111the op1111on of the comnllttee \\01k" ~ulh hard~h1p~ that the alt should be al1le HIed In one la,e of (l!,allov,ance the apphlant under great t>tre ., had beln 10(h;ec1 111 a vv01 khou ,e -Jne lllght, In anothe1 a woman had "upported he1 l11\ahd hu~h~L1d hy hawk1l1g until, VI hen he \va" dY1l1g ,he wa, forled to qmt her v.ork and attend to hIm, ,1 rehev111g officer gl\ 1l1g them a few chl11111g,>to a\ ert starvatlOn, thus c11::.quahfvmg her. ()n the other hand, apphcdnt~ \\ ho hay e con'lclerable money obtd1n pen"lOn'-. ()ne WIth $3.8)3 111ve"ted at 21~ per cent 1::' entItled to a pen"10n of $1.21 a week, the maAlmum A mal lIed WOl,1an v~h ise hmhancl had $6,083 111ve"tec1at 4 per cent, ) e11(hng $243 a year. was granted a pen~lon, fhe law pro 'video that the 111come of anyone ,if tv. 0 marned per'>o 1'>hv 111g together 1" t'lken to be not le"s than half of the v. hole of the mcome of both '1 he ""Ife apparently had no 111come and the hu"band S v\ as lees than double the amount wh1Ch (hsquahfie" an apphcant. The laY' \\ a~ understood to mean that the Wlt:::: \\ ould be a.,,,umed to ha, e half a, much 111come as her hu::.hand, and thl::' entitled her to a pen "Ion of 75 cents a week The relectlon of the apphcants who had recelved a httle poor rehef and the acceptance of tho"e who had an 111COn1l:' from mve"ted money were both relucta lt acb of the pen~lo 1 COml1l1t ee, who le olved to recommend a chan<;;e of the Itv.. Trenton. N_ .T. Factory Notes_ 1 ,enton, ~. J, Del 1-'1he '1 renton Spnnf?; l\lattre", Company dIe very bih) on mattret>t> v.ork and are al"o maktng bed", davenport">, couches, etc. They are three month" beh1l1d order" A '>pec1alty ,'V-th tlV'l11 1" t11e 1J1ak'll6" of '>pnng'>, III whlch they do a \ ery lan!,~ bu"ne".., 'I he 'Le,l and wIre market 1" a httle stiffer and b'1',111C"" \\ Ith c11d1r, lounge, bed and other manutacturers h strong The) 11a,(' outgro\\ n the present hUlld111g on Pal~lf avenue and helvc arranged to bul1d a new fadOl}, one ",tOly In he1gilt, 100 'C 200 feet 111"lze. A new l1l1e h be111g made or .:;Oih century . - ... -- t>pnngt> for davenportt>, couches, divan'>, E. '-, v\h1c11 1'-0 n Jh(,- le'>s and firmly "eated The New ] er,ey ~chool & Churc11 r'11l11tUl e Company are bUlld111g a large new factory for then 111('ff'a"'1J~ bU"l-ne" t>, to be 4 stone" 111 helght, 70 x 130 fe('t 1'1 "lL.C, v, h1(:h WIll double the output of the pl et>ent plant. '" ew 1\lrlch111cn WIll be put In and they wlll 'Soon be ln shape to (1) better 111cl J ever to keep pale wlth order" A .,peclalty 1" made of school .,eat" and de,k", "ome new hnes of manufactu~e \\ 11' he t-1'.;:e11 up more hand" wlll be put at \\ork and adJ'+(<J1'al "ale"men \\111 be put on "1he <- olumbla Bed Company have not bpt 11 \\ ::Jrk1l1!2, tor '>ome tll11e and wlll not re-open the plant T~p v hra'-::. and lron beeh The Kl111e ChaIr Company of 6 \ \ ood "treet, 11dke ckw., {OJ bable.." chlrOpo(h"h, etc, o{ lroll. "ome have uphobtered "eat" and back" 1 hey tUln out 180 to 200 a rlOntll lhe cheape~t chaIr t>elhng {o" $()J 00 [he firm lS bu"y '111.1 man a15e to get plenty of order" The \mencan 'J Ll hng LJ111pan\. who have a vllOle~2'c {Ull11tU1C bU"lllc" hert, have moved from the (,undhng bul1d111g, tll ! l111adeph a ::\lany a fellow It> all lIght 111hIS way, but It's the wrong \\ ay ~---------------------------------------------- ,,• II -~ I,• , I ~fKCl~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~~~~v:l1~5 SEII,fDSAMPLES. DRAWINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES. WrIte for I E. P. ROWE CARVING WORKS, AL~ftH~N. Catalogue r ,. - .-------~--~------,-----------.~.. 32 ", . II WEEKLY ARTISAN Miscellaneous Advertisements. WANTED. Salesman with well estabhshed trade with retail and jobbmg furmture, house furnishmgs and hardware m Colorado, Ne-vada, Utah, New MexIco and Anzona, to handle an old and estabhshed Ime of Refngerators on commlSSlOn basIs Give full details as to hnes carried, references, etc. Address "May" care Weekly Artisan. WANTED. Superintendent-To take charge of manufactunng end only of factory makmg Library and Parlor Tables and Pedestals Must understand all branches of the work. An expenenced, progressive man. Address "Magnetic" care Weekly Arti-san. WANTED- LINES TO SELL. In the middle West. Large expenence in the sale of cham-ber and dmmg room furniture. Would engage on salary. Address "S. W. E." care Weekly Artisan. 11 27-2t W
- Date Created:
- 1909-12-04T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:23
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and ,.~ I \ '--', I'; ) .., e:J...;t -<.' f' \ GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• OCTOBER 29. 1910 BEAUTIFUL BIRD'S EYE MAPLE Just the Thing to Delight the Ladies at Christmas! There is nothing quite so dainty-so feminine-so charming for Christ-mas, as a Bird's Eye Maple Dressing Table. Light, airy and cheerful, it goes to the hearts of the ladies, and it is the only light-colored furniture that is also highly artistic. The Northern has made Maple a leading line ever since starting in business. Weare in the heart of the Maple country, where the finestMaple in the world grows, and with our standard lines, using Maple as a base, we are able to pick only the choic-est pieces for Natural Maple finishes. Therefore, when you buy Natural Bird's Eye Maple fromthe Northern, you are sure of the creme de la creme -the finest in the country. But you must have artistic shapes too-the airy beauty of Bird's Eye Maple is completely lost if it is not made up in beautiful designs. We also give you moderate prices. That is what will sell with you-beautiful wood, deslgns and workmanship, at moderate prices, coupled with prompt deJivery (and that means every-thing when you get near Chnstmas-nobody beat3 us at that part of the game). No. 1197 Dressing Table. Made in Oak, Mahogany and Bird', Eye Maple. No. 1152 Dresser. Made JD Oak, Mahogany and Blrd',-eye Maple. Full information given in courteous letters about anything that interests you. Write us frankly, freely. NORTHERN FURNITURE COMPANY SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN SeeciaJists fQ tneFurniture Trade. MICHIGAN ENGRAVING CO.GRANDRAPIDS. ..... . - --- - ------------ ----~-------_...~-------------------~ NEW DESIGNS Ir~ LOUIS XVI STYLE -- I __ - • __ No. 1711 No. 1705-1705 WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN ..... .. _. - . - --- _. -- .. ....I WEEKLY ARTISAN 1 YOU CAN MAil YOUR CATALOG NOVEMBER 20th If you place the order with us now. WHITE PRINTING COMPANY GRANDRAPIDS, MIC". I PRINTERS FOR THE FURNITURE TRADE. I 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN .... ~ LUCE FURNITURE COMPANY I II GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ,I ,• I I I Manufacturers of COMPLETE lines of MEDIUM PRICED DINING and CHAMBER FURNITURE. Catalogues .~. ---------_- _. .-t-o_- De-ale-rs-O-nly-. --_._----._--_._- _. ---_._._._- ---------- -- --- -_ .._. - .--~ . -- . Luce-Redmond Chair Co.,Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites In Dark and Tuna Mahogany Btrd' J Ey Maplf Btrch !Zuartfred Oak and CtrcaJJtan Walnut Our Exhibit you will find on the fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS'BUILDING,North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Exhibit in charge of J. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES,J. EDGAR FOSTER. PUBLIC LIlllLtHr 31st Year-No. 18 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., OCTOBER 29,1910 Issued Weekly FOREIGN MARKETS FOR METAL BEDSTEADS Consuls Urge Anlerican Manufacturers to Compete With Those of England and Germany. The nl11eau of J\Ianufactllre" at \\ ashmgton hd\lI1g lC-quested consuls at \ allOUS pomts, to fl11msh mf01matlOn as to the tl dde m metal beds, \'V lth partlculars as to the source of supply, local faLt01les, pnce", ctc , hdS 1ecen ed repm ts which, when "bOlled dm\ n" read a" follows Consul John E Kehl of Sydney, ~ma Scotla-Gp to the latter pal t of 1907 only \mellcan made brass beds were sold m S) dney, but the Canad1an manufacturers ha\ e smce then captured the tlade by reduung their pi Ices, by offe1mg b1ass beds of Amencan des1gn, and by uSIng best Fnghsh lacque1, cla1med to be supellor to Amcncan varmsh. Canad1an-made ",h1te enameled bed", w1th b1ass caps and rods, headp1ece 57 inches high, foot 42 mches, 3-16 mch 1al1mg, and 1 1-16 inch p1lla1 ", 1eta11 at $3 60 B1a"s beds, w1th 2-mch post", cap tops, 5S mches h1gh, finished \\ lth S-ply Enghsh golden lacquel, 1 eta1l at $18 1 he poss1b1l1ty of openmg \mellcan tl ade 1ela t10ns with Cape Breton depends on the ab111ty to compete in p11ce and quahty w1th the Canad1an-made a1tlcle Therc 1S no local prejudice agamst artlcles of Amencan manufactul e, 1£ any-thmg, there 1S a preference It 1S suggested that \'. hen corre-spondmg w1th thc firms'" hosc addresses are herewith trans-m1tted net and gross we1ghts be given, also CUb1Cmeasure-ment of the bed Clated for sh1ppmg (Address on file m the Bureau of Manufactures) Consul -:\lanon Letcher, '\capulco, :YI:exico- The iron bed-steads "old hel e a1e of ::\le"lCan mannfactl11 e They are ap-parently of cheap constrnctlOn and mfellor quahty. The re-tall pnce of smgle beds 1S $10 gold and of double beds $15. There seems to be no 1eason why Amencan bedsteads can not be placed on tl11s md1ket. I have seen nowhere m MeXICO 11on bedsteads", hlch compare with those 01dmanly reta1led m Amellcan stOles "\n Amencan bed, howeve1, 1S ra1ely seen, tl11s trade bem£; con trolled by Gel man and Enghsh mannfactm el s .l\Iost Enghsh, F1 ench, and German honses ale wcll 1eplesented m the .!\le:\.lcan mal Kets, and thlS lS a factor of great conseqncnce in dete1111m1112;v\hC1e ilade \\ 111 go. Amc11can expOJ tel s depend too much on catalogues Me1chants do not feel that any gualantlc" stand behmd the11 purchases through catalogues, and pi efe1 to buy fl om houses represented b) "drummers" Thel c 1'0 not a large dcmand hel e for 1ron bed" The ~cnel al people, Without exccptlOn, use cob of the double X ty pe of lon" tl uctlOn, as these a1e cheap, cool, and suffiClentl.' comfOl table Ilon beds al e con-sidered luxune" f01 the nch. (The names of the leadmg wholesale houses 1n '\capulco are on file m the Bureau of -:\lanufactures ) Consul Leo J Keena, Chlhnahna, Mex1co-There is one fact01Y in Ch1hnahua mannfactnring blass and 110n beds of the cheaper grades. The high-grade brass beds on sale here are Imported from the Ul11ted States. Th1s class of beds was formedy 1mported from England, bnt dl11mg the past few )ea1S all hu;h-pllced b1ass and ilOn beds have been purchased m the Umted State" The cheap blass and 1ron beds of local mannfacture ale les" accl11ately made than the same class of \mencan beds, and the fimsh 1'0also mfen01 The names of the tl11ee largest dealel s m fl11l11tnre m th1s d1strict al e trans-m1tted (and filed m the Bl11ean of Manufactures). One of these dealel s mf01 med me that he conld not import iron or chcap brass beds to sell agamst those made in Chihuahua, althovgh all the mOle expensl\e beds he handles are of Amen· can manufactul e. The second firm listed reported that for more than a year they had 1mpOlted all the11 brass and iron beds from the Umted States, and had found that they could glve a customer bette1 value f01 the same price on the 11n-ported beds than they could on the local product because of the better w01kmanslllp and hmsh of the former. Consul R E Holaday, Santiago, Cuba-Brass and 110n bedsteads ale Imported flom both the Umted States and Eng-land. \Voven vv11e and steel sprmg s are manufactured here flom matellal 1mpo1ted from England and Germany. None of the stores handle metalhc couches. Vlooden foldmg chalrs of Amencan manufacture a1e on sale in most of the stores, but the dealers say there 1S very httle demand for them, ex-cept to rent on speClal occaSlOns. Vessels of the New YOlk and Cnba 11a11 Steamsh1p Company, P1el 14, East Rivcr, pi) 1 egulady bet", een th1S pm t and New York, and vessels of the 1\lnnson Steamsh1p Lme, 82-92 Beavel sticet, "New York, ply lef.;ulal1) betvvecn tIllS pOlt and Mol)]le. Consul T{alph J. Totten, l\la1acalbo, Vcne7uela-Bolh metal and \\ ooden bedsteads al e in use m th1S d1strict, the metdl bemg 11npOlted fl om (rel many clllefly and thc '" ooden bemg manufactured m Maraca1bo, flom native wood. A local factory has a monthly productlOn of about 50 wooden beds and 100 cots wlth wood frames and canvas tops. The average bed of thlS class retalls fOl fl om $4 to $12 50. Some of the Your Continued Success Depends on the QUALITYof Your Goods- 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN It's after a bed or chair or table leaves your store that it counts for or against your future trade, Every Stow & Davis table you sell is a constant advertisement of your reliability, Our tables resist wear-quality is built in, along with the style and hand rubbed finIsh that make our designs so attractive. Our new catalog, showing some of the handsomest Colonial and Flanders dmers ever m press. You will just naturally want these top-nolchers in your own store, for your best trade. Send in your name for an early copy. STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE COMPANY, PERFECTION TABLE TOPS. DINERS. Grand Rapids, Mich. OFFICE AND BANK TABLES. local cabinetmakel s turn out a fel,l, hlghh 01 namental cedal and mahogany bed'i of the old ia~hlC)ned fOUl-po':>tel t\ pe whICh arc ~old at pllce" lan[,1J1c, t!om S2; to S7; alcOld1J1!?, tll elaboratene~~ of de~H~n rj he mclJ()JIt\ of the bed"tead" ~old here, lHlY\e\ el, a1 e Il on 11,l111e"\\ 1th \\ III "pl111g~ 1he mCht populal ~tyle 1~ of meclll1111-"I/ccl 11 on tub1J1c" pamtul 'll1d ornamented 111J)ll!?,ht COlOl~, \\ 1th the lO! nel pO'ib e"tendmg about 5 feet abo\ e the hed to ",UppOit a doth canopy to \\ h1ch the mosqUIto net may be fastened PI actlcalh all metal beds are bought fl om (Te1111an} and inc,land the \ alue ot \\ h1ch 1S not obta111able, bem£; mducled \\ lth lion manutactUlecl tOi domest1c use" '1he rea"C)J1S gl\ en tOi OUI gett111g ,,0 "mall cl part of thiS trade ale a" follO\\':> (1) Ge1mam and England can produce a cheape1 a1tlde, (2) fle1ghts ale cheape1 t10m ,- How about the 0 0 Z E? If you found a hole a yard square in the side of your dry kiln, you would repair it at once. Don't you know that the heat is oozing from millions of pores III your wood, brick or concrete kilns? That the combined area of these pores makes a hole bigger than your kiln door? Seal these pores with steam proof, acid proof, fire proof EBONOID Kiln Coating and see how easy it is to keep your kiln hot. Ebonoid will also stop rusting and prevent decay. SOLE AGENTS Grand Rapids Veneer Works GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. .. . .. .- .. ... -. lU10pe, due to the fact that heavy, nonperishable merchan-dhe 1S hlOUght he1 e 111'ial!mg ves'iels, wh1ch are glad to get all pO"~lble cal c,o on the voyage out, as they must come here to load mang 10\ e bal k, dn l-dIVI, and other dye and cab met \\ oud", (3) mll1 e actl\ e canvas",mg by the German and Eng- 11"h "ale':>men, (4) the plmupal commerCIal houses in Mara-caibo al e (Tel man and naturally, all things being equal, pre-fel to buy from Germany The 01 dinary grades of European metal bedstead", CO'it $7 to $10, and retal! at $20 to $25. II e1ght on th1~ class of merchand1se from Europe is about SI; to $17 50 per metnc ton Metal furl11ture pays an import dut\ of j cents pel 22 pounds, gross we1ght, plus a surtax of :;; pel cent of the duty As all Venezuelan customs duties al e computed on the glOSS weight of the shipment, mcluding casmg and packm!?, matel ial, local Importers always request that merchanchse he packed or clated as lightly as possible, consl"tent \'"lth the safety of the goods. In this particular \me!ICan expOi tel s have an advantage over European houses a" the1r good" ale loaded on the steamers in New York and unloadedm Mal aca1ho without transshipment or double hand-hng The hest way to estahhsh connections in this market \\ ouJd be the sendmg of Spal11sh-speakmg salesmen. If this h at present Impractlcable all correspondence and advertising 'ihould be m the Spal11sh language. The merchants of Mara-caibo whose addlesses ale transmitted carry lines of furniture and beds (On file m the Bureau of Manufactures.) Consul E i\ \Vakefield, Port Ehzabeth, Cape Colony, South Afnca-;( early all the brass and iron beds, woven-wire and steel spnngs, metalhc couches, and folding chairs are at pre'ient 1mported from England, and the demand, espec1ally for medlUm-p-riced 1ron beds, 1S except10nally good. The bed most 111 demand here is a cheap, sen iceable one 431 feet w1de, COSt111gm England $322, w1th packmg extra. Illustra-t10ns forwarded (and procUl able from the Bureau of Manu-factures) should gl\ e a good 1dea of the dJfferent kinds of beds m the market here now, as each l111eon wh1ch a price is gl\ en repl e"-enb a lme stocked by one of the largest importers m South ~f1lca If pnces can be met the market is here. '1hese beds are 111\anably packed 111half-dozen lots. There 1"" however, a dJfference made 111the packing ac-cord111g to whether the bed", are expected to be sold in lots of one, two or three beds of a k111d, or in lots of half a dozen each A few of the larger houses 111Johannesburg, Pretoria and Knnberle) v\ ho a1 e not direct 1mporters buy of the im-port111g houses in Port Ehzabeth comparatively large quanti-ties, but the bulk of the trade is in small orders. When beds WEEKLY ARTISAN are expected to be sold in half-dozen or doztl1 lots they are imported m a single case, half a dozen in a case, firmly packed in straw or excelsior w1th a layer of very heavy packmg paper between the straw or excelslOr and the case. All the brass work is carefully covered w1th soft paper. The charge for packmg six beds in a single case in tlllS manner 1S$2 19. In packing beds wh1ch are e'{pected to be sold m less than half-dozen lots each bed is packed separately, but they are then fastened together with wooden stl aps m lots of six so that for purposes of sh1pment they really form a smg-le ca~e contain mg one-half dozen beds. Dy packmg m tIllS manner the broad surfaces of the packages mtended for the interior of the case may be crated. A good sohd covenng is necessary for THIS store is known as "The Home of Good Furni-ture," and it wouldn't be possible to describe it better. "Good furnIture"doesn't mean hlgh-pnced furmtureany more than "a good Clllzen" means a wealthy cItIzen. Our fifty-cent challs and two-dollar tables are Just as" good furn· Iture" as our thousand doUar bedroom sUites, the purchase of one of these IS Just as certam to make a satisfiedcustomer as the purchase of the other, and It'S what you thmk when you get home that counts WIth us. Here are a few specials that may mteresl you' Actual Reductions Regnlal' Special C1Tcasslan Walnut Dresser $11000 $6750 Colomal Mahogany Chlffomer 6500 44 00 Sohd Mahogany Dressmg Table 2900 1S 50 Solid Mahogany Four Post Bed 3200 1850 Soltd Mahogany Cane Panel Beds 4000 2950 Sohd Mahogany Rush Seat Rocker 1600 1050 Solid Mahogany Upholstered Seat Ro¢ker 2100 1876 Kentlworth -ChalT 1750 1150 KenIlworth Rocker 17 50 11 50 Hepplewhlte Desk Chair 19 00 15 50 Overstuffed LIbrary ChaIt' 4200 2600 So1td Mahogany Colomal L)bt'ary Table 9500 6950 Sohd Mahogany:; ptece Parlor SUite 15000 9850 Overstuffed FireSide Chair 4200 2600 Sohd Brass Beds guaranteed 1250 and up LoU1S V SolId Mahogany Dresser 150 00 85 00 60 mch Sohd Mahogany Office Desk wholesale pnce $90 Oqr pnce $78 $0 Investigate KLINGMAN'S Sample Furniture Company loola, FountaIn and DIviSIon Sta Furmture SaIls/actIon VISItors WeJcome A Grand Raplds Pattern. one side of each of the two outer packages mtended for the top and bottom of the case. They are firmly strapped w1th wood or iron to preyent any poss11111lty of breakmg open. The interior packmg is exactly the same as previously de-scribed. The price per bed for packmg m tlus manner is from 61 to 73 cents. A combination of drfferent steamsh1p lines unite in a regular New York-South Afncan ,.,ervice of two to four steamers per month. The lines engaged in this serv ice are the Prince Line, Union Castle. Clan, Donald Curne & Co, Bucknall, Huston and Ransa. The fre1ght rate on this class of merchandise from New York to Algoa Bay (Port Eliza-beth) is approximately $10 per ton of 40 cubIC feet measure-ment. A hst of the principal importers of thIS consular dis-trict handling beds, springs, couches and foldmg chairs 1S forwarded to the Bureau of Manufactures. 5 ~ -..------ --- _ ..~-------, Sltel)oygan Novelty Co. (j[ Order your hol-iday goods early, so as not to be dIS-appointed III deliv-ery. Our Music Cabinets, Ladles' Desks, Bookcase!', etc., are just the things for holiday gifts. Write for Catalolloe. (j[ Lady's 0 e s k No. 305 is a good one, but we have many more to select from. h- ••••••• -_ •••• "' __ •• a. a .a •••• SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Lady's Desk No.30S. --- ---------._._ .._ ..... ~I ._------_._--- --_._._._-- POLISHES Quality and Economy Two excellent reasons for using the Excelsior or World's Fair Polish on high grade furniture. We claim to sell the best and most economical polishes, and have proved it by their being the Standard polishes for 25 years of use in the furniture manufacturing trade. Get our prices and send for sample before placing your next order. GEO.I W. LIGHT MFG. COMPANY, . 2312 W. Van Buren St., CHICAGO. .- . ...._ ... .-_ .... • 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN ... --., .......• ~----- -- .. - 8 • .. .. • • ~ __ • _,_. __ ~ __ • ._._._._. __ • -..A Selling Pop Corn a~ all Art. \01,\ thdt tbe haseball .,edSun I" open ,1£;d1n," "a1d the seml-plofes"lonal Jan to the Cle\ eland PIam Dedle1 "I'm 1emmded of a '3H.;ht that I took 1ll dt1l1112,a h1~ £;ame out 111 ChIcago la"t summel I \\ d., then and thell 1l11p1c""cd \\ Ith the fact that the1 e'" no ]0' Sll humble tlut the 11"ht 111<1n can't gn e d1~n1ty to It "Sellm£; pOpUlI n out ot a ha"kct due"n t 1 anl-, ,1" ,t11\ hot Job fOJ a £;lO\\n man tn he at dnc" 1l \(1 nut \<iU ought to ha\ e "een the \\ ,n th1" jJUj)L()l11ma11 ,It the ( 111 cago game I speak uf had the ClU\\ d a "umc, L 11k"" the teams 011 the field dId thlll~" pI ett\ .,pcctalula1 ta"ll1nn peo-ple would tw n a\\ a\ f10111 the battet ()l thc base 1unnu tu ha\ e a look at the bu,,\ httle J)UpCOl11"ale"ma11 "I don't kno\\ hlm he dIcl It Inn hc bad ,l \\ a\ db'lut hU11 It'" ah, a) s a pleas1ll e to .,ee a man dt the hcarl e,t the husincss OJ p1ofesslOn he\ enL,ac,ed 1ll \\hethe1 hc'., ,1 l.;leat lawye1 01 capta111 of indu.,tI, 01 a POpl(!l11 \ e11du I h1" man "as the best popC01n sdles111an I C\ el "a \\ I bUjJl h l realized just hO\\ good he \\ a" till he \\ a" entltlul tr tIll satisfactIOn of knO\\ mc, that he "tnllrl dt the tll]1 111thc lllll (It enc1ea\ or that he had l ho"e11 "In the fi1st plale he held et gUild 1111euf tall-, elnd he could sa) thin!?,'3 in a \\ a\ that call1ed l 011\ 1ct1On 1Ic dlcln t merely holle1 'PupcOln-l a "ack' and let It c,o at th,lt rre went on to tell about \\hele the lOIn \\a" lahecl and ,\hat fine Cleame1Y buttel \\as u"ed to make 11 "0 th()]olu:;hh palatable that nollod\ should thmk <if "1tt1n~ th1 r)\l~h ,1 lJdll game without It "Oldma1ily T am not eas1h "V\a\ed 1)\ ,In\ ,,()!t or "lJLll bmdmg 01 a tOlY, bu t blamed If that pope ()]n m<1n drdn t ,,1\ e me to undel stand that he \\ "" "ell 111 12, "umeth1l1!:, ckal \ '\1t I t the 01 dman , and I ne\ el \\ a" much oj d 11<lnr1t I 111t111, h popC01n or peanuts 01 an\ "ulh tIulk Imt V\hen th1" dUlk came along on hI', final tIll' and announced that 1t \\ ould hl h1" Idst t1111ea10u11d that aftel11I)011 I motlUned to h1111tr lu me ha\ e a "ack 1 1eally felt a., It I had .,a\ ed 111\"rlr 1)\ I nallow 111a1gm, flam 1111.,,,mc, one or tho.,e hidlme i)jljl'] tUl11t1es "It \\asn't onl) V\1th h1., 1111e()t tall-, that he .,lHi11e elthu ff somebod\ a )od 01 t\\o hom the 11Cdle"t dl"le \\a\er! tl h1111fOJ a "ack of pOpCOl11 he \\ould to,," It 11~11t mt,) thl 111an\ hands \\lth all the accuraL\ ot ()11e ut tIle men lI\1t 111 the field pnttm[', the ball to fi1"t ha"c. and hl l1l \ L1 letl1ul to catch the l11d~el 01 dune that the 1m) e\ \\ ()llld lhl Il\\ ll<llk to h11n He d1d all thIS \\ 1th a neeltne"s and de "tet1l\ that \\on adl1111atlon f10m e\el)hod) al011l1d hIm Onle d \\hole sectIOn of the gland.,tand applauded hU11 tll! the alCU1ac \ \\ 1th whIch he shot back a l1llkel of cha\1(;(' to ,1 Cll"t0111U WIth his thumb. "L p to that tune 1'1 nn e1 taken the populln 111,111"]olJ vC1Y serIously, but I know now that It doesn't matter 11l what a man does If he':" the he:ot ma11 111 h1:o hne hh \\ 0) k WIll stand out a:" c011c;piClou"ly as the \\ h1"ke1 c; un a "ta"l anal dllst '-Chlca~o Intel Oce2n ~_._-.- .._ .._ ..._------------_ ..---_._._._---~ I II• III IIIII• I ~-_._--------------_._--------------_._.-.-._ ..~ Here is a Chair that's a seller. Write for the price. IIII II IIII ~------ ------ -- - - ------- No 83. GEO. SPRATT & CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. ~------------_ ..._-_._-----------------------~ ,• I• II II I I I I I I I I I I• III IIII II I II II I Be careful of the dealer who tells you he can furnish cutters "as good or better than MorrisWood & Sons." He is imposing upon both you and our reputation. If you would have cutters which do the most perfect work, at the least expense, that wear out on the jointer and not on the emery wheel, which save their first cost in a few weeks, in the saving of time, required to grind and adjust sectional cutters, write UI right now for further information. We have made solid steel cutters for thirty-six years. Ia that worth anything to you? A trial order is our most convincing argu-ment. Write now before you forget it. MORRIS WOOD & SONS 5108 W. Lake St., CHICAGO, ILL. WEEKLY ARTISAN ....- __ .•. _.a •• & ••• __ _. ---------_._------------ ------_.- - .. . . ..._ . QUALITY MACHINES-ISN'TIT TOOBAD-People wonder where their profits are going when the trouble usually lies in poor equIp-ment A little foresight in the beginning would have saved them dollars--a httle more money in-vested at the start in "OLIVER" "QUALITY" equipment. .Some manufacturers of wood working tools shght their output by puttmg in poor matenals-employmg poor workmen-simply to be able to make a little more profit. "Oliver" tools are bUIlt along machine toollines-careful-accurate-durable-safe. Some purchasers fail to investigate thoroughly before placing their order. Some unscrupulous salesman tells them to purchase something-they go ahead-find out too late they are wrong-lose money, whereas a letter addressed to us would have procured our catalogs-set them thmking-saved them money. ISN'T THAT TOO BAD. "OLIVER" No. 61 Surfacer. OURLINE-SURFACE PLANERS HAND JOINTERS SANDERS WOOD TRIMMERS CHAIN MORTISERS LATHES "OLIVER" No. 60 Saw Bench. SAW BENCHES SWING CUT.OFF SAWS BAND SAWING MACHINES BORING MACHINES SAFETY CYLINDERS VISES, CLAMPS, ETC., ETC. ADDRESS DEPARTMENT "D" OLIVER MACHINERY CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., U. S. A. BRANCH OFFICES- 1st National Bank Bldg , Chicago. 111. No. 50 Church St., New York City. ..------------~_._--------_.-~----'.... _. -- Much Old Furniture Should Be Burned. Dealers 111second hand goods 111many c1tIes attend the rummage sales conducted by chanty and church soc1etIes and pKk up con"lde1able old fur11lture at nom111al cost OccaslOn-ally a p1ecc of uncommon value 1S removed f10m an att1c V\here 1t has been stored fm many years and 1S offe1 cd and qtllckly p111cha"ed by the COlln01sseU1 111a1t fUlmtUle ,Yhen the loose Joints haye been repall ed and the p1ece 1efimshed 1t usually attracts the attentlOn of a collector who '\lll111gly pays a fancy p11ce for it Much of the stuff is of httle value, howeve1 The wnte1 V\1tnessed the sale of an oak commode 111good order, 1ecentl), for $1 00 "\ small] efngerator W01th $8.00 when new, sold for flfty cents c\ v cry good sofa frame for $200 and challs brought from tV\enty-five cents to $400. An enameled 1ron bedstead, such as a reta1ler would sell for $800 sold for $4.00 l\Tetal bcd"teads detellorate 111value but slightly and when 1efin1shed pass f01 new A d1esser worth $1500, when ne\Y, sold f01 $6.00. There lS too much old furniture 111the Gmted States. A great quantIty of it 1S sold and resold many tImes In New Orleans the second hand dealers are selhng furniture that was made 111France more than a century ago. L\ great deal of the old stuff, of no value 111an a1tIstIc sense, b filled w1th disease ge1ms and 1S a stand111g menace to the health of a commumty. The fur11ltu1 e of many old hotels should be de-stroyed for the reason mentlOned. .\ few ) ears ago the manufacturers of planas 111the L;11lted States were over-bm dened w1th old planas, taken 111exchange for new ones It was deemed unW1se to offe1 the 111struments for sale The manufacturers prefe1 red to sell new 111struments, on wh1ch there was mal e profit and greater satIsfactlOn to purchasers and sellers than could be dern ed flam the sale of the second hRnd pianos J n the exchangl11g of a new f01 an old l11stru- 1125 West Temple St., Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific Bldw.,Seattle, Wash. . ..... ..----~I 7 ment \ C1y hitle \ dIne 1~ gl\ en to the latte1 The manufac-turers finally dec1ded to dcstI oy the old planas on hand, and th1S wa" done by means of file afte1 the mstruments had been assembled at a remote spot on Long Island, near the sea. The owners of the ]tmk joined m a banquet after the flames had performed the1r \York In the mterest of the public health 1t m1ght be W1se for every commu11lty to make prov1slOn for the mspectlOn of old fm11lture and when the germs of d1sease are found, cause the same to be bm ned An Eye Sensitive to Color. If you are of those ,ovho thmk that a1tlsts a1e so abstract-ed that they are sleepy you should ha\ e seen a pamter 111a house V\here an auctlOn was gomg on. It was one of those ad, ertIsed as a sale of the contents of a pnvate res1dence, V\lth the inference that the objects to be sold were the prop-erty of the house's occupant The painter stroll cd m on the lookout f()1 an)thmg useful in furniture or dec01 atlOn There was such a multIphcity of contents that he was moved to mqlllre ,\ hether all had been the furn1shings of the place as occupied by the owner and was assured that such was the fact. He walked qmetly to a wall and plll1ed out one 01 tvvo of the p1ctures, lookmg at the wall behmd them Then he walked out "The wall beh111d p1ctures that have hung the1 e for any tuue, you know," he sa1d to an mqu1 "ltIv e fnend, "lS of a d1fferent tone from the re"t of the wall. That wall was just the same behmd those p1ctures as elsewhere No, I wasn't 100k111gf01 dust" So 1f your eye lS ::,en'i1tn e to color 111the finer gradatlOns and you ever need the tIp 1ecog11lze that artists also contI i-bute to yom p1actIcal knowledge a WEEKLY ARTISAN S~ IS CERTAINLY ECCENTRIC Woman Who Has Built a House Without Beds or Closets. A house with no beds in it IS a novelty, indeed The lady who owns it lives in \Vashing-ton and has become fam-ous in many ways She IS talented as a pamter and sculptOl as well as being an authOl, actI ess and "taiSe manage!. at times, and her phIlanthropIes take up much of her tIme ::.rrs. Albert Clifford Barne) and her t\\ 0 daughtel s al e ven ex-ceptionally gifted and are disciples of BahaIsm, an East IndlOn religion. Mrs. Barney's talent for colors has been tUIned to account in the mventlOn of a plOcess of d) emg cloth The rights to this invention have been tUl ned 0\ el to the \\ omen and chIldren of N elg-hbOlhood House, a challt) m \\ 111chIIrs Barney is interested. In this way many poor people have become self supporting ]\11 s Barne) '", activ Itles are many but these, as well as the conduct of her vast e",tate were all subordmate to the bUlldm£; of the StudIO Hou",e.' as she calls it, commenced about seven) ears ago Thlou!;h this she first became WIdely known as an eccentI Ie \Yhen abroad she had collected everythmg artistIc and odd \\ hlch met her eye untIl she had enough to stock a d07en cuno shops. Reversing the OIdmaly custom of bluldmg a hou",e and then furnishmg it in accordance WIth the genel al arUstIe tone and design, she reversed proce<;ses, bought her cunos bllc-a-brac, and antiques from Dublm to Pekmg, and then Oletout to build a house around them The I esult \\ as the StudIO House." It is located on Shendan CIrcle, the mo",t tashlOn-able distnct in newer \Yashmgton. handsome but unassum-ing, and in its exterior offers no hint of the eccentncltIes within. Fearing that no architect could embody m \\ ood and stone the ideas she has wrought out. she became her o\v n archItect she became her own contractor, and personally sa\\ to the selection of every bIt of matenal that \\ ent 111tOIt There b not a door knob, a panelmg, or a unique bIt of wood 01 metal designing that she dId not WOlk out herself. otten ~om~ to the shops and standing ovel the machmlst, mstructmg hun in every particular of his V\01k In decorating the walls Wll1Ch vvere to sel ve as a back-ground for the wealth of nch tapestnes and hangmgs she had procured abroad, she donned the painter's blouse and, gettlllg in among them mixed evelY dab of paint that \\ ent 111,com-bining the colors WIth as much care as though she \\ ere pamtmg a dIfficult portrait Thus from cellar to garret she constructed the hou:"e, hel personalIty standmg out in every form and shade of it. The rooms, passages, and halls were bUIlt solely WIth an eye to setting off the curios, hence they are of a nature to bewilder the ordinary mortal. The floOling for the ground and second stories, as well as the connectmg staIrcases, are made of ordmary house brick- \\ h) hnck mstead of wood does not appear. On the second floOl IS a large room, specifically called the "studio" to dis-tlllguish It from other rooms, although that is the name given the entn e bUlldmg ThIS 100m, where Mrs Bal11ey does her painting, is filled \v Ith the most CUlIOUSof her antique finds; it also overflows \\ Ith 11111tlmerable fat Images of Buddha, who, in the Bahai belIef, has some considerable standlllg as a deity. There is an ancient Spanish arch with the supporting pillars, which V\ hlle old enough to be interestmg, looks most ludicrously out at place thus cllbbed in by a modern house. In the mam hall a handsome marble altar, taken from some old ItalIan church, forms the man tel; there are columns of Jade flom the Onent, couches from Pompeii, vases gathered £Iom all Over the eal th-m short, a wilderness of things that used-to-be. but \\ hlch have outlived their usefulness by several centunes and now serve to make art dealers rich. There is a \\ arId of treasUl e m the way of tapestl ies, costly marbles, and pIICeless CUIlOs-and thel e is not a bed in the house! Followmg the manner of living adopted by the Greeks m the golden age of Pencles, the member of the Barney famIly take theIr I epose upon wooden touches made of COUIse, undel 1\11 s Barney's eye for that purpose. The most Oltarthng thing about the whole whimsical build-mg IS that, although MI s. Barney is essentially feminine in her tastes, she vvould not permit a single closet to be built in the "StudIO" DespIte the dIfficulties of hfe under such a conglomer-atIOn of condItIons, anCIent, medIaeval, and modern, the Bar-neys, when in this country, make the "Studio" their home, and appeal to extract as much satisfaction out of it as the ne\\ mllhonalre in his modern house. ::'Ir'" Dalney has, by her will, bequeathed the whole of thIS aggregatIOn of the ages, together with the house that holds It, to the cIty of \Vashmgton; the use it is to be put to IS not speCIfied, but left to bother the CommIssioners of SOlne futule day ::'It s Bal ne) has been gIven considerable space in the ne\\ spa pel s recently She sent a marble statue from Italy, mtended to be placed in the "house without beds." One of her daughters 15 saId to have been the model for the statue, whIch IS of mOl e than lIfe size, too large, in fact, to go through the doors and as the draymen who carted it to the house, had no authollt} to break the V\alls, they left it on the lawn. It \\ aOlundraped and created a great sensation, attracting great crowds, until offIcers of an "anti-nude" society covered it WIth blankets. It has been removed from the lawn and placed m a shed awaltmg orders from the owner. Wood Bar Clamp Flxturee. Per Set SOc. " ........... Patent Malleable Clamp Flxturee. E H. SHELDON & CO • Chicago. Ill. Gentlemen -We are pleased to state that the 25 dozen Clamp FIxtures whIch we bouJ:ht of you a httle over a year ago are gIVIng excellent serVIce We are wen satisfied WIth them and shall be pleased to remember you whenever we want anyth10g addItIOnal 10 thIS hne. Yours truly, Sioux CIty, Iowa. CURTIS SASH & DOOR CO • 30 000 Sheldon Steel Rack f Vleee Sold on approval and an uncon-ditIOnal money back gnarantee SHELDON'S STEEL BAR CLAMPS. Guaranteed Indeetructible. We SOhClt pnvllege of send10g samples and our complete catalogue. E. H. SHELDON & CO. 328 N. May St., Chicago. WEEKLY ARTISAN MARSHFIELD, WISCONSIN No. 2228 Toilet Table. Dressers Chiffoniers Dressina Tables Suites Wardrobes Sideboards Buffets Etc. Made in Oak, Bird's-Eye MapJe, Mahol;1any, etc., and All Popular Finishes No. 2240 Toilet Table SEND FOR OUR COMPLETE CATALOGUE Carved and Guilded Church Panels. Wt!liam Lamel Harris, who designed and painted many of the mural decoratiom in the Church of the Pauhst Fathers in New Y01 k, IS engaged in completing a series of seven bass-wood panels, elaborately carved and gilded, to be placed in the Pauhst church next month. The seven panels are unique, inasmuch as a great variety of materials is being employed by the artist in theIr production. "These materials may be said to come from hterally the four quarters of the globe," said Mr. Harris in speaking of the panels. "The bass"" ood used in theIr construction comes from the AdIrondacks and is by no means easy to procure and has to be prepared WIth great ca,re. The mother of pearl used In the settIng of jewels In the seven branch candlesticks and the tat! of the PhoeUlx (a part of the decoration) comes from the seacoast of the Holy Land and was gathered in the far away mal ts of Palestine and Egypt. "'rhe lap~s lazulI comes from SIberia, the jade from China, turquoise from Persia and the sardonyx from Syria. The opals and malachIte are from other countries and all al e blended and harmonized in color and combined to heighten the effect WIth SlIver and gold. My method is a revival of the art of the early primitive artists of Italy and Holland and is a combInation of tempera and oil painting. "Great care has been taken in securing materials and in-stead of USIng turpentIne I have substituted the oil of lavender WIth a VIew of obtaIning greater permanency and brilliancy of colors. The copal varnish has been prepared by one man, who makes a specialty of thIS medium in the Latin Quarter, Paris. He gathers his guns and materials for thIS purpose In some remote place in Araby." The figul e of Christ is the principal figure in one of the most important panels in the series, and the seven branched UPHAM MANUFACTURING COMPANY 9 • candlesticks shown in the compositlOn, with the light of the candles extinguished, is a tradItion of Catholicism. Above the symbols of the TrImty, Alpha and Omega are surrounded by passion flowers, whIch form a part of the decoration. The two smaller designs on either side of the panel represent the Phoenix. There are also twelve white lambs carved on the panels, the ancient symbol of the twelve apostles, who, lIke lambs, were led to slaughter. Mr. HarrIS visited Central Park last summer to obtain studies from the lambs gambollIng there and these studIes are now taking form in the panels approach-ing completion. Among other decorations designed by the artist for the Pauhsts are a carved religious doorway and "The CrUCIfixion," a large paintIng which was unvet!ed several years ago.-Ex. -'" ---- --._._-_.-------_. -- ------- --------- REVERSIBLE AND ONE-WAY CUTTERS The Shimer ReverSible Cutter5 for Smgle Spindle Shapers, Vanety Moulders or Fnezers, are carefully moulded opposite to the shape of the mould to be produced, in such a way as to have only the cutting edge touch the lumber They are complete-inexpenslve-tim~ savmg. We abo manufacture One-Way Cutters for Double Spindle Shapers. They are used III pairs, right and left, one Cutter ~f each shape for each spllldle. In ordenng sepedal shape15 n~t hsted lTI our catalogue, send a wood sample; or an accurately made drawmg Addre~s SAMUEL J. SHIMER &. SONS, ___ •. a.a. MILTON, P.E.N.•NSYLVANI•A _~ 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN Grand Rapids Paragraphs. vVllham \Vlddlcumb uf the \\ 1dcl1lomb 1 UJllltUll (11111 pany, V\ ho 1 ettlllled flOm a "hOl t ea"tct n tllp. 1 clenth II ports that he found the dealel" m that seLtlOn "omen hd t dl" apPoll1ted over the condttton of fall husl11e,,-,. but ,111 \\ ell hopeful Many of them had noted a sh£;ht 1mpl 0\ emCll! m trade since the first of this month and neady all ale lontlcllllt that there will he a ~enel al pickmf; up befO! e the opelllll~ oj the hohday ,;ea,;on Mr Wlddicomh ha" noted ,1 cons1del able Improvement m his factory busine"" dlllln~ the pdst fl \\ weeks and believes that p1O,;pects fOl the holIda, b'hllle"" are much bettet than the) "el e a month a~o The Grand RapIds Refll(!,el atOl CC)ll1Pan, a1e 1 apHlh building up then expO! t 1>usmes" the InU ease hem(!, lal ~el\ with Au"traha and South \mettcan Cotl11ttle" rOt the e, port trade the I efl Igelatlll " ale paL ked to stdnd the lonL, "C,l voyage and rottf;h handlm(!, The' al e ,\ t "pped 111 hCd\ \ watetproof paper. to ~uald agdIn"t mOl,;t11le thcn thC\ elll boxed and the boxe,; ale hound '\Ith l10n hand" dt the ll1l]-... and 111 the mIddle ~mce thh method ot palkm(!, \\ d" ,1duplU! the company ha\e lecel\ed no complamh thdt ~o(J(l" 11a\l heen dama~ed In transIt The vVagemakel lurmture compam are htllldmQ, an ad dltion to their plant wlllch wlll practlcall) douhle thel1 capa cIty It will be SO x 100 feet tv\ a stone;, and basement. of mIll construct1On. on concrete foundatlOn and \\ III be cum pleted in December. The company lS aho about to put 1Il .1 new power plant of 150 horse-pO\vel The Johnson Brothers Furnltul e company h 1u"t (1)111 plet1l1g a speoal OJ del for eH~hteen hhrary table" and t011lteen large chalrs to match. made of kOd v\ ood tI um the Pll1hp pines. The congre""lOnal pal tv ,\ hlch accompdl11ed I'll "1 dent Taft, then secretal y of V\ al to the Plllltppme." tOUl Ul five years ago. brought home a quantIty at the KOd lo~" The) were made into chall" and tables f01 the membel" ,11 the party Those log., \\ el e StOl ed for seasonIng fOl a couple of years, and then wel e sent here 101 another } eal u1 (11 \ mg About a yeal ago they were sa\\ ed at the Gland RapId" Barrel company's mIll aud the lumbet ha., smce been ~OIl1-; through the dryll1g plOcess The \\ 01k of makll1g the lUI1l ber into furl11ture began about a month ago and the ~o()(l" are now neady leady fOl hl1lshin~ The \\ood .,ol11e\\hat Ie sembles cherry 111 calm and ha" a moderate fig 1lI C It makl" THE "U"':nd.lpARl.OR NEW..A.U ~. BED Need not be moved from the wall. Always ready with beddmg in place. So simple, 80 easy, a child can operate It. Hal roomy wardrobe box. CHICAGO, Erie & Sedgwick NEW YORK. Norman & Monitor. attl.ldl\ e fl11l11tllle. hut those \\ho have used It declare there J" no dall~ll that It \\ 111"upplant mallO~any to any great ex-tcn t \m()m~ tIlL I ecent shIpments and 01 ders for the Alex-anclcl Doclcl" patent £;ang clm etal1ers is a twenty-spll1dle ma-dllnt' fm \\ II1d"Ol. ~m a ScotIa, a twenty-five-spindle to ()l()gue (,elman) , a ten-sp111dle to Galt, Ontano; a fifteen- "pll1dle to l\an'3\llle. Ind. and a ten-spindle to Newark, O. In ",1\\ tdhk-, and othel WOOd-WOlk111g machme:o they are cll )111-., .l g()od hu"mes" \ \ ()( dcn kn()h" al e bemg 1 eplaced by cal ved handles, in 11l1Ltllll1ltUIL dculldmg to John \\'addell of the Waddell \IanutaLtullI1f; COlnpan) In the medium and cheaper g I adee, the \\ ooden knobs still ha \ e the preference. The Gl and RapIds DIm\ PIpe and Dust Arrester com-p. ll1\ al e \ el \ hu s, on a lot of large 01 del s that will take them some tIme to fill, but they are takmg more orders right alan£; and furl1lshll1g a system which everybody that uses it declaJ es the best 111 the countr) l he Tmpellal FllIl1Iture company have awarded the con-t1.1l t t()1 con"t1l1L hng the addltlOn to theIr plant to the Olson lUlhtluctwn compan) The ne" bt1llding is to be of modern mtl! lOlhtlUl hon. G,) " 16') feet, fOUl "toiles and basement and \\ tll be completed earl} 111 the spnng. The ~l11ellcdll Can 111£;and Manufactunng company are lJlJlldll1g dn ac1c1Jtllln to theIr plant, to be used for storage a nel b\ "lllppl11g department The bt1llding will be SO x 80 teet t\\ 0 stolles. \\ Ilham -\ RI;,tenpal t, buyel for the IV. & J. Sloane compal1\ 01 San FI anCl"CO, Cal , was in GI and Rapids, for a cla\ 01 t \\ a the 101e pal t of this week. Rockford Chair and Furniture Co. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Dinina Room Furniture BUFFETS, CHINA CLOSETS and TABLES Library Furniture-LIbrary Desks, Library Tables, LIbrary Bookcases, Combination Book. cases, Etc. Our entire line will be on exhibition in January on the third floor of the Blodgett Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 FURNITURE FACTORY CONDITIONS Business for September ComparedWith That of the Samf"Month in 1909. Eatly m the cnnent month ahout a hundred and fifty furlllture manufacturel s, in all parts of the countly, vvere asked to an'owel a number of questIons relabve to condltj()l1S m September, 1910, as compared with the same month 111 1909 One hundl ed and twenty-seven of them answel ed nearly all of the quenes A few neglected to answer some of the most Important and othel s faIled to respond. To the questIOn "How do your September orders compare WIth those hooked m September 1909?" fifty-three out of 127 reported an increa,;e of S to 2S per cent; twelve an increase of over 2S per cent, fifteen decrea..,e,; of 10 to 25 pel cent; one a decrease of ovel 2S pel cent and fOlty-srx answered "Ahout the same" Companng shIpment';, mstead of ordel s, sIxty-two repOl t-ed increases ranging from 5 to 25 per cent; fourteen l11creases of over 2S pel cent, seventeen decreases of 5 to 25 per cent, one a decrease of over 2) per cent and tlllrty-three, "about the same." To the question "AI e you running full hand and full-time," thl1 ty-elght saId short-handed, S to 25 per cent, thirty-two nmnmg 40 to S9 honrs per week, sntv-four run-ing full-force, full-tm1e; five running overbme Seventy-seven reported theIr stock on hand at:>about the same as a year a~o Nme showed an mcrease of ) to 20 per cent; thlrty-nme a decrease of S to 25 pel cent and two a decrease of ovel 25 per cent The cost of labor IS shown to have mcreased flum 2 to 10 per cent, the average increase bemg about 7 per cent The average 111crease 111the cost of lumbel IS 73~ pel cent; glass 15 per cent and varnish and finishing matena1s 10 per cent (These Ieports mel e made befol e the Iecent advances 1111m-seed 011 and turpentme) Two factones reported lumber and burlaps slightly lower than a year ago. On collectIOns seventy-n111e reported "faIr;" twenty-n111c saId "slow;" elght "good" and eleven "velY slow" Forty-seven consIdered the outlook for fall bus111et:>s "good ;" forty-four "faIr;" twelve "only faIr;" ten "not good ," two "very poor" and five declal ed "nobody knows." IDEAL STAMPING AND TOOL CO. SOCKETS, DOWELS, TOP fASTENERS and GUIDES for Extension 1abies. Also special stampings In steel and brass Write for NO·KUM.OUT TABLE SOCKET. Patent applied for samples lInd prices 465 N. Ottawa St., Grand Rapids, Mich. \s to the capaCIty of productIOn as compared with Sep-tember, 1905-five yealS ago-eIghty-two leported no change five had mCl eased their capaClty 100 per cent; thl ee 50 pel cent, one 40 per cent, fOUl 33 per cent, eleven 25 pel cent; twelve 20 pel cent, two IS per cent and two 10 per cent A.s \\ III be seen the reports seem to show that the maJor- Ity of factolles have increased both theIr 01 del s booked and the shIpments made dUflng Septembel thIS year as compared "Ith the correspondmg month last year; but the factones as a whole seem to be runnlllg about the same tIme schedule as last) eal at thIS tnne and ploducll1g about the same quantlt) of goods 01 pOSSIbly a sh£;htlv mcreased quantlty because of lllcreased capaclt) Stocks on hand al e reported on the average a httle lowel than last} ear The reports on matenal dnd labor 1l1dlcate that the cost of thet:>eItems 111manufacture have 111creased more than 10 pel cent on the average whIch would probabl} indIcate an 111creased cost of p10ductlOn of about 8 per cent at the pI esent time at:>compared WIth a year ago CollectIOns are leported only faIr and wlth a numbeJ of factones, slow The outlook for bus111ess for the balance of the season 1S 111dlcated to be faIr 01 good It wlll be notlced that many of the factofle" have 111- u eased theIr capacity 111the past {we years The actll,tl figures as based upon the reports of the output for the same factolles for the year 1905 are saId to show an 111crease of apploXlmatel) two and a half 111llhon dollar,; As a whole the reports are not dlscourag111g by am meant:> They do not fUfl1l"h any JustlficatlOn f01 an 111- crease 111wages that IS bem~ agltdted 111some cities. Nelthel do they Ju std) the "croakel s" W 110 al e 111dmed to wall m eJ j11e"ent condlbons 111the furmtllle manufactunng 111dustl} r·-----~----- ------------------- --------------------- ------., II III• II• II I IIIII II III III •I III .. Lentz Big Six No. 694. 48 in. top, No. 687. 60 m. top. Others 54 in. top. 8 Foot Duosty/es ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAltt ..... ._._.__ ._._._._.__.. .__ ._._._. , _._. . -.4 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN ANTIQUE FURNITURE AND CURIOS John V. L. Pruyn"s Famous Collection to Be Sold at Public Auction. Many people III man} lands knO\" of the collec tlOn u1 fur111tUle, art objects and h1st011cal 1 e1lCs made by the late Mr. and Ml s. John V L PI uyn of '\Jban}, fOJ '\Ir PI tt} n had traveled much and met many d1stlllgUl"hed per-;on~ a]Jlodd and his home had many \1S1t01'-, HIS collectIOn cll1d the a,,- soc1ations attached to some of the 1elIc:, and CtlllO-; otten keyed the convel satlOn in the gl eat hotbe on Elk ~tI cet The house changed hands last summel and now the collectIon which he blOught together from many parb of the \\ odd IS to be dIspersed at auctIon. The sale ]s to taJ,e pIau' "t the AmellCan Art Galle11es, NeVv "\ Otk, and \\ 111 pI obd bl, raIl dUrIng Horse Show \\ eek The collectIOn IS so ,alled that It 15 dd'ficult to chal acte1 ize It III a word It lllclude-; OrIental pOtCelallb, antique furmture, some most mtel e"tm[?, objects of old "lh e1\\ a1e books, pnnts, autog1 aph lette1", pamtmg" ,\ atches, n U11e", and so on. The h1"t01lCal 1 elIcs m thenbeh es al e d.., 'dlled as the co11ectlOn as a vvhole There 1'3 a Cmc111natl plate from the 1amous set ot (111un-natI chma which Capt Samuel Shaw of Boston pI esentecl to Gen. Washington Capt Shaw \vas the fi1st seCletalY 01 the Older of the Cmcmnat1 The plate m thIS collectlOn "a" ob-tained by Mrs Pruyn f1om ~Il Le\\ IS, the hlbband of X elhe Parke Custis, to whom the Cincmnatl chma went b\ mhe11- tance from Martha VV ashing ton. A neIghbor of the Cmcinnatl plate IS the cane \\ 111ch LOt d BYlOn presented to the actor who first produced' ':-Iazeppa ' The head of the cane P1CtUles the "\Ylld Horse of Tal tan' m beautifully carved i, Oty Anothe1 nelghbol IS .:\la1 tm Luth-er's weddmg ring. Then thel e 1" a set of chall s that unce be-longed to Victor Hugo and there are objects that wele sold flam the King of Holland's collection in 1849. A pair of SlIver cups in the collect1On \\ el e once 0\\ necl by Lord Darnley and a milk pot was once the pI opel t, u1 Oliver Cromwell 'rhere 1'l a small paten from \\lmh It ]'0 said that Mary Queen of Scots took the sacrament and the1 e is a Book of HaUl s that is saId to hay e belonged to Cathel1ne de MedICI A pall of sJ1ve1 candlestIcks came fIom the collec-tIOn of the Duke of Buck111~ham Ul 1848 and a euftee pot 11om ~--------------------- ..- .._---- ....----------~ LOUIS HAHN II II ,, I,,II• I III I ~------------------_._-------------------------~ 154 Livmgston St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN DESIGNS and Details of Furniture CItIzens' Telephone 1702. the collect1On uf Lord Lyndhurst VvhlCh was sold m London 1111865 Commg back to Amenca, there IS an elaborate silver ,ase bea1111iS tll1S mscription "B) CItIzens of PhIladelphia to the11 tm\ nsman, CommodOl e Decatur-Esteemed for hIS vir-tues, honO! ed for hIS valor." TheIl' 1-; a copy of the "StlaVvbetry Hill Catalogue," of Spence's Anecdotes," a pal t of DeBry's "Grand Voyage,;," a I ell e e(!ttlOn of the BIble, ~ome Grangeri/ed books and publi-catIOns of the BIblIophIle Society. There al e some scarce plints, copper plate engravings by Bollal, ra1th01 ne and others, some Ite111s of AmerIcana, art 1JOoks and book~ of 1efel ence pertaining to some of the ob- 1(ch m the collection, and some of the other things included m It al e European ceramICS and glassware. 1\11 PI U} n hImself took speClal enjoyment in his rare '-,lh el and pOl celam It has been WIitten of him and of his home "'{one could enter that house WIthout bemg struck \\ 1th the e,ldepce that every whe1 e met the eye of the rare taste and culture of ltS 0\\ nero Chancellor John Van Schaick Lansm~ Pru} n was a man of distinctlOn as well as of educa-hon and refinement Of eomlderable wealth and generous Impulses he rn)oyed the entrrtamment of hIS fnends HlS n.oOl ,,\\ un:; \\ Ide to Ame11can and foreigner ahke, and court-e~ les I ecen ed 111£01 eign land'-, he 1 eturned in the most gene- 1 ou.., hnsP1tdht\ 111'-,pubhc and pnvate hfe brought him into contact 1\ lth almo"t eVely plom111ent pel ,;onage m thIS coun-t1 \ ft om Us;O tu 1877, and few were the men of dlstmctlOn that came to the lT111ted States who clId not bear a lettel of llltl()(lud1Un to lhancellm Pruyn" PITT"SBURG -PLATi- GLASS co"~"'1 LARGEST .JOBBERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF I GLASS in the world. Mirrors, Bent Glass, Leaded Art Glass, Ornamental Figured Glass, Polished and Rough Plate Glass, Window Glass, WIRE GLASS, Plate Gtass for Shelves, Desks and Table Tops, Carrara Glass more beautiful than white marble. OENERAL DISTRIBUTORS OF PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS AND OF PITCAIRN AOED VARNISHES. tJl For anything in BUIlders' Glass, or anything m Pamts, Varmshes, Brushes or Pamters' Sundnes, address any of our branch warehouses, a list of which ISgiven below :NEW YOBE-Eudson a.n4 VanAam St•• BOSTO:N--tl-49 Sudbury st., 1-9 aowJr:n S\. CEICAG0-442-452 Wabash Ave. cmcm:NA'rX-Broadwa;y and CotU't St•• ST. LOmS-Cor. Tenth and Spruce st •. M:Ilf:NEAPOLIB-500-516 S. Third St. DETBOr:r-S3-59 Larned St., E. GBA1!l'DB.A.PIDS,1lUOE-39-41 ... DlvlsloJl S\. PI'l'TSBl7BGE-I0l-103 Wood St. 1lULWA'UEEJI,WIS.--492-494 Market St. BOCB:ES"l'EB,:N.Y_WUderBldg., .ain IIIE:l:ohlm'. Sb. BALTDIOBE-310-U-U W. :Pratt S\. II i. ~ . ~ __ ------------~--------- ----..-----.-.------~-~...~- CLEVELA:RD-1430-1434 'rhla'Cl St. O]ll[AEA-llOl-1107 Eoward S\. ST. PAl1L--459-461 Jackson st. ATLAlIf'l'A,GA_30-32-34 S. Pryor S\. SAVAJr:NAB:,GA.-745-749 Whea.toJl st. XA.:NS.ASCI'1"Y -Plfth and Wyandotte St.. Bm:MDl'GEAllI, ALA.-2nd Ave. and 1I9th st. Bl1PPALO. :N.Y.-372-74-76-78 Pearl St. BBOOltLYN-Third Ave. and Dean st. PJULADELPmA-Pitca.lrn Bldg.. Arch a.nd 11th DAVE:NPOBT-41ll-416 Scott st. OltLAB:O]ll[ACITY, OltLA., 210-212W. Pint St. Sh. WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 MR. KINDEL FOR CONGRESS The "Freight Rate Buster" of Denver the Inde-pendent Voters' Candidate. DCl1\el Po<..,t,October 20-George J K111dc1will he noml-ndted for Congre"" m the fIrst dIstrlrt thIS afternoon by the J ndependent Voter<..,' league. Hc has formally accepted the honor, taking the place of Edward MlChel", a jeweler, \\hom the league nominated by petitlOn in August and filed With the secretary of state. Mr. Michels is president of the league and also chairman of the committee to fill any vacancy on the ticket. Fnends of Mr Kllldel urged him to make the race for congress. Then they set about to have him nominated. There belllg some doubt as to whether the triple alhance-Cltizens, Geo J Kmdel's dIagrams, shOWIng dlscrlmlnatlOn agaInst Denver In "he matter of freIght rates, even after the recent reduction ordered by the Inter-state Commerce CommissIon and sustamed by the courts. Platform Democrats and Progressive Republicans-could le-gally fill vacancies on their state ticket, Mr. Michels offered his place on the Independent Voters' league to Mr. K111del. "I shall make the race," said Mr. Kindel, the "freight rate buster," whom the citizens elected supervisor last spring. "My slogan and platform will be "fairer freight and express rates, also a parcel post, and above all a square deal to every-body, irrespective of politics or creed." Mr. Kllldel is well known in Colorado for hiS activity 111 secullng for Colorado cheaper freight rates. He is equally as well known throughout the nation, because of hiS } ears of "bucklllg" the 1allroads and express cOlllpames fm a "quarel deal m the matter of rates to this state. He says he is not only going to take the stump to push hi" candidacy, but that he IS also having 300,000 unique cir-culars pnnted for distribution throughout the first congress-sional district. I'll make the nominees of the two old parties go "ome," declarcd Mr. Kindel today. "I am contending for a great principle that affects every man, woman and child in the state." Evcn under the lates that ha\ (' heen findlly estabhshed by the U mted States SUPIeme court, Colm ado is still the vic-time of railroad diSCIimlllatlOn, accordlllg to Kllldel, whose "mt brought about the deci"ion. By diagrams Kllldel shows how the ral1roads work out their tanffs so as to keep this state in thrall. Diagram B shows that the apex of high rates on east bound freight is Denver, and that on west bound freight it is Gl and Junction. I t costs a shipper $3 a hundred to send goods from New York to San Francisco, and vicc versa, while from the latter city to Denver the same rate holds, and from New York to Grand Junction it is $388 Diagram A is more complicated, but also more graphic, and it exhibits how skillful manipulation allows the railroads to charge more for a short than for a long haul. Under the new rates, the tariff from New York to Denver is $2.48. From Denver to Salt Lake, via Grand Junction, allowing for a reshipment, the rate is $250, while the through rate to Salt Lake is $1 54. The injustIce is "hown by the fact that from Mi&souri river points to the Utah capital it is $2 OS, although the distance is 600 miles greater. The local rates are shown on the straight line, and the total of these, between ocean and ocean, is $6.58, though the roads charge only $3 The through rate between New York and Grand Junction is $388, while the shipper desires to send send goods to San Francisco with a reload at Grand Junction would have to pay $652, or 54 cents more than he would to send the same goods through from New York to San Fran- CISCOand back again. Insurge. From the Title Page of "Good Fixtures," the Seng com-pany's House Organ-Unless a man be affhcted With chronic cold feet, what a word to stir his fighting blood! Minted in the heat of polItical strife it should be made current in the vocabulary of business. Insurge! It has a mihtant sound-It reeks of action, en-thUSiasm, and valor. To stand pat is to see the proceSSlOn pa"s you. Let the politicians do as they Will, a busllless man must Insulge! Insurge! Insurge! ~---- I IIIII ,II , I IIIII I I II II III ._------------------------ ,-------------_.. -._.-._-----_._----., ., FREEDMAN CONVERTIBLE DIVAN BED A Revolution in Parlor Bed Construction. An Immediate Success. Full Size Bed in Divan Space. '" . SIMPLEST IN ACTION. LEAST SPACE. STRONGEST BUILT. Supercedes all other Interchangeable Parlor Beds. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATIONS AND PRICES. FREEDMAN BROTHERS & CO. Manufacturer. of Upholstered Furniture. Fac"tory, 717.731 Mather St., CHICAGO. • ••• 4 •• e __ .• __ .. 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN HOUSE FURNISHING AS AN ART Anlericans Beginning to Appreciate the Value of Appropriate Decorations. \mellca has VI. Ith1l1 the last ii' 0 decades e,pu lenced what mIght be called an aVl.akenme, \ftel an e,tended 1I1tel- \aL she has come onLe mOle to a ledll/atlOn thdt dllhltec-tUI al beaut} IS essentIal to both t(l\\ nand Lot1l1tJ\ I hh ap-p1euatlOn lIas heen la1t;eh 111'itlu111enta1111 ueatllle, an 1I1tel e'it 111the equally eS'ientIal art of decOlatlnt; and f111l1l'ih111t; the intellor of the alLhlteLtlllal QluUnle he It pnhhL hmlrl inti manSlOn OJ cottae,e \0 lont;el does the matte1 01 apj)1oj)l1atL 111llJ1~111nt;~ concern onh the fed The I each tauhtIe" f(11 'itnch the malked I111plO\ements 111 the model" adopted h\ mannfaL-turer'i fOl I eady made f1lll1ltlll e the ad\ antage" nO\\ at hand 111 the II a) uf obta111111t;I epl odnc tlOn" ot old ftll111tL11l tL" tile" and (eldmIL'i ,1" \\ell a" the cnL011laliCment uheled 1)\ thL \allot1'i 'iOCletle" of alt', and uath 111 the j)1()(\nLtlill1 (ll v\ 01 tIn al tIde" at ,1 C0111pdla tl\ eh "mall ouda \ enabl( ,tl\ V\ho VI. III to 111ake then home'i attl act1\ c <,a\" '-,amue1 n Dean 111the House BeautIful In the WIde aV\ake COmmUl11tle" the c\a\ ()t the 111tellOl ~() \ 1\ Idly pOl tray ed ])\ '\ldl k J \\ a1l1 111hh chaptel on The House BeautIful h Lht pa'i'i111~ a\\a\ The pal10l h no langei a sact ed apal tment 1 e'iel \ ed onh tOI 'itatl occa- "lOn'i It has no\\ mel g ed 111to a 11\ing 100111 The )lotted plant ha'i taken the place of the colOl 1e'i'-, \\ aA flO\\ el '-, r111- broldenes 111"'lft tones ha\ e supel seded the hll:;11h l (,lUIeel bdles and mats of eal1} memOl} The fulfilment of the pUlpo"e \\ 111Lhhas gl OV\n out ot thIS interest 111 \\ hat I'i knO\\ n a" dec01 at1\ e al t IS natm a1h dependent upon the lIght g111dance Thus It IS essential that one who £iuide'i shollld 111additIOn to a techl1lcal tlall1111g be the pO"Se'i"Ol of cel tam tl alt'i , I efined taste good 1udg ement an eye for COlOI PO\\ el of I ead} pel ceptlOn ohsel \ atlOn the gIft of ahsorb1l1e, \\ hat he sees, and the art at aelaptll1t; thll1~" to then pi oper places To one thll s eqlupped thel e un he no f01 mula 111the successful furnl'ih111g of a home TheIl" IS, howe\ el, a fundamental pI mClple \\ 111Chundel all Cllcumstances should he ob"el \ ed It IS that o! "-lmphc1t\ The W01kel "houlel llndel'itand the tl ue "Ig l11hcanLe ot tIll ~ Pl111clple (f01 It IS often mlslmdel stood) \lmphuh mCcll1" alway s \\ at kmg flom the foundatIOn If one Ldllles out thl" Idea he \\ III be able to I eft am frum adopt1l1li \ a 1 j( HI~ pOIn t~ of \ teV\ and thlh \\ III ne\ el lo"c "Ight ot thc pl111UplL 1\ l11Lh he \\lshes to demonstlate To l11ustlclte thl'i pOlllt as leLlted to fl1lnItU1C let e\el\ -III II I III I III II If I- - - - -----------, 1111ednc1 (Jll1dlllent be full of meanmg and thus avoid the errOl (it 111lloduun~ c,upelfluolb details It I" not elab01ate calv111g (11 llLh e,I1dlllli thdt IS leql1l"lte to make furniture beautIful. I ht LLJitdt;t tdble \\ Ith perfect 11l1e'i and WIthout ornament t,ple""es a "ense of beauty a" \\ell as fitne;,,, Again, a table IlLhI \ cal \ ed and gtlded 111 accordance With some defined ]}Illluple 01 al t and placed amid appropnate surroundmgs Lom e\ s aho a LOll espond111g Idea of beauty and simpltcity. lobe able to hnng togethel such artIcles of furmtUt e and O1namental obJecb a" are harmonIOus 111theIr construc-twn and COl0l1112,f01 the pUt pose of furmshmg a room m an applopllate mannel. and at the same time to Impart to It an ,111 ot comtOl t, can be accomphshed only by serious thought. 1 hout;ht \1 ell tounded gm ems Judgment and thus enables one to be consIstent 1\Ian) WIsh to express in their furmsh- 1112s, II I1dt IS known, as 111dnIdual taste, but the average taste among people l'i seldom trained and the matenaltzmg of that untl amed mdl\ Idual ta"te shows too often the result of im-pul "-e and doe"- not stand the test of tIme It IS well 111 en-decl\ 01111e,to petftct any wOlk to entnt'it it to a person of eApet lence In plann1l1£i 111teilOi work one should always bear m 111111dthat the fUrl11tul e and accessOl te'i Will need to be lIyed \\ Ith day b\ d,l\ The} ought therefOle to be of such a chal- ,1LtLl that thel1 u "efulne"s and mtet est \\ III be endunng. It I" 10-;lLal that '-,uch results Lan neyel be attamed hy pursumg undue ha"te 111the plann111g and executIOn of work. A thing tha t h II 01tll \\ htle can ne\ el be hll1 ned J [al monllJu '-, I esult" al e the bettet atta111ed when arch 1- tCl t dllc1 deLOl alOl \\ 01k m U11l<,on Thts \\ ark should begin \\ Ith the makmt; of plans Oftentnne" not the least part of tht \\ OJ k 1'-, th e adapt1112, of old al d1ttectural features as well A. PETERSEN &CO., CHiCAGO I,I II I1 -~--~~-~----_.----.~-----~----_._-------_._-- Our attention to every detail from carefully selected and matched lumber to the fimshed product has given the Petersen Desk its Leadership. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. FULL LINE. RIGHT PRICES. MANUFACTURERS OF THE BEST MADE and LEADING LINE of OFFICE DESKS IN THE COUNTRY. p- III IIIII •III I II ------------_._. ------------ .... WEEKLY ARTISAN .... -------------_._---------------.-.-._-- .... III IIIII IIIII I I I.. STAR CASTER CUP COMPANY NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLIED FOR) W" hav" adopt"d c"llulold as a bas" for our Cast"r Cups makmg th" b"sl cUF on th" mark"t. C"llulOld IS a great Improv"m"nt over bases mad" 0 oth"r matenal Wh"n It ISnt:eessary to move a pICC" support"d by cups with C"llulOld bas"s It can h" don" wIth eas", as the bases are per f"ctly smooth CellulOld does not sweat and by the US" of thes" cups tabl"s ar" n"ver marr"d. These cups ar" finished m Gold"n Oak and WhIte Maple, finlsh"d light If you will trl/ a sample order of the .. good, 1/0Uwill deSIre to handle them In quantltlts PRICES, SIZ" 2U mch"s $5.50 per hundred. SIze Z).( mches 4.50 per hundred. • fob Grand Rapids TRY A SAXPLE ORDER I'-------,-----~-----_._---------" as decOJat ions and othel dLce""one" to the I equirements of the modeln dwellmg The first step of the decoratOl IS to consIder the permanent fittmgs of the apartment and thus estabhsh a ba:Ol" If the fittmgs partake of strong archltect-t1lal feature" then It IS well to allow these features to form the dommant note of decoratIOn, and wIth which the furnIture should accord. TIllS harmony is well 11lustrated 111old Enghsh homes One can doubtless recall some dwelling with ItS panelmg, crO:o"beams and othet mterestmg wood\vork How admIrably :oluted to such surroundmgs VI ere the well-chosen pIeces of furl11ture, evel y one of whIch has Its O\'I> n mISSIon to fulfIll Of the formal style:" that of the eIghteenth century Flench i:, the most comple.x Its penods of tranSItion wele by no means clearly defined Many of the decoratIve detaIls of one penod bemg cat ned well 0\ er mto the retgn of the 'oucceedmg sovellgn, the duratIOn of the style m its punty wa" comparatn ely short The \ allOUS permanent al chlteLtl11 al teattu es of the colol11al l11tenor naturally afford a hallnomous "ettm~ for contemporaneous sty les of f111niture These style" seem well adapted under almost all clrcum- "tance'o tor Amellcan needs It mIght almost be saId, when in doubt use Colomal Of the Colomal era, the work of the cdbmetmakers of the eIghteenth century IS ot chIef mtele"t inasmuch as the four great "tyles produced m England dt1l-ing that centllly form the type" most e.xten"l\ ely dra\vn Up011 for the Colol11al mtenor of today The great mastel s of that tIme wele close "tudents of contempOlaneous Flench "ehen-iste" " The fact, however, that the Em;lI"h artist" worked almost exclusn ely 111maho~anv and WIthout abundant use P' ,i1 IIII• •III It .. For Many Years Made ExclUSIVely by C. CHRISTIANSEN, 2219 Grand Ave., CHICAGO Also manufacturer of the ChIcago Truck for wood workIng factorJes Send for Catalogue The Good Old Reliable Workl Bench THAT NEVER GETS OUT OF STYLE. 15 For $9.25 we will ship this Dresser in Satin Walnut or Mahog. any finish. Chiffonier to match. Mail your orders promptly to CHAS. BENNETT FURNITURE CO., CHARLOTTE. MICH. ._ .. of metal mount111gs "crves to make theIr furl1lture dlstmctlve. The term "Colomal" 1" often mIsapplied to the mahogany fUIl1lture of the fir"t quarter of the nmeteenth century. This furnIture was adapted from thdt of the French empire and although mtel estm~ IS not of "uffiClently dI"tmctlve type to wall ant Its claSSIficatIon among the acknowledged :otyle". 1t IS prec ursor of what 1" known as the cady Vlctonan. In the selectIOn of furnIture and accessones one ",hould Icmember that an artlcle whlch IS not first class IS dear at any pI Ice At the same tIme laVIsh expendlture does not in- "ure satI,,±actlOn After all IS saId concern111g house furn- 1',hmg let one Idea be pal amount, preserv e the atmosphcl C of the home To most of us there comes hardly a sweetel thought than that expre:,sed m the old EnglIsh couplet, "East, ,Vest, "Hame's best" iI -,--_.--_. IIj I• I III II I •IIII IIII .. II II I• I •II ,I I,,II ,• I ....--------_ .. 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN pue~'SHEO I!.VI!:RY SATURDAY lilY THI!' MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHER COUNTRIES $2 00 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. PUBL.ICATION OFFICE. 108-112 NOPlTH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAP'IOS, M'CH A 5 WHITE MANAGINQ EOITOA Entered as second d .... matter July 5, 1909 s.t the post office at Grand RapId. MlchlKan under the act of March 3 1879 CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVIE E LEVY The general passenger agent of a raIlroad 1unnmg tl am5 to and from Grand Rapid" awaited a belated tlam at the Union station and utte1 ed vv 01 ds not found m the Selmon on the Mount "That mferndl one-armed si\lthchman alii ays gives us the worst of It. \Ve are llmmnlS mOl e trams mto and out of this station than all other use!,,, of thIs tel1111nal put together, but our trains ale often delaved In the stup1dlt\ 01 the cupidIty of that one-a1 med Sil Itch tendcl OUI tJ am 110m the northeast ha" been held up 111the) al d ten mmute:o "hlle five outgoing trains have clea1ed the statIon Some ddY~-" The passenger agent V\as called away at that moment leaving the uncompleted sentence hangmg 1ll the aIr. The man who had sympathetIcallv hstened to the compla111t at the official decIded to make the acquamtance of the s" Itch tender and when the 1ush of the hOUl had subsIded he ap-proached the httle shanty Ul 'IIhlCh the tender spent his leh-ure moments and was "oon seated m the httle 1oom. Cl~al:O were produced and when the smoke filled the room the tender was asked to explain the nature of 111swork "Every tram for the east, south and west must pass 01 er my sIV1tches, while entenng or leaving the statIon," he explained i. \nd them engineers are a tricky lot '\ tram ma) clear the shed at 12 o'clock and th1 ee 01 four more are scheduled to folIaI', withm fiye minutes N umber one mOves toward the s" Itches then the trains to follow WIll line up "lthout awaltmlS the "1~- nal to start \iVhen the SWItches are th101v n the tl am::, 1u "h through and cover the tracks out of the yards, blockmg and delaying several trains that were entitled to the ri~ht of Yva) into the station before the traim followmg number one al e scheduled to leave. \Vhen the SWItches are set fOl one depal t-ing train I am powerless to prevent others from U5mg the tracks if they follow the first tram closely." The explanation proved that the old man was ~uiltless of the charge preferred against him by the passenlSer agent This incident StH.;-gests several queries in regard to men enga~ ed Ul the tUlmtUl e trade. Mr. RetaIler, please stand up and ans" e1 "In) OU1 busine% are you "eeking to improve your financIal COn(11- tion, or are you SImply throwing the sV>ltches and enablmr:; the manufacturel s to place their goods in the hands of the public?" Mr. ManufactUl er, plea:oe an 5V\er Are you one of those pesky engineers, ever alert and vevatchful to run your train load of samples over the switches a few hours before the day when the market opens and book the big ordelS whIle your competitors are polishing their goods and making them ready for the sample room? Mr Superintendent, please an-swer: Are you sidetracked in the freight yards awaiting the thl0wing of a SWItch that will open the field of opportunity to )OU a" a manufacturer? How about it? But httle atteni.lun IS paId by manufacturers of furniture dnel k111d1cd gaud" to the etfOl b of federal consuls to estab-h: oh a lall;er demand for good" manufactUled in the United States It has been qUIte genelally supposed that 111times of dullne..,s m the dome..,tIc markets the Amelican manufacturer i\ ho had 1m ell;n mal kets f01 his products would be enabled to keep hI'" factOl) m operatIOn, "hlle hb neighbor with only a l1111ltcd lucal demand for hIS goods, would be compelled to d05e hIS doOl:O or operate at a loss. It is a well-known fact that a factor) operated for but one-half of ltS capaCIty is a money losel '\ gentleman who has studied the question of 101el2,n markets f01 many years declares it to be a fact that "hen there IS but a small demand for furnitu1 e at home, there 1:0httle or no demand for furnitUl e abroad. During the pal1lc of 1907 he noted that our foreign shipments were of no con-sequence in volume Panics, he declared. usually affr-ct the \\ hole" orld of business. not merely communities or nations. He adv Ises that co-operation with domestic merchants be es-tabh: ohed for the purpose of eradicatmg the evils of ovel buy- 111lSand delay'i m the settlement of accounts Panics will be of but short duration when these evils are abolished "I f ) (IU Ii 111meet N 01 th Carolma pI ices T V\111gUdrdntee to 'iell the output of yom factory 111the loop district of Chi-cac; o," 1emarked the westel n "alesman of a large furniture manufactunn~ company located 111WIsconsin, to the managel "OUI pI ices are considerably higher than those of the manu-facturer'i of N 01 th Carolina, but we have always sold our output, ,mcl \\ hlk the trade of the loop dIstrict is desirable we shall not try to compete with the North Carolina manufac-ture1" in the matter of prices" The Wlsconsin man is doubly blessed 111hIS make up He has sense and sand. A. lot of dIscarded furniture was sold by the government 111y\ ash111~ton last week. As a considerable part of it was in 2, ood order, It WIll probably be 1evarnished and resold to the ~OI ernment 111the course of tIme That i'i the governmental \\ a v of domg busmess Encourage Christmas Shopping Now. As "e approach the hohday season, we wish to impress even fl1l nlture dealel "lth the advlSablhty of telling his cus-tume1" to do Chl1'otmas buy mg early Even at thIS date it IS nut out of season to 111folm the public that holiday lines are dally bemg 1ecen ed, and are as yet unbroken. Lay stress upon the fact that the cholCe of beautiful pres-ents IS no\\ lalf;e, that alm05t anything the giver has in mind Lan be found If he \\ 111come to your "tore early. Tell the peuple that) ou have placed 111stock some furniture that is e"peelal!) appropllate f01 Chnstmas gifts In many cases \ OUI eady ~ales will be a forerunner of v" hat you may expect la tel, v" hich ,,111 gOvern your orders to us accordmgly for addltlOnal pIeces or SUIte", and WIll at the same time find our 0\\ n stoe k more complete. ShO\\ ) our patrons that you are interested in them, and the Ie"ults \\111 :ourpri"e you You have noth111g to lose, and much to ga111 for a httle effort just at thIS time 'Ve are WIth you at all tIme" to help you please your customers by quick dehvenes of quahty goods -"Northern Furniture." WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 EVANSVILL Evansville, Otc. 27-The business of manufacturin~ furmture m E, ans, l11e has grail. n very rapidly in recent years Old factones have been enla1ged and 1mproved and new ones erected. It is predicted that the census statistics of this year will show an increa'ied output of fifty per cent over 1900. In quantity and quality there has been a marked ad- ,ance, and the products which were considered, not so many years ago suitable only for the cheapest trade in the southern states, now sells readlly in all markets where high grade work is preferred. Among the progressive manufactUl ers of the city is the Karges Furniture company which leads in the manufacture of chamber furniture. "Mr. A. F. Karges, the head of this com pany has devoted the greater part of his life to the develop-ment of the great business the company has gained and is an entel prising and progressive citizen. He is interested in several lines of business outside of his furniture interests and is a useful and \\ orthy citizen. He IS the president of the National Furniture Manufacturers' association, serving h1S second term. Another live institution is the consolidated Globe-Bosse World Furniture company organized by Benjamin F. Bosse, A great vanety of cheap and medium priced furniture 1S manufactured by this corporation Their manufrlcturing faCIl-ities which are already very large, 1'1111 soon be greatly increa-wd by the addltlOn of another factory, now under constructlOn Chamber and dining room furnitUl e, kitchen cabinets and wardrobes are manufactured. Associated with thi'i corpora-tion are the Bockstege Furniture company, the A F Karge"l Fur11lture company and the Metal Furniture company, form-ing the BIG SIX ASSOCIATION, loaders of mixed goods 111 car lots. The Eli D. Miller company are one of the small numbel of manufacturers engaged in turning out folding beds, in the United States. A few years ago factories making such beds ----_._--_.-._._. _. -_._. ... _... ._. - . .... yo • .. I ._----------'I IMPROVED, EASY AND EL EVATO RS QUICK RAISINC Belt, ElectriC and Hand Power. The Best Hand Power for Furmture Stores Send for Catalogue and Prices. KIMBALL BROS. CO., 1067 Ninth St.. Council Bluffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co., 717Commerce Bldg , Kansas CIty, Mo. J Peyton Hunter Terminal BldR. Dallas Texas, Western Englneenng SpeCialtIes Co , Denver, Colo A-_-. ---•-_-_ -•-_-•_• .-------_.-._- outnumbered those employed m several other branches of the furniture manufactunng industry. The folding bed is a useful article and II. hen it is properly constructed and is given a fair trial by the owner it remains to please and satisfy and without doubt the Miller beds are built much better than some other beds, hence the company have had an easy market for their product. Manager Ploeger reports a good demand for the desks of the Henderson Desk company. A new catalogue has been issued by the Evansville Desk company. Palace Door Knockers and a Chippendale "Cat:' There turned up in the hands of aNew York collector a few day s ago a remarkable pair of palace door knockers, one of those finds that on the one hand make one wonder how it is possible stIll to obtain such things and on the other tend to keep the collector's and would-be collector's hopes alive. The knockers are of massive brass of a fine tone, worked in the form of wild boar's heads, and the rings themselves are magnificent in their :::.olidlty. It seems as though a blow of one might wake the sleeping warder of a distant castle. The knockers together look as though it would be WOl th one's while to bulld doors around them. Another object rarely seen these days which turned up as a neighbor to the knockers was a mahogany Chippendale "cat." These unusual objects of furniture which cannot be tIpped over w1thout landing on their feet are curious enough to be interesting, and they are also useful; but even those more or less familiar II. ith old furniture hav~ not often seen them. .~----~------ I ,-.. .-.-.------_._. ----_._---_._._---_._--------------_.----_._-------- - .- .-- - . IIII No. 550 Price $8.75 Palmer Manufadurin~ ======(om~an~·====== 1015 to 1043 Palmer Avenue, DETROIT, MICH. "'.. . . • •••••••• a_a ••• a_a.' __ •••••••••••••• 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN Too Rapid to Be True. George F StlaHon, one of the contnhntOJ s of "husmess stories" to the Saturday E, enmg Post tm n" out mnch good stuff, but hIS belt must ha, e been I nnnmg over a loose pulle, "hen he turned In the follo'Amg Half a dozen years ago thel e \\ as a del k m one ot the bIg department sto! es of Boston-m the fnl nltul e department which was e, en wbdepartmentlzed TIll" del k \\ ho had spent eIght} ears m the "chambel fUll11tm e ' \\ as dS 1..;e1en about other c1a%es of furnltul e as he was about laces and em-hroidenes HIS salary was-and had been tOl sn veal s-the standardI7ed rate of fourteen dollal s \\ eekh I ha\ e ne\ el heard what awakened hl111 hut he "uddenh :.;ot a de"l! e dnd determInatIOn to l.;et furthCl than the 111tel pI etatwn 01 ,I -- __ pnce mark-K F D mto $389-f01 the mfol matlUn 01 dn InquirIng customeJ He "tal ted on the "tud, 01 c dhmlt making and desll..;nmg Def01 e long he hegdn to t ]dllllate Iemark" to customel" ahout pelu1Jalltle" ot Ul11"tludlon 1111)] tl""es, tenons do\etaJl" and L10""glam" \\hlch \el\ nll1ch a"tOl1lsherl the depal tment dllef One mOlning he was dIrected to go to the geneldl man ag-er's office That gentleman opened the mtel \ le\\ h\ 1 e mal kmf{ that he understood Oldham had some acquamtan( wIth the construction of furniture. Oldham told him he h2l' studIed that suhJect "IYhat IS yom obJect)" mqul1ed the managel contemplate gOl11g mto the manufactul e" "Not at all, 'ilr; hut I feel that <Igood salesmdn ought t,) be so familiar with hIS lIne a<.,to he ahle to ,,17e up at ol1le any supenority of constl uctlOn as well as of deSIgn or fil1l"h "If you were sent to a factor} to report on it<; operatIOns Vv hat would you look at fil se" demanded the managel "The lumber. I'd go into the yard and look at that and then the dry kilns, and make sure they were using matenal properly seasoned Then I'd--" "That'll do," interrupted the manager "and y otdl do Now I want you to go 0\ el to II enham and sta\ a te\\ da\ s and report on the Vvell" Brothers' operatIOn<; lYe ale con templating a contract to take theil entl! e output hut J feel that we first ought to he sure that the equIpment and thel! methods of manufactme ale allli~ht OUI o\\n leputatlOn wIll be at stake." Oldham went, made a \ erv complete and satlsfactOl v re-port, and resumed hi<; loutine v, ork But six weeks latel he was placed 111 a positIOn that had been Cleated f01 hIm-that of traveling buyer of furnIture for the company HIS report had shown the great value of knowmg and \\ atchm~ the methods of puttmg furnIture together, and the change of Jobs brought a substantial change of salary as well as an mdn Idu- Do \ UU •• THE WORLD'S BEST SAW BENCH BUilt With double arbors, shdtng table and eqUIpped complete With taper pm guages carefully graduated. Th:s machine represents the height In saw bench con-struction It IS desIgned and bUIlt to reduce the cost of sawmg stock. Write U8 for descriptive Information. THE TANNEWITZ WORKS, ~ft:.gMPIDS. altt \ ot po<.,ltlUn 1\\0 \ eal S latel he \\ as offered the superin-tendency ot a plOgles"ne furmtlue factOly and accepted It It \\ a" hh taml1l<U11\ \\ Ith retaIl methud..., and reqUlrement<;, as \\ ell as hI" eduLdted taste m desH2,n and constructIOn, that 1l1(ltcated hh "\alue to! the new Joh ' lumpetent taltrJl\ supelmtendents can not be produced 111 h\ 0 \ eaJ" h\ suc h employment as Oldham 1:0 represented to ha\ e had HIgher qualIhLatIOn<; than Oldham possessed aJ e neles:oal") for "ucce"" In the furmtUl e manufactunng bUSI-ne"" Oldham ma, ha\ c "accepted" the supenntendency of a tdctOl \, hut that fact IS nul of much Importance Did he m<IKe good 0 II JItu ~tl atton doe" not supply mformatlOn on th IS POUI t WE MAKE REFRIGERATORS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES Zinc Lined. Porcelain Lined White Enamel Lined, Opal-Glass Lmed You can increase your Refrigerator Sales by putting III a line of the "Alaskas." Write for our handsome catalogue and price lists, :• WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 RICHMOND TABLET CHAIRS Shippers May Select Routes. Conditions governing the routing of freight have been revolutionized by the new railroad law. It gives shippers the pnvilege they did not pi eVlOusly have, of deslgnatmg m writing the through route 0\ el which their busmess shall be sent to destination. The caniers are therefore finding it to No 1175 PRINCESS DRESSER Made by Northern Furmture Co • Sheboygan, WIS, in Oak. Mahogany, and Blrd's Eye Maple theil mterest to estabhsh agencies m territories where they have had no representation. Some of them, notably those making up the larger sys-tems between the East and vVest and the North and South, were qlllte content to have the <'Ituation remain unchanged. It meant territorial control that was more often paramount to monopoly, and enabled them to dictate terms not only to their connections, but al"o to shlppels The latter m paltlcular were completely at their mercy m that regard, and to such an extent that on the Pacific Coast bitter hostility and opposition was provoked. I t IS possible that this was m some measure responsible for the law now m effect, which ehmmates this cause of antag-omsm between the railroads and the shippers. On the other hand loads that m a sense participated in the combmatlOns which alOused the measure of hostility noted mu"t now protect them"eh e", and may perhaps be greater beneficianes than the) were under old methods and practices. !\ttcntlOn called to the change indicates that northern lines find that thev can now SOhClt t1 affic thlOughout the territory south of the ::\fason and Dixon lme on a legitimately competi-t1\ e baSIS Without danger of bemg considered invaders, and subjected to refusals The southern lines "Were practically a umt a:::;amst them, and bmlt up such formidable barriers tho It was Impossible to get a cel tain kmd of blhmess The old OpP( rtumt\ fOI (hSCllmmatm~ a:::;-am"tthem IS gone, and like the T'aLlhc Coa"t ,,11lppel" they \'\ ill he able to operate to bet-tel ad\ anta:::;-e Routing instl UCtlOns m hills of lading must now be obey ed to the letter, and competmg carners have an even chance With the sl1lpper The law IS very speCific and admits of no questIOn or dispute a'3 t) tbe ll~hts of the shipper and tl"e duty of the carnel Bigness of Grand Rapids. The ne\\ census gives Grand Rapid" a population of 112,S71, a e,am of 28 per cent m ten years The mere census h:::;-ure"do not :::;-1e\ credit that IS due to that thriving furniture center Grand Rapids can make more nOIse in the furniture mart than many towns twice the size There are apparently no dead ones dom:::;-busmess there Her manufacturers have the hve Wire attachments and when there IS a possibility of anything domg they straightway go and do It From every \ 1ew pomt, cen"us mc1uded, It IS a good showing of live peo-ple -Jamestown Index VelY good, :\Ir Index man In legard to the population of GI and Rapid" an explanatIOn IS timely and proper. The Llty hm1ts l1d\ e not been extended since 1891. There IS a lale,c populatIOn m the outSkl1 t<, of the clty-"just over the lme" \Vhen those commumtle" "hall have been embraced by the mumcipal COIporatlOn the httle old furmture town, to em-ploy the words of a Pawnee chief, wdl be " a heap big bigger." "SLIP SEATS" AND THE MOST SANITARY RICHMOND CHAIR CO. No. 100 DOUBLE CANE SEAT No. 100 GENUINE LEATHER SEAT RICHMOND, IND. 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN ... . . ... ....--_._-_.--_._----- SHOPPED MERELY :FOR PLEASURE Young Woman Who Sent Things Back Finally Came to Grief. A young" oman 'II ho Iud the ~llOjlP1l1£.;helblt U~l cl t i !.." downtown and order t1ungs hum c!cpaltmellt "t01e~ II hUl her father had cha1ge account::, \s d 1uk \\ hen the !..,I)()c!" were dehvered at the house she mel ely opened the paekat:;es looked the things over and then sent them back To be "UI e there were some th111l;S that she kept, but not man) Others in hel family remonstt a ted \\ lth hel ~a\ 111-.,('1 uu oughtn't to do that It isn't fan to the StC)l~l;,-cepel" '1 ( U waste their time and their money too having them send the11 dehvery wagon up this \lay when \ ou ha\ e not the least 111 tent10n of keeping half the stuff) ou O1del " To which she was accustomed to 1eph "Tha t " all II!.., In They have to send their wagons out an) \I a), and It Isn't am particular trouble to them to cIeln er thmgs here ~\1ll1 ])e"H11" I keep a really large percentage of 'Iv hat I orde1; more 111 fact, than other women I knO\\" '\nd hel reI a tt I es 'lh\ a \ ~ wound up by assurin~ he1 that the stOles \lould t:;et e\en \11th her. It came to pass, too One day \lhen ~he \Va" I)ut \11th some friends at one of the st01 es she made a selce tll in ot ~omc rather valuable goods, probably mOl e tOl "he1\\ dun !Ul am other leason, and ha\111g 111m111d to 1etl11n them Lltu 1hen she told the gitl "Charge those to \ccount \e) - - ' The girl sent down to see If that \I ould be all ll£.;ht ,mc1 then returned to the shopper with thIS messa~e . l hel e lsn t any such account. It has been closed" The shopper got vel}' an£;l v and told the UII tlMt \I a~ ~'-------------- III ,III II ~------ WABASH INDIANA " It I, B. WALTER & CO. Manufacture" 01 T ABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT ... dbSl11d ] hen ~he tu] c! hel to a"k if a mistake had not been made and If the account 1eally were closed to dIscover what the red"on was The gnl made further investtgation and then JepOl ted "J t \'1 as too small and there were too many re-tl11n~, ~o the office decided it wasn't worth while running. nC~Jde" It \I a"n't paId regularly." The shoppe1, almost purple with anger had no recourse but to lea\ e the place The f1iends she had with her sympa-tIll zed of COUlse, but theIr amusement was thinly veiled. TheJ e are not a few persons 111the cIty who have had that "UJt ot e'CpeJ 1ence recently. The stores watch their ac-counb mOl e closely than they did and if they see that the charge Sy stem Isn't profItable, but really a loss on account of tnne \'1 asted 111de!lve11es, they cut from the list the customer concelned The) hay en't any particular desire to send out (,ooeb to be 111speeted and retl11ned so often that they get into the ~econd hand class. \ gl cat deal dose1 tab IS kept on costs in the department ~tlJ1es ann\a\ than used to be the case. The strength of the llimpeiltJOn has made it Imperative to cut prices down to a plcH\ fine mal::;ln The 1esult IS that all the elements that ..'U to ail ed plOfi t ha \ e to be inspected closely. The St01 es knO\\ that one great expense is in the delivery "Cl VIce, and \\ hen one customer often returns goods without any apparently \ ahd 1eason for doing so the store's interest demand s a cm ta1lment of that priVIlege -N. Y. Sun. To the Test! Put Us larity of your pet product. What you need IS a stain specialist. Write Marietta. Making special stains to fit special con-ditions has been our special forte for years. Weare more than manufacturers, we are originators. Much of our paint is "custom made," all of our stains are "mixed with brains." A furniture maker gets a new idea-a "hunch." Designs a new line. It looks good to him. It is good--distinctive--out of the ordinary. PROBLEM: What shall the finish be ~ What particular color and tone will dove-tail with that particular design? Steady, now; you've got a real gordian knot to un-tie. Upon your success depends the popu- Address Desk NO.3. Marietta Paint &. Color Marietta, Ohio. Co. WEEKLY ARTISAN Group Your Dining Room Suites. R W. Emelson in "Northeln FUr11ltUle"-Thele has been a growmg demand the last few years for matched dmim; room Stlltes and the questton allses how best to display them on the dealer'Ol floor. On my last tnp I was in a store when the dealer had a customer for a dmmg room suite, and he had the dIfferent pIeces scattered around the store-buffet mane place, chma closet m another, sel Vlhg- table m sttll another, and the extensIOn table m another. He had to take the cus-tomer through pI acttcally hIs enttre stock before the whole sUlte was seen, and then to poor advantage, as the customer became confused m trymg to keep the dIfferent pieces Ul mmd. If that dealer had been up to date, and had had hIS dming ......--"BISHOP'S"-- ... "THE QUALITY STORE" lifre are Just a fe\ of the !'lplcudld bargams \\c .re offer~ mg m tluslugh grade Ime ot \hS'>lOll FUlllltmc FOOT RE!;TS Mrth >300 $ 135 SMOKIJ- G TA BLbS Mrth ~v 00 350 ('FLLARETTES "Orth *12 00 750 CHAIRS Mrth ~1300 775 ROCKERS worth $14 00 825 DLSKS "01th ~1500 1025 BOOI~CA SbS "orth ~2100 l4 50 COUCllFS Mltl ~24 00 1675 CLOCK;' Mrth ~16 00 2375 DA \ EJ- PORTS , orth $60 00 4250 OCTOBER SALE OF Sample Mission Furniture (SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY) The<;e ue not our 101\cst nor our llghcst pnccd Plf'CE'S " e ha\ e a wHle r<j.Dg'eof PllCf>S and 1-rf' confIdent that WI" (aD please vou Posltne that" e can satlsi'\. "OU qual lty and COnVIllef' "I, ou that the go04s offered are the be"t '1ud most dependable pIeces that can be made £01"the mone) P rtur('s prIces samples of '" ood and If'atl er "'Ill be gladlv maIled out of to\\n le'>Idltnts v.ho find It ImpossIble to makf' U~a peThonal \ ISlt Do Dot heSItate to come SImplY because VOll m~l\ not be readv to bm You are equally \\elcome ab a \lsItor or purchaser BishopF umitureCompany IONIA, CORNER LOUIS STREET "Just on the Way to the UnIon Depot" "Made in Grand RapIds" loom sUltes grouped together 111a row, WIth a screen between them, the customer would not only have been able to see at a slance how the suite would look in the dining 100m at home, but the dealel would have been able to sell the goods wlth very much less trouble. The same idea would hold good in bed room suites and hbrary suites. A great many sales of d111- ing 100m suites have been made through a tasttly-atranged show window. I am a great believer in attractive show W111- dows, and in changing them at least once a week. If any furniture dealer who has his dining- or beel 100111 stock scattered about the StOIe should I ead this bllef arttcle, it may be the means of doing some ~ood 111the way of mak-ing quicker sales. ~------------------------- I III III! IIt/ I II II IIII I III II II III !I I THE II BEDS ARE BREAD AND "ELI" FOLDING PROfIT WINNERS No Stock complete WIthout the Elt Beds III Mantel and Upright. ELI D. MILLER & CO. EVANSVILLE. INDIANA Write for cuts and pnces ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, EVANSVILLE. ~- ------------------ ._---~ ~,----------------------------------------_ .._. ~ I Palmer's Patent GluinJ! Clamps I The above cut IS taken direct from a photograph, and shows the range of one SIze only, our No. I, 24-inch Clamp. We make SIXother SIzes, taking in stock up to 60 IncheS wide and 2 lllches thick. Ours is the most practICal method of clamping glued stock in use at the present t,me. Hundreds of factories have adopted our way the past year and hundreds more WIll in the future. Let us show you. Let us send you the names of nearly 100 factones (only a fractIon of our llst) who have or-dered and reordered many tImes. Proof positive our way IS the best. A post card WIll brlllg it, catalog included. Don't delay, but wrIte today. A. E. PALMER & SONS, Owosso, MICH. FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES: The Projectile Co., London, England; Schuchardt & Schutte, BerlIn, Ger-many; Alfred H. Schutte, Cologne, Pans, Brussels, LIege, MIlan, TUrlll, Barcelona and Bl1boa. ~-- ........ - 2'1 .---.., ~ _ ~ ,• I UNION FURNITURE CO. I ROCKFORD, ILL. •I China Closets I Buffets •I Bookcases ,I : We lead in Style, Conltrudton • and FIDlSh. See our Catalogue. I Our hne on permanent exhlbl- I bon 3rd Floor, New Manulact- I uren' BUlldlllll'Grand Rapid•• I I ~ . 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN Those Missouri River Rates. A'3 an effect of the SUPI eme COUIt decI,.,lol1 IUIUl ul heIght rate~ went 111tOeffect 111a lalge "ectIOn of the n11ddle we'3t on ThUlsday of thIs week, but there I" 110celta111t) tlldt the lowel 1 ates wIll be made permanent, because the 01del by whIch they V\ el e hxecl, nldkes them opel atn e 0111) until November 10 \ftel that date the fight nM) be opened aga111 and the IaIlI oad 'i ma) succeed aga111 111postpon111~ el decI~IOn for a year 01 two Such actIOn IS not probable, however. It IS genelally expected that the railloads hav111g been beaten 111the Supleme COUlt \VIll contmue the rate'3 Made by Rockford Frame and FIxture Co , Rockford, III fixed by the Interstate CommIssIOners, mdefillltely, or untIl a change in conditIOns makes a revisIOn absolutely necessary. A news dIspatch from \Vash111gton says' "After fight111g an OJ der Issued by the Interstate Com-merce CommIssIOn of August 25, 190~, the raIlroads have decided to make operative rates whIch the CommIssion held to be reasonable, and which the Supreme com t approved recently. "In the famous J\!IISSOUlIRn et rate cases complamt \Va,., made that the charges on shIpments from the \tlantIc sea-board to points upon the Mlssoun RIver were unreasonable, hif carrying the ONE~PI[CE PORCELlIIN-LINED ~ONrIRD CLERNRBLE WRITE FOR CATALOGUE GRAND RAPIDS REFRIGERATOR Cg GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. 111that the ptOP01 t10n of the chalge flOm the seaboard to the 1[IS"OUlt Rnel \\as hlghel than rates to St Paul. "The COmmI"'iIOn found that the lower rates to St. Paul \\ ele lustIfiable becau'ie of watel competition, but held that that pellt of the thtough late replesented by the charges from III""t":otppl Rn el CroSS111gto the MIssouri were unreasonably 111[;h The CommIssIOn then named rates that it held to be Ilel:oonable 'On c\U!;U'it 26, 1908, the CommissIOn stipulated that the I educed rates should rema111 111fO!ce two years. The rail-toads conte'ited The COmmtSSIOn subsequently changed the d,lte from \\ hlch the t" 0 years' penod should run, so that it \\ III e"pn e '\ ovember 10. 1910 \fter pa"smg through the l (IUlt" up to the ,",upteme court, where the CommIssion was '-,tbtd111ed. the raIlroad" have gn en notice that beginning Octobel 26 the Iates fixed by the CommIssIon WIll be charged. I he ne\\ tates "Ill be a matenal reduction. fhe lates found to be unreasonable, but which the rail-wad" hay e pet'itsted m charg111g the last two years, were 60 lcnb,..j.; cents, ::;3cents, 27 cents, and 22 cents per 100 pound". I especttully, on fiISt, second, thIrd, fourth and fifth classes h om the AtlantIC seaboard to Mlssoun RIver P0111tS 'The ne" 1ates whIch WIll be charged hereafter are ,1 cent" 38 cents 30 cenb, 23 cents and 19 cents, respectfully, upon the dIfferent classes." Plymouth. Wisconsin. Factories. Plymouth, \iVIS , Oct 27-This is a fine little city located 'lbout htteen mIles \\ est of Sheboygan. It has good shipping taulItIe:o-the ChIcago & ::-Jorthwestern and the Chicago, IIIl\\ elukee & St Pdul lallroads [hIS IS the home of the Plymouth Furlllture company, the \\ estern Parlor Flame company and the Plymouth Chair company , makers of the famous Plymouth rockers The new-e" t one of these factones- The Western Parlor Frame com-pany- ts hay mg all the OJ ders It can take care of. The man-al; C1 ~[ L Reutel, 1':> a man of WIde expenence in this line, hav111li been connected WIth some of the largest parlor frame factotle:o 111 ChIcago -C M. ~--------- ~ A. L. HOLCOMB & CO. Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE OROOVINO SA WS I DADO SAWS III --._.----------_._------------... CItizens' Phone 1:139 27 N. Market St •• GraDd Rapid., Mlell. WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 Sheboygan Factory Notes. Sheboygan, \V1S . Oct 27 -The ~Teat chair town of vVis-cons1l1 i" glOw1l1f; Dy Uncle Sam'" la"t count it has over 26,- 000 1I1habltants, and at the present rate of increase will probably have between 40,000 and 50,000 1111920 All of the factOlies here ale cnJOY1l1ga £;ood husmess-very much bet-ter than at this time last year. The Sheboygan Novelty company al e having an except-lOnally fine busme"s A great man} of the1r pIeces are just m line for holiday p1esents, especlally the1r mahogany ladies' desks, music cabinets, bookcases, etc. The main line which they are preparing wlll be about 2S pel cent larger than the present line, and will be the best they have ever produced. George Sp1att & Co. are doing well Then line is com-pO'oed of din1l1g room chalrs, wood seat and upholstered rocker", children's chalrs and rockers. stools and office chairs, S2""*' 'lL A INGLE 'OLL~R Will Bring a New Stove or Range ~to Your Home~ And a "BUCK'S," Too. A dollar the fint payment-the balance on eaaf weekly or monthly payments to SUlt your convemence-the greatest .love offenng ever made In Grand Ra})lds. Every BllCk. Stove IS eqwppecl With d.. tmctJve fuel aaYmg features that put them m 8. c.1M& by themaeIvea. They are lhe marvel of the age, an co.t no morethan .ther mMe. We want you to _ them MADE BY UNION LABOR Three Rooms N: $190 4-Room Outfit $7.75 I A Grand RapIds Sample cane and cobbler seat cha1rs, and m fact about every kind of cha1r that the fU1mture merchant could ask for. The Sheboy~an Chan company 1t>havmg a good busi-ne..,.., Theil catalogue 1'0one of the largest chalr catalogues pubh"hed, and lS full of ~ood thmg'o. The Poem" Chalr company lS also domg a large busi-ne..,..,. PreSIdent Blackstock sa} s he IS gomg to butld another vel y large wal ehouse next year. The Northern Furll1ture company wlll show in Grand Rapid" and Cll1cago 111 January, the best hne they have ever offered the tr,tde. They have the largest furniture factory in this country and they do an lmmense business. They have gone mto the pubhsh111g business, lSetting out a house organ entltled "Northern Furll1ture," which is full of illustrations of the good things made by the Northern Furniture company and also many good articles that will interest every furniture !"DOETscii~~d'BAUERCO. : 1534-44 Greenwood Terrace, CHICAGO III All previous efforts eclipsed ====== in our new hne of --,=o=c==c==== PARLOR FRAMES which is larger and more effectIve than we have yet offered Now ready for inspection at our factory Take Southport Ave car to Greenwood Terrace. thence west to factory. or Clybourn Ave car to Ashland Ave. thence norlh to Greenwood Terrace. .. ._. ._ .. dealer In this ls"ue of the Weekly Al ti"an we copy from the October number, a well wntten article by R. W. Emer-son, one of theIr '3ale"men in which he tells of a merchant V\ ho had a customer that wanted a dming- room suite and what a tlme he had to show it It is well worth reading, look lt up-C M. Crex Carpet Company Affairs. Fmanclal World, New York-A high official in the Crex Carpet Co told a COIrespondent of the Financial World this week about the drastIC methods adopted at the time this company succeeded to the busmess and the assets of the American Grass TW111eCo, to put the company's affairs in such shape that the stockholders would obtain some returns upon thelr mvestment. The greater part of this information has never been made public until now. This offiCial stated, tHat from its very inception the Amer- Ican Grass Twine Co was mlsmanaged. Those who were then m control regarded the bus111ess as though it were their own and they were not the custodians to whom was entrusted the management for the benefit of the shareholders. Abnor-mal salarles were pald for work others could do and would do much better for less compensatlOn, and contracts were made WIth salesmen whIch were unjustified. As a result, there was nothmg left for the stockholders after these excessive payments v" ere made. The largest stockholders finally revolted and decided to take the company out of the hands of the old management and reorgall1ze the busmes~ on a sound basis. This was effected by scalmg down the capltal from $15,000,000 to $3,- 000,000. Thls was done m 1908, and since that time semi-annual d1Vldends of 25'i per cent have been pald on the stock. All the old crowd have been ehmmated. Investigation of the books of the old corporatlOn revealed the interesting fact that the company had the habit of capitalizing future llnagmary prospects and credltmg the charge to assets. About $600,000 paid out illef;ally as dlvldends was recovered. All dead weIght was ehmmated and the corporation, as the Crex Carpet Co. began busmess on sound hnes. According to this official the earnings of the corporatlOn were never better than they are at present. A Hole in the Wall. is a poor thmg to keep the cold out or the heat in. If you want to know why thlS exceedingly wise statement lS made, just read the Grand Rapids Veneer Works "ad" in this issue of the Weekly Artisan, that will explain it. 1------ -~~~~~--~~~~~~~- I I I I I I I I I I 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN OLD ITEMS REPRINTED Paragraphs Taken From the .Michigan Artisan for September. 1883. Nelson Lyon's furmture factory at Albany, N. Y., was destroyed by fire recently. The furmshlllgs of \V. K "Vandel bllt'S new manSlOn III New York cost $3,000,000. C H. Haberkorn & Co of DetrOlt, ha\ e commenced the manufacture of patented castel s and sockets Lams Hax, J 1. son of Loms Hax, the vetel an dealel m furnIture in St Joseph, 110, \\ as \\ edded recenth to ;-'Ib-- Sallie M. Erwlll. The Umon Chair \\ orks are manufactmlllc, cal pet and cane seat lOckels III DetrOlt J R :\IcLaugh1111 b the mall-ager of the company. \i\' llllam A Berkey of Grand Rapids was appomted by the goyernor, recently, one of the commlssionel s to 1epresent Michigan at the Loulsvl1le eAposltlOll Manufacturers are turmng out fifty pel cent mUle C,OllCJ:, than the trade requires. ProductlOn must be I educed ut the small and finanually weak manufacturel s will he tOlled 111t() bankruptcy. George B. Mattoun, the manufactmel at tmmtule III She-boygan, Wis., recently pUIchased a safe, i\ hlch \\ as too Dig for his office, so he \\ 111 Dudd a new office to hou..,e hh "ate The country dealer who kicks agalllst the ne" 1ule tot charglllg burlap to pm chasers of furniture has found a mal-ket for his surplus matellal. It has been dlSCo\ el ed that bur-lap is the nicest matenal Imaginable for the "alls of a house How to Secure Trade in Italy. Amelican Consul Charles M Caughy, j\Itlan, Ital) le-ports: "Unfortunately Amencan wales do not obtam III thIS country the foothold to \"hlCh they ale Ju"tl) entitled. but the obstacles to trade extenslOn eXist not 111Ital), but 111the United States. If, for eAample, a Gelman, a Flench, 01 a Bel-gian manufacturer \\lshes to 111ttoduce IllS goods he "end" a man who speaks the Italian language, fully equipped 111every way for his work, and competent to eAplain mtelhgently all the good qualities of the artIcle he wants to sell FI equently an Amellcan WIth the same object III ,levy sends a catalogue printed in English, WIth Amel ican weIghts, meaSUl e", and prices. The re"ult is that the salesman finds hIS way mto the good graces of the merchant, while the catalogue finds ItS way into the waste basket. A pel sonal 1 epl esentatn e IS able to bargam as to terms, sometimes gn mg as much as Sl"\. months' cledlt, but the catalogue IS mexOlable, and e,en It I"BEAVER," "GINDER ELLA," "DOCKASH" STOVE HEADQUARTERS "THE LINES THAT SELL" I NoleIMPERIAL BEAVER-one ofmany. Best, They Stdnd the rest," THIS tS the IMPERIAL BEAVER. It is the finest cooking range made anywhere In the world. We thInk: so, and so WIll you when you see its advantages: Study the above pIcture. The glass oven door is guaranteed not to break. No heat lost when you look at your bakIng. This range holds ItS heat longest, saves 250/0 in fuel, and has unusual hot water capaCIty. It ISthe best looking range built-and wear; as well as it looks. Send for samples and see It-but we warn you that no other kind will ever satlsty you agaIn, If you do I W. D. SAG E R, 330-342No.Water St., CHICAGO an llnportrr should be mclmed to give the American fIrm an OJ del he 1'-, detelled b) the knowledge that the draft will SUI cl} come by a fast steamer and the goods two months later 1n a slo'>\ frel[!,ht boat. "\nothel method adopted by American exporters is that ot tl) 111:;;to sell goods by direct correspondence with the re-tal1cl s when the freight on a small package is prohibitive. If, on the othel hand. an agent wel e established in Milan who could canvass the Province, send m orders in large lots, and dIstnbute the merchandise on its arrival to the different buy-et '3, succe"s \\ ould meet such efforts. It is an undisputed fact that e, el} Amellcan bouse represented here in this way does a .:;aod hu,,111ess" i" WADDELL- MA"NU-FACTURING CO:-l Grand Rapids. Michigan No-fium-Loose Fasteners The largest manufacturers of Furniture Trimmings in Wood in the world. Write us for Samples and Prices. Made in Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, Birch and all Furniture Woods. All Knobs and Pulls have the .... . . .. _. ..... .. .. The RelIable Furniture company, who have a string of stores wIth their mam office m IndIanapolis, opened their Detroit store, at 11-15 ,,;\Tashington boulevard, on October 20. The Standard FurnIture company, wholesale and retail dealer~ of Denver, Col., have just completed a fire proof ware-house, 50 x 125 feet, three stones and basement, at a cost of $15,000 The Cal ey ChaIr company of Keene, N. H. has been in-corporated. CapItal stock, $20,000, held mamly by Forrest L cmd C. A. Carey, E. T. and J. C. Barcalow and PhIlip H. Faulkner. H. Gorpinkle & Co., otherwise known as the Beacon Furniture company of Boston, Mass, have made an assign-ment. They sold theIr stock in bulk to another Boston dealer a few weeks ago. ";\T. 0 Dresser, who recently engaged in the retail furni-ture trade at Tonopah, Nev, has succeeded so well that he has made arrangements to erect a brick bUlldmg, 30 x 100 feet, three stones, on upper Main street. Meyer L Strauss has resigned the posItion of vice-presi-dent of the Fort Wayne (Ind) Outfitters company, having sold hIS mterest to Bennett Hollenstem, president and S. M. Hollenstem, secretary and treasurer. The retail furniture busmess of B. L Dodge, Akron, 0, has been mcorporated by B L. Dodge, J. V. OlIver, G. S. Goodman, Frank Crook and B H. Sebnng, under the name of the Dodge company. Capital stock, $50,000. Nathan Stroum, furniture dealer and proprietor of the Stoughton Supply company of Boston, Mass, who went into bankruptcy last June, has been sent to pnson for two years for practicing fraud m the bankruptcy proceedings. The Temple-Stewart Chair company of East Princeton, Mass, who were burned out Iecently, have purchased the Holman & Harns plant at Baldwmville, whIch has been idle for two years, and WIll use it in the manufacture of wood seat chairs. A petition in bankruptcy has been filed against the H. C. Swain company, fur11lture exporters of 59 Pearl street, New York. LiabIlItIes estimated at $4,000 and assets at $800. Mr. Swain V\ ho was preSIdent of the company resigned in September. As a window attraction the Atherton Furniture com-pany of PIttsfield and other New England towns, are usmg a Kmdel couch-bed, operated by an electric motor, connected, also, with mecha11l~m that dIsplays SIgns callIng attentIOn to the popular features of the bed. By a senes of deals, between J. G. Peart and ,,;\Tillard & Schmidt of Belvidere, Ill, and the ";\T. C. Gunn company of Fort Scott, Kan~ Mr Peart becomes sole owner of the fur11ltUle and undertakmg busmess heretofore conducted by "VIllard & SchmIdt at Belvidere. vValter E Olson, proprietor of the Olson Rug company of ChIcago, has just awarded contracts for the construction of a new factory bUlldmg to be erected at the northwest cor-ner of Laflm and Monroe streets. The buIldmg will be 75 by 125 feet, five stories and basement, and will be constructed of the type known as modern mill. The estimated cost is $60,000. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS George Stewart has purchased the furnIture store of H. C. Chnstenson at VIborg, Neb. E. E. Hayden succeeds P. M. Englehart in the retail furniture busmess at Waubay, S. Dak. The chaIr factory at MunsonvIlle, N. H., which has been idle smce June, has resumed operatIOns. C. T. Krogh has purchased the retaIl furniture business of Hald & Wmchester, Danneberg, Neb. The undertaking firm of LIlly & Newton, Des Moines, Ia, has been dIssolved, Joseph LIlly retiring. The Olins Fur11lture company of Cambridge, Mass, have opened a branch store at 234-6 Providence, R 1. M. Bernstein succeeds hIS uncle, L. Bernstein, in the re-tail furniture trade at 1602 South street, PhIladelphia. The Allegan (MIch.) Fur11lture company, manufacturers, have increased their capItal stock flom $15,000 to $30,000. The firm of Landkamer Bros & Davidson, undertakers of Mankato, Minn , has been dIssolved, Mr. Davidson retiring. The assets of the Chicago Store and Office Furniture company of Seattle, ,,;\T ash, are in the hands of Raymond C. Wright, as receiver. J. M. Bntton & Co.- J. M. Bntton and Moss Harrison-have purchased the fur11lture and undertaking business of T. W. Britton at Columbus, Ga. C. R. Parish & Co, furniture dealers on High street, Columbus, 0., have opened a branch store at the corner of Lorain and West Broad streets. Joseph Dyer of FaIrfield, Me, has invented and patented a mltenng machine, which IS said to have been highly ap-proved by all who have used It. The Coffin-Rundstrom Furniture company, dealers of North Yakima, Wash, are to have a new bUlldmg, 50x 140 feet, three stones and basement. Mr. Warns has retIred from the Schuster-Warns-Damer-ath company, table manufacturers, MIlwaukee, \Vis., having sold hIS interest to Joseph Mertz. Rowlands & Co., fur11ltUle dealers of ZanesvIlle, 0., have purchased the Cooper furniture store m Mansfield, O. They WIll continue busmess in both places. B. Lowenstein & Bros., incorporated, have opened a furniture and carpet department on the fifth floor of the general store buildmg in Memphis, Tenn. E. W. Felch, chair manufacturer of Keene, N. H., has purchased the "Villiams factory buildings in Brattleboro, Vt., and WIll move his plant to the latter CIty. E. "V. Osborne, furniture dealer of SomervIlle, Mass., has sold out to vVIllIam Caldwell of East Cambndge, who WIll take possessIOn of the store on November 1. A balcony ten feet WIde and 150 feet long has been con-structed in the Miller Fur11lture company's store at Athens, Ga. It WIll be used for the dIsplay of chairs. F. A. Alexander, furniture dealer, of Bellmgham, Wash., has sold out to ";\T. C. and H. R. Knaack who will continue the busmess under the name of Knaack Brothers. At a special town meetmg the electors of Peterboro, N. H, voted to exempt from taxatIOn the property of the Phenix Chair company, who are establI~hmg a factory in that town. Isaac E. Palmer has been granted a patent on a head or shoulder rest for couches and hammocks and has assigne~ his rights to the 1. E. Palmer company of Middletown, Conn. GIve your customer "swell front" values If you would retain his trade. 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN Most Attractive Inducements for Car Load Buyers Are Offered by the THE KARGES FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Chamber SUites, Wardrobes. Chlffomers. Odd Dressers. Chifforobes THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of KItchen Cabinets. K D. Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, In ImItation golden oak, plain oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright Folding Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, Chma Closets, Combination Book and Library Cases. THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of SIdeboards in plam oak, imitation quartered oak, and sohd quartered oak, Chamber Suites, Odd Dressers, Beds and ChIffoniers in 1ffiitatlOnquartered oak, irqitation mahogany, and imitation golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the "Superior" Line of Parlor, Library, Dining and Dressing Tables. THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Made by The Karges Furniture Co Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds, Cnbs, Wire Spnngs and Cots Evansville is the great mixed car loading center of the United States, made so by the Big Six Association . • • WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 I I I III I, I IIII II IIII •I •III Made by Bosse Furtnture Company. Made by World Furtulute Company • ••• _._ ••••• _ •••••• , ••••••••••••••••••• a •••• • __ •••••• a ••• _ Made by Bockstege Furmture Co h--. - •.••. 28 WEEKLY ARTISAN FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS ATTENTION! Send for .ampl.,. of our Celebrated Nickel Steel Sword Tempered BAND SAW BLADES Warranted In every particular Best proPosition on the market. FRANK. W. SWETT & SON Mfr' of band saw blad•• and 1001, 1717 1719 W Adams St ,Chlcage Visited Friends in ChicaJio. Chicago, October 27 -Once in a \\ hIle C :\1 on 11l~ rounds stop off for a day m Chicago. Just to see some ot hI'> old tIme fnends and acquamtances, but on thiS till' he q\\ only a few Lyman R Lathrop, plesldent ot the 1411 com-pany was found busIly engaged m d1ctatmg letters to hi" stenographer. Mr. Lathrop 1S cheerful and happy He antI-cipates a fine sea 'ion m January, 1911, and 1S confident that all of the space m the big bUlldmg \vIII be taken Mr. Johnson, secretal y of the :\IanufactUl el ,,' E"\.hlblt1on BUlldmg company, 1319 M1ch1gan avenue, \\a,., al"o btb\ at h1S desk, but always ha" tIme to spend a few m111ute-. \\ Ith an old t1me fnend M1 Jackson \\a" 111the be~t ot "p11lh He says "1319" 1'i all rented for JanUal), and e\ el \ th111~ 1" lovely in Ch1cago except the Cubs But the) \\ t11 In e till oUlih it. Mr. Meyers, president of the company of \\ h1ch ::VIr.J ack-son 1S secretary, came m from the ball grounds, happy III everythlllg but the fate of the Cubs The writer went to the Seng Co. to see Frank Seng, but Frank was away, out at Albuquerque, New :\Ie"\.lco He 1-. gomg to V1S1tthe Grand Canyon of ColOlado. plobabl) to pla,,- ter 1t ove1 w1th p1ctures of the Duo-,.,t) Ie loch the '-,en~ rocker spnng'i and other things he ddve1 the,., III 'Good Fn-tI1res" Frank 1S a good deal Itke late P T Bal num, \\ ho 'ia1d he "did not care v\hat the papel s said about him, If the) only sa1d somethmg," but Frank has It on Ba1 num, for no one was ever heard to say anythmg about h1111except that which was good. Everybody knows Adolph Goidstelll, and evelybody calls him "Goldy." "Veil. "what's the matter With Goldy?" He has assoc1ated hUllself With the Fish FUI nlture com pan) and has taken hold of the11 maIl order department, and IS bU'iIly at work on a new catalogue Success to "Goldy" fOI he de-serves it -c. M New Furniture Dealers. HaIry & Co., al e new furlllture dealer" at \h lll, Tex. August Kalass has opened a new furllltUle :'ltole, dt \\'e"t Allts, \;\TIS M. J. Shapiro, has opened a new furlllture StOle at Bay-onne, N. J. M. Cohen & Son are new furlllturc dealers at 171 Fssex street, New York. The Welch Furlllture company have opened their nevv store III Bluefield, W. Va. Dav1d Pava ha'i opened a new furlllture and carpet store at 2053 Third avenue, New York D. Bernstem of Memph1s, Tenn., has made arrangements to open a new furniture store at Clarkdale, :MISS The St. Loms Furlllture company are new dealers at Ada, Okla. M. Goldwasser IS the principal propnetor. B r Stevenson of Ashland, Va, is president of the Eto\\ ah Furllltlll e and Carpet company, capitalized at $10,- 000, \\ho have Ju"t opened a new store at Gadsden, Ala. Plllltp Gaus IS a ne" furlllture dealer under the name of the Ea'it Cambndge Furlllture company, East Cambndge, :\Ias" J E York, Thomas Plllgry, Crleene Thompson and C. J Tyre, have lllcorporated the York Furmture company, capltalt7ed at $10,000, to open a new store at Durant, Okla. P \\ , Geot~e A and GeOlge E McLean and E. F. Val-en tllle, have lllCOlporated the Office Supply and Furniture companv to open a new store III Little Rock, Ark. Capital :-.tock, $10,000. Postponed Till After Election. 1h the con"tltutIOn, or by-Iaw'i, the date for the semi-annual meetm~ of the XatIOnal Association of Furmture \Ianutactul el 'i l'i fixed on November 8, but as that i,., the date for the general electIOns the meetlllg has been postponed for a \\ eek The meetlllg Will be held at the Jefferson Hotel III St Lot1l'>, 110, on November 15 and 16 The program \\ hlLh \\ III be all ang ed by the executlYe committee on Tues-day mOlnmg {(member 15, w111cons1st mainly of heanng and dhcu"-'111~ I epOl to, of committees, the only formal number so tal announced, bemg an addre'is on "Glue" by J. F. WIlliams ot BO'iton. :\Ia-,,., The I eport of the commIttee on cost sched-ule \\ 111be a 1'1ommen t featm e of the program. I t is ex-pected to call out con 'ildel able discussIOn. Another import-ant and mtere'itmg repO! t Will be presented by the committee appomted at the prey IOU,>meet111g to co-operate with the rail-road c1asslficatlOn committees III an effort to secure the adop-tlOn of umform c1as'ilficatIOn rules. Lehigh Orders Steel Coaches. \n 01 del fot 40 all-"teel vestIbule passenger coaches has been placed \\ Ith the Pullman company, by the LehIgh Valley Rallt oad company They are to be deltvered III March and '\1'111 of next yeal and wlll be put 111tOserV1ce at once. The need at the new eqUlpment has grown out of the increased traffic on the LehIgh, seveldl Ilev\ trai'l~ IJaving been added III the last fe~ month~ In the future the company wtll fol-low the poltcy of havmg all its new passenger cars of fireproof f--- .... - . ------.. -1 We Manufacture the L,,"e.t LlDe of Folding I Chairs I II IIIIII ,~_._----------------------~ In the Umted States, SUItable for Sun day Schools, Hall,. Steam-ers and all pub1Jcresorts We also manufacture Brass Tnmmed I ran Beds, Spnng Beds, Cots and CrIbs In a large vanety Send for Catalogue and P"ces to KAUffMAN MfG. CO. ASHLAND, OHIO ..I. WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 By E. Levy, Representative. Chicago, Oct. 28-LoUIS F Nonnast, the well-known table manufacturer of thIS CIty returned home last week from a tour m Europe, where he VIsIted hIS natIve home, besIdes travel-trade in theIr new convertible dIvan bed, they have been and wItnessing the PassIOn play. M1. Nonnast returns fee1- mg much benefitted by hIS vacatIOn. He found hIS tnp so enjoyable that he contemplates another the coming year. He agrees wIth the many other thousands of European tourists, among whom are many who went back to ViSIt the place of theIr bIrth, that It IS a fine thmg to travel abroad enjoying the beautIes of scenery and the pIcturesque and hlstoncal old towns, but that thIS IS "God's Country" for those who wIll WOlk and who seek faVOls from Dame Fortune It 1seven hinted that he tned a tnp in a flymg machIne of the Count ZeppelIn type, but of that Mr Nonna~t dId not hlm~elf speak. The advance in the price of Im~eed oIl whIch largely enters Into the manufacture of wood filler, and other wood finishmg supplIes, has oblIged the manufacturers of wood finIshing supplies to raIse their prices. Mr Wm. HulIn of the Chicago Wood Fmishmg company says "ThIs has been found absolutely imperative If we are to continue to manu-facture, as on the old basis of prices it would be operatmg at a loss \Ve stood out against thIS action as long as possible but all the producers in thIS lIne had to do the same In order to make a profit. Weare m hopes raw materials have reached the lImit of cost and that there wIll be no necessIty to make a further advance in prices, but we feel we must keep up the standard of our product and furnish the same quality that has secured and retained our bUSIness, and m order to do this we have had to advance our pnces a lIttle." Freedman Rros. & Co., 717 Mather street have leased from the school board of the CIty, the bUIldIng which is at the rear of theIr factory. It contains about 30,000 squal e feet of space, which will be fitted up and put into shape for theIr espeCIal use. They wIll erect a bndge to join the two struc-tures whIch when the new premIses are occupIed wIlli afford them about 50 per cent addItIOnal space. WIth their growing trade m theIr new convertible dlVan bed, they hav~ been crowded for room, and this added space wIll greatly reheve the congested condItIOn of their factory. The NIemann Table company, 76th street and Cottage Grove avenue, have all theIr new patterns now ready for the ensuing season and are arrangmg for their new catalogue, whIch wIll be pushed to completion with all pOSSIble speed. They produce a large Ime of dmIng and lIbrary tables and theIr catalogues are replete WIth good thIngs in the various grades. Jay C. Hills of the Peck & HIlls Furmture company has gone on an extended trip to the coast, stopping for about a week In Denver, to look over theIr new warehouse In which they carr) stock for the adjacent terrItory. HIS famIly pre-ceded hIm some time ago and are In San Francisco, where he wIll sojourn with them untIl about the first of January when he wIll return to Chicago in time for the mIdwinter selling season. vVIlham Patch of the Blackwill & Patch Furniture com-pany wIll be one of the manufacturers from Chicago in at-tendance at the meeting of the National Furniture Manufac-turers' aSSOCIation, whIch wIll be held III St. Louis, Mo., on November 15 and 16 Mr. Patch says they have had a rec-ord- breakIng busmess thIS season and expresses hImself as much pleased at the plospects for a contInuance of theIr prospenty. Isaac Koch of the Koch FurnIture company who shows a number of lInes at 1411 MIchigan avenue has rented ware-houses at 277 Canal street, New York CIty, which he has stocked WIth goods from hIS varIOUS factOrIes, and wIll here after make that CIty his headqual ters, comIng here occaSIOn-ally to look after his busIne~s at thIS end. New Factories. A. J. and C. E. Peugh have Olganized the Sunflower Cabinet company to bUIld a factory and manufacture kItchen cabInets at HutchInson, Kan. The UnIted Upholstery company, who have plants in New York CIty, Newark, N. J., and PhIladelphIa, have lo-cated another on Congress Square, New Haven, Conn. The Lyons FoldIng Waldrobe company of Muskegon, Mlch , incorporated WIth $20,000 capItal stock to manufacture a sanItary wardrobe Invented by H D. Lyons, wIll begin bUSIness soon in the plant formerly u"ed by the Muskegon Carving Works. The Glengarry Upholstenng company, capitalized at $20,- 000, are bUIldIng a plant at Glengarry, Wexford county, Mich. They wIll em poly about SIxty hands, manufacturing chairs and couches. Everett M. Waterhouse, promoter of the Goose Fair Furniture company whIch proposed to establIsh a large fac-tory at Saco, Me, has transferred the base of hIS efforts to Bangor, same state, the Saco board of trade having faIled to offer the bonus that he desired. The trustees of the Central Manufacturing District, Chi-cago, are about to erect for the J. L. Metz FurnIture company what wIll be one of the largest buildIngs yet constructed in the dIstrict. It will be six stories and basement, of heavy mIll construction, wIll occupy a lot 80 x 160 feet and wIll cost $90,000. Furniture Fires. Edward Lewis, furniture dealer of Chicago, lost a few hundred dollars by fire in his warehouse at 1813 West Thirty-fourth street. Fully insured. WIlliam Piton of, second hand furnIture dealer of Ells-worth street, Dorchester, Mass, was burned out for the sec-ond time WIthIn a year, on October 20. No msurance. " ..-- . .. HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. FT. WAYNE, IND. HARDWOOD LUMBER I SA~~D} QUARTERED OAK { VEN EERS SLICED AND MAHOGANY .. T ••••••• T ••• •• • 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN ---------------------- ---. III III II I II I ...._~_.-~------------------.- --_._----- ,------ FOUR NEW TRADE MARK REGISTERED PRODUCTIONS The Ad-el-ite People BARONIAL OAK STAIN FLANDERS OAK STAIN S M 0 K ED 0 A K S T A I N EARLY ENGLISH OAK STAIN in acid and oil. in aGidand oiL in acid and oil, in acid and oil. Send for finished samples, free. Ad-el-ite FIllers and Stams have long held first place in the estimation of Furniture Manufacturers and Master Painters. In addition to the reg-ular colors the above shades offer unusually beautiful and novel effects. CHICAGO-NEW YORK .- Everythmg m Pamt SpecIalties and Wood FIlllshmg materIals, FIllers that fIll" Stams that satisfy Buildings That Will Need Furuiture. Residences- PhIladelphIa Pa -, \ Illtam ]' I[ nLlldl Broad sbeet and ~e\ent)-hht a\cnne, SROOO Tulm ShelbUlne and Le\lck 'itleeb $3 :;00, C.reon"e B,lnu 1-1-1; North ThIrty -first 'itreet, $3,000, lII'i II al \ Clal k \UlU Il an 'itreet and TabOI lOad $-1-000 ])1 If T Ka 1 pell" l h c.ltcn a\enne and Ilayne '-beet.--- S-1-;OOO TLul\ r 1 ell mantown a\ enne and (Tl a\ el 'i lane St) 100 Los '\ngele'i,Cal-\ ~ Dlml111lk l327'\c,tLle\lnth ~treet, $2,500; C II II d"on 2:;1 ITnc.hon a\ enne S2 ;00, T A. Jennmgs, Thud a\enne and [\\dfth 'itled StOOG, ILu\ GIbson, 2301 ~cal f "tl eet 82 ;00, l I Tubel man Dakota street and PlOspect a\ cnne, ~4 71;, ~Il" LCll d. '-, IIale 921 Lexmgton a\enne, $2,;00, D Dlako" 1;22 J d,t \Jl1th ,tleet S3,000 1\Itnneapoh'i, '!'lImn --'\lbel t II I elandel 260() Sl' ~treei, $2,;00, John :\1 Carle;on 227 1\ est Ilfth ::,bcet $5,- 000, Challe'i Pearson, :;4:; ~Ibley stI eet, $3 :;00 rmll F Hneske, 1688 Lamel a\enne, $4,000, J Pattel"on 1979 'C11l- \ et'3ity avenue, $3,000, 1,lank -'\ubm, 59-1-Selb\ a\ enne, S3 000 Troy, )J. Y -ChaJ1e~ H (.raldnel head \)t rOld d\ U1nc $4,000; F. IY -'\cked, 676 L1l1dcn a \ enne S3 ;00 r 1all \ f Calhoun, 219 GUlley a\ ennc, $2, ;00 San Dle£;o, Cal -l\II'i" J l'dl tlld£', e, I ,md '-,e\ cn teemh '-treets, $5,000, F S ndll LevYI'i dnd Randolph ~tl eeh S3- 000; 111'i E r Eckhal d, :lIan land and" ,m Bl1l ell ~il cd~, $2, :;00, 11\\ m Ua"pI1l, Band [II entv "l' "11cc h :-;2 ;00 DetlOlt, J\Ilch -\, t1ham (Tealln~, 13;0 Champlam a\ e-nue, $2,ROO, George \ Holste1l1, 518 Flm\\ ood a\ enne S4,- 000; Adolph ~ommel ; I aft 'itred '52900 I' R "te\\ al t 26 Chandlel sheet, $8,000, \' Elh"al Gentle\ -1-2\\ L"tlllml"tel street, $4,000, Ra, mond R RO~Cl" 40 (hape sit eet, SR,OOO \\ altcl " \ l\lCl "elond and
- Date Created:
- 1910-10-29T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 31:18
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and c;RANf'\ RAPID: PIT~LIC LIBR A ny GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• SEPTEMBER 25. 1909 ._--_.----~IIIIII I II III I IIII I, I I•••I, II~" ii II I IIIII I III I II I I II• tII !I I II ... ._----------------~---------------------- ~I t 1t t, It I II I,1 II II1 I •I I1 ,II• 1 II1t I III IIII I, t II III II IIII I•f, II II IIII I III I~-----------------------------------------------._------~- GRAND RAPIDS CRESCENT TYPE liIiA'"HEAVY VARIETY SAW BENCH Send for Catalog. GUARANTEED THE FINEST VARIEry SAW BENCH BUILT. Rips 30" wide; cuts 14" thick. will take a 24" saw. The guages and table are provided with graduations and adjustments for getting work out quickly and accurately. Shipped cmuplete with two luiter guages. two ripping guages. two 16" saw blades and counter shaft. etc. If you want a good luachine at a little more than you would pay for the ordinary kind then investigate this. CRESCENT MACHINE WORKS of Grand Rapids, Mich. ARTHUR S WHITE, PreSIdent ALVAH BROWN, VIce Pre"denl HARRY C WHITE, Sec y Treas WEEKLY ARTISAN .. - ...._--------------------_.--------- .. --------------_. -----_ ...-.- --------- j III• II i III I• •I "THE BETTER MAKE"I WE HAVE OVER 400 PIECES IN OUR LINE BEDROOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE SUITES TO MATCH III ,It I IIIIf I It II ,, IIII I III I I II , I I I IIt IIt I I I I IIf ,I III III II I IIIII II \----_._._. -----------_._- -- _.----_._- .... ------ -- -------- FACTORY AND SALESROOM 37 CANAL STREET CATALOGUES ON HEAVY PLATE PAPER TO DEALERS Nelson-Matter Furniture Co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 1 • I I I t, II II ,I II II I, I I II II• I { I I ... 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~----------------------------- VISIT OUR SHOW ROOMS AND SEE THE ._----------- . ------------------------- , BEST LINE I OF DAVENPORT BEDS IN THE MARKET We will have the nght styles at the nght pnces and made to gIve satisfactIon Don't mIss comIng to see the lme. It will pay you ,I II I Couches I II ! Parlor Leather II Furniture Rockers IIII * t ,II I! Show Rooms 35 to 41 N. Capital Ave. Ask for catalogues. THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis,Ind. Ij.---_ •.. -- .. ---- ..... --------------------- I --------------- __ ..-4 SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ $2~ Each Net Each Net No. 46. Single Cone. $2 Each. Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis WEEKLY ARTISAN 3 --------- ... ... .. . . .- -- ~ " ~ , I ", , ,j I , t I t I Here is 35% OFF , I I I I I I a Rocker I I I I That's I I t I , LIST $16 f a seller. I III Write for i , the price. , ORDER A • I I SAMPLE STACK ,I , I• YOU'LL NEVER I I I REGRET IT I GEO. SPRATT I I B CO. • , The Humphrey-Wld- man Sectional Construe SHEBOYGAN, WIS. I tlon has dust proof partitIOns, Iron shelf support,> and a two meh deeper case than others ! DEALERS' I, PROFIT I I 55% I I I I I LIRe on sale In FurnIture Ex- II , chah!1e, Grahd RapIds; Manufact- • urers' Ilxh,futlOR BUlltlin!1, ChI-t , No. 10·F. Ouartered Oak. I I cago ahd Furmture Ilxchahlle, I I New York. I• , I I II I I HUMPHREY -WIDMAN BOOKCASE CO. I , I II WRITE DETROIT, I FOR No. 592. I CATALOCUE MICHIGAN ~- .--------------------------~ I •~- . -- ----- .. HAFNER FURNITURE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1873. 2620 Dearborn St., CHICAGO Couches, Box Couches, Adjustable Lounges, Davenports, Bed Davenports, Leather Chairs, and Rockers No. 3130 COUCH-Size 30 mches wide and 75 mches long. A beautiful deSign, of gen-erous dImenSIOns Heavy hardwood frame elaborately decorated with carvmgs and mould-mgs The two mch half round mouldmg that extends along the lower edge IS finished cross-banded Large wmged clawfoot legs. American golden gramed quarter-sawed oak finish. The upholstermg IS plam with ruffled Sides. This couch is double stuffed with stitched spring edges The fillmg ISof tow and cotton felt top Heavy white canvas duck bottom. Hafner warranted steel spring constructIOn, havmg 28 sprmgs m the seat and 9 m the head. Shipped K D, legs oft, and weighs about 125 lbs. CATALOG UPON REQUEST Samplesshown at Manufacturers' Furn-iture Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. Price No.1 Leather $25.00 \V E E K L Y j\ R 1 1 ::,A N ~-----------.._. . .. -- -- - -------.. ..----------------~~------------~-- THE LUCE LINE Many New Patterns In Dmmg Room and Bedroom Furniture for the Fall Season Show Rooms at Factory, Grand Rapids luce furniture (0. ., (I III I I• III I ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------~fII LUCE.REDMOND CHAIR CO., Ltd. II II II• I••••I II •II •II •I III III I... .... ------------_._- -----------------------------_. --- BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE OFFICE CHAIRS, DINING CHAIRS ReceptIon ChaIrS and Rockers, Slippers Rockers, Colomal Parlor SUites, Desk and Dressing ChaIrs In Dark and Tuna Mahogany, Buch, Blrd\-eye Maple Qyartered Oak and CIrcaSSlan Walnut Yau will find our Exhibit on the Fourth Floor, East Section, Manufaclurers' BUIldmg,North loma St., Grand Rapids. - . 30th Year-No. 13 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• SEPTEMBER 25. 1909 Issued Weekly EUROPEANS CONTENTED AND HAPPY John Mowat of the Grand Rapids Chair Company Talks of What He Observed on His Recent Vacation Tour. rh~ mIddle clas,e, ot Lng-land amI ,",cotlancl are happIer than \\ e ~mellcan" declared fohn \10\\ at c,upcllntenclent of the Grand Rap1ds lha1r Compa]\ el conce1n that lS 110t t1ue to name because 1t doe, not l11akt:'chaIrs IIr 110'\ at \\ a" el ll1ell1- bC1 of the \\ 1sha1t pal t}, ment10necl by the \\ eekly \1 t1Sclll last v\eek 1n an mtel \ le\\ \\ 1th IIr TutIl1ll, and ltke all the other, he 1eport, that he enjoy ed e\ el} ml mte of the ten \\ ecL' tllP "I cn jO} ed1t 1111111ensely,he "aId I chd not 1111 ~s a meal, n01 cl1cl 1 have to gIve up anv L1ke Ml rnt/llll 1[1 \Iowat 1S a practlcal man amI a keen observel and lo"t no opportn111t} to ~a111knO\\ledgc eLlld 1nfolmat1Ol1 He talk, cnthwlast1cally and enterta1111nlSh of thc tnp and makc" IllS pomh emphatIcally, ~l\ 1l1g good 1ea "on" tor hIS op1111Onselnd cond US10ns 1 he EUlOpeans are happlel tlBn \\ e al e bccause they are 11101 e contented, contmued J\f 1 :\Iowat '\ a matte1 what a man" lot 111hfc may be, he cail not be happy unles.., he lS content-ed- contentment 1S the te,t of happme"s rhere are more poor people over the 1e than here of course, but the great 1111ddlcclasses do not need our ,,)mpath} In England and Scotland-and I th111k th1~ 1S trne to a la1ge l ","tent 111F1 ance and Gel many-ma11\ of the \\olkmg people m\n then homes, that 1" the} O\vn the 11l1l1dl11gancl have a 98 year lease of the land \\ hen a lea"c e 'Cplle, and tne Lll1cllord docs not v\l"h to II ne\\ 1t, or a lease 1" to be tenmnated tor an} 1eason the landiOl d mu"t pa} tor the bUlldmg\ the jJllce bemg fiAed b} a hoard of ec,tIll1atofs 111 case of d1sagreement bet" een te1Bnt and land 0\\ ner The v\ork111g people 0\ er the1 e ha\ e good reason to be sat-l,,£ led \\ 1th the1r lot Then \\ ag e" elle lower than here 1n dollar, ancl cents but when} au COmpq1e the purchasll1g 1'0\\ er the"'e's not so much (hfference They eelt pla111el food and are more econOll11cal, but the) 11\e well and dres~ \\ ell and make better use of the1r means and O1'POltumtIes The) knc)\\ bettel how to r~al1y enJoy 11fe Most of them \\ ork shorter hom" The taLtol1ec, "tart at ~ o'clock m the mornmg and stop half an ham for breakfast bet" een 8 and 10 [he\ have h11llheon between 1 emd ~ 0 clock and qmt at ") or 5 j(J and "laturela, a ttelnoon l~ a half hohcla} rhe co~t of hvlll~ ha~ been lt1uea~ed 111Eumpe as 111 \mer- 1ca but c10thmg 1'0 much cheapel-mol ethan )() pel cent cheap-er, qualIty conslc1ered- and mCIclllltall} expense" a1e much le-s than here One membel of om 1Mlt, \\ a" unpatllotlc enoue,h to 111vest an even hunch ed dolla1 s m clothmg \\ hlch he had made to mea'ime, of the be~t of matellals, whtle 111London For h1S $100 he got an overcoat that \\ auld cost $30 01 :5GO here, a Tu'(erlo and a Pnnce ~lbel t that \\ oelld co"t $~') or $3(J each hel e and t\\ a busme~s ~mh each \1 lth an e'\.tI a pa1r of tl Olbel ", that \\ ould cost at least $30 pel St11t ht:'le \\ hett hc got to! $100 would certaml} co~t $:2 W hel e 1f \\ ell l1letcle of the same quahty of matenal "Yes, J v1slted the great Lebus immtm e faetof\ III London WIth ;\II 1 uthlll and I endol "e all that he or ] olm \ \ lCldlcomb have saId about It It IS certaml} el gl eat m~tltutlOn se\ er,t! tUlle" lal ger than any fur111ture-mak111g pLmt In \menca and 1h enormous output goes to all pal ts of the w01ld rllm \\ a, not m} first V1Slt to that factory I \\ a~ thel e 13 \ eal ~ a~{) 111 1\% 1 hen they wel e WOlkmg anI} elbout clOD helJ1(h \ 0\\ the} employ 5,000 01 6,000 It has had a wondertul e,ro\\ tll and they have made gl eat progre"~ not anI} 111 l11ethoch but b} gl cat Im1'rO\ ement m the quaht} and "tyle at theIr 1'1uduct 1 he} are now thoroughl} up-to elate 1he} emplo} the be~t of deSIgn ers, use the purest styles and thell l'i noth111g clums} 01 heavy about the1r pattel n" \ll 01 neall} all of then £lmshmg b done by gIrlS and \\ omen 0\\ mg to the clamp cllmd te they do not t1',lcvarlll~h They use shellac, cut 1t them~elve~ ell1c1lllak~ \1 hat they call a French polIsh rhe, lan £ll11~het pIece 1n t,\ 0 det\ s \\ h11e b} om method It reql111es t\\ 0 \\ elks 01 mOle 'The eldel Lebus \\ho founded the taetot) dIed a tew }ear, ago, and leU more than ha~ evel been made b, am otllel I1nlll-tm e manufaLtmll1g ltlSbtutlOn He left the fm11ltm e plant to hIS three sons and hIS }Ol111ger blOther and they h,ne managed It aclltlnably It has been chalged that the "uv:e~s ot the elder Lebus was due to the 1mpol ±ethan of cheap labol 110111ilK contment, mamly from Rus"la, but I tll1tlk 1t \\ elS due mal e to hl~ ',lde-awake progressl\ e pohey that ha, been contmued b\ hIS sons and hI;, blOther rl he} arc al\\ av" looklllg out for a chance to extend then tl ade and fOt nc \\ l1l<lchmel\ lllethods emd 1cleas The last \\oreIs to Ih hom th~ "upellntendent \\ho ,hO\\edu'i thlough the tactOl) \\erl [t }ou clt"cme1 an}th1l1g 111 the way of Improvement m tetLiO)\ method, new mach1l1ery, elC, we wlll appreCIate} our kl11dJle,,~ and be unclel great obhga-bon" 1f you WIll call om attentIOn to the tact • cl he people of LngLl11d are grE\ltl v sIII red up 0\ el govel n ment matter" at present [heIr pohtlLal hne" are badly \\arpec1 ell1d I would not be 'il1rpn"ed to see a cl1clnge 01 mod1£lcat1C111of then tree trade poltcy soon Lndel that pollcy Eflgland has competed WIth the world very succes" fully for over ~l"'"ty yeal~, 6 - - ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------, WEEKLY ARTISAN .,._. The Beautiful, New Udell Catalog IS ready for all Retail Furmture Dealers. It will help sell the line that of Its kind has no superior. It contains 88 pages Illustratmg 41 Library Bookcases, 88 Ladies' Desks, 48 Sheet Music Cabinets, 23 Piano Player Roll Cabinets, 14 Cylinder Record Cabinets, 11 Disc Record Cabmets, 19 Medicine Cabinets, 10 Commodes, 9 Foldmg Tables. ACT AT ONCE AND WRITE THE UDELL WORKS INDIANAPOLIS, INO No 679 ..... ---_._._.-----_. but many of the manufacturers ,lI e tl1 eel ot It 1 hl\ deda1 e and It IS t1ue, that England has become a ,01 t ot dump1l1g f; Iounel for the surplus products of other natlOn~ \ [am manuTaltUl el - 111 other countnes, partlcu1arl) m \mcllCa and (,erm,m 1 ,ell then' products 111 England cheapel than at home (\\ t h'l\ c clone a lIttle of that om selve,) and the r:n~h,h Illanutactul L1" 111"hl that such 1mp01ts mu,t be taAed 01 "hut out "Another great pohtlLa1 Issue 111 En:s1and h the land t,l'. proposed by Lloyd-George. "'" fe\1 months ,lgO It 1\a, thought the measure was doomed to defeat but 1t~ chance" hd\ e becn greatly Improved recently b\ the d1SCo\el \ that d lut UT land owners 111 vanou~ sectlOns ot london 1M\e paId no ta'.e~ TO! many years The lllvest1gatlOn, ha\ e not bcen completed, but they are bel11g pushed and the \\ ealth\ manufactl11 ers amI other~ are contnbutl11g to the expense I hdcl the plea~Ul e at meet1l1g and bemg enterta1l1ecl by one gentlemen \\ho had Jlht q~ned a check for $25,000 to be used 111push111g the 111ve"tlgatlOn- bllng mg the tax-dodgers to ]ustlce and thm a1chng the Lllld ta'. measure "Dy the way, those Engh~lllnen dlC glCdt cntelt.llneh 1 he) are generous and knO\\ Just how to makt It pled"ant t01 then guests. I met one of the plOpllet01, {)t the TdlllOlh 1 L1, "dptha Soap Compa11les, who have factolles 111h1H;land \cot!,11d on the -------~_._._._----- -----_.~--- We Manufacture tlte LUl!est Line of fOlDlno ("AIDS In the Ufilled States, SUItable for Sun day Schools, Halls, Steam-ers and all pubhc resorts We also manufacture Brass Tnmmed I ran Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and Cribs In a large vanety Send (or Catalogue and PYlces to I KAUffMAN l._.~:~f~~:;,~:o I ...... - --1 II ,I•I ,• III I ------------------------------------------------~ No 354 No 1239 umtllJent and one 111 \mellcd He tc ok me out to hl~ Lountn pldce \\ here he ha~ ,I fine e~tabltshl11tnt There]', anI) a httle more than tour ale, at la lc! but on that patch he ral~e, every-th1l1g that C,l!1 be glO\\ 11 11 that cltmate He I~ very 1\ e'llth\ 'l11clcledal c, that he hncls 111';greatcst pleasure 111 tf) l11~ to c!o £;00c1 \\ lth Ill, mone\ He docs not beheve that an, mdn ,houlc1 lea\ e a lal!~c e,tate to JllS llUI' but should use 1t~~et nd at 1t~dullng hIS hte tnlle, for the benefit of hiS fellow men and tho'e \\ Iw ha\ e not been so fort,mate HIS Ideas are much hke lho,t Lruhted to \nc!re\\ Lalneg1e, but he IS a much Wider, blOdcled m111clecln1<\11than the Ld1nl of SkIbo' 1 dgree \\ Itn \Ir 1 uth1l! thdt \\e \mellcans make a great 111l,tdke \\hen \\e torm our conceptlOl1 of the Europeans from the general appearance ot tho,e who come here to seek employ-ment There IS tluth m the ~a) 1l1g thdt those \\Iho come here {Il onll the ",cum 01 'off ~COUI1l1g::,of their native lands \lam ot them bu ome 1l1telltgent, pllhptroUS I,tluable c1tl7em ,l£tel d tl \1 I edl ~ 11l tlllS countn, but w1Kn they come ove1 nedrh all a1e 19nord 1t amI clefiClent 111 the qualttles that go to mal,e ell' 11dJ)!L Utlzelh 1 I en thc skIlled \\ orkers \" ho come hele dre not tall ~peumens at their cia,s 1he1e IS no reason \\ h\ the be,t 01 tdll mecha1l1c, ~llOn1d lea, e any European COllll!l) ~eAcept petl1dps RU~"ldn,,~and come to th1" country 1 he\ can a1l\ a), fj'lcl \\mk ,ll1c1command good \'lclges at home 'There a1e at COIHe, some 1\ ho Lome over here because the) ale more progres~lve than then countnmen They want to \\ Iden their field dnd then opportumtles and they g-enerally ,ucceecl here, but the) t01111 an e'{ceptlOn to the general rule \lost of the bettu edulated people I\ho come over do so Simply because the) have faded to 11Mke good 111 the natIve land "The people acro" thc 1\dtcr arc tIllite plOgresslve as a whole They clo not 1u.,h th111gs d~ \\ e do hut they al e not so ~Iov\ as we have been lcd to th111k They are l11duStilOUS but they take ltfe e,h) \s I ha, e said mo~t of them work short hour'; and nobod) seem., to be 1\1 any great hun y \J el y few of the stores 111 the 1al £ie cltle" al e opened before 9 o'clock 111 the mortling and the\ c1o~e edrl J ~b·. McVey as a Manufacturer. 13 l .:\lc\ ev of Grand Rapid, ::\11ch, well known as a fur-lllture salesmen I ecenth plll cha .,ed an 1l1terest 111 the S1l1c1air- \11en ::\lanufactunng Compa'w of 1\IottvJ1le X Y, manufac-turers of 1ustlc reecl and rattan turmtUl e \\ 1th capital stock fixed at $35,000 the cOlllpany has been 111corpo1ated by B C Mc- Vey, \. J. Allen and E L Allen who Will make additions to the lIne of products and enlarge the capaCIty of the factory. WEEKLY ARTISAN MADE BY HOLLAND FURNITURE COMPANY HOLLAND, MICH. 7 8 - ----------------------------------, WEEKLY ARTISAN P------------------------------------ ~ This Group for ~51 Sohd Oak; French Plates; Any Finish Desired Wardrobe Dresser Combmation Dresser Commode Dresser Chiffonier Bed $1800 6.50 4.00 8.75 775 6.00 FhlSHloS-Golden Oak Gloss Dun Golden Early EnglISh. Weathered or Fumed FOB Mamstee. Manistee Mfg, CO. MANISTEE, MICH. II ~--------------._------_.-.--._-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ -. New Furniture DealeI·~. 1 he Olanta 1m111tme Comp'\l1) ,lle nL\\ clL1111~ elt ULlIltu ::, c. "Sute) SaftOlcl h to l~ta1Jll')h ,\ Ictal1 tmll1ture ,t')ll elt \ubtJrn, Cal. Katl :0.foore &. Co h \Ie opencd ,l nu\ t\1111ltllll ,md C,llplt ~t01 e m Columbl's, UhlO (JeOl ge HethclllU;ton IS a ne\\ tt11ll1tllll de,\lu alHI llndll-telkel ,1t Gl eenfield, Iowa J IV Grossman \\111 open ,I ne\\ illr111tmc ..,tOle ,It U1dlle" CIty, IoVl a) on October]. H E J iIll \\ 111open a ne\\ fml11tl11 e andlal pct ..,t{)1 e at SOG 810 :\ilanhattan el\ ('nul' CI eensI'm t \ \ Clockel & ()\\ ~Il h,n e 1tJ-t opclltd then 11('\\ t11111lt'lll stOl e located 111 el new tl1l Cl stm \ h1111dmg \\ hllb the\ CIU tul Oil Thll d avenue near IIam ~tl eet \berc1een,:-:, D Plllhp Gel vurt/ of POl tlcmd, 01C6011 hel' lea,cd 1 Ile\\ btl11chng In that Clt\ elt el lC ntdl 01 S(J (lllil pl1 \ cal and \\ III OCCUpy the same \\ Ith cl I etld ..,tolk ot ll111l1t111C :'IIeyeh & 1 11lstCl\\ a]d ,I fil111 1 ecc11th (J1 ~a1117ec1 \\ III "pe a large stock of fUl111ture 111 Dcb ellt tod,n 1hc\ OLCl1jJ\ a hand ~ome ne\\ fom-st01 \ bm](1JnR on Pl11£;lte '-,(11181Cnca1 I[01ll0C :"treet, eqmppec1 WIth ,dl 1110del n lon'vl11lenCe" Clelrence ll1en) pI c'lClent of the 1. 110 \ I 111111t11C1 ell1d L 11 del takmg Compan\ ot \11111qucICjue \\ ho a]..,o m\ n.., :"tore, elt \rtesla and Carhhad '\ If ha~ ]Iht 01£;elnJ7Ccl l COmpdJl\ capItalIzed at $jO,OOO to estabh"h a nc\\ 11111l1tme ~tore \\ lth ;In unc1ertak111~ depal tment ,It Um h \ e\\ If e"110 Indianapolis Illinois and New York Sts. 6 Blocks from UnIOn Depot 2 Blocks from Interurban »tatlOn 250 Rooms All OutsIde, With FlTe Escape 1elephone 111 Every Room European Plan Rate, 7;)c to $2 00 Per Ddy Dlmn~ Room 10 ConnectIOn SpeCIal I<ates to FamIlIes and Permanent Guests I adles TravelIng Alone" 111Fmd 1 hIS a VeT) DeSIrable Stopping Place GEO.R. BENTON Lessee and Manager ~.. :Furniture Fires. lh,l111pho11 .., mattl e"s t.ldOl} 111 [JoustOl1, Tex, was burned 1 C'lenth Lo'" '); iO 110 111SUlancc n " lhandlel " furll1tl11 e ~torc toLdh de,tl 0\ erl b\ 111C 0,1 '-,cpt 11 S21100 j hc tlllll1tUIl pldl1t dml plel1l1n€ 111111 of the Bradley Lumbel C 0111pell1\ oj Ch7dbethto\\ 11, Te1l1l) was burned WIth a loss of "'hO ouu on '-,eptembel 1') \\ U Plelle ~ chan 1dlt01 \ at South Ashburnham, Mass, \\ a" c1al11c1£;erlto the e"tent of about $?5,OOO on September 16. Ifl I'1ellc cal \led no l11"l11ance and 1" unleltam as to whether he \\ III be able to 1ehmlel and 1e<;ume bU"111e<;s at GI eenvdle) 1ex) W d:" Lo,s $5 )00, 111S111ance New Factories. \Ia,,()\l l\la11"tettc1 (( "an IIOIth} have estabhshed a new m,)t tIC '" ell1d bl00111 1,ldol \ at Lom"Iana 110 1 he Lt"tel \Llttll'" lOl11pany, lLlentl) orgamzed hy 0 1 IIetccl:t ,[1111othcl" \\ 111 bulld a ne\\ faltorv and beg1l1 opera-tll 111 111 October 1 hl (,uthllc (()Ua) Dl k and '-,chool FU1mtme Com-j1cll1\ :"tarted thell IlC\\ tact01y on ::'cptembel 13 They employ ,tbont 100 men and eAped to 1l1crease the force soon C I 1\ alkcr, J C '-,hechan elnc1 H IV :'IIunhall, have m-l 01 pOI cltec1 the I [Ctl opohtan Chellr ( ol11pany, capItalized at $100,- nlln alld \\ J11 estab1Jsh cl large tactory near Xew Haven, Conn UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases ·•• I, I II II ,•I •, II I~------------_.----_.-_._-~------------------- We lead m Style, Confuucbon and Flmsh. See our Catalogue. Our Ime on permanent exhlbl- !Ion 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers' BUilding. Grand Rapids. I ..1 WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 No. 617. No 618. No. 619. No. 620. MADE BY LUCE-REDMOND CHAIR COMPANY BIG RAPIDS, MICH. BENEFITS- OF CO-OPERATIVE BUYING Address of President Buenger at the Opening of the Midsummer Meeting of the Minnesota Retail Furniture Dealers' Association. Gentlemen -" \ condItIOn of Oul pI ebent t1l11l" had 11ldde It necessaly for us to come tog ethel at thb tIme at OUI htth n11(l-summer meetmg Dunng the fir~t part of thl ~ year \ our officer~ felt that It would be WIse to torego the ex.peme nece""ary tor d mld-sullJmer llJeetmg m 01 del to make au! annual medmg" "tIll gl eater succe,se" than the} have been, but If our a'i"OclatlOn means plotect1On to It~ members It.., fil ~t duty h to dnttclpate and head off any and all hade-e\ 11..,that lontJont them The past SIX months have been actIve ones \\ Ith OUI a,~OCld tton and we are begml1lng to undel stand more and more \\ hat close and constant touch \\ Ith edch othel means In the course of lookmg after aSSoCIatIon affan'-, OUI 1epl e"entatlve \\ ho make, It hIS busll1e<;<;to knO\\ \\ hat b gomg on at the bll.~·lll,ul order houses, 1eports, that nevel llJ the hI"t0f} at the llldtl-ordel concerns were ,uch Immeme and lavl~h pI epal atlOns bcmg made for gomg after busmeb", '\.nd thI' m such volume that we the small dealer can hardly re,lhze, and e,peclall} "mle the good crops have become an assured fact Now If they get the bmmes" the) ale aHer ham ,Ilnne"otd It means that you and 1 ale tS0111gto lo~e that mUlh dml thell fore It makes It decIdedly Oul bU..,1l1e<;<to; pi otect that \\ hlCh of nght belongs to us Remember, that It at n~ht belong" to us, only as long as \\ e can fUll1l,h am mel chandhe 111trade at the same pnces made by these cancel n" It h trut. \\ e d~ dealer" do not ltke to ,ell the quaht} of good" usually sold b\ the mall order hou,es, nOJ I~ It necessal y but, nevel thele"", \\ e have the catalogue pnces contmually and fOJevel forceel upon the atten-tIon of our patron", and they not bell1g as a rule, good ludges of furl1lture value, ludge our plOduct accordmg to the pi Ices that are quoted to them 111these catalogue" That IS onh d natural result, and therefore It become.., OUI blh1l1e,,~ (If \\ e \\ hh to be master of 01.11trade conchtlOns 111011l 1e"pedI\ e lOmmUl11ttes) to see to it that we have a cIa"s of leadel" on 01.11floO!s e'Cactly ltke the vanous kmds offel ed by the mall OJdel houses hut made dnd fil11sheel as a pIece of furnIture should be Do not t(lr~et that' Some WIll "d} that that 1'31I11po"slble but b ItO i hlee \eal.., "go we would have salel also It lannot be done Hut thanb to orgal11ZatlOn, \\ e can unhesltatlllgh "a) that It can he done and that we have a:osembled here for) OUI 111spectIOn example" "howmg ho\\ It Cdll be done, and If nghtly used WIll bamsh for-evel ft am }Oul commul11ty the mall order ploblem Remember' I "aId, "If nghtly used," and 111 that phrase hes the solutIOn of the whole problem Became If yOU do not use the matenal brought to you nghtly, It WIll be onl} hke unto a large locomotIve, that would be meless and bung c1e"tIuctIOn to Itself, If not nghtly u"ed We find that we, the furl11ture deal-ers are no exceptIOn to the natural law of proper dppllcatlOn, of that WIth \\hlch Vvework It IS only natural to ask, when we sa} we can supply you WIth any Item that has become compe-tItIve because It IS 111 the mall-order catalogue, how do you do It? \1\ answel IS "b) followl11g the same method'3 that made the mall-order house pnce pos"Ible \nd whdt ale these method,,:> FIrst, quantIty, second, cash, third, the eltm1l1atIng of all cost 11l gettmg the merchandIse to them, dealers g0111g to the source of supply only, lather than have the source of supply come to them, a~ IS the custom m plesent poltcy of \\hole"altng, fourth, no\\ follow me close1}-lf the condltlOl1'i ale such that an mc1I- \ldual dealel cannot comply WIth the..,e conclttIOl1S, and vel y fe\\ dealeI.., are ldrge enough to do so, then the mdlvlcIual dealer must find a \\ ay through co-opel atlOn to bring to hIm hIS merchandIse upon the same baSIS a.., the mall order houses get theIrs, or \\ hatever phase of competItIon he may be facmg, or else he must abIde b} the law of the .,urVlval of the fittest And I ask, where dl e you gomg to be found:> In the ranks of the aSSOCIatIOnwork-el s, ah\ ay ~ altve to that which IS for YO\.11be.,t Interest and make Olganizatton "0 strong that nothmg WIll be Impossible, or are \ ou g0111g to stay in the old rut of trade tradItIons untIl modern trade condItIons "ay "so fal and no farther," and then be num-bered m the It,,t of "Has TIeens ?" Those of you who have been WIth us '3111Cethis a,,"ociatIOn \\a" orgamzed, know how hald we have worked with our home l1IanuLlcturers, urg111g them to '3upply us WIth what we felt we needed and 110\\ that we dre workmg out our own salvatIOn, \\ hat cIa \\ cheal 111 reference to our co-operatIve buymg move-l11e11tO "It cannot be done "It never wa~ succes"ful, etc." \\ ell. let me "ay that he who would startle men mto thinking for thelll"e1ves, or brings them new Ideas, IS never receIved by re- LeptlOn C0l11111lttees,bra"" band" or gIven a re"olutlOn of thanks ,..---------------------- ......----.._.~._- ,I II II I IIII ,II I I,IIII I• •IIII tI I~-----------_.--_.--._.----------------------------_ ...- ------------------------_._-_.----_. Lentz Big Six No. 694. 48 in. top. No. 687.60 in. top. Others 54 in. top. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAN -------------------------------------------i-j III II III I II•I ,I• I t I III IIII•IIII t III ------~ \\ E I.!.. '" L Y MOON DESKS are 19°9 styles. Made to take care of the demands of progressive business men. They are not stand stills-but "Mara-thonian" business getters. MOON DESK CO., Muskegon, Mich. ARll~AN ---_._--------_. __._.--_. ----------------~ II , In the Heart of the Business~IWorld No. 1333 .--- ...-_. ..- ..----~._----_._---_._._--_._.__.-----------_._-_._. -------- - - - - .-- - -- On the contrary he IS always looked upon wIth :ousplclOn. And especially so If that Idea or pohcy affects any busine~s line of trade and were It not for the fact that history gIves us the con- ~olation that, invanably, Ideas and pohcles that worked out to the betterment of trade condItions or huma111ty, werc condemned and cnticized, I would feel discouraged about our co-operative buymg movement. But, I cannot help but feel that our association IS made up 0 f men who have the courage, who dare to do thmgs, who ha\ e good business judgement and who truly seek to serve dnd b\ ~Ct\ tn!?, one another help themselves, and that" e wIll Wl11,110 llldttl! hO\\ strong may be the oppo:oitlOn at thIs time. Brother dealers, we have got to have conhdcnce \\ L IM\ C got to be wIlling to do om ~hale of the work and lend such finan-cial aid as is necessary to bnnl:S the greate~t good to thc gtCdtl5t number vVorking dlOllg the lme:o that the mOlC plo~pelou~ \1, can make our membels, the more pro~pelOu~ OUI aS~OUdtJon \\ III be. I am glad that I can report that our assoCIatIOn is in betict condition than at any other time In ItS hIstory, and I am sm e that If it were not for the buymg arrangement, we would not have added the long list of members \\ e have m the first half of the year. And, as Jour presIdent, I wdnt to say that I almost fecI sure our members do not reahze the wOlk that IS bemg done b\ our buying commIttee vYhen you reahze that they hdve alread) wntten three thousand two hundred letters-that IS the last nU111 ber of the copy of letter5 I recelve-) ou can begm to realue what IS bemg done, and \\ e all should be ever reddy to fur111~h such informatIOn as they m their \\ ork deem necessar) The report of the buymg commIttee \\ III show that "e have doubled our volume, and that d 5ubstantial savmg has been brought to the members thu:o ~erved, and therefore hope that tlu:o much can be saId as to matter of gam, by the report of thIS com- Imttee at our next annual meeting I hope that every member here WIll study carefully the helps the assocIatIOn has brought. particularly the advertlsmg helps, became by theIr use you Cdn do a volume of advertismg that will offset anvthrng the mad-order houses can send out and at a cO'ot WIthin the,means of the avelagc small dealer, and whIch if at-tempted. i 1divldually would be utted) plohlblted '7hat:brmgs me back to the pnnClpal thought that I wish to leave you, vrhich is this' we as an assocIation have brought you the weapon of protectIOn in leaders and the powdel to make that \\ eapon effe'tive in om advet tl'm12 hcll)' h tt thc\ nH1~t be rwht- <....7 .; b 1) u:oed 111 Older to dLcomphsh their ends, and therefore, we as an a~souatlOn have donc all we could and now It IS up to you, as l11chvldual dealer~ to u~e It (The report ot the buymg cOlmmttee, mentIOned by Presi-dent Buenl:Sel, WIll be found on another page m thIS edItion of the vVcekh A.rtlsan-Ed) Frank ~I Houser, fur111tm e dealcl filed d vohmtal) petitIOn m bdnkl uptC) k:o~ than $1,000 of \ ersallles, OhIO ha:o LlablhtJes $4,817, assets r;;--;T'~T~~;;~~T- REF~i~~~~~~;I IT'S AN ALASKA I I 0"" 850,000 AI..k.1 : refrigerators sold sin c e , : I 878. DeSIrable features I : of an Alaska Refrigerator: I !t Small consumption of Ice. I" ': Maximum amount of cold, I' I ~~! Absolutely sanitary pro- : vision chamber. I I Simplicity of operation. I I Perfect preservation of I food.! II ,j WRITE FOR CATALOG. We sell to dealers only. I III L E. Moon, New York Manager, I 35 Warren St.• New York City. I ~------------------------ .-..... The Alaska Refrigerator Co. Exclusive Refrigerator Manufacturers. MUSKEGON, MICH. 11 II I.. 1he DaVidson l"urmture Compan\ of De~ :\IoInes, Io~a, have leased three floors of a large bUIldIng for ~arehouse pur-poses makIng four warehouses that the) me In the Clt) rhe Kell) Furniture Company of St LOl11s, :\10, located tor several ) ears at the corner of Eleventh and OlIve street, I~ to move soon mto a new Slx-StOly bl11ldlllg on \Vashlllgt0n avenue The two furmture factones at LexIngton, N C ,-the Dixie and the Elk-are working at full capacity They shipped 60 car load~ III \ugust and the total IS expected to be larger for '-leptember Ed H Gower of Peona, III, for several years a furni-ture buyer for the Larklll Soap Company of Buffalo has gone to London Eng to eng-age 111the I etaIl furmture businses WIth hI~ brother The Bolte Bras 1"urmture COmpdn) of \Vltchlta, Kans, hay e deCIded to go out of the furmture business and are closlllg out their stock The) have been III the retaIl fur11lture trade ,mce 1810 (,U) E \VIIlIams and 0 r Fmfrock have each bought a block ot .,tock 111the Hallock Furmture Company, retaIl dealers of Rockford, III ,md ~ III take an actIve part III the management of the ,tore J K RI~hel &.. La, of \VlllIamsport, Pa, have secured 6500 feet ot space m the Leonard bl11ldlllg, Grand RapIds, where the\ VvIII exhIbit theIr Illle of d1l1mg room and chamber furni-tm e next January The O.,terman Furmture Company of (Ie\ eldnd, OhIO has been 111corpOlated b\ r T Benesch, \1,- "'\ O~termen \ J. Con-rad \ T KI oehle B SIlver~tell1 G J Federman Capital S [0000 , ~ Lampbell and :\1 J dmeson hd ve opened one of the .,tnn~ at 'Big \111e .,tore" 111 \Vlchlta, Kans, and have stIr- I ed up the furmtl11 e trade 111 that CIty conwlerably, but, notwlth- .,tand1l1g the keen competItIOn there ha~ been no pnce cuttmg George E ColIe &.. Co manufactm er~ of carpets Iug~, etc ot Buffalo \ Y have been incorporated under the name of the (,eor~e E LolIe COmpdn), b) George E ColIe, ::\Iarv Q lollIe ,llld Uldlle., C Page Capital stock, all paid Ill, $20,000 ] he Lotu t House Lomml""lon IS advertIslllg for sealed propo.,als to turnhh and llbtall wood and metal fur11lture, car-pet., Ill~~ etc 111the 11eVvcourt house at \ew Orleans, La [he ,peclficatIOns are on file VvIth the archItect, P Thornton IIal \ e 111the Candlet bl11khm; \tlanta Ga dnd bIds must MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS. J. F Klrkpatnck, of Lamal Lola hd' ~old hl~ tUlluture Store to Church Bros Morlock & C1me, fur11lture manutacturers ot Guelph Unt have been adjudged bankrupt Toledo, OhIO, reports a great demand tor labor, partIculall) for upholsterers and car shop workers 0, Bergeron, furmtUl e dealel of North Yakima, \\ ash has made an aSSIgnment to James 0 Cull D, A Howard, for man) year~ a turmture dealer at lle\ e land, OhIO, clIed on Sept 1:, aged 71 years The LeWIston FurmtUl e Company, dealers ot LeVv!'lton Idaho, has been Illcorporated Capltdl, $25,000 The St Louis Furmture Board of Trade are taklllg dn ac tIve part III the framlllg of a new chartel for that CI1\ Creditors have filed a petitIon 111 bankruptc\ agalllst J o'eph Weber, furmture and carpet dealer of Ul1lon HIli, ~ J J. E Roantree has sold his mterest III the Cortland Cabinet Company, Canestota, NY, and Will retire from bmme~., The name of the Rock Island (Ill) Cotton and \1 attre.,., Company has been changed to the Ih~~I"SIPPI \ alle\ Cotton and Mattress Company, The Tams Furniture Company of Huron, S D, have mOl ed into their new buildlllg and now have one of the "finest and most artistic" stores in the ~tate Howard J Gnng, upholsterel and manutacturel ot svvmg' and mattresse~ of Read1l1g, Pa has lmt completed a two-,ton brick addition to his factory The Harley Furniture Company ot \ ash, Ille Tenn, hd., had to move three times 111 the past five vear~ 111 order to accom mod ate their increasing trade The bnck work for the neVv Osborn hotel at Eugene Ot e has been completed vVhen fimshed It \\111 cost about $125,000 It will be ready for pubhc me edrly 111 J anuar), Levin Brothers of :\I1I1neapolI~, :\I1I1n, are bl11ldlng' an ad ditIOn to their factory The new build1l1g WIll be of modern style and constructIOn, three stone~ GOAl~O feet W D, HamIlton, furniture dealel of :\ dsh\ Illc I enn IS to move his stock 1I1tOa neVv up-to-date four ,tol) bUllchng' that IS being erected by B F \\'I1son on SIAth avenue Joseph E Corbett, fot many \ ear., connected II tth the furm-ture business in Columbus, OhIO dted on Septembel 11, ag-ed ~(, years Death was cau'ied b) a tumor on his brain ~, ---------------------------------------- ----~I I I ! PIONEER : I I ! MAnUf AnURlnO ! I I ! (OMPAnT I I I I • I DltTROIT. MICH, I I • I I I Reed Furniture : I I Baby Carriages I Go-Carts I I ~ ! Ll Full hne shown only ! at the factory, IIII ----- ... _--------------------------_. ~----------------------------------------------~ I I : STAR CASTER CUP COMPANY •• NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I, I I I • I I t I t , I I I I I I I · , t , I , t I ,I• II, I I , I I (PATENT APPLIED FOR) I : We have adopted cellulOId as a base for our Caster Cups, making the " best cup on the market CellulOid IS a great Improvement over bases • made of other matenal When It 15necessary to move a pIece supported • , by cups WIth cellulOid bases It can be done WIth ease, as the bases are per- I , fectly smooth CellulOid does not sweat and by the use of these cups I I tables are never marred These cups are fimshed In Golden Oak and I II WhIte Maple fimshed IIght If you w.ll try a sample order of these I' goods you w.ll de.. re to handle them .n quant.tMs : PRICES:SIze 2% IUches $5.50 per hundred. : I SIze 2J{ IUches 4.50 per hundred. I I fob Grand Rap.ds TRY A SAMPLE ORDER I , I '-------- ...-----. ..... ... WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 reach Bernard McCloskey, PresIdent Court House CommIssIOn New Orleans, on or before October 15 The SalIsbury & Satterlee Company, manufacturers of beds and beddmg, MmneapolIs, .:\1Inn , are lllvestIng $50,000 or $60,000 In an adchtlOn to theIr plant The new buIlchng wIll be of modern mIll con~tructlOn, SIX stones above basement, 60 X 100 feet OffiCIals of the Cochrane ChaIr Company, CIncmnatI, gave theIr base ball team a banquet on September 16 Of course the team I~ a willner else there would have been no "feed" They won the pennant III a local league, havmg lost only two games elunng the season The FurnIture Board of Trade of ~t Lotm, .:\10 , IS con sld-elmg a propOSItIOn from a busllless man of the CIty of ::\leAlco to brmg 100 merchanb from MexIcan utIe~ on a buymg excursIOn The promoter want~ $~,)000 to pay for hIs ~ervlces and the ex-peme~ of the tnp B A. Klpp & Co, furnIture manutacturel s of :\IIlwaukee, \VIS, have solei out to the J,,"lel Furmture Company, who wIll take posse%lOn of the plant, stock, matendl, etc , on Oct 1 The plant wIll be enlarged :\lr Klpp I "aIel to have recen ed more than $150.000 fOl hl~ mterest Charles \Venderoth of the firm of \\ enderoth & :\IcGIll, fur-mture dealel s of South Bend, Ind. was ceverely Injured recently by beIng run clown by a horse and buggy One of hIS legs was so badly crubhed that It wa", thought dmputatlOn i\ ould be nec-essary but he WIll recover WIthout lOSIng I t Credltor~ of c.,chwal tz & Co . furmture dealer'. of 11'1 Pnnce street, ~ ew YOlk, have filed two petItIOns dsk1l1g that the firm be declared bankrupt for havmg made preferentIal pay ments and moved pal t of theIr ~tock ~urreptItlOusly The store has been placed In the hands of James 0 Tryon as receIver On petItIOn of the Buck Stove & Range Company of St. LOlllb, Mo, the Wmslow Furmture and Carpet Company of St. Paul, Mmn, has been placed III the hands of a receIver. The concern "Was formerly the North Star Furmshlllg Company, whIch went through bankruptcy about a year ago Luzerne county, Pa., hab a great "candal concermng the furnishing of the new two-mllhon-dollars court house at \VIlkes-barre It IS somethmg hke the Pennsylvama state capItol scandal of two years ago mvolvIng offiCIals, contractors, foremen and m- ~pectors, but so fal no furmture deale I s have been found gl11lty. J dmes H Strong, Charles H. JJurra~ and E R. Thompson of ChIcago, Fredenck L May tag of Newton, Iowa, and \VIl-ham J Hood of Shelby, OhIO, have Incorporated the Interna-tIOnal ::\ldusoleum Company of ChIcago, to deal 111 patient bunal crypt~ and mausoleums The authonzed capItal stock IS $1,500,000 \VIlham H V\! oodall, treasurer of the vVoodall WIllow lurmture Company, Boston, .:\Iass, who dlsappered last March and 111chcted by the grand Jury m June, for embezzlIng $3,400 from the company was arrested m Los Angeles on September 15 and WIll return to Boston for tnal He blames the "loan sharks" and "Shylocks" for hIS downfall The George D. Emery Company of X ew York, Importer" of mahogany, who claImed mIllIons as damages from the Nicara-guan government for the annulment of a tImber concession, as mentIOned m the vVeekly ArtIsan recently. hay e accepted or agreed to accept $600,000 as full settlement of the claIm There IS said to be some doubt as to whether the l\lcaraguan govern-ment WIll be able to I alse the money Koman can become popular unless he is WIlling to be bored once 111 a while ~-- IIII ....------------------------------_ ....-_.~ "There's Ifla!theButtoo" ~---------------------------------------------~ r- -------- ---- ----------------" I I I THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. i I CHICAGO II This is one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chairs are found in all the leading Hotels in the country. The line includes a very complete assort-ment of chairs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dining Room furniture, Reed and Rat tan furniture, Special Order furni-ture, etc. A complete hne of sam-ple. are displayed In The Ford 8 Johnson Buildlnl/. 1433.37 W.I).sh Ave •• In· c1udlul! • .peclal d,splay of Hotel Furniture. All furmture dealers are cordially invlted to visit our building. III I .._. __ ."I II II I... . --. . .. . _. --.-- .-- -.---------_._--- -----.... 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN rI--------------------------------------.-----.----~·----·---·-----------------------------------------------~ I •t •I • I ,• I• I,• ,I ,I ,• ,,I I I~I to come. CIty Salesroom, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg 1, Our Large New Line of The season for banquets will soon be here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand sure HTOUCHED ONLY THE HIGH SPOTS.!! Report of the Buying Committee of the ~Iinne· sota Retail Furniture Dealers' Association. r\t the mld~u1l1l11er meetmg of the \rllll1e~ota Reta1l I U111l-ture Dealers' As~oclatlOn held a1 \Imnedpolh 011 '-,eptemhe1 ". the buymg comm1ttee p1e,entecl the tolhm 1l1~ 1 epOl t Yom comrmttee ha~ pa,sed throngh 11'-- h1"t "t,H;e ot e"ve1- 1ence, and wh1le at tlme~ VI e had mall) problem, to soh e tlldt seemed dl ~couragmg, yet we beheve that the repO! t that \\ e al e about to submIt, \\ III ~ho\\ that \\ e have brom;ht the ,ub~tdntlal ~aVlllg to the members of our as~oclatlon \ot onh that \\ ~ have suppled a clas~ of mel chand1~e \\ lth \\ Inch to meet the cata-logue house competltlOll \\ hlch \\ ed, 1l1(hV1du,tl dealel' \\ ould never have seen or been able to get That we have lust "touched the hu:;h ~pot~ 111 th1~ \\ ork, 1~ apparent to those of u~ who are mak1l1~ tln~ matter a ,tucl) and 1t 1Sonly natural that we w1ll have to go throug-h that penor1 of recen 1l1g the knocks from \\ hat ever 1l1te1e t Oell pohc\ m1ght affect and a~ time goes on \\ e behe\ e th'lt tin, llement w111see the1r m1stake and rall) to the (,m"e ot O!£;d11l7,ltlOnmOll frequently and firmly and enthus1astlcalh than e\ el h( tOll he cause we beheve that an) thlll~ that goe, to\\ al cl help1l1£; mdke the lllchv1dual dealer~ mOl e prospet ous ha~ lh good effect upon the whole furmture mdustl y Anyone who 1\ 111 ~tud) carefulh the ~,\ll1ple, a""emblecl r----------------------------------------------~ I Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. I 2 Parkwood Ave.,Grand Rapids, Mlch We are BOW putting out the best Caster Cups WIth cork bdses c\ er offeree to the trade These are finIshed III Golden Oak and White Maple 1U a hght fimsh These goods are admlTable for poltshed floors and fnrn lture rests Theywill not sweat or mar. PRICES SIze 2U mches .•.. $4.00 per hundred SIze 2M mrhes . 5.00 per hundred Try a Sample Order FOB Grand RapIds DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when pnces and quality are consIdered. STOW & Df\VIS fURNITURE, GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. hCIe toua), WIll ~()on ~ee that no one need~ to fcar the catalogue compet1tlOn an) more, but do not forget that we have supphed \ ou \\ Ith the matenal to do the work WIth and now 1t 1S up to the mchvlclual membel ~ to u,e that matenal to the best advan-tage andlf not med properh It 1S Jmt as worthle~~ as any other Ul1l1~ed thmg That om pohcy of co-operatIve bUY1l1g naturally affect~ ~ome 11ltete~t~ there can be no denymg, but 1f the ~omce of OUI ,upph cannot supply us w1th the thmg, I'Ve need to practIcally 0\ ercome am and dll competrtlOn and strll make a profit, then \\ c m turn a~ md1vldual dealers as a matter of protectlOn must u~e such mean~ a~ \\ 111bnng us such protection, and thus far no one ha~ brought out a method or means that w111 successfully do thIS othel than our method of co-operative buying. But th1S pohcl and method w111stand only ~o long as 1t rece1ves the sup-port that 1Snecessary to make 1t a success It 1S only natural that m the realm of bus1l1ess that when certam hnes have to face a certam phase of competition that they do 1t, but \\ e want to cautlOn our members to this fact, that through the medIUm of co-opel atlve buymg certam hnes and manutacutrer~ have lowered the1r pnces m order to meet the pnces made b) the commlttee, that I'Ve as a comm1ttee, feel that \ om best mtele~ts Ire m stanchng by the assoclat10n that brought IOU the pnce rh1~ we find I~ generally done by the most of our mel1lbel s, and \\ hen we go mto execut1ve ~e~~lon, we may have mam mte1 estmg thl11g~ to tell you of the condltlom and methods that control the source of supply of OUI merchand1se which we, the small dedler~, neve1 kne\\ cXlsted and feel that the truth:. that VIe have to pre~~nt )OU w1ll be valuable to yOU [n consldenng the ~dV1l1e;111dolldl s and cents, of co-oper-atlve bu) mg \\ hlch \\ e, the COml1llttee however feel 1S the smal-lest 1tem of advantage~ gamed through thIS movement, remem-ber, that our memhersh1p 1~ 11ldde up of all cla%es of dealers from the vel" largest to the mo~t humble, and that, of course, because of th1~ cond1tlOn, the ~avmg made 111 dollars and cents \\ III I an dCCOld111g 10 then abtltty to u~e volume \Ve hav~ 'ervecl fi.) membel s, and the1r average volume of the amount of £;ood~ bought 1~ $171 00, mak1l1g a total of $15,90011 worth of lSoods, fur11lshecl by tlllS C0l111111tuee Therefore 1f we ha,ve ~aved 10% to the bIg bu} er we have saved each member $11, and the mecltum-s1zed bUye1. \Ie have saved 15% or $25 65 and f01 the ord1l1al) bu) er \\ e have ~aved 20% wh1ch 15 $3420 and tor the I eal ~mall buyer, who buys wholly from the catalogue hsts \\ e have saved 25%. wh1ch would be $4275. When you cons1der th1S saV1l1~ has becn brought to our members at the cost of $3 apIece 1t p1aves conclus1vel}, the value of th1S move-ment. i\nd that 1S not all Every member who has come to this WEEKLY ARTISAN market, at thIs meetmg. can readIly see the effect of mamtain-mg thIs sample room, upon the general price" quoted While we can only come to you WIth the above actual figures, we honest-ly belIeve that we have saved many and many a dollar to each of our member'", and to each furmture dealer who comes to thIs market becau'",e of tll1~ movement. Ho\\ evel. ) our com111lttee feels thdt all of these advantages are nd ught a~ compared WIth the advantdges that the dttendance to our conventIOn. bnng Becau"e, we I ealIze, that, after all, pnces dlone do not make modern merchanclI mg a "u-::cess and anythmg thdt \\ e can do that WIll stullulate our membershIp 111tO dctlVlt) along up-to-date lmes, IS g0111g to bnng Its reward \ve know that when alll~ "aId and done, that troe res Ilts of COn-ventIOn:'> to the man 111mself IS lIke unto an electnc current to a motor, and upon the strength and abIlIty of that man or dynamo, depend" theIr ~ucce0~ Therefore we belIeve that while our co-operatIve buy mg has brought the' ISlble advantages yet we be-lIeve the 111dden and 1lldlrect ach antages that our member" get, ovcrbdlance all others. lollowmg I" a summary of the goods sold dUllng the Id"t ~IX months and a detaIled report \\ Ith the cost of ma1lltal111ng. and we trust that thIS report WIll be the means to set you thmk1llg along the Ime" of modern merchandlsmg. Total amount of merchandIse "old $1590011 Total amount of merchandIse bought 15136 82 PrOlata sample 100m charges paId $76329 3800 $801 '29 Cost of mamtam1llg buymg commIttee as follm' s . Bulletm account \;\1aseca Journal- RaclIcal vVaseca Herald The Argus Postage on bullet1lls Envelopes FoldLng Bullet1lls Address1llg envelopes Prepanng Cuts for Bullet1lls and Proceedmgs $102.2,) 9050 18.50 17000 730 340 8')0 434.65 Office expeme ~tenographer expeme" Rent on type\\ nter FIl1llg "ybtem Draymg <;ample" fom load" FreIght 011 samples Cnpackmg and settmg up samples Placmg and carrY1llg out samples m hotel 140.15 $210.00 1500 1030 1600 33.00 1350 550 30550 Balance in Trea"ur) $61 H In thIS report It WIll be seen thel e has been no charge for the office or Secretary's salary, and If It wa" not for the fact that our secretary feels that he can afford to gIVe thIS matter the tIme that IS necessary, became of the benefits thIS co-operatIve buymg gIves hIm for hI:'>three stores m supplymg hIS wanb, we would be oblIged to add a greater percent for office expenses than we have so far and therefore \\ e belIeve that \\ e ought to as an associatIOn, eqUIp the office ot the "ecretdr) \\Ith such applI-ances as will make 11ls work as lIght d" pOSSIble. "uch as an ad-dressograph, foldmg machme and mImeograph. Because WIth these appliances the volume of "ork could be doubled many tunes and not take up an) more of hIS per~onal tIme You can see by the above report, that there h Jmt a certa1ll expense 1llcurred, whether the volume of orders are small or up to the very lImIt that can be turned out by the help ot one "tenographer And thm It we can double the volume of our \\ ork 1'13 to the first of the) ear. we WIll be able to bnng you leader" at a "tIll greater 'dvmg \ om C01111111ttetreust" that thIS report WIll meet WIth y011l approval and that we WIll enJoy your stIll greater confidence than we hdve III the pa,t. and therefore close our report with the hope that \\ Ith the help" we have proVIded for you, at thIS con-ventIOn \ ou \\ III be able to come to the annual meetmg and re-port thdt )0,1 have had the best year's busmess you ever enjoyed Respectfully subl111tted D R Thompson. Geo Klein, C. Danielson, F. H Peterson, \\T 10 Gnpp New Line Called "Fiberrush.'· The American Manufactunng Compan), Sheboygan, \\ I, , IS prepanng to put out a new Ime of "fiberrush" chaIrs and othel artIcles of furmture RIchard KI ueger of Jackson, MICh, IS m charge of the new department and IS at present conductmg the manufacture of a lme of sample" but the department WIll start t11lnmg out the product WIth a reguldr C1ew about the fir"t of the year, and WIll make clI"play" in the wmter markets Brain food IS really something that man takes to feed hIS vanity. ~---------------------------_.--_._.--._._-----------~ ! I I I I I I I II ,I I , I , I I I I II II I I I I I , , I I I I I ,, ,,I II TUE "ELI" I, •• I L' ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, CHICACO. -------- FOLDING BEDS "RE BREAD "ND PROfIT WINNERS No Stock complete Without the Eh Beds In Mautel aud Upnght ELI D. MILLER &, CO. EVANSVILLE. INDIANA WrIte for cuts and prIces. i .....---------------------- . ...-... 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRI"TION $1 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITEO STATES OTHERCOUNTRIES $200 PERYEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter, July 5. 1909, at the post office at Grand Rapids. Michigan under the act of March 3 1879 The Grand Rapids Furmture Company, of Chicago, handle~ a moderate quantity of furmture manufactm ed m Grand Rapid" and a considerable quantity that IS made m other places The company, appreciating the value of Grand Rapids furmture m the estimatIOn of the general pubhc, boldly advertises ItS stock as "genume Grand Rapids furmture" The Chicago Tnbune, at September 19, contamed a very ,\ ell \\ ntten and attractlveh displayed advertisement of the compan) '\ a attempt \\ III be made to reproduce It m these columns, the substance, howey er IS as follows Grand Rapzds Furmture On CredIt Do not invest another dollar m all-on-the-:>urface-noth-mg- below furmture before seemg our genume Grand Rapids f'urmture. You Will be mane) m pocket and your home Will be a great deal more comfortable and mVltIng If you heed this advIce Grand Rapids l~ur11l-ture IS really the only kind of fur111ture entitled to "pace in your home It will mark you as a person of eAcellent taste and Judgement, for there IS that m Its design and constructIOn which gives to any home furmshed with It a certam air of artlstlcnes:> and substantlahty not to be obtained with any other kmd. You can buy this better kind of furniture from us for cash or on monthly pa,- ments at pnces not to be equaled m Chicago or e!"e where. Let us shO\\ ) au The Grand RapIds Furmture Company Madison Street at Oakley Blvd. An old fogy author of the Ehzabethan era declared that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet," but he would not be able to convmce the people of this age and generatIOn that a dresser made m \Vapakoneta would sell as readll) as one made In Grand Rapids. "put one over" on Cahfor- Here IS the yarn as pub Portland, Ore, has apparently ma m the hne of big tree stones hshed byr an' Oregon trade paper "A shIpment of big logs from Portland dunng the Id"t week shows that those m search of big sticks must come to the Pacific ~ orthwest for them. The shipment consisted of 24 mam-moth logs that were to be sent to Chma on the steamer Emma S Dollar, where they Will be used m rebmldmg the temple Lmg Yen, one of the noted places of Chmese worship The logs are 105 feet long and 40 feet m circumference and were purchased by the Chmese government. They wlll be rafted 200 mile" up the grand canal and carned SIX mile" overland over a narrow mountain trail on the backs of coohes." A log 40 feet m circumference would measure about 13 feet m diameter and If 100 feet long would make about 143,000 feet of lumber, board mea"ure Half a dozen of them would make a full cargo for a large ShiP and a 11111honcoohes could not lift one end of them Of course It may be mtended to saw the logs mto boards before the) dre packed over that narrow trail, but If so It seems the) \\oJld Inve been sawed before "hlpment, for It IS exceedmgly doubtful that there are "aw Imlls m Chma cdpable of handhng such log s Even If the logs are -10 mches m diameter mstead at -d (J feet m clrcLlmference, the coohes who tote them over a mountam Will have "cncks' m their backs before the first one I eache:> ItS destmatlOn Goods valued at $6.000,000 are oold annually by ZIOn's Co-operative Mercantile InstitutIOn m Salt Lake City The store contaInS 200,000 square feet of floor "pace and b provided With modern convemences for the comfort of customers and the rapid and economical transactIOn of busmes" The store was estab-hshed m 1868 by Bngham Young !\ considerable part of the many Imes of goods handled are manufactured by the mstltu-tlOn, but the furmture and kmclred goods are purchased m the furmture centers '\mong the owners of stock m the corpor-ation are a number ot manufacturers and Jobbers m vanous fields of mdustr) !\ bUIldIng 111 course of erectIOn for use by the Boston store, m ~hlwaukee, \\111 echpse anythIng m the northwest outside of ChICago" Refngerated air for hot summer days, a tower observatory, lunch room, deroplane statIOn, searchhght, wireless station, a weather bureau to supply weather predictions to each customer, a baby checkmg room, hospital, hbrary, play room tor chlldren, rest rooms, a cancel t hall and roof garden are speCIal features alread) provided for, and plans for an athletiC field, a rowmg course, a race track and a tnp to the north pole Will be considered Though car fammes cause dnnoyance, great inconvemence and If prolonged, heavy losse", they are posItive eVidence of a large volume of busmess and mdlcate the prevalence of pros-penty '\ a senous shortage ha~ been reported from any sec-tIOn of the country, but railroad men generally predict that within the commg 60 days cars Will be as :>carce as they were in the fall :>easons of 1906 and HJ07 and are already discussing ways and mean:> to pre, ent 'cdr stealmg' by managers of roads that are short at eqtllpment Robert \V Sear:>, havmg accumulated $25,000,000 m ten ) ears as manager of Sears, Roebuck & Co , has retired from bUSI-ness Roebuck retlr~d soon after the firm commenced ItS meteonc career ::,ears might spend the remamder of hiS days u"efully m teachmg thousand, of unsucce<:;<:;fulmerchants how to transact busmess profitably Perhaps he might be mc!uced to lecture upon the subject "What r Know About Incompetent Merchants" \Vlth more assurance than modesty Gimbel Brothers who are prepanng to open a big :>tore 111 N ew York, have named a considerable portIOn of that city "Gimbel square" and seek offiCial endorsement of the same Should thiS be granted It would not be surpnsmg If Central Park, the Riverside dnve, Prospect park and other beautiful tracts in the great city should 111 the course of time, be named 111 honor of the city's merchant princes '\ first cld:>" tLlll11ture buyer \\ III be needed by the Gimbel Brothers, for their Xe\\- York store to commence work wlth the opemng of the new year WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 MADE BY GRAND RAPIDS FANCY FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN These lines are for sale in the Evansville Furniture Ex- I change. Call and inspect them; it is worth your while. II THE KARGES FURNITURE CO. ! Manufacturers of Chamber SUItes.Wardrobes. Chlffomers. Odd Dressers. Chlfforobes. I I II TH!::"I~~~~~E~~~l~~~~~".I,'""~.,"""bgo" golden oak. plam oak and quartered oak. II THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. III Manufacturers of Mantel and Upnght Foldmg Beds, Buffets. Hall Trees. Chma Closets. Combinalion Book and LIbrary Cases I! THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of SIdeboards In plaIn oak. Imltallon quartered oak, and solId quartered oak. I Chamber Suites, Odd Dressers, Beds and Chlffomers In Imitation quartered oak, Imitation I mahogany, and ImItatIon golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. I Manufacturers of the "Supenor" Lme of Parlor. Library. Dmmg and DressIng Tables. I THE METAL FURNITURE CO. III• I I~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manufacturers of "HygIene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds. CrIbs. WIre Spnngs and Cots. Made b) I he Kdlges f'ullutUie Co Since the opening of the Furniture Exchange many buyers for prominent houses have Inspected the Big Six Lines. By the group-ing of the lines on one floor a great deal of time is saved the buyer and intelligent, successful buying rendered possible. III - .. WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 I IL . . ~ --- - _.--. Made by Bockstege FurnIture Co. ~1ade by Bosse Fur mture Co Made b, World FUfluture Compam Made b, Bockstege FurJ11ture Co ._------------------_._------_._.------._--.---.-..---.----._._ .. 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I, •It I II t II l• I/ III IIII f I •I III• I•I .------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.57 Flat Arm RJcker RICHMOND CHAIR CO. Richmond Tablet Arm Chair DOUBLE CANE LINE "SLIP SEA..TS" -the latest and best method of double seatmg. Catalogues to the Trade. RICHMOND INDIANA ,I , II III I --------------~ MORE OF INDIANAPOLIS TRUST. Anofhe1' Independent Joins J. C. Wilson in Fight. ing the Liverymen and Undertakers' Comhine. \V T Blasengy m, a ±ulleral elJrectOl at Indlcll1;:q )1J, " tn mg to help J C \Vllson 111 the latter ~ fight a~all1,t the cllleged trust or combme of undertaker, and 11\el,\ men ot that Clt\ mentIOned m the vVeekl} \rtlsan of la'it '-,atureLl \ Jn an III tervlew 1Ir Blaseng, m descnbes Ins po,ltlOn and e"pellence a" follows: "It seems that the undertaker, and the 11\el \ me11 ha, e deCIded that If a man does not ISo mto their combll1e he b nut to be permitted to enJoy the pnvllege of e,tabhshll1g himself m busmess "\nd It also appear, that the, have not only combl11ed to hold up the Vlcltms of death but al,o to bell comp;tltlOn flO111 the undertakers fielrl m Inchanapoh~ "J C WI1son and the new firm of mdepemlelll untie] take r, are not the only ones that have been Do} cotted b, thl~ uuder taker-hveryman trust, as:\Ir \\ Ilson has so graphlcalh labeled It m his Stllt I have gone up agal1st It 111, self I bought alaI nage and a hearse and p It them 111 Jacbon s stable all I11111Ub street, but I was soon reql11red to mo, e them I ehd not belonab to the assoCIatIOn "I have also been called up Just befOle a funeral, as \\'I1S011 was, and told that cab, that I had engaged could not be fur-nished There was one mstance \\here I \\as put In a 1 e~pcc-lally try mg position I had a funeral 0 1e morl11ng I had en-gl. ged carnages and a car the morl11ng betore and that 111ght I was mformed that the eqmpment the stahle had agreed to fUl-n1', h me would not be on hane! 1 ,\ as only told that It '" as en-glged' Carnages \\ere abo refu<ed to me because I \\as m the nelghhorhood of a trn~t 11l1c!ertakel and ,0 atter 1 \\ a~ forced to take my hearse and carnage ant of /ackson 11\en ~table I slmply saw that I was up aga1l1st a trust Lme!that I \\0 lId h 1. \ e to get ready to be mdependent of It "The ~trange thlllg IS that I am not an li1dependent b, chOICe I pa1d m} $1 adnllSSlOn fee anel made apphcatlOn for admiSSIOn to the hver)men"i trust hut I have l1e, er heard ±rom my dollal I unr!er ctane! that S0111e of the hven men obi ected to mv entenng becau"e the, ~aJ(1that 1 hac! eqUIpment that "auld come 111 competltlon \\ Ith then, Llne! the, (hc! not \\ ant that cQmpetltJOn Of cour~e. the IJlg "ealthy unclel takers have cal s No. 100 Ll1,d cab~ that Lampete bnt the hverymen know that they can not taboo them that If the) ~houlcl tn su'.:h a th1l1g It woule! mean that these unc!ertaker~ woulcl buv more cabs and tell the 11\ermen the, \\ ould not be (hctated to But they knew that I \\ as Just stal t1l1g 111 busmes~ , the) kne" that I did not have much hnanClal backmg; they knew abo, perhaps, that I \\a" 111 a pecu!lal positIOn, and they thou::;ht the} could freeze me out ,",0 1 am out at the tl ust I \\ent to the treasure] of the undertakel ~ comhme and made app1JcatlOn, but I was not adrmtteel, probably for the same 1 ea"on fhe undertaker, sa} they have no combmatlOn, no a ,ouatlon U± cour~e that 1~ a Joke I kno\\ that they had on e \\ hen 1 \\ as 111 thc employ of one of the undertakers, for I "a'o mVlted to the 111eetlllg~ I have reason to beheve that they ha\ e an a,,,oclatlon ) et and that they hold meetmg~ "1)ut \\ hether the) have meetmgs or 110t. 1t IS yen eVident that they ha, e a ~t1ong \\ ork1l1g comblllatlon with the hvervmen ]t ha, heen ,l}()\\ 1 ,el, dea1ly that It b m I estl amt of free com-petltH 11<tnd to ~OUgL the people. I am also firmly of the Opll1lO11 that It alm~ to crush out the ,mall man The hver) men and un-de' takel' have tned to root out the fe\" of us that are ontslCle the tllbt bIt thns tM the} have fa1led vVe mdependents have been tOlced to retrench oUlselves, and at last V\e have onr O\\n cab~ and onr own hear~es, and \Ve a' e 111 a posItion to defy the tt u~t " :\Ir Bahen'Z} m beheve~ that the "comb1'1e" vnc1ertakers completeh d0111mate the !lvel yll'en \ trust, not only by boycott- I11g an} one tlut tne~ to be mc!epene!ent, but by havmg secretly become part owner, (silent partners) of the hvery stables B) th1s comblllatlOn they have a V\orkmg system by wIlIch they can Sh1ft to the In er) 111enthe oel1um of bemg the boycotters of IlJrlependent undel takers I'he undertakers, loowever, It 1S de-clared, are the one" that al e really the duef 'JOIaters of the nght ot tan pIa, and the 1n el} men are more or le~s the1r tools I'he tnal of \ \ Ii '11, SUIt agamst the combme has been ad- J ourned u11tl1the October term of CQurt. A man can keep 1110redungs from hiS \\ Ife than she can find by gOlllg through lll~ 1 {llkeb Many a £e11o\\ wntes love letters who Isn't able to right him-self. WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 .,. ._------------- ._----------------------------------- - - -- - - - - -----~ II I I I,I,III III• ,I ,IIIII I,III II• III• ,• ,I III •I I,, IIII IIIII ~---------------------------------- III III I• ! I III III ,I I •III ,,I III I I IIII II I I I I,, -----------------..& SLIGH'S SELECT STYLES SELL AND SATISFY Many New Features Added for the Fall Season Everything for the Bedroom IMedIUmand FIDeQualIty I Office and Salesroom corner Prescott and Buchanan Streets, Grand RapIds, MIch. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE SLIGH FURNITURE CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. ._-------- --------------- ...-- - - - - ----------._- -------_._--- II III I,I I I• I, •II ,IIIII II IIIIIIII II III II II I•I ~---------------_.---- HAND \IRCULAR RIP SAW MORTISER COMBINED MACHINE Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer's profit as well as a dealer's profit. He can make more money wlth less capltal1nvested He can hold a better and more satlslactory trade WIth hIS customers He can manufacture m as good .tyle and fiDlsh aud at as low cost as the factOrIes The local cahmet maker has been forced mto only the dealer s trade and profit because of mad'me manufactured Roods of factone'"i An outfit of Barnes Patent Foot and Hand Power Machmery reInstates the cabmet maker WIth advantages equal to hiS competitors If desIred these machmes w.ll be sold on Inal The purchaser can have ample tIme to test them In hl" own shop and on the work he w.shes them to do. catalogue and pr,ce l,st free No 4 SAW (ready for cross cuttmg) W. f. &. JOHN BARNES CO, 654 Ruby St., Rockford, III. No 4 SAW (ready for nppmg) FO_R__M__E__R____OR MOULDER • HAND~. TENONER • No 7 SCROLL SAW .0\ 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN ----------_.~~~--_._---------_._-- t-" Io- - _" " No. 5148. No. 6148. l\I11101,28~34 lop Quartered Odk \Llhogan) [oond fllrd, L) L \1aplL 22" 44 $4200 4400 4400 4500 \111101 20 'C 22 Quartel ed Odk J\!L\hol!;c\l1:Y TOOlld Bml S LH :\Japlc Top, 20 x 32 $3400 1600 3600 1700 No. 5138. No. 6138. :\111101, 24~ 30 Ql1arteled Oak Mahogany Toonel BlI d's C'ye \T Ipk lop, 22" 42 $2900 3100 3100 1100 \IllWl, 16" 20 <,ll1altered Odk Mahogan) 100na Blrd's eye Maple lop, 20 x 30 $2500 2700 2700 2700 A Few New Fan Ideas SeRt Out by the WARREN TABLE WORKS, Warren, Pa, USA ---_.~/ •/ •• I •II/ --------------6 WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. PROSPERITY FOR EVANSVILLE. Reports Indicating Steady Betterment of Busi-ness Conditions in the Furniture City on the Ohio. LVdn~vllle, Ind ;:"ept 22-Bth11H:'~" wIth the furmture mdn-utacturer~ as ,vell d" the 'ledler~ ot thl~ Clt) COi1tll1ue~on the up-ward grade Ordel are be1l1g I eeelved 111Idrge nU1l1bel" from the :.outh and ~outh\Ve"t and ll10~t ot the "hlpp111g dePell tmenb of the fadolle~ al e workIng ovel t1111e Inqmnes are bettel and LollectlOn~ ,11 e plck111g lip ~01l1e The I etelll tIade h better now thdn It ha~ been at ,W) t1l11ethl~ ) eal 1\anj,1111111Bo:ose, of the Globe 1 Ul1l1tUle Companv ha, 1('- tllrnul £1 om Chlca~o, where he attended the natlO11c11111eet111~of the bankel s of the umtec1 ~tdtes -\mong the late bu)els dt the Furmt111e Exchan~e ,vele the follow1l1R Charle" Plel ~on of ]\1t Ve1110n, Inc1 , F B~ Brenton of the Brenton & lLllll~I111mtUl e Company of Petel ~hUlg Ind ,J vV Redc1~on of Ollell~h01o, K) '1 vi\! \Ilffhn ot P D 1ltffhn & Son, Duqu01l1, III Ch,u le~ l :\loeller of lIt "ernon Ind , E E Lockwood of Yarblough & Lo 'k\\ ood, Po~evv111e Ind , W J Lowe, of Hunt1l1gburg, Ind He11lY J Karges of the IndIana Stove \1\ ork~ and A r Karge~ of the Kdr~e~ 1 UlmtUl e Company elle on the L01111111tteL named by the Evan~v tile \Ianufdctm er:.' A~SOClcltlO11at theIr la"t meet111g to arrange f01 an employment bmeau 111thIS uty "Gus" Stoltz say:o busllle"s I~ now better than It has been f01 the past two yedL and he I" 100k111gfor a fine w111ter trade -\ boy wa" b01n to the V\ Ife of I'red ;:"toltz, the manager ot the Crmv n ChaIr COmpdn), and .11r Stoltz has been treat111g all hI" fnends to tile be"t CIgdrS he can buy Charles Fn~se, of the vVorlc1 Furmture Company, reports all the plants of the l:hg ;:"IXCalloac1111g As"oclatlon Iunmng on full tIme WIth a fine bus111ess ,Valtel Krdch of the Bocbtege 1:'urmture Compatn IS back from a tnp thlOugh the east He ,\ as aCLompdmed by hIs WIfe J ame~ R Good" 111 presIdent of the i\ ever-Spht Seat Com pany, sa)" the C01l1pclll)e.,11e\\ faLtor, \\ III plObabl) be 111op~ra t10n b) the fiht at next) ear :\[anagel Dllll) of the 'YlsLU 1~1l1Ulall Company ~a)" th1l1~~ dIe mOI111:';dlone, all llght dnd that trdde I~ very dctlve I'.dv. al d Ploeger ot tile BO"~e I urmt111e Company and the Henderson De~k Company "a) s th111gs look better to h1111now 111 the bus1l1e~:owolld than for 111dn) month~ past Ed GeIger of (Jelger 8. ,",om, of thl:O Clt), 1eports the retaIl bus111ess Implov111g l he' a1e 100k111g for an aLtlve trade fOI several months to come C Bankrupt"s Stock Disappears. ;:"a1ah }:hrnbaul11, fun11ture dealel, of 3975 ThIrd dvenue, 'JLW Y01k, Wd" declared banklupt, la~t V\ eek and -\rchlbalel Palmer wa" appolllted I eeen el v\Then the I ecelvel took pos- "ese.,lOllof the ,tOI e he found that the ~toLk. ~uppo:oed to be worth about $3.000 had cItsappeal ed dnel learned that eIghteen van loads had been 1110ved avva) the pI ~V1OL1~ day and 11lght He ~ecured po:o~e~'lOll of accounts amount111g to $;57,000 aud hopes t~) locate and I ecovel :oome of the nll~~1l1g hU111ture [he dehte., of tht concern amount to about $6 "iOO ~,----------------------------------------------~ IIIIIII II HE~E'S THAT IS A BARGAIN IIIIIIII III• IIII •III I I..------ . .. - - - No 537. 28x42 top Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 You can't make money faster than by buymg thIS fine lIbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thIS and other good thmgs we have to show you. ,I II I• Ii I,I --------------------------~ PALMER MANUFACTURING co. 1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH. 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN ..... -- ..- --~----------- ..,I I!III I IIII I I• II•• IIf ••I F.O.B Chicago, 5 30 days, 60 nel :IIII• I,I .. ... ..~ ,•• ,III II I•• I• I,I , I I• , •I• II •I,I I• It I I I •I I I I•II ~----------------------------- ---- "HOME DOCKASH" BASE BURNER We beheve the "Home Dock-ash" to be the live stove for the dealer-a powerful heater, neat and attractive. Pattern and prICeare right. Made ID three SIZes. Full Dickel tnmmed-conslstmg of left off Dickel dome DIckel swmg top, base, foot falls, ash door scroll, swan head corner panels, and urn smooth castmgs. Duplex grate With shakmg ring Large ash pan. SIZe of No Fire Pot Weight Price III II in, 2251bs. $14,50 121 12 in, 2751bs, 16,50 I~I 13 in. 325 Ibs 18,50 Send for Complete Catalogue W. D. SAGER 330-342 E. No. Water St • Tel Randolph 1372 CHICAGO, III (East End of MIchIgan Street South S,de of Barry Docks.) GOOSE FEATHERS SHOULD BE ALIVE Those Taken FrOID Dead Fowls Are Not Much Better Than Husks for Beds and Pillows. "Yes," saId a manufactLll el and dealer in bed furnishings, "it is necessary that goose feathers should be taken from the hve goose if we are to study the health and comfort of people who think they mu~t have feather beds and pIllows Dead goose feathers are not much better than husks to he on and have not that VIrtue of husks, whole,;omeness "If you have never seen a lIve goo,e pluckmg If I \\ ere) au T wouldn't go very far out of my way to -ee It, for the ~Ight \\111 not be likely to gIve you an) large amount of plea,ure You can ,ee the proce",;, though, If ) au deqre, In ,anous farm neIghbor-hoods III northern New Jer,;e) and partlculally among the Pennsylvama Dutch fal mers 111the C01111tle,;ot that ,;tate, OhIO and Indiana, where the populatlOn IS lalgeh of that cla,s "They sa) It doesn't hurt a e,oose to pluck It, but It seem~ to me that you mIght a,; well sa) that It \\ ouldn t hurt a mdn to have hIS whIskers yanked out by the handful The reason they gIVe for behevlllg a goose doesn't suffel y\hen ItS feathers are be111g plucked IS that It never squaw ks or squeaks or p1~ 1 AC '1 fuss whIle the pluckmg IS gomg on "Now I beheve It hurts a goose lIke the mIschief to have Its feathers pulled out, commg as they do ftom the tenderest spots on its body, and the reason the fmy I doesn t utter any protest prompted by pam 1". accordmg to the \\a} J have slzed gee~e up, because It IS such a blame fool \ goo~e \\ 111squa\\ k and clatter and cackle a, If suffenng mOle agony than a horse WIth the collc Just at the mere sight of you. but 1f ) ou corner It up and pelt It WIth stones seems to forget that It has a VOIce, and will take all the pUlllshment you gIVe It WIthout protest "The Pennsylvallla Dutch farmers pluck geese today Just the same as theIr forebears dId tIme out of mllld and I don t know as there IS any other way. It certamly couldn't be made any pleasanter for the goose unless the plucker held chloroform or sometlung lIke that to Its nose whIle the pluckmg was gOIng on. The geese to be bereft of theIr feathel s are first got to-gether m an inclosure used for the purpo~e The perspIcacIty r--------~·_------·-----· I I •II I I•I•II II I I I• II•I II• •I•IIII• I• I•I• ••I MUSKEGON VAllEY FURNITURE COMPANY .- .... -- --.., MUSKEGON MICH.,. , COIomol SUlles TOil POSI Bens Ono DreSSers Chl!!OnlBrs Warn robes looms' TOileIS Dressmo Tables MohOQony Inlmo Goons ~------------------- ...._--------------. WRITE FOR CATALOG II .._ ..-~ ot geese may be ,tnkmgl) made known to ) ou when they are bemg rounded up 11l such an enclosure If there ~hould happen to be a knothole In one end of It, the door being at the other That door may be six feet hIgh and three broad, but goose after goose \\ 111Ignore It and tl y ItS best to get 11l thlOugh the knothole Induced though to try the doO! every goose WIll bob its head do\\ 11 a, It passes through for fear of knockmg It against the top ot the doorjamb, SIX feet above "There IS a man or a boy in every neIghborhood where geese are plucked \\ho IS an expert at gettmg the goose ready for the proces,. ~ot everyone can do that The wmgs of the goose have to be locked together bv a peLultar arrangement of the tv,o near the shoulder, dnd whIle they are not tIed or fasten-ed m an) other \\ a) the lock 1S such that no goose can unlock it The goo,e's teet al e tIed together WIth a broad band of musltn. Then It IS 1each for the plucker 'The plucken, who are almost alway s \\omen, go among the gee~e \\ Ith theIr heads and faces entIrely covert>d with hoods tastened around the neck w1th a ,;hirr ,;trmg There are holes in the hoods for the eves and nose From the neck down the pIckers are covered WIth a glazed muslIn garment to whIch no feather or down \\111 chng The pluckers SIt on low stools around a large and perfectly dry tub Each takes in her lap a goose made helpless by ItS mterlocked wmgs and bound legs, and WIth rapId plymg of her fingers separates the feathers from It ThIS 1S done WIth such SkIll, though that the plucker rarely breaks the goose',; skm or causes blood to follow the pluck1l1g out of ,t feather The air IS constantly filled with the light teathers dWlllg the pluck1l1g, but they settle mto the tub at last 'There Isn t a" much call for the goose to undergo thi~ rap1l1g of Its feathers a,; there used to be 1'\ot one pound ot goose feathers are used today where fifty pounds were used tv\ enty-five years ago Odd as It may seem, dsthma and hay fever long ago began to ha' e a good deal to do WIth decreasing the demand tOl teather beds and pillows It was dIscovered that asthma and ha' tever had an affinity for such couches and head rests' that nothmg would start an asthmatic off for a cheerful lllght s \\ heezing so quickly as a feather bed This cltscovery spread, and the goose owes a great deal of its later day comfort to the asthma WEEKLY ARTISAN 25 ~,--------------------_.----------------------------------- I I I II II I I• •I• I• III II II• I I II I• II I No. 400-$18.1>0 No. 32-$10.00 No. '101-"20.00 No. 31-l;,14.2.5 No. 19-$10.71> ----_.-------_.------_.--.-._.-.-._.--._.------------------- ...-_ ...._-_ ....__ . ~o. :IO-S11.25 Michigan Star Furn. Co. ZEELAND, MICH. ~ .....-.... A "Disappeal'ing" Bed Used in Flats. 1he Holmes D1sappeallng Bed Compam of Lo:" ~ngelc:", (al a1e engaged 111:"elhng pen11lts to .11ch1tect~ and bmlde1 s t01 the use of a dhappeanng bed 111the C01bt1uctlOn of flats B) the employ ment of the Holme~ system beds m.1Y be concealer\ If\ the bases of kJtchen cupboards, buffeb, bookcases, hall seats, or other a1tJcles of furmttll e vVhen 1t chsappears 1t carnes the uedd111g \\ 1th 1t In the yea1 1880 a man named :-'Ianley obta111- eel letters patent from the gene1al government for a beel S1l111lar to that lllustratecl and descnbed111 c1rcnlars 1ssueel by the Hohnes company Stockwell, Darragh & Co, ot Grand Rap1d~ pur dla~ed the nght to manufacture and ~ell the same but attel :"evet al ) ears of unsucce~~ful effort to establlsh a trade 1t was abandoned In the constructlOn of the l\Ianley bed, table shdes were used, one end of the sldes were attached to the 111tenor of .1 bookcase, whlle the" other vvas SUppOlted by castel:" \ \ hen 1t \\ as desll ed to use the bed the doors of the case wen: opened and the bed drawn out, llke an extenslOn table The beddlllg was bundled and depos1ted upon the frame work of the bed when not 111use. ~ 0 slde ralls \\ ere prov1ded and the inabtllty to properly ventllate the bedd111g probably caused 1tS failure 111the market~ It was suggested that the much needed slde ralls could have been constructed to open and close hke the sections of a fie'ld glass, but the llnportant questlOn of vent1latJon apparently was cons1der-ed unsolvable The Holmes company cla1m that the1r bed 1~ perfectly ventllated and samtary and that thell patents cover the constructlOn of the houses 111 wh1ch the bed shall be used An Order From Argentina. The Luxury Cha1r Compan), Grand Rap1ds, has Just re-ce1ved an order for about half a carload of the1r yvell known, Luxury Cha1rs, to be sh1pped to a large fLumture dealer 111 Buenos Ayres, Argent111a, S A. The shtpment may be constd-ered a~ a sample lot and those who are acqua111ted \\ 1th the ments of the Luxury 1111ew1ll expect to see th1s lot followed bv larger order~ from the same source Have Plenty of Business. The Grand Rap1ds Blow P1pe and Dust \rrester Compam are not suffenng for lack of bus111ess On the contrary the) have had a plenty for seve1 al months and w1ll have for several months to come. They have Just completed eqtllpments for the ----------_. _. . -----~ Wagon Star. Hitch Your to a WHICH SHALL IT BE? The entire lot for ... $93.75 In Quartered Oak, or Mahogany or $99.25 in Blrd's Eye Maple. A postal brings a greater variety, \Iurph) U1d1r COmp.1n) cU1d the Packard \[ot01 ComlMn) of DetrOlt, the Central Pape1 Company of \Iuskegon and the \1Jch1gan Felt111g Company ot Grand Rap1d~, and they have' under way contracb tor eqUlpp111g the C R vV1lson Body Com pany, the Restmck Lumbe1 Company and the C D \V1dman Company of DetJOlt, the \uto Body Company of Lan~1l1g, the Randall Lumber and Coal Company of F1l11t, 2Vl1ch, and the \larvel ~[.1nufactU1m~ Company of Grand Rap1ds Enlarging Grand Rapids Factories. Cha1les \I" Renllngton 1S p1epa1111g to e1ect a bmld111g on ;\ ra1ket street. ad J0111lng the VV ll1Jam \ Berkey ftll11lture fac-to!) The bmlchng \\ 111be fom stones above basement, 31x123 teet 1he fJ ont of the fit st :"to1) w1ll be of l:;ra11lte w1th P.1Vl11g bnck for the upper ~tOt1e~ The Berke) company WIll lease the bUlldmg for a term of year:" and use It fOl offi~e~ and \\ arerooms thus 111CreaSl11gthe capaClt) of the factor) about hftv per cent The busmess of the John 'A 1cld1comb Company has 111creased so rap1c1ly of late that 1t has been dec1dec1 to add a storY to the adclltlOt1 to the plant that 1S now bew(?, ere, ted The ne~v bmld-l11g\\ 111be five l11c;teadof fOUl stones It lS of the most approved modern bllck constructlOn 103x103 feet 111c!JmenSlOnC; \vork on the b1g add1tlOn to the pl.1nt of the btand Rap1ds Show Case Company 1S progre~s111g rap1dl) The bmldmg \\ t11 be ready for occupancy befo1e the end of the yea1 ~._ ..........•.•. ., II BARGAINS IN NEW MAC"I~ERY I have on hand for ImmedIate shipment the following brand new machines which I WIll sell at reduced pnces 4-Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore from Ij:{ to 18inch centers. 3-Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore from I to 12inch centers. 2-Eighteen inch Cabinet Makers' Lathes. I -Sixteen inch Caninet' Makers' Lathe. ---.<\DDRESS-- - J. C. DeBRUYN, 130PageSt., Grand Rapids,Mich. " . .. WOULD SOLVE THE ~rIMBER PROBLEM California Proposes to Sav("the Woodworking Industries of the Country by Cultivating the Eucalyptus Tr("("for Commercial Purposes. F D Cornell m the C;un~et \lagazme- -\ fe\\ shOl t }eal" ago the commerCIal culture of cucal} ptus tl ee" was not numbered among the great 01'1'01tUl1ltle offered b\ Clhforllld c11111atl SOlI and sunshll1e, nOl \\a" thl~ L1Clustr} fot el momcnt 10n'l dered a canchdate fOI fir~t pldlC elmong Il1du,tlles ot thc ,tdt~ Today commerCIal eUlah ptm mea11llH; the lulture ot the eUl I lyptus tree on a ttemendou" 'laIc lOI the plOc!ultlOn ot h,lld-wood lumbel for the manutactm e~ 111du'-,tlll~ and ,ll t, 111,ulh a candIdate, and 111the c, e" dnd 11l11lCI,me! mtcllech ot ldlll palgn manager~, astutc 111c!nstnal pOhtIUd11S ,me! thl \ otll1~ pub hc generall} 10mmerClal clIl dhptll~ h leI tam ot e1ectlO 1 True, It may amI \\ III 1ellllll e ,e,ll, ot \\ 01k and clemon,tl atlon but yea I s WIll make the ICSltlt mOl e 1U tam "\ecesslty IS the mothcl of U1\ entlon Thu 1 h ,1 e!ue nllC"- sIty for the lllvcntlOn ot a dcpencl.lble 1l1UcaSl1~ aIle! pI odUlt1\ 1 tImber supply, partllularl} a hareh\ooe! tlmbCI "upph Cdpltdl greater than the natIOnal debt I~ employ edm harch\ oodlnclustlle" annual products a bIllton e!ollal" stlong al e taken from the hard\\ood forc~t~ tramcd hat d\\ood artlsan" numbenn£1, hun and the stanchng tImber IS consequently much 11101evaluable SIxth, 1he ttmber cncalypts can, thel efore, be grown as a 1ommel clal propOSItIOn, and 111\estment In eucal} ptus tlmbel IS thC1eb} made safe, cel tam and plofitable The trees al e not ,Ublcct to dl"case and when well e~tabhshed under rIght condI-llon, Icqll1re almO'it no lare Thc grO\\th and value ale not ,tifeeted b\ floods 01 fam1l1e", stnkes or pamcs, war~ or rumors (It \\ dl Hal d\\ ood tImber IS baSIL Takmg up these clalm~ 111,I logllal 111anner thc} ma\ be enlan;-ed upon as follows 1hc eUl,I!} pts have bcen grown 111laltforma for fifty years, but on I} dunng the ldst fe\\ year" ha~ bram and brawn and bank been centel ec! on the com111erC1al pos"IIJIlttle~ whIch thIS rapId ~IO\I mg genu~ of tlmbel ttee~ prcsent LntII of late plant- 111~, h,lVC been llll~cellanecJ\1" not C0111melclal [ oday the 1e are plll1,lp, ten thousand aCIes ot Caltformd soIl planted to tlmber em ah l' s, part {Jf ±tns mknseh commerCIal, pdrt more desIgned t01 ,,011 1ec1a1matlOn wate1 lon,en atlon affOl e~tatlOn and fuel In anotltel t\\ eh e months plobabh fifteen acres of stllctly com-mel ual tOle,t" \\ III he planted \nothel vear the plant111g WIll pel hdp, Ix c){mblee! 01 t1ebled (dltfOlma can pnt back of It 1\ II \ 1e,oUlle lapable 01 dIVersion to th1~ new 1l1dustry, can loax t10m th" L,ht e\ ln dollal that the great and legItImate claIms or tl'l 111c!n'U) lan elU1act and cont1l1lle to l11vest and contU1l1e to ((Je1" tm ~enel ,1tlO11attcr ~eneratlon, and the plantl11g of the tImber eUlal) pt~ \\ 111110t bc equal to the legItImate demands ot tlL harlh\ ooc! 1I1c!11"tl1e" \ vallable acreage for the be~t growth 1" 11111ltec!the 101111111I'a1l productIOn WIll be vay largely con-hmc! to 1 tl\\ dhl1l1h 11 Cdltior111a, and more partIcularly to lU 1,\111'U tH 11'0111the ~I eat c.."n Ioaqmn valley I he ph\ ~Ilal lhal,lctc1I~tIl~ ot the ttmber, and Its adaptabI-ht I tl) ,I l11nlUtl1dl of t"e, arc tl lh remarkable The possIble n '1' 1hl t1(1111]Jlml bC,\111"to 111tnlate parquetry, from raIlroad t11" to 111,lglllhlel1t I enell" flO111C01eI \\{Jod to the highest type I t thl lratt,mall " a1t fl1e h"t ot pur]JO~eS to whIch the timber I r 111 IIIIIII 'p Ul 11,h becn fot1111 pdrtIcularly adapted 111- dlHll' the tollll\\ 111£1, I n(l po,t" dne! j)lltm; tor shIp b 111c!111g,masts and spals, 1, 1 c!Plkl1~ 'l1eat111l1~ \\helrt dnc! plel 10n~tructlOn, and all maI- 111 11Ul1ttll11l e tCJ! Iall 1oac! tIes, blldge tImbers Cdr construc-tHJ11' 1l1e1111\ 11,Hl11e, ot tl llhPOI tatIon Inc!ustnes tor fur111tul e, h 11 1I111nm hl1hh h"tll1 e, CellVeel anel parquctl y work, barrels, kLL." ,Ll1e1,dl loopel a~t \\ ork, tIght and 1000c, tool handles ']J lke, tal101' hnb" pIc", beams, s111gletlees, tongnes and all 11l1]Jlcment anc! \ clulk \\ 01k, bo\\ It'1g alle}~, and finest floonng, L10"" t1ee~, 111snlell01 p111S,pnlley blolks, mUSIcal 111struments, Eucalyptus Board Showmg Natural Gram of the Wood dreds of tltonsdnc!~ elI~tllbnte hnnc!tcd, 01 nl111lO11"ot e!olLn s 111 wages-and all takcn tlom harelvvood s -\n(1 the tOll st 'e 1\ lle says that another tlm tn Jl \ ('Ill I' nnle,,~ somethln£; hel ml be clone WIll find the halCh\ooc! tml,h e"ha hteel \ 11101e £1,IIe\oth calamIty could not befall the lommelual 11clcl0I1 el m He ba~11 111dustry 15 not numbelec! 11 tne 111e!ll'itlles TheIl' IS nell"~lt\ 111ventton thae 11lust be The claIms of ihc C011111cldal e lcahpl11~ 1I1e!1't, I to (( ml]](:'1 clal and natIOnal Imp01lance al" b,,"ul (n t t" \\ h10ael ta t, I'lrst fhe Umbc1 enldhph l1atIll to \n-tlc1h,1 dIe tll most rapId gl 0\\ m£1,h II ch\ O( el tl e (1 lh \\ Ie! Second, [le t1l1J!1c! lKcU\]lL pllell'" l111c!\\OIc! tlll1hli remarkably dl\eIse 111lt~ e, 0 1C 'le~IO" \\ 11 pr,)(11111a 'll ISfactor) matcIlal jm C\l \ 1) 1 " 0 e t) \\hIl'l ,'ne!\\( l)e! h P 1l no matter nO\\ m1l11 hi \\ pc [1 I 1 ( It \1 1 '111 ,d Thuel 1he 1II'1!J°I CLl 1 \]1' III 1J 1 (p ,it (1 and grO\\n to 111u"hantdhle ",/<.-'1,1 c1 Ii t'lL\ l' ) I the sturnI' ane! 111 shot teI t1l11('t,nn t1 '1 I II l~, rourth, A £;redtel IPI cCI1t.'~e CJTth U llh I ( thL 1 ll1'1l1' clal eucalypts can be nu'lzec! tl1:1n c11\ 11 h 1 ~ 0\\ 11 1111till, ale almost ll1Velllabh th10nt!h elll i'1l0'~1 'L1c! llll\ p1 l IS a\allable f01 somc 01C ot the It 11ldl"els 01 pll P , Flith, On accm111t c t thIS C],IUqtl of n~l" ((J 11llctl L1Il/,1 tlOn and en011110n 1'10111ltlOl1]1 1 ,) ~ 11\1C!- lltlh 1)1 t()11,t cond1t1ons and mtenslve Cd1c; tll )( ~~11" 111 I lll1 It ,lll 1 1l1~ costs are lessened, a greatel ,) lcl 11l0rl \ tlnab'e p10cl \Ll I e"nlts, ]11<1111<1 11° 1 WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 Good Equipment Means Better Work Equip your shop or factory with G. R. Handscrew products; you'll note a vast difference in the quality and quantity of work turned out. All of our factory trucks, benches, clamps, VIses, etc. are the best that money and skilled labor can produce. We use nothing but the very best Michigan hard Maple in the construction of all our products. It is not possible to turn out better goods than we now manufacture; years of manufacturing has taught us that it pays to use nothing but the very best material possible in the manufactur-ing of our product. WRITE FOR CATALOG SHOWING THE COMPLETE LIST OF FACTORY EQUIPMENT. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. 918 Jefferson Avenue Grand Rapids, Michi go The posslblltty of productIOn IS demonstrated, the trees glow and thnve aacl produce 111manner 111ttme, and 111volume as before enlargecl upo 1 111 Sunset IIaga71ne The eldaptablltty of eucalyptus tlmbeJ fOI edl these purposes h demomtratecl, but the 111vesttgatlOn and expel1mentatlOn, tech111cdlly, sClenttfically and practtcalh, by e\ ery mtel ested mdlvlclual by every affected enterpnse, e\ el y threatened mdustl y and by the forest service of the X atlOnal Gavel nment IS a pdramount necessity 111order that exact and prdctlcal knO\\ledge be Iud, and that It be spread broadcdst thmugh the land, concer111ng the value and USeS of the timber of the eucalypts for each speCific purpose MillIOns of tt ees are be111g propdgated, many mllhons \V III be planted each season, but as } et dll these effOl ts al e but as an acorn to an oak as compared to ulttmate necessity pianos, organs, vlOl111s-111short the ttmber eucalypts Will supply a satlsfactorv matenal for ever} purpo e to which any harcl- \\ 00(1 IS put For all the purposes ndmed the timber of the eucalypts has been used elml \\ III be 111CeIds111gly used, and, finalh, for a vast maJont\ ot pl11poses \\111 be e'Zcluslvely used The fur111tl11e ell1d TIxtl11e mdustne" alone are approach111g a precltcament, awful enough to stag gel a natIOn In 1903 nearly twenty-five hundred estdbltshmenb reported a capital llwe"tment of $1 ),J,OOO,OOOand d product valued at $170,000000 In commenttng on these d stounc1111gfig ures thc 4 mellean Lum-bel man states "I,allure at the native hal dwood supply would revolutlolllze the fUll11ture mdustry and manufacturers would have to turn to tropical \\ Gods as the ma111dependence" Why not turn to the eucal}pts, ~rO\\n to order on Caltfor11la sOlI? A wood more deltghtful for such the, h not available, a wood more adaptable to the maa} reql11remenb has never been grown to order on (altfOf1lld sOIl") \ \\ ood more deltghtful for such uses IS not available, a wood mOl e adaptable to the many re-qmrements has never been grown-It has the fiber It has the strength, It has the beaut} 111texture 111gl a111and permits of a maglllficent fi11lsh, a fi111shwhich It holds and ennches Furm-ture and fixtures, the lllghest types of the craftsman's art, find their utmost expression 111eucalyptus It IS true, and known yet to but few. Years Will bnng an apppreclatlOn which Will clothe Caltfor11la s hills and plains With forests of matchless ttmber, which Will 111tUl n eqUIp and adOl n the office and home and palace With fil11sh and fixturE'S unsurpas~ed Details may be elaborated upon \\ Ithout end, facts may be ~tated 111 bnef or at length, the great tt uths are these The na-tton must have tlmbel for these many parttcular and technical uses, Caltfor11la eucalypb can aud \\ III supply a SUItable and 111 dlmost every case a supenor ttmber for each speCific purpose A Leader in Stoves and Ranges. AttentIOn of dealers IS called to the advel tlsement 111thiS Issue of W D Sager, manufacturer of ::.toves and ranges, 330- 342 North \1\ atel street, Chlca~o, who IS one of the best known manufacturers 111 the count!} 111 the field be covers The "Home Dockash,' Base Burner lone of the best stoves that a bve dealer can handle Tt IS a powerful heater, as well as neat and attracttve 111 appearance made 111 three sizes With full mckel tnmm1l1gs. Dealers desmng- a complete catalogue should wnte for It at once Perhaps It is bettel fOI a gtfl to "ea1 hel heal t 011 her sleeve than to he totall} heartless \ woman IS a true Christtan when she lends her best cut gldss for a church SOCiable. 28 WEE K L Y A R 'lIS -\ i\ ~I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I f 1 I ~! I I I : II I, I I •II I III IIII III II III I III I III III II I I I i I y II t1 II t I• IIII I II I I Fram the New Fall Suppl",ment of the Luce Furmtllre Company I '--- . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ WEEKLY ARflSAN 29 Mr. Hulhert in a New Position. J E II11lbe1t 1" 110\1 the e,lstern sale" manage1 fm the Gralld Rapids Retnge1atOl (0111jlam w1th an offi-::e at \0 86 \\ a1rell '-,lllet \, c\1 \ (Jl k utI I he COlH1lclll\ al~o 111d1l1ta1l1'-, a wale r001111ll \'e\\ 't01k elt\ and \\l1lm thc neal t11tme e" tabh:oh allothc1 111 Bdltnl1(n c tm the copve111e11ceof the °011ther11 trade \11 H111be1t h \\ ell k11o\\J, to the tJ d(k thlO11gh 1m, pre- VlO11SassouatlOll w1th (, l' ,kuuut:;"l1 &. Son ut I11(hd11apoh" lnel ~Il H111bert \\lll ha\c cllanc;c of the E\etllgeratOl ~Ul11 pan} s t1alle 1ll the 1l1Cl1 ojloht,m (hStllct Crescent Machine 'Vorks. Crland Eapld'-, Ll C'-,CUlt j I pc '\ I!C,1\ \ \ alletv ",,1\\ Dench \\ eIght J 500 p0111l(1'-d,ll(l 110 \ 1bl,ltlOJ] ll~J(l tablc c1o~eh llbbed '-,ol1d d'-, c\ lock ~11jl]lOltell OJ] ~tlonl; c,llclulh 111dc11111Ul hl11~es lllt~ to cl" deC;lee'-, II Ith l;ladl'dtloll'-, ,,11(1 lHKrolHete1 d.d- 1\1'-,tmel1t -\11 bea\1llc,'-, ~1'\. lmlll'-, lonl; and "elf Olllllg, all loose pulley "df 0111112,-110 \\ 01\ \ llO tI onble Belt ah\ avc, tIght automatJc belt tJghtencl \11 t:;11c\gec,the fille,t made-when set \\111 "ta\ L\en palt O± thh nlc\cllllll I, made good and:oo de~lg11ed to pUlll1t q111ckand clccurate operatlOn ).Idde wIth or \\ 1tllOut 11O<l 1 plate h\ Crescent 1\1achulf \Vork, of Grand Rap1ds, \lldl1g'\ll New York Markets. ~ew YOlk ')ept 2-1-f\l1pcntl11c has been clo\\n to 39 cents dm1l1~ the week, but tOlLl} 1t IS q110ted a htt1e above last week s ng JJ eS-61@61 ~ here and 31)@:)I)! ~ava 1l1ah fhe1e hac, beell ,1 tead} demand tor 11l1seed 011 for the past fcw dd}' and pnce, hdve aclYanced about d cellt pel gallon loJay\ quotatlO\1S \\ e:ote111ra IV )1 @3S, s111g1ebOlled, 38@5~, double balled 39@61 Calcuttcl, I) cents. The shelLtc trade 15 1eported lJUIte satisfactory, at shghtly 111creas111gdemand, ha'111g stIffened pnces T N 111cases 1S quoted at 16@160, bnght 01 ange grades, 18@20, D1amond I, .~3@2(, Bleached fresh, 11~@18 ~, kIln dnecl, 21@22 The trade m varm"h gums IS stIll confined to small lots for nmmed1ate dehveq Pnces are firm, however Kaun No. 1 IS held at ±1@±1 cents, Xo 2, ~1@23, Ko 3, IG@18 cents \lamla, pale, 16@J8, da1k, harel, U@15; amber, 14@16 There 1S a -teachly 111creas1ng demand for goat skms, but a eorrespollchng 111crea:oe111rece1pt;, hao; prevented any matena1 advance 111 pnces 'IEe'dcan flontlers are stlll quoted at 33 cenb, Bueno'-, '\} Ie' J-l@-Jl /z (uracaos, 50@52, Haytlens, -t3@±6, Paytas 4-1@+2 Corclclge lS 111 bette1 demand w1thout change m quotatlOns 13 C tWll1e, ~ 0 18 IG@lb 0 cents, No 18 fine, 110@12 Imha, Ko" -1,Yi to (I, ()/z@8 The bmlap trade 1S dull w1th quotatlOns unchanged-360 for 8-ounce and cl 80 for 10)/z-ounce goods A.n advance of 50 cents to $1 CO per ton on pIg Iron was an-nounced last ::\londa}, but 1t has not been followed by other metal s ,',heet Zll1C1" quoted at $/ )0 per CII t , m carloacl lots, f o b at the 11111ls Shght cldvance'-, In pnce:o f01 the h1ghe1 grades of lumber al e 1eported from vanous p0111tS\\ lth an 111Ueas111C;demand for the 10\\ el ~rades of hardwoods HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY. Capable ~Ien Wanted to Handle the Remains of a Southern Furniture Factory. The £0110\\111-5 'llf v\.pldlMllJlY Jetter, the \\lIter of ,\lllch IS a 1c d estatL dedle1 \\ Ith OfhLL' In the } 11st '( at1Ona1 B.lnk bUlldmg Shre\ eport Ld I, pubhshecl \llth the Idea that It may bL read b; ,,)11.C man 01 men "ho wlJulJ be pled~ed to accept II hat IS appar-enth .1 gooe1 opportunlt) to entu the fU111lture mannfaLturlng- bthl nt ss III tile south 5111L\ epol t, L'l \ug '6 1909 II ukl) -\1 tl'dU GI,ll1(1 RolpH1" ,rIch GLntlemln -\ on1 ta\or ot the 21st 111St adcllL,seel to the QueLn Clb f' urlllture \Ll11uf ldurlng Company, I ecen eel by 111e .h sUccessOl to thl el\\nusl11p of thL PIO)JUt) whJch T lLljU1leel oll leLelvcr" ,de Ifter 1 hIe \\hllh dLSllO)ed the 111olnutadulln..; P01tlOn of tile p1111t l11d put 1t ont ot bU"l11l',S Thue ICmoll11S I two story brlcl, \\ IlL house ROx100 fc Lt (and ptltfolms) conLl111111,?, .11)()l1t $190CO 1\ 01 th of ~oo Is fO\11 tenths ot \1 hlLh h Iron wIIlow beds cots eh (1" '1)lllH~' dc l1l( LlLloly output 'AIl1lh I, jJI111Up,dl; K D l1lld, l"'l111bl1112, 11hI 1lbll1\11shl11,?, of the matell,tl on hdnd clnd Offll' I ."ood t 111 l11d \\ 111tU Job f01 I Louple of cdpab,L mLll to ,11CPl up fOI thL 1l1ltKU 111d 1I1udLllt tll; 111,1\ prL,ul( I c1l'II,\blL oplll111b t01 Il,tOrlllg the plowt Be'ilde, thL Ihme lhLIL h 15 1ue, of Idnd >llth1ll tlll mmute~ 1\ 11k of the hU'll1l s" CLlltl! cllle! tll 0 bloLk" of thl e LLtnL belt ell' It h 111tclee! h:l tllO I lilt 0 ld 1l11l~ LOllnectlng \\Ilh Ll«bt olhLh ell \U"l1l~ In tll dlleltloll" lhl ])()tlu 11](1 ,111\11l~ !Wlhl' both Of 1111ek IlL 111tld ,1,,0 thl blol\j)1j)L 1LCLlIU l11d j111h and 1 100000 ';llJon cLmentld u...., t( 1 11 i1ll louncloIt101h 01 tll( j Idon ;',""IS0 1\ Itb the dLhll' oj ,I 11\0 -1(1) IntI b \s(mlnl hllL1,. ,Ill 1\\ llt1ng leLon,trl1ctJon .me! the 210 11 P COlh'iS (ng1l1l h 1c'1111'; on Ih foundatlOll shghtly Jol111 L:!,u1 1n 11e 111c1n.posu!e \11 IOL ItLd III tUllt(1) fO\11 hfths ,11 ~ln f01 e"t ot the \ al101h d,h'l'i oj pll1e CMk gU111 1,,11 lJOp1al 'OJ L l. mOl e maple magnoh I holl) l11d othll hdl d 111(1 ,oft tlmbcr 1n \\ 111('h mnumelablc ., 1\\ 111111plolnt, 'l chung mot.Ille'l and oper,ltec1 I de'ille thc tl Ide to kncl\\ thL phnt helC 1'i paltlally de~t1(l\ e 1 111d out of busllll" to s,n e them w.lste of hter,ltU1 e anel j1o,tage a, \\ (11 'l' to ,ohut the attentIOn of the men needed VC1Y tll1l; ,J](1 \t,pcl1fully ~ CURRIE 'I.(h Sept 11 18 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN WEEKLY ARTISAN 31 PREPARATIONS FOR THE CENSUS. Some Information for Manufacturers and Others Interested Sent Out by Washin~Uon Authorities. I or the benefit of mamtfacture! ~ who w1ll need to do ,ome fine figullng and cons1derable e,tlmatmg 111order to glve sat1s-factory answer;, to the censu, take!" who will cdll on them ne'Ct SprIng a sort of bullet111 of l11fOrmatlOn that w1ll sel ve as an 111troductlon to the ,ubJed ha, been ,ent out to ne\\ 'pdpe1s and trade Journal-, anclmanuLlCtureI' may ,a\ e much tune and anno}- ance by readmg carefully and actmg 111 accordance \v1th the "ugge,tlOl1S It leads a, follovv~ A,SIst,lllt Ll11ted ~tate~ Len,u, D1rectOl \\ lllIam 1 \\ 111- oughby and W1llIam .M Steuart, c1uef statIstI2Ian for manufac-tures m the Cen~u, Bweau, have 1eturned from the prInCIpal manufactunng CIties whIch they vl'lted to confel WIth the leachng trade orga1117atlOn" and a SocldtIOn, of n1<lnufacturers, m re-gard to the f011n of the schedule to be usedlll the census of man-ufactures for the calenc1al }ear 1<JO() a, 1eqmred by the act of Congress provldmg for the th1rteenth decenl11al United States census \mong the assoCIatlO11S vIsited by one or both of these officers of the Bureau 'h e1e the Philadelplua Board of Trade, the ~mencan Ilon and Steel ~s,ouatlOn, the Board of Trade and TransportatIOn of Yew Y 01k C1ty, the ~ atlOnal ~s,oclatIOn ot :\Ianufacturers, the NatlOnal Pa1l1t 011 and Yarmsh i\ssocla-tlon; the Chamber of Commerce ot the state of '\ ew York, the Papel and Pulp ~ ssoc1dtlon the Silk '\ ~soClatlOn of ~menca the Copper Ploducers' \ sCoCIatIOn, the -\,,~o'::IatlOn of \V 001 :\IanufactUl el ., etc 1he 1epre,cntatIve, of the~e a S.,OCJations dnd the othel mchv1dudl manufacturel s con,ulted, 111 general ex-presserl theIr behef that the schedule a;, ,ug-~e~ ted, called fot the mformatlon It 1, deSIrable to obta1l1 for the11 1l1clustnes ancl em-bt dced all the questIOns to vvhleh the manufactul eI, vvonlcl \011- lllgl} furmsh an.", el s \ nnmber of them, moreove1, made certdm sugge tlOns vvhlch 1t 1SbelIeved WIll be of value m c1raft- 11115the fmal f01m of schedule to be adopted The la\V P10\ 1cl1l1S; f01 the thuteenth cen, us ell! eet~ that cer-ta111 StdtlStI", m 1egal d to caplt,ll employ ee" \\ a;;e" co,t of m,tte1tals miscellaneou" e"pen"e" dnd ,alue of producb, ~hall be collected hum dll l1ldnUTdct1llll1S; establlshments that we1 e 111 operatlOn dunng ,my pOl t10n of the year 1909 fhe chrectOl of cen,us de"lre" to make these mql11nes as slmple as the reql11re-mcnt, of the la\\ w111 penl11t theref01 e, the con~ult,lt1On~ WIth repre~el1tatlVe concern~ and the CIeat10n ot the adv1"orv bOdl d of specIal agenh • The cbrectOl further has 111l11111dsubm1tt111g for final consld-erat1Ol1 and adVIce the ~chedule as drafted 111the Bureau to a speClal commIttee ot expel t, tll be ella\Vn fro111among the pnnC1- pal officCl s of the lead111g t1 ac1e a~soclatlOm and large pnvate concern, devoted to .,pellal lmes of 111'1ustl} The form and con-tent~ of the ~ever dl speCIal ~checlules WIll be c011'v1dered and adv1sed upon b) them and the) ,,111 acs1st 111 the forn1l1latlOn of the deta1led conclusIOns to be drav) n later from anal) se" of the complIed data It IS 1mpo1tant that the manufacturet::. co operdte WIth the Census Bureau to make the cen~us a Sl1cce~" and It IS the 111ten-t10n of the chrector to confe] freelv WIth the aSSoclat1Onc and re-pre, entatn e men engaged 1'1the ehfferent 111dustnes The sched-ule" WIll a" a 1ule be collected b\ cI)eCldl aoent" be<Y111n111T<tnY ~ 'b ~ '"c-uar} 1 next. but even manutdctul el w1ll ha\ e the pn\llelSe of .,endmg hI' repo! t d1rectl} to the Ccnsus Bureau bl mall 1f be prefers to do so 1 he celhU- ot l1ldnufactm e., 1~ to he conf1neei tll \\ hdt l~ ~cn eralh kl1ll\\ n dS the facton ~,stem" and exclurle" the so-called ne1ghborhood, household dud hawl 111clu,tt1e, \Vh1ch \\ e1e 111- cluded at the fedelal ce1Nl' of 1'l()() 1he 1111eof elellMlceltIOu between the fact01) 111clu,ttIe, to be taken ,md the hand tl dde", etc that are to he o1l1Itted, 1" P 1t Sd11 \!J Stewart ah\ a} s clearly defined but d fair Idea may be e bta111ecl'1t the I elatIve Importance of the two cla"ses by the follovV11li?b,tlef ,tatement \t the cemlh of 1900 thet e wa~ a total of ')12 'n~establhhment., \\ 1th plOdl1ct" valued at $lJ,OOJA00,14,i, and of tlK "e the hand tracle~ of a cha1 dcter whlCh were omItted at the ccn oll, of llJ() 3, Iepl c~entee! 804,692 estabh;;,hments wtth products valued dt 5;1,j(H,'~7\),021 or 5<)5 per cent of the total number of estabh~hl1lent, ane! 12 l per cent of the total \ alue of produdc 1he cen"ns of 1910, therefO! e, to be complete, must l11c1ude th~ 1C!))rts from everv factor}, 1111neand quaIry thdt was 111operet lC 1 dll111g anv portlO;1 of the calendar} ea1 of HJ09 The l11qu1nes a1e sim1lar to those used at pnor cen ouse They reql11re a descnpt10n of the bus111e~s or k1nd of products, the amount of capItal, the number of employees, the amo,111t p'llc1 111wages and ~alane" the amount of m1scellaneo IS expenbeS, the cost of matenal" and the value of the product-, at the factorv or mme vVhlle the act of COUgle~s, approved July 2, HJOU, under whIch the cemu, 1~taken, makes 1t obhgatory upon every owner presicIent, trea,u1 er ,ecreta1 y, dIrector, or other officer, or agent of an} mdnutae t11111g estabhshment m111e, quarry or other e - tabhshment of product1ve 111cIutr}, whether conducted a, a CU1 pOl at10n, firm, 1l111ltec1hab111t} comlMnv, 01 pnvate 111ebv111t1 to furmsh the statletlcs requuec1 f01 tht~ census, It also proVlcle~ that the 111fOlmatlOl1 ,upphec1 shall be used onh for the SLlt1 tIcal pnrpose f01 wlllch It IS 1l1tenclecl, that a p 1bhcatlOn shd11 be made b} the Cemlb Em eau whereby the clata furmshed b} any pdrtleular e"tabhshl1lent C,lll be 1dentlfied, nor shaH the chrector of the censu, pe1t111t an) one other than the ~worn em- 1'10)ee., of the Census Bureau to examllle the mchvldual reports \ se\ el e penalty 1" also p10vlClecl f01 anI clerk or bpeCIal agent who shall pubh~h 01 communKate an} 111formatlOn commg mto h1~ posseSSIOn bv 1eaSO'1 of hh employment 1n the census office The canVd'lS l11U-t be made Cllll'::kl} 111orde1 to endble the office to tdbuldtc and pubhch the ~tatIstlcs 111tIme to be of value ~t J1110r cen,u,e, <1fe\\ nl1.nutactul er, \\110 (hc1 not dpp1ec1dte the nece~slt) £01 pt CJ11ljltact101l, 1t 1~ ~tatec1, c1etn eel the1! returns untl1 the la"t n1llme 1t TIn ~ 1'1adKe on the part of a fe\\ e~- tdbhsh1l1cnts 1cteUd., the tdbulatlon at the statI"tI2" and render" 1t 1111p1 actIcabk fOl the 13m eau to make the t{)tah for Clnv state or 111clu~tl) untIl the 1cport, fOl these neglu;ent e,tabhshments have been 1ece1vee! To make d SclLCe"" of thl~ great work, therefore, It IS ab-solutel} nece~can that the Len,us Bmeau tecelves the co-opera-t10n and as,tstance of all per,ons who w1ll be reql11recl to fur-msh the 111formatlon \\ 1tho 1t ,\ b1ch 1t WIll be ImpOSSIble to take the census ,v1thlll tl'e tune lU111t and w1th the expenchture of the appropnatlOn that has been made tor the \\ ork As the statlstlcs <11e tdbulatecl the totdl., ale made for the \ anou" "tates and pubh heel 111the form of ~peClal bulletms COll-ta111111gthe tdb'llated figl11es to! the several 1l1dustnes, not only f{lr thIS censu~, but f01 pnOl censuse, 111 comparatlve form SpeCIal report~ on the lead1l1g mdust11es of the L'mted States are abo pubhshed a, qUlckh as pocslble dfter the en11lneratlon, and the"e reports and bulletIn<; are s11pphec1 free of charge to all who ma\ apph for them .. The1 e ma} be no "hart cut to fame, but the pug1list fre-quently acql11re<; 111'3tIll ongh an uppercut The meek may 111herit tht> earth but <;omehow or other they never seem to ~et possession 32 \V E.B.K L'l A Woman's View of German Ways. Luc1a Ames Mead, a cultured lad) of Boston, returned from a SOjourn in EUlope recently and 111an 111terestmg lette1 to the Transcnpt d1~cusse~ German \\ a, ~ and Our \\ ay"" The The "gre,lt \i\'oh11t1l1~s \msellUlg \\ here the tUll11tt11e 111mod-ern sty le~ 1~ ta~tefull) arranged 111 ~U1te~ of co/\ room~ re, eals hO\\ w1de-~pread 1~ the 1evolt frOUl the rococo lJOrror~ of the old show rool1l~ ot the Kahe1 ~ palace wlllch "lth 1t-counterpart~ at Potsdam and el~e" he1e ha, e tor centm Ie' de bauched publtc taste The wnte1 de2la1 e" that '\111elKdn, haH nothmg to learn from modern German} as to ~t) Ie ot al dutec ture, furl11shUlgs or c1ecoratlOn In "p1te of a tremendou" num-ber of costlv and Ill1PO~111gbUlld111g" Germall', has not produced any w1thUl four hunch ed }eal ~ equal to the pubhc hbrar} and art Uluseum m Copley "qUd1e, Boston Outs1de ot a1ch1tecture and furl11shUlgs Germanv has everythmg to teach and \me11cd t() learn Germany cloes not express an} 10\ e tot beaut, except 111 poetry, 111US1Cand landscape gdl del11ng F"ceptlOn" to nt1 \ rule eX1st and the \ynter \ece)~JllLec1 1Il \\ erthe111lU ' ~1 t,l\ department store a ht compal11on 111 nnpte"I\enC" t01 ,ral,h,t!l F1eld" ~tore, 111 ChIcago \ me "01 kman,hlp l' the dlll t ell con']Jlt~hment of Genna 1 m,l11Ufdctt11eI not guocl cle'lgn • r ,..--_ ... - II ._--~-------------------------, I,I IIII IIII• I III I II III Miscellaneous Advertisements. WANTED First class spmdle carvmg machme operator on heavy claw feet and heads. State wages expected Address 3-B care Weekly Artisan Sept 25 WANTED LINES One who is a thoroughly experIenced and practical furn,- ture man seeks to represent as salesman on commission a good furmture and a good chair factory. Prefer central states. Have been superIntendent, draftsman, also sales-man last fifteen years. Best references given. For further mformatlOn address "W" care of Weekly Artisan. Sept, 18-25 Oct. 2 --------- .. COMPETENT BOSS FINISHER WANTED. Man who can get out production and do It nght Send references, state experIence ar,d lowest salary m first letter Address "Mlsco," care Weekly Artisan 9 18-25 FOR SALE. Up-to-date Chalr Factory, cheap; a rare opportunIty, 10 acres of valuable land on whlch plant IS erected. Full eqUlpment of machmery, 150 horse power CorlIss engme, ma.enal In process, plant ready for operatIOn. Lexmgton IS the only town In North Carolma havmg two trunk lme railroads. Ed. L Greene, Receiver, Lexmgton, North Car-olma. Sept. 11-18-25 Oct. 2 I ,III /,II IIII II I• I I_-.4----.--~-.-.--.---------·4----.---.---------.... WANTED-POSITION. In progressive furmture factory, making case goods, beds or tables by a competent superintendent haVIng ten years' ex-perience. Thorougnly faml1lar With all branches. Address OW" No.2, care Weekly Artisan, 9 4-11-18-25 WANTED. CommiSSIOn man for Misssouri and Kansas representmg five furmture factOrIes. Splendid mixed carload !lines. Adress, Ballman-Cummings Furniture Company, Fort Smith, Arkan-sas. Aug 7, '09 WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippl; unhmlt-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory SIte, un-excelled shipping faCilities and low freight rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock in well managed company. Ad-dress Interstate Lumber Company, Downmg Building, Erie. Pa. WANTED. A good cabmet maker; one who detaIl and make clothing cabinets. Address B. S., care Michigan Artisan. 6-10-2t. BARGAIN! 40 H. P. direct current motor, latest make and in first class runmng condltlon. Grand Rapids Blow Pipe & Dust Ar-rester Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 8-21tf . _.... .... Century Contract Awarded. Local contractor", r\pple} ard & Johnson, bdve been awarded the contract for the erectIOn of the new plant of the Century G'urmture Camp an} (TI dnd Raplch The bmld111g, located on Commerce street. \\ III 11eof hnck five stones ()lxl-h3 feet and a one-~tor) bnck bOllel !lou"e With concrete flool Who Can Supply This Want? \\ eekl) \ltban GlalHl RaplCl" :\llch Dear .'-JIf::,-Can ,au tell u~ where we can buy a good Lmclel man automatic dove-tad glue J ointel and al ~o sanclll1g 111ach111e \Ve preter a belt ~ander-"omethl11g that Will work admirably on table tops The rea,on \\ e wnte you In t111';regard 1S because plObabl) \ ou al e posted a" to where we can get the 111formatJQn to buy such machmes at thIS class 111first clas~ cond1tlOn second-hand Yours trul) , LOl r51 R \STETTER & SONS rort II,lvne Ind '",ept '2l ] 909 More Foreign Shipments. '\le"ander Dodds b shlppmg to Lebus & Sons of London, England, one t,,\ enh five ~pmdle and Ol1etwelv e ~pmdle combina-tIOn dovetall nldch111e fhe Lebus faLtory L the large~t 111the \\ arId The} aIt each have man) of the Dodds' machme~. NIr Dodds h also ShlPP1l1g to ~trath1 OV, Ont, one twelve sp1l1dle dovetaIler and one of hIS latest nnpwved saw tables Bll~ine~s ha, matenall} lmproved ct'1d prospect" dre gro\\ 1l1g bng-hter e\ en da, INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Alaska Refrigerator Company Barnes, W. F. & John Co Big SlY. Car Loading Company Backstege Furniture Company Bosse Furniture Company Crescent Machme Works Cume, A DeBruyn, J. C Ford & Johnson Company Grand Rapids Caster Cup Company Grand Rapids Fanoy Furniture Company Grand Rapids Hand Screw Company Hafner Furniture Company Holland Furniture Company Hotel Lmden Humphrey-Widman Bookcase Company Karges Furniture Company Kauffman Manufacturlllg Company Lentz Table Company Luce Furniture Company Luce-Redmond Chair Company Madden, Thos., Son & Co Manistee Manufactunng COlnpany Metal Furniture Combpany Michigan EngraVing Company Michigan Star Furnltrue Company Miller, Ell D. & Co Miscellaneous Moon Desk Company Muskegon Valley Furniture Company Nelson-Matter Furnlture Company New York Furniture Exchange Palmer Manufacturmg Company Pioneer Manufactunng Company RlChmond Chair Company Royal Chair Company Sager, W D. Sheboygan Chau Company Sligh Furnlutre Company Smith & DaVISManufacturlllg Company Spratt, George & Co Star Caster Cup Company stow & DaVISTable Company Udell, The Works Union Furniture Company (Rockford Warren Table Works White Prmtlng Company World Furniture Company 11 21 18-19 18 18 Cover 29 25 13 14 17 27 3 7 8 3 18 6 10 4-28 4 2 8 18 Cover 25 15 32 11 24 1 Cover 23 12 20 13 24 23 21-30 2 3 12 14 6 8 22 Cover 18
- Date Created:
- 1909-09-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:13
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1935-04-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 1, Number 6