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- Weekly Artisan; 1909-10-09
Weekly Artisan; 1909-10-09
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and - - ---------------------------
rq""f l.n«'
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Why install any Sand Belt Machine for Flat Surfaces except the Wysong & Miles?
You wIll pay tWIce as much for other makes and wIll get an inferior machine.
If you do not belIeve this, communicate wIth us and be convinced.
~ The Best TrucK--The Strongest TrucK
This is the famous Gillette Roller Bearing Factory
Truck---the truck on which it is said, "One man can
move a load of 3000 pounds while with the other trucks it
takes three men."
This is the truck that is strong where others are
weak---the truck that has an unbreakable malleable iron fork.
This is the truck YOU are looking for if you wish
to invest in rather than waste money on factory trucks.
No 171 Sand Belt Machine.
Gillette Roller Bearing CO.
I The Lightest Running, I Longest Lasting Truck
------------------ ----------- -------- -------_._---------------------------., I I ! I
! ! I I : I I I I I I I I : I I
I • I !
h ~ ~
Nelson-Matter Furniture Co.
po. - •• _._ .... _ .._---_ ..... _. -------~
No. 185.
COMPANY No. 834.
_._----------------_._. ------------------------------------------------------~
A. ._--
------------------------------------ ._.~-------------------------------------~
.... • r .. .. .. .... _- .~_. __ • __ •-. ----- • -. r -----.... .. .. .. .. --------. -------.~
po-_._' --
No, 57
Flat Arm
IA.- • .. I Lentz Big Six
No. 694, 48 m. top.
No. 687, 60 in. top
Others 54 in. top.
8 Foot Duostyles
Lentz Table Co.
CHAIR CO. Richmond Tablet
Arm Chair
"SLIP SEATS" - the
latest and best method of
double seatmg.
Catalogues to the Trade.
No. 100
_--.------- ---------------------_._. _._._--_. ----~
------ --------------------..---._. _. ---------_ . --------~
" .
Over 850,000 Alaska
refrIgerators sold sin c e
I 878. Desirable features
of an Alaska RefrIgerator:
Small consumption of .ce.
Maximum amount of cold,
dry air.
Absolutely sanitary pro-vision
Simplicity of operation.
Perfect preservation of
We sell to dealers only.
The Alaska Refrigerator Co.
Exclusive Refrigerator Manufacturers.
L E Moon, New York Manager,
369 Broadway, New York CIty.
.. .
This is one of our
popular Hotel chairs.
Our chairs are found
in all the leading
Hotels in the country.
The line includes a
very complete assort-ment
of chairs, rock-ers
and settees of all
grades; DlllIllg Room
furlllture, Reed and
Rat tan furniture,
Special Urder furni-ture,
A complete lIne of sam-ple.
are d.splayed In The
Ford 8 Johnson BUJldIn~,
1433-37 Wabash Ave., In-cludIng
a speCial d.splay of
Hotel Furmture.
All jurmture dealers are cordzally fnvtted
to visit our building.
r.iotel·-ULINDEN .,
I I Indianapolis I Illinois and New York Sts.
I 6 Blocks from Union Depot
I I 2 Blocks from Interurban ~tatlOn
Z50Rooms I 'I All OutsIde, WIth FIre Escape
I elephone In Every Room
European Plan
Rat,s 75c to $Z 00 Per D"y
t Dmmg Room In Connet tlOn
, "pecld] k ates to Faml!Jes
I and Permanent Gue~ts
ladle, rravelmg- Alolle wIll I" lIld
ThIS a Very De"rable
! I "topplllg Place
II ~I-e.-.s.ee-an-d-'fa-Jla-~e-r-----------------------------------------~
STOP AT Hotel Tuller
I .o4
New and Absolutely Fireproof
Cor. Adams Ave. and Park St.
In the Center of the Theatre, Shop-
Ping, and Busmess Dlstnct.
A Ia Carte Cafe
Newest and Fmest Grill
Room m the City.
Club Breakfast - • 40c up
Luncheon. - 50c
Table d hote DIOne.. • 75c
MuSICfrom6P M to 12 P M
Every room bas a private bath.
Rates: $1.50 per day and up.
L W. TULLER, Prop.
••1 I..-_.M_. -A.-S-U_A W._, M-gr-_._-----~._---_._----_.~
l QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS fAN D MAHOGANY I . •• • •••••••••••••• .4
Don't Bum Your Moulding.
Blackened edges so oIten found
m hard-wood Mouldings mdicate
the use of mferIor tools, which
frIctIOn and burn because of their
failure to have proper clearance
The Shimer Reversible and Non-
Reversible Cutters are made of the
finest tool steel by experIenced workmen. In deSIgn and con-structIOn
they are superIor to anythmg on the market. They cut
well and retam their shape until worn out. Send us drawmgs or
wood samples for estimates on special cutters. Many useful de
Signs, with prices, are given in our catalogue
SAMl!JEL J. SHIMER & SONS, Milton, Penn.
Manufacturer~ of the Shimer Cutter Heads for Flooring, CeilIng,
Sldmg, Doors, Sash, etc.
4"'-- "!'
~--...--- ..---- _...... -- .--_._---------------_._._---------------
'-------------- - ---------------------------------------_._ .._._._.--------~
Manv New Patterns III Dilling Room
and Bedroom Furniture for
the Fall Season.
Reception Chairs and Rockers,
Slippers Rockers,
Colonial Parlor Suites,
Desk and Dressing Chairs
In Dark and Tuna Mahogany, Buch, Blrd',-eye Maple,
Qyartered Oak and Clfcasslan Walnut
You will find our Exhibit on the Fourth Floor, East SectIon, Manufacturers' BUilding, North Ionia St., Grand Rapids .
.....---------------------- _ ... ----------- .- .------------- ... _ ..---- _. . ..
30th Year No. 15 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• OCTOBER 9. 1909 Issued Weekly
Messrs. Bosse and Karges Talk of the City's Natural and Acquired Advantages as a
ManufacturingTown and Place of Residence.
EvansvIlle, Ind, Oct ~ -In the 0Pl1110~1ot Ac T KarQ,es of
the Kal ges Furl11ture Company of thl~ ut) Evansvllle IS an
Ideal locatIOn for fur111ture fdctolle" In an lllterVle\\ "lth the
EvansvIlle COIe pondent of tne \\ eeld) c\rtlsan he \\ a" asked
to eAples" hIs Ideas 01 "1he \atUlal dnd Acqunecl AdvantaQ,e,
of EvansvIlle a a I'w111tUle 'Vldnufactunng Center" and thiS IS
what he s~ud
1 The natural ddvantage" of f:, anwllle as a manufactunnQ,
CIty for fur11ltwe "Ill he 1eachly seen at a ~lance Jn the first
place, the city IS centJallv lcwated and IS not too fal ea~t, \Vest,
north or south The fact that the CIty Is located on the great OhIO
nver also glve~ us a deCIded shlpp1l1g advantage and helps us to
get good rates to the south ,\ ImJ1 has been and still IS the field
for one of our greate,t mal keh I 1111Q,natdd, too that the bl11ld-
111g and completIOn of the Panama canal WIll add prestH;-e to
EvanSVIlle as a shlpp1J1g P01l1t and WIll help the manufacturer~
here wonderfully \\ e at e V\ ell located f01 the traffic that goe~
111that du estlOn and our \\ al es can be cal ned clown the OhIO
dnd J\11~slssIPPI nveh to the Q,ulf, and thlOugh the Panama canal
chstnbuted to the m~l1kets all over the \\ 01 leI \1\ e have a fSledt
advantdge ovel other fW111ttlle Cltle" that are located mland
"\N"e have a hne chmate 111 Eva,1wl11e "hlCh makec It ~ood
for the manufactUler as \\ell as the \VOlkman The chmate hele
Will compare favorably \VIth tnat of any city In the l-111ted States
Our populatIOn IS composed lal gel) of Gelman s and they are d
hardy, thllft) people and make tne most de~lfable utlzen I
l111ght empha ,Ize that the best cab111et makers dre (,ermans and
haye come here on~1I1all) fl om thel' natn eland aClos~ the
"c\nothel great facto! 111OUl ±dvor I" that we al e located 1ll
one of the cheapest fuel nUl kets m th~ L111tedStates \Ve have
coal beneath tb and all around u" J he fa t h the city IS bmlt
over Imn1ense coal beds The fact that V\ e hay e p1ent) of coal
makes the question -of fuel a m1l10r one to the fur111ture manufac-turers
""\nother natural ael,antdge IS that tll1' Clt} I~ located 111 one
of the best timber sectIOns of the entire country and \\ e love to
boast of our harel\\ ood Th(' Inchana oak IS not only known and
demanded by manufacture I s thl ou~hout the Umted State" but
1S sold 111man) of the mal kets of Europe dnd the old \\ odd
There 1S no l1mhel bctter than the Indiana V\ 111teoak \ V e stdl
have large timbel belts m ,\ estern Kentuck), nght at our door",
and V\ e constantly draw on tlMt supply For the past forty
years EvanSVille hac, been gett111g a lar~e part of her tUl1ber
"uppl) ±1am the bank~ of erl ('en Ilvel ,LnelItS tnbutanes 111Ken-tuck,
near h(,1e Fvanwille for) eal s held the title and nghtly
too, of bemg the Q,reatest hardwood market 111 the world and we
are still one of the largest mal kets 111 thiS respect and we now
have mOl c sawmIll, In our bOlClers and suburb" than ever before
111 our historY \nother advantarre that I must not lo"e Sight of
hCIe IS that the cheapu grade" of lumber, such dS cottonwood
dne! gum, a !.;redt e!e,d of which ale med by the local fur111ture
factolles, ale "hlpped hele bv baH;e and the rate IS a' low as 1f 1t
had been shippee! by rad fJ am some ad JOl111ngcounty The tim-ber
IS brotH;-ht here from hundreds of mde up the nver
"~ow a \\orcl ahout au! acqUlred advantages vVe have
good bankmg faclhtles hel e 1 hey are as good as you find 111
an) uty of tl1l" Sl7e 111 the l-111ted States \Ve have never
had a bank faIlure m all our history There are ample funds
hel e for the financ1l1g -of any enterpnse, no matter what sIze
Vv'e hdve l:;ood rallroae! fauhtle" 111 Evansy dIe EvansvIlle's
market for fur111tt11e IS 110t confined to thiS Immediate sectIOn, but
goe'> to all part'> of the \\ odd and espeClall) to the countnes of
South Amellca and \J eXlco "0 you Will see that we are not
hanchcapped 111 Sll1PP1l1gall! wares to any part of the world
"Lvansvllle h a -,plenchd Clt) 111IV hlch to hve, both for the
manufdcturer and the workman The sshool faclhtles are as
good a~ one \v III fine! any place 111 the um0,1 The standard of
work I~ high dnd effiCIency Ic, the motto of those 111charge Our
pubhc school., are one of our be~t assets Taxes are about as
low a~ an) ut, of Oll! Size 111 the l-mtecl States ane! the cIty IS
"\\ell managed, both finanuall) and morally vVe have a splendid
pollee force and an effiCIent fil e department For years the Clt)
has m,ned and operdtecl It':l own water works plant and It IS a
modern plant 111 every partLttlat \Vater rents for the manu-facturer.,
arc low
,I \11 the furmture factones 111 Evansvdle are well constructed
and most of them al e of bnck and up to date 111all respects and
we e,m make goods as low as any other city 111 the country, If
not lowel
J\Ir Karges I- one of the leadmg manufacturers of the city
and a self made man, hav1l1g started a" a poor boy With n-oth1l1g to
aid hUl1 but two strong arms and a recolute WIll He has "made
good, ' and 1,0 man 111 EvansyJ1le stands higher 111 the commerCial
and ~oC1al world
Hen jal1l111 Rosse, of the Globe Furmtlll e Company, IS another
manufacturel whose \\ords have IV eIght When asked hiS
(Concluded on page 8.)
Enormous Increase in the Imports of Their Ma-terials
During the First Seven Months
of This Year.
The bureau of ~tatlstlcs of the Department of Commel ce
and Labor has Just sent out a bullet1l1 that will be of II1terest to
all busll1ess men, especIally so to manufacturer~ because It shows
a surpnsmg mcrease 111 the Imports of manufactLlrer~ matenals
durmg the first seven months of thIs ) ear It IS probable that
the ImportatIOn at ~ome artIcles was stllllulated by fear of an
lllCrease 111 tanff dutIes, but most of the 1I1C1ease must ha,e been
due to actual demand, caused by mcreased actIvIty m the mIlls
dnd factories and to general Improvement m busmess conditIOn"
1he bulletm reads as follows
Manufacturers' matenals Imported mto the Umted States
show mcreases from 25 to 150 per cent m the seven months end-mg
wIth July, 1909, over the correspond1l1g penod of the Immed-
Iately preceding year. ThIS statement relates to quantltle:> 1111-
ported. The figures of values show on the whole an even lalger
mcrease, smce, m many cases, Import pnces of raw matenal" ale
hIgher than those of a year ago Takmg values alone and lI1c1ud-mg
all artIcles, the figures of the Bureau of Statlstlcs of Dep;Jrt-ment
of Commerce and Labor show m ImportatlOns of manufac-turers'
matenals an mcreaSe of over 50 per cent, speakmg m
round term's, for the seven months endmg wIth J ul), 1909, \\ hen
compared wIth the correspondmg penod of 1908 The value of
crude matenals for use m manufactunng Imported m the "e, en
months endmg WIth July, 1909, was 'Z9-leY2 ml1hon dol1ar~,
agamst 191 mllhons m the same months of last year, and that at
manufactures for further use m manufactunng, 139 nl1lllOn dol
lars, agamst 87 ml1hons 111 the same months of 1908.
Consldenng the pnnclpa1 manufacturers' matena1s b) quan-tltles,
an analY:>ls of the Bureau of StdtJStlC~ statement ~hO\\ s
marked mcreases 111 nearly all artlc1es Imported tor mallufaltUl mg
purposes. In wool ImportatIOns the mcrease IS 175 per cent, the
quantIty Imported In the seven months of the current year bemg
202 mllhon pounds, agamst 73 111111lOnsm the same months of
last year Raw SIlk Imports show an mcrease of 50 pel cent the
total for the seven months endmg WIth July, 1Cl()<) bemg- ny;;
mIllion pounds, agamst a little more than 8 11111110mm thl :>dme
months of last year. Imports of hIdes and skms shO\, an m-crease
of over 86 per cent, the total for the seven month~ of thIS
year bemg 301 ml1lIOn pounds, agamst 1613':;; l111lllom m the cor-respondmg
months of the precedl11g }ear ThIS mcrease m Im-portatIOns
of hIdes and skms occurs 111 practlcally all c1asse"
thereof. Goat skms Imported m the seven months endmg "Ith
July, 1909, show a total of 70 millIOn pounds, agal11st 39 ml11l0ns
111 the same months of the precedmg year, and hIdes of cattle
133 ml1110n pounds, agall1st 63 mIllions m the seven months of
last year Mamla hemp ImportatIOns show an mcrease at over
50 per cent, the total for the seven months of 1909 be1l1g ~()y;;
millio;}tpounds, agamst 53 millions m the same months of last
year; and of Jute the Importations increased from 15972 111111IOn
pounds In the seven months endmg with July, 1908 to 241 111111lOn
m the same months of the current year Wood pulp Importatlons
show an increase of something more than 50 per cent, the total
for the seven months endlllg WIth July, 1909, bemg 3HY;; mllhon
pounds, agamst 240 mIllIOns m the same months of the precedmg
year ImportatIOns of boards, deals, and planks show an II1crease
of about 3375 per cent, the quantlty Importedm the seven months
endmg WIth July, 1909, bemg 108 mIllion feet, against 305 mllhon
feet m the same months of the precedmg year. IndIa rubber
Imports show a less increase than certain of the other important
artIcles for use III manufacturing, the quantIty Imported in the
,e\ en montib u1dmg \, Ith July, UI09 belllg;:; ~1;j 111llhon pounds,
a~all1~t ±1~ mlllJom III the corresponchng months of L1st year,
an 111crease of about 2'3 per cent COjJper Ole shows an lllcrease
111 Imports of nearly 50 per cent, 36,h l11111IOUpouwls ha\ lllg been
Imported m the ~e, en months of 1909, agalllst 2) J;j 1111ll1OllS111
the "ame month~ of 1908" and copper pIg:>, lllgots, etc , 0how an
I11Clease of 96 pel cent 138~ mIllIOn pounds havmg been Im-pOl
ted III the seven months of 1909, agalllst 71 mIllIOns III the
~ame months at last) ear Imports of pIg tll1 show a 1 1l1crease
of nearly 23 per cent, the quantlty ImpOl ted 111 the seven months
enchng \\ Ith Jul) of the current year belllg 56 11111llOnpounds,
agamst +5Y;; m1lhons III the correspond111g penod III 1908
fhe mCIease m unportatlOn of manufacturers' matena1s
mdlldted b} the Items above e1ll1merated extends to practically all
of the numerous artlcles mclucled m the Bureau of Statistics
groups' crude matenals for use m manufactunng" and "man 1-
factures for further use HI manufactunng" As already stated,
each of these groups show:> a marked gam III the figures of total
value, and thIS gdlll occurs both m the seven months endmg
WIth July and 111the smgle month of July, the value of all crude
l11atenal~ for use m manufaltunng Imported in July, 1909, bemg
37;<3 ml1hon dollar~, aga111~t 2'1 l111lllons m July, 1908; and that
of manufactures tor flu thtr use 111 ll1dnufaltunng, 223<3mIllIOns
aga111,t 139-'+l111lllons 111 July, 1908
Import p11ces of manufacturers matenals are shown by the
figures of the Bureau of Statbtlcs to be somewhat hIgher at the
pI esent tune than a ) ear ago Companng Import pnces m July
1909 w1th those of July of la-t year, raw wool of class lIS re
ported at ~2 cents pel pound 111 J tl1y last, aga1l1st 16 cents In
] u1y 1(J08, though shghtl) less than the average pnce of June,
1(lO9, \\ hen It \\ as 23 3 cents per pound The average Import
pllce of law cotton wa:> 1.37 cents per pound in July ,1909,
agalllst 15.4 cents per pound 111 July, 1908, of hemp, $147 56 per
ton 111 Jul). 1909, agd111st $IH '2± 111 July of last year, of ~Isal
gl ass, $112 5~ per ton, agaInst $111 08 111 July 1908, of hIdes of
cattle 13 5 cents per pouud, agal11st 10 8 cents 111 July of 1a~t year;
at 1a\\ SIlk. $ 3 30 pel pound agamst $3 07 111 July, 1908, at leaf
tObdCCOsmtdble fOI \, I appers, 9-i 8 cents per pound, agam~t 88 5
cents m J UI}, 1908, and of crude !ndla rubber, 73.1 cents per
pounel m J uh, 1909, agamst 39 ± cents III July of the precedlllg
The table \\ Inch follO\\ s show~ quantltles and value~ of the
pnnClpal artlcles Imported for use III manufactunng III the seven
months endmg WIth Jul), 1909, compared WIth the correspond-lllg
months of the precedmg year All quantltle~ and values
belllg expres~ed In ml1hons'
\rtlc1e I Quantity Value
I 19015 I 1909 1908 11909·1
I Pounds I Pounds I
Wool I 7~)"d I 2019 $13.0 I $361
Cotton I 50 J 6'30 97
9 ~l
SIlk, ra\\ I 82 I 126 280 423
Ma1111a, hen p I 53 () I 866 37 44
Jute I 159 ! 2409 36 I -leS I I
Indld rubber I us I 533 223 I 398
Flbers (all)
ciO) 0
4892 187 182
I-!Jdes and SklllJ 161 6 300 D 283 538
Paper stock (rags) I -iG () 831 07 1.0
VI ood pulp I '2399 3'11 5 35 54
Boards, p1ank~, etl ( feet) I 3050 4084 59 77
Iron are I 846 3 1,6685 12 20
PIg Iron I 1139 1720 1 ;; 25
Steel mgots, blllets etc I 126 20 '3 0C; 15
Copper are I 25 + :'64 33 40
Copper mg-ots, pigS, etc I 711 1387 105 179
PI~ tll1 I -le56 561 133 159
Crude matenal~ for use m I
manufactunng (all) I 1910 294.5
~Ianufactures for fUlther use I
m manufactUl Ulg (all) I 87.4 139.4
Mahogany. Monotony and Ugliness Are the Chief
Characteristics of Bed Room Things.
So many mlsapprehenslOns obtam m the Amencan mmd con-cermng
the actual cost of hvmg m London that a few facts con-cermng
the truth of the matter from one who has sampled every
kmd of eXIstence here may prove mterestmg, say:. .l\Iay Isabel
f'Isk, m the Boston Amencan One can rent an attractlve house
m a good neIghborhood, a bit removed from the whirl of the
town, for five hundred dollars a year The rates and taxes will
amount to about $100 more In a less desirable 10catlOn or a
suburb, a comfortable lIttle house can be had for even $250 a
year, wIth rates and taxes in proportlOn
In Maida Vale, once a fashlOnable dIstrict and abound111g m
large, old style houses, now converted into flats, you can get a
ground floor and basement for $300. The first floor tenants
have privilege of the large garden m the back, which in many 111-
stances is generally a most beautlful park wIth trees, flower beds
and tenms courts, the whole walled m by the houses gIvmg upon
thIS square of green.
There are no hIdeous "backyards" 111London, but each dwel-lmg,
no matter how unpretentlOus, boasts a garden, and the Eng-lIsh
people have reduced to a fine art, the beautlfymg by flower and
V111eof every mch of thIs ground. Even m the 111termmable lInes
of drab, dreary lIttle houses m the East End, from almost every
w111downods a gay lme of flowers
In Bloomsbury, ten minutes from all the big restaurant",
hotels and theatres, you can obtam a convement, SIx-room flat
from $300 to $500. In all instance" you must supply the heat,
and all repaIrs are made by the tenant, and on the explratlOn of
your lease, you are forced to pay a very consIderable sum, whIch
has already been arranged for m thIS lease, or It IS to be deCIded
upon when you gIVe up your flat. Also the landlord has the
bl1lldmg so msured that m the event of It burmng down dunng
your occupancy, you are oblIged to pay the rent up to the ter-mmatIOn
of your lease I
It can be reaclIly understood that m thb country the landlord
has decldeclly the best of the barga111. In fashIOnable .l\Iayfalr
you can pay from $1,000 tor a small flat up to $5,000 fOl a large
and delIghtful one. Coal 1:. about the same here, but electnc
lIght and gas con~Iderable lower
Vvhen It comes to furmsh111g a place, It IS mterestmg to note
the ddference m pnces of the same thmg" here as compared
wIth '\menca Excellent rugs ma} be had for much less than
at home-notably the "IndIan carpets" rarely seen on the other
SIde A rug anythmg larger than a few feet m SIze IS called a
If one had an eye for a bargam, by searchmg about 111odd
corners, or hav111ga watchful agent on the lookout at one of the
wonderful auctIOn marts, beautlful pIeces of old carved furmture
may be picked up for at lea"t a quarter or fifth of what It would
bnng m Amenca As an offset to thIS, ordmary commonplace
furmture IS much hIgher m price.
The uglmess and lack of vanety m bed room thmgs IS very
dlscouragmg to one of artlstlc taste accustomed to the endless
"electlOn of such furmshmgs m New York The hIdeous mono-tony
of the mahogany inlaid "suItes," mcludmg a towenng,
space-devourmg wardrobe. that hold so very lIttle and the
hornble marble-topped wash-stands, wIth the complement of
flambuoyant double sets of chma, are too awful for words. In
hardly any flat or houses IS there any "cupboard" room at all,
and one must re"ort to all manner of expedIents to harbor one's
When anyth111g IS made to order here, never, under any cir-cumstances,
do you receIve It when promIsed Perhaps you see
a table whIch IS not quite to your lIkmg and an offer is made you
to construct one for you with the required change. You in-qUIre
how long thIS wIll take and are mformed ten days at the
"hortest. You reply that It WIll be too long to walt and you
won't have the table The salesman qUIckly asks you to walt and
dIsappears mto one of those mystenous back regIOns aboundmg
m London shops, apparently to confer wIth some hIgher power
After an 111termmable walt, dunng whICh even the Budget
questIOn mIght have been "ettled, he returns and smIlmgly an-nounces
he can dehver the table to you day after tomOl row wIth-out
fall You depart triumphant 111havmg gamed thIS VIctory
over the proverbIal slowne:.:. of the Bntlsh workman. "Day
after tomorrow" lengthens mto a week and you call around to
learn the reason of delay A long and complIcated story IS told
you of somethmg happemng to the artIcle m the course of con-structIOn-
It b not qmte clear what, but you go away much
mollIfied. Another week passes and you mdlgnantly demand
the wherefor of thIS protracted walt.
You find the table had arnved but was not precisely correct
m some e:.:.entlal and the thoughtful salesman had sent It back
In about three weeks the affaIr arnves, not at all accordmg to your
mstructIOns, but weak with combat, you accept It WIthout further
parlay This, WIth some small dIfferences, has been an exper-
Ience I have battled WIth agam and agam, each tIme thmkmg I
mIght prove astute enough to m some way nse supenor to EnglISh
custom" and ways. Futlle hope.
KItchen uten"I1s are amazmgly dear, and tmware is about
as mexpensive as gold plate I spent a year searchmg for a
potato masher, and a cham chshc1oth, the envy of all my EnglIsh
fnends, I had sent me from Amenca. The SIx-penny bazaar is
a small and pnmItIve affaIr 111 no wa" approachIng our five and
ten-cent store.,
No Stock complete WIthout the Ell Beds III Malltd and Upright.
Write for cuts aud prices
Two Good Boosts for Evansville.
(Contmued from page 5 )
op111lOn on "The c\ch antages of EvansvIlle for IIanutactUl ero
and ShIppers' thh I~ \\ hat he saId
"All buy ers \\ ho WIll tdke the t11ne to look U\ el the hnes of
furmture manufactured 111Evan~\ Ille 11111110t be lont; to see the
great advantages for them to buy 111 the Evan,\ Ille malket
EvansvIlle, hav111g \\ Ith111 Its bOl del ~ thlrtl tom 111d1\Idual ta~
tones, each and e\ eI} one of them maklllt; a ,peClal Ime ofter'
VdSt opportumty fOl the bu) ers 1he\ can find am thmg the\
Made by Charles Bennett Furmture Co • Charlotte, MICh
want 111the furnltUI e 1111e111F\ ,111,\ Ille \n\ man \\ ho ha, g1\ en
manufactunng an) stud) can 1eachly ,ee the gl (',It ach ant,lge of
factones taklllg up Shm tIme,,; dUel specI,t!I7mg on them thu eh\
be111gable to prodw::e the11 output at the \ el \ 1111l11l1lUcllol,t \t
the same t1111ethe bm el has the ach anatge of see1l1g all the Ime,,;
manufactm ed b) thIS entll e .1tunber of fact01le, ,hO\\ n In sample
looms 111one large bmld111g
, After purcJ1a'lng IllS \\ ant, no mattel tl om \\ nat tadol\
he mav have dedIt \\ 1th the bu) cr can IOMl them ,111111 one caI,
theleby gett111g the be,,;t and 10\\ est 11 Clght 1 ate,,; and he can get
the goods dehvered to h,,; ,tOIC 111a much bettel ~OnchtlO1 than
If they \\ere chIpped h\ local freIght fllI~ pOInt ha, ahead\
made Evamvdle knOY'd1to the fUll11tm C buy ers dnel the elt\ IS
today the leadmg mn.ed car fmmtmc centel 111 the entIre lmted
Cmtec1 State,,; \ 0 le-,s than;: 2') cal 10ac1~of furmtm e \\ CIC ,mp
peel out of E\ ansvIlle dunng the month of ::,eptember, lUst ended
"The EvansvIlle Furmtm e Exchange I"; open to bu\ eh ,Ill the
) ear around and an} one 111the market \\ l,,;h1l1gto 1eple111,',hhIS
cupphes can do no better than come to thIS ut). no matte I It he
only needs a small amount of good~ He \\ 111find l11s tnp here
ha, been profitable to hIm In the savmg of freIght rates, better
terms and prompter c:ehvenes
"Evansvllle I"; now \\ ell knO\\ n to all buy el., of furl11ture
In the LTl11ted State,,; and the manufacturer~ hel e nO\\ ha\ e re-presentatIve,,;
111 l\lexlco, the liVbt Indle~ dnd all parts of South
Amenca VI ho are sendtng 111both bu) ers and orders all the \ ear
E\ ansvIlle furmtm e I J11H;ht;,ay !Sacs all over the world and helps
to dchertlse our CI1\ a,,;one ot the greatest manufactunng centers
,",e\e.1t}-fi\ e salc~men for furmtm e and stoves travel out of
E'dnsvllle and the} are constantly 'boo,',tlng' EvansvIlle It I";my
honest and E1I1Cerebehef that 111 the ne)<,-1tea years EvansvIlle
,,111 have ,1Ot on1l thIrty -fOUl furmture factones and five stove
plant,,; but that It ,,111 l1dve fifty furmture plants and a great tn-
11 ea~e 111 the ,to\ e blh1l1es) wtll be notIced
1\ hat \\ e \\ant anel vvhat the dealels want IS a large market,
,I c;ooel \ alletl and they \vIll all come here The more factone~
II e ha\ e the more bU~tne0s we \\ III do 111 the course of a year I
,ee a bnght futm c for the fur 11ture manufacturers of Evansv1l1e
fhere IS no ln11lt to 0111 posslblhtles IVe WIll cont111ue to grow
and e,,-pand untIl L\ ans\ Ille \\ 111be known and honored 111 ever}
II \ Ihzecl part of the \\ Ide VI oriel
Of the 223 car loads of fur11lture "hlppecl out of EvansVIlle
dunng the month of Septembel about one half moved 111 sohel
calload lot, and the other half moved 111local shlpmenb Of
c,tm e~ there "ere 101 carloads ,,;hlpped dunng the month of
'vptember ~IAt) per cent of these stove,,; moved 111 carload lots
anel the balance 111 local shIpments TI11s \vould make a total of
at lea"t () ')20 ( (0 pounels from thLe 111dmtne,,; alone The rev-enue
elel1\ ed flom the,,;e shIp 11ents wa,,; over $500,000 ThIS IS
a guo 1 1 elOl c1 ,111c1111 the future" e WIll do even better'
Rein' Glad.
I lIke tIllS thing of bein' glad,
The feelm's simply grand
To have a feller slap your back,
Or gnp you by the hand,
And look Just tickled half to death
To see) ou once again
\\ hy, shucks, It makes you feel so glad
You simply have to grin.
The heart's a spongy lookmg glass,
And you can put it clown,
That it reflects, and then soaks up,
A smJIe or tear or frown;
So when you're up against it hard
And sorry, sick or sad,
Just coax a gnn and try like sin
To look a little glad
r c)I teelIn,', are contaglOu, thIng,,;,
LIke measles or the mumps,
And when the folks around look blue
You're also in the dumps;
So get a gnn above your chin,
For that's contagious, too,
That some unhappy chap may see
And catch the grins from you -]. T.
II Illle Illchlgan produces the £ne"t grade,; of bIrch and
bIrd s e} e maple lumber, comparatIvely httle bIrch i~ used by
the manufacturers of furl11ture 111 Grand RapIds Consider-able
quantItIes are ,,;hlpped to K ashVIlle, l\Iemphls and other
,,;outhem P0111tS where It I'; cut up and fil11~hed to imItate ma-hogan)
It b saId that the factones located at Rockford,
III use more bIrch than all the furl11ture factones 111 the state
of ~IIchlgan
The Winona. Minn.• Scheme As Outlined by the
RepresentathTeof the Furniture Trade.
The folloWIng letter from the leadmg fUlmture dealer
of 'v\!mona, MInn, outhmng the plan for makmg and USIng
a co-operatn e catalog, was read at the recent meeting of
the Mmnesota Retal1 Furmture Dealers' AssociatlOn held m
W L Grapp, Mmneapohs, Mmn , Dear SIr -I find that
I am not gOlng to be able to get away from W mana to-morrow,
bemg held here by very lmportant bUsIness, and so
shall not have the pleasure of meetmg wlth my brother furm-ture
dealers In conventIOn as I had very much deslred Please
Made by Charles Bennett Furniture Co , ChaI lotte, MlCh
extend to the conventIOn my greetmgs, and say that in regard
to the workmg of the co-operatlVe catalog, whIch was the
subject assIgned me, I can as yet say httle or nothmg as
the catalog we W mana merchants are gettmg out lS now m
press and will take some months to determme lts success m
our c1ty as a trade getter, though we have many letters from
other Cltles where the plan has been tned, show1l1g It to
have been very successful In bnef, the plan IS SImply this'
A number of merchants comb me to Issue the catalog; m
our case, we have H Choate & Co, the leadmg dry goods
house for the dry goods end, a shoe house, a c10thmg house,
and a harness manufacturer, a carnage company, a hardware
house, a Jeweler, I have the furmture and chma department
and several others making In all a complete lIne of goods
except grocenes, whIch It IS not advIsable to have, we find
Each merchant fills as many pages a~ he deSIres, WIth cuts
and prIces WIth full descnptIons, paymg so much per page
and the bmdmg, maIlIng and other general expenses are pro-rated
'vVe wIll send from the pnnter's office 10,000 cata-logs
to proven correct addre"ses m the country and small
tOVli ns surroundmg V\T mana m three counties Then once
a month we wIll follow up WIth a CIrcular showing some
exceptIOnally good leader and callIng attentlOn to the cata-log,
for a penod of SIX.months, at the end of whIch tlme, of
course, VIi e all hope to be mIllIOnaIres, lf we are not then,
we shall have to do It over agam
When the catalog lS out I "Ill very gladly send a copy
to any of the Mmnesota furnIture dealers, who wl11 drop me
their address, askmg for same, and a httle later on wl1l gladly
furnIsh all the lnformatlOn I can as to the success of the plan
as a trade getter, and anythmg I Cdn m the VIi ay of informa-tIon
to those who may WIsh to know more of the plan.
Regretting that I cannot be WIth you m person, as r
shall be ln splnt, I am very truly yours,
New Buildings That Will Need Furniture.
Resldence,,-H \\ BaIley, San Rafael HeIghts, Pasa-dena.
Cal $8,000, Mrs E S \Varl, I as Angeles, Cal , $4500,
Flank 1\1 \\atts, Douglas, Anz, $4,500, Guy Haggerty, Los
Angdes, $8000, F Hollett, Los Angeles, $4,250, G W GIb-son,
Long Beach, Cal, $5,000
Pubbc BuIldmgs- The contract for bUlldmg the cIty hall
at Redlands, Cal , has been let to Taylor Br03 Bnck company
Pa sadena, Cal, wIll el ect a kmdergarten buddmg at a CO"t
of $15,000 Los Angeles, Cal , IS asking for bIds on the con-structIOn
of 5even, smgle story frame school houses San
J acmto, Cal, IS about to begm the erectIOn of a new hIgh
school bUlldmg to cost $4 000
Why I~umber Stocks Are Low.
A local Jobber of furmture lumber declares that sac' 5
are low and steadIly decreasIng on account of the 111actVIty
of the mIlls "Furmture lumber mu~t be cut 111cold weath-er,"
the Jobber lemarked It wlll not cure properly If cut
out of season Dozy, ehscoloratlon, vI,arpmg and other eVIls
follow when lumber 15 not cut in the proper season of the
Visited Yellowstone Park.
Dan \1\ Tower of the Grand RapIds Brass Company,
has returned from a summer tour m the west He spent
several weeks m Yellowstone Park, where he m1de many
trIpS on horseback and VISIted parts of that wonderlaml that
are rarely seen by tounsts who spend only a few days in the
What to Buy and Where.
The H S Holden Veneer company, 40 Market street,
Grand RapIds, 1\1ICh, have Just receIved 100,000 feet of chOIce
Clrcasslan walnut, 85,000 feet of mahogany and cedar crotch
100000 feet of chOIce mahogany and 250,000 feet of 1-20 chOIce
quartered oak veneers, all read} for lmmedlatc delIvery
That old and substantIal firm, MacAllIster & Mohler, of
Columbu~, OhIO, dIssolved some tIme S1l1ce, and the rem am-mg
partner, John H Mohler, ""auld be pleased to find a pur-chaser
for hIS busme"s Not because 111::, bUsIness is un-profitable,
whlch IS not the fact, but other mterests need hI~
The contract for supplymg- furmture and fixture'3 for the
new Traders' Bank bU1ldIng In Scranton, Pa , has been a" ardeer
to the LIbrary Bureau of Boston
Colors and Qualities of Material for Curtains, Draperies and Wall Finishes Must
Harmonize With Carpets and Furniture, or Else Results Will Be Disastrous.
The real, the gleate"t the he'it opportullltle" fOl the clh-play
of good taste 111 hou"e decoration., IS found m the "elec-tion
of wall color", cal pet." cm tams and drapene'i and lIght
there IS where mIstakes and blunder'i are most fJ equenth
made, says an eastern authonty on the 'lubJect HO\\ e\ el
111 the matter of wall decoratIons thel e IS httle to be saId for
It IS admItted that A.menca plOduces the most artl'otlc wall
papers 111 the world and the combmmg of the plam papel s m
the soft, dull colors WIth the blight flowered pattern., 1'0 cal-ned
out In the home" all 0\ el the land In a fashlOll whlLh l'
not equalled 111 any othel country The damask pelper"
nch and thIck almo"t as the real blOcade'i whIch the\ arc
made to ImItate, make vvall CO\ enng'i for the salon and tht
receptIOn rooms whIch It takes a c1o~e obselVer to (IIstln£; l11sh
from the expensIve 'illks whIch are 'iO much m tashlOn In
rr;ure Inr the paneled wall"
The IashlOn of dlvldmg off the "all" Into panels lIke "0
I"nany pIctures b, by the V\ay, an almo"t wholly rlench cus-t0m
The French salon IS chvlded 1I1tO so many panels, be-l
\v pen \\ hich there IS \\ ood carvmgs, 01 a "tucco "hlch 11111-
tates it After thIS each pdnel 11<1'" Its dpplopnate j)lctUl e dnd
ll'il1al1), he [are It, SIb a certam chall 01 other pIece of tUI
wtlllC ThIS gIves a stIff fm mal look to the el\ Uage 1r ench
'ietlon whIch IS much cntler"ed b) "trangel ", and \\ lth I ea"on
'n the matter of celhngs, It IS the ItalJetns "ho of elIl the
clvdl, ed people of the earth, havt the hand,ome"t and mCht
elaborate:y decorated one" The Flench put 111 d lot ot
stucco m artistIc pattern", but they u<.,ually leal, e the"e "hltc
The ,-olor-lo, 111(7 Itahans ha\ e mhented their taste for glIde I
and pd1l1' «1 celhng" from their old masters, from Raphael and
Leonardo The churche" 111 Italy ha\ e In the cellJngs masse"
cf £;,[hlmg and pamtlng'i In £;'orgeou<" colors So that the
olClmary Jtdlran hou"e paInter 01 decolator IS perfectly cap
able, w th a fevv strokes of the brush, of turnmg the com-
---- ..----------------------.----.-.-.-.-.---'------------~ III
MICH ••••
COion101 sUlles
TOil POSI Beas
Odd Dressers
LMleS' TOilels
Ini00d GOOds
I ~-------------------~-----------------------~
11'o11e"t e,ll1~~ mto a pleelsmg pIcture of sky and flower" 1n
'I, h1ch t1'l l 'or 'icheme 1S most artIstic
\\ chi e tetkc11 up thIS Idea 111 many of our wall papers,
and no, ',e ha\ J charnllng cellrngs whIch come ready for
puttIng up, and vvhlch gIve a much warmer, more pleasant
eftert to a room than the old fashIOned whIte celhng", All
,I ,'(;h c'i [:ee1', ]11tl e treatment of walls, are 111 "ckh \ ,;:;11C
at pre'ient that the I e"t have been pretty much neglected The
L'I (, 1,tnL,Cl HI" 11\ L '- (r the green" are the dull h"1e, 111
"f' e1al tOl1\.~'i and tll(, YlnetIan reds The green c(,]o,'
scheme tor mtellor decoratlOn'i of all sorts undoubtedly comes
from En£;'lanc1, where It has attaIned It" hIghest state of per
fecbon Some of the Londoner'i go to the extreme of pall1t-
1l1L, tIltH 1I01,l «(I )j '- d bright green, or even red. and thl- l'i
bCln~ 1011)\' ed In ColonIal h01bes l1l Amenca AnJ tl't
<;UaJlge1 1)-1"''''111.t.l,llough the mIles of dull 100kl11g bnck
hou,e" \\ 1<lch ,eem ne\ el to ha\ e had a coat of pamt, l'i
<;telltIed, here and there by seemg a bnght green door peep-
I11g out, \vlth perhaps a bnght red one the next dool It
'ihock'i at fil <;t but on the whole, It glve" an Idea of good
cheel wlthl11
rr he thl11g '" 111ch the \ I'-,[tor ,.,ees fil st on e11tellng a 100111
IS thc \\ mdo\\ 101 [t h b) the dre:>sl11g of the wll1dow" tInt
onc ma\ be"t gua~c the cahbre of the hO'itess And hele
d2,dln the \mencdll ",oman ha'i much to bp thankful for For
h(1\\ e\ c r attl actl\ e the l~l eneh wmdow'i openmg m the mId-dle
tor the full length. d" the) do, they are the very mischief
to (hare and arran£;c
The Amencan "tyle, be:>ldes lettIng In much lelss cold
~l1d draught, h altogE'ther more accommO latl11g when It
LOme" to the subject of the curtal11S \\ Ith a drapery acro'iS
the top, the alrangemcnt can be a fixed affaIr, whereas the
ellape1) tor the l'rench w1l1dow'i must always have cords
to pull It back 111 order to open the wl11dow e\ er so httle.
Full Revertil)Je Flue. Hlglt Grade.
Medium Prices. New DeSIgn.
FIre pots are large and heavy
and can be removed through front
ooor. Shakmg and draw center
grate. Large ash pan NIckel
parts are base, foot ralls, name
plate. ash plt, door panel, dragon
corner wings, enllre reRector top
and swmg cover.
SIZe of
No File Pot WeIght PrIce
II I "in. 2001bs. $17.75
112 12in. 2501bs. 14.75
lid 13in. 300lbs 16.75
SEND FOR CATALOGUE. w. D. SAGER 483·497 No. Water St •
Tel Randolph 1372 CHICAGO, ILL.
Unless, mdeed, one resorts to that system, current m France,
of bUlldmg out the canopy at the top to pe11111tthe window
to open 1l1Slde of It
lance knew an old French lady in Amenca who, al-though
she had ltved m the country for thirty years, always
bumped her head agam"t the raised \\ 1l1dow sash when she
tned to look out of doors \nd In France the Americans
can nevel get u ..,ed to thel pullmg of a half dozen pairs of
Cotds before they attempt to open the wmdow, and even
If they do not bump their heads they tear the curtains on
the corners of the \\ mdows and get mto a temper at the
"unpractlcal French ..
Any properly dressed wmdow "hould have not less than
three pair" of curtains and drapcnes not countmg the bItnet,
which make" four The first one whIch goe'" O\! el the glass
C3n be of an} thm matenal not to shut out the hght. or It
may be tmted "0 that any de"lred tone may filter mto a room
Raw dayhght for a 1eceptlOn room IS not desirable
French women are fond of puttmg pale pmk tulle or net
over the Wl1ldow pane ~ et IS the most practical, as it
washes. and IS not expen"l\ e If It fades It can eastly be
clIpped The next CIlltams are also whIte.
open m the l111ddle, and draped back These
a1e oftenest of lace, 01 a combmatlOn of lace
and mushn or tulle But there I" such a rage
for net at present, the nerts, both m white ana
creams, are bemg worked out mto dehghthtl
patterns for the "econd pall' to the WIndow
ThIs IS done m Pan.., m various wa)-"
elther m wash nbbons, tone on tone, or In
colofCIl nbbons The pattern'i are apphqued
on the tulle In bow knOb, mto flower deSIgns
and m art patterns too numerous to mentlOn.
Some snappy one are done m the cretan flow-el
s cut out or m the much rev1vecl tode de
JOuv, which IS much the same thmg, only hand-somer
It I.., "omettme" only the top of the
curtam whILh IS thus treated, leavmg the low-el
portIOn loose and hgh 1. N (\t In ..,ome form
or another has for the moment almost com-pletely
ousted the old conventIOnal lace cur-tam,
whIch for modern grace 1" conSidered
much too heavy and stiff,
1he third pair of curtams IS, of course, the
drapery, whIch must be m keepmg With the rugs, or carpets,
and WIth the furmture of a room It IS practIcally only tlllS
thud paIr \\ h1ch co"t an) thmg A drapery should be se-lected
whIch IS not stiff The handsomest of all is the Silk
dama"k m raIsed pattnns of the same tone, and these hned
'WIth a ..,oft plam stIk, hght both m color and weight
At pre"ent the'1e IS a furor for apphque curtams, which
were first brought out by LIbert} of London A sort of red
stIk v"hlch may be part cotton, IS u..,ually employed m hght,
or the art colors, and on to the"e are applted the tortuous
pattern.., m another color of a darker shade generally, or m
a darker tone of the same shade
But m the selectIOn of curtam", or rathel, most of all
of the drapenes, the room to be furm"hed must be conSId-ered,
and also the kmd and COI01of the wall decoratIOns Thl
curtaIn" of all the wmclows of a home should be made as
far as po,slble to look ahke' flam the outSIde, but here the
hkeness ceases For each room IS to be treated In a diff-erent
fashIon mS1de, depenchng on the room, whether It is
the parlor, the "lttlng room, the clImng room, 01 a bedroom
For decoratIOns m the sleepmg room" the canopies for
bcJs are Important The old style affair whIch covered the
bed In 'iuch a way as to hmder the free pas"age of the alt
IS, of course, not to be thought of There IS such a tiling d-,
placing a curtam around the back and head of the bed agam"t
the wall, whIch gIves much mow the look of luxury and fimsh
than a bare wall. and whIch 111no way mtetfei es With the
hy gIenlL atrangement of the room Thcse drdpenes ..,ho"1d
be the same 111tone as tho"e at the" 1ndo\\"
Volume of General Business.
A bullet111 just Issued by the bureau of statI"tK" of the
department of commerce and labor, relatIve to 111ternal com-melrce
dunllg the month of August prove" concluslvel} that
there has been a va"t 111crease In the volume of general bU..,I-nes~
transacted In the country dunng the past) car The
figm es show that the movements of gram, flour, I" e ..,tock.
packmg house products, coal, coke, cotton, lumber, shoes,
wool, Iron and several other commoditIes, we1 e much largo
than 111 August 1908 and 111several 111stance" larger than m
1907 The same result:" are leached when the reports for
the first e1ght months of tl1l'; year a1e compared WIth 1905
Some New Pieces by the Bockstege Furmture Co , of EvanSVIlle,Ind.
and 1907 The bulletin closes WIth the following paragraphs
"The value of bmldmg penmts granted by mU11lc1pal
authontIes of 90 leachng citIes 111all parts of the country IS
..,tated as $65,073,337, thIS total, whtle 9 m1lhon dollars be-low
the Jul), 1909, total, mdlcates, however, an 1mpro" ement
of almost 40 per cent, as compared WIth the correspondlllg
"\ugust, 1908, results
"Reports from 33 car-servICe assoClatlOns and demur-rage
bureaus covenng practIcally the entIre tern tory of the
L11lted States, gIve the total number of cars handled as 2,-
805,290, \\h1ch, for the first t1111e,exceeds the number of the
correspondmg monthly total handled in 1907. Thel figures
for the eIght 1110nths reported by these orga11lzatIons, 19,-
440, 634 cars are sttll a mtlhon short of the total reported
for the correspond111g 1907 penod "
Just because fools and children speak the truth IS no reason
why they should monopohze the conversation
The man who succeeds IS the one who makes me of other
people's mistakes
Wisconsin Factory Notes.
Fond du Lac, \\'lS, Oct 7-The \\ Isconsm ~Ilfror Plate
Company will remove to Sheboygan, \\ 1S. m January next,
where they are building a new plant whIch 1S to be 60x160
feet m d1menslOn" The company has an excellent trade
and IS buildIng the new factory to melet the demands of 1t'i
growIng busmess
The Fond du Lac Table Manufactunng Company, man-ufacturers
of extensIOn tables, 1'i one of the plants of thIS CIty
""h1ch has been runnmg a full force of men on full time "lnce
the first of the year The company recently sent out 5,000
of theIr fall catalogs
The \V 1sconsm Cabmet Company IS one the most pro
gress1ve furl1lture manufactunng concerns m the cIty of Fond
du Lac The company has Just completed an add1t1on 18
xS2 feet, to theIr warehouse, a two story structure 45x80
without the addItion The mam bmldmg of the plant IS 85
x120 feet two "tones Secy-treas A Se1den"pmner recenth
assumed the management of the company He 1S a gen-tleman
who has been 1dentlfied w1th the furn1ture trade all
of his hfe. ::\Ir Se1denspmner came here from Grand RapId",
\V IS, V\here he was connected for four years wtlh the Ober-beck
Bros Manufactunng Companv and prn 10US to that
tllme was assocIated WIth the Klel Table Company of K1el
\VIS The company IS now gettmg out ItS neV\ hne ot pat-terns
for January and WIll have ready for the trade at that
tIme, forty ne"" sUItes.
Bird·s Eye Cherry.
"The hand~omest furmnture so far as regards the wood used,
and I may add there was nothmg lackmg m the deslg,1 ever pro-duced
m Grand RapIds, V\as turned out by the John \\Tlddlcomb
..- .•.._ ...--."
"When In doubt where
to buy the best BIrds-eye
Maple goods,
Hitch Your
to a
and get results Would
a pnce of
for this
No. GO!
Interest you? Do not
buy untIl you know
the pnce. Ask us for
how much less than
$12 we sell It, and In-
CIdentally ask for a
Michigan Star Furniture Co.
.. -_. ......--_ ..._._--_._._~ I
Company m bIrd s-e} e chen y ," remarked a gentleman formerly
IdentIfied \\ nh the furmture mdu"try but at present engaged 111
Jobbmg lumber "There came 111tothe possessIOn of the company
a few log" of cherry that possessed bIrd' ,,-eyes, and when made up
the beauty of the figure and the nchness of the color charmed the
beholder 1he buyers m the market took the ,;mtes eagerly; the
lot was clo<ed out m a smgle day Before the opemng of the
sale 1Ir \VlClcllcomb s WIfe and a number of lady fnends were
11lvlted to llbpect the sample", and the cherry bIrd's-eyes pleased
them so much that they pa1d httle attentlOn to other features of
the Ime
Preferred By Old Maids.
In dlscu0sll1g the reVIval of the demand for furniture made
of b1rei's e} e ancl wh1te maple a well 11lformed manufacturer
<tated that when old maids needed somethmg "mfty," they usually
Made by thtl Udell Works, IndianapolIs Ind
"elected goods made 1.1these woods \Vh1te maple when properly
fimshed retams 1b color and there 1Snothmg m the timber world
to compare ''>lth the b1rd's-eye figure AnClent maiden ladles
reahze and apprecIate the0e facts and show good taste and fine
d1scnmmat!on m Judgment when se1ectmg furl11ture con-structed
of these matenals. Goods made of these woods sell
most readIly m the fall months.
We are now puttmg out the best Caster Cups wlth cork bases ever
oflereGto the trade 1hese are fimshed In Golden Oak and WhIte Maple
l!l a Itght fin"h The,e goorls are admIrable for poltshed tloors and furn-
Iture rests They will not sweat or mar.
$4 00 per hundred
5.00 per hundred
FOB Grand RaptdB
SlZe 2%, lnches
SIze 2% In,hes
Try a Sample Order
~.. _.- ---_--.-_~-----_ __ --.--.--._.-.------- __ •••••• --- ••••• _4
BonON SALES OFFICE, 2 ~2 Purchase Street. OFFICE AND TANNERIES, Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
The Corporation Tax Law.
Washington dlspatche", sent out apparently by authonty,
for the purpose of throwmg lIght upon the prOVISIOns of the
corporatIOn tax law, state that mqUlnes receIved by the treas-ury
department show It to be a common opmlOn that the tax
became operative wIth the beglnnmg of the fiscal year, whIle
a great many others have concluded that the tax would be im-posed
beg111111ngWIth Aug S, or the day on whIch the Payne
A1dnch bIll was approved by the presIdent Contrary to bot~
of these ImpreSSIOns, the prov ISIons of the act name the cal-endar
year as the penod to be covered by the tax, and the first
a"sessment under the corporatIOn tax law wlll be for the pen-od
between January 1, 1909, and December 31, 1909, or the
present calendar year
It IS saId that the new corporation tax law IS one of the
very few revenue measures ever enacted by congress of a
retroactIve character. ThIs measure reaches back more than
eIght months before the date of Its passage, and Judg111g from
the 111qulncs receIVed by the treasury department, the extent
of ItS retroactIon IS Just now beIng realtzed by a great many
\ The fir'it collectIon of the net earn111gs tax, however, WIll
not be made untt! June of next year The admlll1strattve
proVISIOns of the measure dIrect that all corporatIOns d0111g
a bus111ess In exces" of $5,000 shall submIt a record of their
earn111gs for the past calendar year to the treasury department
before March 1 of the new year By the follow111g June, the
department WIll 111turn have nOtified the corporatIOns of the
amount of theIr assessment, and payment must be made by
the corporatIOn by June 30
Carpet and Rug Trade.
Bus111ess has been along rather qUIet 1111c,s111the carpet
and rug trade dunng the past week says the New York J our-na1
of Commerce of October 6 Buyers, as a rule, have been
more 111terested In the Hudson-Fulton celebratIOn than 111
secunng addlttona1 suppltes of carpets and rugs. Several
dISCUSSIOnshave taken place 111the trade, as to the actual SIt-uatIOn
at the mt!ls It IS claImed 111certaIn quarters that
reorders have been much smaller than reported, result111g 111
some mIlls be111g anxIOUs to secure further busmess before
the new season comes up
While reports of thIS sort are made from quarters, sell-ing
agents representIng other large manufacturers state that
their reorders show a very marked 111crease over those for the
same penod1ast year, and that buslnes for the month of Sep-tember
was exceptIOnally good QUIte a few of the more
prom111ent mt!ls have refused to accept further reorders, and
are saId to be practically out of the market pend111g the open-
111gof the new season.
,,- .- - -~II
35% OFF
LIST $16
The Humphrey-WId-man
SectIOnal Construc-tIOn
has dust proof
partitIOns, iron shelf
support,> and a two Illch
deeper case than others
55% iII
No. IO-F. Ouartered Oak.
LlDe on sale in FurnIture Ex-chanl/
e, Grand Rapids; Manufact-urers'
Exh,Litioll Bu,ldinl!, Chi-callo
and FurnIture Euhanl/e,
New York.
~ .. --------- ---- -----------------1
----------------- -- -- -.. _ ...- -- . ._-- .....
Condensed Their Catalogues •
The '\mencan Blower Company of DetrOIt has Just com-pleted
and are senclIng out a convelllent, neat bttle pocket or
"pan)' catalogue It I~ a condensatIOn of theIr twelve large
sectIOnal catalogues. but It contaub numerous IllustratIOns and
gl\ es much II1formatlOn about the company's products. The pur-pose
of the lIttle book I~ clearly ll1dlcated by the followll1g taken
tram the ll1troductlOn
. \Ve respectfully ll1Vlte your careful perusal of the follo,,-
Il1g page~ publIshed for the pur[ose of Illtroduclllg our manu-tacture~
and the products of our model Amencan manufactunng
plant~ \\ e have been manufactunng and perfectlllg the 'ABC'
\ erucal Enclosed Self-Ollll1g Steam EngLle , Centnfugal Fans
and Blo\\ ers Fan Systems, Heatll1g, \ entI!at1l1g and .l\Iechalllcal
Draft Apparatus and SpecIal DrYll1g Systems for over a quartel
of a century B) our recent can salt dation wIth the Sirocco En-gll1eenng
Company "e hold and control all the nghts and pn-
\ llege~ under the patents bsued to .1\1 r S C DaVIdson of Bel-fa"
t, Ireland. covenng broadly the plll1uple and constructIOn of
the tamou" SIrocco Centnfugal Fan or Blower m the United
~tates and her posseSSIOns, the entIre 'Western Heml~phere and
Japan \\ e shall guard Jealously our clear nghts under these
patenb, and the publIc IS "arned agamst mfnngements , a" actions
agamst II1fnngers have been sustamed m the hIgh courts of
I-<..urope and Important lttlgatlOn agamst Amencan Imitators IS
pendll1g decIsIOn In the L;lllted States of Amenca 'A.BC' and
'Sirocco' apparatus stand first and foremost m qualtty, workman-shIp
and desIgn amongst users, engmeers and archItect'S through-out
the "orld
B) clean and upnght publIclt) \\ e deJlrc to bnng our pro-ducb
to ) our attention, and b) contlllued productIOn of the hlgh-e"
t pOSSIble ~tandard of eJ<.cellence, we aUll to mallltalll our en-
\ lable reputatIOn all over the gI0be~abo'lrd shp and on laud
--\ feature of the "pony" catalcgue tnat VI 111be convement
and tbeful to man) manufactt1ler~ and others CO.lSISts of ' Con-versIOn
Tables" of \\ eights and lInear, ~quare and cubiC meaJ-ures,
111 \\ hlch the metnc standards are reduced to the A.mencan
~tanc1ards and vIce, ersa
- --#
Business Conditions in Western Canada.
The \\ ml1lpeg office of the ::\lo'letary TImes of TOlOnto. Ont .
report, that tlIe furl1ltt11e bU~L1e'lJ 111 the \Ve~t I" g-c~cl LntI!
about a month ago, It \\as somewhat dull but not any more ~o
than m o~her seasons, 111 the summer tune their busll1e~~ IS natur-all)
qUIet One \iV mt11peg film IS trebhng Its warehou"e capacIty,
and the Knechtel lurl1lture Company, of Hanover, Ontano, are
bmldmg a three-storY bnck bmlcl111g 111W111mpeg for theIr we~t-t.
rn tI aele There IS greater competitIon now than formerly
",lI1ce the finanCIal ~tllngenc) of two years ago, busll1e~s thIS fall
IS lu~t Icsumll1g ItS aiel-tIme activIt) \ traveler of a comp'lny
hoCle la~t \\ eek ent 111 a $7,000 order representll1g one week',
J he furl1lture dealel ~ at Regma, ltke every other llI1e of bJs-l,
leS>".\\ ere caught by the ~lump m 1901 very much overstocked
'I he result of their expenence at that tlllle was to make them
cautIOus For thIS reason they have delayed sendmg 111 Older,
untIl the last moment. when they could be practically as~ured of
the crop re~ult Ju~t as ~oon as they kne\\ thl~, the orders began
to come rapIdly and, more especlall), recently
\t Edmonton, the whole ...ale home~ are busy cleanng out
theIr stocks preparator) to placmg fresh order~ Shortly, the
\\J 111l11pegVI holesale houses, and througlI them the manufacturers
111Eastern Canada, should find a good volume of bus111ess COmlJ1g
to them from the west.
Remittances to Selling Agents.
".!\Ianufacturers support then" repre~entatlV es on the road
\\ Ith the money nece""ary to prosecute theIr bU"Iness much
better than formerly," remarked the ca~hler of a leadIng bank-mg
m"tItutlOn r,n Grand RapIds "'.Ve are not asked to
'ca'ih a draft on the hOlbe' once where we were ten tImes a
few years ago .!\[anufacturers have learned that It I~ ex-pensl\
e for theIr men to be Idle' whIle waltmg for funds and
the general refusal to honor theIr draft" of the hanker'i and
the rule enforced hy hotel keE:pers m regard to the same ha~
aIded In bnngmg about the change Travelmg salesmen
lose heart and mterest m theIr work when the expected re-mIttance
faIls to reach theIr hands"
One day last year the agent of an Important manufac-tunng
house arnved at San Antomo, Texas He was short
of funds and the romttance was not forthcommg He waIted
several days and then "wIred" the howoe, statIng hI~ nece,,-
sItles One week later a draft was found In a letter from
the firm WIthout an explanatIon or apology for the wlthhold-mg
The agent paId hIS bIll and proceeded eastward to the
town m Pennsylvama whE:re the firm IS located, arnv111g m
the course of five day" Turmng m hI", "photo" and accounts
he announcE:J hIS IntentIon to seek employment of anothel
firm and demanded a settlement "The old man" happened
to enter at thIS moment and asked, "what's the matteI, TIm?'
"J1m' explaIned, and then the old man wrote a check for the
amount hIS finanCIal manager would have been entItled to had
he rema1l1ed m the employ of the firm untIl the close of the
year and 'oummanly dI'ocharged hIm The tra\ eltng "ale'i
man" gnevance'i vvele a'i'iualSed and he lemal11ed \\Ith the
"La"t week a 'otranger called at Om hank and ple~ellte(l
a draft drawn hy a hankmg hou"e located In LaClossc, \\ 1'0
upon one of the loan and trust compame'o of ChICago,' saId
another bank offiCIal "He bad no acqua111tances 111the CIty
and asked us to IdentIfy hIm by a "photo" of hImself, a pack-age
of letters and the name stamped upon hh shIrt by the
maker \\1 e placed some value on the photograph, le:os lupon
the letter", but reasoned that It was hardly probable that the
:otranger would wear another'" shn t \\ e cashed the draft
and It pro\ ed to be all nght
"A local bU'ime'i'i man entered the bank onel day WIth a
"tranger and asked us to ca'ih a draft f01 $100 drawn On a
firm located m an eastern CIty, engaged m manufactUlIng
and Jobbmg paper The local man stated that he had kno\\ n
the stranger SE:lven years, had bought goods of IllS firm, and
would "ouch for hIS 111tegnty The stI anger s appearance
dId not Impress U'i favorably and I Iemarked that I would
pre"ent the applIcatIOn to the finanCIal commIttee and 111
form the applIcant of thell deCISIOn an hom or two latel
I adVIsed the preSIdent to vvIre the firm the 'itl angel clanned
to represent and learn If the draft \\ oltld be honored whe,]
presented The I eply receIved by the pI eSldent 'otated tlMt
the man 111 questIOn had not been 111 theIr employ dunng the
past SIX months and that a draft upon tlw firm on hI" account
would not be honored The local re"Ident thanked me for
my refusal to cash the draft and for saVIng hIm $100"
Sager's Stoves and Ranges.
AttentIOn of dealers IS called 110 the advertbement In
thIS number of the \\T eekly ArtIsan of vI, D Sager, manu-facturer
of stoves and ranges, 330-342?\ vI, ater street, ChII
cago. The "Charm Beaver" baseburner IS the kl11d of
goods that sell and dealers should WrIte for complete cata-log.
---_._.-----------------_. ~.- ,I
I............. -- _--- -.-
No. 537. 28x42 top.
Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross
Band Rim, Polished, $7.50
You can't make money faster than by buymg thiS line library
Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thIS and
other good thmgs we have to show you,
1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH.
~------.- ...
Glue Heater
Send your address and
and receIve descriptIve
Circular of Glue Heaters,
Glue Cookers and Hot
Boxes with prices.
The Weatherly Co.
Grand Rapid •• Mich. .- .. _------------------- ........•...•.... ~
16 \\ E E K L Y ART I SAN
Entered as second class matter July 'l, 199 Rt the post office at GrInd Raptds Mlchlgm
under the act of V1arch 3 1819
Those who have been entertall11ng the Idea that the dC
tJvlty of MI Schwab and other mdependent steel manu,ac
tUl Ers wl11 result 111 curbIng the tru:ot and a cut 111 pnces \\ 111
be surpnsed to learn that the I11dependents are to gl\ e Judge
Gary a receptJoln and dlllller 111 K ew ork next Thursday,
October 16 New YOlk dbpatches declare that "Kot a per-son
connected wIth the steel corporatIOn IS 111 any v. ay con-cerned
wIth arrangements for gett1l1g up the chnnel to J u(lge
Gary a receptIOn and cl,111ner 111 )Tev, York neht Thurscla),
added, "from the love feast of the r1\ al 1I1teresb much ot mo-ment
to the Iron and steel world IS expected to come" Pith
burgh also fully understands the motn e:o of those \\ ho al e
promot1l1g the d1l1ner as shown by tllls, sent out trom that Clt\
"It 1:0 fully expected by PIttsburgh 1l1telE'3ts that tIle
result of the com111g meet1l1g and d1l1ner WIll be an agree-ment
between the steel corporatIOn and all 1I1dependents as
to pnces and also as to terntory It IS saId here that one
of thE ma1l1 ob] ects of the testlmol11al dmner to Judge Gary
IS to thank 111m for hIS good work 111 ma1l1taln1l1g the steel
1I1dustry on an e\ en keel throughout the pamc It \\as
Judge Gary, who, on several occaSIOns, called In steel makers.
both great and small, and conv1l1ced them that the only \\ ay to
prevent troublc was to curtaIl productIOn and keep the pllce:o
Comparatively fEW manufacturers of pIanos use cases
made 111 theIr own vvork'3 \Vlth the exceptIOn of ten or
twelve fIrms or corporations engaged 111 the plano manufac-tunng
bU;o1l1ess, the cases used are manufacturc1 to ordel
by manufacturers of plano cases exclusIvely An essential
quahty 111 the plano IS tone, and 111 Its PlocluctlOn the ca~e
plays no part. The plate, the sound1l1g board and the scall
or actIOn, produce tone and It b to these parts the manufac
ttuer gIves most attentIOn Tht::,e parts are made lal gel)
by speclahsts and the as;oembhng of the parts that ma1<e a
complete plano IS largely the work of the so-called manufac-turer
It IS stated by a gentleman well 1I1formed 111regard
to the 1I1dustry that the plano case manufacturers of the V11lted
States supply the ca~es for one hundred twenty-five manufac-turers
of pIanos Tht bus1l1ess IS not unhke that of the man-ufacturers
of automobIles, none of whom make all the parts
conta1l1ed 111 a mach111e
Last July the Dally ArtIsan-Record p Ibltshed an 1l1terVlev.
WIth a fur11lture buyer from Bueno" Ayres, who made some
statements that were conSIdered extravagant, to say the least, but
consular report:> 1l1dlcate that hIS assertIOns were not overdrawn
That Buenos Ayres IS a gl eat CIty b shown by the fact that It
recently sold $1:;,000,000 111bonds for pubhc Improvements and
IS consldenng a propOSItIOn to I-sue $13,000,000 more for the
-onstl uctlOn of a boulevard from the center of the cIty out to
the Jockey Club s race ttacb and amphItheatre Bueno" Ayres
IS now larger than any other cIty m the southern hemIsphere and
I gro\\ mg more rapIdly than any other large cIty m the world,
11l t e\ en exceptmg ~ ew York I t ought to be a good market
fO! "\ orth Amencan fur11lture and It would be WIth proper shlp-p1l1g
faCllttIes \t present most of the exports from the Umted
States to Argentma go vIa Europedn ports-are shIpped from
1\ e\V York acro"s the Atlan'lC and then reshIpped to Buenos
Pn,Csla has sohec1 the tImbel problem by CO'1servmg her
fOl ests-by preservmg the trees and plantmg more Fmanclally
her conservatIOn and I eple11l"h111gpoltcy has been a great success
The net retl1ln~ per acre m 1850 were twe 1ty-elght cents. In
1"lJ3 the\ \\ele se\ent}-t\\o cents, m1900, $158, and m190J,
$~ 3U 1 hey are now nearly ten tImes what they were sIxty
\ eal a~o and they are mcreasmg more rapIdly than ever.
Prussla's figures are small however, when compared WIth what
the Cahforl11ans expect to hdrvest from theIr eucalyptus planta-tIons
I ew retatlers pause In theIr mad chase after wealth to con-
SIder the fact that the manufacturers, 111 order to supply theIr
needs. al e compelled to cut and carry stock and sometIme" ac-counts
four months or more before payment for the same IS
tendered by the most prompt Goods cut 111 May, sold 111 J ulY,or
-\ugust dehvered 111::'eptember and bIlled m October are seldom
p:l1d for un II '\ ovember and m many 111" tances at pen ods week;;;
and months later than that month Retatler~ would make condI-tIons
easIer for manufacturers as well as for themselves by paYl11g
bIlls when due promptly.
It IS stated that the Sltgh Fur11ltUle company wl11 be op-elated
a~ a co-partnershIp after theIr charter expIres 111Feb-ruary
next The company objects to the overhaulIng of ItS
affaIrs by repre;oentatrves of the government employed to en-fO!
ce the recently enacted COIporatlOn tax law and not to the.
tax of one per cent Imposed upon corporatIOns earning an
annual profit 111 excess of $5,000 per annum The Arttsan
precltcts that many corporatIOns wl11 dls"olve on account or
the oblectlOn enterta1l1ed by the SlIgh fur11lture company.
\n Idea of the extent to whIch the express compame:o ale
"SOah1l1g" custumer J IS furmshed 111the statement of the Welb-
Fargo Company that . theIr net earnmgs amounted to 58.30 per
cent on the $8,000,000 capItal stock dunng the fiscal year ended
J nly 31. last" The expl ess compames are owned mamly by
latlroad corporatIOns and raIlroad methods prevatl m theIr man-agement
Poor serVIce and eAtortlOnate charges wdl eventually
awaken the pubhc to the nece"slty for government regulatIOn
and perhaps control of express transportatIOn
If the mterpretatlOn of the corporatIOn 111come tax law
as made by the \\ ashmgton authontles IS correct, there IS
httle doubt that the law wl11 be declared unconstitutional.
The constItutIOn expre::,sly prohIbIts the enactment of an ex-post
facto law
Norfolk, Va, has 75 dealers m furmture and household
J R Hanford ha~ purcha.oed the retaIl furmture busmess
of Hayes & SchmItt at Hanford, Cal
K Xehm furmtUl e dealer and lL1dertakers of Black RIver
FalL, WIS, ha" sold out to} E Jeefe
R C SmIth has be:::ome a partner m the retal! furmture firm
of A C Jaeger & Co , .1\11 Pleasant, Iowa
John hngee has been appOlnted receIver for Vetter Bra" &
Cra WfOId, furmture dealers of K ew c\.lbany, Ind
The name of the Los :\ngeles, Cal, Desk Ex~hange, has
been changed to the 1.0" Angeles Devk Company
The assets of the Credence Cnalr Company of New Haven,
Ind , has been ~old to Ed 11 \\ llson for $13.000
The Kolley Furmtllre Company's float ~on first pnze 1,1 a
great C1\IC parade gIven m Wlclllta, Kans, re:::ently
George G. Freeman has bought the furmture and under-takmg
busmess of N S J ohnvon at Canova, S Dak
The East E ld lurmture Company of Portsmo lth, Oh.J.
have Illcreased the capItal stock from $20,000 to $'30,000
CapItal stock of the 1. Kruckmeyer lurl11ture Company of
CmCl1l1atl, OhIO, has been mcrea"ed from $26,COO to $30,000
Charles Anderson succeed" Cuy ShIelds m the retaIl hUl11-
ture b,lsmess at New London, Iowa, havmg p lrcha"ed the ctore
and stock
Amencan manufacturers of furl11ture and cabmet ware sold
goods valued at $1,0~8,OGO m Soutn Afnca dUllng the first SIX
month" of thl~ year
The capItal stock of the ~lersman Bras & Brandts Company,
manufacturers of tables, etc , of Cehna, OhIO has been mcreased
from $150,000 to $200,000
Pluhp Levy & Co of Norfolk, Va, ale to have a new home
for theIr furmture store The Vmery bUlldmg on Granby street
IS to be remodeled to SUlt theIr reqUlrements
The San Pedro (Cal) Furl11tUl e Company, wro were burned
out recently have "nsen from the ashes" and resumed busmess
111new quarters WIth a large stock of new goods
Geo F Cllllgman, general manager Df the Tobey Furl11ture
Company, ChIcago, wa~ 52 years old on September 27 He cele-brated
the event qUletly WIth hIS 'vlfe and seven chl!dren
fhe Queen CIty FUr.1lture Company, Cmcmnatl, has been
mcorporated by.l\l J } nedman, Joseph H Cohen, H Moyer,
Morns H Cohen and N. \V Bolsmger CapItal stock, $10,000
George L Thomas, the leadll1g undertaker of MIlwaukee,
WlS, was elected prbldent of the Funeral DIrectors' NatlOnal
ASSOCIatIOn at the annual meetmg held m Portland, Ore, last
"Con" Horn, manager of the Horn Furl11ture Company of
Waukegan, Ill, has moved the stock mto a large commDdIOu"
store, equIpped WIth modern convel11ences at 118 South Genessee
The contract for supplymg the remodeled court house at
NashvIlle, Tenn , WIth furl11ture and fixtures has been awarded to
the Edgefield K ashVIlle Manufactunng Company on a bId of
The firm of MICk & Skmner furmture dealers of LIttle Rock,
Ark, has been dIssolved, Mr Sk111ner retmng 1. J. MICk,
~ III contmue the bus mess, remodellmg the store and enlargmg
the stock
The busmess of the Ford & Johnson Company 111 ConnectI-cut
has been 1l1corporated under the name of the :'\ew England
FurnIture Company of New Haven CapItal "tock, all subscnbed,
The Korthwood lurl11ture Company who "ucceed the ChIp-pewa
Falls, (WIS) Company, have commenced operatIOns They
WIll make only kItchen cabmets thIS fall, but expect to add other
hnes later
W O. Olsen, a popular and "ucce"sful furl11ture dealer of
largo, N Dak, has just been elected a" a member of the board
of dIrector" of the FIrst '\'atlOnal Bank, the largest financIal m-stltutlOn
III the CIty
The dIrectors of the Globe- \Verl11cke Company of Cmc111natl,
have rescmded tne resolutlOn for the ls"umg of $1,000,000 second
preferred stock, earl11ngs dunng re:::ent months havmg made an
mCIease m capItal stock unlecesary
The Dea11-Creel Furl11ture Company of Pueblo, won
first pnzes on exhIbIts at the Colorado state faIr recently
Made by the Udell Works, Indianapolls, Ind
made a chsplay of fur11lture, another of stove" and another of
ranges and were awarded first premIum on each
HAYeanck, manager of the fur11lture department m the
SIebel store at W oodbme, Iowa, was stncken WIth paralysIs on
a Lake Shore tram run11lng east from ChICago and dIed soon
after reachmg the home of hIS brother at South Bend, Ind.
The Menden (Ct) Furl11ture company who recently ad-ded
a plano department that has proved remarkably success-ful
are remodellng theIr store WIth a vIew of add111g another
department of drapenes and other hou"e fur11lshlng good"
~everal changes have been made recently m the ownershIp
of the Rehable Fur11lture Company of Paterson, N. J RIchard
Warner who controls fifteen stores 111the east, IS now preSI-dent,
J M. Coven treasurer and Morns Tnllmg, recretary and
H A. ~ orthmgton, preSIdent of the K orthmgton } url11ture
Company of Chattanooga, Tenn, whose factory at Orange Grove,
near Chattanooga, was burned 111June, "as jaIled recently on a
chalge of embezzlement He 1.0 accused of havmg collected
$13,000 msurance and fal!ed to turn It over to the treasurer of
the company He IS now under $2,000 ball to appear for tnal
Several Boston credItors and the propnetors-.!\Iorlls Janke1-
son and BeSSIe Tuch-of the Brockton Furmture Company, deal-ers,
of Brockton, Mass, whIch was adjudged bankrupt two years
ago, have been mdlcted and held for tnal m the federal court
charged WIth conspIracy to deceIve the government offiCIals and
defraud other credItors.
- .--~III,
~_._-----_ ..__ ..... --
I fob Grand Rap,ds
NORTH UNION ST .... "T "''' • "If, "'PIDS, MICH.
We have adopted celluloId a" a hase for our Caster Cups, makmg the
best cup on the market CellulOld IS a great Improvement over bases
made of other matenal When It IS necessary to move a ptt'ce supported
by cups With cellulOId bases It can be done WIth ease as the bases are per-fectly
smooth (el1ulOld does not sweat and by the use of these cup"
tables are never marred These cups are filllshed m Golden Oak and
WIllte Maple fi1l1shed light If you w,ll try a sample order oj these
goods you w,lt dps,re to handle them ,n quant,tus
PRICES, SIZe 21:(Inches $5.50 per hundred.
SIze Z){ Inches 4.50 per hundred.
Dodds' No. 8-A New Saw Table.
\lexander Dodds, the well-kn()\~n manufacturer of Vvood
working machlnel y of GI and RapId, ;\llc11 , h llltrmluc1l1g a new
tIlting "aw table that IS coDSldel ed the be,t madl1ne that can be
made for the pnce It IS known as DC'dds '\0. 8 It IS made
\\ Ith a center shde 12 1l1che" Vv Ide vvIth a movement of 21 1l1ches
It has a 10ckl11g devIce to hold It when you do not WIsh to use It,
and has a detachable mItre gauge to be mecl when US1l1gthe "hd-
1l1g table em cross-cut v\ Ith the table extended to 2+ mche"
also np up to 21 Il1ches V\ Ide Table 11d"a lel11o\ able throat that
can be taken out \\ hen US1l1gdddu It dlso has tv\ 0 mltl e gauge~
for leg ulal work and a t\\ o-qded np gauge that can be llsed on
eIther "Ide of the q\\, mOl e espeCIal!) \\ hen the table b tIlted,
also a tlltll1g IIp gcldge t'l be thed to Ctlt bevel \~01k \\ hen \ On do
not \\Ish to tilt thc table The top IS 4G,,+-1- 1l1che~ One l+-mcb
saw IS fur11l-,hed \\ lth each machme [t WIll carry d HHnch savv
If deSIred }or further lJ1formatll n addless Alex Dodds, Grand
RdpHls, :\Illh ~-_.- -------_.- ._---------_ .._- ---_. __ ._----~
, If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods. I That makes PRICES right.
(!Iarence lR. bills I
163 MadIson Avenue-CItizens Phone 1983 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH ~ •• . •••••• ...i
r--pi·~NEER··---···__ ·----1
• Reed Furniture ••
Baby Carriages :
Go-Carts I
~ !
~..__ ...--------------------------------------~
Fult {tne sho'''' only
at the factory
New Canadian Bill of Lading.
The D0l11ml0n Board of Ralh\ ay Comml3slOners have
adopted a ncV\ bIll of ladIng for use by CanadIan raJ1roads
and ordered that It take effect on ?\ovember 1 It Is called
a plaJl1 bIll WIth only eleven prOVIsIons on the back Thc
old bIll has twenty-three plovlslons, all of whIch have been
done dV\a} WIth, the neV\ ones meetlllg needed conc!ttlOn,
of enlalged traffic It Imposes acldatlOnal ob!tgat10ns upon
the raJ1wa} company as carner", mak1l1g them responsIble
for neg!tgence 111 tran"port or dehver} and also makes the
1l11tlal earners lesponslhle for a con,Ignment of gOJd" to
de"lmatlol1, e\ en thovgh they ha' e to pas:, ovel othn J :111-
v\ a, hnes 111 Canada It make:, the Butlal company re:,;on-
SIble also for shIpments of goods whIch are handled bv Fmted
State~ or other loads WIth whIch there IS a Jomt tall[f ar-
1,111g-ement The Slllppel s sa} the new bIll b a (hstmct glll1
fCll the1l1 lndll the new bIll the IaJ1way company has to
pro' e that an) loss IS through no fault of Its own
Udell Works' Catalogue.
The Udell \\ orks of Inc!ldnapo!ts, Incl, have Issued theIr
annual catalog Illustl atmg and descnbl11g theIr large lllle of
1I1U ~IC cabmets, laches' desks, bookcases, record cabll1ets,
commodes, mechcme cabmets, foldmg tables, the whole nnm-berll1g
three hundred pIece" The book IS well pnnted, the
engrav1l1gs neat and the blllc1Jng substantIal It wIll prove
,aluable aId to the letdIler 111pushlllg "ale:, A number ot
IllustratIOns In the book are reproduced In thIS numbel or
the V\T eekly Artisan.
Paper Carpets.
~f111~ for "p1l1Jl1ng }al n from papel eXIst 111 Germany and
l'rance and another I" bel11g establIshed 111 southern Sweden.
The paper} am seems to be espeCIally adapted for rugs and car-pets
Carpet,; from tllbpt111 paper tape are be1l1g made already 111
Sweden and E D \N 111s10w, comul-general at Stockholm, re-ports
thdt thIS woven produ-::t IS apparently" ery satisfactory
- -.- ..- - - ----_._-_. ----,~._-_._._~--~--~-~ I
Belt, Electnc and Hand Power.
The Best Hand Power for Furmture Stores
Send for Catalogue and Pnces.
KIMBAll BROS. CO" 1067 Nmth St .. Council Bluffs, la.
KImball Elevatol' Co. 3Z3 Prospect St., Cleveland, 0 ,
l0811th St., Omaha, Neb., I~O Cedar St , New York CIty.
..............• _ ~ ....-
To Encourage Export Trade.
Citizens of the Lmted State~ re"ld1l1g 111 Bueno'i \) reo
thmk they have found a way to mCI eaOle eA])(Jlts ot manu
factured goods from tll1S country to \rgentma Thur plan
IS explamed 111 a circular lettel sent to orgal1lZatl0ns 01 \orth
Amencan manufacturers, of which the foIlow1l1g b a cap\
"\Ve beg to adVise you that we ha\ e formed a commit-tee,
to be later enlarged, to carry mto effect a plan "uggcstt'cl
to us by the Hon Chatle" H Shernll, OUl mlUl~tel to \r
gentl11a, for openll1~ the field of foreign trade to 'iuch -\mell-can
manufacturers a" do not paOl"es-, suffiCIent cdpltal elthu
for eAtenslOn of credits or sendmg out salesmen Cel t:11n
of our compatnots here posse"" each d few customers ot such
satisfactory commel Clal stand1l1g a~ to make the a10resalCl
compatnob WillIng to pay cash agalll"t bIlls ot lachng tor
good" sent out to "uch customers Each at such cOl11patri
ots furmshe.., to our committee a shOl t 11st at these "cleLt cnOl
tamers (disgUIsIng hb name to protect hll11self hom com pet
Itors here), statlng the ca"h ll1111the WIll pay for each custo-mer,
and v\ hat lme of goods he de;-,Ires You are I equested
to report thiS 11st of deSIred trade" to the manufacturers 111
vour card cataloo- The large manufacturer mal not 1" • h
wl1hng to do thIS, but the ..,mall manutacturer "Ill fhe
manufacturer quote" hl'i pllce to u" and OUI membel accepto
or not, chrectly to the manufacture I \\ e a, e 111 01meel that
the name'i can tamed In ) OUl Cdlcl catalog al e I e-,pon-,Iblc
house.." of COUl'ie v, e do not expect \ ou to gual antce them
but It would lllJure the del elopment of thl" plan to e,tend
Amencan forell;n trade If good.., shipped pro\ cd not to he
up to representatIon ReplIes should be adche~"ed to ~ec-cretary
Chamber of Commerce Committee, '\orth \mencan
SOCIety, 531 Cuyo, Buenos \) res, \rgentma
Too Many :Exposition Building PI·oieets.
New eAp')sltlOn hUlldl11gs and the COI1\ehlon ot ole! bUlld
mgs mto structures for ft1l111ture e'\.ll1bltlOn pUl pose" .11 e pi 0
jected by a numbel ot mdn Iduals both In Grand Rapids and
Chicago There IS no need fO! addItIonal bUllclIngs and the
efforts of the projectors to 1l1tel est manufactul eb and com-mission
men In such enterpll"e;-, are unwal ranted The 111-
crease 111 the numbel of bu) er'i attendl11g the e'<posltIons IS
very small whIle there IS nothl11g 111the conchtlOn of the trade
that would JU'3tIfy manufacturers m the mak1l1g of m\ est-ments
In bU1ld111gs to be u"ed for exposition purpo"es The
average manufacturer v..ould find It more plOfitable to em-ploy
hl'3 surplus money 111 del eloPl11g hiS busmes<, and Illlprm-mg
hiS plant than m putt1l1g It Into such a que"tlOnable en-terpI
be a~ a f'url1lturc exposItIon bUllclIng dt thl'> tIme
r ----~
I haveon hand fo"mme~~:m~ ~e~~olw~,~~,~ I new machmes which I Will sell at reduced pnces I•
to bore bore I
4-Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines
from I;{ to 18inch centers.
3-Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to
from I to 12inch centers.
2-Eighteen inch Cabinet Makers' lathes.
I-Sixteen inch Cabinet' Makers' lathe,
---ADDRESS-- -
J. C. DeBRUYN, 130Page St, Grand Rapids,Mich.
" . ----------.... .-------4
New Factories.
The Blgelm\ Calpet COInpan} Will buIld three new mIlls
along the }la\\ tucket canal neal Lowell, ::\Iass, at a total cost
ot S250000
"The Chamber ot Commerce has Just closed a deal that
\\ III ~l\ e the Llty a $10,000 mattress factory," say" the Leader
of Guthne, Oklahoma
\\ H Hendel 11.1<' orgalllzed the ::\[ountain City Cabmet
Company and v,I!1 l1lanufactul e cabl11ets and odd pIece", of fur-l1lture
dt LhattanO()~d, Tenn
\lbert (,oetz, H (, Conrad dnd \\ J SentL have organ-
Ized the "ent? I Ulnl1l1l e Company to manufacture furmture
m Chicago CapItal $2, 'i00
J I: \\ oochn Hlov 11 \ \ hlte awl \1\ IllIam Rounds have
Ol~dl1l/ed the 1CXd" } IAtnl e Company, capitalIzed at $20,000,
to eqablI"h a tactof) at I art \\ orth, TexaOl
Harr) I: I cldman, John J Lenahan and Paul P Barns
ha\ e 111corporated the Lomb111atlon DI'3play Table and Ad-
Made by Lentz Table Co, NashVIlle, MlCh
J'btable -r rxtures Company, capitalIzed at $4,000, to establIsh
.1 factOl} and make display tables and metal speclaltles In
The Dewey-Sy'item Refngerator and Manufactunng
Companv has been O1gal1lzed by Elbworth Dewey, through
the a..,~lstance of Houston Busl11ess League, to establIsh a fac-ton
111Houston, Texas, and manufacture mantels and a re-fllgel
atOl on II hlch \11 Dewey has secured a patent The
duthOll7ccl capItal h $150,000
An Important Purchase.
On October 7, PhilIp KlIngman, owner of KlIngman's
~ample } 11l11ltl1le compdny, Grand Rapids, completed the
purcha~e of a tract of ~round 50x':JO feet Il1 area, located on
Dn 1'3lOn '3treet. 111the rear of the Khngman company's store,
for II hlch he paId the top pnce for propel ty transferred 111
that sectIOn 0:1 Grand Rapids dunng recent year" Mr
KlIngman now owns a fronta~e of 110 ft on DIVISIOn street.
and v, III el ect a ten story furniture e,<posltlOn bUIlding there-on
as soon a" the demand for additIonal exhlbltlon space shall
II arrant the expenchture Comh111ed With the bmldl11g used
by the KlIngman Sample rurl1lture Company (ad)0111ll1g the
Dn 1~lOn street pI opel t) of ::\Ir Klmgman) on Ionia Stl eet,
It would make the lal ge"t and most deSIrable eXpositIOn buIld-
111g111Grand Rapld;-,
~- --- - ----.- ..------------------------ .._--------- -- --------
The Beautiful, New
Udell Catalog
IS ready for all Retail F urmture Dealers. It
will help sell the line that of Its kind has no
supenor. It contams 88 pages Illustratmg
41 Library Bookcases, 88 Ladies' Desks,
48 Sheet Music Cabinets, 23 Plano
Player Roll Cabinets, 14 Cylinder Record
Cabinets, 11 DIsc Record Cabinets, 19
Medlcine Cabinets, 10 Commodes, 9
Folding Tables.
...... ---""
Charles L. Davis Purchases Harry H. Whitcomb's
Interest in the Davis-Birely Table Co.
Advlces hom Shelbyvllle, Ind, "tatu that Charles L Davis
has acqUIred the mterest of Harry H \Vhltcomb In the well
known Davls-Blrely Table company J\Ir DavIs, It appears,
has traded half of his mterest In several parcels of real es-tate
owned lomtly by hllTIself, ::\Ir Duely and Mr "Whit-comb
for ::\11' \Yhltcomb's mterest m the table l'ompany,
Charles L. Davis.
whlCh IS one of the most pro'3perou" and Important fur11lture
making COnCE:1rnS111 the country and has long been one of
the largest and busIest of ShelbYVille's factone~
The bus1I1es;, now owned by the Davls-Buely Table com-pany
was establIshed In 1884 by the late Dr J a\l1E:1'30n,Jacob
A. Conrey, Charles DIrely and Charles L DaVIS They
started operatIOns 111 a small way, m an old bUlldmg that
had been used as a woolen mill Mr DaVIS was then a boy
111 hl'3 teens and at the start he drew a '3alary of $4 per week
They had lIttle capItal, but WIth plenty of energy and ambI-tIOn
they worked more for future possIbIlItIes than for cur-rent
profits or '3alanes
The next year, 1885, Mr \Vhltcomb entered the firm,
and a systematIc struggle for recog11ltlon began The early
tllals and pecul1lary harcbhlps, the long hours of toJ! and the
c1Jscouragmg struggle'3 of the embryo manufacturE:fs, no one
but the promoter'3 of the plant can ever fully realIze But
they tru"bngly and patIently plodded along untIl 18J9, when
Messrs Com ey and Jameson sold out, and the mmam111g
members of the firm, Messr'3 \\ hltcomb, Blrely and DaVIS,
re111corporated Fortune began to favor them and great
"tndes wel e made 111the bL1;o111ess,necessltat111g larger bUlld-
111gS and better mach111ery, and 111 18J5 they agam reincor-porated
under the name of the Davls-Blfely Table company
r -------------- ..
West Michigan Machine & Tool Co., Ltd.
j~---------- . . - . - --
.....--------~ for HIGH GRADE PUNCHES and DIES
and today they have a mag11lficent plant
the large"t table facto! y 111the world ap<l
all quarter" of the earth
To say that the succe", of the company 1'3 due more to
J\Ir DaVIS than to eIther 01 any of hI" a"soClate" 1;0 no more
than JustIce to him He knoV\" the bus111e,,'3 In all detaIls
and hiS knowledge WIth natural tact and abIlIty has enabled
hIm to score remarkable "ucce",; 111manag111g the sellIng end
of the bus111e"s He has not only "elected and dIrected the
"alesmen, but ha" frequently VISltc I many customers of the
company and glven them valuable adVIce and fnendly tIps
Charles Elrely, who IS the general manager of the com-pany,
has also scored remarkable SUCCE:S" LIke l\JI' Davls,
he began work111g as a mecha111C at the bench, drawmg mod-est
wages, and ha" always been the actIve manager of the
plant He I" stlll a hard workmg man, genial, good na-hued
and always found attend111g to bus111es'3
Frank S \\ hltcomb, as"l"tant supenntendent and man-ager
of the fi111shmg dE:partment, and J E McCartney, who
has charge of the office work, are abo dIrectors and members
of It as formerly
I t I'; saId to be
It" products go to
2!2"".".-"-......... ".::;~~WEEKLY ARTISAN '~~ST IS ~~'~--~-~i;~~~';:'h"
Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other.
SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work.
Order a small lot; make tests; you wIll then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture
and ChaIr Factories, Sash and Door MIlls, RaIlroad Companies, Car Builders and others wIll consult therr own interests by using it. Also
Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furmshed 10 rolls or reams.
I~ ._.__ • ·_. ._. __ ._••~._. ~ __ ~ ~ __ 4I
H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third Sto, Philadelphia, Pa.
Can Make a Thousand Beds Per Day.
1he .,tockholder" of the :'IItlwaukce :'IIetal Bed com pam
recently" oted to 111crea"c thp1r capItal stock and hay e sta1 ted
at once to hU11d thlee lar~e adchtlUns to then plant ,,111ch
WIll double then capaut} h, Decemher 1 1'111" compam
started 111bus111es" 111Feh1 uar} la"t hu} 111~out the 111achlll-cry
and raw matenals of the \\ e"tern :'IIetal Bed com pam
,York was at once "tarted on an entnely new hne of brass
beds and a \ ery c')mplpte "hOW111iS\\ as made at the J nh
let us
YOU on
our books
this Heyman store will make a home for Youl;;,,'m~:\:,\h::"J~""~:~"; It stands today as. one of the !.arozestarm most c<)mpiete home hun sh ne stOles 0 '\mer ca P'l nstal.. oe- help to s thollsands 01 customers has
been ts s[oean and made t successflll It stands read> to extend th shelp ne- hand to any honest person "ho des res to ma)..e home v add to s
comforts Square deal ne liberal trentment,IHonesor errors made r eht QUICK You pay 0 small \leek> or moo h 1 payments-lhe~dGnllee[ll .. way
, 300
";.~ 400
-, 400
00 l> '; -:, =415
'" OM " 4.50
~....-:,~-'"'"m"""'''~'''''~~;,;,;" , -.~~ 0_ >ow I MuolinCurtalno
Garl~;~o s;"ves are the~~rlcil.·sbest :;~~::":~)'~.'"S~
y,,,.kn.owll, .., "'fcou ...." .,., 33e
"EYMAN COMPANY, 47-61 Canal St.
A Well-WrItten Well-Bm1t AdvertIsement Marred by Lack of
PunctuatIOn and CapitallzatlOn.
market In Clncago Succe"s of the hnc and the volume of
the bus111esb that ha'3 come to the compan.\ '3111CeJul} made
It neces'3ary to matcnally 111Crea'3ethe SILe 01 the plant '\
new powe1 house \Y1th complete ne\\ :250 H P eng111e, gell-erator
and fifteen connected moto1 s wJ1! eleetnf} the plant
anc! the c0111pan.\ \\ 111then he 111a posItion to tlm n out 700
ca'3t lIon bed" pu ela.\, 1:;0 chl1le% lfon beds per day and
1:;0 bla"~ heels pel cIa} whIch WIll place them 111a poslt1On
to t'lke care at a large, 01u111e of hU"lness
I hc aclclItlOlh to the pI e'3ent plant, beslele" the new
l)(J\\ el hon..,e V\ hllh I" III a "eparate bmlchng, WIll be a bend-
111£; and I a\\ matellal adchtlOn In the rear of the plant. 100
'\.100 fcet, \\here a1J the 1a\\ matellal WIll be stored A two
"ton aclchtlOn 7:;:>-.30J fcct fOl d "tock do Ja1tment WIll ell-
'lhlc the compall.\ to C.1ll\ d large "LJc],. of beels 111the rough
1 edch ti' hc h111"hed d,](l delchtlonal kIln" v\ 111be bmlt whIch
\\ 111 llCCc""ltate dll cnt11 C change ,lllcl enlargunent of the
ell,1111'hng c1ep,llt111C11t
I hc iJIe..,e,lt "toc]"h Jldu" hay e "ubscnbecl for the (,1
tnc ,lmoullt 01 the c,ljJ1tal "tock ot t11e company an([ the hne
thelt \\ 111 he ,,110\\ 11 III thc marl"et In J ewuary Will be worth
t ~l(' 1n"pec tHJn of c\ tl) dc aler 111 thc country
I hc dl\ t!( pll1Cnt of th1" companv IS In charge of J G
\\ ol1ae~el prt"ldcnt \le'\.ander:-' J"ltna111. \lle preSIdent
elnd ",de, 111el11a<.;uan(l Ro.,,, J l11"w01 th, scretaT) and fac-t01"
Protecting the Tyden Patents.
1he \ \ eekl} \1b"an, Grand RapId", \11Ch -Gentlemen
Smt ha" recently been 111sbtuted at ChIcago In the Ll1Ited
~tate" C1rcmt CaUlt tor the northern chstnet of 111111015
a~a111st the Tobe.\ 111r111t11re C0111pan\ of Lh1ca~0, by E
L,den of Ita"t111g" :'II1Ch
It 1'" cha1gecl that the J obe.\ c J111pan.\ has been deahng
111 e'\.ten"lon pede'ltell c11l111l~table" made by the Drown &
'-)lm(J11cl"C0111pan\ 0\ '- 1111C\1l\1e :'IIa "", the luclong deVIces
111\' 11lch .11e ,\11 1nfnll~ement on the I)den patent"
\11 I) den a""1l1 c.., u" of 111<"1l1tcnbon to protect by ev-
~1\ kgal mean" thc patcnt" IV hll!l ha\ e been t;ranted hun,
alld the' allcllt.\ ot \\ hlLh hel" bcen 0 ':.enerall) acknowledged
lJ.\ the bade
rl he c.,en~ company I" cOllc"rned In thl" matter only a'3
a llcensecl mallufacturer 01 tafiTe lock" 11nder the Tyelen pat
ent" and belle\ e" thc \\ Icle"t pulJllclt) '3hould be gIven these
facb, hath 111the 111tere"t of tho.,e manufacturer" IV ho are
re"pectmg \11 T) den" nght" dnd ac, a war11lng to other'S
\\ ho may be mcl111ed to chsregard them
'I HE SEr..G CO),IP\"\"Y
Ch1cdgo, Oct 1 1909
The \Yorld get" a lot mOle pleasure out of call1l1g a bluff
than recogl11Z1l1lSthe real thlllg
Wail of the Glue Salesman.
"It may seem foolIsh for a man to 'knock' his own call-ing,"
said a travelmg '3alesman representll1g a well-knm'\n
house that deab m vanll"he", fillo ", :,tarn", wood fim"he",
glue, etc, while 111 Gland Rapid" recently, "but I want to ad-mit
that the glue and I arnhh :,ale'3man has the I"or"t job
111 the lot \Vhy? \\ ell, Ju"t hecau~e thelC are no "tad-dards
for glue and vanl1:'>h, that I:'>,the quahtles vary "0 wlde-ly
that If you attempt to quote pnce~ the figures take such a
wlde range that they don't mean an} thl11g For Instance,
we are now selhng glue at all pnces between 9 and 20 ccnt"
J 0111tglue sell" at from 12 to 20 cent:, and VE:lneerfrom 9 to
14 It's about the "ame way wlth varnl:,h, the quahty vane"
so largely that the pnce doe:o not '>lgmfy much-the bu} er
No. 519.
Mirror, 28 x 34
Top, 21 :\.44
e!nough for me," and he uses It "lthout ever th111kll1g about
Its water absorblng ablhty or other quahtle'3 Others 1'1111
say noth111g but the best Thele':, one factory, at lea"t, m
} our Clty that u"e'3 the "ame quahty of glue for veneel S that
they use for Jom1', The} pay 18 01 20 cent-, a pound and
It:'>no use to oftel them anything cheapel
"I mu:,t sa}, howe, el, that very fel" of the glue and var-
111:'>hbuyels are 'ea,,} , Once In a whde then IS one who
1"111 say, 'oh, ~end me somethmg worth 1-+01 1:; cent,,; and
If we glve hlm hls money's worth he nel er 'klCks' Other'3
wlll say I don't want to pay 0, er 12 cents, and If we '3end
them a IS-cent glue, they w1ll find fault w1th It
"Oh, It'" a 'peach of a busme:,:,,' this 1" I'd hke to get
ll1to ~0ll1ethll1g where pllce:, and quahtte" are fixed wlth
No. 619.
.MIrror, 22 x 20
Top 20 x 32
must rely largely on hls ludgment or must test the goods
belfore accept1l1g them
To the suggestlOn that :,uch condltl0ns ought to afford
excellent opportu111tle:, to make large profib, the gentleman
remarked, "That'" not tme On the contrary ItS mlghty
hard to av Old making nl1stakes and lo:,ses You see 111thlS
busll1es:;, about half the buyers fix their own pnces and I don't
know of any other hne 1n which they do so Yo'..! see, a
plOspectlve buyer wlll say, 'I want a glue worth 12 cents
a pound Send me a :,ample of what you hal e at that pllce '
That "eLtles It There's nothll1g more domg untd he gets the
:,ample, 100k'3 at 1t and perhaps te."t:, He may understand
IllS bU<,ll1e')sand glve It a falr te",t or he may guess at It Tf
he gue",~es nght I make a sale, If he guesse:o wrong It's all
off, I don't get hls order
"There's a wlde chfference of op1mon among buyers as
to the ments of our goods-glucr especlall} Some manu-facturer'>
never look be} ond the pnce-the} use the cheap-est
the} can buy One \\ III sa" "11111e-centglue 1S good
sometlllng hke regulanty-where 1t 1:' not necessary to have
all kmds of pnces for all klllds of buyer"
"Of cour",e glue dnd var111sh are much hke other mater-lab-
lt u"ually pay." be"t to buy and u:,e the quahtle,-
but I must sa} that only a few buyers and users tah that
Vlew of the matter"
An Important Meeting at Jamestown.
The officlab of the 1'\atlOnal Fur111tl11e ~Ianufactunl1g
Assoc1atlOn w1ll meet with the mlddle and eastern states' a'3-
soclatlOn." at Jamestown "\ Y, on October 18-next Tue,,-
day Among those from thel we",t who 1'1111 be pre."ent are
A F Karge:" ot EvanwlIle, George H Elwell, of :;\Imneap-ohs;
George P Hummel, Charle" R Shgh, A S Goodman,
George G V',1hltworth and John vVldd1comb of Grand Rap1ds,
There are men who never bow to the inevltable because they
don't recognize it when they see it.
Carpenter & \Vebstcr of McIntosh, MInn, deaiers m
furmture, hardware agncultural Implements, harness" etc,
were burned out on September 28 Lo,;s on bmldIng, $15,-
000, on stock, $75,000 LIght 1I1surance
The Shipper & Block Furniture & Carpet company of
Peona Ill, "uffered a lo'>s of $25,000 by fire on the fourth
floor of thell ~ arehou"e, which wa,; completely filled wIth fur-
I1Iture recently The lo,;s IS fully covered by m,;urance
George Caput, fur11lture dealer, vva<; a heavy loser In a
fire that almost Wiped out the busll1ess sectlOn of Aurora,
Kan" on September 30 Boys wIth cigarette'> started the
fire In a barn ad]ollllng :\Ir Caput'" store, whIch wa,; en-tirely
de..,troyed HIs loss, about $4,500, was only par-tially
New Furniture Dealers.
Backer Bros are new furniture deealers at Eureka, III
Patnck A Cannon IS a new furnIture dealer at Clll1ton,
H A Martll1 lS to open a furnIture ,;tore at 44 \Vest
MItchell street, Atlanta, Ga
The Shelley-\IVheeler Company, capItalIzed at $10 000,
Will engage 111 the retail furnIture trade m Columbia Ga
The Shelby-\/\ heeler company, capitalIzed at $10000,
wIll engage m the furl1ltUl e and house fU111lshmg busmes"
at Newberry, S C
J Wand \V \V Hender under the fi1m name of Hendel
Bros, are makIng arrangement,; to open a new fur11lture St01 e
at MoundSVIlle, V\T Va
The Spnnger-Smlth Furniture and Carpet company are
new dealers 111 J ollet, III They have opened a large stock
Crawfordsville, Indiana.
&'- 0
Montgomery Hardwood Lumber Company
Manufacturers of all klllds of
Ul the bullchng recently vacated by the Enterpnse FurUlture
The Holland Furmture Company recent I) orga11lzed b)
John Holland, J H Hayes, I J \VlllIam,; and C D Starnes
will establI"h a general ..,tore at HIllsboro, Ind CapItal
stock, $15,000
Thos A Hayes, B Ross and Elmer A Scherrer ha\ e
mcorporated the Great \i\ estern ).Ia1l Order Hou"e to e11-
gage m the fur11lture and hou..,e fur11lshUlg bUSIness at Phoe-
11lX,Anz Capital stock, $3,000,000
El PalaCIO l\IercantIle Compan), capitalIzed at $100JO,
WIll establlsh a general store WIth a fur11lture department
111 A.lbuquerque, K ::'.1ex C L Hernandez, G 1\1 :!\1ontoya
A R Y'Apodaca are the Il1corporators
J A RIchards vvho '-,old hIS fur11lture "tore at Law-rence
and Vv lllIam streets, \\' lc1l1ta, Kan, last June, and
went on a tnp to Europe, has returned to II 1c1l1ta and ~ 111
open a new fur11lture ..,tore at 213-215 ~Ia111 street
\V A Thompson, R R IIume, C V Cottle, James \\
Deanng and Leola Deanng have Il1corporated the Beckley
House Furmshll1g Company, cap1tallzecl at $25,000, \\ 1th $7 -
000 paId 111, to engage 111the wholesale and retaIl fur11lture
bus111e:o" at Beckley, \V Va
Furniture Fires.
C B StlVer, furmture dealer of Goshen, Ind, lost about
$10,000 by fire on September 30 I11'3urance, $13000
Joseph Lahn's mattress factory on Freeman avenue, C111-
c1l1natI, OhlO, was burned WIth a loss of $10,000 on Sept 30
The factory of the Florence Furniture company, Spnng-field,
Mass, wa" damaged by fire to the extent of about $500
on October 1
The store and stock of Fox Bras, furl1lture deale1 s of
Fort \Vayne, Ind, were badly damaged by fire recently
Fully msured
Brown, Thomp:oon & Co, furl1lture dealers of Hartford,
Conn, lost $5,000 by a fire 111 the Hoadley warehouse on
October 2 Insured
The Henderson (Ky) chaIr factory WhICh was totally
destroyed by fire recentl), wa:o 111sured by ten ddlerent com-pames
for a total of $18,500
Leathers for Upholstererso
The Badger State Tannll1g Company of Sheboygan, \V IS .
who have for many year:o conducted an extensive tanning
busmess for others than the furnIture people have recently
concluded to get out a Ime of leathe1s to supply the needs
of furmture and chaIr maker" The company's announceL
ment appears on another page of thiS l'3SUe It Will pay chaIr
and furl11ture manufacturers to give thIS company an oppor-tunlt)
to quote them on theIr reqmrements In leather, as
m adchtlOn to supplying all of the grades and colors ordl-nanl)
demanded by furl1lture manufacturers, the company
makes It a practIce for the accommodatlOn of the trade, to
carefully select stock whIch WIll cut to the best advantage
for each customer The company's long expenence In the
manufacture of high grade leather for other purposes guar-antee"
a snpenor product m their new lIne
The company ma1l1tal11S an eastern sales office 111Boston
Lions' Heads Not Popular.
In matchl11g a lot of figured mahogany veneers a few
\ ears ago employes of the J 01111 \;\1 Iddlcomb company devel-oped
an almost perfect head of a male lIon Mr. \Vlddlcomb
detenmned to use thc :otock In the panels of a bed and when
,, ________ · ._o_o.~.~._.._ ...-- .--·-..,
Henry Scbmit 8 Co •
Cmcmnatl, OhIO
makers of
Upbol.stered Furniture
I------_0 __ -.-_------------- . •I
the SUite was completed a number of ladles were 1l1vltec1 to
1l1..,pect It All admired the perfectIOn of the figure, but
none of their number seemed to deSire the sUlte When
asked to "tate her objectIOn to the smte one lady rephed
"I ha\ e one 110n 111 my house now I would not care to
add the figure of a lIon to constantly reml11d me of what I
now posse",; Bu) er" of furniture admired the beauty of
the figured \\ ood, but "passed It up"
-\ bogu<., bOller 1l1<.,pectormade a tour of the manufacturing
towns of Oregon recently and collected from $20 to $50 of a con-
Siderable number of manufacturers for "offiCIally" inspectmg
their bOIlers The state has no bOIler 111spectors
Dmmg Room Smte by Luce Furmture Company. Grand RapIds, MlCh
II Complete lines of samples are displayed. It is worth the time •,
and expense required in making a trip to Evansville to inspect I!
these lines. :,I
Manufacturers of Chamber SUites, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Odd Dressers, Chlfforobes. :
II THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the "Superior" Line of Parlor, Library, Dining and Dressing Tables
Manufacturers of Kitchen Cabmets, K D. Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, 10 ImitatIon
golden oak, plam oak and quartered oak.
Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright Folding Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, Chma Closets,
CombmalJon Book and LIbrary Cases.
Manufacturers of Sideboards in plain oak, imltalJon quartered oak, and sohd quartered oak.
Chamber SUites,Odd Dressers, Beds and Chlffomers in lIDitatlon quartered oak, Imlt"tl n
mahogany, and ImitatlOngolden oak.
Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds, Cribs, WIre Springs and Cots.
\Iadt: h) I he K1.q...t <;; Fun llureCo
Evansville is the great mixed car loading center of the
United States, made so by the Big Six Association.
~ - ••••• •• .4
Matle by Kalges Furmture Co
Made by World Furmture Company
Made by Bockstege Furmture Co. Made by Bockstege Furmture Co
~-------.._---- - - .- ~
The Rosenhurys Invade Flint.
C E Rosenbtu) & Son'>, the well know n fUll1lture dealer:,
of Bay City, :!\Ilch, have made arrangemenb to get a share
of the prot>penty that the automobile bU'il11ess ha" brought
to Fhnt, which has recently become one of the livehest cIties
1ll l\!Uchlgan The followmg from the 11mt Journal of la ,t
Saturday will explam how they do thmg:, m the hustImg
Makmg a record m Flmt for prepanng a "tore btllIdmg
for occupancy for busme"t>, the firm of C E Rosenbnry 8.-
Sons thl'> morning opened up a furniture and home-furl1l"h-
'ing store 1ll the Stewart bUilclIng, 203 South SalSmaw street
Last 1Ionday C C Ro.,enbtu), a membo of the firm, came
to Flint ham Bay City, where the) have been In bu"mess tor
over a qual ter of a centtll y, th1', v l"lt beUig one ot many he
Marsh Hay as a Packing Material.
The Ot>hko"h Furl1lture Pachmg company, which es-tabh'ihed
an expellmental factory at Omro, WIS, early 111
the summer, ha.., Its plant perfected and ha" madel tnals, with
results which are salel to be very satisfactory The company
utlhze" a grade of mal sh hay, which can be cut m the wm-ter,
and which wa.., considered worthless until a few year:"
ago D) the company',> new process the hay is run through
heavy cnmpmg machmes, first havmg been mOI'>tened wIth
a hqt1ld preparatIOn, \\ hlch com bmed wIth the drymg pro
ce"s, keep" the cnmp In the hay Vv hen the hay leaves the
C1lmpmg mach111e It I, carned by a carner through a dry1l1g
tunnel to the hoiler, vvhen une ylored hay IS deSired, and to
the COI01111gclepartment ~when colored hay IS deSired
The fil1l"hecl ploduct IS a tough texture wIth suffiCient
Made by Grand RapIds Fancy Furmture Co , Grand RapIds, Mich.
has made to the \T ell1c1e Clt) dunng the pa'>t few Iveeh 111
search of a location for a ..,t01e He closed a deal \\ Ith the
owner of the bulldl11g f01 a lease cm ell11g a tel m of )' ear" ,
engaged pa111ters, electllclan" and othel \\ orkmen, and set
them to work wIth mt>tructlOns to hu'>tle and prepare the
btllIdmg for u:oe a::, qmckly as pO""'lble The order'> ,vel e
obeyed to the ktter, the three floors wele cleaned of then
contents and m less than three day s the fir.,t floor was lead}
to recel, e the stock
Then the workmen tran:oferred their attentlOn to the up-per
stones, made needed I epalr:o to the ein ator, changed the
10catlOn of the "talrway and 'ipeechly had the second floor
ready for use The result 1S that th1S mOll11ng when the
doors were opened the estabhshment was ready for the re-ceptIOn
of VISitor" and customer" ,',everal carloads of brand
new stock chrect from the fact01Y were unloaded yesterday
and arrangecllast I1Ight for I11spectlOn, and other cons1gnments
reached Fhnt today or are on the way
C C Rosenbury has charge of the Flmt store
"PI111~ \\ hen matted togethel to be far ,uperior to most
packmg u "eel m ftlll1lture
Th1s has been one of the problems of 1\Ianager VV F
\\ ) man, to cl1mp the haj and give 1t the nght amount of
elastiCIty and stdl ma1l1ta1l1 1t" strength, not breakmg and
the crimp not commg out \nother problem was to color
the fi11lshed goods Th1s he has donel and It takes the
colors beautifully, makmg an artlcle far supenor to that mall-ufactured
from hay from the salt marshes, paper or wood
e=--cel'>lOr :'Ill \\ }mdn has spent the last year gett111g hl3
pIan<; togethcl on th1s nnv 111dustry and the tnal shows that
hi,) Ivork IS a "ucce"s
Dr J (rum of Ot>hko"h 1'0 the financIal backer of the
enterpnse, v\ h1ch gn es pr0111lSe of beco111111g one of indus-tnal
Importance and value to the Village
OW111gto a quarrel between partners the 1nstallment fur-l1lture
hut>111es:oof Cones & Co, C111C11111atiO, h10, has been
placed m the hands of \ttorney Lem S Mdler a~ rece1ver
New York Markets.
Xew YOlk, Oct 8-Turpentll1e, after bong quoted at 62
cenb ~ll1ce la~t .Monday, dlopped to 61 cent'3 yesterday follow-
Ing a declll1e of a cent, to 58, at Savannah Consumers are
bUY111gonly for Immediate necessltle" and 111SI"t111gthat the
pnce mu~t go lowel soon The market IS exceechngly qUlet
The high pnce of turpentine still ha~ dn mfluence on
vanl1~h gums, which Will probably cont111ue until ..,tock" of
melted matendb I un low The market I~ almo~t ltfele'3'3
but last week s pnce" are well ma111ta111ed
The shellac market I~ "teady with a '3ltghtly Imploved
demand The quotatIOns are the ~ame a" la~t week except
on the orange grade" which are about a cent higher T J'\
111case~ 15@l::;0, bnght orange, 18@20, fine oran~e, 20(0)
21, Diamond I, 2:;@26 Bkached fre~h, 17@17,Vz KIlll
dned, 21@22,Vz
The demand for hnseed 011, after a long penod of dulI-ne%,
has became qUlte ~easonable, though there IS 11ttle do-
111g 111future~ There dre few conce )"Ion~ from the'3e qt,-
tatlOns 1\ e"tern ravv, :;6@57 cenb, city raw, 57@58, "111-
gle b01led, 58@59, double boll ed, 59@6l In lob of five batrej..,
or mOle
Goat ~kllb are '3t1ll dull, very few '3ales havll1g been maele
thl'3 week Recelpt'3 of Lat111-Amencalb are moderate but
they exceeel the demand, while the ~tock of ~Iexlcan~ 1'3prdL-tlcally
exhau~ted, only a few small lots now bell1g founel 111
the market .:\Icxlcan frontier" are quoted at 33@34 cent",
Dueno" Ay re'3, 43@44, Curacao, 51@52,Vz Paytas, 40(0)42,
Halt1ens, 43@45
Burlaps are unsettled QuotatIOns have not been cha~ged
but are known to have been ",haded In nmllcrous Instances 111
oreler to make sales Eight-ounce good" are quoted dt 360,
lO,Vz-ounce, 475
Zll1C ore advanced ::;0 cents a ton at the J oplll1, ]\fo,
nllnes last .:\Ionday hut the quotatIOns on ~heeb remall1 at
$7 50 pel 100 pound~. With 8 pel cent discount. fob Pel,
rlrmne"s IS still the feature of the lumber malket'3 In all
sectlon'3 of the country Pnce~ take a Wide range on the
be'3t grade'3 of hard wood" anel '3tlll Wider on the lower glade,
Private Fire Ala1'ms Legally Upheld.
-'\. )UC11ClaldeCl"lOn ha'3 )U"t been lendered 111a "upreme
court of X evv York city that Will he of 111tere~t to many fac-
~ory owner'3, though the ca'3e Wd", really thc re"ult of "treml-ous
competitIOn between fil e alarm compal1le" It wa'3 called
a tax payer-,' "t1lt, but the plall1tlff, one :,lr Foy who ~tarted
It agall1'3t the cIty 1'3under"tooel to ha, e actec! 111the 111tere,t
of the \atlonal DI"tnct -1elegldph Company '1he com-pldll1dnt
contended that the ut) ", file comml,,~10nel had no
light to allow propel ty Ovvnel' to connect the 111ten01~ of
the1l pi Cllll",e" dll ectly WIth fil e hcadqual ters by the uc,e of
faClhtle~ furl1l'3hed by the :,Ianhdttdn l'lre "\larm Company,
which opelate~ the Gamewell "..u"\.lhary Fire Alarm Sy"telll,
and the com t was requested to en) O1n the fire commb~lOner
from grantll1g dny more pernllt'3 for "uch connectlOn'3, an!
to order the removal of connectlOn'3 already made In hi"
deCISIOn, Justice Dowlll1g "aid
"The questIOn for con"lderatlOn IS whether the comml"-
slOner has the power to permIt defendant corporatIOn In the
discharge of It'3 bus111es" to connect It" wIres With the city
fire alalm t.elegraph system "0 as to commumcate an alarm
of fire directly to fire headquarters, 111'3tead of compellll1g no-tice
to be given by pull111g the 'Ignal 111 the fire alarm box 111
the usual way It cannot be ell~puted that the more speedy
method of senchng an alarm of fire IS preferable not only for
'the earlter OppOI tumty of extll1gmsh111g the fire, but for the
equally Important purpo"e of preventIng It.S "pi ead to other
"But tIll" would not ]1btlfy the pel1111"slOn gIven by the
fil e comml~sloner If It conti avened the language 01 spint
of the statut.es 1 am unable, howe, er, t.o find any provl"lOn
of law CIted by the learned counsel for plamtlft m their care-fully
prepared bnef which prohlblb the grantmg of the per-mISSIOn
heretofore given by the commlS"loner The ade-quacy
of the consIderatIOn therefore does not come before
the court for consideratIon, nor do the acb complamed of con-
'3tItuto a loamng or grantmg of property by the mUlllclpalIty
to a pnvate corporatIon ,.
Suing for Strike Insurance.
The Buffalo Forge COmpdny has '3ued the ;\lutual Se-
CUrity company of II atelbury, Conn, to recover damage"
under an 111"urance pohcy' The l11"urance was I"sued on
\la) b, 1906, to protect the Duffalo Forge company agall1'3t
losses re"ultl11g from "tnke"
The defendant company allege" that the plal11tlft made
a fal"e "tdtement. "aymg It wa" runnl11g a non-ulllon '3hop
and that It had no preVlOtb labor trouble~, when as a mat-ter
of fact, the moulder" anel foundrymen of the company
V\ el e on '3tllke, that the plamtlff's shop was unIOn, that the
~t.1lke la",ted two months and that there had been prey OU'3
ldbol trouble~ The +OIge company claull" elamage" of $26,-
000 fOI los"es on ordel s dnd on 111abllIty to fulfil contracts
owmg to the stI Ike The ca"e WIll bt tned In the Supenor
Court at 1'\ew Haven, Conn
The Way It Is Done.
v\ hich I wI"h to remark-
And my language IS plaln-
That for way" that are dark,
And for tncks that al e vam,
Some people dl e "omewhat peculIar
1\ lllch the same I would nse to exnlall1
J\1r Dunk was hl'3 name,
"..nelI shall not deny
In 1 egarel to the same
What the name nllght Imply,
But llls letters \\ ere pleasant and chI1dhke,
As I frequently remal ked to folks mgh
It ld"t "ummer occurreel,
"\nd qUIte "'oft wa" the ~kles,
,VhlCh It 111Jght be 111felred
.;\Ir Bunk was lIkeWIse,
Yet he played It that tIme upon other"
Anel me 111a vvay I despise
II lllch we had a small game,
Mr Bunk took a hand;
'Twas 111furmture The same
That we all understand,
And hiS beautiful typewntten letters
vVere )oIly and chlldhke and bland
...------------------- - - . - - .- - ..- ----------~-----------------------------------------------
W'e WIll have the rIg-ht style'> at the nght pnces and made to gl\e
,>atI~fd('tlOn. Don't ml'>s coming to see the lIne, It Will pay you
Show Rooms 35 to 41 N. Capital Ave. Ask for catalogues.
THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis, Ind.
~ •••• •• a.a •••••••••••••• _
Sears. Roebuck & Co's Profits.
Last Monday It was announced officially m ChIcago that at a
meetIng of the board of directors of Sears, Roebuck & Co , to be
held in October, a quarterly dIvIdend of 10 per cent on the
common stock WIll be declared payable m ;.Jovember. ThiS Will
place the shares on a 6 per cent dividend baSIS as against the
present rate of 4 per cent
EarnIngs of the company are, It IS said, at the rate of be-tween
$5,vOO,000 and $6,000,000 per annum It IS proposed to
Invest $1,000,000 of this year's profits m bonds The company
made a similar investment last year
The stock advanced on the local exchange dUring the day
to 12174 The proposed actIOn of the directors fully explams
the advance m the shares to the present quotatIon It IS not
Improbable that sometime next year there Will be a further m-crease
In the dIvidend It IS, hoY\,ever assert~c1 offiCially that
nothmg better than 6 per cent may be expected for some tIme
Using the Rivers to Force Lower Rates.
The lT11lted States Steel CorporatIon, cllspleased at the high
freIght rates charged It out of Plttsbmg to the \\' est and So ull-west,
has decided on usm~ water transportalOn as much as po 01-
ble or untIl the ralhoad~ reduce their rates "-Iuch mone\ b
bemg "pent for new model barges to be used on the OhIO the
::\IlssourI, the J\IIS<iSSlPPI and other" t stel n rI\ er, Trouble be-tween
the Steel Trust and the railroads" as divulged last \londa\
when It was announced that water transportatIOn IS to he thee!
the American Bridge Company in transportmg the new bridge fOl
the Missouri RIver at Kansas City Thel e "III be G.OOO tom ot
this structure to be sent from the corporatIOn ~ mIlls at '\"h-bridge,
Pa SIX model barges WIll carry the bridge and SIX feet
of water m the MISSOUrI from ItS mouth to Kansas CIty WIll be
---_. .~
suffiCient The co~t of transportatIOn WIll be less than half that
whIch the railroads ask
Will Not Take a Position in the Rear.
The new management of the AuditOrium In ChICago, an-nounces
their IntentIOn to rearrange, refur11lsh and refit tnat
tamous old hostelry, that It Will outshme the La Salle, the Black-stone
ane! ltke ne" aspIrants for the favors of the travelIng
publtc '\ pm ate apartment for royalty Will be prOVided For
the occupancy of such a sUite $50 per day Will be charged and
$50 additIonal for three meah The table ware WIll be of sohd
gold, and diamond" Will be hung around as pi omlscusly as
hIckory nuts upon a tree The attenc!ants WIll be arrayed more
gorgeously than the princes of India These featmes Will have
an ac!vertIsmg value, but it is fair to presume that the sUite will
not have occupant, dUring all the days of the year while the rate8
quoted shall be mamta1l1ed
Sells Goods Reclaimed at Auction.
John:\1 Smyth, of Chicago, "ells largely on the mstallment
plan \\ hen cllstomers fall to pay installments due, the goods
are reclaimed and delivered to a prosperous a lctlOneer, located
on the west SIde who 1'3 saId to have stowed away $100,000 as
the result of the pOV\er of hh tongue The ~oods are sold to the
hIghest bIdder, and the auctIOneer charges a certam amount of
commiSSIOn for hIS servICes Goods sale! upon the mstallment
plan not mfrequently are put to use in bug infected bUlldmgs
"hen the furl11tme becomes ,,0 undeSirably occupied as to render
It unfit for a return to the stock of the merchant
A man can't hold his own unless he can hold his own
----- ..... - -------- .... ---_._._..---.--_.._--.--.---.-_.----..-----_-. - --_.-- .~-_. - .--.-- -..
SUIte No 797 by
Muskegon Valley Furniture Co ,
Muskegon, Mlchlgan
iI ----------------- •••••••••••••• p~ .i.-.-. -.-.-----.----.~--~.. - . -----_. ---~
Leonard Building Space All Taken.
I he lla\\ k" Illlllltllle Company and the Banta FUflll-tlllC
Company of 00"hen, Tnd, ha\e engaged the only un"old
~pace In thc Lconal(l e.xhll)1tlOn hlllld1l1g, 01 and Rapid", and
\\111 OCCllP\ It 101ntl) III Jannal) rlhe Hawk" cOlllpany wdl
"ho\\ thcll 11lle of hH~h glade chambel fllll11tnre and the Ban-ta
com P<iIJ) \\ III hll thul h<ilf of the "pace WIth a new 11l1e
of e~ten"lOn and 1Ibl al) table"
~ - .. ,,I
.._. ---.-.- .. --- _._---_. ----- -----..IiII
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Expenenced salesman With estabhshed trade between Buffalo
and Bangor, Me., would hke to carry several lines of medIUm
priced case goods on COm'lllSSlOn. Address "Esp," care
Weekly Artisan. 10-9 t. f.
The new managellent of the Modern Furmture Company,
CinCinnati, 0., desire canable salesmen to carry a new and up-to-
date line of Hall Racks In all parts of the Umted States
Oct 9-16-23-30
A hne of medIUm pnced Bedroom SUites ard Sideboards for
Pennsylvama outside of Philadelphia. On territory twenty
years. Address L D., care Weekly Artisan. 10-9, '09
Capable foreman to take charge of wood-worklrg shop.
Office furmture factory near Toront:>, Onto Reply stating
age, experience ard refererce. Ore who IS now a foreman or
assls ant fcreman preferred. Apply to A F. Smith, 97 We!-
hngton St W., Toronto, Onto 10-9 '09.
Travehrg Salesman for I1lmols ard Middle Western states to
sell Folding Carnages on commiSSIOn Liberal prOpOSitIOn
to ngh party. Address Rockfo d Foldl g Carnage Co,
R ckferd, I I Oct 2-9-16-23.
First class Spii dIe carving mac''llne operator on heavy claw
fee, and heads. State wages expected. Adcress 3-B c:ue
Weekly Artisan Sept. 25
One who is a thoroughly expenenced and practical furn.-
ture man seeks to represent as salesman on COlllllSSlon a
good furmture and a g:Jod chair factory. Prefer cen+ral
s.a es. Have been supenntendent, draftsman, also sales-man
last fifteen years. Best references given. For further
Information address "W" care of Weekly Artisan
Sept. 18-25 Oct 2.
Man who can get out productIOn and do It nght Send
references, state expenence ar d lowest salary In first letter
Address "Mlsco," care Weekly Artisan. 9 18·25
---------------- -- --
Up-to-date Chair Factory, cheap; a rare opportumty, 10
acres of valuable land on which plant IS erected. Full
eqUlp"'1ent of machinery, 150 horse power Corhss engine,
ma erial in process, plant ready for operatIOn. Lexlr gton
IS the only town in North Carolina havm~ two trunk lme
railroads. Ed. L. Greene, Receiver, LeXington, North Car-olina.
Sept. 11-18-25 Oct. 2
In progressive furniture factory, makmg case goods, beds or
tables by a competent superintendent haV1n~ ten years' ex-penence.
Thorougnly familiar With all branches. Address
"W" No.2, care Weekly Artisan. 9 4-11-18-25
CommisslOn man for Mlssoun and Kansas representing five
furmture factones. Splendid mixed carload hnes. Address,
Ballman-Cummings Furniture Company, Fort Smith, Arkan-sas.
Aug. 7, '09
To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi; unlimit-ed
supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at
extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled
shipping faCilities and low freight rates to good mar-ket.
Might take some stock in welI managed company. Ad-dress
Interstate Lumber Company, Downmg Building, Ene,
A good cabinet maker; one who can detail and make clothing
cabmets. Address B. S., care Michigan Artisan. 6-10-2t.
40 H. P. direct current motor, latest make and in first class
running condItion. Grand Rapids Blow Pipe & Dust Ar-rester
Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 8-21tf
...... . -.__._.-._----....6
,,I ,I ,
Condemned Secret Rebates.
1 he \lelcantde \"'ooclatlOn of Dntl.,l1 Columbia, convened
<It \ lct011a O!1 ~eptc!1'bel n Re'iolutlOn'o were adopted c-an-del,
mg seci et rebate, t<l\ O1111gthe plaC11g of 01der:o With such
'l',l11cJf<ictclrer:o a, m,l! ket their products for umform prices,
\\ hethel the p 11 CI1,'oel be a large or a ,mall dealer, recommend111g
that I etallel" pcl h the sale of such goods as are sold a baSIS of
<lS-llree! plOfit and OppCS1l1gthe chstnbutlOn of premIUms 111 any
S\\ al tL &- Co cabmet makel s of 177 l'11l1Ce street, 1\ew
\ O! k ha\ e "cttIed \\ ah thell credit )r" <it 35 cents on the dol-lal
and thc bank! nptu plOceed111g" al:;am-,t them have been
1 he \ \ mslow I nrl11ture and Carpet company of St Paul,
\lmn, has been placed 111 the hand" of Charles M Way a'i
recel\ el ] he hablhtJe, are "checluled at $45,400
1hc name 01 the \olthern FU111ltl1re Company of Chlp-pe\\
a }all", \\ 1", ha" been changed to the 1\orthwood FL'rl11-
tlll e compan\
Alaska Ref. Ige. atcr CO:npcn7
Bc:.dger Slate Tarr 11 g Company
B2. nes, V, F & Jehu Co np<::ry
B2rton, H H & S:Jn Company
BIg SIX Ca, loadwg Asscr atlOn
B~ck_tege Furntwe COTpa"y
Bos~e Fur!'1 ure Companv
Buss :YIachme Works
DeBm/n, T C
Fellwcck Au 0 & M'f'g Company
Ford & ]oh'1son Co npa"1y
Gillette Reller Beanng Ccmpany
Globe Furrtture Company
Grand Rapids Cas er Cup Co:npany
Hills, Clarence R
Hoffman Bros Corrpany
Hotel Tuller
Hotel Llrden
HU'11ph+ey-Wldman BookcaEe Company
Karges Furmture Company
Kimball Bros Company
Lentz Table Company
Luce Furlllture Compan.!
Luce-Redmord Chair Company
Madden. Thes, Son & Co.
Metal Furmture Company
Mlchll;an EngraVing Company
Michigan Star Furlllture Company
Miller, Eli D & Co.
Montgomery Hardwced Lumber Company
Moon Desk Company
Muskegon Valley Furmture Company
Nelson-Matter Fu. '11tu.e Company
New York Furmture Exchange
Palmer Manufa~tunng Company
PIOneer Marufactunr~ Company
Richmond Chair Company
Royal Chair Company
Sager, W D
Schmit, HeflY & Co
Shimer, Sarruel J, & Sons
Star Caster Cup Company
Udell, The Works
Weatherly Company
West Mich. Machme & Tool Company
WorId Furmture Company
Wysong & Miles
--, - ...
offers to you, the Furniture Manufacturer, the largest consuming population on this continent. Over six million in the
metropolitan district and five million additional within six hours ride by rail. Total, eleven million of the largest
wage earners and the most liberal spenders on earth.
An opportunity to exhibit in this great market now open to all in the magnificent and enormous new home of the
New Yark Furniture Exchange
containing 1,380,000 square feet of floor space
and ready for occupancy December 1, 1909.
The most accessible location in New York for both resident and visiting buyers. Lexington Avenue to Depew
Place, 46th to 47th and 47th to 48th Streets. Part of the new Grand Central Station group of splendid modern
business buildings.
The plan of extension so long contemplated by the New York Furniture Exchange will now be realized and a
showing adequate to the New York Market will be made. This additional strength coupled with the drawing powers of
the carpet, upholstery and other lines working in harmony will beyond question double the attendance of buyers.
This is the time to secure a favorable location as a larger amount of space has already been contracted for than
was available in the present building.
Remember first come, first served.
Address, Chas. E. Spratt, Secretary,
Lexington Avenue and 43d Street, NEW YORK.
~'"----_._---------_._._.. ._-----------~ --.
I .. I THIS IS THE MACHINEThat Brimrs letters like the Followin!: I
I I II••
Buss M.tch.lne Works J
HOllfl..nd, J,Uch
We wish to compliment. JOu on the wO!'.lung or Jour new <k Planer
Just .llstalled 1'01'us
This IIld.cn.lnedoes the best work of any plans" we have eve~ seen. &nil
we are frank to saJ so much better than we expected. toi¥ to our foreman
sald he slmplJ cou1d not get along ..l.thou't It,and was sure It. wou.lci
pay the price of itself wlthln a year in 'Nor-k <la ad on ma.chlnee followLl1S.
Wishing JOu dess ..v..ed success /i'.lth this new pa tern. ve remain.
Yours verJ truly,
Robbins Table Co
The Buss Machllle Works are havlllg marked success with this new design of cabinet planer. The new
method of beltlllg-feed gears machllle cut-together with the steel spnng sectional front feed roll and the
late new sectional chipbreaker, make a cablllet planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine
Works are old manufacturers of cablllet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast With the
times With machllles of great efficiency Woodworkers of all klllds will not make a mistake by writing direct
or to their nearest selling representative regarding any point on up-to-date cabinet planers. These are the
days when the live woodworker wants to cut the expense of sanding.
...... .~
~ ~. ~ '4'~'~'_'. ._. • _
- Date Created:
- 1909-10-09T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:15
- Subject Topic:
- Periodicals and Furniture Industry
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- © Grand Rapids Public Library. All Rights Reserved.
- URL:
- http://cdm16055.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16055coll20/id/163