Weekly Artisan; 1910-01-15

Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., JANUARY 15, 1910 "ALASKA" Refrigerators No Matter How, Hot the Day it is Always Winter in an "Alaska" Refrigerator We make them in all sizes and styles, with Zinc, Enamel. Porcelain and Opal-Glass linings. Sell to Dealers only. Give them exclusive sale, refer all inquiries to them, and supply them with ad-vertising matter and electrotypes liberally. Write for Our Illustrated 1910 Catalogue. "Alaska" C1TcuiaIJon The Alaska Refrigerator Co .. Exclusive Refrigerator Muskegon, Michigan Manufacturers New York Office, 369 Broadway L. E. Moon, Manager NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CO. BED-ROOM and DINING-ROOM COMPLETE SUITES in Mahogauy. Circassian Waluut aud Oak. If )oOllhave not one in your store, a simple request will bring you onrIDagnificent new CataloKue of 12x16 inch. page groups, show-ing suites to match. With it, even the IDO....t moderate sized furniture store can show the best and newest furniture satisfactorily. WEEKLY ARTISAN 1 .... _. .. ...... .. .. ...-- ...-. ...--- - .. -.... - - .... - - - .- .- --.., ,II• I I Uptegrove & Beckwith I I I I Grand Rapids, Michig'an I I I I : I : I t I , I : I I I I I : I ! f I Mahogany Lumber I I I I I I I i Mahogany Veneers I • I I I I • I I I I I ! Circassian Walnut i I I II I, I I I ! I I I Quartered Oak Veneers j I Yards and Storehouse: Offices: Cor. Court and Shawmut 22 Pearl Street I Grand Rapids, Michigan .. . ... ..... _. --~-_.-.. . . '-'. .. ---.,. .. '. " WEEKLY ARTISAN THIS MASTER MACHINE IN YOUR WOOD-FINISHING DEPARTMENT WILL GIVE. YOU A HAND-SURFACED PRODUCT AT WHAT MACHINE-WORfi SHOULD COST YOU. Standard Model Sands any Stock up to 6' 4" in Length. THf SCHIMMfL SPIRAL BfLT SANDfR (Patented) The Only Sanding Machine Embodying Absolute Perfect Control and Perfect Contact I he two \ It<t[ pomts necebs,lly, yet hItherto Iaelong m othu ,andml!, 1l1<tdlllIe" t:1 produce the hIghest quahty of uTIlfor1l1 'Ul fdClllk; WIIll the greatest speed-least waste of matenal-t he dbsellce of all unnecessal y labor on part of workman and the use of the ledbt amount of power. Radically Unlike Other Belt Sanding Machines 1 he SCHIl\l\II:L SPIRAL gnes ,( dIrect VERTICAL CONTACT dt every P0111tWITH GRI:Ar.cR CUTTING POWER -NO SLIDING MOTION-LESS PRESSURE dnd LE-SS WEAR ON BFLT THE SPIRAL DOES IT. It's SIMPLICITY OF CONTROL enableb the opudtor to Imtantl} shIft pomt of contact and apply desIred pre,qne to allY debll ed bpOt thereby fauhtat111l:'; a UNIFORM SWEEP the iu]] length of the stock and producmg a perfect surface \\lITH The Least Grinding Away of Material In the hdncls of a novIce It gn es gl eat effiuency WIth an EXPERT 111contlol ItS work IS near to mal ve10us OUR PROPOSITION ISN T SIMPLY A LAYOUT or MONEY, It's a Simple Money Making Outlay for You Our Su~pellded Model wIII tdke any length of stock Both arc fuIly and mtel est111gl} c1e'lnbed dnd plLtUled 111 our catalog, whICh IS valuable In Its TIME and MONEY saVl11gproposItIOn to every Wood Working Firm OUI SPIRAL ATTACHMENT htted to <tny other Belt Sandmg 1\Iachme wJ1l INCREASE YOUR PROFITS. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Schimmel- Reid & Co., Faribault, Minnesota, U. S. A. 3 ------------------------------------------~ 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN ---_._------- _.------_._~ .- - - ~ .1III II II••II II ,I II I -----------------~ Have you had anything from The Luce Furniture Co. lately? Bedroom and Dining Room equipment in profusion. Luce-Redmond Chair Co.,Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. Time---Now. Place---Grand Rapids. ..--.- ..------_._- -- ----. -_._-_. -~----- --~-------------- Our Exhibit you will find on the fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS'BUILDING,North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICmGAN Exhibit in charge of J. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES, J. EDGAR FOSTER. High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites In Dark and TlLna Mahogany Bit d's Ey Maple Birch -<-lLartered Oak and ell C/lJ5Ian WalnlLt :JT{ANn R/\PI':S l)n",.,. 30th Year - No. 29 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., JANUARY 15, 1910 Issued Weekly SAMPLES DISAPPEARED IN FLAMES The Furmture E'Cchange bU11dll1g on loma street oppo-sIte the Manufacturers' bulldll1g, Grand Rapids, was com-graphs, cata10gue'3, ordel books, and other records and office supphes The 10'3'3on samples are large but not so senous From a Snap-Shot Taken at 10 o'clock Last Wednesday NIght Photos lor Sale by the Royal Photo Company, Grand RapIds p1ete1y gutted by fil e W cdnesddY l11ght and nearly forty exhIbItors lost their samples and most of them theIr photo-as the mterruptlon of business at the helghth of th· season. The vIctims of the fire al e not dIsmayed, however. Through 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN the generous, brotherly actIOn of other exhIbItors most of ------------ --------_._---------- them have found or wlll find desk 100m at least mother bUlldmgs and contmue to take orders from catalogue", and photographs A few, who have exhIbIts m ChIcago \\ 111 transfer a part of theIr samples £lam that Clt) dnd a fe\\ others may be able to bnng on samples £lam the factone::, and have them ready for mspectlon m a fe\\ days The fire started from an unkown cause m the slllppmg room of the Young & Chaffee Fur111ture companv, whIch was 111 the basement undel the rear end of the I, ur111tul e Exchange bt11ldmg. \Vhen the firemen arrived the smoke was so dense as to decel\ e them a" to the exact locatIOn ot the blaze-they thought It wa", m the basement of the Shcp ard btuldmg, adJoll11ng the Exchange-and for an hour or mOlC It was beheved the Furmture Exchange would be c;aved 1he flames, however worked under the Exchange bUlldmg untl1 they reached the elevatOl shaft went up, reachmg e\ el \ floor, and spread so rapIdly that there was hUle chance to remove even office records In another ham the entire 111- tenor had been burned out The roof had fallen m carrY1l1g everythmg down to the first floor where the fire smoldered m the rums nearly all mght m spIte of the efforts to com-pletely extmgUlsh It The Young & Chaffee company's bIg store IS sepal atec1 from the Exchange bulldmg by a fil e wall as IS the Shepal c1 bullding on the south The walls proved qUIte effective in preventmg the spread of the fire, but the stock of the Young & Chaffee company was badly damaged by smoke and watel, as were the Dally K ews and other tenants of the Shepal d building. The total loss £lam the fire is estImated at $300,- 000 to $350,000 From a fur111tUle "tandpoint It IS the \\ orst fire that has occurred m the city s1l1ce the bur111ng of the Nelson & Matter factory m 1884 or 1885 The directory of the Fur111tUl e Exchange pubhshed dt the openmg of the season, showed 37 e'<hlblts occupymg space m the bulldmg Later se\ eral othel smaller conce111S exhlbltmg fur111tUle speclaltJec;. matenals, supphes, etc, wel e crowded In so It IS probable the total number of tenants was over forty C H Medlcus & Son, the \\ ell t.nown manu facturers of parlor, hb1 ary ctl1d dmmg room flU111tUle oc cupled the SIxth floor entl1 e and are the heavIest losel s Much of the e'<hlblt was m expensIve upho!::>tel ed good::, TheIr loss IS estimated at $12,000 to $15,000 and IS well in sured The other losses range from $500 to $2,000 or, per-haps to $2,500 So~e are pal tiall) covel ed by tl1'3urance hut the maJonty are not The school of e'<penence has turned a fine pIece of flUl11- ture out of many a blockhead - ----~ IS at the HOTEL CRATHMORE, GRAND RAPIDS, with an amplitude of Birdts~Eye Maple stocks. Best ever. Heaviest Bird's~Eye Maple on the market-\ ~2411 thick. Filled with beaut~ ful eyes and figure. CALL, PHONE OR WRITE I, : WALKER VENEER & PANEL WORKS, i HOTEL CRATHMORE, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I --------------------------------------~ NEW YORK'S NEWEST ATTRACTION Wonderful Cafe on Broadway That Cost About }<"ourMillion Dollars. \ e\\ York, J an 12- The new and finest restaurant here IS the Cafe de l'Opera, whIch was opened recently on Broadway, bet\\ecn :bort)-first and Fort)-second streets. Its decorations are 111 the Bab) loman sty Ie, mstead of French, Italian, Enghsh, Turk- I"h, Japanese, German, etc It is a wonder and attracts many de\ otees of \\ me and late suppel s The cost of the bt11ldmg and turmshmg \\ as $4,000,000, about $1,000,000 of It for decoratIOns. Henll Pruger IS the general mana~er, coming from the Savoy Hotel of London, and gets a salan of $50,000 a ) ear, There WIll be d tOlce of 750 men and women as walters, cooks, dishwashers, t tc Thel e are 60,000 glasses, 200,000 pIeces of s1lverware, 100,000 pIeces of ch111aand crocker) and 25°,000 pieces of l111en. rhe \J elldan Bnttama company made 12,000 pIeces of silver, from speCIal (lcs1gns and new and unusual 1deas, that cost $100,- 000 The E H. H. SmIth SIlver company of Bridgeport, Conn., furmshed 40.000 pIeces of table c;llverware, bemg made of the seal eb pattern, fimshed in soft French gray. The Chnton Storage \\'arehouse, 243 East Thirty-fifth ,tl eet, 10 handl1l1g the Gorham mvahd bed, which can be moved tram a hOllzontal angle and is made 1n PhIladelphIa. It is cer-taml\ one of the finest thmgs ever gotten up and IS havmg a ~ood sale J W Greene, a retail furmture dealer of Grove street and ~tore bv a tunnel blast 111the constructIOn of the Hudson- Man-hattan RaIlroad Tunnel. Huller Co, 330 East Twenty-si'Cth street, are turnmg out "Ill clal orders for frames for dming room and hbrary suits, com- --------_._---------~-_._-----------------_._---~..-~ Pitcairn Varnish Company I I Reliable Varnishes of Uniform Quality Our Motto "NOT HOW CHEAP-BUT HOW GOOD" C. B. Quigley, Manager Manufacturing Trades Dep't. to. • - - •••• - -. • - _ .. ---" .---_._._-- Manufacturers of I.- .I. Factories: Milwaukee, Wis.; Newark, N. J. WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 ,-----------_._----------------------- ----------- -------------- ... - ---~ In GRAND RAPIDS Only, January, 1910. OLD SPACE, Furniture Exhibition Bldg., Fourth Floor. The UDELL Line MANY NEW ONES in Library Bookcases, Medicine Cabinets, Ladies' Desks, Commodes, Sheet Music Cabinets, Folding Tables, Piano Player Roll Cabinets. A Lone whIch IS well worth gomg to see A Lme that you should have a complete catalog of. The fact that you have not our catalog can only be rectified by wntmg for your copy to day. THE UDELL WORKS INDIANAPOLIS. IND. ~... . •.. __ .a. __ • plete '" ork is turned out, except the upholstenng. Regular per-lOd "'ork IS made a feature. BusIness IS good now and most of the orders are for Clrcasslan vvalnut and mahogany. Wm. G. Estabrook & Co have only been 111then new facton at FIrst avenue and Twenty-seventh street a few months and have a first-class up-to-date plant, mak111g parlor furmture A new 1ll1e IS bell1g put on the market of EnglIsh morocco chaIrs and qUIte a fe\" Ehzabethan ~t1lts and chaIrs \\ III be shown at the Furniture Exchange. I:,ldore \Velskopf ha'i ~ucceeelec1 J J. .l\IcClosky v"ho (heel, as salesman 111Penns) lvama for the Greenpomt }\Ietalhc Bed com-pany " BIlly" McVeIgh WIll look after New York. The Maddox Table company of Jamestown, N Y, have placed samples of theIr goods \\ Ith export houses and with firms III South Amenca. They are gOIng after export trade. The Hydeleather Manufactunng company of 5 Beckman street, making artificial leather, al e ll1 bankruptcy The plant at Umon HIll, N J. IS closed and the machll1ery moved out. \V. C. Lo\\ IS the receIver. Val. 1horsen, late '" Ith Ehnch Dros, wIll represent New York and the New England states for the James Cooper company of Plulaelelphia. MIlleI & Hyams of Dlooklyn, have a good sIzed contract for furniture ll1 Porto RIco and are thll1king of establIshll1g a branch there. Dan A. Cleary, assistant to W. A l\IcLaughl111, 111 the Siegel-Sooper furniture department, was marned recently, to Miss Russell, secreta 1y to B J Greenhut. J. Barnow IS a new furmture dealer at 3108 Thlrel avenue The New England J\1antel and TIle company are 111financIal trouble. H. K. T. Wright has tahen the line of the Hardesty Manu-factory company of Canal DOver, OhIO, and w1ll show at the Furniture Exchange, opera chairs and mission furl11ture. Henry Citrin IS a ne\, furnitUle dealer at 187 Manhattan avenue, Brooklyn. The ne\',; Machmes and Folcl111g Bed Manufacturing com-pany has been incorporated with $25,000 capital stock to manu-facture fold111g beds and all kinds of machines, by Isaac ·Werner, Adolph Boatkow and Harrv Kohn The North Camlma Cane Goods Association have notified all the trade that an advance in price is due. Bert L. Ford, late WIth Ford & Johnson, has left that firm to represent the American Chair company, in the Metropolitan district of N ew York. Herbert Cowperthwait goes to Chicago during the selhng . -----------------------_._._~-..-.-~_-~-- season He wlll exhIbIt 111ChIcago and at Grand Rapids, but WIll not exhIbIt here He \\ 111 be represented here by L. A. Corey. New Furniture Dealers. ~eal Clough has opened a new furl11ture store at Mt. Ver-non, :i\Ia. C A. Landenberger, of Streator, II!., IS to open a new furni-ture store at leroy, Iowa. \\. L Campbell & Co. are new dealers m furmture and oth-el homehold goods at .:\1anhfielcl, Ore. The (;1111n, alt-Sande1 s Furmture company, capltaltzed at $10,000, are ne\',; dealers at Fredenck, Okla. I veness, J oske Bros & Co, of San AntonlO, Tex., wtll add a furniture department to their general store. The Stem Fur111ture and Carpet Company capitalized at $20,000 are new dealers 111Kansas CIty, Mo. The K orl11laugee Hardwa1 e and FUfl11lture company, capital- 1zeel at $10,000, have opened a new store at Normaugee, Texas. Charles M. Warner has leased hIS new busmess block on South Salma street, Syracuse, \'" Y, to Cleman Bras, of Scran-ton, P d , who will occupy It as a furmture store. Goldberg & Stem WIll open a new furmture store m Kansas CIty, Mo., on March 1. Both members of the firm have been in the mal kets clunng the past'" eek selectmg their stock. New Factories. H. M. SIevert IS to 1mest $15,000 m estabhshmg a new woodenware factory m Portland, Ore. The Fulton-Evans Office Furl11ture company capitalized at $10,000, will estabhsh a facto! "I in IndIanapolis, Ind. The Midland Casket and ~Ianl1factunng company, capitaltz-ed at $75,000, will estahhsh a new factory m Denver, Co!. LOUIS Brendel and others have incorporated the Central Ohio Furniture .l\1anufacturin company, capitaltzed at $60,000, to establish a factory at Coshocton. An eastern concern representIng capital to the extent of $400,000 is seekll1g a locatIon at Aberdeen, Wash., for the erec-bon of veneering plant to cost $100,000. The propositlOn to estabhsh a furniture factory at Bay City, Tex., 1S considered a "go." The $3,000 asked by the promoters as a bonus was subscribed in an hour by business men. The promoters are to build a plant worth $30,000 and start operations WIth at least 60 hands within a year. 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN Manager of the Coats Company. Malk B H} slop, general manager of the Coab \Ianutac-turing company spent Saturday 111 Grand RapId", alln 1I1~ after be111g held 111 the snow dnfts tv\ ent} -foul h0111s on the MIchIgan Central of whose sel\ ICe he holds an e111phatll opinion Owing to press of bns1l1ess at the Coats tactOl \ Mr. Hyslop returned east at 5 o'clock Saturday aftel nOOIl He stated before leaving that they had tned out theIr ne\\ STILL ON THE JOB hne and fonnel It perfectly ~ailsfactOl y to the il ade and he regards the outlook fOl bnS111ess on the loael as "plcmltd judging by the assurance 1ecen ed from hIS fllends Mr. Hyslop is one of the youngest as well as most pro-gres" lve and hustling manufacture1'=> 111 the fUlmture 1I1dustl\ and WIll doubtless become Ol1e at the lell ~e" t manufactt11 eJ " 111the Dmted States Got the .Job. You advel tl"e for a collectOl of expellem e "Yes, al e you one?" "Been collecilng eApellence all my hfe" "Ha I Very good 1 But what we need lS an mst,1ll111ent collector." "That IS precisely how I collected my expellence, S11, 111 installments" "Hm' I guess we'll ily you" The barga1l1 that hn't a bal ga1l1 IS cl pOOl th111g to c1l..,- play It lS a boomelang and It hIts ha1Clel on Its come-bad. than it doe" on ItS out-ward tllP PREDICTS A JOB LOTS SHOWER Prominent Chicago Dealer Thinks People Will Tire of the New Styles. 'It the manufactUl el s of the many styles of the new :Cngh;:,h deSIgn" are not careful September wJ11 wItness the 1I1auguration of the greatest Job lot season 111the history of the trade," saId one of the heaVIest dealers 111 furl11ture in CIl1cago, Just hefOl e leav111g Grand RapIds for his home la st '\tek He had spent ten days 111making inspectIOns of the hnes and hIS op111lOns cany weIght with every manu-fclctul el 111the Lmted States "I am not dlsposed to cntlclse <In\ of the ne" l111esso fal as I egards style, but the merchant" <llld the people are not read} to bu} the goods 111 quantItIes," Made by Luce-Redmond Chalr Co" Blg Rapids, MlCh he conilnned ' \ ou ha, e heald of theatres used largely fOl the 1 eheal s1l1g at ne\\ plays-GI and Raplds has one I be-he, e \Ianagels of "uch places of amusement test the value ot a drama or comIc opel a 01 what not by 'try mg It on a dog.' \Ierchants 111 the furmtnre trade are compelled to resort to the "ame pI actlce to il y new sty Ie" In fUlmtnre upon patrons The ilme I equll ed 111 test1l1g the new styles 1'0 so great that It \\ auld not be SUlpns1I1g 1£ the manufactUl er~ should be-come 1111patJent dunng the test1l1~ pelloel and throw the can-t In t" of thell \\ al chou ses 011 the market for what they wJ11 h11l1£., Not for Sandy. C;,lI1ch :\IcLnl..,h was "110 feel1l1' llust "eel, so he went to the cloclO1 ,md "tated 111" complamts 1111dt do \ ou clI In], " demanded the 111e(lIco , \Vhu"ky" rIO\, much?" \1a \ he a hottle a clay" "Do \ ou smoke?' Yes" "Ilo\\ much?" "T\\ a ounces a day" '\Vell, yOU ~I\e up whisk} and tobacco altogether" Sandv took up hI" cap anclm three steps reached the door "Sanel} ," called the doctor, "YOll have not paId for my a(hlcc' ' "Ohm ILl takkll1' It,'' snapped Sandy, as he slammed the door behmd hl111 WEEKLY ARTISAN ..- ---_._----_._._._. __._------------_._-_._------ --~_._-_-.-- I You are wasting time and money, If you are sandIng by hand, drum, dIsk or spIndle Your competItor IS dOIng more and better work on our maclllnes Let us show you how to :>and flat SUIface:>, irreguial shapes and moldIngs In a practical and profitable manner \\ e guarantee results Ask for Catalog "E" Wysong & Miles Company Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., Greensboro, N. C. The Latest Improved Sander Favors the Parcels Post. "If we dId anythIng wIth regard to a parcels post bIll In Bndgeport, It would be to du ect our congressman to work for It," saId A .;\1 Engelhard of D J\I Read & Co, at the :!\10l ton "ThIS IS an unofficIal 0pInlOn I am not talkmg for the house for I should have no nght to commit it to any course of actIOn but speakIng a<; a cItizen of Bndgeport, and as a bUSIness man wIth a knowledge of condItIOns In my home town, I would be w1ll1l1g to say thIS would be the general course of merchants 111 the ConnectIcut CIty I hall fIam "There are reasons for such a stand on au! pal t, the pnnclpal of whIch 15 the manner In whIch we are held up by the Adams Expre:><; Co and the raIlroads entenng our CIty They have us at theIr mercy and are In no way backward about enforCIng theIr authonty to the fullest extent. \V Ith our own house we have done a mail order bUSIness for a number of years and have a regular mall order department WhICh bnngs us a lot of business which is to our lIkmg. \"'T e cover quite a bIt of country through this medium outSIde of Bridgeport. Thus we have a direct interest in any measure which would tend to benefit this phase of our general business. But speak-mg on the proposItIOn more broadly, our mterest in any such measure would center about the hardships under which all of our merchants labor WIth the expre<;s and raIlroad companies hold111g us up on rates and If yOU made a canvass of Bridge-port I beheve you would find our merchants almost a unit in indorsing any such national measure. "Personally I do not think a parcels post act would Influ-ence the trend of bu<;mess U! any way whatever. You will al-ways find a number of people 111your home town who WIll buy elsewhere and you will find a number of outsiders who will in-sist upon tradIng with you to the loss of their home merchants. A number of our people prefer to trade in N ew York. They No. 194 Patented Sand Belt Machine. : !~---.------_. ------.-.-.-. -------- ,---.----------------.-------- ----------. -..44 b can make a t1ip down the sound for a nominal sum, spend the day there, make theIr purchases and 111a number of 1l1stances come back to relate to others how they buy goods nowhere but in N ew York. On the other hand we have many people dnd some of considerable prominence living In N ew York who trade with us because they can get sUlted better and at smaller cost. No house, regardless of ItS SIze, can suit every man and U! ev-ery instance. It IS useless to try and we might Just as well realize that more or less of our home trade WIll go to other CItIes and that trade of outSIders WIll come to us. The parcels post WIll not effect thIS m any manner according to my way of thinking. "The increase In pnces IS a matter which It IS best to ac-cept as bemg a condItIon of the times and the consumer always paYl11g the bill in the end will do so in this instance I do not expect him to raise any generel objection but I do expect our sales force WIll have to be educated to the new pnces and to get as much ginger mto their selhng efforts as under the old price regulations. This is the only problem I see in the new order of things." Practically a New Plant. The Jamestown Lounge company have adopted plans for the erectIOn of a four story bi ick addItion to their factory Later the frame structure used 111 the transaction of their business wII! be rand, and a hrick build1l1g erected on its site -----_...., lB. WALTER& co.-··f~~D~i~~ Manufa~ TABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT 'I"._._---~---_._._---- --_._-~--_.-- -.-._--~~I -~ to WEEKLY ARTISAN KITCHEN CABINET ~IAKERS ORGANIZED Association Formed to Eliminate the Evil Con-ditions That Hamper Their Business. Dunng the recent years of the past the busmess of manu-factUling and selhng kItchen cabmets has been greatly de-morahzed and unprofitable Several conferences of manu-facturers were held and finally an agreement was reached upon whIch an organizatIOn under the name of the KItchen Cabinet Manufacturers' assocIatIOn was effected at the Clay-pool hotel, IndIanapohs on December 28 The officers elected are as follows PresIdent-John \VIddlcomb, Grand RapIds VIce PresIdent-Frank Coos, Greencastle Ind Secretary- \V Ilfred Sellers, Elwood, Ind' Treasurer-\V. E Flanders, Mt Carmel, III The purpose of the orgal11ZatlOn IS the ehml11atIOn of eVIl condItIOns m the trade and to place the mdustI V upon a profitable basIs The next meetmg wIll be held 111ChIcago 111 May next on the date of the next meebng of the NatlOnal Furniture Manufacturers' AssoCIatIOn Had No Samples. "Mr. McGinnis," asked the Judge, "have you formed or expressed an opinion as to the gl11lt or 111nocence of the pllS-oner at the bar?" "No, sir," rephed MIke "Have you any conSCIentIOus scruples against capital punishment ?" "Not in this case, your honor," replied Mike WrOlll~ Number. "Hello I Say, I >'"ant a box for two to-morrow l11ght," began the man who had called up the theatre 'Do" fOl tv" o~" repeated the man 111the office "We can't glVe you a box for two vVe can---" "Oh, but nothmg ebe WIll do," cut In the theatregoer "I \\ ant a bo" fOJ tv, a Are} au all sold out? Mebby I could get 'em by to-morro"" nIght?' "X 0," came back the reply, "vve ne" el have boxes for two." "\iVhat, nevel ha, e 'em! DIdn't I have a box for two only last Thursday" \Vhat sort of a hne of talk are you try- 111' to hand out there, anyhow ~ I'm a fnend of Mr. Miller's, and I e\.pect to do bu~mess vvlth the kIdding part left out when I call up thl~ theatJe L"nderstand?" , \Vho do } ou thmk you're talk111' to~" "\Vho do I thmk I'm talkm' to? Why, I suppose you're the man that sells tIckets there 111the box office, being as that's \\ ha t I called for" "Oh, }ou\e got the wrong numbel," was the rejoinder, "th15 IS Hogan's undertakIng e~tablishment" Associated With the Pitcairn Varnish Company. Charles B Ql11gley, for many years WIth the Standard and Cle, eland \-aIl11sh compal11es and recently sales manager of the \cme \\ hlte Lead and color company, undertook the n1duagement of the manufactunng trades department on J anual y 3 The company 0\'\ n and operate extensIve plants 111 ::'\ e\va!l<, '\ J, and )'Illwaukee. \\1 IS, and produce goods of hIgh qualIty ),i[r QUIgley IS WIdely known in the manu-factt111l1g \\ orld and ha" many loyal fnends who WIll not only "Ish hIm success but render substantIal support to his de-pal tment r;==============-=====================n Equip your shop or factory with G. R. Handscrew products; you'll note a vast difference in the quality and quantity of work turned out. All of our factory trucks, benches, clamps, VIses, etc. are the best that money and skilled labor can produce. We use nothing but the very best Michigan hard Maple in the construction of all our products. It is not possible to turn out better goods than we now manufacture; years of manufacturing has taught us that it pays to use nothing but the very best material possible in the manufactur-ing of our product. WRITE FOR CATALOG SHOWING THE COMPELTE LIST OF FACTORY EQUIPMENT. 618 North Front St. Good Equipment Means Better Work Grand Rapids Hand 'Screw Co, Grand Rapids, Michigan ~. WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 --------~. - - ----- -------------- _.._-----------_._--------: IIII ,I IjIII II III I,I ,jI I,I II I No. 1711 ... ., No. 1705-1705 New designs In the Louis XVI Style. WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MIOH. -------- -----------_._._. --- NEW IDEA FOR SHOWING PERIOD STYLES Why Not Hold Receptions in the Big Show Windows''? Asks a Buyer. "I wish to remade, and my language is plain," declared a SOJOllfmng buyeI, "that the humorous suggestion, pub- Itshed 111 the ArtIsan-Record, that salesmen selling period furniture be reqUIred to wear penod costumes in harmony with the goods and theIr surroundmgs dunng the eXpOSItIOn season, stIrred an Idea m my mmd that seems to be smking deeper mto my mner conSCIOusness every day Our store IS provided WIth laIge show wmdows \;\Tould It pay me to con-struct a penod 100m m one of these, fill It WIth the best flu m-tUIe obtamable in harmony WIth the room and employ people dressed m period costumes, to partiCIpate m receptIOns after-noons and evenmgs-by the women m the afteinoon and by both sexes m the evening ? Would such a show of good dothe" and fine fUImture dIaw crowds of spectators dunng a week? \Vhat of such an exhIbIt? Would it teach the people the value of good furmture m the practice of social amemtIes? "A Louis Quatorze show might be put on, followed by a show of the] acobean, the GeorgIan or other periods until all had been exhIbIted "Would It pay to purchase a lot of "cenery and costumes and engage a crowd of people tramed to pull off the show, 111 the wmdov. s of dealers in all parts of the country, for a conSIderatIOn ?" \;\That do you tlunk of It? Do I look hke a DavId Belasco, a Charles Frohman or a Henry MIller endowed WIth the attri-butes of a successful showman?" The ArtIsan-Record mVItes a dISCUSSIOn of the questIOn by the retaIl furmture trade Live Prices for Brie-a-Brae. Phoemx, Arl/, Repubhcan- Ye'>terday afternoon whIle "ome ladles were busIly m"pectmg goods m the J ones-DavIs furnIture store, one of them yelled It was of course thought there was a mouse, but the cause of the customer's agitatIOn proved to be a gopher snake meas-unng twenty mches long II C Scott, who IS an employe, despatched the snake and peace was restored J\Ir Davis says the snake came from the collectIOn which George Johnson keeps m hIS men's toggery, but some of the others thmk it was thawed out by the furnace in the building, and crawled up through one of the ventIlators, or else from the alley. Kitchen Set for Trade Coupons. Charles T. Smith & Son, Webster CIty, Iowa, gives away a set of kttchen Implements WIth $25 worth of purchase coupons ~I I DETROIT, MICH. I HOTEL NORMANDIE I CONGRESS STREET I Near Woodward Avenue ,I III j,,III I Amencan Plan, $2.50 per Day and upwards. European Plan, $1.00 per Day and upwards. Hot and Cold Runmng Water m all Rooms. Rooms WIth Bath extra. A High Grade Cafe. Restaurant and Buffet in connection GEORGE FULWELL, Proprietor. &.. - - - •• - - - -- .. .. . .. .. I .... - .- -.... -~ - - - ---_. -----_._.---_.----------- --..,I I IIIt II I I 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~--------------- These Specialties are used all Over the World - Veneer Presses, different kinds and sizes (Pateated) Veneer Presses Glup Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Etc., Etc. Power Feed Glue Spreading Machine, Smgle, Double and CombinatIon. (Patented) (Size. 12 In. to 84 In wIde.) LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS CHAS. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville, Ind, --_._-----~---~-...._ :::::::=,-~ No 20 Glue Heater. Surprised by the Resurrection of Trading Stamps. IV H Ru"sell b the fur111tUlc dcpaltl11cnt manac;cI for the 11\e house of the H S Po~ue compam m Cmcmnatl and has the reputatIOn of malketmg about ac; much high grade fur111tUle as any man 111 the cIty of snnIlar class who IS known to thc country He IS stoppmg at thc Cody. "Trade has bcen good with us all thlOugh thc fall sea-son "Ith the usual 1I1crease at the holIday penod" he saId "All the condItions in and about Cmcmnatl ale of a health) order and there is every assurance that v'\e shall have lSood business in the Spl ing ThIs IS tl ue not onlv of Oul house but of othel s vVe have all had good trade and I\n glad of It IVe have a S) stcm m Oul StOI c through v\ hlch each de-partment helps the othel Oul selhng fO!ce do not I e"t con-tent wIth sImply sellmg the goods each m then ov\ n depart ment but aftel canng for the customer who comes to us vve inquire If there is anythIng whIch we can prov Ide for hIm m the other portIOns of the house This has been a big busmess producer and It has also made us man) close fnends amoni.; the bUy1l1g pubhc It looks to our patrons as though we vvere concerned wIth all of theIr wants and needs and not alone of those which we dIrectly handled "The pnce 1I1crease so far as I have been ablc to leal n ha" not been general but then I have not looked over all the 11l1es I intend to befO! e leavmg for home i\t am late I do not th1l1k they WIll cut much figure wIth the retaIl tlade If we have to pay for the goods we shall have to clul ~e more and It IS my belIef that the consumel neIther kno\\ s Hand Feed Glueing Machine (Patent pendIng.) Many styles and sizes. Wood-Working Machinery and Supplies No.6 Glue Heater. nor cares especIally \\ hether prices have been increased or not ThIS vvIII ec;peclally apply to the high and medIUm ~I ades of £Ul111tUle II hIle fur111ture may be something of a neces"lt) thel e IS nothmg about It which compels a man under 01dmar) UI cumstances to make a purchase unless he has to Undel such condItions he certainly will not buy un-less he can affO! d to do so and has the money on hand. "I am rathel sUlpnsed to heal of the reVIval m the tl adlllg stamp busmcss. ThIs IS something we never em-ploved a" a merchandlsmg fO!ce and I doubt if they are used at all m Cmcinnatl I don't belIeve in the system and I do not tlllnk such e" pedlents bnng the class of trade which IS elthel permanent nor the sort whIch a progressIve merchant vvants ' Nagging the Buyers_ Ovel anxIous salesmen make a mistake when they "nag" the bu) ers "1 he Al tlsan-Record man witnessed the effort of a much perple'Ced buyer to nd hImself of an over-persua- "Ive "alesman a fevv da) sago "1 he buyer deSIred to be alone at that hoUl He had worked hard all day and WIshed to qUIetI) reVlev, the memoranda taken The salesman had fol-lowed hn11 to hIS hotel and dmgec1mto hIS ears these remarks, and others of the same purport, "I have the dope and you know It There IS nothmg better Why not make up Y0ul ordel whIle you are here m Grand RapIds? It would help me sohdlfy myself wIth the old man You know my dope is lIght Comc aClo"s" The buyer was plamly dIsgusted and hIS face expres:oed hIS mmost thoughts that the pestIferous \ oung saleman v\ III have to adopt other tactIcs if he would make 11lmself sohd \'\ Ith the old man ~nothel "alesman conducted a heavy buyer through his l111e l\Ian) entlles WCIe made In hIS memorandum, but no orc1er vvas placcd "1 hIS buy cr IS followmg hIS usual caul se of m spect111~ CY eryth111g 111the market befOl e wntmg hIS orders The, oung sale~man met thIS gentleman a fcw days later and enqutl ed "How about It? Can) au gIve It to me now?" The buyer chewed hIS cIgar nervously a moment, toning dovvn the reply he was tempted to utter It was a moment when he was not pI epared to be nagged or bothered Finally he remarked "Sa), young man, don't get fussy. I may slIp you some th111g good before the year eXpIres Don't get fussy" A wIse man knows when to keep silence I WEEKLY ARTISAN Sikes Chairs Score Success. Among the lI1terestmg feature., of the present season, 15 the advent of the SIkes ConsolIdated ChaIr com pan} mto the Grand RapIds market As thIs IS one of the representatlVe lInes of the country, It has attracted much attentlOn Man} of the largest buy ers have expI essed surpnse at the extent and cleverness of the dIsplay and have had no hesItancy III pronounclllg It "the finest chaIr exhIbIt III Grand RapId.," The patterns shown represent the plOduct of the Buffalo and PhIlade1pllla plants Most of these are entirely new. The Showlllg of dmmg chaIrs m both oak and mahogany are saId to be better than any yet shown and the values offered are most surpnslllg to those who are not famIliar wIth the system of concentratIOn, whIch IS m force m the SIkes fac-tones and the large quantItIes produced of each of the indI-VIdual pattell1s The rockers shown are made m the same mannel The number of patterns not bemg large but the pnces indIcate that the method of productlOn IS as perfect as can be deVIsed, and the whole dIsplay 11llplesses one with the up-to-dateness of designs, fil11sh and constI uctIon The MlsslOn and Flander:, dmers al e bemg taken very freely by both eastern and western buyers, and a short lme of bed room chaIrs (a new departure) 15 espeCIally attrac-tIve, showmg whatever IS done, is well done The SIkes lme of office chaIrs IS posSIbly one of the most mterestlllg features of thel1 exhIbit and IS becomlllg moc;t favO! ably known from coast to coast One order was taken yesterday for four hundred of one pattern The manufacture of office chal1s occupIes a large and separate department of the PhIladelphIa plant and the completeness of this hne and Its success shows the thOl oughness wIth which the demands have been studied. BHave Goods Ready. Always dhplay con"plcously m the store exact duplIcates of all goods shown m "mdo",s OftentImes a "oman sees m the wllldow c;omethmg that mterests her and she come" mto the store and askc; to see It She should not have to ask, unle:,,, It be for the 10catlOn of the department III WhICh the artIcle IS questlOn 1" sold Good:, dlsplayel In the wmdow should always be dIsplayed m the store and the neW"paper advertIslllg should make a thIrd appeal to the pubhc upon the same goods When a woman asks to be shown somethll1g "lIke those III the wmdow" It'S annoYlllg to be gI eeted WIth a blank stare and to have to expain m detaIl what IS wanted, or, worse stIll, to be oblIged to ta1 e the salesman outSIde, to the wmdow, and pomt out the artIcle of interest. It creates a bad impreSSIOn 111 the mll1d of the inquirer if her request is the cause of much scurrYll1g around on the part of the salesman and of many Il1qUlnes of othel salesmen as to whether there are anv more artIcles lIke that 111 the store. Naturally, the customer WIll Il1qUlre' "Why, 15 that the only one you have?" Every salesman should know evelY day Just what IS on dIS-play in the window, and when a woman asks to see somethll1g "lIke those in the window" she should never be shown somethIng slIghtly dIfferent. 'V1th the mtentlon of deceIving her People are very qUIck to detect such attempts at deceptIOn, and It createc; a very bad impreSSIOn. If there IS not an exact duplIcate 111 the store, own up to it. A card in the window, beanng the mVlta-tion : "Just step inside the door and e'Camine these more closely ," WIll brll1g man v people mto the store. "II!I --~_.__.._-----------~ ROYAL MANTEL CO. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Show Line at 6th Floor 1319 Michigan Avenue CHICAGO NEW YORK New York Furniture Exchange ..----------------- ._--- --------' r --------------- _ • ~ Palmer's Patent C1uin!!Clamps I 'lhe above cut is taken dIrect from a photograph, and shows the range of one size only, our No I, 24-inch Clamp. We make six other SIzes. taking in stock up to 60 inches wide and 2 inches thick. Ours is the most practical method of clamping glued stock in Use at the present time. Hundreds of factories have adopted our way the past year and hundreds more will in the future. Let us show you Let us send you the names of nearly 100 factories (only a fraction of Our Ust) who have ordered and reordered many tImes. Proof positive Our way is the best. A post card WIll bring it, catalog included. Don't delay, but write today A. E. PALMER & SONS, Owosso, MICH. Foreign Representatives: The Projectile Co., London, Eng-land: &chuchdrdt & Schutte, Berlm, Germany; Alfred H. Schntte, Cologne, Paris, Brussels, Liege, Milan, Turin, Barcelona, ._a-n-d--B-U-bo-a-.--._----_._--- ------ _. -- -- _._------- ...... 13 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN BROTHERS CO. FT. WAYNE, IND. HARDWOOD LUMBER III.. SA~~D } QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS SLICED AND MAHOGANY TALKS FOR THE CLEVELAND ""BUNCH" M:. Young Who Has Changed F:Olll the Sellin~ to the Buying End. John L Young formerly selhng for the KIlle, rurl11tl11 e company of Warren, a , is now head of the furl11l1u e depal t ment of the big Bailey store III Cle\ eland, \\ hlch \\ Ith cel tam assoClates he pUlcha"ed very lecentl} 'I am nO\\ at the other end of the fur11lture bus111ess, hay 111g S\\ Itched tW111 the sell111g to the bUy111g end and flOm the \\ hole~ale to the retall hne," said Mr Young I hke It and ha \ e a depcll tmen t of which I can well be proud, J\I} floor IS ..,0 dl ranged that many clear aisles and g-enerous light111g With Tungsten lamps not alone enable me from my desk to keep 1D touch \\ lth even portion of it at all tunes but the shape of our chsplav and the bnlliant hghtmg have an important beanng upon the pleasmg effect the first entrance creates With the pubhc \Ve al e 111a ne\\ building to beg111 With and thiS bemg ten StOlies 111heIght \\ lth 160,000 square feet of floor space or 16,000 square feet to a floor, all modern and thoroughly fireproof, is in itself a trade producing element. I believe the situation \vas a great factor In making our December business such a phenomenal succe~s FOl the three months we have been in this estabhsh111ent OUI busll1e"s has shown an increase of 100 per cent and I thmk thIS IS about a much as any reasonable man could ask. Weare amblilous, ---- -~~----~~-..- ( IIIIII ,III III I II I It IIII I ALHO OM6&CO~ MANUFACTURER5 ,o.~O DEALERS ~ IN HIGH GRADE BAND AND SCROLL ~ SA'A/S REF'AIRI NG-5ATI5FACTION GUARANTEED \, CITIZENS PHONE 1239 27 N MARKET 5T ~ GRAND RAFID5~ MICH. 1~-1-Vt-V'VV\."'t/Vl.~ dll Lemg young men and we would have accepted a greater in-crease had it come. Still we are satisfied with what we get. "The pnce increase I ta1<e as a matter of course and so do the buyers who ate with me. I think the increase is a good th111g for our general business. Certainly if I am making 100 per cent gross on my goods, I make more money at a cost price of 512500 than I do at a cost price of $20 00. The increase would not be made If conchtions and the times did not warrant it and the consumer will be just as able to pay this increase, perhaps more able than he was to pay the old price, for his condition has been bettered along \\ Ith the general improvement. I have no patience WIth the dealer opposing an increase in cost. There is never a bull movement when times are poor Is the Clearance Sale a Nuisance. ThIS raises an Interestmg que"tJon, namely, is the clear-ance sale a leglllmate method of merchandising or is it a nUl~ance) Ought It to be perpetuated by the retail shoe mer-chanb of a cOl11l11unlt} or should they get together and devise some means of ehmmatmg It or, at all events, of mmimizing Its hurtful tendencies? EConOlllYis Proper Equipment. Proper eqUIpment m the store means economy, for it helps the salesman to walt upon more trade 111 a shorter space of time, shortens the ilme of the customer and shows that prospect (for every Visitor to the store is a prospect) to spend more time in the store 111 quest of purchases. ~ -- - - ... I :fft~ouINTERESTING PRICES g~x~'ivk~~5I : SEND SAMPLES. DRAWINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES. I ---~_._--~-,----~~----~~---~-,CW-a_rt~Iiatleo~g.fuo~re rI_E.• P• RO~WE CARVING ~WO~RKS, ALMLEICGHA.N.---' ..._. . '- •• WEEKLY ARTISAN 15 to - - - • -- -- - .- .- .---- ... _._------------------ -----------------------------------_ ..., I Th6 MRNISTEG MRNUFR5TURING 50. We fire Milking MANISTEE, MICH. NE,W THINGS DIIHDa ROom furnitur6 We can mterest you If you WIll call at 1319 Michigan Ave., 6th floor, where our full lme IS shown the year round. J\ LOT Of In Goloniill i1nd Mission BBoroom i1nd No. 355. Top 22x42. Glass 24x30. Our new supplement is now ready ~---------------~-__.._--- to mail. Let us have your inquiries. No. 157. Top 20x33. Glass 14x24. -----------,-----------------------------~ HE LIKES HIGH PRICES Mr. Arnold Says They Are Good When Justified by Proper Conditions. "I don't know how other dealers look at this price in- CIease" saId J L Arnold of Canton, 0, at the Livingston," but I welcome It Instead of 10 per cent I wIsh it were 25 more than the former puces and any dealer who will take the trouble to do a httle thmkmg I believe will agree with me that It IS a step m the nght direction for the furnIture retaIler to have an mcrea::.ed pnce put upon hIS goods. That IS, he will agree If he IS a hve dealer and If he Isn't he should get into some other busmess m whIch hIs hght can shme. "There isn't any dealer be he engaged in furniture hand-ling or any other hne; to say nothing of any well posted business man, who WIll not admit offhand that a decline in prices is a bad thing -When justified by conditions why is it not reasonable to admit that increased prices are for the good of the trade You never see increases unless the times are prosperous and anytime there is uncertainty about trade conditions you will detect a nervousness in business which will sooner or later and much more frequently sooner, lead to price declines. A man buys a piece of goods at a certain figure and he places on the cost a certain percentage which will care for his investment, charges for merchandising of all sorts, fixed charges and his own reasonable profit The greater the cost of the article to him, the more gross margin of profit and net margin as well Any dealer domg any vol-ume of business has a number of pIeces IYl11gover from the stocks previously purchased at the lower cost These he can handle in eIther of two ways and each to his greater profit He can use them as leaders at the old pnce which in contrast to his general new pnces WIll make a greater appeal to the public, or he can mark them up to the new level of prices and make a still larger plofit than he does upon the new stock purchased and there is nothing detrimental to the consumer's cause in this, If he is a man who handles reliable goods and this is the only class of dealer I am considering. "I am just as much opposed to extortionate charges to my customers as I am to low pnces and the latter I nevel indulge in If my competitors and I have some such, insist upon cutting pnces why, I shall not meet these cuts If a customer comes mto my place and tells me that Jones down the street IS sellmg the identIcal piece that I am showmg at a less price I tell her that thIS IS my price and she knows my house; that everything vve sell is guaranteed as of the best make and that we stand ready at all times to make good any falling off from our standard of excellence. This policy has built up a trade WIth me which fears no competition. I have been in busmess in Canton for twenty-three years and the busmess is growmg all the time If people could not depend upon faIr pI ices for reltable goods m my establishment I "hould not have been thel e any such length of time nor en-joyed the trade which has come to me Not Cheap. "She seemed to be very pal tlcular about those goods she bought," remarked the merchant "Yes," replted the salesman. "she said she wanted to be sure they were the real thmg; she didn't want any cheap lmltation " "But they vvere a cheap imItatIOn " "Oh, no, I raIsed the price" 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN ,.USLISHEO EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHERCOUNTRIES $2 00 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. PUBLICATION OFFICE. 108-112NORTH DIVISION ST. GRAND RAP OS. MICH A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOfl Entered as second class matter July 5, 1909 at the post office at Gnnd RapIds J11lchlg.n under the act of March J 1879 The Grand Rap1ds market 1S exceSS1\ ely nch in no\ eh1es The masterly 111terpretat1Ons of the French and Englbh pen-ods 111wonderful vanety, the modIfications of the old m1So,1Ol1, and fresh developments 111the al ts and cratts make the e" hlb1t as a whole a perplex111g one because of the man) iea-tures buyers are forced to cons1der before placing the11 orders The state of mind of many buyers was revealed by a mer-chant from Chicago who asked 111despalf, "What shall I buy? The Jacobean, the Ehzabethan, the Flanders, the novel tIes in French styles or chng to the old standa1 ds) I do not know whether all th1S new stuff wl1l sell 01 not I am 111chned to dec1de that the proper thmg for me to do 1Sto go home and rent two or three lofts adJom111g my store and bu) every-thing new that IS offered The stuft that fal1ed to sell I 111lght d1spose of at auct1On" The perplex1ty of the buyers IS also revealed b) their 111 dustry m taking memOl anda and the dehbel at10n mamfested in the placlllg of orders There 1S nothlllg dlscoUl agmg III the sltuat10n At the openl11g of the season, soon afte1 111s all1\ al at the Morton house, a fnend asked "Ed' ::-101le\ \\hat the prospects were for trade III the eao,t "Do not be surpn"ed 1f 1t should be slow," ~1r J\lorley rephed "AntIC1pat111g the raise on case goods that was made on N"O\ embe1 1, the mer-chants placed heavy order", to be hUed at old pnces, dnd I am Illchned to the op1111Onthat manufdctu1 el s are stdl sl11p-ping goods 01 dered 111 October" il1r ::\Iorle) 's predlet10n has been ve11fied Sales of case goods hay e not been hea\ y but manufacturers are not d1SCOUIaged Stocks on hand w1ll be sold out 111less than "rxt) days and fresh stock w1ll be needed at the advanced pnces 1 he general condlt1On of bu"iness IS so good that mOl e fUl mture wl1l be reqUIred thiS year than III any ) eal of the pa~t Heavy sales of cottage furmture are reported, also of chalfs office furniture, metal beds, bedd111g, etc In a recent case tned III Buffalo, a deCl "lOn \\ as I endered which appears to be honest and proper It v\aS to the effect that a man had no Ilght to secure 111formatlOn 1mparted 111a confidential manner b) one firm fOl vvhlch he lS \VOl k111g, and then quit l11s pos1t1On and secure emplo) ment with a rl\ al concern and gIve them 111'Sknowledge ThiS h tl ue from an ethical standpomt, but Just how an) body IS gomg to pre-vent 1t appears to be more d1fficult The only \\ ay IS to Wdlt till 1t happens and then sue for damages It IS a hard thl11g to get at and a hard thlllg to prove Good ch el\\ el LonstructlOn help" greatly 111the "ale of case g-ooch '\ 0 matter hm\ pure the deSign or how valuable the lllatenals used may be, 1f the drawers stick, swell or b111ds, th e a v erage buy er cuts It out of conslderat1On lllstantly Consumer,," wl1l not stand for poor drawer work and buyers 'ohould not be expected to \Vlth the tools aval1able for pro-dUC111g- almost peJfect construct1On with but little cost, there h no I ea-,on \\ 11\ dll dra \\ er work should not be of a high order Colomal dm111g 100m smtes would be Improved by the SUbStltu tlon ot chair" vvIth straight front legs for the long, knock-kneed ones "een on ColoUlal chairs lrt the exhibIts Such a sUIte would not be a pure Colonial but the straight, or the French bandy legs, would be such an improvement 0\ el the knock l,need that the 111nmat1On vvould be grate-lulh accepted Knock-kneed legs do not look well even on a cItunkard Busmess is not an e:A.act SCIence, but it is an art, Some of It IS pretty poor art, too But study It from the standpoint of domg It Il1 an artJst1c way, Pure art 1I1cludes cleanliness, beauty and utlllt) , so ) ou see It 1S of advantage. ArtJstic business does not nece"sanly mean the d1splay of Rembrandts 111 the dIsplay w1l1dows, but 1t means that the d1splay windows, the adverilsmg, the store and its lllmates must be in harmony. A StOl ekeeper m 1oV\a who needed trade hadly, thought tC) e"clte S) mpathy and attendant trade by writing himself a numbel of "black hand" letters The plan dId not excite an) 'Sympathy at all, and the letters were traced to hIm tIll ough the police He was arrested, but as nobody appeared to plosecute him, he was allowed to go He was not even "mal t m hiS IllegitImate schemmg An assoCIatIOn of retaIl merchants in NashVIlle, Tenn., have organized an "overstock exchange" Upon la large black board, centrally located, members of the assoc1ation enter SUlplus stock they wish to d1spense of at cost or less. It IS said the plan satJsfies all interested Would such a plan be practIcal Il1 the furnIture trade? "Happy Joe" Meyers would like to see all the exhibits in the Grand Rapids market assembled in one building. The Idea IS not a "happy, happy" one More than forty acres of floor space are necessary to accommodate the exhibits in GI ane! Rap1ds and such a bUlldmg as "Happy Joe" would have 1S Imposs1be This is emphatically an age of improved methods. This age demands the superlative degree in quality of material and ser-vice. Equipment is sometimes far more important in the com-mercial world than location, for demand can usually be created if the buying public is kept properly informed. If some of that new glue would only come "borated" or "v1Olet-scented," what a gladness it would produce in the shops Thlfty-five sample hnes were burned in Grand Rapids on Thur"day night, but two hundred "Just as good" remain. The salesman who can earn more money than his wife can spend should be labelled "successful" WEEKLY ARTISAN Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Resldences~Mary ;\lcMIllm, 202 DavIs avenue, Youngs-to\\ n, OhIO, $3,000, D S. Foster, \\Test Beard avenue and South Salma street, Syracuse, Ny, $7,000, T B ClOssthwalte, 2269 Cathedral avenue, K \V, \Vashmgton, D. C, $8,400, SophIa Besson, 86 ElIzabeth street, Denver, Col, $3,5°0, S. D Cooper, Chfton HeIghts, Clncmnatl, 0, $14,000, ]. \VJ1loughby, Spalks ::,tatlOn, Baltlmorc, 1\1cl, $10,000, George N Betz, Atlantic CIty. N ], $18,000, R S Lemon, 4325 Warwllk boulevard, Kansas CIty, l\Lo, $25,000, Agne" L. Hamk, \VIChlta, Kan, $8,500, :\lanc A Hammon, \Nakot avcnue and Douner road, BaltImore, ;\ld, $4,5°0, Harr) \Vellel, Carhsle avcnue and HIlton street, BaltImore, $3,75°, Gwenelolme J Fowler, 303 Almond street, Salt Lake Clt), Vtah, $4,5°0, George Russ, 324 K. street, Salt Lake CIty, $4,000, C P Anderson, Dormont Borough, PIttS-burgh Pa., $70,000, "Tonv" Dunn 1323 Barber avenue, LIttle Rock, Ark, $4,200, D n Russell FIfth and LouIsIana streets, LIttle Rock, $4,000, J l' Ta\ 101, 157 Kearsarge street, Atlanta, Ga, $4,000, :\1rs A S Youngs, 370 Eas GeorgIa street, Atlanta, Gr., $4,500, Mrs . .'\1 ] DuCharme, ROl Arch strect, Schcnectady, N. Y., $4,000, 1\1 B Kanclle, 205 South Rhode Island avenue, AtlantIC CIty, N. J , $5,000, the ~Ilsses Dlswanger, Chelten ave-nue and Twelfth street, PhIladelphIa, $10,000, J H Bn an, 2434 Elhteenth street, ~ W, \Vash1l1gton, DC, $5,600, F l' Glbb", 73 Orleans street, Atlant'l, G" $4,000, Charles H:l1clmg, 12 Idaho place, Terre Haute, Ind, $3,000, Samuel Burns, 7629 Morgan street, ChIcago, $7,000; H. G Flck, Beaumont, Cal, $14,000; Lawrence Hurlburt, Orange Grove avenue, Pasadena, Cal., $8,000, H. H. Brix, S and Fresno streets, Fresno, Cal, $20,000; B. L. Copp, vVlstena street and Melrose avenue, Fresno, Cal., $4,500, F. L. Chandler, Santa Monica, Cal , $3,9°0 Miscellaneous BUllclIngs-The Elks of San Pedro, Cal, have let the contract for a lodge bUlldmg to cost $45,000, and thc S:1me order IS advertlsmg for bIds on the contract for a bUlldlllg to cost $40,000, m Globe, Anz. The new court house now bClllg erccted at Reno, Nev, WIll cost $120,000 exclUSIve of $30,000 ap-plOpl1ated for furmture and fixtures. F. H :\Iever wdl buIld the pC\\ court house at Bakersfield, Cal , at a cost of $350,000 Hol-hwood, Cal, has voted $100,000 111 bonds for a new hIgh school bUllclIng Kmghts of Py thlas \\ III erect a new hall m Los Ange-les, Cal, at a cost of $80,000. S \\ Gundakel IS erecting a $75,000 hotel at \\ mnemucca, Xec. Tnmt\ Methochsts of Los Angeles, Cal., WIll mvest $100,000 111 a new ChUlch. The Jockey Club Jaure? of ]at1lez, ;\lex , has mCleased ItS capItal stock from $500,000 to $1,200,000 and proposes to bUIld the 'finest club house In the world" at Terrazas Park Local capltahsts of Phoenix, Anz, are havlllg plan;, drawn for a tounsb' hotel to LOSt $200,000 Thuty bungalows to cost from $700 to $2,500 each, are to be bUIlt on 240 acres of land, known as the "Bun-galo\\ Land" near Los Angeles, Cal. Furniture Fires. H S Hellor, fUllllture and hal d\\ are dealer, of Castle" ood, S Dak, was burned out recently. John Knoll's fUlmturc facton at Hancock, Pa, \\as dam-aged by fire to the extent of about $1,000 on January 4 Insured. Venable Bros, fUl mtUl e dealers of Covmgton, Ga., lost about $2,5°0 by fire m their store on January 2 Insurance, $1,000 Gregg & Sons furmtUle, sash and door factory at Nashua, X H, was badly damaged b} fire on January 6. Loss $5,000, full} lllsured. The DomllllOn ChaIr camp am '" plant at Bass RIver, Nova Scotia, was totally destl 0) eel b} fixe on '\[ew Year's eve. Loss fully $20.000 above $6,500 lllsurance 17 5 COMPLETE LINES Of REFRIGERA TORS AT RIGHT PRICES SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE AND LET US NAME YOU PRICE. C"ALLENGE REfRIGERATOR COMPANY GRAND HAVEN, MICH., U. S. A. 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN JOYS of Travel Discussed. I was conversIng with a Salesman as we sat at dmner I had struck np a speakmg acqua111tance wIth hIm some time ago, and we nod as \\ e pass sInce then T011l~ht he II as at ml table, or I was at hIS, pel haps, and naturally \\ e got to tallong I spoke of the good busme"s hIS employel II as domg, and he assented m a sort of unintel ested way Thel e was noth-ing enthUSIastic about the way he looked at It He was bored by the talk of busmess, and I thought he 1111ghtconsldel it pOOl form to talk shop at the table The Idea appears to be all wronlS to me DIgestIon de-pends, to a certam e'Ctent, on cheer and happmess If all I" going well, and} 0'Ll are Iesolved to make a bIg I ecOl d, then why not talk about Ii whIle you eat? Hope ought to gn e •••••••••••••••• __ ...... _aM _ ••• We can help you. TIme saved and w hen don e leaves are bound (by your-self) and mdexed by floors or departments. BARLOW BROS. Grand RapId •• M.ch. "nte Rtghtllon ~ . .. "-----------~ II III III II I .... Henry Schmit B Co. HOPKINS AND HARRIET STS CmClnnatl, 01110 makers of Upholstered Furniture for LODGE and PULPIT PARLOR LIBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM A-- ._._._. ._. ..... ..--------_._ ..----- _._._.-._ .._------------ .., I III II III •:II ,, I• Ij --~ 10ufs lbabn DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE 154 Livmgston St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN I~----- Cltlzens Telephone 1702. ..-"-------.-_-------.-- .-----"----------- If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods. That makes PRICES right. <Ilarence 1R.bills DOES IT 163 MadIson Avenue-Cltlzens Phone 1983 GRAND RAPIDS MICH '" _ _ . II III II ~--_ . --------------_._._------------..& ~I IIII II ._..& youl pancreas a Jolt and make It do its duty However, he looked bored-It was the busmessltself He was sick and tired of the StOle "~uv. ," said he, "if I wel e only a traveling man like ) ou, I II ould take some mtel est m hfe It must be real fun" "\\ hat do you thmk is so enJ oyable about it ';l" I in-qUIred "\Vhy, the tla, el, for one thing," he rejoined "Just thmk, I hal dly el er get out of this httle one-horse town I stIck hel e summer and II mter, fall and spring I can't get al,;ay it seems Once In awhIle I get to run up to the city fOI half a day 01 so, and I can't enjoy it because I'm there so seldom I feel hke a Jay all the time Folks rubber at me as though they knew I came from the backwoods, and even my slang Isn't up-to-date You fellows get out and see all that's to be seen You go from place to place and see the towns and ciiles all through your terntory You talk with all kinds of people and Iub up against el ery sort of adventure You hal e a girl 111 every town, I'll bet You know the latest in everythmg, and then back aga1l1 to the city 'I cannot th1l1k of a life more enjoyable. You travel by tt am, and II hel e the raIlroad doesn't go, you take an auto and somebody else pays for it You go to all the swell hotels and hve hIgh Everybody doesn't know you and call you by the mck name your mother gave you when you had long yel- 10" CUlls Of course, I understand I am not a travelmg man, don t kno,\ what to do or how to do It, but I'll gIve you to understand that If I was competent I know if no life that "ould SUIt me so II ell " I looked at hIm 111 SIlence for some time It seemed re-markable that somebody could so see the JOys and miss the dra\, backs altogethel StIll, far pastures look green always, and that b the \1a) \\ Ith lIfe "My hlend," quoth I, "You know not whereof you speak If ) ou thmk the lot of the traveler IS one round of mirth and unalloyed JOY" "\i\ hat do ) ou do It fOI if you don't hke it?" saId he with a "mk ":\Iy I eason," I I etOI ted, "is probably SImilar to yours. vVhat do } ou stay behmd the countel for If you don't like it?" That held hIm for a few m1l1utes until I had the next bloadslde all ready for hIm "Johnme," saId I 111 my most paternal tones, "forget the thought that all IS skIttles and beer in the traveler's life It's lIke the Ideas young chl1dren get about the hfe of the sailor or the cowboy When I was a lad I hesitated between be" commg a cowpuncher WIth IndIan kIlling on the side, or a sal1or, sleeping in the shrouds or something hke that. I heSItated long enough between so that I dIdn't become eIther one I finally learned that the Me of the broncho boy is not II holly one of VI l1d delIght, and that the Me on the pla1l1s is not entirely composed of thl1ll1l1g adventures WIth marauders, Iescumg beautiful damsels, Iidll1g horses in front of the grandstand and heading off stampedes Also, that the saIlor has about as tough a time of It as a man can have and be healthy "NoW when it comes to the lot of the traveler, I want you to make any mIstakes about that, eIther. regardll1g fine ralment-" , Aw, don't tell me you don't care an) thing f01 glad rags, saId he WIth a cymcal sneer "You know you would feel SIck at heart If you couldn't appear lIke a ram bow ., "That is another mIstake you make," I retorted "Don't get the Idea that I put on these festive garments Just because I have a peacock's brain It IS done with deSIgn It impresses some people and so we do it for the effect. However, I care lIttle for flashy clothing, and you know I am not trying to ., I II III II I II !I I. .I. do not Now, rIIIIII I I II I t III WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 .............---_._._._.----------.------------------ The season for banquets is here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand. I'-------_..----------------------- ----- make Solomon m all hIs glory look lIke a tramp I dress the part-that's all "Furthel more, ) OUI VIew of the JOys of lIfe on the road are slIghtly out of plumb You say It must be fun to ride on the kyars It sure IS, My I but I do kIck up my heels with glee at the idea of rIdIng all day long and all mght through f It gets to be such a treat You have no conceptIOn of how I clap my hands and crow when I notIce a tram of cars PIcture If you can how nice It IS to rIde all night in what IS falsely termed a 'parlor' car on one of those grItty cushions, wIth a drunk SIngIng In your ears and breathIng hIS booze-scented breath down your collar all mght Oh, but It makes me scream with delight at the very antIcipatIOn Thmk of how much fun It is to have CInders in both eyes all the tIme, to have that grImy feelIng on your hands and face all the tIme, to get the lOar and I attle m your head so that you feel as though something had gone wrong when it is quiet for a moment. Oh,) es, ndmg on a tram is a picnic, for a kId of ten for about two hours, but then It begms to pall, and the amount of pallIng tram nding can take on is amazmg. It is lots of fun for me to get mto a qUIet lIttle town and settle down for a lIttle whIle and do nothmg That's because It'S somethmg new and dIfferent Don't you fret, you'd get tired and bored to death of travel m a little whIle "J suppose you thmk we are havmg the best tIme of our lIves because we always have smIles on our ruby lIps, always have a funny story to tell, always cheerful and confident and happy in appearance Let me tell} au some more" "DId you ever sleep m that wormy old hotel at the head of this street? No? You ought to try it. Talk about buggies' How would you lIke sleepmg on a dIfferent kind of a rack each night) Man IS a CIeature of habIt and he lIkes things the same way at least twice In "ucceSSlOn If you lIve at home you know what a good bed IS It's been so Ion!.; since I slept m a good bed that I suppose I couldn't sleep at all If I got into one, but I would Just he awake all mght and gloat Oh, sure, there are hotels and roomIng houses whcrc the beds are faIrly good, but they'rc nevel lIke home beds-ne, er , In cold weather they al e cold and m hot weather they are hot They al e unfamIlIar and they get aV\full} tn esome One who stal ts out Just fOl the fun of the thmg overlooks the unpleasantness and bareness for a tIme, but when he has hoteh for a steady thmg he gets to canng before a great whIle "You eat your mother's cookIn£; Gce' You ought to have thIs kind of grub the year around If } au want to know what good old dyspepSIa IS You thmk It IS all nght, because It strikes your palate as dIfferent but let me tell you. chefs and professional cooks, except in the very lalgest and finest of .... . .., Our Large New Line of DINING and OFFICE I TABLES II are the best on the American market when prices and qualIty are considered. STOW &. DRVIS FURNITURL; GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I• . .... .--------_._---_._../0 City Salesroom, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg. hotels have studIed the art of makIng everything taste alike Cabbage, meat, bread, everythmg tastes Just the same, and that sameness IS wooden Faugh I I'd rather eat home cook-ing any time than even the concoctions of the best chef. "No, my fnepd, those cheerful looks, those glorious clothes, those JIbes and stones, are largely assumed. You see, It is as much our bUSIness to appear happy and confident and prosperous, as It IS yours to be courteous and attentive to a customer It IS a part of our stock m trade It is what en-ables us to make our talk and WIn a meal ticket occasionally." "And do you mean to tell me," he said incredulously, "that you do not enJoy your work)" "No," I replIed frankly "I do lIke my job. It IS all right and I am cut out for it, I belIeve I'm making a go of it But It is not on account of the good clothes, the travel and the meals and beds I meet on my JourneYIngs. Those are the un-pleasant things-the drawbacks The true pleasure comes m domg work for V\hich I am adapted, and doing It vvell. When we do that, then we can stand the thIngs you think we enjoy but whIch we mel ely endure" And that's no lie Lady Affleck Draws Buyers. The constant advertl:,mg of the large AmerIcan "shop" m London never ceases to amaze the EnglIsh but certainly the cleverest thmg the managers have done in that line so far IS the carefUlly publIshed announcement that Lady Affleck serves In co"tume department, saws a dIspatch from London Since the publIcatIOn of that Item croV\ds of AmerIcan and English women have swarmed to buy or at least look at the costumes, ''''Ith surreptItIOus glance at the titled saleswoman, who ex-plaIns her posItIOn thus "When I deCIded to go mto the bUSIness I made a care-ful exammatlOn of my talents I deCIded that my best chance of success was as J. saleswoman I commenced to search for a position as a shopgirl and was fortunate enough to get taken on here I am on the same footmg wIth the other girls in thIs department as regards how s of work and late of pay. "My one desire It to get on wIth my fellow employees and to be promoted to the posItIon of buyer, earning $2,000 a year. When I began I was regarded as a mystery-my busi-ness name IS :\1me ] ulie-but gradually my secret leaked out I have had some amusIng experIenccs One lady said 'How lefined you shopglrls are' Kow I suppose you attend mght school" "Another asked me to come out to Golder's Green to have a cup of tea wIth hel ]\1) fnends consIder me very brave to be able to face a bu"mc,,:, hfe. but It is mteresting It opens up a new field" 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN ,.-._~----_._.-._----- ------- ...~ IIj I IIIII I..--~--- Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. A Salesman's" Experience. Speakmg about sudden chan~es, allo\'; me, m) deal Gas-ton, to relate m) expellences \\ 1th t\\O merchants m a fa1- famed CIty WIth a euph011l0u s cognomen I a11l\ ed b\ tt ,un early m the mor11lng, and as soon as the wheels of comme1CC began to revolve I was there The first stOt e J it led J., 0\\ ned and conducted by ::\ff James n Stampe1 I got a Ime on hIm from a ft iend I met on the tram-another t1a\ ele1 II e told me Stampe1 had a bark worse than hIS bIte, and that the way to get hIm was the \Yay of the \\a1ter-patIence, meek-ness and perse\ e1ence vvould \Y111out, he mformed me, but noth111g else would So I was prepared to take an) abu"e, merel) throw111g my v111e-hke arm" about hIS manly form and cl111g111gto hb breast untt! he loosened up The store was alaI ge one and the salesmen \\ e1e scun \ - Illg about hke so many 1ats-not mean111g to be d1s1e"pecUul, they certamly dodged when J\Ir S charged dm\ n on them He was a Sh01t man, but corpulent, and \\ hen he ]umped on one of WastIng Wmd AgaInst the Affable J\Ian \\ ho Re tlly DId Not \V Ish to 0 rder the boys and roal ed at hUll, he grew purple 111the face and snorted hke a locomotIve on a heavy grade \\ 1th a stnng of cars com111gover the mounta111s He had lh.ck fie1ce wl11skers and they stuck out 111eve 1y clIrectlOn, and he had a \ Olce lIke d male bovine. As soon as he was at hberty to take me on he demanded my business, and I unburdened myself of what 111formation I could, enlightening hIm at the same moment He bellm\ ed out· "Don't want anything I" and added, with the accent on the blank "Not a blank thing I" Off he started toward the rear of the store, but I tagged along, trY111gto take hold of l11s hand, munnunng arguments to beat the band. We did a marathon around and a10und that store I fol-lowed him up and smIled pleasantly Occasionally he would stop and glare at me and roar out· "D1dn t I tell you I dIdn't want anything?" OVER 15,000 OF OUR STEEL RACK VISES IN USE Price $2.80 to $4.00 21 doz Clamp FIxtures bought by oue mill last year We ShIp on approval to rated firms, and guarantee our goods uncondl tlOnaI" WrIte for lISt of Sleel Bm Clamps VIses Bench Stops ete E. H. SHELDON &. CO. 283 Madison St, Chicago I II -~~---~--___. .. "I belIeve you may have said something of that sort," I \\ ould reply, coyly, "but SUIely you have forgotten that you're short on Iron beds?" Off he would roll, WIth me fhtt111g after him, for all the 1\ oIld lIke a mosqUIto after its prey. After the SIxth lap I began to get uneasy. "Presently," thought I to myself, "he WIll turn upon me and bite an ear off of mv head" StIll I thought I would die in a good cause, and, \\ hen fhe House heard of It, they would honor me for the mar-t\ r I \\ as g01ng to be So I stuck to hIm closer than any broth-er ) ou e\ er sa\\ And I kept up the talk all the tIme. I ex-patIated on the goodness of the goods, how they would go lIke \\ ater through a SIeve, how The House stood behind them, how they were seasonable. I assured hIm that we would need them lIght along and that they would prove a stimulant to the slug-gIsh uade 01 a sedatl\ e to the weary, nerve-twIsted customers. \lost of the tIme I \\ as talk111g to hIS back, but the rosy hue of 1m ea1s led me to belIeve that he was hearing my gabble We \ lslted each department, and he would occaslOnally mterrupt me b) kIck111ga small boy or roaring at me that he didn't want dn) th111g \fter th1 ee quarters of three hours I began to grow \\ eak, but 1 deCIded that If I was to talk myself to death I'd do It \\ 1th a chee1 ful look I was going to be game to the last Suddenly J\[r Stamper stamped around, faced me with a look of desperatlOn on hIS face. 'rOt the love of the holy J ehosephat," he screamed, "come 111tothe office and I 11 order ]ust to get rid of you. How little do I ha \ e to order to see you go?" I told hIm that was not the spirit I deSIred to see in a bu) tr, but fOl IllS own good I'd take hIS order, and I dId He 01del ed, takIng deep breaths between each Item, but I noted that he \\ a" short on dnd no more I imagine he thmks that's the \\ a) to do, and that he wanted the goods all the time Stlange, but that's the wa) WIth some of them. I got the Older, and tackled the next store It was a new one, and the propnetor had only been m bus mess for a few months HIS name IS Adolphus PIke He IS a qUIet lIttle fellow, WIth a wisp of faded whiskers on each SIde of hIS cheeks His face was of a neutral tint, hIS clothes we1 e \ ery qUIet, and there was nothing about hIm to suggest anythlllg to one, unless it be a mouse. He was a man one \\ ould S17e up as belllg east!y bluffed, but I didn't see any 1ea.,on for blufflllg them It wouldn't be sportsmanlIke, any-how I dId throw out my chest, though, and talk rather large concernlllg The House He listened very quietly until I had run down, but saId rather weakly that he thought he dIdn't need anythlllg nght then "\A/hat?" thlllks I to myself "After weanng out a Stam-per, do ) ou think you can escape me? Not much Adolphus I Any sho\'; of 1eS1stance will merely prolong the agony. Take ) our mecltcllle, and perhaps I'll not have to pinch your nose at all" That was not exactly what I said to hIm, though, but I roused myself and set about showing him wherelll he v\ as wrong and I was nght He took it all in for, say, a WEEKLY ARTISAN quarter of an hour, and then he observed in a deprecatory way, sort of apologetic' "I don't believe I-care-ahem-to order today, you know," and then he gulped tImidly as though he was afraId he had saId too much This roused me thmoughly, and I clenched my teeth, determined to sell this man a b111of goods or know the reason why I swept mto the full tIde of my oratory, told 111mevery-thing there was to tell, went ca1efully all ove1 the ground, dwelt on each ghttenng partIcular, assured hIm of the absolute certamty of glollous returns, then opened my book and looked at hIm WIth that aIr of confidence that I have learned WIll sometIme::. draw the uncertam up to the h1tchmg place I pOIsed my pencl1 and saId, "How many beds dId you say?" His colorless eyes shIfted a tnfle and he saId uneasl1y My dear SIr, I really beheve I WIll not order anything to-day as I have a new stock of goods, and find it w111not be necessary I-e1-thmk I reqmre nothmg I've gone 0\ er the stock very carefully, you know-" "Yes," I broke meagerly, "I understand that, but, bel11g new m the busmess .y ou may ha' e overlooked some things whIch otherWIse you would have It IS only my deSire to help you out Every man has to learn the busmess, you know, and we are posted all the time-our business to do so, you understand I know It does sound conceIted and sl1ly now, but I had the idea that he was a new hand at it, he seemed so hes1tatmg about everythmg Nobody would have thought he was a wall of adamant behmd that qmet, uncertam shell of hIS "IN ell," he repeated, "I don't beheve I'll order this tIme The fact is, I've been m busmess about twenty nine years, and " ,. .__ ., ---_ ~ 21 THE GREATEST HOUSEHOLD INVENTION OF THE AGE Need nol be moved from Ihe wall Prolects coverinG by Iurn- InG cushions Is so Simple and easy a child can operate II Has roomy wardrobe box under seal Comprises three artIcles for the price of one Is fllted With felted colton maltress. Has LUXUriOUs Turkish SprinGs. Is always ready With bed· ding In proper place Is absolutely sale-cannot close aCCIdentally, Saves rent by saving space whl1e I don't know It all, stIll I have a vague Idea of about what I want," all thIS 111 the same qmet, hes1tatmg VOlCe I felt hke a fool, and I am convmced that I felt nght I apologIzed nght then and thel e f01 actmg hke a glbbermg IdIOt, and fl ankly told hIm I would take no more of hIS tIme, but would call on hU11some other tIme and see If I couldn't mterest hIm He a"slned me that he was mterested, but that dIdn't feel hke bUyIng nght then, and that he was not partI-cularly busy Just no~, and hoped I'd come back later I wondel whether he was Joshmg me all the tIme, or whether It IS Ju~t hIS way? I got a man I thought was hard, and I have my doubts as to his hardness I fell down on the man I thought was easy, and I'm dead sure he wasn't easy- Tladesman THE "EFF & EFF" LINE =============== OF ~ -- --=--==~~--~~--==----~--- China Closets and Buffets, Parlor Cabinets, Music Cabinets, Hall Seats, Hall Trees, Hat Racks, Shaving Stands, Framed Mirrors, Dressing Tables and Chairs (With Patent Adjustable Fixtures) ========== WILL BE SHOWN AT GRAND RAPIDS Furniture Exhibition Building Specialties in all kinds of Mirrors, unexcelled in style and finish. Any shape Mirror can be had, or chair to match any table in our line. Either high or low base chair. ===-~~~- -~ ~~-~ CHICAGO Furn. Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St. ROCKFORD FRAME & FIXTURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS 22 _._----_._._. -_.~~-- WEEKLY ARTISAN .------1 IIIIII IIII III IIIII I I III I III I ~------.----------- ._._._. ~ __J THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL Glue Heater Send your address and and receive descriptIVe CIrcular of Glue Heaters, Glue Cookers and Hot Boxes wIth prICes. The Weatherly Co. Grand Rapid., Mich. WARE UP IF YOU WOULD WIN A Gentleman From Virginia Gives Good Advice to Furniture Dealers. "There IS no questIOn that a VISit to this market affords an educatIOnal ad\ antag e to the furmturc dcalel, said J G ncenor, president of tl1f' rIeenol FUlll1tl\1 e com pan} at Lynchburg, Va, at the \forton House I d111 tl \ 111g to Imp res::, thb upon other fur111ture dealel" 111 111\ pOl tIon or the country and I am beg111mng to ha\ e "OlllC eftect upon them Recently a man who, as I know, had ne\ el \ ISlted Grand Rapids, wrote me flom Danville, ask1l1g m} advice and also some general 111formatIOn regard1l1g the fUl111ture sho\\ n and the advantages of handlIng high grade pi oduch In time I expect to see him \\ ale up sufficiently to \ bit thb mal ket and there are others lIke him There IS a lot ot bUC,111CSS to be picked up or developed all thlough those Vlrgl111a to\\ ns If the merchant is alIve but thc first step 111the light directIOn IS to get into this market, 111spect lInes and lealn of trade pll11clples from the dealers who come here. A VISit to thiS mal ket 01 for that matter to any of the big fur11lture markets h worth 111 ed-ucation all it costs 111 tIme and money even though the dealel doesn't buy a stick of furniture. Revertl11g to the busmess WhlC11can be developed I have stllven to impress our bUYl11gpublIc With the advisability of selecting the best in fur11lture 1111e~ It has brought results but only because I kept constantly hammenng away. One man who owns many finc horses said It was out rageous to spcnd $600 for a dl11l11g100m suite I told him he \\-ouldn't think of putting a $10 harness on a $500 horse and why should he contemplate a cheap fUl11ltUle outfit 111 a handsomeh These s~~:' ar~ •--i made from No. 1 Steel and we war-rant every blade. We also carry a full stock of Bev-eled Back Scroll Saws, any length and gauge. Write us for Price Llat and discount ~---.... _ ... ---- I• •, 31-33 S. Front Sf., ORAND-R~A-_PI.D_S.-,.._._MIC~H. I ~. 1II III , II ." II,IIIIIII IIIIII• ,I IIII• I~----------------------_._._--_._----" BOYNTON & CO. I//fJ4li••v:hyWH411 SEND FOR Manufact:urers of EmbolSed and Turned Mould- Ings, EmbOSSa ed and SpIndle Carvings, and Automatic Turnings. We also manu fadure a large hne of Embolled Ornaments for Couch Work. ( I~~~~~C~ATALOCU-=-=E=,-. _ 1256-1258 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILL. apPol11ted home? He saw the point, bought the high priced smte and has frequently since expressed his delight that I con-y meed him of the true economy of furniture buying. This sort ot thl11g I ha\ e done 111 many I11stances and perhaps have been ,1 SOlt of mbc,lonar) 111 furmtlll e among my people. , \m man \\ ho C,l11 \vlite and do a little figunng can take orclel s but It takes a man v\lth some initiative to really sell goods. Onc of the gl eat est qualIficatIOns I believe in salesman~hjp is a \\ dl1l1gne,s to use your bl ains and to work There is always lJlHlll" to be had but It \\ 111take some applicatIOn and some pLll11Jlllg to lancI It \s sho\\ mg how my ideas have WOIked out 1 started 111 busl11ess eIght years ago in a little place on a side stl eet fOl which I paId $15 a month rent I moved later to a lal gel establIshment for V\ hlch I paid $J5 a month I was then 11l the bank \\ lth m\ fathcr but by this tIme came to the con-dUclOn thel e \\ Cle gl cdter pOSSibilItIes for me in merchandising than there \\ el e m bank1l1g and I resIgnccl, since devoting all ot n1\ l1me to my furmture business \AIe are now located upon thl mdl1l sL eet 11l d "to! e \\ elan depcnd upon and It IS stead- 11'1 t11l11lng to the best gl ades of fUl mture It has taken time ,ml1 c1D,C apphedllon \\ lth much hard work to bring about these 1e,ulb lmt thc\ ha\ e been \Vorth all they have cost What I L,n e clone othel s can do but they WIll have to devote themselves to thc ealhng somewhat along the lines I have pursued. There b loh of ht1S1lle~s in thesc small cilJes but the merchant must \\ dke up if he intends to get it " His Opinion. Farmer~"\\ all, 1111stel, thIS IS where you sleep Haow de\\; } e lIke It" 1\11 Cltlboarc1 (gazl11g at the bed)~"vVell, would .It be all the same to you If I CUlled up and slept on the rug there?" WEEKLY ARTISAN ,-----_._._._._---- .. .. ..-_. . ~ f IIII•• .. -.~ IIIIII I IIIII II I I I I ....~OX MACHINE CO. O~'::N~~':.";'~::"~..~J;IH II II f '- - No.15 FOX SAWING MACHINE WRITE 44 rOR NEW CATALOG -~-----_._-----~~--_. _. ---_. -- -- -- ---------- Using Trading Stamps in Boston_ "Thel e b a little 'oomethmg new along merchanc1Jsng lines m our Boston "tore," saId R G Alexander, of the Henr) SIegel com pan) , whIle restIng a fevv moments after dmner "The) put m the tradIng ~tamp system agam wIth the opelllng of the new ) ear HoV\ thIS IS to work out I do not knoV\ a" the mnovatlOn or return to an old custom has come so 1ecently and there ha" not been tIme to tell me anythmg about the effects l'ersonally I can say I am not favarable to the system but If others are why they bemg the court of last re~ort theIr decIsIOn IS final There seems to be a tendency In Boston toward a resumptIOn of thIS tradmg stamp plan of merchandls111g ano forty :stores there had made preparatIons to put It mto effect wIth the new year "I do not thmk the mcrease In pnces wIll ImmedIately affect the bIg hou~es F or our part we have been buy 111g heavIly m advance of thIS mcrease and have a number of contracts \\ hen these expIre the hIgher pnce" wIll have to become operatIve wIth us The matter of pIices though m our plan of dOlllg busllless doesn't have any effect upon our sellIng force for they are 111structed to look at the tags before quotmg a pnce ThIs IS due to our shIfting prices. Each day we run a number of leaclers from our 1egulal stocks and thIS cu:stom affects us Just the same as it does any other depart- Inent" ~..... .. - STAR CUP COMPANY I II II II I III I I II - ._. - .I. 23 "The parcels post measure If It ever becomes effectIve and as you outlme It I should thmk It would be rather favorable to the ordmary merchant rather than to the bIg maIl order house If Its servIce IS restncted to a small area sun aundmg the place of mltIation 11. would cel tainly have a tendency to develop the out of town busmes:s of the local merchant In an) event, at least m the larger cltie~, It has been my exper-ience that the bulk of the people will patronIze the dealers they personally know to the exc1uslOn of a mall order house \Vlth the home mel chant they can exchange a pIece of goods If It doe,; not SUIt and thIS they cannot do wIth the mall order houses They take what they get and that':s the end of it "In Boston \V e have some rather hard competitlOn to contend V\Ith but vOel,are conllng out on top and have estao-hshed OUIsell es as one of the CIty'S lllstItutlOns. \\ e had a splendId busllless last season and I am confident we shall have a l:;ood season next spnng OV'V1l1gto our recent heavy buymg I shall do rathel light 01 der plac1l1g noY\ One th111g I have to complam of IS the fact that a number of lmes are not 111shape It puts a buyer at sea when he is unable to mspect d competItIve hne becau"e It is not 111shape Every manu-facturer should be In read111ess for the open111g It would be better for all hands r.-_·---.----- -----.----- --_.. -------.--.~--._._--.. -- ------ .. - - .... RICHMOND TABLET ARM CHAIR No. 70 CASTER NORTH UNION STREET GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLIED FOR) We ha' e adopted celluloId as a base for our Caster Cups makll)g the best cup on the market CelluloId IS a great Improvement over bases made of other matenal When It IS necessary to move a pIece SUPPOIted b" cups WIth cellulOId bases It can be done wIth ease, as the bases are per fectly smooth CellulO1d does not sweat and bv the use of these cup, tables are never marred These cups are finished In Golden Oak and \Vhlte Maple finished I1ght If you wtll try a sample order of flute goods you wtll dutre to handle tlttm tn quanttttes PRICES· Size 27i Inches $5 50 per hundred. SIze ZJi Inches 4.50 per hundred. o b Grand Raptds PRY A SAMPLE ORDER RICHMOND CHAIR CO. RICHMOND INDIANA -~--_.-----------------------. _._-_. • ~ _ __4 DOUBLE CANE LINE "SLIP SEATS" - the latest and best method of double seating. Catalogues to the Trade. GENUINE LEATHER SEAT '--~---'---.., III II , III I III The Best Value and Greatest Service for the MORey 24 da1 es that hIs sale" a1 e dull, or that he IS entIrely too much overstocked In "hart, he really does not want my goods But I came to sell that man my goods-that's my business-m} d11ll-my only purposc m vIew So I tackle thIs huge obJcctm, mcct l11s objectIOns one by one, overcome them all h} m, c"\.cellent a1guments whIch he cannot dIspute, then take out my pencd and order blank, and, say . "Now, Mr nlank hO\, mam dozen chd you say?" And, oh, the JOy' lle 1'- actualh telll11!.; mc to send hIm ten dozen Why, fel II l\\ ~ a nun coulcl "hout fO! JOy \Vhy? \\1 ell, m the first placc, I hay e, b} m} arguments, overcome that stubborn O]lllO"ltlOn, ha \ e become the VIctor, and actually sold-my-goods Agdm, It I" the JO} of antIcipatIOn and the plea"ure ot 1cah7atron But to m} 111111dthe gledte"t plea:'>ure to the man who h c<llled d drum111cr I" to bc able to so well reprc'>ent l11s hou"e :'>ellhI" ~oocl", that) ou can actually hold your posItIOn dnd dlayv } oU! '>ala1y regularly Hold your Job' And draw ,OU! '>ala1} I Say, men, do ) au know what that means? \\dl, It mean~ evc1}th111g It means that you have done \ our vv01 k \\ cll that, au IUven't shghted the least portIOn of It Ihdt \ ou hay c clone, our, e1y best, and thIS IS the reward tIll the tuthtul sen Ice, for the faIthful effort:'> you have been enabled to put forth 10 be able to hold your Job and draw ,our '>alaI, I'., the pled'>ure of satIsfactIOn, and of havmg that -"dtl"fact10n :'>ub"tantIated h) a good word of recommendation ,me! app10\ al from the manager dnd thh accompal11ed by a check ±tom 111mon the l11st J\atronal, and therc wdl be gIven to me that \\ h1ch \\ III help to make the WIfe and babIes cozy and contented It brIng" a fellow to a reahzatlOn of the fact that he ,\a'> really done hI'> vely best, or el'>e that he mIght hd' e done bettc1 Ye-." the1 e are a few th111gs connected WIth the lIje ot a d1ummel that do bnng pleasures, and I am Just II]ltlmht1e U10U!.;h to beheve that the pleasUl e" WIll far out-nUJJ1heI all the <;011O\\S and haldshlps you can enumerate WEEKLY ARTISAN Pleasures of a Traveling Man. The followmg address was dehve1ed by E. Ii' \Vdhs, of Banks, Ore, at the recent conventIon, Oregon State RetaIl As"oclatron Out Ul th1', we"te1n count1) thc man \\lth d '.,U!t C,hL sample ca"es, and tough case'.,-dncl man) othc1 kmcl'., oj case~, IS qU!te frequently haded as "the d1ummel," and It I'> a name whIch 1" v ery well apphed chum up tI ade. and keep drummmg It up c\ man mav hay e e\ C1 "ue h nd1 J IlI\ ,1ews of hfe but Just let h1111take up the lob ot -.,elhnl good,>, and rub up agamst all kmd" of men, goocl IJd.d and otherwIse, and ah, the Jay of reahzmg that thosc narrow, '>elfi"h VIeV'"" are fleemg d" the '.,now befO! e th c summer sun, V'"hlle 111 then place \V 111 be the g rCdt h10all VISIOns of what a man Iedll) amounts to m h1', Jlht!C \\ ah ,d! sorts and classes of men, to Lome to th e 1eahLa t10n oj v\ h et h u he 1" a help or a h111drance to hh fc11o\\ man \\ hethu he doe" really cut some figure 111thh old v\ otld ot OU!s O! that he 1" only d worthle"s cur, after all 1he fi1"t fell month~ ot ,1 man's travehng expenence \\111 nukc hIm th1111~that he J~ Made by Luce-Redmond ChalI Co, BIg RapIds, MIch. Just about the smallest pIece of humal11t) he e, el e"\.])Cctecl tel come across }\ly fnends, It b really a ~leat pleasUle to be able to find out Jl1',t V'"hat you a1 e-a man or a monkey But then, you know, that there a1 e '>ome men m thIS \\ otld \\ ho never do find out what they really are-a man, a monkey, 01 an ass To be able, J say, to actually 1eahze to ) our 0\\ n satIsfactIOn, Just what you amount to, both m the e) es of the other fellow and 111your own, and what} ou are be"t fitted for. brings a bhssful satIsfactIOn that I'> nothmg less than real pleasure But a few years of packmg or unpackIng those dear old :'>ample case" WIllIe, eallt all to yOU, that I'>, If a man IS honest enough to acknO\\ ledge to hImself the trnth of h1<; convictlOns-and may I ask, IS not thIS pleasure? But agam, the "d1 ummer" must have but one aIm That aIm must be to "sell goods" Goods he must sell 01 he IS doomed to a dIsmal faIlure He must concentt ate all of hIS forces upon thIS one subject The goods I hay e to '>ell are the very best that are manufactured; they are made of the very best matel1als and by the most expel t workmen that money can hIre; they are put up In the most attractIve forms -in short, there are none bette1 made Here IS my man He begin'> to enumerate hIS obJect1Ons, one by one IIe hasn't an) demand for the thmgs I ca1 ry 111my hne He de- The Old Lawn Chair. The old lawn chair Beneath the l111den tree; I ts back is broad and square, Its a1ms are hang111g free Deserted and alone Th10ugh all the summer day, \\ here busy wtld hees drone lrom morn ttll twilight gray. The old lawn chair- 'Tis said in days of old 'Twould seat my lady fayre, And then ye gallant bold Would kneel 111 moonltght pale Befo1 e her "hppered feet And weave the old, old tale To lovers ever sweet. The old lawn chair, It's quamt and out of date, The seat is rubbed and bare, The legs are far from straight; But oft on moonlight eves Dan CupId stdl may score When youth to malden weaves The old, old tale of yore. WEEKLY Richmond is Ambitious. "\Ve have new auto too1-- v,OIks m RIchmond" saId W H Romey of the thr1\ mg IndIana cIty upon the hne of the G R & T "That has blOUght a lot of skdled workel'3 to us wIth theIr famlhes whIch mean" mOl e home'3 to be furl11"hecl ancl that much more new busmess for m) ::,elf ancl the other RIChmoncl furl11tUl e clealers ] he plant came to us froUl Dayton and whde 1 do not deSIre any other towns to suffer a loss of mclustrlal strength I'm glad we got these works The Amellcan Seatmg cOUlpany has two plant~ opel atmg m RIchmond for sometIme and they are aclclmg another tog-ethel wIth a large warehouse That meant budcllng WOlk wlllch brought more money to us and more people to supply It shows how we al e bUlldmg up our town. \Ve are keepmg all of our old mterests ancl constantly addmg new ones Our population IS now 36,000 We keep on growmg and are castmg our eyes upon the 50,000 mark When we get there we'll put up another malk and keep going forward "Smce I started 111bus111ess for myself our store has had a steady glowth There was a slight check in the fall of 1907 that gave us no more than bl eathing space. We added to OUI capacity, our stock and OUI force ancl since the good tunes set in, we have cont111ued to grow DUring the last season we had a very good business with a nice margin of 111crease and I am confidently looking forward to more good business in the spnng months. "I know a httle about the parcels post measures but have really gIven it no close stucly In our town I do not ~------~= Buss Machines Improved. The Buss }\Iachme \"101b, who manufactUl e a full lmc of woodworkmg machmery and factor) trucks, have recently Ulade a number of Improvements on man) of theu" machmes ,I'", well ARTISAN beheve even though such a measure should be dIrectly in the interests of the bIg mad order houses It would affect us to any great extent. Our people seem to prefer tradmg with theIr home merchants and we have not had to educate them along that hne "As to pnce increase I have noted nothmg much out of the way with the cost in my rounds of the factones Mr Romey IS stoppmg at the Livmgston Grand Rapids Fancy Furniture Company's Lines. An Idea of the eAtent of the dIsplay made by the GI and Raplcls Fancy FUll11tUle company this season on the fifth floor of the l\Ianufacturel s' bUllchng may he gamed f10m the fact that there are 450 samples on the floor Much of it is new stuff and buyers who are m the market for medIUm priced bookcases, ladles' de'3ks, musIc cabinets, record and plano playel cab1l1ets, plano benches, cellarettes and plant '3tand'3, wdl make a mistake If they do not look over tIllS ex-hibit carefully The hne also includes some very neat pat-terns of hotel, club and salesmen's desks, rangmg from $800 np ThIS season'" new goods 111clude bookcases and desks m the popular Flanders style "MIke" Kesnel wJ11 have the Ime 111New York cIty thIS "eason, taking George StIckley'::, place WIth thIS exception the sales force IS the same as last year, WIth G 1'1ank \iVeatherly m the New England states, Henry Allen m New York state and Pennsylval11a, D C Graham m the mIddle we::,t, Dan Blum in the south and Edgar H. Scott on the coast from ten to fifteen mclle" m length They have also brought out man} ne\" features on theIr cab-met planers The new sectIOnal chlpbreaker, of which there arc already a great man} III use, 11ds proved as one of Its users salcl ,l\ bringing ant some entuely new c1e:,lgns The) nO\\ male double spmclle :,hapers m fOIll Sl7es, thus all kmds of work, such ciS is found m furl11tlll e factolle", to the heaviest kmel of worl required to be done in automobIle body plants, may be hanclled to advantage. These heavy shapers carry large four-sided heads "\ ten strll~e," fOl them, a\ It has mCleaseel the capaClt} on naI- 10\\ stock ,lL least 50 P~I cent The present ouilool" f01 bu\mess m the \\ oodworl1l1g md clunery hne IS vel y gooel, and the Buss l\1achme \Vorks anticI-pate a busy year. 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN RETAIL FURNITURE ADVERTISING Conducted by H. H. STALKER. Dealers Are Urged to Send in Samples of Their Advertisements and to OfferAny Suggestions and Helps Which They Believe Will Be of Benefit to Others. This Department Aims to Be of Practical Se..v..ice. Help Us to Malie It So. Have a Den and Do Your Work Right. As was stated la;,t \\ eek, bettel aclYertIsmg "Ill onl) be ac-comph" hed ,'\hen more thought and stud, IS gl\en to It~ plepala-hon A few hast) ,'\ords scnbbled on a pIece ot \\ lappmg papel or other convement wntmg matenal, the selectIOn ot a cut at random can never b} am t01 tnnate chance be molded mto a good ad. that WIll brmg back the dollar~ ~ eIther can 'ou afr01 cl to depend upon the pnnter for correct, tasty dlspla} ThIs IS a pomt on which the wnter is a crank, and \\ Ith good reason To m} no-tIon the strongest ad pos;,lble to '\flte can be robbed of half ItS Rockel" Special~JfP-~ $ 7 50~~1)r=$'7 . - 50~2'fP E.ASILYWORTH$/O,OQ 0 h;t;v.,JJ- ~~"t-~ 10 to 11Wednesday ~ pullmg power by Improper hancll111g h\ the pnntel-1I1 othel \\ ords, b) poor an angement Of cour;,e men and methods ,aI' 1\Iy ,'\ay may not be }OUtS, but thIs 15 \\hat I \\ould do It I were a retat! furl11ture mel chant, dependent upon m} self fOI ad-vertIsing COP}. FIrst, I "ould detenmne the amount T could afford to spend 111 thIs luanner, and I'd make It as much as T conslstentl) could Then, I'd have a CJUtetspot somewhere m the ;,t01e \\here I could retIre into seclUSIOn Here I ''\ould have a desk or a t:lble de-voted exclUSIvely to advertlsmg, I 'vould have a cab1l1et for m} cuts, I would have a record S) stem that \\ ould keep me 1I1101m-ed as to Just \\ here cut~, not 111 the case, ,'\ ere to be found L'en-th1l1g that came 111 relatIng to achertls1l1g would find It;, \\av to the Iight place 111 thIs advertIsmg den In order to be able to have a good proof of an} cut 111 the cahinet, I \\ ould adopt eIther one or the other of two methods One would be to !;et a slate or a piece of marble about <)'<:12 Inche~ for an 1I1k ddb Then I would get a can of printers' ink and a "blaver" A "bra)er" I~ a short printer's roller about 6 1I1ches long m an Iron frame wIth ,1 handle -\ httle 1I1k on the slab cltstnbuted by the roller soon molke~ a "l11ooth h, er on ItS surface whICh can then be rolled 0' el U h 1I1k1l1gthem Then lav the cut 1I1ked side down on a pICCC01 nu, ~paper, underneath ,'\ hlch IS a pad of a number of ~heeb ot ne\\ spaper (8 or 10 at least) Hold the cut firmly WIth one haml and gl\ e It a S'11art rap WIth a hammer WIth the other. fhls \\ III pro luce a ,ery good proof If} ou know Just where the Ult IS gomg to appear, ,ou can take a proof thIS way upon the la, out, thus mak1l1g It more nearh hke a pnnted copy. That for one \\a, If I dId not adopt that method, I would gather together all m} cuts and ha, e the ne\\ spaper office stnke off a hundred proofs of each Then \\ henev el I made a lay out I could paste a proof of the cut I \\ as gomg to use, m the nlSht pldce on the dummy. \' 0\\ I \\ ould be lead, for good \\ ark. \Ve WIll suppose that the scLedule called tor a 5 Inch double column ad for vVednes-da' On Tuesdav as near a gIven hour a~ I could arrange, I II ould ;,hp 1I1to m} seclmled spot and carefully lay out and write m} ad I shOl' here hm' the lay out \\ould go to the pnnter and \\ hat I \\ ould expect \\ hen the paper appeared I \\ auld try to be I easonable at all tImes but I \Vould raIse pal ilcular "ca1l1" If the pl1l1tel dId not tollo\\ ll1~tnlctlOn~ 10110\, mg I' mattel that n1d' be u5ed to fill the "bodv" of the ad as laId out abm e \ t01 tunate pm cha'e puts u~ 111 po%e~~lon of fifty elegant ([1111tll ed O'lk lOel el s made to rebnl at $1000 But the ptlce o\t II hlCh II e ~eull ed them J11al~esIt pos~lble for us to sell them at "7 :;0 and ~ttll reall/e a farr mar !;Ill of profit. \Ve shall put them on ~ale fOl h' 0 hom s onh, from 1k on hand pI on",t1l Thl~ IS a remarkable offering and o\t thc pnee nan ed \\ e e,,"pect to close them out 111 short ore!er 1he ~e Cholll~ al e polrtlcularh e,raceful ane! comfortable, WIth WIde ,11m rests ,me! deep ro,kers The fimsh I~ exceptional. Supph yom fmmtnre need~ at thIS store Here yOU wl1l 0111\ a, ~ find the L1tC~t Creelt!0115of skIlled furmtme deSIgners elt 1. 11ght p\1ce T H THO,IPSON & CO, 33 Main St \ II a, ~ ~tn, L f01 st! ong and ong1l1al effects, but be careful I ot to ov el do It '\ IV Id contra ~ts and ~lmple, bold hnes arc the bcst '\£1el ,1 few tnal ~ olt la,lnR out) au ,'\ III become more used to It and II 111 thoro\1g hI, en J0' the \\ ark, especrall} ,'\ hen }ou see thc result 111 ~napp' looking- olds and 1llcrea~ec1 returns '\ga1l1, I sa,. fake t!me to ;,tuch out andla\ out ~ooe! ads It payS \\ hlle there IS no dem1l1g that a large maJonty of people le,ld aeh ert! ~ements, \\ e m\1st also face the fact that thel e IS a d l~" \\ ho pa, but ltttle attentIon to them '\nd thIS class l11cludes nlall\ \\ ho are abundanti} blessed \\ Ith the mean~ to purchase hher,tlh I he~e people mmt be le1.clted and a very good way to do It I" b\ means of carefullY \\ orded, courteou~ letters, wntten on fine papel, together \\ Ith a e!amh brochure or booklet, Illustrat- 1l1e,\\ '1h g-oocl halftones the choice pIeces on your floors Say a hooklet of r6 page~, WIth a Itttle l11teresting descriptive matter WEEKLY ARTISAN m adchtlOn to a foreword contammg general pomts in favor of trad111g-at your store. The manufacturers of the l111esyOU handle Ivould undoubtedly be glad to furmsh vOU halftones of the p1eces yOU des1fe, or If not, the e'Cpeme of havmg them made would be tnf1Jng Try a good booklet along- about the n1lCldle of 1\Iarch Deg111now to plant it. ~end m samples of your ads for cnt1c1sm Send 111sug-ge~ tJ011~ Don't let me do all the talkmg NEWS NOTES FROM NEW JERSEY Tanners and Leather Dressers Busy Meeting the Demands oi~Upholsterers. l\ewark, N J, J an 12- The demand for upholster) leath-ers, whIch are largely nude he1e, 1S qUlet and somG\vhat of a c11sappomtment, but manufacturers ant1C1pate that C011(11tlOnsv.111 nnprove cons1derabl) eall) 111the year. Machme buffers are sell111g better than hand buffers and there 1S hable to be a short-age m th1s l111e Sphts are selhng 111moderate quantJtJes Pllces on fimshed leathe1 s a1e unchdnged, but there 1S cxpectatlOn of a 1a1se m pnces Sphts are sellmg at 12 cent~, debuff 18 cents. mach111e buff 28 cents, cmd hand buft 3S cents. fhere 1S an nn-provement 111the demand f01 embossed leather. The h1de 1S spht 111tOfour p1eces and four dlfferent grades fimshed. The N ev. a1k Emboss111g company of 88 Whorter street, are c1eslgn111gand decoratIng leather. DUllng July only three hands were \\ orklllg, now have twelve men on, are worklllg untJl 9 ,md 10 o'clock at 111ght. Another floor w1ll be taken up stairs and more machinery put in. rlhe ~td1 ~pllng Bfd company of 113 .New Jersey avenue, mak111g v,oven W1re, metallIC spnng beds and all kmds of cnbs, are domg a b1g bus111ess anel have taken up a new lme in makmg brass and Iron beds At tIns plant a great many spnngs are turned out l\Iatenals have all gone up but no advance has been made m then pnces yet The beel factory is at Branf01 d street and Frehnghu)scn avenue, when they ale mak111g 1,200 to 1,500 beds a wek, whIch vv111be 111creaseel to 2,000 a \\ eek. A new factory bUlld111g 1Sbemg put up at th1S address, to be four stones m heIght, 75x1OO feet 111 S17e, have the best of maclnnery and wlll enable them to tal..e care of the1r growl11g busmess The following salesmen are out C. L Herman f01 Plnladelph1a. J H. Cra1g for Pennsylvama; L. ~\1. Patterson, New England states; F. H. Stanton, New Jersey. A new concern has been or~a111zeel to take care of the New York state trade, for the Star Spnng Bed Co., to be known as the Superior Metal Bed company, and w1ll be located on Canal ~treet, New York CIty. Greenspan & !\1llhker, now at 63 Park Row, will have charge of thIS sellmg agency. \V. R. LIttell, who has an upholstery factory at 97 Broael street, has moved to 3J7 Halsey street 1he Crown company has bought the 111terest of Hem) Halt- 7el1 of the Scharer Crown The new officers are' C. VV. R1ker, 1'res1dent, 1'. Egan, Secretar), John J Crown, Treasurer. The J\fetropohtan Installment Bouse, has been mcorp01 ated to do business at 103 vVash111gton street wIth a cap1tal of $50,000, promoted by George B. Same, Lams Same and Robert Collm Roy. Nathan B Wenner, ldte w1th B 21111Sky,291 First avenue, Jersey Ot), has succeeded Rosenthal & Berman, the N atlOnal 1,lll111ture company, 417 Centra! avenue, same city. 1he Newark go-cal t company 's salesroom on Broad street wa~ bl11ned The) also have a store and factory on Washington street. Ham1lton & Chckinger have succeeded W111iam Hamllton, retail furniture store, at 125 Oram;e street. The National Bedel111g company of Jersey CIty, has been 27 succeeded by the 1'\atlOnal F urmture company. 1\11ro & LJfson, not long ago celebrated their 15th anniver- Sal) at Eh7abethport Tlwy no\\ have d seven story building on h1 st street and a bvo story bUlld111g on Court street for shipping department The firm now have 50,000 squat e feet of space. J. V, Green & camp an) of th1S Clty have redecorated the first floor of the1r ftlf111ture store all 111\\ h1te, w1th a pure wh1te metal ce1lmg, havmg a row of marble columns and all brilliantly 11lum111ated \\ 1th electnc hghts The \\ hole bllldmg was re- 1110ded. P Det b) Co, manufacturers of chall s at J erse) CItv, have got 111theIr new factor) on Commumpaw avenue and Lafayette street. am! 1t w1ll take ca1e of the1r bus111ess for some tJme to come It 1S a five story structure, 90X200 feet 111stze, of rein-forced conC1ete comt! uct10n and has been fitted up 111a most modern up-to-elate method to save t1111eancl expenses and allov' a maX1mum of output New York City warerooms are ma111- tamed at 198 Canal street. s- Improved Sand Belt Machine. The Sane! Belt Machl11e 1~ po~slbly the most popular mac11111e m the we oel v.orkmg trade today It has enabled the IIOOe! \\ orker~ to produce a g1 eater quantJty and a better quahtv of \\ ark at less t "pense than formelly and 1t is bemg U111\ersall) adopted by the general wood workmg trade in all 1tS branches The \\ y::oong & J\Illes Co of Greensb010 N C are w1thout doubt the leadmg manufacturers of this class of mdchmery and have done mOl e to perfect the Sand Belt Machme than all others and their practJcal men are contmu-dl1) eAper~mentmg 111 01cler to 1mpl Ove the1r machmes and make them more p10fitable to then customer" The accom-panymg cut sho\\ s the latest Sand Belt J\Iach111e on the market wh1ch conta111:o ne\V features not found on any othe1 machme anel enables the operator to work to better advantage \Ye under~tand the manufacture1 s have already placed 111 ope1at1on two or tlnee of these machmes and are now pre-pareel to l11ake prompt eleln ery of any 01ders they may 1e-cen e Fl11ther l11fOrmat1On m regard to th1S new 1mproved Sand Bflt \Jachme can be had by addressmg the Wysong & 1\11les Co Cedar St and 50u R R Greensboro, N C To mall a letter, cost:" you two cents. Usually the stamp would carry more matter than the letter contams "Why not put mto the envelope some advertisement, some mteresting matter relatJve to your goods? It will cost little and will be of benefit WEEKLY ARTISAN ~Iinnesota Dealers" Retail Furniture Association OFFICERS-PresIdent LoUIs J Buenger New Ulm VIce President C Dalllelson Cannon Falls, Treasurer, o A 0 Moen, Peter,on Secretary W L Grapp Janesville EXECUTIVE CO'Vl'llTTEE D F RIchardson !'>orthfield Geo KlIne, Mankato W L Harns, MlllneapolIs, o Slmon~ Glencoe 1\1 L Klllle St Peter BULLETIN No. 67. ANNUAL CONVENTION" FEBRUARY 7 AND 8. ANNOUNCEMENT. TI ue and faithful set VICl ah\ ay, ha'i Ih after effects, ,111d bCC'lu<e we found It necessaly to Cally on ,\11 actne camp'llgn a,pln,t the over drawmg of pletUI e'i 111 the m,lll 01 del eat'llogs, \\ c finll the 111terests affected 11'1\ e gotten bib) \Vhen) ou reahLe the \\ ealth at the command of these mall ordel conCClllS \ ou \\ III not \\ ondel \\ hell we male the ann0l11lCement th \t f1 om thb on \\ c \\ 111 110t be d11]e te furmsh yoU good'i flom some ot the t lCtOlICo th'lt h l\ C heletO!OI e supphed U'i vVhIle the cuttlllg oft ot the 'iuppl) \\ e \\ ue !2,ettlllg tl om these factolles b a glldt 10'" to II', \\ e \\ III 0'\) tInt the bm 1ll-s com mlttee \\ ho ~llC 110\\ 111 the mIl ket, no doubt \\ III l!Ild !2,ood sub<tl I deCIded Ol1e, !Il the pllce of merch,lI1dlse made 111 these fdctones \nd why' Just a, soon a, ) ou make them manufacture thlllg~ that the) sell, the) ,11e forced to make a pnee that wlll make that In \ estment a pay lllg one, and consequentl) the ndlculous and rl11nous 10\\ pilCh that we ha\e endured 111 the past are gradually dlsap-j) C11IIW II 1111e thIS h '\ gre It SOl11ce of comfort to the small dedler, \ ct \\ e must not f01!2,( t th,lt \\ e are hvmg In an age of short cuh III m lttel, ol (COl101'1V ,lnd that ullless we adopt pohcles along these hllC- \\ e \\ 111 ,00Il [!Ild conclttlOns develop111g that Will make It nec- ('0'11\ tel ,tlll gleltll alinlt) on OUI palt III hold111g our own, be c luse do 110t tOl gct It d big f,lctory m,lk111g only a certa111 l111e of ~ooch C'ln t 11 1 It out dt d Ie" cost than the factory who diVide, Its 100ll 11l1011g mln\ oj the lOlls l111es \\ e now have 1 hIS al tlc1e h \\ Ilttell lu,t before c,m annual meet111g 111the hope Jt IllstIlltng 111tO the nl1nd, of ,\11 the t11111lture dealers 11l M111nesot,t dlle! the Ddkotas the e!eten1l1natlOn nece~sary to bnng them 1I1to as- ,OCI,\tlOn \\OIk for Ihelr own protectIOn vVe ale now e!0111g more f01 OUI membels tIun we hae! hopee! +0 but dS the secret of succes, IS hed up 111 the volume of support tl1,lt any mo\ ement g-eb \\ e know that WIth the moral ancl financIal ,UppOI t ot the mdjOnt) oj the dealers 111our State, we coule! overcome ,111y e\ II that CI eip, 1I1to our bus1l1ess And If thiS IS hue bn't It \\ orJh \\hlle to j0111 In aosoclatlOn that IS grddually work1l1g for \ om be'3t mtere'3ts and d01l1g a l1l1e of work that 111dn Idually you cali not posSibly tl11nk of d01l1g? So prepare and lay your plans so that yOU \\111 be at the COm111!2,COI1\entlOn, reb 7 and 8, and as you dre dOIng thIS, clo not th1l1k that the expense of dttend111g the conventIOn I" an expense, because It IS one of thE' most Import,l11t deta1ls you should conslcler Surely you Cdn see the necessIty of bmldlng for the fut11fc alld \\ e promIse to bnng to you helps and sug6e~ttons that \\ 111 make your membershIp 111 0\11 aSSOCiatIOn the mO'3t vdluable as set tInt you could possIbly have A forerunner of "Whatthe 0ii8mple room hus in store for you. Do these rockers look aood to you, when you ~top to consider that they are solid quartered oak backs and seats and will be furnished to our tnem.bersat only 52.35, and they can be had in four different '"ityles ot:seatlii- bent seat~ cobbler seat, saddle seat, and cane Iliieat. tutes 1£ thIS IS not pO'Olble, the buvm~ commlttec Cdn \\ lth the propel backing ol our member, contI 'let tOI '1 ,ulttClcnt nllmbo thlOUg]l 01lE' 01 our specIl't) faltoflt" rlf?;UI e, ,nc1 Cjualltltll' \\ I I be read, to plcsent Jo 0\11 men bus .tt conventIon ume 10luo tluly, THE BUyING COIIlIIT1EE CONDITION ARE CHANGING. The rout1l1e of dS,ocldtlOn \\ork 111 the last month Ins brought more forCIbly to 0\11 m111ch tLe clnni!;1I1g conehtlOns that MC gl1.dlnlly tak1l1g pLlce II you \\ III stop 1.nd look back '\ fn\ ) eal s 1.ne! It )OU tno\\ ,111)th1l1g 'lbout the suppl) ot mad o1(lel merehandbe )OU \\111 nottce that 111 the Ilst three )edrS there h b commenced to spnn~ up 111 \ \nous fUlllltUIC centers what \\C mlgllt term allne" tdctone~, tlllt h \\hele\el thele ha- been an e,tab1lshed flCtOl) th,lt ha, hetc 10fore "upp],ul lllulh,l1l(hse for the mad ordl! Colt tlO2,S and thdt has, becdu"e of the pre"uI e broU2,ht to be'lr b) the dealet'i dbcont1l1ued-at le,\st pllbhe1y -to ,upply the mad ordel house", there has sprung up small lactolles \\ho utJh7e the 1dbOl, and othel achant'lges ot the \ dllO\b commUl11ttes for the manufacture of goods tor the mad order houses 1111c1el so called 111dn Idual factones 1 he mo,t notable e" amples of thiS are the Rockfol d factory, the OhIO V,dley f lCtOlY anc! the Po,t \iVashl11gton fdctory Now \\hat does thiS mean? It proves concl\\'ilvely, that the 111fluence of the NatlOnal A'3soclatlOn m pnbhsh mg the (Roll of Honor" has hac! ItS effect, and IS matlllg It eHr) day harder for the mall 01 der houses to get then s\\ppIJes that IS, to get theu suppltes <1t the figm es th'lt they ha\ e been able to malllpulate In the past And now, 1f you w11I take another back\\ard look, and compare the catalog~ of the past year) 0\\ \\ 111 notIce the gradual l11crease and ASSOCIATION JOTTINGS. t\re ) ou arrangl11g yom busl11e,s matters so that yon can get \ \\ a) on con\ entlOn dates, I ebrnan 7 and 8? 2 '1 \\ 0 of the committee on "Soap Clnb Lvd" vlslted Rockford 111 orc!Ct to study the methods and class of premlnm'i made for the SOlp club COllcel ns ancl at e g0lllg to have somethmg ready for onr 111cm1)er- b) con\ elltlOn time, tl'at WIll mate you SIt up anc! thmk Those of yO\\ \\ ho threw away the various commU11lCatlOns WEEKLY ARTISAN sent out by the Secretary's office 111 I eference to the plate glass tanff when thIs was bell1g consIdered are no doubt enJoymg the S8 cents e:h.tra on each dresser :\'ou 'ue paymg nov. vVhen you consldel the number of dressers VOll \\ III buy thIs year, al en't yOll paY111g a pretty dcar prIce for yoU! 1I1dlfference? ;\ I easonable plotest on the Pdrt of the majorIty of dealers would h;n e brought about dlffel ent results 1he moral of thIS IS Follow the lead of those who have your best 111- tere,ts at heart, and It you can't trust your as,oClatlon, v. horn can you trust? 4 Sample'i of the vanous 1111es of the competltlve mall 01dcr leaders are be1l1g assembled for the February meetmg S The practlcal demon<tratlOn of the new mcthod of repall1n" deep 'iclatches 111hlghlly poIrshed furnIture IS \\OIth yOl11 tllP to the Lon, entlon 6 At 0111 comIng C011\ enilOn \\ e al L not g01l1g to gIVe yOll Jm,t thcorle'i bpt \\ e are gOIlH~ to "how yOll the actlldl maiellct! WIth \\ hlch you can bedt you mall ordC! competltOl s to a fldzzle, but you \\ III hd' e to come ,l11d -pe It your<eh es a- we can not tell yOll dIl Ibollt It 111thIS depal tment 7 Influence hd" to make It-elf felt 111mInd, -choo1cd to O]Jpo -lt1On b} tradItIon by InculcatIOn -ometlme'i by e~pellcncc, but \\ hen once ,ccomplr-hccl It dlwa) s cJl1lche, the glVCI a'i It \\111 the Ie celver 8 \\ hen you find that the pol C) once pursued by the mall 01- del I ou<es 1'1 puttll1g bIg sIgns npon thell various factOries thlough-out the countly hd' been changed ,0 thelt the<e bIg whIte 'ilgn, al e no\\ nothll1g but black ,poh ought to make ever) th111kll1g deal- CI I edlr7e that the campaIgn carned on b} the ndtlOnal and other t1 ade papers aga111st tre mall order hou<c'i IS hav1l1g ItS effect Thus v. e notIced on a trIp to the market that the once prom111ent Illustrated sIgn on a :POIt \Vashlngton factory has elI-appealed 9 A dealer 'Who buy, from a manufacturer whom, as he kno\\ s, IS <ell1l1g the mdIl 01 der concern" because he can save a fev. dollar" doe-, 111Its finer analYSIS, buIld up a stIll stronger enemy 13ccau<e If these factones can 1I1duce the dcaler to take theIr surplu, and PdY them a profit upon It, they can 111 turn make a lower pnce for you to meet It ,eem, to us that It \\ III take a conSIderable padJ1I1g up of eon,clence to contInue thIS poIrcy very long, and If all dealer, OHIO FURNITURE DEALERS Will Hold Their Sixth Annual Convention in Toledo Next Month. The sIxth annual conventIon of the OhIO State Furmture Dealels' aSSOCIatIOn WIll be held m Toledo, February 15-16 J\Iattels of vast Importance to the furnIture dealers wIll be dIscussed and ways and means by which the interests of the dealers and aSSOCIatIOn may be furtheled and ImproveJ wIll also be brought before the conventIOn fOl dlscu3sIOn The executIve commIttee of whIch D F. Kerr of Colum-bus, IS chaIrman IS preparmg a very mterestmg program, which mcludes -,peakers of national reputation, and othel mf01- matIon valuable to the trade There will also be an elaborate banquet at one of Toledo's leadmg hotels A copy of the programme wIll be maIled to the furmtul e deale 1s m OhIO in ample tlIne and every furmture dealer m the state "hould make It a pomt to attend thIS convention, ,vhether he is a member of the a..,sociatIOn or not In fOImer years each succeSSIve convention has been bet tel than the one preceding It, and it IS the deSIre of the com-mIttee to make thIS the bannel meet111g 111the hISt01} of the a..,,,ocldtIon The Luce-Redmond Chair Line. The Luce-Redmond ChaIr company IS showing ItS 1111C m ItS usual space, Manufacturers' bUIlding, and the exhIbit IS the largest and the finest that the company has ever made here Mr. Redmond 3tands 111the very forefront among the leading chaIr makers of thIS country hIS long years of expen- 29 would be loyal only to the mal1uLlctu! ers \\ ho are loyal to them many of the prIces whIch make them 'go some" now would never eXIst We know thIS to be true from expellence 10 On JanualY 7, \\as receIved anothCl lett(1 fl0m l\IOllt,;0lllel\, 1\1 I Ill~ IIII I \ ~ II I II II I \ I III \ [I II I[ A box seat chair ""'eat e not ashalned of dud that llSlldlly sells for S 18.00 to $20.00 per dozen. They will be furni ..hed to our IUeIllbers at 5t 15.20 per d07eIl. Ward & Co 111I efu ence to the 111frl11gemcl1b on then copynghted overdla\\ n 11Iustlatrom" v.hlch have been used 111 thIS c1epal tment Seems to us they al e gettll1g anXlOlb - - -- -- --- ----------- --------- ence enablUIg h1111to make chaIrs that have ..,tyle dnd "hfe" that are useful and v, ear well and at the same tIme possess the k111k at comfort HIS rockers have the nght "w111g to them ThIS season s 1111e111clude" a number of addItIOns to the bedroom pIeces 111 Clrcasslan walnut Vuy attractIve five-pIece hand carved SUIte" have also been brought out Gonc but not fOlgotten The locker lUIe m mahogany and walnut 1:-0 stronger than usual. A short l111e of square office chaIrs made of sohd quartered whIte oak, has been blought out and is sellmg well The five-pIece SUItes 111 sohd mahogany, all hand carvings and correct reproductions, have been making a deCIded hit with the trade this season MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS 1he Hatcher f\1111ltme compam of Ihd<:(1), XC, has been declared bankrupt. Fmn1ture stores 111 Ildng01, \1( dO'-l dt 5 0 clolk 110111 Chnstmas to March 1. F. F. and F. H. AV(1) sUleeul Rob111son BlO", fm11ltm e de:llers of Hanmbal, Mo 1 '1' Campbell, furmtl1l e (!cdIe1 ett QU1l1l\ "d ~h, h h 'ld dul hd1dware to hlS stolk The Lmon Fl1r11lture C0111lHl1\of ~pencu, \ L In~ 111HIl an ass1gnment to protest creehtore, John Stengel, \\holesale and rlta11 ftll11ltml dtdlu o± D 1\- ton, 0 , has been declared h1nk1 upt The l\I A (;00tste1l1 FUl11lture C0111pan), SeditlL \\ehh hI' l11ereased 1tS cap1tal stolk to $100,000 W1ant & Stevens, furmtUl e deale1 sand unde1 telkel s o± "t Chdrlt's, III , have sold out to Jacob Mell The Pnlltt House Furmshlllg company of Athens, G,l hds opened a branch store at Pred1110nt, S C The Charles Iske lur11ltUl e C0111pam, deetle1s of Indldl1 lj) ohs, lnd, have 111lorporated \\Ith c3p1tal stock h',ed at S1O,OOO The Black" ell House lur11lsh111g company of Spnn~fidcl :'110, have 111creaseclthe1r rapltal stock flOm $50,000 to $75,000 A pet1t1On 111 bankruptcv has been filed aga111st Herman vV1esner, fmniture dealer, of 3S11 Third avenue, Bum'\. \e\\ York. Durkant & C 1a\" ford, unde1 takers of Duluth, \[11111, h l\ e (hssolved partnersh1p James L Cra \\ f01d ,,111 conilmll the business. The GW1ge H1ll) er Fmmture compam of ,V1110na, \111111 has been incorporated Cap1tal ~tock, $25,000, of \\ ll1ch SIO 080 1S prefe1 red. F. S Perc\, of Elizabethton, Tenn , has purchased an 111tu-est in the Duane ChaIr compa11\, of D1!ton, Ga, and \\ 111etSe,lSt 111the 111ana~ement 1 he Sd11ltar) Shade C01l1jldm oi Ceddl to\\ n, Ga, IE\ e m-creased theIr capItal stock: from $25,000 to £50,000 and \\ 1111110\l the1r headquarters to Atlanta. The F H. Orcutt &Son rorrpam, capltahzed at $100,088 In, been incorp01 ated to deal in carpets, ru~s, cm ta111s, etc , at \\ holl sale and retaIl 111Omoha, Keb r :c \Vra) , Jeweler and furmtl11l dedlu at Slh el ton, Oil has pm chased the Sllve1 ton Hotel and \\ 111m'lna~e It ll1111~I(f whIle continu111g h1S other bus111ess Re1chardt & Seehorst, dealel s in furmtm e and hard\\ an dt Brenh3m, Tex, hay e dIssolved partnersh1p \1 E Relchartlt \\ 111cont111ue the busmess under the name o± the Relclnrdt ( t n-lral Harth\dre ancl Furmture compam l' •• ----_. --------- I -., I:IIII:• I,I I••III _______ 4 ~ • •••••••••••••••••• ~ The HerKimer Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Runnlllg hot and cold V\ ater, tel e p h 0 n e, clothes closet electrIC ltght, steam heat, etc In each room Immaculate tIled de tached and p r I vat e baths ArtIstIc and perfectly appolllted BIllIard Hall, Lonnglllg Den Buber Shop, Etc Old English. MI.- sion, and Colonial Cafes SerVIce a la Carte 6 a m to 11 p m Table d Hote Dllluer 530 toSp m, dally at 50 cents R~TES: $1.00 to $2.00 PER DAY Take south bound Wealthy - Scribner car from Union or Grand Trunk stations. Five Main car lines reach the door. rhe Bosse} mmture Cu111pdll\ d11d the (,looc rurmtm e C0111 ]Jd11), 111el!1ufactl1el1s, of L\ dn~, 111<,Ind, have each 111creased thll1 capltdl stock £10111S50,000 to $15°,000 rhe !\Ibllght House 111ll11"h111gcompany of Beardstown, III, hay e changed the1r name to the Kuhl-Albnght company and 1l1creases the1r cap1t1l stock from ;1;8,000 to $15,000 1 hl ,c..,tllhl-I'hlel s Hdrch\ are company dealers 111hardwarc, ±l1l111tl1le,etl dt \ [l1't!e11, IO\\a lns been ell%olved Julms '-,111111 \\ 111lontJ1111e lhe fllr111tllre part of the Ol1SJ11ess. 1he a""ct'l u± the BllC\ IllS (()) Fl11111tUle company, 1e-llllth p1aled 111the hands of C H \1\ er" as rele1ver have belll tl dll,fe11 ed to \\' T 5d1\\ cnlk as trustee In bank! llptC) The Cr1and Rap1ds Fl1lmtl1lE' company of Boston, 11:1,e de-uded to change t!'ell po1K\ and \\111 he1e ther ~e11on the 111sta11- 111l nt plan The\ advertise "furl11ture dl! ect from Grand R'1p- Ids factO! ies at 10\\ est prices and easiest terms" The firn1 fO!me1 h kI10\\ n as the Rex Fllrl11tl1l c eomp:l11y IUlcl ted at ::230 "CCOlld St, Portland, 01 e, has 111med to the lO! nel 01 Gl and a\ enue and E. Stal k street and \\ 111J11the fllture he k11O\\n as thl \\ alter & Eeckv\ Ith Fl1rl11ture company H :\J BrIggs, deale 1 111 onental and domes±1c rugs 111 Cleve-land, 0, \\ 1th health broken b, a long business stram, has made ,l!1 dss1gnment to hIS friend John Ho~ue, and left the CltV w1thollt ll1n011l1C1110h,I-S c1e~tl11dtlOll He is 'l1pposed to hc 111a pnvate '- llllt11111m \ G PIke, to! ,e\ Cldl \ CellS plOpnetOl of the Cl1\ } 111l11tllel "t01 e dt Shellclan, \\') 0, has 1110, ed to PorthJ1(l, Ore, \\ here he \\ J!I be gencral manager of the '\'Iorgan ~tchlev Furl11tllre lOmpan), one of the hrlSe~t mercmtJ!e estabhsh111cnts m the 01 eo,-o11metropolis \ [1s Tllha G1iffin, of Boson, robbed one furlllturc dealer of '-,:; and another of S7 111Greenfield, :\Iass, recenth, b) means of \\ ortblcss checks She was arrested, pleaded gl1llt) and was sentenced to the hOllse of correct1On for SIX n,ontl's for the fi1st oftense and eight months for the other II Bernstem, Dl opnetor o± the People's Flllllltllre FXlhange It P0111olla, Cal hay mg cleClcled to go 011t of bllSl11eSSstarted 111 to close 011t IllS si'JCk a± allc±1oll, bllt 111stead ~old the stock 111 ,1 lump to IIllg-ht BJOS & R1cc, second hand dedler~ of the S1111e lCl\\n \1 ho hay e mO\ ed It to thclr st01 e on l\!Iain "tred The \thCl ton Imllltm e compam \\ ho own a stnne; of ~tores m '\ ew I'nlSland, hd' e 01~an1/ed the LeBaron-Atherton eompa11\, lap1tah7ed at $50,000 for the ]Jnrpose of 1l1anufacturin~ and deal- 1I1!.; 111 fnrl11t11re at \\ holesale The new company \\ 111not affect the bllS1l1CSSof the 1et'lil st01 E'Sexcept that 1t ma) enable them to llln to bctter ach antao,-e Sciencp in Selling Goods. 1n thl'll eLl' e, of eumpetltlOn 111 bU'i111ess more dLtention I" paId to thl ,uel1le of sellmg goods than e\ er before The IUles ldlcl dm\n for the gmclance of sale~men show that the purlhdser 1" regarded much m the hgh± of the trout that the SpOIt'lman \\ ant::, to land IIe may be dIfficult, he may wriggle a\\ ,t, from one salesman, but If properly attendecl to he 1S handed 0\ e1 to eLspeclahst capable of dealmg w1th stubborn Cd~e~ ITere fOl mstanec 1" a set of rules which a firm of Johbeh c11e,t11bllted to 1tS me11 J 11 etppl oal h1l10,-a cllstomel } all mllst SIze h1111np men-lalh If he seems lo!mst and flll1 of ginger he will stand bemg taken 111 rathel an aggressn e manner and rather hke it. He Wlll pay a good price and stand for a good hve style of being dealt \\ 1th Yon may be ahle to sell h1m tWIce as much as he "ants if you handle him right If he seems in poor health or shrinking and modest you WEEKLY ARTISAN must go at hIm mOl e qUletly but filmly Show him rathel neutral colors You may be able to sell 111lngloves, mufflers and such cold weather artIcles even 111the summer If you man-age hun well Keep on the sIde of the th111gS that are warm, healthful and hygienic rather than flashy and up to date If a customer be accompanIed by a lady devote all your time to he1. Show her the goods first, ask her opinlOn of them and let her see you have great confidence 111her Judgement Don't antagol11ze the man, but be sm e to keep the woman on your sIde Don't get gay as to what the relatIOn between them may be and make any cracks as to "your w1£e" 01 "your son" or "your fnend" Cut all that out, and If you please the Vioman, you are g01l1g to sell tWIce as much Don't send a man away WIth anything he ha~ compla1l1ed to you about TI y to get someth1l1g he hkes, however trouble-some It may be If he has a gl een tte WIth yellow stt ipes and says he wants red get it for hIm Above all th1l1gs make your customer think that you would lather please hun than anythIng else 111 the wOlld Don't yawn 111 hIs face, talk 111 the 1I1tenm of your conversa-tion WIth another salesman and don't appear to be hav111g some Joke WIth the othel men. Notlung IS so dlsturb111g to a customer and such treatment IS hkely to make hun walk out on you Be 111terested 111glV1l1g hun Vihat he Viants e"en If you are successful enough to make hun end by tak111g what he doesn't want The ord1l1ary cltven who goes 111 to buy stands httle chance aga1l1'3t thIS system, \'Vhlch If '3ucces~fully carned out ought to make the ~tOl ekeepel a mllllOnau e These '3uggestlOns al e but a few of the wllnkles intro-duced 1I1to bus1l1ess as the 1 esult of 111vesttgation 111tothe best ways of "elling goods The old plan of havmg several sales-men step forward has now gone out of use 111every business The old method of form111g a flyIng wedge and falhng on the defenceless customer has been superseded by what IS known as the call system, In whIch the salesmen rotate in taking a cnstomer The great advantage of thIS system, hes m the fact that a salesman has to take customer whether he wants him or not Customers who were not well dressed and mIght not be expected to spend much money If they bought anyth111g at dll, customer" who were known to be dIfficult and others who were not as deSIrable as they l111ght he had a hard tIme In gett111g dttention "N owe" el y sale"man has to take hl~ tUl n ThIS JS all d pal t of the attempt to make the men appear Just as much 111tel ested 111\Valtmg on d. customer who wants only a maga- Z111eas In one who ha" come to look over om old and rare stock ,,] hel e are of com "e men who have theIr partIcular cus-tomer" That 15 allowed to cont111ue, and there 15 no m- JustIce In It to any of the salemcn as there IS hardly one of them of eIther sex, WIth the exceptlOn of those who have lust gone 111tOthe busmess. that has not some special cus-tamer" Just how closely the l1l1e h dlawn nowadays may be understood
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Periodicals and Furniture Industry
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