Donad Loppnow, pt.1, April 24, 2019

Joining EMU faculty in 1974, Donald Loppnow spent fifteen years as the Head of the Department of Social Work before moving to leadership positions in EMU central administration. Loppnow has served as Director of the Office of Research and Development, Associate Vice President for Extended Programs, Assistant to the President for Strategic Planning, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Executive Vice President and Interim President on three different occasions. Since his arrival at EMU, Loppnow has been a bottomless well of support for Eastern Michigan University and it's surrounding community.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Eastern Michigan University Archives
Subject Topic:
Donald Loppnow, Eastern Michigan University, EMU School of Social Work, social work, SOS, Institute for Children and Families, university administration, interim president, John Fallon, and Craig Willis
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