Liederbuch der nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei

Translated as Songbook of the National Socialist German Worker Party or NSDAP, this work was designed to promote songs which would be sung in streets and beer halls during the height of the popularity of the National Socialist movement. Historians of music have noted that "Nazi" music represented an attempt to identify authentically German music to create a national cultural history (see Potter, Pamela M., "What is "Nazi Music"? The Music Quarterly, vol. 88, No. 3 (Autumn 2005), pp. 428-455). This work is discussed in Jung, Michael. Liederbücher im Nationalsozialismus: Dokumente. Vol. 2. Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität zu Frankfurt am Main, 1989. This is a part of Western Michigan University's World War II Propaganda digitized collections. "In Zusammenarbeit mit den Gliederungen der Bewegung herausgegeben vom Kulturamt der Reichspropagandaleitung. 41 neubearbeitete Auflage" indicates that this is a revised and authorized edition. and Unsere Hymnen -- Lieber für unsere Feiern -- Fahneneinmarschlieder für unsere Feiern -- Unsere Marschlieder -- Landsknecht- und Soldatenlieder
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Western Michigan University. Libraries
World War II Propaganda Collections
Subject Topic:
Nazi propaganda, National socialism and music, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei--Songs and music, and Political ballads and songs--Germany
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