- Home
- West Side of Main Street
West Side of Main Street
- Description:
- The west side of Main Street between Third Street and Fourth Street looking north. Businesses along this section of Main Street included Barnes Jewelry and the Clarion Office. The building on the far left is the Lewis Ward Curtis Building, next is the Edward Barnes Building, the W. Harvey Greene Building, the Rochester Clarion Building, and a storefront occupied by the Morris M. Gardner store. The Morse Block can be seen with the prominent white awning. Gardner only operated his variety store at this location from 1913 to 1925, so this image must date to that time. (P-140) [date is approximate] Photograph Collection
- Notes:
- Oakland County Historical Resources hosts digitized materials from Rochester Hills Public Library and many other local cultural heritage organizations in Oakland County, Michigan.
- Data Provider:
- Oakland County Historical Resources and Rochester Hills Public Library
- Place:
- 307 South Main Street, 309 South Main Street, 311 South Main Street, 313 South Main Street, 315 South Main Street and Rochester
- Subject Topic:
- Business/commercial districts and town scenes
- Format:
- Photo/slide
- Rights:
- Digitized by the Rochester Hills Public Library. No known copyright: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NKC/1.0/
- URL:
- http://oaklandcountyhistory.org/knowvation/app/consolidatedSearch/#autologin/guest/lb_document_id=231