A letter from Ralph Emery, a clerk working for the Detroit Stove Works, to his father, Robert T. Emery

A letter from Ralph Emery, a clerk working for the Detroit Stove Works, to his father, Robert T. Emery, in Belfast, Maine, dated November 26, 1886. The letter is written on Detroit Stove Works letterhead, which features a lithograph, credited to the Calvert Lithograph Company, depicting the Detroit Stove Works offices in Detroit and Chicago as well as the company's foundry in Hamtramck, Michigan. The letter reads: My dear Father, I suppose Thanksgiving passed off as quietly as usual in Belfast, it was very quite here, was at the office most of the day. Have you any sleighing yet, we have had no snow at all although I see by the papers that East + West of me they have had fearful snow storms. We shall shut the works down on account of the Funeral of Francis Palms, who is President of the Michigan Stove Co. Mr. Palms was the richest man in this state - lives opposite where I board. His daughter is the lady who Senator Jones of Florida - + about whom the papers have had so much to say. At present Jones + his son are both here. The Senator has not been outside of Detroit except for a day to some place within 60 miles - for over a year. He has not been near Washington for much over a year but boards at the Russell House + draws his salary same as if he was in Washington all the time - People here think him somewhat out of his head. Have just returned from Mr. Palms funeral, it is the first Catholic funeral I have ever attended + was on a very grand scale - all the Stove Works turned out + the men made a big show. Notice by the Paper that the contract for supplying Belfast with water has been given to Boston parties. Hope you are well + that I shall hear from you soon. With my kindest regards to all. Remain your affec. son, Ralph Emery
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Detroit Stove Works
Subject Name:
Emery, Ralph, Palms, Francis, Palms, Clothilde, and Jones, Charles W.
No Copyright - United States