Ann Arbor High School graduating class exercises, 1889

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University of Michigan. Libraries
Pictorial History of Ann Arbor
Subject Topic:
Secondary education; education; public schools; Schools; Program; Allen; 1880s; 1880's; Eighteen eighties; programs; school; Beal; high school; Secondary school; public school; Ann Arbor high school; graduating excercises; commencement exercises; 1889; Walker; Graduating exercises; Event; High Schools; Publication; Cole; Jones; Taylor; Parker; Holmes; Mann; Moore; Wilsey; Pope; Wheeler; Beckwith; Cramer; Palmer; Randall; Graduation; Graduations; John Duncan; Duncan; Ella Bennett; Bennett; Annice Cook; Cook; Lola Conrad; Conrad; Samuel Osborn; Osborn; Alice Cramer; Harrison Randall; Edith Orr; Orr; Will Reardon; Reardon; Alice Quick; Quick; Lulu Southmayd; Southmayd; Carrie Sperry; Sperry; Henry Walker; commencement; James Bird; Bird; Charles Bowen; Bowen; Lawrence Cole; Genevieve Duffy; Duffy; Ernest Dennen; Dennen; Sophronia Stevens; Stevens; Louis Whitehead; Whitehead; William Baur; Baur; Christine Bronson; Bronson; Emilie Baessler; Baessler; George Dygert; Dygert; Mary Duffy; Walter Forbes; Forbes; Myer Heidingsfeld; Heidingsfeld; John Hammond; Hammond; William Miller; Miller; Lida Mann; Jesse Moore; Jessica Penny; Penny; Newton Peer; Peer; Florence Pope; Alice Beckwith; William Bogan; Bogan; Marie Bruegel; Bruegel; William Cheever; Cheever; Hubert Crozier; Crozier; Kate Coons; Coons; Jennie Davison; Davison; Raymond Ferguson; Ferguson; Clark Hill; Hill; Florence Kendall; Kendall; Hattie Long; Long; Eva Leonard; Leonard; J. May Wilsey; Emily Marshke; Marshke; Charles Moore; Franklin Parker; Anna Sober; Sober; Lottie Saunders; Saunders; Alice Treadwell; Treadwell; Emma Alexander; Alexander; Charles Bates; Bates; Arthur Beardsell; Beardsell; Elmer Beal; Galen Crozier; Nellie Childs; Childs; Grace Hendrickson; Hendrickson; Susie Harwood; Harwood; J. Lyman Kendrick; Adolph Zimmerman; Zimmerman; Katherine Ross; Ross; Willard Taylor; Ina Ticknor; Ticknor; Evelyn Waples; Waples; Lilie Volland; Volland; Bert Holmes; Carroll Jones; Harry Miller; Emma Collier; Collier; Margaret Neithammer; Neithammer; Susie Palmer; Helen Walter; Walter; Carrie Wheeler; Secondary schools
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