Ottawa Hills School Shop Students

Ottawa Hills High School shop teacher on left: Lloyd Hutt, M.T. Two of the students are unidentified, the third is Bob Ogden. The image shows an unfinished scale model building, mounted on two sawhorses, with one boy on each end of it. The boy to the right is operating a hand plane, while the boy on the other side appears to be measuring and marking at the top corner. A third boy stands to the left, holding a hammer and another piece of the model, which is resting on the floor. Mr. Hutt stands beside him with his hands behind his back. The boys are all wearing dark aprons over white shirts and ties, and Mr. Hutt wears a long work smock. The background is a brick wall, and to the left of the image is stacked lumber
Data Provider:
Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
Subject Topic:
Students, Classrooms, and Schools
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