Figurine; Karanis; Figurines; Clay (unfired); Dog

Thick-haired husky type dog wearing amulet moulded in the round with fore- and hind- legs paired off. Fur at sides indicated by short strokes which follow to rear, fur in front shown by short schematic lines which flow downward. Dog looks straight ahead with level muzzle and human eyes. His body leans slightly forward with ears pricked and tail (curled) back erect. Yellowish brown clay (Muns. 10 yr 5/4) moulded hollow in three pieces and sealed by lengthwise dorsal and ventral seam which converges between eyes with lateral seam of forelegs. Circular vent in sub-rectal position. Bottom of feet closed. Much damage to front side. Upper part of tail and rear legs missing.
Data Provider:
University of Michigan. Libraries
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Subject Topic:
Karanis; Figurines; Egypt
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