U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at a 2011 Labor Day gathering in Detroit, MI

President Barack Obama says "as long as I'm in the White House I will stand up for collective bargaining", during remarks at a Labor Day gathering in Detroit, MI. Obama discusses his bipartisan efforts to create jobs and strengthen the economy and provides a preview of the major jobs address he will deliver later in the week to a joint session of Congress. Obama also talks about restoring the middle class, having a strong labor movement and challenges the GOP to put aside partisan politics and to cooperate on a jobs program that will rebuild infrastructure and create thousands of jobs. He further declares that the Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO support his economic plan and that Congress needs to get on board. The President is introduced by UAW Local 909 President Ghana Goodwin-Dye.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Michigan State University. Libraries
G. Robert Vincent Voice Library Collection
United States, United States, United States, and United States
Subject Topic:
Job creation, Middle class, Labor movement, and Economic policy
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